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Mask Mandates: Are They Legal?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 11, 2021 1:00 pm

Mask Mandates: Are They Legal?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 11, 2021 1:00 pm

School has officially started for many children across the country, and parents and students alike are facing two major issues: mask mandates and Critical Race Theory. As some states and local school boards have differing views on mask mandates, are they within their constitutional rights in a federalist system of government and as a constitutional republic? Jay and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss the controversy surrounding mask mandates, Critical Race Theory, and other important issues facing students, parents, and teachers going back to school. This and more today on Sekulow .

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Mandates are they legal and constitutional human form then and now you want to hear from you Sharon post, call one 800-6843 11J back to school and back with a lot of issues and dynamite is on aggregate started school today. I know some of your children and grandchildren have started school as well and there are a lot of issues. One of them is mass mandates or no mass mandates and what the schools getting cannot do vertical race theory was working to get into that as well so this is our welcome back to school episode of the secular. Let me start with that. There's a lot of controversy going on right now regarding mass for schools and look on the Federalist conservative with me as I believe in local control, which was of the school district in a particular dog County decides that they think it's in the best interest of the school district to have mass for their students because of health concerns they should have think they have the authority to do that if you don't like that school boards you brought them out of office. We live in a constitutional republic.

That's our representative government works with this idea that's going on in Florida and have a lot of respect for Gov. DeSantis were talking about suing H local school district.

If they decide that there to put a mass mandate in place for the students and teachers. I think wrong. I think it's constitutionally wrong to be consistent constitutionally, I think, and we really believe in local control, which is what conservatives have been preaching for since the 1960s, then we have to be cognizant of the fact of what that means. Legally speaking, and I'll tell you this. You know I this is I was hoping that the kids were To go back to school with mass this year.

I think we all were. I don't know anybody saying that they wanted this to happen on sums will district are letting it be optional with the parents. I think that's perfectly constitutional perfectly sound. Others are saying no. If you go to our school. You have to wear a mask that you also have to draw the distinction between public institutions or private institutions, private schools, for instance, have a constitutional basis to sue a private school with regard to a determination on masks by the way, and the same thing applies once and for critical race theory. I mean we think and working to get into it but Prof. Harry Hutchinson is written an article that's going up as written a book on this issue and the fact is to get into this person not want to get into the specifics, but there are two big issues facing back-to-school right now that you got the whole covert situation which is serious and then you got this critical race theory which is erupting in every local school district absolutely and it's often erupting under a different title or different name, and in some cases it can lead to the return of separate but equal and school segregation. It in class and so there's a case out of Atlanta, suggesting that that's precisely what has gone on and so I think the American people ought to become informed about this particular issue cognizant about this issue and be able to speak with some fluency about this issue and this issue I think will be with us for the next probably 10 to 15 years it's been percolating in the Academy for the last 40 to 50 years so I'm not getting into what the policy right and were to talk about what is actually going on when we were taught that lost where was I was with him about early 40 years ago. These were being stated called critical race theory. It was being discussed in the law school and now those little lawyers are in leadership position so that you can figure out a lot of this item. I'm not getting get into the effectiveness of a mask or not, whether the effectiveness of Dr. talk about what is legal and what is not. What is constitutional and what is not. That's what were to explore on this program thinking it. Same thing goes with the vaccine vaccines. I mean, you know what's constitutional, what's not. That's a different question what's affected. What's not to get into all this. Also number you were in NaCl. J.

Matching towns by where the critical race theory is proposing a pretty broad scope of how we can get involved to stop this bad history from taking place will be back with more just about the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life and the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity to help way time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous heart wrenching challenge making protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms. Most beautiful gift today online okay only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Washington Street and what Obama care means to the pro-life in many ways your membership is powering the right question free copy of mission life today online/everybody were talking about back to school issues I think is the others, but there are two that are big, that's good to be situation with the pandemic and masks and also the issue of critical race theory which is getting to be a major issue area was 22 and I just right was looking at a parent is about eight federal complaint against her child school, alleging literally that the class was segregated based on race because the critical race theory.

