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Biden Rewards Palestinians for Trying to Destroy Israel

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
May 27, 2021 1:00 pm

Biden Rewards Palestinians for Trying to Destroy Israel

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 27, 2021 1:00 pm

President Biden rewards the Palestinians, who just tried to destroy Israel, with millions of tax dollars and a new consulate in Israel. This move is certainly troubling right after a ceasefire in a conflict started by Hamas. Jay, Jordan, and the rest of the Sekulow team - including ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell - discuss the details on Biden's aid to Palestinians and provide their expert analysis on the foreign policy implications related to rewarding perpetrators of terror. All this and more today on Sekulow .

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Prison is the Palestinians trying to destroy Israel with billions of US taxpayer dollars Consulate today live from Washington DC.

As I told Mr. no divorce United States will be processed real. That's important way for you engage with and provide support for your questions right now 100-684-3110 argue in terms of continuing to redevelop the relationship with the Palestinian leaders that was cut off for several years because of the closure of the conflict because underfunding was cut off in 2018, and there really wasn't a method for engaging with Palestinian leaders and others in the secular to the 2000 684-3110, so the same time bided ministry shootouts is $75 billion of economic development assistance in the West Bank and Gaza to billiard for peacekeeping, another hundred $50 billion in humanitarian assistance for Audra which is the UN relief Works agency. The war that the proper ministry should stop funding because we showed you the photos of it, even the submit for Barbara used to build embossed titles as corrupt as an agency it's not a good partner and and again.

Though the Bible history should doubly about the same time there there there are again this is right after a cease-fire on the conflict that began because of her boss firing on Israel. They were the aggressors.

They were the ones that took the aggressive step. They've also been rewarded doctors with cash which I could come from all of us as taxpayers but with a new consulate in Jerusalem. Now let's remind you the the Embassy of the United States is now in Jerusalem, so there's no argument can be made about why we need to different consular outlets if you will, in the same small city and at this idea that we play the opening that because of the Embassy move and you say, if you have two different places, the same place that Palisades had nowhere to go except for the US Embassy, which served everyone all Israelis Palestinian or Jewish Jews and Muslims, Christians, and it was the official Embassy of the United States so asked yourself this question for those of you that you been to Jerusalem you're talking about a pretty small city. The difference I look we forgot the exact mileage but I will tell you from my memory.

The consulate to the embassy could not of been much more than three or 4 miles. That's our offices in Jerusalem was kind of in between both so when the President under an act of Congress present from move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as he was authorized to do that set in motion that that that was the official diplomatic mission of the United States in Israel.

It serviced everyone and fan you asserted, and I think correctly so that by doing this move and former pastor David Freeman said the same thing.

There's actually a violation of law. Here, the earliest dates, the Jerusalem Embassy act was passed in 1995 and as we cover on this broadcast before it was ignored by multiple ministries and administrations of both political parties. J. That act requires a couple of things. It requires the embassy move to Jerusalem that Pres. Trump accomplished during his term.

It also requires that Jerusalem should remain in this is the key phrase should remain an undivided city J if the Biden administration puts a diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in the same city. What is Jerusalem economy comes in the eyes of the United States a divided city is a violation of US law by folks we come back we will take out more info because what hundred 6430 went to Jeff Balog see accounts with ACLJ Julius the next day with a broadcast record now I Julius again today and by the way, I just know that before we get to Rick everything he said yesterday that needed to be done. The pressure was so hard that bided his fish they announced intelligence community has 90 days to come up with a report on the origins of covert, including the lab theory full-time at that with Rick as well. You we got that kind of action that quickly or it will be right back. The challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing work, become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable in voice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to the prone life in many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/Cingular we are to give progress to what hundred 64, 31 to Jeff Balog see your counsel with the ACLJ.

Julius tell on the broadcast that Jeff obviously two things focusing on what $360 billion announced by the secretary bleated to the Palestinians. That includes the Gaza Strip.

