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President Trump Announces Guidelines for 'Opening Up America Again'

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
April 17, 2020 1:00 pm

President Trump Announces Guidelines for 'Opening Up America Again'

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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April 17, 2020 1:00 pm

President Trump Announces Guidelines for 'Opening Up America Again.' we discuss this and more today.

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Secular today on Jay Sekulow. Pres. Trump releases guidelines on opening America live from Washington DC we took the greatest economy in the history of the world closed in order to win this war and were in the process of winning and now phone lines open for your questions right now called 1-800-684-3110, not in the kind of trouble that others that was the big news yesterday by the White House. It's called opening up America again proposed state or regional gating criteria and again it treats different through three different levels so you got a proposed phased approach based on up-to-date data.

Other mitigation.

Protecting the most vulnerable and of course, this will be implemented by your governors or even at a county by county basis. So at the governor's discretion's you're talking about again folk something that is happening at the very most local level and I think that this is important so you got guidelines for individuals on here for employers. So for phase 1, that's for states and regions that satisfy that initial criteria of being able to open it still encourages telework, it still encourages a to work in place and to close common area areas and to minimize nonessential travel but but again, you've also got face to which is for states, regions, with no evidence of a rebound and that satisfy the criteria and then you got phase 3 with which is for states and regions no evidence of a rebound and it satisfying the criteria third time so it's 0123 phase and I think then this is very important for the American people to know that regardless of what state you're in US government and now your governors and local officials are making the plans now or already have started to reopen it in a safe way your community. Now that may be later for one state or a county within that state. In earlier. For another, but I think that gives hope to a lot of Americans, not just to get outside the house, but to return back to work during.

I really do think it was important for the President to give the American people a roadmap to what a return to at least somewhat normal. Looks like I thought he did that a couple of points you want, even courage, from the very beginning of this process for an approach that was rooted in federalism, both as you're going up the curve and coming back down the curve of the President took some criticism on the front side of that, Jordan. He has been consistent and now this plan for reopening is again rooted in federalism and I would just tell you I think the closer those ultimate detailed decisions are made to the people, the more buy-in there will be so I see a lot of wisdom in that adorned the other thing that we we've also said there then you got a look at the first-order harm the health and the the people who are unfortunately getting sick and dying. You've also got a look at the second order harm in making sure that the economic impact does not become greater than the problem in the first place. I think this is definitely balanced it's phased in Jordan it's slow it's not immediate it's not a light switch tomorrow, and it shouldn't be but here's the thing. It's a transparent runway.

It's a roadmap and it's something the American people can look at and say if my locality if my state can meet these gating measures been working to be able to open. It's up to us to meet those and then our governor, our mayor, our local officials will be able opening us us up during I think yesterday was a very important moment for optimism for the American people, and for giving us a look at how we will get America fully back got a new blog up about our work filing this brief with the supreme life free space case badly.

Well, a lot of cases and a lot of update to Kate update on case at ACLJake.that research social media and encouragement of matching challenge month of April.

Donate and remember doubling the impact your donation donation goes to part keeping this broadcast on the air every day is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACL and through online giving ACLJake chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life. This tandem for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you.

We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJake chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ `Jay Sekulow live super big news is that the US government present trumpet announcing a plan and the plan is available online through the website and I got the plate in front of me now. What's important about this plan is that it provides a roadmap to reopening America. This is so important folks right now because this is how is the REIT the roadmap to reopening places of business. It's the roadmap to reopening again all of 10 of our different aspects of life, but it is faced.

This is not like it's all going to happen on May 1, the same way in every state.

Each state's governor is the President said will have to consult with the mayors in that state and decide if there certain areas of that state, or the entire state is ready to start this reopening in house how we know which phase it should begin in it will kind of go from there based on those states that have the least amount of cases that are expected to have a surgeon cases or states that have Artie peaked and have had a significant drop in cases but this is going to be. It's not a one-size-fits-all plan and of course it was never going to be and we still have to implement a lot of our social distancing throughout all of this opening.

