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Breaking: Shocking Developments in the Michael Flynn Case

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
May 14, 2020 1:00 pm

Breaking: Shocking Developments in the Michael Flynn Case

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 14, 2020 1:00 pm

Breaking: Shocking Developments in the Michael Flynn Case. This and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow breaking news shocking developments in the Michael case the judge's decision-making and unmasking by current top presence and can talk about Jay Sekulow lot live from Washington DC lines are open for your questions right now: one 806 843-110-1800 68412 your holes secular elves refocusing on two major developments that are brand-new in the Michael Fuentes first record now. He declassified the names. He turned over to the sitter they been now released those requested the unmasking Mike Flynn really go through this because the ACLJ has a lot of evidence did in our foyer work actually back in the spring and summer of 2019 for those you watch of his repair scope holy, our hands are for your quarterly reports. This is from last summer where we pull this information and the timeline the tracks exactly with these unmasking requests but guess who was the final person to put an unmasking request on Mike Flynn eight days. Eight days before Pres. Trump took office vice President, Joe Biden, now the Democrat candidate who's attempted to defeat Pres. Trump is the other major party candidate.

He was the last person in the Obama administration to make the request. We also have a bizarre new order from the judge in the Flynn case will get to that in the second but the first unmasking is from Samantha Bowers the best of what she was doing involved in this raises a whole series of questions that when I met time to get into today, but that was the first one that is doing sentiments with the vice President then the United States of America versus Michael Flynn, Judge Sullivan orders points and amicus curiae, a former trial court district court judge to basically serve in my view, and this, so I analyze it any. I think he serving as a special counsel special prosecutor against lab. Basically another prosecutor appointed now by a judge, so the judicial power of Judge Sullivan has moved over and he is also become the executive branch of government prosecuting people in addition to sentencing them.

You which is collectively you and I been practicing law like 90 years. I've never heard of anything like this in my life, never, never, never in my life that I heard of anything like what Judge Sullivan got in the last two days with these two orders.

These are incredible, I can't believe that the judges become unhinged judge in the case is appointing another judge retired judge to basically prosecute joy to read the order visit after the Department of Justice, as were withdrawing the process as a judge for judge down a law firm partner Laufer is been highly critical present trumps a very partisan guy. He's the judge ordered that the court exercise when he's calling inherent authority that something waited 27 times said no third-party amicus curiae briefs in the Flynn case to appoint the Hon. John Gleason as amicus curiae and he tells them what is to be arguing not just to say his opinion on it even. But to argue in opposition to the government's motion to dismiss and orders at the American amicus curiae will address whether the court should issue an order to show cause why Mr. Flynn should not be held in criminal contempt for perjury.

Also, it's interesting in this order. Dad is in yesterday's minute order from Judge Sullivan. It may look like we could file an amicus brief. That's not so clear. Not so clear now because he's appointing the Amicus which is it that does this. Since are they Amicus now this is a special counsel because amicus brief filed on the on your own volition literally do what he asked God shall address whether the court should issue an order to show cause why general Flynn should not be held in contempt of perjury. Because of this place, which were done under can credible the rest match them with threatening his son. This is just is just tell you what were dealing with folks, how much clear could we possibly be from the moment the rock and this is all by the way Andy very quickly. 15 seconds all at the feet of Robert Mullen. Everything that is here and that is before the court is a result of the mother investigation and his ineptitude are folks we come back will continue starting your phone calls 164.

31. Tim will go more into this unmasking timeline, which begins with VP Biden starts with a lot of top officials and information. ACLJ is a covered FOIA will be right back. The challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice defend the rights of life, we created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online ACLJ/I rethink your phone call hundred 64 3110 to pass that shocking new developments with Michael Flynn. What is we've got the declassified list of Obama administration officials who started asking to unmask Michael Flynn and they are the top officials. They are the names we have discussed often on this broadcast and we compared that we had our ACLJ attorneys and princes. They go through this with that they invented government affairs director and kinda put the timeline together about how this worked with the FOIA information we got back in the spring and summer of last year's overtaking spring and summer. Last year, dad ever combining it to the information. Now the tracks. This unmasking order which gives the dates on what was released and putting up with her for info. So let me I'm holding my hand for those that are watching on the TV or Facebook or personal. This is our court list is a quarterly for a report and Ben Sisley and her team lost in the panel give you some details on this before we go through the particulars.

