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President Trump to Joe Biden: We’re Not Postponing the November Elections

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
April 29, 2020 1:00 pm

President Trump to Joe Biden: We’re Not Postponing the November Elections

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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April 29, 2020 1:00 pm

President Trump to Joe Biden: We’re Not Postponing the November Elections. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow live exclusive analysis of the 2020 election and what may or may not have on the November 3 watch live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow line phone lines are open for your questions right now. Today I was Sean Spicer on his back, said television broadcast saw that it was for about 67 minutes of her time in my book the next red wave and and how grassroots organizing is being affected by covert, 19, and how covert, 19 could affect November 3 election. What we can do now what we should be doing now.

It how it will affect the election. I want to take your calls on that 1-800-684-3110 Jubilee by November 3 of 2020 when we are casting their ballots for President United States. Many of us for U.S. Senate races, all of us for house races.

Do you believe that we will be kind of over covert, 19 I don't mean economically.

I don't mean that it's completely eradicated, but that will be kind of back to normal by November or you concerned about that fall next wave of covert, 19, and again how that can affect the election. We want take your phone call that 1-800-684-3110 and I'm not trying to take away from the loss of life from the seriousness of covert, 19, but we we are in again folks the end of April and we've gotten election for President of the United States in November at a time when you cannot do campaign rallies. You can't gather together to do neighborhood walks so grassroots organizing has to look a lot differently and I think one thing we are all learning from this covert 19 experiences, we can begin grassroots organizing right now because from every age group from the oldest to the youngest are starting to use technology at a level they have not used before to stay connected and fed him. I believe that is key right now in this process, even if let's say by August we can actually start really, you know the kind of real campaign work going door-to-door. We can start organizing right now through the technology that we have and I think will work connected to our local community then maybe we ever have been in the past. Yeah, I agree with you Jordan, and I think was a foreshadowing of this in the last election cycle. Certainly, the last Presidential election cycle where he saw more social media engagement more electronic grassroots activity than ever before and look I think we did Tangier question Jordan about what the impact politically is gonna be from this coronavirus crisis. I think a lot of people instantly jump to well will the President and other candidates for that matter, be able to do these massive rallies. Obviously, that was one of the strengths of the President and if he's not able to do that that might hurt him or other candidates who are able to draw a big crowd of the Jordan, you know.

Interestingly enough when it comes to the President. While that strength might diminish his other strength, and I would argue maybe it's a stronger one. His presence on social media media would become even more important.

So you know that my sort of work itself out. But when it comes to those of us on a grassroots level. I think none of us are gonna draw massive rallies, but all of us have a presence electronically. I think that will come become even more disproportionately important even than it was in 2016 in Jordan 2016. It was more important than ever before me.

Think about it were 187 days away. That may seem like a long time, but think about how long it might be until states are truly open even in states other than Georgia which is Taking a more extreme route even states are starting to open her opening very slow rate and there always very cautious, saying, we maybe opening but were always good to be ready to pull backs. We may be phase 1, we may make it to phase 2 but then go back to phase 1. So I think it's important for everyone right now to understand clearly you can begin grassroots organizing right now utilizing social media, but how will this affect the fact that Joe Biden is just doing everything from home. All of that we got more sand to play from him and his pledge to abortion its essential in its essential medical service and required talking doll that take your calls 100-684-3110 never donate to ACLJ two days left the matching challenge's a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ and through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making it online.

Give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online at ACLJ, every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice is been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork could not take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ effective Jay Sekulow like this secularly articular from tenure. There's been this talk Joe Biden even bid delay the Presidential election and not have it on November 3 that is not going to happen. Folks, we got Congressional statutes. The Constitution mandates the four-year term beginning in January and so I mean there's a whole host of legal issues standing in the way of trying to change the election, especially when it comes the election of the President and vice President of the United States of America then were starting to see from people like invite former VP Biden this idea that because he's been kind of stuck at home with these bizarre videos.

And yes, he's getting some endorsements got the Hillary Clinton endorsement. He's got the Barack Obama endorsement. Now it it's not having the same kind of weight because everything is being done through kind of his technology and its only reaching really the people who already supported their going to his website to watch.

It's not being broadcast everywhere and even if it is it short clips. It's not like a rally situation where Barack Obama is able to get 25 or 30,000 people together an event or Hillary Clinton bring in people in an event that's not happening for Joe Biden's messaging has not been very clear either.