So, even for you know whether was a restaurant that was finally able to open this you have to be social distancing used at those and that's a again. We've also's heard fan.

A lot of governors have already said school going back to school. This is not an option for this year. It's almost over. Anyways, for most schools that would be early June and usually at the latest so a lot of governors Artie say kids are returning to school. Not all governors are said that but a lot of that were not on on that decision. I mean I think it's also important to make those decisions at a local level like the President has indicated because if you think about a place like Manhattan.

I mean I think it's pretty clear that they're knocking to be able to resume school. Think about a place maybe in rural Montana where there are miles and miles between residences.

Maybe they don't have a case in counties around there are sitar areas of the country that are like that. George and I know where I grew up in Illinois there's only been a one death in the county. Those kind of decisions are not saying there's no risk in those counties, but there was always going to be need to be a different approach endorsed different jurisdictions.

The other thing I really like about this Jordan is, it incentivizes neighborhoods and communities to work together. They say if we can behave responsibly and follow these guidelines carefully. We are going to get back to normal quicker than if we don't. So Jordan again it's back to that buy-in by moving those decisions closer to the people like the President is doing.

I think it increases buy-in and it speeds this runway back to a new normal. Let me go to Karen in Kansas online to Karen Walker Jay Sekulow live your on the air $2400 in my khaki account. However, my house, but died last again. What a mistake in sending nice ladies money and so what do I do about it and how soon will the government wants his portion back is interesting to stand a lot of this was based off when you last filed your taxes. So if you last filed.

Karen before your husband passed away. So if your last tax filing. What was the last tax filing. You did a joint filing with your husband. Dear 2019, we keenly filed together 2019.8 this year's taxes sick and so we filed as joint. The first six that's that's the issue right there said is that as she file jointly and that's the guidelines are basing on.

I would encourage. I think Karen I would encourage you to talk to.

Not just call up the IRS talk to a local attorney before you start calling the IRS or because and let them kind of work through whether or not I get it. I don't it was so much a mistake because they and this is how the government was basing this on taxes and course are your things that happen.

Unfortunately, Karen has been passing away, they would necessarily know about that quickly. If it was involved the 2019 tax return so I I would encourage her to get advice on that directly from a local attorney Karen before calling the IRS directly and letting them how to work through with them, and no kind of let you know be your your kind representative if you will, in dealing with the IRS and in your unique situation and it might be that a lot of people are in kind of similar situations than your thoughts. And I definitely agree with the advice torn I can say pretty conclusively. This was not a mistake because it was based on the last filing. She did get the proper amount Jordan I would tell you in my read through the regulations. I have not seen any clawback provisions for something like that is very simply. What that means I do not think the government is gonna come back and correct that I think she's gonna get to keep it but again Jordan there'll thoughts of regulations for your advice about having someone look specifically at her situation is a good one that I would say pretty conclusively. It was not a mistake on the front end they they filed that stimulus or they granted that stimulus based on the most recent tax filing. Yet what were call right now Robert Marilyn on line 6 Robert Walker Jay Sekulow live. Some were really looking Robert you're cut out.

Let me as you say you're working three days a week you file taxes last year. You haven't got your stimulus stimulus. Are you eligible for your working three days a week and you file taxes last year, you are absolutely eligible, you should be getting that stimulus check either by direct deposit if that's how you got your tax return or in the mail potentially if it needs to be in the mail stand, as does Robert need to do anything he does not, in fact, if you file taxes last year as long as he did not exceed the income thresholds, which it sounds like he probably did not he will definitely receive it.

If the IRS has a direct deposit he'll get it that way if they they don't have his direct posit he'll get it via check. If that's the way that they were sending him a refund in the past adored. He does not have to do anything. However, if he does want to go to They do have the tool they are the let you look up your status. I will warn you at this point there still in the process of that initial batch so it might not yield that much productive results right now but in another week or two. If Robert hasn't seen his check and I might encourage you to check out that tool are today. Go Robert. I had to play the sound.

This is our governor, Andrew Cuomo, who throughout this process. I thought it got a pretty good job is been very fair about the President and how that the federal role in this and not that it wasn't so much this not our place.