He said the other. Try not to go to mosque the use partners that in the past have gotten that the body has been taken by her boss. At second this announcement that they need another a consular officer to open reopened the consulate Jerusalem say that even though the. The embassy is there, the Palestinians, and even after all the conflict in the last three weeks that they started it out of the Gaza Strip that they deserve this, but also there's legal issues that that eraser Jeff legally are terrible because the 1995 act clearly states, Jerusalem, Israel, capital and have to remain undivided setting up conflict for a foreign entity capital for the immediate unheard of. No other place in the world. We have conflict with foreign entity and the capital that the first George II. Anyone who is familiar with that conflict operated for decades and I am personally familiar note that absolutely abused and mistreated Jewish Americans who came there for help. Travel to Tel Aviv or somewhere else because the conflict to Islam with the hot anti-Jewish activity activity and that was also some legal situation and the terror finally is one of the reason a lot of things element in open season on Jews everywhere. We are simply countries that rewarding care walked by that consulate. Many many times I coming in numerous times and the people I'm trying to convey to people as you got now the embassy which the present from move, which was pursuant to statute, move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and there was a reason for that. That's the capital of the state of Israel, we moved our embassy to the capital. We recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state and this consulate is just I think is less than 4 miles away. It was as you said a hotbed for anti-Jewish anti-Israel policy for four decades. This was going along the matter which administration was in power wasn't Republican, Democrat, and then the idea that rewarding the Palestinian Authority, which is what we are rewarding here with this diplomatic recognition which people seem to ignore that. That's what is really truck sets a very bad precedent.

Jeff so you point out, located in the heart, located in the heart of legal, moral, and personal story. Route 18 I was a student in Israel and I went to register for selective service at American and they wouldn't let me in the they made it difficult for everyone I know. We have to go out. So we have to take updates and school to go to Tel Aviv to get it that they couldn't help it. I hear there there there not offering technical what number two. It is in fact going on around the world in the United States. This is clear. We are rewarding care encounter war money, recognition and eternity that you are with your and and got the Palestinian Authority, which leads that they are they simply are subservient at this point, and the company authority itself, which is really just the PLO rename still paying for carrot still paying for care at this point we reported people now understand it unitedly to stop supporting Israel and stop supporting Jewish life.

She called like to roll it in Texas a roadblock securely on the air: thank you, click the call sir. Let us assume for the moment that giving aid to the Palestinians is a good thing.

Would there be a system in place to ensure that the money is spent. The way we have directed it to be spent. Secretary blinking people that sound that made the statement that they were going to try to do just that.

Let me just tell you something, though I don't agree has a habit still not available.

We got a picture with Andra cement that's from the United Nation's refugee so severe, it is up on the screen right now that was not used is mostly used to rebuild hospitals and schools in buildings instead. It was used. To build terror tunnels.

That's what they are tunnels that go underneath from Gaza into Israel not setting up their terrorists and this is this 100 miles of these tunnels throughout Gaza. So as far as accountability goes, stand we've never seen the capability of getting accountability is only money they move it around well and there are two things here Jay. First of all the humanitarian funds the divine administration says it wants to send we know they end up using those for hostilities and it is under US law, Jake the Secretary of State actually has to certify that that would not happen and Hamas hasn't in fact condemned the hostility to the State Department as it stands, J says that they cannot make that certification but look even that argument. J it's even worse now because this new announcement by the Biden administration contains $75 million for what for development and economic fonts that are not even playing the shell game anymore. Those $75 million. Jake those definitely violate the Taylor for sack others in question violates the fourth test, but let me say this Jeff that the space between the embassy in Jerusalem. I was I was about right on. This was actually a little less than I thought.

