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Did THIS Top Biden Official Commit Perjury?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
November 11, 2021 12:00 pm

Did THIS Top Biden Official Commit Perjury?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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November 11, 2021 12:00 pm

We now know that President Biden's National Security Advisor is being implicated in John Durham's investigation. Sullivan testified to Congress in December 2017 denying any inside knowledge on Clinton's opposition research. Now, there are legitimate questions as to his involvement with the phony Steele Dossier from his time working for the Clinton campaign ahead of the 2016 Presidential election. Jordan and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss. Also on the broadcast, we salute all our active and former military and everything they've done for our country today on Veterans Day.

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Description official committed perjury for Congress talk about that in human form. Then again, now this is what I hear from you, call one 800 683112 secular first say they do all hundreds was this broadcast a happy veteran you your families. I know so many who call it have served or have family members who served and I just would start off today.

It is your day.

The country thanks to the ACLJ thanks you were to be talking about some of the veterans issues later the broadcast with a West Smith was better himself at some of the current issues that veterans are facing, especially a post-Afghanistan and some of those issues involving seeing that unfold. That withdrawal unfold so disastrously. After fighting for 20 years but but let me just say before getting into the deep stuff on that. Thank you to every American who has served our country and those who continue to volunteer to serve our country to put their their life on the line to protect our freedoms and liberty so that we can come to you and have these debates and have these discussions at this free flow of ideas. So to all of the veterans and their families. We thank you.

I today we celebrate you today as we do, really. Every day at places like the ACLJ and so many Americans, I think, feel the same way that we think about veterans every day because of our freedoms that we have. Let's get into some of the top breaking news and this is involving coarsely the continuing kind of onion peeling around the Durham investigation. We now know Pres. Biden's national security advisor is implicated here that it's not clear yet. I don't get ahead of you say he's a suspect is about Toledo. He's about to get your indicted or something to be there for grand jury but what we do know now is this that in the Durham indictment.

There's a scenario in which an unnamed Clinton campaign lawyer. We now know that lawyer has been indicted. Assessment exchange emails with the Clinton campaign's manager, a campaign manager, communications director and foreign policy advisers now been confirmed by news outlets that foreign policy advisor is Jake Sullivan concerning allegations that were in the steel dossier. Some of them related to this Russian bank that was sharing information. We just wild stuff that they had come up with, so he was aware of this well issue is. He testified December 2017 to Congress that he had no idea that he knew that the campaign did opposition research, but he did know about where was coming from her alpha baker what it was really about things this guy is the top national security advisor to the present United States. He is was formally that top advisor on Hillary Clinton campaign he served as the national security advisor to VP Biden under the Obama years.

He has family connections throughout this administration that are out really show up just surprising because they are not just random positions with the federal government. They are positions of of policymaking Fritz it's his wife was a former clerk for the now Atty. Gen. mayor Garland and now is a counsel to Garland at the Justice Department that that again is Jake Sullivan's wife, so she's a top counsel to the US Atty. Gen. Ed when you look at that his brother Tom is the Deputy Chief of Staff at the State Department for policy five pretty high ranking position there as well and then his brother's wife, Rose holds the topic position as an acting assistant secretary at HHS.

These are not low-level political appointments. These are top-level political appointments to secretary, assistant secretary position secured by your top councils to the US Atty. Gen. and now he's implicated.

The question is, can he serve his position as national security advisor.

Now that it's known he was involved with this 40 steel dossier. I want your thoughts are that should Jake Sullivan resigned today 1-800-684-3110 to talk to us on the air. That's 1-800-684-3110, 100-684-3110 if it was level Jake Sullivan limitation.

Imagine the level of who is information during facts the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. You forgive today online ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ plainly hastens were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow.

We are take your phone calls at one 800 684 31 to set the stage with a bit of your fan. We think about national security advisor to the President is a very top-level opposition you oversee the national Security Council you are advising the President you're in the situation room.

If conflicts exist. Certainly, the Afghanistan withdrawal if you're talking about Iranian nuclear negotiations anything and everything involves our national security. You're advising the President on Jake Sullivan as we have said is now. So what we know is mentioned in the indictment of assessment who was the Clinton campaign attorney as someone who was getting the information about this opposition research, which involve the dossier involve the allegations of the steel dossier.