Dr. King famously said that he was looking forward to the day when people will be judged by these children will be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin is like what it's like. It's been flipped upside down what I want to go to mass mandate issue first right into the critical race theory as to an end and I encourage you to be watching Ira social media applications to share this with your friends.

We believe the local control here at the ACLJ so there are situations where the state has to make a decision. I get it, but I don't find it rational, where estate would come in and tell a local school board. Andy that that local school board try to address a local need, can't do that, under the penalty of losing its funding for its teachers, which is what what's going on flawlessly.

Screenprint renown Florida is that if a school district or to the side because of its student body and the parents preserve the elected school board that we think are massively appropriate for the students that that would in fact cause the governor of the state than to say working" working to remove your funding. I just don't see how that's constitutional not constitutional, J look as you said earlier and I share this with you entirely.

I'm a conservative a traditionalist, and I am a Federalist, I believe that the central government has enumerated powers are not exclusive, wide-ranging, broad ranging roving powers and I represented school boards as attorney for the school boards and we have represented school boards through the ACLJ the most important thing in my opinion is local control to the local school boards the local boards of education to make the decisions in their communities with respect to issues such as the mass if they decide it's optional that we support that if they decide it's mandatory that we should support that the federal government has got no business injecting itself or the state government for that matter into determinations made by local boards of education as to what is best for the children that go to their local schools in the local school districts usually comprising a particular County, as the case may be, and I think we need to really emphasize that that fact. Federalism means the local control message used to be thought that when you look to the school board. They made the decisions for the local community. Our system of government is designed to powerdown to look to the closest level mirrors the people, here's the thing I've been thinking about the J is a retired military guy on first Masters, allowing an observer of the geopolitical role the Chinese Communist Party could not have designed a more effective way to divide America and Americans that had been there design in the release of the covenant borrows no question this is an issue in a crisis and will have to face it, the goal will be the Russians and look at it said the New York Times reported today in the Russia propaganda that's been out there on this including on the vaccine issue. And again, the legal side of it has been unbelievable to me. There's been a lot out there yeah and and we can't we can't dodge this issue. It is a crisis. It is an issue. The goal will be and I think this where we are as a team here that is to to address this while respecting each other and yet, as you indicated at the same time resisting government control, especially at the federal level which is antithesis to our Constitution. But, you know, in reality, both of these issues.

The mask issue in the covert issue and critical race theory. They have the potential to divide us as a country that's what we have to fight against. I mean, in the division in the country on all this is is folks it's it's I think it's really tragic on others to be honest I think this is is become unbelievably politicized once you know like on the vaccine issue just to tell you, my thought that came to a friend of mine that shared with me. This doesn't mean you have to do it this doesn't mean you agree but what would you rather have a vaccine created in the United States, or a virus created a lab in communist China. That's a mandated thing mandate the vaccine were not saying you have to do it or don't do it. I got vaccinated. That was a decision I made for me and my family so my family got vaccinated. That was their decision, but I look at it that way do I want a to mess with the virus that I believe was intentionally created by the Communist Party in China in a lab and lots on the world but don't take the risk of having that you know I have a family member that is burial with this right now brother or vaccine created in the United States under the watch. By the way, that was never get this under the watch of the previous ministration present from Regeneron and disappear.