So without him on the campaign trail and some other scandals of what I could get into kind of perking up for provide himself. You have to wonder there's this move by him to say maybe we should push back the present trumpet said absolutely not and and fan just to make it clear to every by listening Congress mandates the date there given that power the Constitution. The Constitution goes further in the 20th amendment because it says when the new President and vice President have to be sorted will first Hawthorne. I just can't even imagine the outcry that would've happened if this comment had come from Pres. Trump.

I can tell you right now that the headlines would have been the President trump is trying to overturn election law in order to become President into perpetuity. So like the idea of a double standard of how the media will react to a comment like this I think is on full display. But really Jordan, I what I think that the former vice President's comments actually move a sort of to a secondary question that I think the left is trying to get to Annette's centralization of control of the election, you're exactly right. This election is going to go forward on November 3. But just as certain it's going to look different than other elections and states are gonna have to come up with ways to best handle the procedures inside their state that allows for maximum voting participation while still ensuring the safety both of of the health of voters adorn also the integrity of the ballots that are cast in so I really think this was sort of a steppingstone to get to some of the centralization of election efforts that are happening in Washington DC and I would tell you the most effective response for states you want to guard against that is to defend the rights of states to make those decisions close to the voters because that is what is going to preserve the integrity of and quite frankly Dorn. It's what is going to make a November 3 election day, the most successful if those states can tailor their approach to this to the fact that that there state.

I think that's where the vice President was driving out the day whether it's male vote by mail or any other centralization effort. Dorn I think that's what he was trying to get at yeah I mean I think again you gotta be very careful about the situations having some states who had more history in doing that obviously all states allow for some kind of absentee ballot, but you have to apply for an absentee ballot gift actually go in putting information about why you needed and requested. And so it's kind of a process.

These mail-in ballots states some of had a lot of experience with it.

Other states have never done it before it all so would be something brand-new.

And in this is retirement electing a President of the United States. So is that the best time to start something brand-new. Now how much the pandemic will plans that depends on where we are in November that also plays into what kind of grassroots organizing. There's been but listen here is President trump. He directly responds to Joe Biden statement gets the question by the reporter and White House briefing take Alyssa present trump just think you are considering changing the price of the same.

I never even thought of changing the date of the election November 3 two good number know. I look forward to that election and death. That was just made up propaganda not by him, but by some of the many people that work in writing little statements I see all the time.

Statement made you say so statement made per Joe Biden sleepy Joe. He did make the statements but somebody did, but they said he made it. Now I let him know I I'm not thinking about it a little article uniting. So if it had a factor of the President wants to remain present. He wants to delay the election in the beetroot that is not the case.

You just heard from the presence of an amount that he's preparing for a November 3 election, which is what every President has prepared for and that's what were going to have but then it's also important to look at is as were taking phone calls on this because I really want to hear from people. How do they think this will affect the vote come November 3.

How will affect if you're very involved, politically, your grassroots organizing.

Are you starting to think hey I need to do more online organizing in my local community to remember, you can do virtual foam banks now in campaigns will start rolling that out. The sooner we get to the actual election is a lot we can do from home in the technology just gets better and better and easier and easier to use, but there is something about person-to-person contact. When it comes to elections and person-to-person contact is right now a big no-no, so I be whether to big rallies or just knocking on doors or just that communicating the people that's at right now really not an option so you got to use technology to begin to organize, but then it's not just the Presidential election, either. Now we got uniting this in the U.S. Senate.

We have 35 of its hundred seats are up for reelection.

The GOP controlled 53 right now so I mean there's there's an important election. Just in the U.S. Senate to keep control. There you person-to-person contact are the most important factor in every race Dorn but the closer you get to the smaller local election, the more important grassroots activity and person-to-person contact become so I would tell you that for Senate elections that are statewide. It's even more important on the Presidential level. If you go to a house race on a district level it's even more important if you went down like a city council. It would be of maximum importance, but Jordan to answer your question about the United States Senate. The control of the United States Senate does hang in the balance. I mean the Republicans have a six seat advantage right now 53 seats to 47 seats for the Democrats and I would tell you I think the most likely seat to flip control. I still benefits the Republicans it's the seed in Alabama.