Then he would before Congress said he did know he fusion GPS even was no these actors didn't know anything about the bank allegations, but it was just generally brief that the campaign was doing opposition research.

I mean, obviously he needs to be questioned or maybe has been questioned further, because he could've lied to cut Congress lied under oath, that would be very serious and whether or not he's what he's been telling investigators. It is probably very important.

If they've gotten to him yet you doing at this point, I think questioning is probably the least of Jake Sullivan's concerns and you know before you even get to the allegations or the perjury possibility which I think looks very real. Here Jordan IP before even get there. I think we do have to explain as you started to do is to Jake Sullivan is and how important he is specifically on national security matters. How big of a deal as he when it comes to foreign policy and national security will Jordan dating back to the Obama administration and then now in the Biden administration.

This is literally the lead nuclear negotiator with the leading state sponsor of terror in the world. Of course were talking about Iran were not talking about you know trade talks were not talking about tariff negotiations were talking about negotiating nuclear terms with the leading state sponsor of terror, so this is a hugely hugely significant figure when it comes to US foreign policy, not just now Jordan, but dating back for the last decade in one of the most important agreements. The United States ever entered into in my view, one of the most dangerous a sojourn, it is just absolutely critical and I really can't even overstate this and that it is absolutely critical that figures like this not be compromised, that they be allegiance to the United States without exception and and Jordan. They cannot become compromised even by politics love politics has a place in American government. It's actually a good thing to have that type of friction before a figure like this who work in a trust to go to nations like Iran and negotiate nuclear terms with a Jordan politics absolutely cannot trump those negotiations and as I look at this. There's a serious concern in my mind that it did just that.

We we now know that the information received by Jake Sullivan was the alleged link between trump and a Russian bank that was fed to the FBI was completely false. It was like they were using the bank computers to somehow I communicate with the truck and payment share for it was totally made up a totally false, that a loan to be less when you're involved with that kind of situation at that high level and you made those kind allegations that it led to Moeller the lead. If the bid impeachment said it was. I know it seems like time to go at the least, but you we know these administrations and less probably more pressure on Sullivan there. Probably… Back to say goodbye present.

Biden is reluctant to fire anyone whose experience is questionable and whose behaviors question we hasn't done so far. You know, and Jake Sylvan testified before Congress that he had no knowledge of this whole situation regarding the steel dossier in the park and go a law firm in the Hillary Clinton campaign.

There is no way he could be in the position he was in and not know something about those things he declare before Congress. He had no knowledge about that.

The other thing about Jack Sheldon that I find interesting and in disconcerting is that you mention it at the whole he's a political operative and has been for a long time is also an academic who has limited international real-world experience. And yet, this position is so critical. I mean this person is in charge of the defense of the nation's is privy to some of the nation's most important top secrets and that is why in the past. Most national security advisers. Not all of them but most of them have not been your political operators. A lot of them have been former military members in general.

For example: Powell, who just buried last week was the national security advisor early on in his career, Gen. HR McMaster was the national security advisor for Donald Trump. Most of the time the person in this position has real-world experience either in the military are in the Intel community and they have not in their past, been much of a political operative, because as you indicated you would need to keep politics out of disposition and the role that this person plays in this is definitely not the case with Jack Sullivan now is he not taking politics out of it. Here's how the White House responded they were caught off guard, take a listen to at their Deputy White House Press Secretary I Paris Jean-Pierre. I guess the question they did not know what to say. Conference care is around Sullivan.

She just said Jackie I'm just now hearing this, I don't have a comment for you at this moment I don't know anything about what you're care of just mentioning Santa to talk to our team so they got there they obviously see that they were prepared for this information to drop objects out of it.

But what I what incurs people so they understand is that it's what you were getting higher and closer and closer to the top people who surrounded not just present Biden which they do but also present for Secretary of State Clinton will she was a candidate and President Bob Jake Sullivan was the debt. If that's true advisor to the vice President without the present that this he was directly above the nuclear talks that we so he is. He's been this kind of person being this close to the criminal investigation has got to sit some shockwaves through that Biden team relies so much of Jake Sullivan in the media to to pitch their foreign policy in a question about a Jordan, I think there are a couple layers here. I can maybe get the deputy press secretary a pass for not for being caught off guard a little bit the door and I don't buy that. There's nobody at the highest levels of the Biden ministration knew about this again is been around for a very long time. He's a hugely significant player on a number of issues, he's testified in front, Congress repeatedly, I mean the congressional testimony that you reference from 2016 and 2017.