These are painstaking pieces of litigation plan that you and Ben Sisley and others have been engaged in, and it's slow-moving because it's thousands of pages of paper and in those thousands of pages of paper usually find a nugget and we serve on a couple here. Absolutely Jamie were still litigating these cases to this day and we set on this broadcast many times that the goal here is to gather the puzzle pieces. Sometimes you don't know which ones will be important until they become important not tell you what J we got an awful lot of puzzle pieces today and in light of the list. The Jordan is talking about of officials who unmask income members. The incoming trump administration jail just give you two top line takeaways and we can work through some of this is the show goes on, but it is now conclusively fact and we can demonstrate it through our FOIA documents that the same people who are working to unmask general Flynn and others were the people who are trying to rush through that expansion of access to raw signal Intel data we have conclusive proof on down the line from James Klapper and others that they were the same people and NJ. We also have conclusive proof.

We had this yesterday, but this went all the way to the White House to the Oval Office to Pres. Obama on January 5.

After that meeting in the Oval Office, who was one of the people that that made an unmasking request. It was Dennis McDonough the Chief of Staff to Pres. Obama and I will tell you J that is the same as Pres. Obama making that on unmasking the site. This is unbelievable how to play this this is George Stephanopoulos four days ago asking Joe Biden about this before Joe Biden got exposed to take a listen because he's either very forgetful and if he's this forgetful. He should not be running for President states, but he's a liar is what Joe Biden is the light on national television to George Stephanopoulos who should be calling them out on it. Now let's see if they do next week by five. What did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper.I know nothing about those moves to investigate my conflict. I do want to press that you say you know anything about a thing you were reported to be in a January 5, 2017 meeting where you in the present were briefed on the FBI's plan to question like Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian ambassador can slack I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I'm sorry, I was aware that there was that there that asked for an investigation, but that's all I know 57 days after he was in the meeting with the President on the FBI's plan to go question Flynn's a week later with only eight days left of the Obama term and the vice President's term.

This was the final unmask your Michael Flynn in the final unmasking request, you got it forgetful or liar Joe Biden is only one of the two. He is not fit to be President because he doesn't know what he started his career and he's got some issues going on, or to he's and he's a liar or as Andy has said technically job was protect the king. Andy yes but he always protect the king you always protect and Obama the Emperor you do anything you can to protect him and insulate him from any suggestion that he did anything wrong and all these people all these intimates of his that are listed as those who sought to unmask various people through these mechanisms that they used were there to protect Obama. This was the legacy that you don't understand the idolatry that they feel for this man and what they would do for him and even to the point of falling on their own swords. J.

So let's go through some of this are 49 requests by 39 Obama ministration officials that include Joe Biden on the presidency was staff just to unmask his name. And remember, folks, we got this by litigating the FOIA request so it starting in November to the 2016 you have Obama telling present electronic not to hire general Flynn in our ACLJ FOIA on November 10, just two days after present trump selection. We found out that Obama's Chief of Staff emails. Reply to Samantha power, copying Susan Rice tells her Obama is quote going to go away in December and that she should go away as well. The ACLJ obtain this document and are unmasking FOIA lawsuit against the State Department and NSA which we are still actively litigating November 18, 2016 present electronic names general Flynn national security advisor designate on November 30. This is now after present trump is President of the United not yet is not yet present, but he is the elections got on this during the transition.

So November 30 this with the unmasking begins November 30, 2016 to this. All the very end of the Obama ministration. We literally there on their way out there there last month when the starts you have a Flynn unmasking request by ambassador to the UN Samantha power, our ACLJ of FOIA obtained email sent on November 30, 2016 which we got from the Odeon INR and the director of national Intel director is in the air for a lawsuit on the last-minute rule change to increase access to intelligence that shows of Sullivan was part of the conversation in the loop on the last-minute rule change to increase access to raw Signet intestinal signal Intel O'Sullivan was one of the un-masters expect on Masters exposed yesterday, December 2 so couple days later you have a Flynn unmasking request by again by Samantha power UN investor in any at the same day in unmasking request by James Klapper, director of national intelligence December 7 yet another unmasking request by Samantha power in all of this information came because we went to court you get the information.

Then on December 14 a Flynn unmasking request by CIA director John Brennan that a Flynn unmasking the blessing these names in other cases, there may by and I asked NCUA Samantha power, and likewise solved Sec. of the treasury Jacob Lew, director of the FBI. Jim call being subject to blue for second thing Mel asked Sandy what would Jacob Lew, the director of the treasury have to do with unmasking what I think he was running money for the Russians something to itself and packed it when I saw the name of Jacob Lew, Jake alluded to the secretary of the treasury on that list. It was it was absolutely mind-boggling to me. What in the world with the secretary of the treasury have to do with making an unmasking request. I cannot conceive of a reason for that.