The Doug Jones currently holds and that Jeff sessions and Tommy Turberville are still in a runoff election and the primary to challenge him and maybe the fact that it's going to a runoff helps Doug Jones somewhat of a Jordan, if the Republicans do flip that seatback.

It gives them 54 seats, but probably the next four or five or six seat somewhere in that range that are most likely to flip our Democrats challenging Republican incumbent so dirty when you talk about the importance of grassroots activity. I think always the first thing that's gonna come to mind is the Presidential election of the United States Senate. If you were to see an impact to move very hard in one direction or another. I think control of the United States, and it is definitely on the ballot in November as well.

We realize that that was probably not the case. A few months ago, but because the economy was roaring we were dealing with covert, 19, but I think over 19. This kinda changed everything in the ability for you. Where do Americans put blame where where have they feel about how the politicians are responding so in the Senate again right now. 23 of the 35 seats up for election in the U.S. Senate are held by Republicans 12 are held by Democrats. So Democrats would need a net gain of four to out right with the Senate or they could win three seats and win the presidency because the vice President could be the tie-breaking vote now going back to the President and vice President Torres one thing that's key here fan and this could mobilize Joe Biden could also kinda be a nonfactor. It really depend I think in this election more so than ever because usually I believe that BP picked don't have a huge impact on the actual election day. That's not who people choose to vote for. They can have huge impacts and the administration, they can certainly bolster the again they can bolster the team but Joe Biden's got a very important choice to make because it's probably going to be the VP choice gets him the most attention over these next few months.

When they tried to go into a Democratic conviction which you have to wonder how is that even going to work really great point Jordan because look as more and more of this does move online and I think even advised former vice President would probably admit he's not the most natural fit for that and he's going up up against a President who is better at the social media or online game than any other candidate.

I think we've ever seen.

So I do think it's gonna be very important for VP Biden's pick up to serve as a running mate to be able to fill that void.

Now he said it's gonna be a woman. There's a lot of speculation about people like Stacy Abrams another Outlook Dorn, but you're right, I think he has to pick someone that can that can fill that weakness that he has in a way that is really beyond what would be expected of attrition untraditional running mate, rights of folks were taking her causeway hundred 684-3110. How do you believe the Cove in 19 will affect the November 3 election for President. The balance of the Senate, and of course having gotten to could be flip. The House of Representatives stop some of this Presidential harassment. If is it from his reading elected particular phone calls.

Also remember today and tomorrow final today's the matching challenge donate Our attorneys are hard at work for life right now for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line. Our work could not take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online and sealed is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online NACLJ Jay Sekulow live this Jordan secular. Oh and let me let me just let everybody know if a minute video in Washington DC. He's able to social distance because he is the only staff person going into that office and the rest are working remotely and he's just going in for radio sleep keeping him safe.

I will be back in our studios as well.

On Monday, so you'll get that image for me.

My dad will be when he is on image prepare for Supreme Court case he should be joining us in just a few minutes actually on the broadcast today. He'll be joining us in. He'll have his video set up so he can be on's you'll see all of us. For the most part I starting next week I have to play this from Joe Biden because this was yesterday at when Hillary Clinton announced her endorsement of Joe Biden, and he made this comment because this is a whole issue were involved with in right now. In fact, we filed our 10th brief since I posted that video and we updated the blog we put we've actually filed our 10th brief when it comes to the states who have said abortion is elective and were if were not going to allow elective medical procedures were not going to allow abortion either working on these again. 10 briefs were working on it in again. Six different states. So far, five different circuit courts of appeals at all different levels. Listen to Joe Biden. He is a very different view of what it means for abortion as as that essential and this is again when he is getting the Hillary Clinton endorsement yesterday at his virtual town hall bite to we need to ensure that women have access to all health services. During this crisis. Abortion is essential.

Healthcare service is being used as a political wedge right now and it should be you again that I wanted to write to you on this because the idea here were fighting this right now we have updates regularly honor our because we keep filing new briefs and new cases were actually also filed two new briefs at the US Supreme Court on life issues.

It just shows you the difference between Pres. Trump and these state governors who decided that hey if what I can allow you to have foot surgery right now or even more serious surgeries, but there still considered elective rocket allow elective abortions, which shall require PPE's and take away supplies from people on the front lines. It's a brazen double standard. Jordan and I will agree with the former vice President on one narrow point here. I will agree with in that it is being used as a political wedge right now but Jordan it's being used as a political wedge by the abortion industry hymns itself.