Jordan that's readily available to all these admit to fenestration officials. They know what Jake Sullivan has set on this. Now they've seen the report at the Durham report.

There is no way that they all could be caught off guard, but I would say this to Jordan.

Just got it echo something that was said a minute ago you. We know that multiple national security officials in the last administration were railroaded and what ended up being just made up an imaginary allegations in this case it it if this is true from Jake Sullivan. I know we don't have it yet but it is possible Jordan that he will be charged with an actual crime and I just wanted I will be interested to see if the people that cover Washington DC. If the media that covers Washington DC a response on the same level that they did before when it was just allegations if Jake Sullivan actually gets charged with the crime coverage. Do you think were to see. It's interesting, Mary setting a good question online one for Marilyn hey Mary will welcome to secular you're on the involved in the coming out late on purpose that the people that are involved won't be charged because the fact of the limitation now.

I'm not concerned about the sexual notations yet that that's not an issue yet because what we don't know if Jake Sullivan has been brought in by special counsel. Durham to be to be questioned as he been questioned by the FBI and as the Clinton campaign attorney was a light undergrowth multiple times in that questioning is he he's got issues with Congress, but he's also got issues because what you know. He told cars, but that he's on emails about this, so this is still very fresh in real work which I met a few years here though it's felt like a long time in this is also I think I want to go back through this to people and say I think this is to be a washout with through it quickly for people we first are the broadcast. The amount of Sullivan's in top level positions in the Biden administration is pretty sure is pretty shocking actually. The seat includes a it's not just like mid-levels. I like a cousin of his who got a low level political appointee position and in an agency of the government. These are assistant secretaries top advisors to the Atty. Gen. and I think it's his wife position and is maybe the most problematic. Your name and I think an apparent minimum she's absolutely gotta recuse herself, because look into the caller's question. There is can be have to be an evaluation made by the Department of Justice on whether or not charges would be brought against Jake Sullivan well Jordan there.

There's no way his wife can be involved in that process.

Yet she's in a position as well as one of the lead councils to the Atty. Gen. to have bearing on that decision. Jordan that's not equal justice.

If she's one of the people that is involved in making that decision, so I do think it's an extremely there's a large number of Sullivan's. I think you said it correctly but that position Maggie good Landers his wife. That is one of the councils to the Atty. Gen. adorned to me that's the one here that just dismiss rings alarm bells like crazy yapping. It she said whether that she's involved in the wrongdoing. She's you've either got her somehow recuse yourself or stepped out of that position because the way she described as a counsel to the Atty. Gen. This is somewhat trusted advisor who might be there on a number of decisions such as kind of 11. Focus area that they have it be easier to simply scream her out for that this particular security door job on his other items. It's tough when you get described so broadly as a counsel like that.

Let me encourage or support the work they say okay W Patrick novation the entire month of November donating online that only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the emotion industry and what Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those faith uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift comes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you. You forgive today online ACLJ say this, a friend of mine who is the House Republican conference chair Congress of belief Elyse sulfonic.

She is just put out a a social media post calling on Jake Sullivan to resign. I want to get in the submitters, they shall be goaded for a minute quickly, then when you get top leadership calling now in the legislative branch that's we're talking that's a kind of drumbeat. It is good to start every word were right on the beginning of kind of the boom boom boom but it's just starting White House wasn't ready to answer yesterday have members of Congress say they not just a member of Congress but a person in the leadership of the House of Representatives calling for Jake Sullivan to resign write a member of leadership, calling for the not surprised Jordan and frankly I think there's a lot of reason for naming, especially given the urgency of the moment that we said anything about this. This is an individual who right now is gonna have to respond to Iran when they are demanding that all sanctions be pulled out of than their demanding that we reenter a nuclear negotiator nuclear deal with than other demanding financial aid from the United States.

Jordan I mean II realize there's an adjudication process that happens here, but Jake Sullivan doesn't have any right to any any a no obligation to be the person that we send out a map the United States to engage in those important negotiations.