These medicines that came out in record time know was giving credit to President and that brings ministration on this, which I think a shame because they did a number that would should be one of the legacies about the present was able to accomplish tremendous legacy to get those medicines up, up and out the bottom restrictions claiming they're the ones getting all the vaccinations, the truth, the matter is you, Harris, VP Harris that she would not take the vaccine because it was created under Pres. Trump which he then took is that you decide I will read the signs and the exercise was right so that you understand this because this should be a political issue should be an individual conscience issue. The people make decisions on what we have reached this rhetoric in the United States right now which is unbelievable uniform experiences. If you think a vaccine is appropriate, while in your league. You know you're the antichrist. If you think you're not getting back seemed a vaccinated then you know you not you, not looking at the site people to make decisions. What we have to be very cautious of in the United States is understanding the constitutional framework upon which these opportunities print since medications Regeneron is is a wonder drug for people with disappears as well. I don't know if they have FDA approval yet. I think they were under emergency youth authorization. Maybe they got it now, but initially came out it was emergency use authorization during the hospital. Very glad they had it so I think some of this is a lack of consistency in some of this is a denial of the fact that it looks like the Chinese Communist Party created a virus in a lab got launched. However it happened on the world and now we got this unbelievable debacle personal got tragic death and illness in the United States of America and the Russians had been using social media to do what to propagate against candidates to propagate against vaccines to propagate against whatever we divide America, we need to be wise here and understand that we are in a group. This is a global threat that were facing and then you turn it to the local school district and ask yourself this, why in the world is critical race theory now being taught in our schools as if that's a normative theory and as Prof. Hutchinson said, whatever that actually means. But look racism in the United States is real was all over the world. It's ignore history. We know the history back if you don't teach the history oftentimes can repeat it not be a horrible thing to but to shame.

A generation of nine-year-olds.

That's how it's getting stuck in third grade shame these students is also outrageous and will give the other side a chance to divide us even further so so Harry let's talk I will take your calls on this. I know people are: 800-684-3110 Eric on the critical race theory issue one week when you boil it down.

I know it's hard to because are so many elements but what is it that were talking about in the schools right now.

The kids are facing as I go back today a very good question. Critical race. Is a theory that hangs over virtually every state County and Hamlet in America. Essentially, it's a form of Marxism that seeks to destroy the nation's foundations on grounds that what the nation is fundamentally flawed, fundamentally racist and that America's original sin is slavery.

Critical race very offers a number of while claims but plain and simple. It's a Marxist perfectionist ideology driven by the pursuit of perfect justice on issues of race, gender and identity. In one of its founding principles is that it's essentially a religion without forgiveness. So, for instance, it expands the division that we've just been talking about in the nation. Because what we are saying is that all of us.

You are saying are flawed human beings, we may have done something wrong in our distant past, but we can never be forgiven from it because of critical race theory. This account of the gospel at me really think about that for a moment coming from both of these issues. Chris Verplanck is with the kids are doing going back this week were dealing with his American right, take a break when you come back we wouldn't take phone lines are jammed calls 100 684-3110. We encourage of your Facebook or any other social media platform share this with your friends. Don't forget work of the AC okay when you get the legal side of the critical race theory and how handling that to talk more about the mandates only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition will show you how you personally. Publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the history and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question of mission life today online/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those faith covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life and the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we simply would not occur without your generous matching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you today online okay to publish and sell school today so I figured I know what everybody's doing was working with talk about that sword you know it it's master domestic or vaccine or no vaccine or is it not minutes they looked literally teaching critical race theory to third-graders. This is going on in public schools around the country so this is for real. I want to go back to couple fundamentals. So on the issue of mass mandates.

I think this is where local control comes then I just think it just make these are local, this can be local hotspot so to speak, and I think if the local school board thinks we got a hotspot. Well, we should note, defer to the local school district.

By the way, if you don't like the decision, they may get him out of office in the next nine we we sometimes forget Andy that were living in a constitutional republic I really am talking to conservatives or to we got a lower the temperature on this stuff. I mean this is if the school district decided not your kids in that particular school district are can wear a mask and you want your kid to wear a mask applicant where masturbate if they give them any grief over that her cheek, you call us.