And the consulate is 2.7 miles. That company embassy was serving everybody. The problem here is it is a reward for bad behavior. Attack Israel. We give you a consulate attack Israel. We give you $250 million when you use anyway you want me know where that's going. That is the problem with the Biden administration's Israel policy right now were seeing and were seeing the full effect of it within 135 days about administration Jeff Wright previously theoretical and were talking forever that very solution involving creating their day in Samaria with call the West Bank and always, always, terror terror, war, war, by the way around the whole region Donald Trump and ministration to reward terror, not reward peace and all of a sudden we saw a piece real true war and peace breaking out so we actually see the character capital and guidance came there. We have a war so we aren't seeing it with her own and there was with the Abraham accord you had a situation that was please listen to George Stephanopoulos's question to Sec. blinking because this tells you the naïveté which were dealing with here. Take a listen presidency want to do that without restocking Hamas rebuilding Gaza without reciting Hamas that they are in charge in Gaza, but we've we've worked in the past and we can continue to work with trusted independent parties that can help do the reconstruction of velvet, not some quasi governmental authority and the fact of the matter is Hamas is brought nothing but ruin to the Palestinian people. It's gross mismanagement of Gaza while it's been in charge and of course these indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israeli civilians which elicited the other response they did because Israel has a right to defend itself second-half five first part, though, given the money that you not to use quasi-government authority. So you are usually under that is a quasi-that's exactly the definition of quasi-government authority could support a UA which the government but is an international organization that on the national body right now, but so that is a quasigovernmental authority right there. So that part, but acknowledging that. Who are these I would love a list Jeff of the trusted independent parties they could do reconstruction under the Hamas -controlled Gaza Strip, by the way, really that much work without any authority to own agenda and their infighting but open again is very clear which is no Jewish state should be eradicated that pretend otherwise return the company authority never the reason that the Trump administration to greater funding like that one demand just one American dollars to pay for terrorist to kill Israelis and the doctor know we continue to pay for terrorist change being given the power, they have said they reserve the right to use it to kill people.

This is this point ultimately the idea that you should do these things open up the consulate flooding it with money exactly what Boxwood Abbas once he's excited about no type of the segment to play the Sabbath the translation so excited about receiving 20. Jeff, thanks for Georgia's senior counsel. I just fell upon these issue we come back quicker now joining us all these issues.

Also, the covert issue because yesterday were talking to Rick about who should really be in charge of figuring out where this came from the said the intelligence community, but they've done anything well. Biden he was under so much pressure. Ultimately, Joe Biden issued a statement saying is told the Delta really have 90 days to issue a report of the findings aware covert came from. So we are sorry to see progress. There because the American people want answers. What answers will be back record also to only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defend the rights of life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn gold like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care me in many ways your membership is empowering the right question mission in life today online/challenges facing Americans is a time when our constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines projecting your freedoms and rights in courts in Congress and in the public and exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you.

Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ secular to that's what hundred 684-3110. I was again I want to go to a focus on that. We did get to. I will recruit notorious down since her I would Rick right away because I'd covert.

We have the shift that you were tight but yesterday Rick on this broadcast of the intelligence community to take take this over these to do the investigation report on the origin of covert that would take the intelligence community, and that the pressure so high. The Biden ministry should literally couple hours after we were off the air statement comes out from Pres. Biden that he's given the intelligence community 90 days Rick to figure out the origins of covert and there also open to the idea. Of course of this lab, a theory want people to so what would this be like now with this, go to the director of national intelligence to a did kind of far different pieces of the satyrs there.

One agency within the Intel world that takes the lead here so quick second garden when Pres. Biden made his announcement, my phone was blowing up current intelligence officials who are pointing out how outrageous it was that Joe Biden was instructing them to do something that they do every day. Remember when Donald Trump did their work. Also, mainstream media stories saying you know Donald Trump is instructing the intelligence community is something that they do every day. Matter of fact when I was acting DNI and we did the statement in April 2020. There's a line in the statement, and again this public statement.

I tweeted this out and got my eye twitter page my feed and see exactly the statement from DNI, it still on the website and in this statement. I let Stan a us a state statement that was from the career intelligence officials and they were about making the point that every single day. They are researching and trying to find the evidence for any issue not just where it started, but any issue that relates to US national security. They did not want to be instructed.

They wanted to say we don't need to be instructed to find the origins we of course are doing this every single day.

So fast forward to Joe Biden doing a single media outlet have the same state and are trying to be outraged about this but but it still stands. The point still stands that the intelligence community every day has been looking since last year. Since the April 2020 statement they've been looking at the origins of where COBIT started. They do this every day and they know a whole bunch. I'm actually concerned that Joe Biden is instructing the intelligence community to do a review when they been doing this review, and they now why doesn't Joe Biden know what the intelligence community has been looking at and great pain since last year. He doesn't want to know let's let's let's me my my speculation here Rick is that he doesn't want to know because the answer.