I don't think this is unreasonable at all. I definitely don't think he should be the person leading those negotiations and it is not to be the person leading those negotiations, then he probably shouldn't be in that spot he probably should resign and quite frankly the Biden administration would probably be better served by having someone who is uncompromised fill that role and then reengage those negotiations if they insist on doing so you know what I mean really get into this of course got a full second half hour coming up to if you got thoughts on this will take your calls on it 100-684-3110 also here from veterans and their families at West you got a new piece You've obviously served.

We talked about at your service.

Allow the broadcast different ways but on this Veterans Day this the peace more than ever you say our veterans need all your encouragement and support to tell people about your piece.

Military service is unique in the experiences of veterans are your unique to that particular land of work is easy on Veterans Day tech to mix up the traditions and the purposes of Veterans Day as opposed Memorial Day memorial day originally was created. Still this a day in which we honor the war dead people who died in service to the country. That's an important and sacred commemoration day in the United States of America.

Where is Veterans Day.

Today's holiday is a day when we we thank veterans all veterans living and dead, but especially those who are living or perhaps you are still serving. We thank them for their service on Veterans Day is not just about those who have died is more about those who are still living, but here's the thing. This day we have to remember what military service entails in the experiences of our veterans for the vet still living it like to focus on this part of this of this day, witnessing the death of your other fellow servicemembers and witnessing that the destruction and the balance of war that can leave a permanent emotional and mental scar the person and with particularly in light of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, in which we didn't withdrawal we surrendered and fled. This is been a very difficult Veterans Day for veterans of the Afghan war was important to remember the sacrifices borne by all veterans and is not always understood by the American people, and without meaning to, is easy to take it for granted. For example, all veterans experience this separation from families missing key moments in the last of your children because you're not there deployment after deployment, risking one's life literally and then watching the horrors of war up close and personal, including watching your friends die in foreign lands. There are fractured and failed marriages because of all the time away from home and some military service and sacrifice. It can be total dying for the nation. But most of the time it involves wounds. Some in the body, and more often in the mind and the heart. But those wounds are very real. Jordan is not an overstatement to say that when you witness the death of a fellow servicemembers teammate in war part of you guys along with them and so I think about those veterans today and is a veteran who personally saw up close and personal. A lot of death and dismemberment and violence in my 26 years in the Army.

I just want to salute my fellow veterans today. I'm grateful for your service and I pray for you because we honor our veterans on this day that military service has unique stressors in that service and their prices to be paid in many of our veterans today are struggling because of what they saw and experienced in the military service we we should never take that for granted and we lift them up. We thank them and we pray for them but but most of the wounds of war are not visible to most of us in many lasts and we thank you for your service USAID and many of these veterans today Veterans Day stay for as it met matter for certain conflict or not, we still honored that sacrifice about volunteering.

Sacrifice it all and what if you're called about that that we have probably edit time just a probably since World War II, or at least South Korea, where most of our veterans. At least if they were in in in the last foot with his last fight before you five years or later they serve to conflict zones.

They think they went to war, some for 20 years in Afghanistan I and and so where was it a special forces conducting operations. Of course, that that's something to think bethinking for two but but these are vendors that are dealing with with the issues you just talked about it, not just hypothetically. But in reality know so many of our war veterans that are alive today as you mentioned in the last 20 years. They didn't just deployed to a combat operation zone one time it was over and over again. And in this particular war against global terrorism has been and so violent and injury so horrific and the death rate so high in many cases that it's something that is unique to these men and women who went there we saw that up close and personal.

I think that's part of the reason that that there are so many veterans who struggle with depression right now, the suicide rate among veterans is so incredibly high award takes a toll on people, even if you don't dying and that war you come back and you've paid a price for your service to the country. The veterans that I know they did it willingly, they would do it again. They don't they don't feel bad about about raising their right hand and volunteering. It is important for the American people to know about some of the sacrifices that they make and how that the sacrifices they make many of those sacrifices are experiences that will be with them for a lifetime. Which is why our gratitude should be permanent and in our prayers for these men. Women should be permanent as well. If you've got a story that you feel like sharing for failure. Be good to share in a way that to tell people who were listening and maybe it's an easier way to do it other than telling people that you know personally but you feel like it is a veteran you need talker torches say something I this a great day to do it and you can give us a call if a provides a platform to do that at one 800 684 31 two that's what hundred 684-3110 from us. It's a huge thank you to everyone serve this day late. Like I said he could could have a Veterans Day to Memorial Day really everyday as American because of the rights that we have the freedoms that we have the ability to fight back a place like court without having to resort to violence because their group of Americans who step up and say I'll be there if it is to become protect our homeland, protect our values. So let me just say thank you to all those veterans.