It was a criticism of the present needn't certainly he didn't suddenly turn on the present.

It was just one of those statements that really again made me very nervous for New York and just question the governor when you kind of make these statements when your state is dealing with so much death right now and so much as so many people dying so many new cases. Still, even if they have reached the peak, take a listen to Gov. Cuomo. It is directly a result of what you do today the numbers down because we've brought a number God did not do that they did not do that.

Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering that you think if Gov. Cuomo was a devout atheist or agnostic person okay that you not again he might be making that would be making kind of broad, pretty hard-core statement right was someone who again he represents himself as a devout Catholic American's questions personal faith questioned some of his politics on issues like abortion, bucket questions, faith, he should know better than this, because again, then we go directly to you.

It's a shocking statement because it's such a mischaracterization of the Christian. The basic tenets of Christian faith and theology because the that we do as humans. God created us with minds with the ability to make decisions use logic and so to say that God had nothing to do with it. God had everything to do with it because that's why were here able to make those decisions. He's talking about. It's really tragic that he made these comments toward because so many people have had their foundation shaken during this time, and for so many of us it is actually our faith in God and our faith in Jesus Christ.

That is actually given us something to stand on during this and you're so correct Jordan, I mean God didn't just set this world in motion and then watch it's been.

He actually gave us a role to play in it, and he invested in us skills and knowledge and curiosity and intellect to find solutions to problems so you know, he says that God did not do that.

God did not bring it down because people did that will yeah but God was the one that instilled in us the ability to work together in the ability to be creative, to come up with solutions so I just would encourage the governor now more than any other time he needs to be encouraging peoples faith and in a foundation that is not shaken during this time I think a statement like that door and I actually think it does quite a bit of harmony to think walking it back pretty and pretty aggressively yeah I think I should walk you back to it saves just misunderstood. Let me just a encourage you folks coming up another guest we had him on before Jared Moscowitz, a friend of mine.

He's the director of the Florida division of emergency management.

He's going to give us a get one of those direct updates at the state level what it's been like dealing with it now in Florida. Do they have the supplies they need to they have the hospitals to the Athenian.

How are they dealing with their numbers and again because it's a very diverse state and geographically got you know supports the state words cooler parts of state words almost always tropical and 80° or hotter. Serena talked to Jared Moscowitz, director of the Florida division of emergency management on how they're doing with Cove in 19 we come back on Jay Sekulow live. Remember, double the impact of your donation. Keep the broadcast on the air donate today matching challenge ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line.

Our work could not take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country.

The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACLJ through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift. Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand on for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow hello sure I will is is that yesterday was Jared available. Not that the check from the available right, Jared Moscowitz, director of the Florida division of emergency management. We had Jared on a few weeks ago because they were having significant issues. He was speaking out about this directly calling on calling out 3M directly on the in in 95 masks this situation, it is got to level where the present United States present truck was also going after 3M side that has been that kinda figured out. Since then, but I'd say a lot of credit goes to Jared because from doing our radio broadcast live broadcast in Florida. He was ended up doing a lot of national broadcast television broadcast as well. Like our national radio broadcast, and speaking out on this and I would to bring them back on as were starting to hear. Now these opening plans and kind of didn't update on where Florida is specifically in in this situation so I Jared it's great to have you on body bag. So tell us the difference between when you were on a few weeks ago and right now it will is a Florida dealing with a lot more cases a lot more death and and then we'll get to some of the issues about the supplies you are so larded everything about every day and were clearly the world when we last spoke, considering at that time. Many states were struggling with mid PPE would do that me know if a life-saving stop and help stop the spread out right now.

Florida Latin occurred. We have plateaued it well and so are pretty flat and David the first day since April 9 that we saw a decrease in our ICUs around the state so that that's good news. Obviously, there are still families all around the state are that are still struggling to cope and 19 even advocated go down even now as we let people needing ventilators right you bad. There are still family members that are are are dealing with, 19 and you look the part about the whole thing other than obviously the people live did that you can't be with your loved one in the hospital when their suffering, 19 that that emotional disconnect what is happening is so lost. I think in and what is taking place but but thankfully you know we we are turning the corner here in Florida were not turning the page on on our are the victims of covered 19 hours were continuing to make sure that you were giving them that the resources that family the resources that that that that they need this response like to hear your kind of media blitz that you did you know we run our broadcast I know it made its way all the way to the present United States condemning and questioning what was going on with 3M.