Look this this is just the simple fact Planned Parenthood, NARAL and others have decided that elective abortions are the only elective procedures that are more important in the covert response that's literally what they are saying they are saying that elective abortions should be taking PPE and other resources away from the covert response, but all of the other elective procedures are less important in that response and Jordan just_point that you made and I know your dad made on the broadcast yesterday. I have personal acquaintances. A number of them who are having to postpone elective procedures. I think sometimes we think of elective procedures as things that are not significant.

Jordan, that is not the case. I have friends that are in pain at every moment of every day because they know they cannot have this elective procedure right now until this response is over the idea that that person would have to wait for that procedure. But yet were going to take resources from the covert response for elective abortions and pushed the other elective procedures even further into the future. Jordan it's laughable but that's what's happened so the narrow issue all agree with the print vice President on it is being used as a political wedge but it's not being used by a political as a political wedge by those of us like the ACLJ were defending the states for applying it uniformly. It's being used as a political wedge by the abortion industry itself. Check this out. He goes even further, Joe Biden yesterday again standing there with Hillary Clinton remember Hillary Clinton was the Lord standing there with Gov. Cuomo when New York passed that legislation to Gov. Cuomo signed allowing abortion up until birth and she was standing with him celebrating that she was also standing with Joe Biden yesterday that you know with this virtual town hall with her endorsement endorsing this message as well take Alyssa from Joe Biden saying states you have no role, no role in abortion which is actually not even constitutionally correct based on even Roe versus Wade. Take a listen by four states should not be using public health crisis to infringe on women's constitutional right. Here's the issue. A lot of our constitutional rights have been infringed on the ability to go where we want to go the ability to gather the way you want to gather they been infringed upon.

But when it comes to the medical side of the stand which I think is even more significant. It's like an American duty that we are going to put the healthcare frontline workers were battling covert, 19 first and it only states that are ready to begin elective procedures because their hospitals aren't overwhelmed because they have enough PPE's.

They have enough ventilators and they could be ready for emergency situations that aren't related to covert, 19 should even be considering a reopening to elective procedures. Some are and others are far away from that your couple things here Jordan, first off, you're going to postpone elective procedures across the board. You've got a do it equally. You can't start exempting elective procedures like abortions, otherwise it undermines the very effect that you're getting at, which is to try to free up those were those resources for the covert response. The second thing the old Jordan in this goes back to something that we dealt with before coronavirus was even on the scene.

The abortion industry has consistently opposed our requirements to make sure abortion facilities can admit a woman to a hospital. She has complications from abortion, and Jordan. Unfortunately, we know that complications that are life-threatening to the mother happen in a disproportionate way when it comes to these procedures. So if you're going to expand the access to elective procedures. You actually can put more women who suffer complications into that health resources system at a time when it cannot handle it there and I would just tell you this is about a lot more than about abortion. This is about women's health, and what they are proposing would directly put at risk women who would seek these elective procedures on check this out right after Joe Biden made these comments. Hillary Clinton followed up with a push for universal healthcare, said amen.

Now let's get to universal healthcare, which would include that abortion on demand. Included in universal healthcare, take a listen bite six much larger system actually help personal healthcare so I can only say amen everything you're saying but also to list people that crisis to waste as the old saying goes you know, a terrible crisis to oasis the old Rahm Emanuel line number hearing that more and more from Democrats. We've we've we've heard that from house members on the on the Democrat side now hearing from top officials like the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Democrat Presidential candidate who is endorsed Joe Biden saying a crisis is a terrible terrible crisis to waste to get to universal healthcare that includes abortion that you'll be paying for with your tax dollars. That's why were fighting so aggressively right now I'm in court right now. We filed 10 briefs in the past three weeks in five different circuit courts on behalf of six different states to defend life we have to briefs being filed at the Supreme Court right now to defend life court. The work of the ACLJ it continues during this crisis. Final two days today and tomorrow of our matching challenge for April. That means whatever you donate is effectively double double the impact of your donation. Donate online ACLJ.4 donate today will be right back. Second half hour at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and Jordan secular talked about Joe Biden doubling down on states should have no role of corsets in direct contrast to the legal battles were fighting right now were states are saying that the lower portion distortion if elective medical procedures are going to be banned during the response to covert, 19 abortion is going to be included that because it takes away from vital PPE's people need to go to emergency room's falling abortion. We need to focus on the front lines of those battling covert 19. Some states are starting to open up to elective procedures and that means it abortion will unfortunately begin to operate as normally but we had before we had to fight because other states are for long far away from that still and it's also important precedent to set. Because you want to make sure that if let's say, unfortunately covert, 19 has a come back in the fall, or even in late summer and we have to put these restrictions back in place again on elective medical procedures we want to make sure we been in court across the country and we have five different circuit courts in six difference for six different states. 10 different briefs that have been filed.