If you want to give us a call one 800 684 31 timber to begin Excel matter war as well. Let your mind to batch challenge month November. Whatever you donate ACLJ is doubled.

If you're financially able to great time to support our work in ACLJ at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the one who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family. Give a gift today online ACLJ keeping you informed and now is Jordan secular secular. We are given to calls from veterans and and we are going to also update on the story about Jake's open let me just if you're just joining us for slobs to happy debtors to all who serve her to spend time little bit later the broadcast talking about us of those issues, we just did that. If you missed it earlier in the broadcast with Wes Smith was a veteran himself and on the ACLJ team, we will get back to that tumor can take your calls throughout. If you got calls as as a veteran in your affected by those issues that that Wes was going through so eloquently at 1-800-684-3110 at 2000 684-3110. We now have a top advisor to Pres. by and on national security is the number one guy. It is Jake Sullivan that he was did. He was*advisor to bite when he was VP Owsley's President. He led a lot of the nuclear negotiations with Iran under the Obama years, but he also served as the top a decile security advisor for policy advisor to Hillary Clinton would she read and now he's being implicated in the Durham investigation because he was out emails about the opposition research about the Russian bank which altered out to be false. The Russian bankers that I communicate with Trump to pay through its special computers at the Trump tower that they had installed and that there was a big conspiracy and it that he testified under oath back in 2017 to the house that he had no idea about that that yes he knew the campaign was doing opposition research, even though he fusion GPS was. He did know these actors us. It is a question about whether he's the already committed a crime by lying under oath.

The second question, which we don't know yet that is how far Durham has gotten as got into it with which Excel did specifically because he's got. We talked about these ties throughout the government's got wife was at at at top counsel to the current attorney general that officer course DOJ and the Atty. Gen. has to reauthorize Durham.

It it kind of oversees that even though it's he says it's going separately when your husband gets implicated that this don't suggest you get by the way that Durham has got him as a suspect with that has been reported out yet, but we do know that he he would, under oath, and it appears that Lida DeRosa. There's a lot to unpack your but this is the highest level individual. Yet under the Durham Road who is whose name is now starting to pop up will first of all, under in Jordan, I would say this again. I said it.

Maybe last week but we have to make sure that he's allowed to finish his work here and and at this point I with this level of officials implicated if he were to somehow be shut down or is operators investigation short-circuited during that would be hugely problematic but on Jake Sullivan want to read this line from the testimony that he gave in 2016. He said Mark is referring to Mark Elias would occasionally give us updates on the opposition research they were conducting but I didn't know what the nature of that effort was inside effort outside effort who was finding it who was doing it anything like that Sullivan stated under oath adorned that is what is being reported that Durham has now found to be factually inaccurate. In fact, a Sullivan-ism is believed not really believe it's it's pretty much confirmed at this point that he is that inside operator that was specifically formed about who these was Dick Sullivan and bring it forward. You continue to let it propagate. And now it's all coming out Jordan it if that is all accurate and at this point, it sure seems like the pertinent proof would be on unsold intent to indicate that it's not, then I don't see how the testimony that I just read before you read to you in front of Congress wouldn't be perjury tournaments. One of the two has to be a lie.

This is to be you got that out top ranking house members. If Lisa fodder for good friend of ours is a sale days as the House Republicans to get Carson Roddy Jackson also called for Jake Sullivan to reside this drug be that it's just beginning his people just try to get this information but I think that the people would do that understand how he of the role. This is to be that top advisor to the present to oversee national security, Catholic all of that was kind of put under microscope in the impeachment trial that we did which involved a lot of national Security Council officials. The twin brothers and all that that they would serve on the Council that Sullivan oversees for the President of United States we come back to you. Take your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110 post on this topic and on Veterans Day as well give us a short story to share is 100-6431 10 the American Center for Law and were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift comes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you beautiful gift today online okay only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obama care means to sever the many ways your membership is powering the right question for copy mission in life today online/secular be. Also note that we have two rivers, the house would leadership in symphonic House Republican conference is covered Jake Sullivan to reside sender Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, so your sinner has called for Jake Sullivan to resign as well. In light of this new information that is come out out you were talking about all this shift we love shift to shift a week, he decided to do an interview on the view that he does not light usually goes on MSNBC and that's about it places that are that are very safe for for Adam shift to do an interview is to take tough questions and he goes audit and Morgan Ortega ceased to be the spokesperson for the US State Department under the under Sec. Pompeo was one of the guesstimates of the view so a surprise, surprise apps if you might give you a tough question.