All of that.

I mean, what was that experience like and how quickly did you see a change when when you needed to get things like the PPE is in the in the in 95 masks while in a way where we were literally sitting in the EEOC.

You know, negotiating with vendor that we had never done business with before because never before had the Department of emergency management basically needed to, medical supplier to public hospitals, private hospitals, private nursing homes all of the police department. All of the fire department with medical supplies, and so out we started to see a significant trend. I bit a boiler room in the EEOC coming like the local Wall Street were all day were working the fountain pen, 12 hour days is working the phones negotiating these deals were shown at the warehouses of no product product is disappeared before I people wanted to wire money to account that performed the same day in and and we did we renew our experience of God couldn't beat that you only happening in Florida's week I talked to other emergency management directors around the state around the country. Sorry in California and New York and in Alabama and this was happening to them as well so I decided that we have to start talking publicly what what was happening. We spoke to 3M and and at that point, I'm not sure they really had a good handle on what what was going on.

Once the White House obviously no solid was going on. A look into it that you know their decisive action clearly you made the difference. They use the production act on some areas on preeminent and what that did is the net result is that 3M realized that the US distributors potentially were taking advantage of the situation, whether they were marking up the price for they were selling it oversees the foreign governments who are paying two or three times, potentially even with cash, but below the White House was able to get 3M to deal with. I made a commitment to bring in 55 million masks a month from Asia for the next three months out all over hundred and 50,000,095 masks of the next 90 days are not coming in today got and that that was a traumatic different dramatic difference. I'd allowed us just the early part of this week we got a million masks directly through HHS, which was part of the delivery from preeminent as those million that MN they went right out to the front lines to our hospitals to the pub to the nursing home to our first responders are police and fire is a life-saving stop and help to make a difference in Alps today to help stop the spread and succeed supplies that you think you need now, but today you're also doing something which is pretty cool your opening a walk up testing site in South Florida, designed for the underserved population tell people about what you're doing today. So when the federal government offered the major Infected big federal sites within the state took over after a period of time. The mode of transportation for getting into the night was. It was immediate massive drive. It was a great idea because it allowed you to A significant amount of people in one day. In each of the sites were tapping, eight, 900 people a day, but the governor and I soon realized that there was a portion of the population that a doesn't have a car he can't fit line for four hours and felt we immediately began drawing up plans, working with our county health department to make sure that folks had access the testing we know, obviously, through the White House testing of the made affordable because it's free but just because it's free doesn't mean people at active to it. And so out we began drawing up plans, working with the locals. We opened the first one up today in Broward County.

Another one will open up tomorrow in Broward County and then were looking to take these out the Palm Beach County Dade County, Hillsborough County, Duval County and were in open up as many of these that are needed so that people can can make an appointment via telephone. They can walk right up.

They get tested elite seen obviously that the picnics nationally in the in the black community on how COBIT 19 is its praying on them and so we can help.

Thankfully in Florida were not seeing those similar certificate. Some of the other states are struggling with, but the only way to make sure we don't trend that way is to get ahead of it and make sure that they have asked that the testing is your final question. I know you got a another hospital ready to open in the Miami Beach convention center which is huge in partnership with the US Army Corps of Engineers final question, though at your just quickly and about 10 1715 seconds. How are things looking as the director of emergency management in Florida. How are things looking things are looking good.

42% of our bed that our hospitals are RMD that the good thing or bring on 900 additional beds in Dade County. We got 250 additional beds. Broward South.

In the event of some sort of reoccurrence of surge were ready. I believe we don't think that they'll organ a fee that will be flat liquor. Jerry proud you proud to be your friend, Jerry Moscowitz, the director of the Florida division of emergency management joining us live coming up next.

