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ADM. KIRBY: “Americans Get Stranded… All The Time”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 31, 2021 1:00 pm

ADM. KIRBY: “Americans Get Stranded… All The Time”

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 31, 2021 1:00 pm

The countdown in Kabul is officially over. Time's up for the Taliban's stated "red line." Despite President Joe Biden's repeated statements to the contrary, hundreds of Americans have now been abandoned in Afghanistan. Press Secretary for the Dept. of Defense Admiral John Kirby stated, "Americans get stranded... all the time." Jay, Jordan, and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss the foreign policy and military disaster in Afghanistan. This and more today on Sekulow .

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Secular O as the Taliban clears week three in Afghanistan, curbing the American public. Well, Americans strained all the time keeping you informed. Now this is called one 863, 11 on October 7, 2001 US began war today. 31 August 2021 nearly 20 years later the US is has no presence in Afghanistan. In fact, the only Americans left in Afghanistan are stranded Americans in the administration is now using that term so I think on this day. It's important to remind you what your commander-in-chief told you before this mission to withdraw a began to be executed. Take a listen. Are you committed to making sure that the troop stay until every American who wants to be out as out. We will rescue the Americans. I think you see they're going to get out any American wants to get home will get home instructed the military whatever they need if they need additional force. I will grant us our first priority couple is getting American citizens out of the country as quickly and safely as possible as American citizens left where the state will get them all out. You know, that sounded nice etc. wonderful for commander-in-chief. Everyone was wondering how that would actually would they actually get that done. That mission incomplete and inexcusable also move the goalpost because it wasn't just about Americans was supposed also be about all of those Afghans who assisted risk their life working alongside the American military intelligence and State Department officials all the bureaucracy we had there risking their life, who now have again they are walking around their big executed you as we speak by Taliban and death squads to take a listen because now the administration is admitting to what they said would never happen. How does the policy get those people out of the Taliban -controlled Afghanistan is not completely unlike the way we do it elsewhere around the world.

I mean we have the Americans against anything in nine countries all the time okay with Americans who get arrested in countries all the time stranded all the time. Any time that happens, it's a new story that yeah that's how rare it is American to be held hostage around the world, or to be held in prison or taken by if we did get kind of used to it. During the beginnings of the war on terror because they were being held hostage in those horrible execution be okay that we pack up and leave, but this is what I think the difference here and is important point this out.

Historically, the difference is Andy that historically we have never been in a situation that we can recall looking at it from history where we surrendered.

Basically our people left them behind intentionally left them behind because what we just ran out of time. That's absolutely correct daily in the history of the United States. We've never just said well we run out of time. We have a deadline for withdrawal.

We have a deadline for retreat and go and not leaving them when there's Americans there. There you have to fend for themselves and do the best that they can. That is not happen.

That is not the history of United States. It shouldn't be. The history of United States.

That's not how we operate. That's not how we function.

This is a first and a disgraceful and shameful arches and also consummate the kind of against the ethos of the military actually in the military ethics that we take no we talk about the fact we never leave a comrades behind, either alive or dead. You 20 years ago we invaded this country almost 20 years ago now to defeat that terrorist group now were pleading with that same terrorist group not to harm or soldier citizens and allies. It is humiliating and it is unprecedented. Folks really take your calls, your comments on this.

As the US evacuation finished yesterday 24 hours early 2000 684-3110 at 2000 684-3110 is let's talk about short-term ramifications and the long-term ramifications. This our final day two of our matching challenge the month of August. You have until midnight tonight wherever you are. To donate online that's Back at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life saving commerce ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate will be managed $10 gift is $20, $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous support as a coordinator matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms give a gift today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ plainly faces were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/year John Kirby's words about is America's biggest radio decided not because he's not what he's but to do is give you context about how they got there the first place. Why are they there. This is not a one-off. This is Alex of the clients we help with that. Maybe work in places that are more dangerous to be a Christian or where you have the get arrested for that, but that's part of their life mission and they're willing to willing to risk that. Take a listen though.

First, what he says and then will break it down is the policy get those people out of the Taliban controlled Afghanistan is not completely unlike the way we do it elsewhere around the world. I mean we have Americans against anything in nine countries all the time.