Okay man or government affairs. What government affair was involved in besides unmasking guy can conceive of a reason. J. Everybody in the Obama's inner circle was focused on this down the stretch. The United Nations ambassador was not focusing on international affairs, even though there were on the lot of them to focus on the secretary of the treasury was, not focusing on economic issues, even though there were a lot of them to focus on J everybody that had the confidence of the former President was focused on these two things, unmasking incoming officials and expanding access to raw Intel data to dramatically more agencies that this information be accessible to more people.

And J. J we are only a couple of pages through the evidence that Jordan has started laying out an end. To be honest with you, even though her litigating this in court were still pouring through it because these documents are still relevant when laid against the names the rigor Natalie released a couple of days.

I'll say it again. Everybody in Obama's inner circle was not focused on their job. They were focused on unmasking and making sure that more people had access to this intelligence, you know you're watching on Facebook or listening to buy radii want to share this with your friend Fred Abbott is working to get into this in the next segment of what this means, because at the same time, I want you to understand all of this government. The machinery of government being put against general Flynn women consulate. The FBI did right when Coley brings up the agents and then when the Department of Justice finds out there's wrongdoing in the investigation. Tries to get undone. What happens, the judge was with a special, basically appointing a special counsel talk about that week back from spray gas to support the ACLJ allows us to happen to but yeah… Oh, December 15, 2016. Remove and on past Jacob Lew is a Flynn unmasking request by Jim Comey directly by Jim coming up by his deputy, not by his assistant. Interesting how these unmasking request of come through being the only one that I think was bided assistant was the Obama's Chief of Staff, a Chief of Staff to the President is only doing it for the present. So I mean he's implicated here present Obama here he was because he was telling DOJ officials about this. There is also a Flynn unmasking request again by CIA director John Brennan that was his second in two days are the ACLJ FOIA matches up with this last-minute rule change to increase access to raw signal intelligence FOIA lawsuit ACLJ obtained emails that reveal that as per 2.3 SAC meeting today to confirm that DNI Klapper did in fact side. The availability procedure on December 15. This is right between his own to unmasking request December 2 second and 28 this is what expanded the access to the Intel community community to all of this different Intel all those different agencies that we get this December is a lot more to come back Jay Sekulow live up to their 164 3110 we have gotten five unmasking or the FBI agents going in until we get back only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice as is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership of the ACLJ is empowering the right question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ. This unmasking timeline because there's been a lot about the names but I don't think you miserly put together for about why the title is important. ACLJ can because we have the FOIA information that we been litigating in court to actually get this information to put together a timeline for you is the complaint. So those watching on Facebook or periscope your site or any other social media platforms were you watching. There is actually the complaint you that's one of them that was against the state State Department. There were others as well and were still going through the information unless I get information out right okay so it's good. Keep going on the time I December 23. There's another Flynn unmasking request by estimate the power. December 28. You got the DNI James Klapper with another Flynn unmasking request December 29, 2016. The incoming national security advisor, general mindfulness, several phone conversations with the Russia Besser to the United States is not unusual thing to do during a Presidential transition.

Remember Pres. Trump in the new administration. At this point I would take office in less than 30 days and Flynn had known Kistler from his previous work at the Defense intelligence agency, which he headed up for Pres. Obama and I will present Obama removed him from that post but present Obama cat had him in that post, so January 5 this is that meeting in the Oval Office were Sally H is testified to know and he doesn't believe in the recently revealed house Intel committee deposition, but they were under oath that attended Oval Office meeting include present Obama Jim Comey, VP Biden director, RCA director, braided director of national intelligence Klapper national security advisor Susan Rice and others, and it was all about Flynn and so Obama as Yates and Kobe to stay behind and now we know that by Susan Rice satisfy the Biden also stayed behind in that meeting set something new so we combined was there to and it Obama was instructing gates about what what did him and Jim Comey were cogently been able to put all of this together from those freedom of information act now get boards that we filed two days later yeah I wanted before we get to that site. I want to get perspective here so the unusual nature of this and he is who's actually drinking that list of who's doing the unmasking and it's a broad swath of the Obama administration very and when I saw the list and I went down who they were and what their titles were in their position. It was unbelievable to me how many people it covered and how high their positions were from the bit from the very second in command, the vice President United States all the way down to minor officials and intelligence agencies. This was clearly a target and the target was general Flynn. The M person ultimately targeted with Pres. Trump in an attempt to spy on him and to embarrass his administration and discredit those who are coming in to take over from Obama.