Likewise, at the school. This local school district or to the side. Hey, concerned about it here were to put a mass mandate and we want kids to wear a mask. I think that the constitutional authority to do it. Health and safety. That's what local governments do. Wendy every day. This is become politicized what you are absolutely correct the authority to govern the local school district needs to remain with the local Board of Education and local school district that is the basis and fundamental nature of what we call federalism and I republic as Benjamin Franklin. Fred famously said, we have a Republic madam.

If you can keep it.

In other words, we now are being tested sorely with respect to whether or not there is a Republic here and that is a separation of powers between the central government and the local authorities. This is not a place for the federal and state governments to be interfering. If you are a conservative if you are a traditionalist. If you are a Federalist, if you believe in the Constitution of the United States as it was drafted by the framers and the founders that you believe in the paramount nature of decisions made by local school boards by local boards of education if they decide that there is a mass that's got to be worn to the school Soviet if they decide it's optional, so be it. So that is the basis and fundamental nature of how our system works. I represented a Board of Education in Metropolitan Atlanta for several years and that's how we handle things there decision is paramount. Somebody I represent the school boards I just I just think Harry work, whether it is the critical race theory issue, which is such a problem with them we realized or its situation with the virus and how the responses we we forget were constitutional Republic and all that. That's why the vitriol on these the screaming school board meetings which are fine. I mean if that's what you think you can communicate, but the reality is, if we really believe in in limited government and local control. I mean this is how you limit government and local control. I think that is true, and in principle I agree with Andy because I have no constitutional basis to disagree with, but I would say that that the police power. As I read the Constitution resides in the state.

I also would agree with Andy that conceptually it is better if the state involves its powers to the local school board county help out or whatever my pay correct. However, I would also say that the local school board and county should make sure that it makes an independent decision and I think that is been public part of the problem that often state and local communities.

They have relied too frequently on vacillating information that has come from Washington without engaging their own experts their own healthcare professionals, and I think that is led to some frustration in part because the national recommendations have gone up and down, which I think leaves local authorities a bit in the lurch. So if we can have Andy Kahneman in charge of controlling the local school boards. I'm all in favor of that because we would get independent decision-making on a wide raft of issues including critical race theory. I think if they made truly independent as opposed to nationalize decision.

Let's go to Brian line 3 from South Carolina Brian on their thanks to my eye on the cop about my life. So you are not my problem is with the school boards themselves. I do agree about the amount. However, if the date Department of Education set up guidelines for local school boards and the mandate from the school board then contradicts what the state is saying, but the will of the people are along with the state. How do I don't agree with the school board people sir of the majority of people in my area do not want the mass mandate they want freedom to choose which is what I believe the competition gives the will of the people is there like to choose. I don't agree that that's because then it boils down to the Board of Education for that local district then has the right to supersede the state they might think that is no critical race theory taught to think about this primal, I disagree quick call okay so if if you had a T got to bed at tuberculosis outbreak in the local school district and the governor particular state said you know what I know it's in that particular school discipline were saying that the student still needs to go to school has to go to school we can mandate the student go to school or if the student had to come if there is a communicable disease disease outbreak, not coping something else and was a particular safety measure. You could take a mask to help prevent the spread of that do you think that the that the local school board can save that's would like to do for local students know that the governor's truck. The problem with what's happening in Florida where the hospitals are being overrun with covert right now is that they're trying to make a Band-Aid approach for the entire state. It's one-size-fits-all, but it's not.

I could see you saying you don't mandate a mask in the state of Florida but were to leave that up to the local school board. I don't know why that is hard for conservatives to understand not saying that the Florida government should mandate mass for the entire state that I should not say but if you do a mass local school board were going to take away your funding because they were not federalists or conservatives you know what we are. The other side because that's what they do. So that's what Brian that's what I'm trying to get to it, makes this thing is gotten so vitriolic it makes no legal sense. So that's what were trying to discuss on this program. I don't care before the mask up against the mass for the vaccine against the back think I'm talking about. What is the law and this is where it's ridiculous to mandate that a school district cannot do something to protect its local student body.