None of the answers on any of this, but the narrative of what they want, so none of it fits the narrative so it's like put your head in the sand and maybe 90 days. Hopefully will come out with a different response which it's not because even the we put a lot of pressure. Your statements were very strong.

Even the mainstream media. Some of them were putting pressure on that most of them, but a couple of them and then of course they know what's happened here. This is like workforce, like now working to investigate to find out what happened as if your former colleagues don't know what happened exactly.

I think Jay was to go to the next step and we should call on the director of national intelligence, April Haynes to answer the question why is Joe Biden in the dark. Why doesn't he know community knows since last year.

Why haven't they been briefing the President of the United States on the origins of COBIT we know we've known since last year. Why doesn't Joe Biden. Now why is he asking for review that has been already done and the information is known Rick. Another issue that popped over time, I was one of our attorneys at Jeff alibi but it's the announcement of the Lord the aid to the Palestinian $360 million comes right after conflict started by the boss did. Second, the, the reopening of the consulate in the same city where we have our embassy there's people talk about the legal implications of that but also the signal this this SIDS to the world that you got inside a country consulate for a a a separate territory if you will. That's forward to that country but but but also the message that it's it's looking consulate in the city where there is an embassy and so the question needs to be asked of the Biden administration. When you open up a consulate in Jerusalem. Are you saying that the embassy is not based in Jerusalem can't have it both ways and so once again were here asking the media to actually hold the same standard do your job, asking tough questions.

Why is there a consulate and an embassy in Jerusalem. I know the answer the question that the concerning answer that question is that that consulate was a hotbed of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment walk by the consulate and its 2.7 miles between the consulate and the embassy in our office is kind of writing between both. And this is a political move that has repercussions for how the embassy is now perceived because one thing that these people the State Department never wanted to see was an embassy from the United States and the Jewish heartland of the Jewish capital Jerusalem, they never want to see that Rick and now they they are trying to defuse it with this consulate President Trump and David Friedman, our US ambassador to Israel, cleaned up consulate of the anti-Israel foreign service officers and let's be clear to everyone at the State Department knew that if you worked in the consulate in Jerusalem, you had to be totally pro-Palestinian trial arabesques didn't like Israel.

That is just the fact that everyone knows this and now that the President Trump and David Friedman clean that out now. The Biden team is trying to reopen and they're going to start stacking at exactly as you point out, J this this new team of trying to pressure Israel but again there politicizing the State Department by having a consulate and embassy in the same city. They need to be asked the question if you're putting a consulate in Jerusalem.

Are you suggesting that the embassy is not the capital in Jerusalem. Cornell Senior advisor for the American Center for Law and Justice, former acting director of national intelligence and ambassador of Germany. Thanks, Rick is always for being with us and thanks for your insight and helpful edits yesterday on that document going in on the freedom of information request be appreciated. Thank you so much know it.

It says something about Rick that it's not just talking policy for studies involved in our our work here at the ACLJ as is my Pompeo this.

These were great additions and met with the first additional RAM amounts were so thrilled that is part of this tape. Let me encourage everybody at Logan's got a song that they put together. It's really great is called backyard songs about coming out a COBIT.

Basically you can go to backyard that music video is get a debut tonight that correct tonight at 9 PM Eastern time.

Backyard back inside I come to be our social media to see a bill to see if there as well. We come back with the warrior phone calls to for your thoughts.