I don't know where he's talking about exactly because usually that's what high-profile stories and in places like North Korea and Iran rated Turkey you see this in more zones in places like Afghans and during the conflict, the differences over these 20 years. The Americans that were stranded were Americans who came there were either working for nongovernment programs which were funded by the US mission is away missionaries. They may have a missionary so they may have been there for religious reasons for or for business reasons as contractors, assisting the US on the ground after 20 years, the life be people who were living there. So the US stranded there, not just stranded people. They were stranded by the United States of America that's a lot different than individual deciding you know I would live I become a Christian. I'm going to witness to other people in Iran. I know that that can cause rest my life. That's not the US saying you have to get up come to a Rob will pay you. This will give you this we have this and will be ever to get you all out and then we don't.

We are even worse here we have US citizens in a war zone. Andy that we are no we were trying to get out of for years.

This isn't something new. This is three-minute administration of trying to get out and rather than do it in a way that gets them out as part of the negotiation process here. Let's get them out. This is what were going to do. Stranded is not even the right word abandoned is the right word. Historically, we don't do this.

That's exactly correct.

Today it is part of parcel of a plan of action to remove Americans out of country in which we have put them in which we have encouraged them to go or have placed them militarily, commercially or otherwise.

You don't just walk away from them when you will when you decide to pull out you doing, pursuant to a plan that is coordinated among both sides and all people and you get them out in an orderly fashion, not clinging to the bases of airplanes or trying to get over into Pakistan or around somewhere like that. This is not the way it is. It it was a shameful and awful lag. Is there any sense right now in Washington at all that this is a just and right off of this to other news, it probably will JI mean that you speed to truth and intellect. The message that your hearing today really from both sides of the aisle that this is Mission not accomplished. In fact, this is mission failed. You even heard it. J from the chairman, the Democratic chairman of the House armed services committee Adam Smith to hear very harsh words to say this morning he said look we should've started the evacuation of the civilians much much sooner. He said I appreciate the pace at the end but we did not start soon enough in NJ. The other thing I'm hearing from Sen. cotton is very much along the lines what Jordan was talking about the administration wants to say will look this is happened before Jaden, not in places where it was the United States vacating the battlefield in a place where they were holding the security and J here's the other piece of it, they were not vacating a data field to an entity that is a known killing entity. We left these people in a in a per any place in a land that is now controlled by an entity that we know over the course of history of the last several decades, but they are subject to killing at the hands of that incident. That hasn't happened before J I am just I just don't horrified at the way we've abandoned the these Americans and these Afghans that have assisted the United States will also let others have the Connie networks holding somebody and we didn't demand the release of that individual. Mark Frederick has been held for over a year.

With all these are supposedly negotiations that Gen. McKenzie said that the Caliban if he negotiated with them. They were helpful and useful. Apparently, yet they did not put on as a part of the negotiations release mark.

Frederick was a veteran who is been held captive by them for. For over year. Let me play for you at Gen. Gen. McKenzie about his praise for the Caliban wonder if this will come back to haunt him in his career to give in this kind of praise when we know that they imitate what the long-term implications. This is a safe haven for terrorism.

ISIS can exist there and other Al Qaeda and they will now have the opportunity they have not had 20 years to have a place they could fully operate plan edited eventually with their goal will be to execute terror attacks, not in Afghanistan but against the United States on US soil. Take a listen to. I can't believe is a US general was late, yet leaves sitcom for goodness sakes by 40 I can tell you this though, about what Caliban has done. They established a firm perimeter outside of the airfield to prevent people from coming on the airfield during our departure and we rework that with them for number guys. They did not have direct knowledge of our time of departure, we choose to keep that we chose to keep that very information very restricted, but they were actually very helpful and useful to us as we close down operations. He's talking horseback Caliban. As we said at first he said he talked with the perimeter and while we are letting you play everybody conflicted said the term or whatever really was.

It was always proper. That's why there's American stranded is that how many times those alerts go out to get away even before that would happen last week there was alerts. Then there were lights. After that saying no more so and they did stop the terror attack what they did stop the car bomb right at the gate so that they were great partners with this anything. What we saw as the Taliban. Is it they were willing to go so far to get us out today. I West they were risking their lives. Not only that it was Gen. McKenzie who in his now famous negotiations with this terrorist group that they offered the US control of Kabul and that's where most of our citizens are trapped in the city. There are some in the countryside and there was this same general. He said not enough.

You guys go ahead and take control of the city. All we need to the airport. That's what led to to all these hundreds and thousands of Afghan allies. Hundreds of Americans being trapped there is because this general let them take control of the city and now apparently you know he's not concerned they're useful.