That's what this was all about subject like good roads were advisor's cousin about this and say all the just try to make it look illegal with routine intelligence as every citizen is a handful of like normal intelligence people on here that it's a bunch of directors where the directors order it because here we go. The moment the same day that the meeting in the Oval Office with all those people gets his Chief of Staff unmasked Michael Flynn puts in the request.

Obama's President United States Chief of Staff Dennis McDonagh that what you put this in context because we had a President of the United States impeached over phone call with 35 people listening to with the President of Ukraine asked Mitt Romney.

Now, if he feels good about his vote on that because when you look at this is been highly critical of Pres. Pres. Trump and all the scope of 19 but look at this okay the same day they met in the Oval Office, Obama's top top person basically does the work of the present. The President has to do something that they Chief of Staff is there to do it. That is the same as Obama putting in the request photos. Note that I wasn't in the meeting he would've known to put in the request of present Obama didn't tell them to know, of course, so that's interesting that you go to January 7 two days later get another Flynn unmasking request by DNI James Klapper. You know these folks post, then the deputy director of national intelligence also puts one in Mike Dempsey, the Prince of principal deputy director of national intelligence, Stephanie O'Sullivan puts when it ACLJ FOIA January 7, 2017.

This is when we obtained an email from Klapper to O'Sullivan to Dempsey. All three now and masters of Mike Flynn and in the NSA memo and this is with this is in our ACLJ FOIA on the last-minute rule change to increase access to raw signal intelligence. Remember we had that executive order yet that came in place at that time were put all those different agencies stand that was out of the ordinary, no question about it. Two quick points one to underscore the point that Jordan made. We have Susan Rice's own testimony that Joe Biden stayed behind before that Dennis McDonough unmasking request so you only have to trust Obama's people.

The Joe Biden was in the room for that J on your question. This is the document George talk about an email between James Klapper, Stephanie O'Sullivan and Mike Dempsey. Here's why our documents are so important are important when Ricker now the director of national intelligence put out that listed on masters J. I think everybody would have skipped right over Stephanie Sullins assault O'Sullivan and Mike Dempsey's name because they didn't know who they were, but we have a document showing that they were working with James Klapper Klapper to expand that raw signal Intel to dramatically more in agency. So Jake, here's the bottom line the same people whether they were high-level or low level that were working to unmatched general Flynn were also trying to give more people access.

It is shocking how many high-level officials are on it with the low-level officials that nobody knows about J there involved the same reason because they were doing the work behind the scenes at the order of James Klapper cardiac to the Henry to be of a redacted cherry techno talking days before the President for 10 days for Pres. Trump escorted another request by CIA name is redacted. There then another January 11, nine days before the presence were an investor Susan Samantha power to the UN. She put in another request did in our foyer with ACLJ obtain Klapper signature on this date, January 11 on a memo distributing the new intelligence access procedures. He said quote I am pleased to share with you the procedures called for by section 2.3 of Executive Order 12 333 that's the one you just mentioned that is that opened up signal Intel safely. Everybody intelligence.

So here's what I want everybody to stand when you get into this in the next half-hour view get the pullout of the broadcast discovered or periscope or Facebook and follow this because in the second app I would get into now.

This appointment all this leading to the point that the prosecution of Flynn and then the ultimately the appointment of the jut out to get to Flynn being approached by the FBI agents January 12. This is key for the election coming up to Flynn unmasking request by VP Joe Biden. It's the final one we have from the NSA that's been released. It was Joe Biden not his assistant, not his Chief of Staff. The request was actually made by VP Joe Biden received a another one made by Jacob Lew same day the Washington Post reported that Flynn had these phone calls, which means it was leaking that they were leaking this out.

Note that it wasn't just the Washington Post Washington Post at David Ignatius, another Washington Post reporter put it at a Georgetown law panel that dated sources start whispering to me if there were always mysterious mysterious communication between my Flynn and the Russian masochistic that they they were private, they should be classified. But not weird because he was incoming national security advisor January 24.

This is when Flynn is approached by the FBI agents for review and we come back from the Brighton truck was President so consuming the whole timeline and now were up to the point of the FBI interviewing general Flynn replay that sound from James call me when we come back we talked about snake and they will get Amy's comments on that would take all the way through to this judges order. But if you guess it was an army was appointing a special counsel which I don't think it has the inherent authority to do but anyways, that tells you the nature of your support of the ACLJ has allowed us to get this information how litigating freedom of information case and put that lawsuit back up there on the screen flows watching. There is that's what were doing. Your support of the ACLJ makes a huge gift that's right, you can always donate online. It it's quick and easy as security for the best way supports ACLJ right now.