Setting the precedent that abortion should be treated like other elective medical procedures, and if other elective medical procedures are not being allowed to be performed. Neither should abortion and were waiting. These there there at all at different stages of court right now you can keep up to date I want to go right to the phones one 800 684 31 two then I want to get into one that we haven't touched yet. You touch the Presidential election. We touch the Senate, we can go back to those numbers again.

If you're just joining us, but I know for a lot of folks the house they would like to see Nancy Pelosi no longer the speaker of the house. And remember, the house is been so much of the fixed thorn in the side of the President like Adam Schiff with this constant Presidential harassment even cases that will be part of the case my dad arguing at the Supreme Court by phone for the first time in history. May 12 you like to be able to listen to have live audio during that is what the court is saying is can be set up very differently give you little update on that. The court announced that how work is the, the, you will start your oral argument you will get a minute to two minutes to make your opening statement. The Chief Justice will get to go first with his line of questions and then it will go not just like kind of usual words, back and forth. Whoever Justice Hannah jumps in the lingo by seniority shall be very different process. As is usual at when you are at oral argument inside the courtroom, which can get pretty heated and a lot of back-and-forth doesn't mean you won't get heated on on the oral argument by phone. This could be much more structured than it usually is when it comes to the time when justices have questions, especially on these important issues only go to take a phone call now let's go to Don, a New Jersey online to Donna welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the air might call one question that was in my mind about it earlier, but would it be for the nation to vote online precedent. I would say no way no way no way is our technology secure enough than to even go there.

I know people talked about it. Maybe in the future were going to have ways to really secure that that would need to be tested, probably over a decade or longer, so that hackers would have access to it.

I mean thick about all the hacking we talk nothing about having with zoom with zoom meetings became popular. They immediately became hacking sources that I would not trust that it all for either party.

I don't think either party should trust online voting yeah it's April and the elections are in November. I guy go with what you said earlier in the broadcast door and somebody states that a been doing mailing voting a proven they can do it. Well that's probably about the extent you're getting get to in this election cycle. Yeah I execute you know doing it online would make it easier to be high turnout. Likely, but I think it would take years of testing years of testing a lot of security to make sure that because the integrity of our election integrity of our boat is so key we come back. How's the house how's that make up and continue take your phone calls on how covert, 19, will affect November 3's general election, 1-800-684-3110 will be right that is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online online giving simple and secure, and by making an online give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more.

Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online at ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice is been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you.

We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line. Our work could not take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty. ACLJ needs your support. Consider making a gift Donating online is safe and secure, and an online gift at can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ as I said I wanted to get your phone calls to but I want to get to some good through the residual election. We don't yet know VP Biden was the presumptive Democrat nominee will be choosing for his running mate.

I think that'll be bigger than it has been in the past because the traditional model of campaigning is not happening right now were not having the rallies were not having the events everything is done electronically enough that may change.

By the end of the summer. That may change by those final two months going into the election and certainly that benefits people like Pres. from probably more than it does VP for VP Biden is not very good on the stump and he is not very good. Even in these tele-town halls and not try to be mean is just not very effective as a communicator and a lot of times is very unclear. He's also got some scandals over not getting it involved in today that are starting to have bubble to the surface as he becomes the ESE is the presumptive Democrat nominee, but thank really where the source. The source of the Presidential harassment of Pres. Trump comes from one body in Congress is the house of representatives doubt God for bid. The Senate were to switch to an Pres. Trump was reelected as I think that it would be all out war yet again that we've Artie gone through Mahler Vardy gone through an impeachment that failed and this house is up for grabs, but it's gonna take a lot of grassroots turnout from Republicans and the reason is the largest source. Jordan is because it's where most of the oversight authority starts at where impeachment begins is where legislative oversight happens during its where the select subcommittee for the corporate coronavirus current crisis subcommittee was established last week or couple weeks ago. I kid you not. It's the select subcommittee for coronavirus crisis response even though Jordan, the oversight committee already had that oversight authority. So you're right it's the source for so much of this that we been dealing with over the last couple of years, and Jordan. I do think the houses and play.