They've been very pragmatic. He said very businesslike. I'm sure even as we speak, Jordan, that the Caliban is going through the streets of couple door-to-door and are being very pragmatic and very businesslike as they execute people and this happened on Biden's watch on Austen's watch on Millie's watch and will Gen. McKenzie's way also said that he fee secured that they secured the perimeter, which obviously as you said, with a horrible explosion secure the printer, they prevented Americans from getting in Afghans getting in the right to go so that this is note this is revisionist history, already starting Eddie and revisionist history is very dangerous because it's not history. That's right it history the way the victors want to see it. And in this case, the victors of the Caliban. I mean, I am ashamed of Gen. McKenzie making the statement that they were very useful and very helpful.

That is the Caliban.

In doing this. These are terrorists. These are ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, these are all the same ilk.

These are the same people and were praising them for their helpfulness and their assistance in what they did in the execution of this mission. How can you possibly say that. How can you possibly in good faith as a member of the military and umbrella general officer in the United States military, making an absurd statement like that that is a shameful remark to make brings up the point of any sentiment, and that is keeping this Washington's attention on this is can be very difficult with everything else going on in the world. That's so weird and it were documented by the way our team.

Our video team logos, leaving a project right now to document all this because this is an atrocity that is taken place. We have abandoned Americans systems not stranded, abandoned Americans behind enemy lines and the Caliban is the worst of the enemy.

You know what they did to people I don't like to say on radio because you know what it is but then is anybody in Congress can it say Joe binds ministration.

What went wrong here. Why did this happen while they might today J but my concern is they want in two weeks and there's two pieces of political reality here. The one is that in this moment nobody wants to own this with the presidency. You will hear nobody coming to his offense with this evacuation by IJ. I think you're correct I mean a week from now two weeks from now. The second piece of political reality that is also true other to be desperate to move on because there can be looking at their own election calculations and this is not something the American people will stand behind so they will be looking to change the topic day one of the reasons that I know you're working there to to document this is because it's gonna be up to people like us to remember what happened your 13 US service members paid the ultimate price and that was a result of very poor wartime decisions. It only falls at the feet of one person J the commander-in-chief work and have to remember that a little closer come back after this breakout so I don't then at center sassafras statement a very direct about present binds roll this out. It was a written statement so get that out.

She was well and will playfully remember what it was Jude Saki who just was not having anybody use and you can't use that word stranded there, not stranded, and then again, John Kirby, the other spokesperson. Now this friend. So that's okay to say the stranded now. It was okay to say that we heal and invite you where they do that they were stranded know that they needed help and the help did come. It's the last day of our matching challenge.

The ACLJ support our work double impact of your donation. You have until midnight tonight where you are in Back only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question a free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift comes 20 oh $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ secular 02 phone calls 100 684 31 two that's 100-684-3110 but I do and play this first just up in the context of that on the table because he played Kirby lot same. This is common to Americans being sprayed another places that that's very common. I don't think that's very common in less you know, these are often classified stranded Americans because we been involved in a lot of cases of Americans being imprisoned illegally abroad.

We still are involved in cases like that. That's different than stranded by the United States so so what he's talking about he's trying to use that word in a way that I think there try to be creative with it because we did Saki first started she wanted nothing to do with that word to listen she would try to reuse stranded in a new way like Kirby is trying to re-define it take, listen, this was just a week ago. Criticism is not leaving Afghanistan is the way he has 45 pulling the troops before these Americans were not stranded this. You have sense of that first of all I think responsible to stranded.

We are committed to bringing Americans who want to come home home stranded in the official, I'm just coming out first thing that we are stranding America Afghanistan when I sent when we have been very clear that we are not leaving Americans who want to return home. We are going to bring them home. Okay all you out for say that we are stranding Americans who were not leaving. Americans were to bring them home to see that this despise that word until today take us.

How does the policy get those people out of the Taliban -controlled Afghanistan is not completely unlike the way we do it elsewhere around the world.

I mean we have Americans against stranding in nine countries all the time and he talks about the from Lincoln yesterday. How many is it guidance of the throne at these numbers take was we believe there are still a small number of Americans under 200 and likely closer to one who remain in and want to leave, trying to determine exactly how many those 200 to 100 people that want to lease that takes of the people who are saying on this my job.