In the back half the broadcast special interview identity in studio. We can still do that with John Snyder as voodoo as if you don't miss it singing the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family. You forgive today online LJ the broadcast. We got a very special guest in our studios.

If you're watching on TV or Facebook or periscope really get your social media. Listening to us on radio, our friend John Snyder said.

And I gotta tell story. So glad busy. I am glad you're here. This is true summary folks so when we first started this radio broadcast in 1997 I believe it was we get a call. We were in a studio in Atlanta than much smaller than this, much smaller organization that we get a call and that in the screener says this the guy saying he's he's Johnson on the phone and in the can that possibly be. I said no is not possible. I mean it could be possible but not likely. He put me through so much as a talk so much. He said he said okay well and then John Snyder what's what was boss hog eating in the first episode of expressive raw liver course when he talked to Jay and and so he put me asked me a couple questions. Finally, I guess he was talking to you on the other line and then I got on the screen and I'm say the camp and I was I was driving down PCH and I did my time on the left coast area so I was driving down PCH and you were talking about something on the radio and I thought my God, it's so great in this was 97. Yeah. So we them either crazy or not but that is so crazy that it it's like thank God there's somebody out there that is actually the voice of reason seconds-assess and I think that's what I told you lately that which I presented so this it's this is also true that the gal that was in the office. It was a small mean you're in our media center. They got as this was like you know three people in office.

Michelle still works with us and she was little human joke is your biggest fan when she is literally by libraries. Was having a meltdown anyway so there you have it. So we've known each other. We met each other, and other times to what we've known each other by radio for a long time for a long long time. Not supported by the way, so we've got really unique opportunity because John is not just an actor is also a tremendous musician, singer, and we are going to be playing upstairs in a few minutes with our band. Actually hear some of the music. So it will be a lot of fun and there's a handful of original tunes that John's got an identical to like it will save it for the surprise, but it's on it'll it'll be great, but I thought I'm glad you're here in week we could talk a little bit so to me your view kind of state of the play. Right now you see kind of the United States to sleep the country how you travel all over. Obviously still acting silly thing. The one word that I don't hear I don't hear people saying a lot and I think they should is what I see we go everywhere right is opportunity. I see opportunity where ever we go. I've never seen the country more. I'm not even going to say divided because II can't even I can figure out a way to to validate the oppositions perspective what they think there are many interesting about that is just coming out of the impeachment hearing little while ago and thank you on behalf of all that was a United States citizen. My uncle United States of the site. I want to thank you for everything that he might not will tell you what it is is that there is there.

They actually think it's not like they're just mouthing this right.

So when you see them in the debates going on right now and and Bernie Sanders, democratic socialism that they actually mean it when this is that they want in the world are they not realize that that that's something you can crawl into what you gotta shoot your way out. Yeah let me assist were to be taken by camera, if people want to find out what you're doing what you're up to work the best place to go.

John Snyder John Snyder stimulus K-1 are not a come of age and will get that out so would John Snyder All rights were having a good time, which is it's nice that this have a good time on radio and everything is meant to be so intense where the a good time to be outcome is relieved. I only have a minute before the break, except I got three Supreme Court cases in a matter of weeks, but compared like my wife said okay really compared to what you just went through. Yeah, I think you can handle in our argument, so I think I will get will get to that point. Gotta prepare course I was taken right we come back would have out more with Johnson or let me tell you, is also having a lot of fun this music together and really releasing the video release on this and he's got a great to come save it, save it and having fun with it by taking a break. Don't forget to find out what's going on.

John Snyder doing information about the ACL tell you how to do that ACLJ.Margetts Facebook twitter what are the links to all that are on the right is going to Snyder as best man has an it's a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support.

Consider making a gift donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ everybody.

Welcome back to the broadcaster with her friend John Snyder you know him from his acting career is music.

Of course, of the famous Dukes of Hazard small bill and countless others see at the end of the broadcast of you watching us on Facebook periscope new social media outlets.