That's a mandate like mandate like mandates that we like, but that's not the way the Constitution were back with more including your calls and comments. When an hundred 684-3110, where for another half hour.

They support the work of the Windows me a controversial topic posted back to school so Chile could vex with her boyfriend in September is when I went to school New York.

That was way too early for that's what it is because income is 800 684 30 went to buy will not broken fingers at anybody for the individual decisions you make are just trying to explain the law and how it works.

1-800-684-3110 if you want to talk to us. Don't forget support the work of the ACLJ could do Facebook and periscope audience and whatever social media platform you're on a talk live. During this brought one minute break and will be right back. The American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ challenge for every dollar you donate will be $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most to you and your family.

Give a gift today online ACLJ keeping you informed and now is J secular open up the book, the Baron opened up beyond and I did that on purpose. We did it on purpose.

We talked about a long time before the monitor today were the goods back to school for my grandkids. I said what are they facing the kids facing the facing mass no mask mandates no mandates in critical race theory and are experiencing critical race theory in a very low grade so I went and spent a lot time a mask could keep doing that when you take calls but I also want to talk about the situation as relates to critical race theory because Harry you write a sentence and it says that critical race theory is essentially a form of Marxism that seeks to destroy the nation's foundations on ground that the nation is fundamentally racist and in America's original sin is slavery and you say that's fundamentally Marxist and it is so Marxist through a number of iterations has reached a consensus and the consensus is that all power. Unless of course they control it is indeed oppressive. So if you look at Karl Marx. Then if you look at Alexander Kodiak J Ave. if you look at Wilhelm Reich, and then if you finally look at some of the contemporaries who include the critical race theorists and legal scholars at Harvard. Essentially you have privileged individuals now claim that everyone else is oppressive except themselves and so they see themselves as approaching human perfection. And so, for instance, we have an organization out there called the abolitionist teaching network. It's a radical activist group that the Biden administration has included in its post-pandemic coronavirus guidance for public schools. They believe that the US educational system engages in the spirit murder of black brown and indigenous children.

They believe that whiteness, for instance, is a form of illness and they say a lot of other outrageous things and what I think our listener should keep in mind they should keep in mind the statements made by GE VanFleet. She is a Virginia mother who immigrated to the United States from communist China and she argues that critical race theory is essentially the roadmap to the cultural revolution that occurred in China, 20, 30 or 40 years ago and so at the end of the day. If critical race theory is inserted in our schools and in our country, then it will lead to one and only, and that is totalitarian oppression by elites and that also brings on multigenerational guilt and shame. Absolutely part of it.

Yes, it is the antithesis of the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., the absolute antithesis is making people including young children, as you said guilty about their skin color. What a travesty of what a betrayal of how far we've come as a nation what it is doing J is taking people who strive to love and respect everyone and is taking Americans.

And in attempting to push us into our racial corners. I know what a sad thing. And here's the thing might might my third-grader has to be taught me is not doing well. These goals are under a lot of pressure those on the left.

They are using this and other issues to divide us and it is very very Marxist socialist in their leanings in their using this for their own political advantage to divide us, the nation, and to destroy this noble experiment in self-government.

If Uncle Sam is saying over and over again you hear come out of a lot. We live in a constitutional republic. We need to remember what that means. What was their sin in the past and United States with racism really yes race and still real bitter racist but were not systematically race us as a country that systemically racist the country with the greatest hope and freedom in the face of the earth, so I know let's remember what the Constitution is all about. Here, let's remember what our first principles are. And with all this rhetoric on all these issues it's being forgotten and I wanted use a lot of calls coming in at 684-3110. Talk you take those calls early because we got so many want this conversation to continue back to normal American Center for Law and justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift comes 20 $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous heart wrenching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you today online ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn mission will show you how you personally.

Publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Washington Street and what Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question mission in life today online ACLJ/because a lot of people waiting for a long long time. I would go to Andy in Illinois, only three indigo Edgar on their mandating master really know that school district if you don't, I guess my question to you guys is that the local school District Board of Education decided to go optional mass optional lately take that my it's a good question and that's exactly what you understand that your little governor in Illinois, but it's the same issue in Florida determines my respect for conservative is basically saying were mandating no masks and if you had at the school board elects mask working to withhold money so we don't think that is a good policy position because we believe in local control. Now can you bring a lawsuit against that. That's it. Andy, that's a different story that would have to be looked at. But the idea is from a policy standpoint local control means local control so the Illinois situation is really no different than the one in Florida. It's just the result is that because one thing you must wear a mask. The other thing you do not wear a mask. Those are both kind of wrong for both wrong. They should be local control. That's right, today, both in their own different ways or make an error look local control is what local school districts historically have exercised since since the founding of the nation.

One of the fundamental things of our founders were concerned about was education and they will, and school boards and school districts and school communities and how they should function locally under the supervision of locally elected members of the Board of Education and those decisions that they make if they may come, and you don't like him then vote them out of office and the school board in there that does with the local population. Once it to do but do not have interference by the state that powers Harriet Hutchison accurately argued as devolved upon the local school board and the local school board should exercise that the federal government know the governor know the local Board of Education. Yes, that's what federalism and the separation of powers is all about much we believe is conservatives. It just seems like vitriol is gone so high that it's it's your only only could serve like we don't like mandates… A mandate. We like. That's not a very good respond by the way the left is no better coming.

So this is the rhetoric on this has been turned on Carolyn's calling from Texas on line 6 I Carol, thank you for being the voice of reason on our blowout that you guys you stay calm.

You're like okay this is what the law is different how the government works. This is how we can fight this party thing here only the voice of reason on that. I appreciate that there is a lot of faith that you can even have a conversation anymore. It got out of control. Glad that we can have got for so appreciate you calling it you know what we're not taking I'm not getting medical experts say what's the best medicine was not the best medicine just thinking of some of these arguments being made.

Just don't make a lot of sense that you make the decision yourself because I know like a lot of people, so the FDA has improved the vaccine.

That's a legitimate argument of not mandating certain bids on you not to take it. I will say the other hand, there's medicine. When you're in the hospital with this horrible illness, but those medicines have not not be a final approval yet either, which are taken because you want to stay alive for your family for yourself so I mean this is where it's not some of this is not rational thought. Because the victory all is gotten way too high. If we can it's and it goes back to a little bit you. You made an interesting statement was on the critical room time, but the critical race theory, and the massing because you know what it's back to school and kids her face in this.

What what the United States is yeah the 1619 project and the critical race theory proponents date they they say categorically that America is systematically races that as a country we are racist and there may be a few antiracist and it in fact the opposite is true.

America has taken a stand and especially in the last 40 or 50 years. We are in antiracist nation and yes we have some races and this is just the opposite of what they're teaching what's lacking in a lot of this conversation Jay is what I said before, that is gratitude, forgiveness, and humility gratitude because we live on the greatest nation on the planet forgiveness for the way our our perceived wrongs against us the way we are mistreated other people.

Certainly forgiveness for the weaknesses of our founders, but also humility that we don't have all the answers right we don't have all the answers. Washington doesn't have all the answers, the state of Florida or Illinois. So Stu came up don't have all the answers that were governance about. You don't always have the answer. You try it, representative government would try to try to do the best we can with the facts as we have them. I mean that areas how a representative republic works. I think that's true, but I also would echo the caller's comment that it's very difficult to have a rational conversation, in part because the temperature is is so high and we started out with a lot of hope in fear because cove it was not fully understood. Number one, number two, we had advisors particular at the federal government who would assert with great confidence that a particular approach was backed by the science we now know that's untrue, but I would know that I also same experts that was created in a wet market in China and we now pretty much know that was not the case but I would echo what Michael Ulster home size and he is an advisor to the current President on cove and he would say what is missing what is lacking in this echoes what Wesley is is humility, and so humility at the federal government.