I'm here and I'll deal with the risk that their personal decision that's different. The big stranded. These people are stranded because they want to leave and they have told the US government they want to leave the US government knows they want to leave. We have a group that loves cutting the people's heads off and putting it on on on social media sites so that you see it so that others see it. How far or how many days out away from that and I know the people say what that helicopter and visit with you that what it's when I see that being losing their life they were hanging on an active but they are flying the helicopter showing what they could do already with some of this equipment. We have a call about that the Chinese government also is supposedly already over there evaluating all this equipment right and they thought that it was that I could take them long to figure out how to fly these by these quickly that experts yet so any fact. They also have is Afghan military were trade either on or be forced like a river story last week at the Taliban force the police back into the street right in traffic cops, so the force of the to put on the uniform to get and so they are trying subsets of governing, but they do know that the Sears proffer the Taliban that's of the time that we talk about long-term they never been a governing body size. This large pursue these kind of cities I was with a large person New York on a question about the equipment large welcome to secular you're the job I really enjoyed it. Usually listen to it every day. My question is related to the equipment that has been left. It is so ludicrous. Leaving all the equipment and as well as stranding out people there could there be an alternative motive that were just not seeing it. Just make note that I direct additional motives was they were left behind for the Taliban. They were left for the Afghan military West. That was the problem is is that they were left and instead of having a plan as well as this military falls which nobody said any. It was interesting that all of the analysis said that those who fall there was no one that said, there can be on hold. This would set the longest time for it was 90 days we heard was giving them credit to like build actually continue their fight is the Taliban but I guess there was no plans, then to deal with these weapons.

Once we knew that they could fight the Taliban your right and in what normally is done is been done in an situation similar to this in the past is that if you have to abandon the equipment you destroy it you plan explosives on used air strikes to destroy the equipment blessed the Taliban has United States the by demonstration over a barrel because normally what we would do right now you have over 40 blackout helicopters you have some fixed wing aircraft you weapons your armored vehicles you have over 7000 Humvees we would go and do airstrikes and take out all the equipment, destroy it, but if we do that were going to kill Taliban people who are with that equipment. And who the tele-band has 200 American citizens.

So the by demonstration is caught if they going to do what they should do destroy the equipment they put the citizens at risk. The tele-band has the winning hand so far in this whole whole game. I looked at this and we talked about this before when I try to look at these things with an eye towards history and I think history here is to show any that not only did we abandon Americans and abandon Frankish Afghans that were helping the United States but that we also had no planning with Noah's Georgia said no backup when the Afghan military fell. It was pretty obvious to everyone that the Afghan military was going to fall by the bite of his fish that was exciting was 90 days apart.

So this idea of leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment which now the Chinese are reviewing that I saw that report last night there already there really sets up historically a very dangerous press and you can almost write the end of the chapter. That's the problem with just someone is obviously not read history books and doesn't understand where $0.83 billion worth of equipment into this campaign for the 20 year duration that it is existed. You gonna leave your going to make a decision. It has been made by the President that were going to leave you should have a plan of action for an orderly withdrawal instead of the chaos that we saw and you certainly never ever ever strength and leave Americans who want to leave behind saying well will get to them through diplomacy you talking about having diplomacy with the Taliban of valid Terrace people who execute people who cut their heads off and display it on television. You're going to negotiate with them about the return of the 200 or so on the nominee.

It is you say well it's either 100 or 200 were not sure you should have known that you should have known this number you should have been fully aware and cognizant of this entire thing you made this decision, not simply willy-nilly say were withdrawing and then the rest of it will work out through diplomacy with a group of people who are known Terrace.

This is an outrage. I think that this is it is very upsetting to the American people and it's in the military's on the hotline numbers up right now for veterans committee. I don't talk a lot of veterans right now Wesley that's important. People are feeling like they need to talk to someone. There are people talk to many people have lost their lives. There they left parts of their bodies there.

They have been traumatized by the mission there? Stress.