Take a listen to this exchange ever put the solid to scope of detail that we now have a national security advisor to the present United States who also had the same bogus information take Alyssa bite 70 is also an animation yourself by promoting mass. I think that's a problem, and let all the interesting telephone contact I said confused about your culpability in all nine completely to serve. The premise is one thing to say allegation should be investigated and they were is nothing to say that we should have foreseen in advance.

The some people were lying to Christopher Steele is impossible course to do, but let's not use that as a smokescreen to somehow shield Donald trumps culpability for inviting Russia to help in the election, which they did for trying to course Ukraine and helping the next election, which he did into inciting an insurrection which he did none of that is undercut that serious misconduct is in any way diminished by the fact that people like Christopher Steele. Now I think to stare confidently at his proud of her for taking the stated shift. He is a shifty guy you know he went through the list of well you know I really this does another effect.

It was all fake doesn't undercut the fact that it's all lies does undercut everything it undercuts the beginning of why he'd started investigation from house Intel I get it undercuts the impeachment it did because the impeachment was done solely because well it didn't work for Moeller so they needed to move to some other issue. So with people that the entire national security council was on the stick and phone call as well as others of the government he was try to get the powerful Ukrainian influence to somehow alter a US election, which ultimately he's not in the office right now with the story concocted by the whistleblower looking Adam shift behind the scenes and worked with him to craft a story look like.

I mean it in that soundbite you just played your and he said what what we were doing is is you know investigating every allegation. When these areas had allegation should be investigated. Okay that's not what he said in the moment when this was actually contemporary when it was happening Jordan.

He said I have absolute proof of collusion. He didn't salmon investigate every allegation he said I am and have absolute proof and it can be my job to put that proof in front of you.

The only problem is Jordan. He never put in front of us. Why did he never put in front of us because he never had it and that's why she said your credibility is diminished to talk about how he had the info as I got the info I got.

This is why people like takes of all the states to be drilled down because there were so many people who claim that this was accurate.

This is good information. They were that they in some cases there was no information at all, but now he's at least admitting that there what it was all a lie is admitting that now he just says it's at the live that is undercut what will he used it for political purposes that that totally divided the nation for years and said he said that he had absolute proof of collusion between Trump in the trunk campaign and the Russians.

There is no absolute proof that he did not have it.

I think you knew at the time that he did not have it. And yet he is still sticking to his story that somehow he is not culpable in this. He's the head of the Senate made the house Intel committee will have the most powerful committees in our Congress and they are privy to information that no one else has and he said there was evidence of collusion we now know the code.

There was collusion all right between Hillary Clinton campaign and the Russians photos.

I did ask those two who were calling on veterans day fate as something they wanted to share this is great day to do it on 800-684-3110 continue take your calls. Both these topics. 1-800-684-3110 we go to daddy in West Virginia online one a daily, welcome to secular you're on the company data about everything right now my lip when I eat everything we popular paperwork that would without freedom. You know the wanting to get that you know we keep that network children in the classroom. Becoming a garrotte you know we get around the Thanksgiving table or even that Christmas dinner late.

Very comfortable night, you know so you're out there somewhere. Wake away from the family sacrifice maritime to keep. I say that you know that I think we should take a timeout periodically.

At any given time.