Look, there's a couple of different ways to look at the numbers in a house it's always a moving target because of resignations retirements vacancies. Currently, the Democrats hold a 232 to 196 advantage with one independent in the house, Jordan, but with all of the vacancies put back and kind of the best way that my favorite way to look at it is, how did these districts go. The last time they went to the ballot box. And if you take that metric. There are 235 seats, the Democrats one and 200 seats that Republicans want. So Republicans would have to flip from that metric 18 seats in order to take over control of the house and Jordan. You know this well but just to remind our listeners that it's not so much control of the house. It's what it means for the speaker of the house it what it what it means for controlling the gavel for all of these committees you would no longer have a chairman shift in the in the Intel committee, and you no longer have a Chairman Nadler and the Judiciary Committee is the committee control where a lot of that oversight investigation begins. That would also flip the Republicans we need to flip 18 seats and remember Jordan 32 seats held by Democrats that Pres. Trump one so that 18 number.

Jordan is definitely in play is definitely in play again. It will all turn to turn out but I want to underscore what they have said just right there because so it's so important. Remember, it's not just who is Republicans control the house of the Democrats to the speaker is it means that Adam Schiff is disempowered that he is no longer the chair of the Intel committee.

The jury Nadler is no longer the head of the judiciary committee.

It means it means basically the Presidential harassment would end if Pres. Trump reelected in the house were to flip because and remember those member those 53 depositions were talking about that Adam Schiff won't hand over they be handed over. If not done sooner than that.

My dad is shorting is now.

He was again joining us. I think you can actually see him as well on the bronchus you watch of Facebook and periscope that we been talking about. Again, this kind of coping.

19 and the election coming up in November 3 how it's affecting everything from grassroots organizing to campaigning while you're right it is and I just been estate literally minutes ago.

I just finished a moot court for the spring court cases. I think look, I mean the coping 19 is going to raise a whole host of legal issues and those legal issues will be everything from inhaling balloting devoting to early voting.

So all that's can have to be looked at to make sure that whatever is put in place. It complies with the U.S. Constitution so that there can be no voter fraud, but I make is not to be some flexibility flexibility has to be done in the context of what the Constitution actually allows you know it's interesting Larry Collier from Oregon and get some insight into that Larry welcome to Jay Sekulow live your on the air.

I can hear me okay gotcha okay and mailing voting in Oregon for several years now and go to that nationally, I would recommend using organ of the model because you are a person what you gloated you can go back and looking at online and see how your boat was counted.

So if it's a failsafe system. As far as I'm concerned it worked fairly well but I understand there's a lot of ability to defraud it near several people prided here in Oregon.

It was from the transcription for the time they received it in the mail until it put it in the theft of death were that that's where the problem is, here's another issue I think you know where using organ.

It may be working pretty well were hundred 87 days away and there's many states that all they've ever done is absentee ballots, which is a much more thorough process. You can apply for to tell the government in your state why you need it. Your board of elections they send you the ballot you gotta have it in Mark stamped a certain time is different than just everybody gets this ballot mailed to their house and they mail it back in and for me that I think is what's tough is that for the states who are already facing budget crunches because a covert, 19 to go that route without the experience of organ would be pretty difficult but I think that's right unitedly. I just that I just in a moot court with my colleagues for the spring court case were doing to the President and will counsel boy who is one of the presence Lord when my colleagues is handling a lot of the cases, and Patrick Strawbridge another one of my colleagues just did the one involving Wisconsin where they were letting you mail in this. So, what's so bizarre mail in your ballot postmarked after the election postmarked after the election, and they were saying that was valid. So I think we have to do as these voting issues come up recently issued for the American Center for Law and Justice, and other groups because it really does impact the constitutional analysis of the right to vote. That's what's really a pleasure yeah absolutely avid at again II think what we want to talk to about it again. We get a final segment coming up as well. 1-800-684-3110 is how do you believe this will affect your ability to grassroots organize where you are the state you live and how do you believe it will affect the November election. Whether your time at the Presidential race, whether you're talking about that the makeup of the U.S. Senate. The house there's lots of state legislative races and editorial races. Is there going to be lower turnout because people are afraid if there is actually person voting or do you think we are past this in the sense of the medical concern of this which were facing right now not be passed to the economic issues were still to be rebuilding from it. Obviously, but but are really be passed this I would love to get your thoughts on this one, 800-684-3110.