This is a hard day and it is truly one of the most shameful days in American history and I say that as an American who love my country served 26 years uniform but this is a shameful day and I'm sorry last evening when secular state blink and sample the military mission is over the diplomatic mission has now begun. I wasn't very reassured. We don't have an embassy there. We don't have troops there. Hello how were supposed to exercise diplomacy with the terrorist group. This is this is the question to get Braga to be getting into. Again, I encourage you to support work ACLJ justifies their matching challenge of Augustus in a big thank you to everybody who has supported such right the concert tonight on Facebook eight 8 PM Eastern time. She could check out that Jay Sekulow band then, but encourage you to midnight tonight. That's doubly impact your donation second half hour coming up in just one minute. The American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the world protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ keeping you informed and now Jordan secular context will retired by the first Emperor of the broadcast, or you will get more close to one 800 684 31 so we know now that the United States is admitting that we are stranded Americans abroad that and I watch it to understand they are trying to act like. While this happens all the time people get stranded. What's the difference here is we did US government is responsible for the people who they know wanted to get out and they left.

And by the way, all those Afghans that they don't executives exist anymore because they're not talking about them at all. And there they are facing serious jeopardy as we speak honestly. We don't know that the atrocities that make start occurring in Afghanistan with the Taliban having this kind of control without word fear of any kind of response from the United States since understand that but I want to play for you so you understand again why we document these stranded Americans by demonstration admitted to stranding Americans take Alyssa John Kirby is the policy get those people out of the Taliban -controlled Afghanistan is not completely unlike the way we do it elsewhere around the world. I mean we have Americans against anything in nine countries all the time so I get stranding people all the time. It happens all the time. We work in that kind of situations that will call stranded. Usually they are held against their will. They don't have any other options they are being illegally imprisoned. Sometimes a bit house in prison sometimes because of our own allies but that the word stranded is different when the US is responsible for stranding the first signal we had to get out even 24 hours of earlier and we did have the will to the wherewithal to send out enough special forces units out if there were enough there to get those Americans, but this is this is a huge of a huge problem for the United States and I think the bigger long-term problem will be not the tallow bad themselves what the Taliban allows to go on in Afghanistan and in that the threat that poses to the United States of America. I ended that is very serious take Alyssa and also to blink it because he talked about the Taliban is going to prevent terrorism in their terrorist group. It's nice at left because the systems the ridiculous yes, but take Alyssa.

Despite this, is this member.

It was Joe Biden side mortal and resident and sent him making the speeches. He's not. He's doing the afternoon was back to work, at school, for the most part of it.

If you work from home and she could do it to. At three 245 the afternoon address that most American people will be able to watch the night here might see bliss but this is we put out this what to say, this is Blake in the Secretary of State. We will encounter the tallow that is needed to prevent terrorism using it as a base for external operations throughout the United States were including on and tell Lance 100 K to call to see what is. We will hold them accountable to that we didn't ice skate killed 13 American troops and supposedly which is is to believe that there really sworn enemies when they're actually it's a breakoff group.

They might not love each other but the end of the day were not there anymore to even how we stop at this were not in that air of energy is true, the enemy of my enemy is my friend in her and said that this is this is going to go south in a hurry. They are terrorist group. How can a terrorist group alleged that were not going to allow terrorism in our country and yesterday Osama bin Laden's chief of security. Al Qaeda moved back to his home in eastern Afghanistan, celebrated by his friends and colleagues in the area.

Ice is K still operates. Al Qaeda will have an umbrella of protection. There because the Taliban is also a terrorist, I think the Arcadia ego support you because they like to talk about what I got the sworn enemy nice is K what about Al Qaeda just wanted to make a trained Al Qaeda electric ice caves into of the Taliban is like a nice guy. Contrary to terrorist. Yes, they have a caliphate yet he gave it to what we say here is Afghanistan is a caliphate. That's right, it's 100% right now it's been reported that the Connie network terrorist within the Taliban. They are running the security for problem so would like to be a stranded American there right now this is this very serious votes. I will get your calls, it's 100-684-3110 support the work ACLJ matching challenge final day donate today will be right back. The American Center for Law and just as were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life reports and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way more limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift is $20, $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice defending the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called edition like will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online ACLJ/boxes to be too difficult to hear fishing over that it was said on radio, but it comes with audios about the Taliban committing these house to house executions in Kabul, not in some profits way outside of the know in no man's land inside Kabul house to house executions. People are picking up on the audio of their phones in apartment buildings. You can hear gunshots it goes time over gunshots of these executions are occurring. And remember that these people were being executed with people he made the promise to sell it. One of the pithy cartoons it was you. What we leave behind is the helicopters.

The last plane taking off. It says credibility US credibility so you talk about all the loss of life that may occur because what how we this, but the big picture. We talk about long-term threats, United States but also our friends can be willing we say we got to go to war to go to war.