That night it is and appreciate and that the observing that in a more important that you know spiked up the sacrifice, he said he didn't think you for your service on this Veterans Day, and in your your absolutely right eloquently said yes how Wes really all the time. This special operations forces going on there submissions going on that are our troops are often in the light a fire in a daily daily. We don't always know about those missions believe they were classified. We learn about them later, but that it's right that we take of the freedoms that we take for granted every day. It's because we got people the front lights all over the world and is easily not realize that in and I think Danny for service to and from the people not doing maliciousness on the part of the American people. We just don't think about it and we need to think about it, even besides the special operators who were involved more often in violent missions now that were not on the battlefield in Afghanistan and Iraq, even besides that every day there are literally hundreds of thousands of US service personnel stationed around the world, not in a combat operation today, with the potential for in late their station around the world often separated from their families as a deterrent to her enemies and when I was listening to Danny talk I thought about this quote from Winston Churchill not lifted up really quick because it is so true. We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. I give God thanks today for those men and women who who stand ready to defend all of us here, here at home absolutely at it, let me again just encourage you if you've got something you want to share because as a veteran, a story, a family member that you yourself tested again remind people that he did dated a great job that his call number you call is one 800 684 31 two that's what hundred six 843-110-1800 684 31 table type at this where indexing the broadcast that that I want you back to the Jake Sullivan issue. It's really troubling to me because you had these individuals go before Congress raise their hand and say you know I'd I didn't really know about this yet we do opposition research you can't pay as I've worked a lot of campaigns.

That's true we are. Opposition research becomes the basis for a ball at a special counsel investigation becomes a a a basis that leads into that impeachment trial that it cost the country a lot of money that it's the West that divided the country terribly and that it was all based off lies.

You testified that you didn't really know anything about it but get now your emails of the guys who were starting to be indicted well became the basis for all that Jordan and effectively undermined the current administration. But then the same individual was given a very significant responsibility in the next administration should undermine the United States of America's ability to be secure going forward.

So I you know, I would argue Jordan that it's it's undermined the United States for a number of years now. The other thing that I think is important here and this is been a recurring issue for the Congress, but it has to be a significant issue to lie to the Congress shortening. This is something that just can't be tolerated. Look it. It would be his right if you were called to testify, to plead the fifth. We certainly seen that happen before you.

She saw Lois learner Lerner sort of clumsily fleet plead the fifth.

After claiming your innocence. One can argue whether or not she did that effectively are not the Jordan that was not what Jake Sullivan did. He proactively gave a statement responded to these questions. We've got the responses here. Now the only question is not whether or not did and we didn't have the right to plead the fifth, but is what he told Congress true or not you're naming that's that's just a factual matter. There more members of Congress continue to call him to resign this individually get he is holding a position that is that is so important to our national security if he's implicated. This is holy and is got his wife advising the Atty. Gen. United States as a top counsel to him to bear garlic. I this is so the web is very large. I would encourage you to get shares with you for the family if you got a Veterans Day story talk more about that to its of the issues that are interfacing we come back to the break at 1-800-684-3110. We also got new sound from Sen. Marcia blackbird on Jake Sullivan. She thinks I like how she says it makes these to find something else to do with his time get out of government support the work of ACLJ without matching AC will be back with the final segment only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defend the rights of life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the worship ministry and what Obama care means to the pro-life in many ways your membership is powering the right question for copy mission in life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those faith uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you.

You forgive today online AC LJ back to secular so I little preview but I say there are words that Sen. Marcia blackbird to see. Also, great friend of ours at the AC LJ had this to say about Jake so that I think you catalase it out we wondering about it outside. To be clear what should happen next. Take a listen. 20. What we want Sullivan's role why in the Clinton campaign that will take a course indictment with figuring it out so nice there lies to spin. False Jake Sullivan steel rising price of nine I think it is time for Jake Solomon to find something to do with this time blackbird has to say.

That's is a little bit nicer way than we do. We said resign with this essay word find something else to do, and probably she does not meet national security or in government service will and that something Jordan. I may think you should probably find something else to do with his time.

Regardless of what the decision is on a crime right there's two layers of analysis here. First of all did he commit a crime I didn't commit an underlying crime to need commit a crime by lying to Congress and Jordan on that particular point. That's where I don't think his wife should be involved in any way at the Department of Justice.

But that's sort of a separate issue right that the issue that's Sen. Blackburn is speaking to you is whether or not he should be given this sacred duty of negotiating national security matters for the United States and I don't know how you can with a right mind, Jordan, come to a conclusion that yes, indeed he should. Even if he is never charged with a crime Jordan, I think he has lost that trust and she's probably right. He needs to find other things to do with his time west of the time with Iraq put out their ultimatums for the US to rejoin the nuclear deal, according to Iran. They want the US to remove all sanctions and acknowledgment of responsibility for withdrawing from the deal Like a apologizing and I guarantee it won't ever abandon the deal. Again I be that it's very simple, but those are very broad broad statements question here. We spent time at each one of those points.