You can actually see the musician side of John Snyder, would we went upstairs and jammed around me a good time to see that in just a moment by one we were talking about the dues will talk about small bill to draw connect. You mention the fact that your mild honor for our studio. It kind of is the feel of that of the above, the dues at Dukes of Hazard so talk to him tell me about the car for a moment the car was a Dodge charger was in 1969 Dodge charger do not believe this I did was not orange I had and I would be.

It was in the 70s.

I have a 1969 Dodge charger though getting exactly my mother drove it and then went to college he said here. Glad I had the dots actually get you. I tell people that have one note I do die. We have two I told I told people that that that when I first saw the generally and I sent Daisy's route runner night. I was that I was singing please God let the roadrunner be my car because as far as I was concerned the charger was was an old woman's car from not pardon me, Monica was an old lady's college and having children dragnet right right. It was his big boxy thin which made it really easy to slide around corners yelling, so it was a perfect car had a great door so you could get your butt on. There is light in the window, but that I do remember managing all my gosh I just car, but I tell you, if you go a mile from where we are now eager back to drive to Nashville not on 60 I drive back there. It will look exactly like the Dukes of Hazard so the view that people have in 2020.

The overwhelming majority of people in this country have the same view right now that they did when they first watch the show in 1979 and if you watch it today. The only thing old about the Dukes and actually our cars were already old when we did it. The only thing that dates Dukes of Hazard at all. If you live a mile from here is a cars but Dukes was so much fun. We started in Georgia and filming in Georgia and 78 and then we moved to California so that it could be, they moved us to California.

Once they realize that it was a bit of a hit for us to be reckoned with, that they wanted to be closer to it so they could kind of micromanagement. It so we go from Dukes which is a see no iconic women you do another one is iconic which is small. The what your small bill Ross moment was 2001 through 2011 and 2001 course you got no tragedy in America filming small that when that happened. Okay I was and that I was in Vancouver, British Columbia, that when that happened. Yeah, and my brother flies for Delta. He slung his phone for Delta since since 78 since we started Duke so that was my first call make sure it was okay yeah yeah whatever when you use the consumer.

There and again I know I'm Jonathan Kent I'm raising the boy who will be Superman right but we don't know that there was something about living on a dirt road. Something about of windmills. Something about having to walk down some dirt and gravel to get the mail in a similar sense to Dukes to very early similar to Dukes. Something about having cows to milk the house to feed cattle livestock working in a work clubs.

I recall when when when present truck was running for President. They talked about going to the work Cracker Barrel's right and it made so much sense to me because that's where people who work hard, go to eat right because your uncle Herschel's favorite. They got to get more food than they can eat but my God, it's been a tough day and I just would like somebody to bring me a cup of coffee and some biscuits and gravy.

If, and that's the crowd that and that's what I am. That is the crowd that loves small bill and it authenticated that this child Clark Kent could later become Superman it authenticated and Dukes of Hazard. If uncle Jesse if uncle Jesse said don't jump that carnal break. You know, he said stop jumping that car you can hurt yourself right because he said that we believed you believe everyone believed that the generally could fly right so there's something that authenticates real humanity about for me about a dirt road small those on for what 70 or six years. It was on ¥10 is okay.

I was on the other five and then I did that I did the last year as well.

Great collision back at the end, the crown jewel I think of the small bill and pardoning of the Superman franchise yeah so is a great, great, great time.

That was two 2010 2011 2011 and and now I do the right seven years I've been on the haves and have-nots Tyler Perry show on the Oprah Winfrey Network right playing a nasty Terra Bandai I'm a bad guy, which is not the tenant uses a voice yeah right so I guess it's kinda like my Dallas. It's kinda like what Dallas must've been for Larry Hagman yeah, after I dream of Jeannie another iconic. I know if you as an actor, and you look at your roles that you played. You in the which are known for. As an actor on these usually iconic moments in American history. Ebenezer Leno bless you number through its immune some it's people. Now we can relate its is iconic today. People talk about these broadcast programs yeah well I think the ring I think they ring true to an audience because they ring true to me.