The skip and I think that I think the international diplomatic side of the sandy is perhaps and I got a question for Wes on the unforgiving of country to look very for placement.

The diplomatic aspect of this that the British had been in you just came back from England and the British and been particularly disappointed Nigel Farah's yesterday really went after the Biden administration aggressively about abandoning their allies not listening to their allies that a phone call was made by the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Biden didn't the President did not return it for 40 hours. This is one of our strongest allies and this tells you.

I think it it it sends a single oops of course as to that that this goal loan policy obeys the complaint to trump about a golem policy. Look at what he's doing here.

He ignored the no civilized world and how we exited, yet damn glad you mentioned that I've been in London for two weeks and I've been talking to a lot of British intellectuals, politicians may live close on the conservative side because that's what we espouse and they were horrified in disbelief at the way that this exit was handled by Pres. Biden, and particularly horrified by the way that Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister was treated when he made a telephone call to the President. This is our closest ally after Israel or perhaps equal to Israel in the world and that's Great Britain and what kind of a signal does this send to the British and to the other allies that we hope to establish in this new Biden world in which they hold the post trump were not in the go it alone, but were going to go with our allies. We didn't go with your allies, you neglected your ally you forsook your ally before circular your people your own Americans from you after stranded and don't think that message did not get across to the British people because it did enter the British government because it did and they were horrified by Americans because the question that they asked me what have you achieved in 20 years. What have you done your leaving your own people behind. We don't do that. That is, as the British say not done. I want to play with the Democratic chair of the armed services committee said about the way the Biden administration.

His party has handled this lesson.

Are you confident with where the US goes from here. Why absently not. It is very chaotic, very difficult situation. As you noted, that Caliban cannot be trusted, and even the Taliban can't control the band and they certainly can't control ISIS K as we learned a few days so now mean that no one should be confident about situation and in the chaotic situation we have in Afghanistan so they infer. So how does that translate into real action. Yeah that that's the question yeah I mean I would say two things on this.

First of all I he's 100% correct. Of course, when ISIS K killed 13 US service members just a few days ago J among people here this they came through checkpoints manned by who manned by the Taliban so we trusted the Taliban and they let ISIS K. They killed servicemembers. But here's the important point J to your question about will it translate to tangible action that person that you just heard from Congressman Adam Smith. He is the chairman of the House armed services committee, so I want to say to the chairman is two or three weeks from now when the house reconvenes in Washington DC. Are you still going to be asking that question because if you're still asking that question Jake. He has the authority to call the hearings and demand an investigation will he do it.

I don't know phones Lillian Idaho online to hi Lily Walker secular you're on the air heartsick about this whole thing. I watched my brother-in-law from the I watched that my question on their last night I they are the states that they have people been shot in the coming out right now because your company serve at the reports right now of house to house executions going on as we speak in, right now, we, the United States gave the Taliban a list of who the people that could be cleared are because we forfeited the ability to control access to the airport in the streets.

This is the problem was he is one bad decision compounded by another bad decision compounded by another bad decision.

We could have controlled the security in Kabul. We forfeited to the Delavan and then instead of doing what the British and French did sending teams out to rescue our citizens all know know know the Taliban's providing perimeter security will give them the names and addresses of both Afghan allies and citizens that they can help get them to the airport, which of course never happened in a somewhat what Tony blinking third secretary states about all this, we will hold the Taliban with what people really listen to the rest of this we hauled the tat we will hold the Taliban to its pledge to let the people freely depart Afghanistan.

They didn't and he let him depart Afghanistan when US troops were there, you get a hold of the blood to go back again is I would say what you know how you get a hold of Terrence Triplett I am a terrorist. Okay I am en masse I am outside I'm ISIS K and I make a pledge to you and you can hold me to the pledge you think that there is honor in that pledge and Anthony blinking this absolutely naïve Secretary of State making that kind of a statement you're going to hold onto the pledge by what means do you intend to do that.

Mr. Secretary of State wanted to answer that question. I'm forwarding Taliban leader said any Afghans may leave the country, including those who work for Americans. A big one, for whatever reason they want. They can leap father going house to house executing right now what I think the point Joe Biden. The point is this, which is with the Democratic Congressman chair House armed services committee, said Caliban can be trusted.