Mail is still a slow process is with over 19 those online donations give rights ACLJ immediately donate online in your see how the GATHER for decades ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular back Jay Sekulow IV was the first out.

Have first, I encourage you go back. We have what we did was we combine what we learned yesterday with people who put a request to unmask Michael Flynn.

The unmasking request from the Obama ministration all happy again folks within the last month and half the ministration.

Up until literally eight days before the administration would be out of office in the last unmasking request, we have some VP Joe Biden himself is him explain his Chief of Staff anything but that permit will because he told George Stephanopoulos. You know nothing, but he knew nothing really that while I do that there was, get a B investigation, but now we know he took like these active steps to get in for my Flynn and why does he even needed eight days out. He's done have no role in government. FBI skin to do its thing. And so we have it all leading up and we combine it with the foyers that we worked out about this in the Intel community changing its Intel rules. This all started to match up with FOIA request and that we have been working on it in court on since our quarterly report came out last summer rights were these came from. So we were able to almost add up each one of these dates with one of our information that we receive a FOIA I can email on the same dates like that Oval Office meeting that everybody's talked about with Obama telling Sally Gates about the about what they were doing to Mike Flynn about to do with Kobe. There the same day did this for Donna outputs and that's it. Obama Chief of Staff of the time put to the request to unmask my Flynn alright so here. For those of you that support the work of the ACLJ you get these. This is our quarterly report. This one was from the spring and summer of last year when this litigation started, and now we got all this information released and were able to take the information that we have this really important that we get in these cases, and then put that information into a timeline and now other information comes out so we now know the general Flynn was put in this unbelievable position.

Then after the Unmasking Takes Pl., James call me President sworn into office. James Colby decides it's time to get information on Flynn from Flynn himself. Remember the email we want to get emboli we want to get them to get fired. We want to get them prosecuted. What we want here which any that's that's mostly the way they look at the case. No, not the job of the FBI to create crime but to investigate factors that may show the crimes were committed in here. This was clearly a case of entrapment they had targeted a man that went to go get them and they took advantage of what was happening at the big early days of the trump administration. The economy was laughing.

Gaggle of liberal friends about whose sentimental arrived at like that was something to laugh about young to be crying about having done that, all right. And then he makes this statement and interviewed Dr. Nicole Wallace about getting them in there and getting away with it in the interview will Flynn/found it hard to imagine to FBI in the same ram I sent them right there. I said that many laughs like this is funny try to ruin a person's life now continue with the rest of it, I probably wouldn't have done or maybe got away with in a more or probably would to be done or gotten away with it was more organized administration. Now listen to the rest back as investigation more organized administration in the George W. Bush menstruation. For example, are the violent frustration that was processed and so the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview senior official you would work through the White House counsel, and we just got here is not good work for the White House counsel to snake the FBI agents in to set up the national security administrator tries to blame the trumpet ministry should be disorganize, but there was White House counsel. Their answer was dominated and could have got a phone call from Jim Kelly. But Jim probably didn't, so it was Janet Dylan organize laws a bad actor. Yeah, he's a baguette. The vice President illness case is provide fully involved Nigella as a sale.

Yes, there's a lot more to talk about we come back from the break. There's a lot more ahead on this will get everybody's comments yeah a bobbing gate becomes more and more real, more and more info we get this could be the most serious.

They got caught and they don't have Eric Holder there anymore. They don't have their people place so that the information is not being No secret they're being exposed. Can you see Obama is the worst of the worst kind of present targeted people through the IRS target Mike Flynn with the FBI. He was having until DOJ officials during the challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts.

Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ.where you can learn more about our life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for income mission in life today online ACLJ/because of this 164, 31 to Betty in California they could set the stage. The second part and we went through the unmasking the chakras will take your calls as well, but the second shocking development in the Flynn case, which was the order from a judge celebrated the DC DC court trial court level but was going to Betty California line for Betty. Welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the air, Michael DLG. Out of the court that there is no new job trying to be trial. So my question – what does that mean him and so is not a new judge trying the case. So general Flynn issued a plea as part of the deal initially with the Department of Justice and Bill Barr came as Atty. Gen.