100 684 31 to disprove particular taxpayer dollars. Hundreds of billions of dollars giving over to the palace of the right after this conflict comes to a cease-fire does seem to us and we said Batiste rewarding them for their attack on Israel for decades ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC, a singularity, or from 6430 were to review to lot were those second half-hour. The broadcast set, though, if you destroy us or target up what was it out. This is actually a total of $360 million for the United States to the palace to be of that is divided up between the Palestinian Authority and that the UN refugee Works agency Andra which they trumpeted fish would work with. It also goes into the Gaza Strip with supposedly trusted partners who are not embossed to rebuild Abbas buildings that have Abbas weapons in that which is why with her hip with the rocket. If you notice those Abbas apartment buildings that hit with a rocket and they explode like these massive explosions their arms depots their arms depots and preclude weaponry so if Bob drops on the you see those massive secondary explosions. That's because it is taking out arms depots they have they have secondary and secondary third Exposure. That's what they talk about the Savior to rebuild. That's all that Israel targeted Israel targeted the arms depots the place of the rockets being fired from and Ed have Abbas leaders headquarters sort of going to rebuild it it it a few years.

The benefit of thousands of rockets fired at Israel, and I guess Lockwood Abbas might still be there a few layers that he's lucky he's 85 years old. These holy God of power and this is basically guys it had like a dictator but this is certainly what he does is is the corruption level was a mob boss the corruption level so high and yet he values people living in poverty, put down his family siphoning off billions and I think the billionaires now which is hard to figure out how to become a billionaire.

We are supposed to be public servant. Most of your life. They also won't have elections of the passive 11 years since their last election were people been able to choose who to support and put in to office retirement that the move to reopen a secondary it does. We have the embassy of Jerusalem.

Now, but now I guess that's too Jewish so they got to add to it to Israeli to Jewish to American answer that are opening up the consulate which is Rick Grell just says broadcast the State Department.

It was clear and he views bitter bass services worked within those entities were locked out at the UN with our delegation.

There, that you did work in that office.

Unless you are anti-Israel pro-Arab pro-Palestinian that's being rushed to be reopen.

This is the distiller basher Israel. Note no investor Israel a consulate that is just going to be a dividing point for an already tense situation in a consulate that is given as a reward for bad behavior. A consulate that is 2.7 miles from the embassy as if you couldn't get your services there. A consulate that has historically been known as being both anti-somatic anti-Zionist and I wanted you understand what that is anti-Zionist.

That means that you do not support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel and that consulate was loaded with that and I was think about this during the first half-hour of the program and I don't know exactly how we do this, but we got an office in Jerusalem and it has diplomatic angles and has no governmental affairs.

We need to we need to step up that office because this is great. There's a huge void now in the region because the American presence of the last four years been very positive. Very encouraging. Very uplifting. Now it's the opposite.

Very very negative and I think I want to play Mahmoud Abbas while little time for right now, but Mahmoud Abbas thinking the Secretary of State for working with the UN, the same UN items ended up being cement to build tunnels instead of hospitals that tells you what this is all about. As we said Logan's got a song coming out that there debuting tonight at 9 o'clock backyard backyard in general be upon all social media platforms as well. It's a fun song as we start the summer backyard you will enjoy frightful to come back was hurting more info calls 100 684 31 to get those calls advance we get to the year 1-800-684-3110. The challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to our constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public and exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you.

Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn cold like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover many ways your membership is powering the right question free copy of mission life today online/divorce is translated but this is it is really was sick after stapling. There were just talking about praising the United States unlike any time that these posteriorly is appraising the United States for anything but praising the United States at Secretary of State for Natalie opening up funding to them but just to explain the close how close that you would relationship is take a listen because usually think of a country say thank you for fighting the UN, but that's how much money they receive is UN agencies and they siphon off plenty of that money into their own pockets. Take a listen and be right there. Again, this is its history is translator that you hear repair back to the same old way of a failed. We did have the rockets being fired that at this level during the trumpeter's racialized Abbas was worried that maybe the US would just drop a giant bomb on the in the Gaza Strip is very small would take many of those giant 500 pound bobs and there be no Gaza Strip. That's what they were worried about without trump that that he would take this connection to his people that they were, but that he that he might or economically cut them off the way he did to Turkey today just over one American pastor Bretz so they they were scared. I would say close to scared to death or whatever you say if you were the beach so they did take many aggressive actions at all.