Humility at the state government right on the governor's office. Humility at the local level that we don't have all of the answers what we've had is basically a one sided conversation dominated by left-wing media saying that this there is only one approach that works and so I think that is one of the real issues. Out here there is a lack if you will of diversity of opinion being expressed and so people then go to their corners and they are really willing to come out fighting was go to Earl, who's online for in Wyoming you're designating look local control for the mass mandate you must allow local control for clip critical race theory. The Constitution set up the states as experiments for each state.

Pennsylvania was a Quaker State, there were religions at the time of the Constitution put court rights came that no longer could really be the case but go ahead but the state can mandate what is taught within that state and the state controls you really want that to be the case in question honestly. Mass question. Do you really want it where the state can mandate everything in the curriculum does mandate everything in the curriculum. They help state standards in every state standards but individual curriculum decisions are made by the curriculum committee of the local school board in the state standards and local school board wanted to teach critical race theory, and the parents did not take that school board in a band you can't outlaw. This is where it's I think you got. Why do we think that the legal system is the only way in which Andy you resolve these disputes when when you've got these as we should be doing exactly what were doing on this broadcast pointing out the flaws of critical race theory which were to be doing a lot over the next coming weeks and then I don't get the law is find it there to be passing these laws. They say you can't teach critical rates. Their legislature said you can't teach something that you want them to teach.

This is where you get very, very dangerous. Let's attack the fundamental why it's wrong.

That's what we used to do that everything is going to court will make a living running a court but not everything. Scott sometimes it's in the policy romantic.

That's right Dragon away.

We in America have become so litigious that every time you look at us in a way that we don't like the way you look at as we run to a federal court or a state court and we scream that our civil rights have been violated.

Instead, we should be talking about policies. This critical race theory is a in my view and my personal view, a horrendous idea and is as Harry Hutchison has clearly pointed out in this one is what really impresses me a religion without forgiveness. Think about that is taught as a religion in which there can be no redemption and no forgiveness whatsoever. Why don't we discussed that sort of thing on a policy basis and stop saying working around the court. If someone mandates it. Do you want a religion that does not allow for forgiveness. Imagine Christianity if you had Christianity and there was no idea of forgiveness. You have no Christianity because we are all sinners and we all are to be forgiven by God. That was the idea that Christ preached and that was the idea that we espouse as Christians. Critical race theory condemns that. So here's the point. State line for the question want to talk to her about regarding this. Because they came up with its school names became up in schools unfamiliar with the parents that when I can have this and you know what ended up happening because they were educated on what the issue was a lot of what has to be done here want to litigate up to and half years by your child in school, you want to get it resolved quickly so you understand I'm working to teach you what it is and how to respond to would be back with more including your phone calls 800-684-3110.

We actually have a line open first time today, 1-800-684-3110 only one. A society can agree most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission will show you how you personally. Publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in your motion imagery and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is powering the right question for mission life today online/American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 20 $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous heart wrenching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you today online okay you go right to the phones 800-684-3110 Sundays calling it Indiana Sunday on the hate your will all will give you a little secret or this coming from an annual notice because he represented insurance authority is coming from the insurance companies to don't kid yourself are minute coming Sunday. Really, it's a good question you ask.

So the CDC has been kind of hit and miss on this.

Let's be honest, to say the least. I even under the previous ministration I missed up came out it was to be a two week lockdown for two weeks and this thing is going to dissipate in good, you know, I think it helped. I can't quantify it, but the insurance companies which we live in a free country vibe was an insurance company's deliverable in this, the insurance company is also saying using a lot of concerts cancel right now. Some of it. The musicians are sick, some of it. The insurance company to design risk reward too much exposure. Andy, you are absolutely correct.

I represented the Georgia insurance Commissioner for years and years and insurance companies are just saying when I got it and exposed ourselves to the possibilities of that kind of liability and those kinds of pads so were simply going to walk away and when I can underwrite the risk you don't underwrite the risk.