All these irregularity started coming to light with Cindy Powell, the lawyer for general Flynn started looking at the data and requesting documents and all this exculpatory evidence came forward in any discipline and processor. Once the exculpatory evidence comes forward. That means during the course of the proceeding, the department US attorneys that were handling.

It did not comply with what's called the Brady rule explained that the people okay. There is a case called Brady versus Marilyn, it was decided in 1953 and all it said government. If you've got any information that exculpate they defendant that exonerates that a defendant that shows that a defendant is not guilty of the crime that you are charging him with OR with. You've got to disclose that information to the defense and if you don't, the prosecution and the nullity it no longer can proceed forward. Muller and his team of prosecutors did not disclose material information under the Brady case to the attorneys for general plan. If the painted prosecution, it should not have proceeded. It's the easiest case to prove 18 USC 1001 lying to an FBI agent. In general, Flynn has now been caught up in what was a trap and entrapment and should be allowed to come out. His lawyer, Sidney Powell filed a motion to vacate the plea, the government concurred, the judge really should say you're right it's over. Let me also add another thing to the store and I will get back to the cleaners so that what happened then was Cindy Powell filed a motion to withdraw the plea take the plea out. That happens in cases in the department Justice and then an independent investigation of all this, and they had made the determination at that point that there was sufficient evidence to support that the prosecution's not going forward that the interviews that took place by the FBI were not appropriate at the time it took place and that they would join in. In this motion to withdraw and that's what got the ire of Judge Sullivan. That's right. And so when you got that you got that notice there. He now wants to appoint. He has appointed a using siding when is calling inherent authority, which is that it's a 27 times. No third parties coming in many is also a trait he's the trilevel judge these as is now giving himself new authority based on inherent authority treats you can find it there but you actually won't get to read it you'll see the authority granted to me by this, but he's appointed a former judge who has called who's been very much against Pres. Trump is a partner law firm. I think that actually was a law firm that was linked to defending Sally eights right yet okay and he said he would love that that the project began its rise yes is that his law firm was was the lawyer sitting with Sally Sally eights in fact was he said he was Sally eights was just part okay but he's been given the task by the judge that not to say give me your opinion even would be weird but to heat that Judge Sullivan told him what talk target. Notice what it says. The court is appointing exercising its inherent authority to appoint this amicus and then the Amicus is a retired judge and the retired, the order says the media shall address whether the court should issue an order to show cause why Mr. Flynn should not be held in contempt for perjury pursuant to 18 USC for what basically that the plea entered into was not appropriate number already getting reactions at a congress right family.

People are not happy with what judge is doing. But you know the judge initially invited Amicus participation not so sure that's the case anymore.

Yeah, we are getting reactions Capitol Hill, Chuck Grassley, Lindsay Graham, among others.

But J, here's the reaction we need to be hearing more of Sally eights works with James Comey and Pres. Obama to hatch a plan to surveilled Mike Flynn into unmasking and then when it's all unravels and it's in court, the judge appoints Sally Yates, the firm that represented Sally eights to take the opposing side.

Any J a conflict of interest anyone that's what Capitol Hill needs to be before now because day they've had these documents a lot longer than we have. You know, it's also interesting. This same judge tossed out the conviction of Sen. Ted Stevens in 2009 when it emerged that the government had not produced a school for what and you just talk about this Brady material but he's operating in a different vein in this case, no question about that yet, let's go ahead and take a call at 1-800-684-3110 let's go to Judas and Connecticut online to do things for hold on your on the air like call me that we need to remember what Wilma Nicoletti said I take note, it ain't going to fundamentally change America so when you fundamentally change something. Nobody was looking that you fundamentally changing America Mayberry all bad and they never expected anyone to go retrieve them know that we treat God because the upbringing. Judas was a really interesting point dance and that is what were uncovered again through our software litigation what's coming out of the court and our ability to put together these comprehensive timelines absolutely mean the list of names from the canal yesterday. A lot of them were very interesting.