II won't I try to never do anything that I don't like singing a song if the song doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of my neck or make me laugh or make me cry make me cheer make me angry. I will have anything to do with you. So if a role doesn't ring true. Somewhere in me you then I won't I won't answer so I won't do it. But you know there's a lot of all of us. I equate people save actors at such an interesting thing. What were all were all kind of a color wheel and we have a dominant color naturally right that actors have the and I think lawyers have the ability to select what that dominant color is we have all of it we select that and that for whatever time you turn on in that acting, you could put up a different color depending on the broadcast lately. That's what lead me maybe analysis the lawyers.

I think that's you know there's the and I like I said this to an interviews there to be the I had the Jay Sekulow handling Bob Muller moment. Russia's different kind of learning an essential work than I had the impeachment proceedings, which was a trial so you had a trial side trial color guy meant I got the spring court stuff, which is completely different than you've got your you get whatever you like a pendulum will eventually stop in the middle so your dominant color will eventually just kinda show up when you're hanging around and playing golf. People you love you so that's your dominant color. Most people are one dominant color with a sense kinda California you hit your you directly, and if so, what actors and lawyers and people that week we can dial in that dominant color as needed right and then will go back to and that's not lying. By the way, Reichel said what that's like no that's not got multiple yeah Arrowsmith however it's just a different shade because it's needed right now you and I think that's it. That is the gift of lawyering. That's the gift of logic that's the gift of acting or telling a story registering for guess is John Snyder, who by the way.

In addition, being a great actor is a great musician, a great singer. Let's talk about your music you got that out now. Yes I'll come past my friend Keith Burns and I were talking about about the lunacy that we that we were witnessing and help how people can't. How can you not understand Nancy how silly this looks and there's an old saying in a poker game but if you can't find a sucker at the table which you yeah so that's that's how we started writing writing John Snyder. If I don't want to divert it in the well been omitted in its true so so we wrote this song with another gentleman who his name escapes me week, we wrote it texting yeah right, since I know this is great this is great this is great as we deletion. I travel so much, but so we wrote the song about a poker game with the other side was so sure that they were going to win that they couldn't comprehend that I had the winning hand because I got my trump card that you can keep that ace there up your sleeve right.

I'm holding back a hand like this. It's all I'll ever need.

I got my trunk card. I don't need ace in the hole as I'm holding onto something good as gold. I got my trump card and you may like to know. I knew I knew our President along long time ago when I was doing it when I was doing Broadway right and it's it's I was so delighted when it it looked like he was going to run because I knew if he ran because I hang around practical people.

I room some people and art aren't that practical to an end and in the difference between me and them as I don't hate them so. So when he when he was running, I told my brother who was the mayor of Stanford New York admin and wanted you and he and I feel exactly the same. I said he's gonna when he said I think that would be great, but I mean there's just just not there's not a chance. And I said don't listen to your friends, listen to the people he is going to win. You mark my words, we were ahead well and and that yet, so I'm, I'm delighted.

So the trump card song is that is our way of trying to add a little bit of levity, yes, which is that you can't laugh at yourself. Yeah right you know and and that if there's anyone that should have learned by now have them set's I'm sorry I'm sorry Jack. Not yet, but nothing like that. So is the song is available where song is available on the Johnson understood well everywhere music you shouldn't go to spotlight iTunes everywhere. You can set the record.

It comes from a John Snyder studio.

Sometimes a level there will be a foot much their downloads now and I know that I know that is innately stated if you please download the music when you just take the music. Yet the writers don't really ever get paid now so here's what we like you to do working to give you that you can see it perform it with jump on it with with our band, but if you want the real recording of which we encourage you to get let me tell you this, everybody that's listening on ring around the country. This is a great tune played out by the way, some go to iTunes where you get your music when they look for just Snyder's trump card that will talk more when you will more segment that I sent to Greg we come back 30 years, the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty.