I may be kind of bizarre that kids go back to school in the fall, but we can't do voting in person. Now if kids don't go back to school in the fall in the lot of states across the country. It is not to be uniform everywhere.

That's where these questions become unique and white interesting talk to our radio audience about it because you come from all across the country in all 50 states and you can kinda give us your input about what it's like in your state right now as we lead into this and this is important is about choosing who will be the next present United States for four more years will make those important Supreme Court nominations. There will likely be more the Circuit Court nominations. I mean the circuit courts are changing rapidly under Pres. Trump. They would change even more rapidly.

If you were to have another four years. But of course right now you've got this coping 19 issue so wanted to your calls.

Of that 1-800-684-3110.

We come back from the break will start taking more of those calls 100-684-3110 dad.

This is also an important time for the ACLJ were our attorneys are hard at work have been talking to Ed White, one of our attorneys just updating our on just these states that were representing six states that were involved with with their lips state legislature supporting their governors to file now 10 briefs in five different circuit courts. Some of the circuit courts are already now en banc and this is setting major precedent, especially if we ever get to this situation again where elective procedures are close down but the ACLJ is hard at work today and tomorrow. Final two days were matching challenge that it's a great time for those people who are financially able were still get their normal paycheck is a great time for them to support the work. The ACLJ because our work has not stopped. Even this broadcast is brought you because of your support and donations.

The ACLJ know that's exactly correct.

Tomorrow, the broadcasting would have become more of her senior counsel join us on this issue of voting because it's gonna be a big one will get into that which were just set it whether it is right for like three things so engaged in over the last month with 10 cases or if it's to become the boating issues which I were to see those developing to all of those make a huge difference in the huge impact your support of the ACLJ if you're able are matching Challenge campaign is double whatever you donate, get a matching gift course with variable to support the work of the ACLJ do it online right now it for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow are decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support now more than ever during this time of uncertainty ACL changers, consider making a gift

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Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today support our work online ACLJ is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel work to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ.every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow live. We are taking tennis you, Joe Biden is pledges. All we know about his potential VP pick is that he's pledged to choose a woman as his vice Presidential pick, there's Vince. There's lots you could skew could speculate and speculate on that right now, but again I think you just have to wait till the decisions actually made or you know, if you start seeing a little bit more information that the interesting part is a wager by describe doing this and and dad. I think of before we go to the calls.

One of the toughest things for Joe Biden. Not only is it is been his ability to communicate when he was on the campaign trail, but it's even as we all know as people who communicate sometimes just by our voices I'm doing right now, or just by looking straight into a camera and we we do it without no script would do without Teleprompter you you got to be able to put coherent sentences together and make points and he's had a tough time doing that even from the comfort of his own home. Well, look at me and I think that the fact is in and we know this from now just did it for we just did for two hours in the moot court where you you have a script which you can find it easier opening which pretty much memorized within the question start and you just gotta be able to respond and then you kinda hone in on those responses.

He's had in the look I think here's a situation that despite what I would call a bit of a lackluster campaign on Joe Biden's part.

Although you got a given credit as he came back from from being in a basically out of the race after taking it, that was impressive the questions get to be the quick the country is very closely divided so there's not landslides here in the in the traditional way, we would understand a landslide landslide here would be only the present did have a landslide in the electoral college votes this last go around a landslide here would be you know that the same kind of thing that would be a significant win, but it can be closely divided. So when it's closely divided what you have to watch is not to just be what he communicates but how they're going to campaign in a very different environment and that the environment we now find ourselves in you and and again it is a very is going to be a very different environment I and this is again something was listless that Joe Biden here trying to kinda be straight for talking to people bite seven Nicholas, I have to tell you something completely honestly, straightforward. I wish this were doing this in my supporting your reelection skates. You won the majority of the vote. I think the way in which share some of the stay intact. It was just anyway I we would not. We have problems we got the pandemic but you would've already been prepared for it still would've been hard when you would've done a lot to keep us from getting so in such a dire straight. Joe, you know so well. My daily intelligence to meet right there. Dad what is it a joke for Democrat nominee a year. The candidate and he's there not talking about himself becoming President, but saying one that he wishes it was Hillary Clinton. He was just working to reelect which he tried to run against her by the way he describes not bad that I last had her at ground and at he's tried to run for President many times and never gotten this far in the process, but this again you get the Hillary Clinton left. The reason I meet it to me is that he could just play that is the reason why she is not present United States and never will be. Present United States is because she's she laughs during national security.