They can't control themselves. So one Taliban commander, it cannot tell another guy and it's all tribal-based regional basis so they don't have this command-and-control structure. The way the that we we envision militaries having also that they can't control that. We know that they can control the outside terror groups that are there inside Afghanistan that unread supposedly unrelated to the Taliban. So if you can't do any of those things. Taliban can't be trusted to control themselves and can't control outside of the terrorist groups operating within me that's that's everything let's indicate that means all you could do is all of his chaos and violence and death. Absolutely Afghanistan thanks to the decisions of the Biden administration is a failed state is chaos.

It is lawlessness and we had thousands of troops they are not near as many as we should have, but we had thousands of troops there while our citizens were trapped we could've applied pressure. Then we could've forced the Afghanistan under threat of military action tacky honor that empty commitment that that secretary blended blank blinking is talking about what he said is empty rhetoric and the Taliban knows it. Al Qaeda knows it. ISIS K knows it in one of the thing about our allies and in what happened in Great Britain, but in this year disturbs me know.

We had over 20 countries join us in Afghanistan. Why did that happen because America was attacked on 9/11 and they invoked in article 5 of the charter for NATO so those other NATO countries went with us because it was a defense of America and yet we did not consult them.

We simply turned on her heels and left and then the President has the audacity not to return the phone calls with the British prime minister, probably because he did not want to face what Boris Johnson was saying this is a shameful disgrace and all of this is on the shoulders of our President. This I like to play the songs that Democrats talk about the situation so again, the chair of the House armed services committee, Carson Smith is Democrat take a listen more to say but now Caliban is the Afghan government may look at. There is one set of central failing in this in this exit.

It was to not know take a cold live block and what was going on there and say Caliban are going to take over whether it's it's weeks or months. It's not going to be years.

It's going to be days, weeks or months and that's the case what we need to do to make things one need to pull a lot more than out to you need to get people out sooner, particularly the Afghan ascites that should've started much sooner than it did, but it did not so a lot of this again. The best assessment possible. I just want to remind everybody here was that the Afghan military and their government, primarily Kabul could hold onto Kabul for 90 days.

That was all that they thought was the best case here.

After we left was very little time. So if that was the best case here.

Why didn't you plan on the casket if it was falling within 90 days. She felt much quicker and FL in hours this fall you 90 days to give you a lot of time to get everything done before those 90 day start because things can happen within those 90 days, as it did in the first report that was one report a lot of intelligence reports were worried. A week before they started. Don't do this right now that the military will fall back to our final site only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when used with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for mission life today online/the American Center for Law and engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those faith covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life reports and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this. For that we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way more limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $50 gift becomes 100. This is time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous heart wrenching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online LJ call request for thin and Washington DC just can't afford online to age are welcome to secular you are on the land what's Congress doing about this. What they do other than hold hearings.

Yeah, I mean what they have a fiduciary responsibility Jordan to get to the bottom and to conduct oversight over the administration if they do believe that there were failings here which you know unequivocally.

There were Jordan. It is their responsibility to connect that oversight. And this goes back to the conversation I had with Jay. Just a moment ago about the comments from the House armed services committee chairman Adam Smith Jordan everything he said in those two statements hundred percent correct. He can go through the list of failings they go all the way up to the commander-in-chief, but my question for him is when Congress reconvenes in two or three weeks. Is he still can be focused on the shore nursing to be talking about the infrastructure in our social spending package that they want to pass. I don't know the answer to that history suggests that their attention span is very, very short, but to the what to say to Joe is you just heard the sound from from the chairman. You can call those hearings. He can do the investigation he can to conduct the oversight if he wants to.

I think that there there's also been a lot of discussion about the way that they've authorized these military engagements think they put very broad authorizations of force that is been used by Bush, Obama tromped by. Still it. Those are all coming to a close now so that's also something Carson look at his tightening the language because that most of the doubt. Those were done in response to a catastrophic event in the United States, which was the 9/11 attacks. Yeah, I wonder though two things here and that is and is an interesting comment coming in from a from my Syrian Facebook says what countries ever going to trust us again and then Christina writes are the Americans left behind. Now consider hostages and and that's hard.

Maybe not yet met yet and that maybe not all of them but some of them likely will become hostages, they can we guarantee that if they are even given that opportunity and not just guilt but the loss of trust on me.

I think one of the lessons humanity from this is the loss of trust from the United States leadership is is dramatic on how you fix it. If you are an ally of the United States like Great Britain would be used across the United States. Again, to join a mission that when you're called upon to do so you are you initially went to do it.