Does anybody think that Jake Sullivan, who would be the person to lead this negotiation should be leading or advising on these negotiations when he is implicated now in one of the, the, the, just ridiculous absurd lies about you to take opposition research is already inside the care paid. You don't know is faulty. That's what think to take it to the FBI predicate people criminally charge, which is what takes over this group did is another thing we do what they would charge the surrounding nuclear negotiation date the stick and so many conflicts over the issue so be problems.

Absolutely not. You know it. It looks like one accusing them, but it looks like he is much more committed to political party into at that time, winning a political campaign the New Year's to the United States of America and only that his involvement in in the previous negotiations of the original Iran nuclear deal should disqualify him because that that deal was.

It was a farce and a fiasco and the United States pulled aloe out of it for reason and it were going back into negotiate and and looks like were going to acquiesce.

Hopefully we won't with looks like the by demonstration going to acquiesce to our ranch demand and oh by the way.

In the meantime media is reporting today that that we are considering actually recognizing that Caliban is the official government of Afghanistan, and I'm sure as national security advisor.

He has input in leadership in that role as well. I don't think he has that the interest of the American people at the top of this list, but even if he does what he has done in the past was coming out certainly disqualifies him to be in this sensitive leadership role with all of this, Job 5 this today, speaking at a Veterans Day event.

I'm guessing yes fantasy was a better statement yesterday.

Take a listen to this lease, President of the United States, thankless, and is counting as some pain for $0.50 a gallon so I preload number. I see that number it's about to say I would read state and those numbers are about the same and I think that was a California to get close like seven dollars more. So that might be a certain type of gas that's now the diesel is less expensive right now.

You love places the regular but the point is I apply this to say these advisors like Jake Sullivan. Under this administration have an outsized power because we have a President who is pretty just unengaged from the day-to-day and we have a President who's unengaged. The data is very much delegated out. These are the people running the issues. I guess they have to get the presents final say but they're the ones putting together the info took to direct the President of the that's what they're supposed to do so. This is someone who's compromised absolutely in this life so often are our criticism is not always do this personally of Joe blanket is not personal. We criticize the Biden administration the Biden team because of the decisions and the policies that are impacting negatively the American people in ways that hasn't happened in 30 or 40 years and so the criticism is of the team because in fact it appears to be of the team.

This running the country, not the President you know folks remember to waste time and gas. His government is doing a study of closing were pipelines into the countryside and I think that there ratcheting up that I would stuff the American people for their own ideas about Renu deal. Instead of letting that technology, for like the is the group extra tight rivulets to car companies if if if it's competitive wonderful and that that's great, but again you are punishing everybody. The most buried out most people don't have electric carts that they rely a lot on gas for lots of recent fuel ribs had talked about like like it's not his fault, but he's not directly implicated Westrick in order to consider actually to to cut a fish that Veterans Day because another one of those issues that Afghanistan, I would imagine, but I can only imagine because I'm not someone who served if, especially those who over 20 years may have served Afghanistan how tough it was to watch that withdrawal but also to know that they are still trips with family who are US citizens who are still stuck Afghanistan, they saw their brothers and sisters in arms I killed by this new Isys K group right at the end of the withdrawal that this has to be a big part of what you were talking that the trouble in the issues that veterans face that that often times your people are nervous about talked about mental health issues right yes been is impacted the morale in the welfare of veterans like nothing recently in our history in the military.

We have certain values that we pledge ourselves to, for example, honor, courage, selfless service.

These military values are key to the moral character of America, and this Afghanistan chaos was a painful and troubling front event that happened and many of the veterans. They feel like not they themselves but the Biden administration betrayed these distinctively American values like on her current selfless service and so forth.

But I will say this as we come down to the end of the broadcast, the sacrifices, not just those who give their lives all the sacrifices of our soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen. They are part of the glue that holds us together as a nation, which is what we honor our veterans today absolutely folks, let me say thank you to everyone of you have served all those you have our families where a loved one has served your husband or wife, get your children who have yet to part of that sacrifice as well. Remember you to Veterans Day those who serve their families and support units behind the dorsal Olympic courage is always financed counts, but the ACLJ donate today in a sealed feed of an thank you veterans at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online ACLJ