Chrysler remember edit. Remember that endocrine and pandemic people. He remember this event very closely divided country very closely divided electorate and that what is that mean that means turnouts in the matter now you gotta turn out now with the complication and that complication is the pandemic so the laws that will be passed by the various state from of the comptroller electoral process.

Subject to constitutional limits and constitutional guidance.

So word and have to make sure is that that they are appropriate as these methods of voting are modified that they don't allow for voter fraud, but they don't allow for things like happened in Wisconsin where they basically had a ballot that you could fill out after the election was complete but not basically. That's actually what happened that you can have that's not appropriate. You can allow that to take place so again those are the kind of things at work and have to watch work have to be aggressive about and we will be no, let's go to Tom in New York online for I think it makes an important point. Any scholar from the state that's dealing with this. Probably the hardest.

Right now Thomas in the Jay Sekulow Lodge on the air in their lives all about collecting for eighth & N supermarket panic people consider a life of epic and animal life about mixing and if I can't do that then you know why they won't yellow bellied dignity could put you completed safety measures going to a new safety safety measures plus they had a lot more voting location so that because you don't want people standing in line 456 hours so you would probably need more voting locations because of the need for social distancing and that something states could start working on right now doesn't require having to figure out how to do mail-in ballots and all those kind of new options. It could just mean finding new voting locations and had a spreading at the precinct a little bit more so that the lines are crazy long and that you can continue social distancing because I think Tom brings up a great point.

I think you put in place safety measures and use tried and true technology to maybe improve that you don't do what the Democrats did in the Iowa caucuses and roll something out.

That's not proven. The other thing you don't do it you absolutely do not do. Jordan is you look at a state like Oregon.

The caller said Oregon has a good system running. Can you imagine if that voter who likes the organ system with the federal government came in and said we can do it better. The last thing you want to do is pull the control away from the states and doing a centralized way. Gordon, that is the truest way to get a failure. Let's take final call the day Wayne and Arizona online. One way luckily Jay Sekulow live I will thank you. My question was really answered regarding the Congress vis-à-vis the states and gloating up.this is the concern I have about the right end or the mail-in ballot is privacy because I don't have control of that ballot until it goes into the box and go somewhere else and go someplace where it's being counted and they know how I voted when they open up the ballot.

I think it's a serious problem with the mail-in ballot is privacy and I think I have the right to privacy for my voting. That means they will allow and I think every states can still allow a person voting. I don't think that's gonna stop.

They will have. You may have to wear a mask you meant to say 6 feet apart.

Ensure you will pandemic is still in the situation that is medically so I don't think they were talking about the elimination of voting here. Jordan I thought were talking about it in person. Absolutely not. Absolutely not and I and I think you will be voting know at your precinct or in other states you can you know if you're a few have concern, you can request an absentee ballot. All states allow that requested that you see the look of the rules about when you need to do it by so you could still almost every state has that option to do a ballot at home and so you could do the absentee ballot is not at most states don't mail you the ballot and have no precincts were you going to actually vote that it that is the key and give her to be following this. It's not to take away from. I mean, the amount of deaths that have occurred from Cova, 19 the amount of new infections in the pandemic that were facing in the economic issues that were facing as a country we didn't think we need to kinda update you on where we are because were getting closer and closer to election day and it matters for the direction of our country at that were also getting closer to the deadline for matching challenge two days and where the most important two days of that matching challenge your support.

If you're able to. The American Center for Law and Justice right now is critical.

These are the two biggest days of the order for us ACLJ.or any Matthew 90 we get a matching gift for tomorrow night were to have a concert that is been prerecorded so you can see the best of shows and some new songs that were done before work. The work will be ACLJ today matching talent ACLJ.the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate will be managed $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the work we do. Protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. You forgive today online LJ