A lot of the names that people will know and then there were a lot of names in there. J that no one would recognize except for the ACLJ names like Stephanie O'Sullivan and Mike Dempsey. By the way, J another document that we had this when I hear that I'm holding is a memo from James Comey where he talked about the Oval Office meeting where he of course made that memo that eventually leak that was planned of course, guess who else was in that meeting with James Comey. According to James Comey's own memo, Michael Dempsey, how do we know because our FOIA litigation got that document I J Michael Dempsey. He lives in a master there all the same people so I'm trying to figure out Jordan and asked one person and what they think. They think this was never going to come out and exist and we know the judges up to but they think. None of this was to come out of this unmasking going back that permanent, I think so because I think they thought you know that don't have the security people and their their national security advisor would never on a declassify this confirmation and then record now is ruin their party and they don't have the protectors and placing more Jacoby got fired Andrew McCabe got fired by the FBI to him EFI by did DOJ but FBI recommended is firing the personnel office there. They have no one in there to protect them anymore. They were used to the bureaucracy protecting but now present Trump's had the time to get the right people at the right moment to get this information out. I actually phone call coming in about the FBI director current FBI director Bob in Florida online six Bob Walker Jay Sekulow live my calls love the program and I share it on Facebook. We appreciate that.

Thank you that it is a question gentleman.

One thing you hear anything about Christopher Ray is the current director of the FBI. I haven't seen him since he teach me things look.

He's the current director. The API she said we don't necessarily know what he's doing as far as cleanup procedures that may be all kinds of things and a week. We just don't know what the FBI doesn't do everything publicly when they're looking at their own potential misconduct along the way.

No I give her Christopher Ray, the presumption that is trying his best to clean up a colossal myth that he inherited used to be an assistant US attorney is a person of integrity. He's like being thrown into a cesspool archer down there. We say a swamp and trying to drain the swamp and clean it out and it's going to take very long time to do it and I think slowly but slowly he is attempting his best to do it I think is a man of honor and integrity. You just got a tremendous job to do cleanup. I think one of the things is getting Department of Justice. The FBI were the worst in the intensity of these be the hardest places to clean up the bureaucracy is intact and was it Chuck Schumer who said yeah go after the FBI CAC what happens to you every sense of it like that. Now a lot of people have finally been cleared out the Presidents face a special counsel because of that impeachment because of that it would fail, but I and the admin just go back to Millie a minute left before next segment we got a couple phone lights up as a people car now 164 30 wanted this present has faced serious consequences for beginning to drain the swamp on Oakland has had quite a bit of arrogance.

The arrogance of combing the arrogant of Obama, the arrogant hubris this week saying Greek tragedy of these people think that there above the line can never be held accountable for anything I post final segment coming up to get to all your phone calls to do is focus on take your phone calls answered your question. 164 30. What an interesting tweet by John Brennan. You will defensive convert and so will get that we can imagine what can I get some time to really hear that John Brennan tweeted at real doll trumps propaganda, disinformation machine, which operates according to despots playbook is going. The dictator is the most aggressive and odious in history far surpassed even Russia's ability to trample the truth. Harm your security and undermine America's reputation worldwide letter to tweet about nothing. He's tweeted that doesn't like his name being exposed. I guess Mr. Mr. former CIA director and lots question of him only one. A society can agree most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn cold like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later there: and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ read this tweet again because John printed is the former CIA director okay is the kennel stuff. They are putting out there that are present United States saves a director, by the way they test out. That's why they got no evidence. Russia was at real Donald Trump's Impreza trumps propaganda and disinformation machine you're part of that folks. That's what he's talking about, which operates according to a despots playbook. So now he is a dictator present Trump who's running an election against a guy who was unmasking his choice to be national security advisor VP Biden and John Brennan who was unmasking to. He is the most aggressive and odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia's ability to trample the truth harm US security and undermine America's reputation worldwide. Your wife surpasses Russia's enhancement because he finally has realized the truth was Russia in the truck tipping went everything together.

They all knew that this will I give it surpasses Russia's ability trample the truth that harmed CIs try to bring Russia back in. Even though, but now it's you don't even need Russia because Trump is a despot I weren't working to get the calls in a minute but we got we got so much news were to do our best but then Lindsey Graham just issued a statement correct.

He did, he is. He said that he is going to convene a series of hearings in looking into all of this.

Everything from FISA and Carter page to the unmasking to to the revelations that Ricker now put out so J this is gotten the attention of Washington DC and I'll just have to tell you, there's only a couple reasons for this one.