The risk doesn't take place. The events cancel a lot of that's happening right now technical 64 3110 roasting time Facebook comments Joni and Facebook cinema conservative, but I wear a mask protect others is not part that hard for people to do it's common courtesy. You don't, Joni. I went weed my wife and I went into the store yesterday and bumping back saying we put on a master because of other people in there and I don't have experience going. I got a brother that's very very sick with covert and not hospitalized and we think it's Brussels. I just don't find it to be a constitutionally chewing, people screaming over a mask.

I just don't think it's bad for the Republic. Let's take Gypsies call in New Mexico are very small and very little and one another very small real estate have a meeting parents and the school board late last optional hundred percent. Okay I education is elected and appointed Gary Katz suspended that locally elected school and so how can it possibly be constitutional for an elected bureaucrat is a local school. Click that way.

Give him a hearing is going to be appointed by the PED are an elected person being around people going to decide if elected school board had the K-9 difficulty is what we did this on the federal level. Separation of powers and we talk about bureaucrats running our government is unfortunately not that much different on the statement at the state level except for the fact that you have more direct input. I would find it constitutionally suspect that the duly elected school board of the county could just be thrown out because the State Department education doesn't like a decision I made with especially every without a hearing. Absolutely nothing in the hearing that the judge is talking about is a is an administrative hearing is not a we would do is court hearing's other two issues. First, what we have in the United States and it's very very permissions is a capitulation or surrendered to experts and expert opinion, and basically taking authority away from democratically elected representatives. If the other thing that's going on is something called Snark Snark essentially is elites generally upper-middle-class who look down on people who live in flyover country live in rural areas. I don't know what's going on.

That's the perception and basically they like to come in and tell these individuals.

These quote unquote deplorable. What to do and so here you have an absolutely perfect illustration of what you have been talking about thereof. The program on allowing local authorities to make the decision with the input of the parents and basically, the state capital intervenes and says no, we don't believe you're qualified you lack the expertise and that I think is a huge problem in it if you thought the policy policy came out that the school board made locally that you disagree with. There's a way to challenge besides election thought say they said in order to suspend any student to participate in a Bible club that's a local school policy were not given them a pass either. By the way there's no personal representative government.

So what you do you sue them because the policy is unconstitutional, violates freedom, religion and dissociation of freedom of speech Dominic from Connecticut your line 3, I'm sorry to hear you go to Sue and Maryland I cement what really are not all when I played at the local level, but I wanted my country by waypoint don't operate all the department agree completely agree with you that we have conflated the country has completed mandates with law or executive orders with statutory orders and it's conflating the entire judicial process. The problem here is an if we don't know where the rhetoric volume angst you become a critic raised. Shaming kids. If you decide to wear a mask you should not be shamed for nobody should be in your face screaming at you about. If you decide not to wear a mask okay that your decision if I decide because you're not wearing a mask. I'm not comfortable being where you are. That's also my decision. I don't by the way private airlines could make airline mandated mask, you bet there are private business. This is a health issue that is become a national issue, which is testing our commitment as people to our form of government. And that's really it is not an unhealthy process. Note not only, but I don't any we got a tone it's got to be toned down has to be toned out.

Yeah, the writer has to be toned down. We need to start having the conversation that we're having right now. Look at the structures a constitutional republic local control of education, local decisions regarding curricula and regarding policies of children should be made locally. That's the framework that we need to be talking about matters now is you are talking to Gran everything on all this, but we talk about it.

We don't we don't criticize each other holding signs of UK, the airless you say that, but if I was a private airlines and said you know what I you dragonfly my plane given to wear a mask. Just what they get to do make that decision or don't find a flight so if the local school board says no mass were masked optional you don't like it well then get a new school board private school because this is part of what government is talking the American Center for Law and issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms to you and your family.

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