If this is how it's going to end. I can tell you. The British have no trust anymore. Will you as an independent country solemnly pledge to assist the United States send and yeah and put into the harm's way your troops in your military.

If this is the way that the President of the United States disembarked from the sinking ship. I don't think so once is due to cosmic to the military have talked to so many of my military friends. The last last week or two. They are so upset they are demoralized. They are angry and they what they want in this what I want to. They want some accountability. Obviously, we cannot fire the President of the United States, but our senior military leadership has apparently swallowed this line and they went along with it and at the very least some of the senior leaders need to be held accountable. But you know two weeks ago, Pres. Biden said he would extend the deadline if all Americans were not out. He said let me be clear, quote unquote the American was to come home. We will get you home. These broken promises and empty words calls me to doubt that they will ever get the rest of her people out without paying a price.

I think what's going to happen, we will pay a political and possibly a financial ransom to get these people out of Afghanistan. If indeed we can actually get them out, but this brings into question not only Pres. Biden's leadership, which is woefully lacking. And I say that with all due respect, but it also brings into question his integrity and his honesty.

This is a again I switch you a reminder about what Pres. Biden promised the American people just weeks ago, and I mean this was a ghetto we can have meticulous and are you committed to making sure that the trip stay until every American who wants to be out as out. We will rescue the Americans. I think you can see they're going to get out any American wants to get home will get home instructed to military whatever they need if they needed additional force.

I will grant our first priority couple is getting American citizens out of the country as quickly and safely as possible as American citizens left where the state will get them all out so then there was the President question is that the American people. I think you have the statements coming from Democrat rivers in Congress as the next election cycles midterms is not the President whose update notes. This is not easy for them to eliminate said they want to put the criticism out now. They can then utilize after their reelection efforts. But then we get to the big the general election, which a long way away.

Still, this would they want to make in history and II think that unfortunately this is shown to work as a strategy and in the US any politically it's politically not not as a right military strategy, but sure that if you're just looking at the short-term.

I want to get reelected.

This strategy has worked before. It will be up the American people if they will even make this an issue in the next Presidential election. II know it's tough to imagine that not being an issue, but imagine three year seminar that is this going to be in the questions, even how you would handle this typically wanted three years, probably not, and less the American people are still many Angeles Congress continues to make an issue is like what they had said that means the Democrat members until lease the midterms have to make initially selfless and you just played you with this present said about an American left behind and then listen to Anthony Lincoln yesterday. We believe there are still a small number under 200 and likely closer to one who remained in and want to leave, trying to determine exactly how many we don't even know the number but I you know any. We talked about how this impacts other countries but my goodness, how does it impact Americans impacts a very bad way. 100 or 200, 001 doesn't make any difference to me. There are American citizens and their Americans who were sent there underwear went there the best of the United States government. They have a passport. They have citizenship and they have the right statute to be exercised, and to be protected by their government.

They were abandoned to what I am afraid J is going to be a very bad and for them. This is why these empty words from the President consider blinking our fly when they talk about getting the rest of the people out. I simply don't believe them is why are allies going forward will have trouble believing them as well. You know flickering. Lincoln went on to say last night our commitment to those left in Afghanistan has no deadline that is essentially J saying we will be thinking about you and I should have a deadline working out by next week exactly toward yeah I think I get it what what we we do know now is that the attention we have the attention of the American people. We are time on our meeting before is whether or not it actually will be there tomorrow and the President can address the nation afternoon address Sunday evening some prime time. He gave that up to the others headed. That's all part of a strategy I don't miss. I think that I think that they were they they messed up their political strategy is that you got one say never use the word straight in the other. Now use the word strength yet say will get every American out so I will try to get every American out and so that's been problematic, but they're bigger strategy is we don't.

The President doesn't know this. It's not really about him. This is Artie kind of in the works itself.

Whatever you think this is up to you all of you listening right now whether or not this will matter a day from now week from now year from now unless we all forget in the terrace to strike and lawgiver get we don't want that our country we we of course not.

We believe we that is that is what we thought, and fight against question now is are we so hampered, we can stop and remember the magic challenge ACLJ.Ward, and the concert tonight 8 PM Eastern time on the Jay Sekulow will talk to you tomorrow at the American Center for Law and critical issues at home and abroad, limited time you can participate in the ACLJ challenge for every dollar you donate will be $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online LJ