What Jordan said about the bureaucracy no longer protecting itself. Ricker now putting the information out and J have got to say it dating back to 2017 are our willingness to engage in litigation that is ongoing to this moment inside information, and information is available to the public that we got J that'll be at the center of those hearings and he and I think it be between the hearings of what's going on now in the court. There's a lot to him and what John Durham is doing about the a lot of information about to get a lot of information, especially from Linda Graham. He is a very tenacious person very good senator has a lot of important questions you have the power of subpoena we have done it throughout for litigation and then you can just look at the orders that the judges of like Judge Emmet Sullivan issued August say. And here we are going to come up with a parade of horrible is going to be unbelievable in the history of the nation, and it all starts with Obama. Believe me, the fish begins distinct from the head down our list of Psalms 164, 31 to Julie California online one Julie welcome the Jay Sekulow lives during I was reading an article and they noted that no request for unmasking ordinate between December 29 and January's court on December 29 date. That plan spoke to the Russian ambassador. They were so jangly for Me. I can cite to shut it down the investigation a plan now unmasking request ordinate plan name during those times in the FDI pipeline report transcript so it may another stability in this article of the article that Dion Namath plan was never unmasked in the first place is 28 day before and delivered that there were multiple phone calls don't see an immediate transfer to psych. There was one phone call unmasking. There wasn't why would Smith the power have to submit five different request or something like that for unmasking it was just about one phone call was about one phone call, there was a time when the FBI wanted to shut this down Peter Schrock would let the right and remain him, yet we either did the field agents. Andy came to the conclusion that there was no violation that try to instruct that would give me a new stop that keep the razor blade out, literally use the word razor that was what the operation was about all right, let's go back to Psalms 164 3110 lard. Also California line 3 Lawrence Welk Jay Sekulow I think: in particular, my question is what we think them kind of justification for Presidential ramp. I've been following MPEG entrance since the beginning on transferring from day one with a letter to the producer from California. I was very upset.

We will all expect that you been talking about. We've been hearing about for four years and we know that all the road lead back to Obama. We knew that from day one.

We knew that the Democrats were all behind it is, you can't just you could say that we all kinda knew that evidence of it as a going with an hour getting evident so that my lot so large it takes time. Evidence I think this goes back to plan congressional hearings don't happen overnight.

Congressional hearings don't happen overnight. Neither disloyal litigation we been doing this since 2017.

I would say to the last caller jaded vindication for President trample, the ballot box. But I also think there's a very succinct answer to the other caller that wanted to know about this Day. The bureaucracy had gathered all of this information that were talking about and then they went to present where at the White House on January 5. That's why the unmasking began again because they got the direction they got the orders from Pres. Obama. And then it started again right time to get another phone call. 164 3110 Shirley in Michigan issue question online for surely welcome to Jay Sekulow live in ancient fighting for my question. Do you think that one of the rate 39 people requested plan to be unmasked as if they were ever, it would be much harder to discover which one of them linked it to the press of Florida like flooding its own weird people here. I still don't know why like the Treasury Secretary was involved why you an investor was so involved some of the underlings were involved why the President's chief of staff was involved, but no, I don't think they ever thought they get caught I think they thought the intelligence bureaucrats will protect us, you always. It will never disclose our names and by the way, Pres. Obama brought this on himself by leaking his phone call with the staff going after Mike Flynn ended the flood gates open. They try to protect themselves. The and and and protect its immensity is that they they tried to protect the present. But now that the present in the center of the Oval Office, telling everybody about what the coveted Michael Flynn. I agree with you that that they never thought they get caught Jordan, but this is I think why they expanded the access to raw signal Intel I really do to flood the zone and make sure that this information got out because so many people had it.

This is structure threatening the present United States. If you try to drain the swamp. Specifically, the Intel community, DOJ, FBI, take a listen flashback to January 3, 2017. As before, the President was even sworn into office by 45 went to take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at ship.

So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman. He's being really dumb to do this, Andy.

The idea that a sitting U.S. Senate would threaten the incoming President of the United States because he was going to get to the bottom of things shows you how deep this is very deep and humor should be embarrassed and ashamed of himself, but is made stupid remarks before threatening good justices Gorsuch Tran Cavanaugh on the steps of the capital know where you are going to come and get you statements of those to be made by the minority leader. How embarrassing and disgusting that is all right. Thanks again. I don't think this is done. I think every day really shocking doing so others. The judge's decision every kind that will give them more tomorrow.

Figure out as a judge, and allow ACLJ to file amicus other groups with which you doing it doesn't sound like it. Based on this order, but who knows that his other order semi-humongous. So what about the Watergate prosecutors who love to impeach Pres. now they don't get to file the went to my friend John Salem was also Watergate prosecutor was on TV last night on Fox and said with Sullivan doing his role yeah so again you get a lot of this is playing politics with criminal law.

Worst the claim office of the Intel worst likely politics and the IRS worst and who is it possible for doing all that past administration. Remember past ministrations vice President in the ass for unmasking Flynn now is run for President. ACLJ's been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