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Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online AC okay Jess and I were talking about politics were talking about life. I want to talk to you about in the environment that you work in music. Actor right, the arts, yet it's the divide that I'm in your ear in the minority within your your profession. Although there's a vocal minority within your profession. Well, you know, I've always believed that if you didn't believe something enough to say it quickly than you probably didn't believe it very much and I'm not sure why my my my fellow actors have it. It's really actors. I think more than musician. Musicians have a tendency to be more outspoken and more honest about their belief system but the actor -type psyched. I don't know why it's almost like the old studio system where an actor was really basically bought by then was afraid or was actually not even afraid me something called a Morris clause in a Morris clause from CBS, ABC, NBC, whoever had that in their contract they could really it was very loosely defined, so whatever they felt was against their morals clause that was not written out it was. That's all it was a Morris clause then they had reason to dismiss you and that was as early as when I was starting Duke's and 78 I had a morals clause in there. I'm not sure when standards and practices and all that went away but there still acting as if if I don't if I don't ride this horse publicly.

Then I'm going to get him to lose my who said I can remember them and lose my century job equipment. Probably not me. I saw this firsthand a minute I got during the impeachment hearing I got a lot of great emails at the Ceylon people praying for slotted people were great. I got some subhuman amine. I may just hit delete delay delete is no one on my YouTube channel that I never really had haters before the people of Jerusalem small village like all this is gray welcome to the club and all of a sudden the space specially on YouTube but my YouTube channel is doing great.

Kid Rock told me he said you keep saying your truth to your people.

He said yes you can aggravate more people every day than you'll ever get to meet but at the same time you will be strengthening your car, your core audience extra few continue to tell the truth, supported trip on the truth when the impeachment trial was going on and it was it was a tight leather ticket. I was about two weeks of of this slogan with you kept saying when I get back and we get back later. Maybe like 1 o'clock and we start looking twitter for not look at what I said that Betty just said, do not look at twitter album at one time I did it was like opening up. It was like in a horror movie, but by giving it when you know this if you don't have any opposition is not a good player you know cannot double-team to be nothing to do marital said people are speaking bad about you.

He said good means are standing up for something that you got. I want to talk about. I mean, I think.

From our generation and Penn admit to this day didn't show it was huge, she is true that they shot the opening of that in Oxford, Georgia at the college yeah yeah that's Emily in Oxford. The first jump was nice and I'm not sister calls me yesterday because he knows are coming on as usual I was at I was in Emory at the Oxford campus when they shot, no kidding yeah I was 1978 November 1, 1978 there you go over well. That is the first time. Did you have any idea that it would become this iconic program. When you first day I was 18 years old. I didn't know there was such thing as a failed television show and smoking the bandit had just taken over the world and right to million dollar movie that made $269 million before VHS should return on the right.

Good return on investment. It was made.

I was in it kind of vibe I lied and climbed in there and that's in my book. It's called it's called my life my way to know about that read that event, but so trucks and fast cars and all all that seemed to me like Dukes of Hazard should be the number one show in the country and within about three weeks. It was without it. It was that quick. I was right. We were top 20. The first night when I remember that I remember that TB got yourself and it's okay they said hot show out of you know the hot show before before there was twitter any of this kind of stuff that there was a reviewer in California because Whalen would say if there was commercial break Dukes of Hazard will continue right in the sky grabbed a hold of that and he said if this show continues, I will take the executive producer to dinner anywhere he wants. This is the worst thing I've ever seen on television. So it continued the executive producer called him and wound up he had to take him to Paul Picard's favorite restaurant in Paris.

Other you get it to his credit, he and I lived in New York I moved to Atlanta when I was almost 16 years outside. I watched this writing, I was already in college and it connected to me and I was not you know from Hazzard County. I think the amount just got from Brooklyn so that's a little bit bigger Delta I'm from a village to village amount is I have it. I think it had to do with our moral code and RR the fact that everybody needed everybody have a great sense of community. Yes, I took Facebook and periscope and wherever else you watching us right now working to go to the tune of John Snyder song trump card.

They played with the band. What I want to encourage you to do is by the song and all you have to do is go over to anywhere you get your music Amazon iTunes spot if I whatever it might be, or just go to John's website it John Snyder download the music purchased the music to great to take a listen. All everything on her hand and playing in sailing again and again that is no way in a sling and a the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family. Give a gift today online okay