I get the minute Job I did people get stabbed in the streets of Jerusalem, Jews are being targeted America and we have elected officials now in Congress who are openly supporting Abbas I was asked you about that. I mean, the fact of the matter is that there are members of the Democratic Party in Congress right now that are not only anti-Israel really pro-Hamas and sentiment is not just a radical friends either jamming the room. The views are certainly radical, but the chairman of the House foreign affairs committee.

This is something we covered last week by Gregory Meeks. He has been pushing the administration to halt arms sales mission precision missile sales to Israel. See if you think about that backdrop, J. On the one hand, were restoring funding that the clip you just played was a pretty clear acknowledgment that funding to underwrite his funding of the unified government, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. That's on one side. On the other side you have congressional Democrats, not just the squad not just AOC, not just ill how no Mark, you have the chairman of the House foreign affairs committee trying to get the administration to block arms sales to our ally in the region it region Israel J they're pushing on both sides of this occurrence of the photos 100 684 31 to bury out first, Illinois hey Maryellen, welcome to secular on their nightclub is not an official country with borders okay right and I think the problem it like I was the opening additional consulate offices in every country. Their problem groups within their borders and that's insane. And now the second minute and they had setting a precedent.

We are telling the world now that going to work in a quite Palestine with Israel since my reopening this consulate it's it's saying that the Jews and the Americans that pro-Israel advocacy Jerusalem that you think can help spouses like to somehow something is wrong with them that if there are legitimate services. The palisades are seeking that dates to Jewish that office. It's too it's too pro-Israel to driving it all goes live together.

You see, they say what you can attack Israel without being anti-Semitic. You get Jews in America on the street get attack. No one's asking the before the attack about their views on the geopolitical conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is being attacked because the Jews so this this to be goes to all this this big, bigger picture, which is we are going.

We're going back instead of moving forward.

The way we see the Middle East when I get nervous about his that's what happens to Israel. The short term of the bite administration, but also the long-term effects of this piece accords over historic favorite records. What happens to those if there during those exist, they will talk about that at all. And all these peace agreements that exist and if you don't act on those United States would be to make good on the promises you made to get into groups where there is F 35 military assistant security since these countries, the court that I can assist in the agreement that it's good faith only to appoint it. Well, it's about the United States is engaging in bad faith. And here's the thing that is interesting.

I want this idea that you should even be doing business with the Palestinian Authority, which is controlled by Hamas who's the stronger they got two factions within the Palestinian territory.

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority as Jeff Albano rightly point out, these are not both group is unlike other Palestine authorities great and Hamas is terrible. Hamas is terrible. Palestinian Authority is terrible.

Who's in control. Don't kid yourself for a moment. Hamas is in control there in control of Gaza and they really control the other territories to we been there and we seen the flags of Hamas in the streets of the refugee camps. What are called refugee camps.

Now that's the reality on the ground that is his law that says you don't give these people money, that's not what were supposed to be doing. We don't reward them for bad behavior. We don't reward them when we have a law, the Taylor force act that says you can't. We have filed a lawsuit against the State Department because we think they are violating the Taylor force act, but I think it's important plan to restate what that act is everybody.

This was news broadcast needs to know that in our view, what's taking place right now actually violates the law. Yes, an act that was signed into law that says it is against US law to provide funding to the Palestinian Authority government unless the Secretary of State can certify J that they are no longer engaged in hostilities. Specifically, what is known as paper, slate, just very briefly, that is a program that the Palestinians are used to pay terrorists to kill a foreign usually Israeli citizens or American citizens actually pay a reward to them. The law says J that until the Secretary of State.

In this case Tony blank and can certify that that is no longer taking place.

We cannot provide economic support funds just just one quick note J you with the law doesn't say it says what is long as you send those funds through humanitarian sorcery, humanitarian account, then it's okay that is not in the law. The law says that Secretary of State must certify that pay for sleigh has stock secretary blinking has said he cannot make that certification. That's why it's in violation of the law were not the only people saying this to play for you free to carry from CNN a left of center, journalist, broadcaster, okay, listen to this soundbite.

Palestinians are politically weak and divided that led in Gaza by Hamas of group despised even by Arab states like Egypt and Saudi Arabia and the West Bank. The 85-year-old Mahmoud Abbas runs in administration, widely considered corrupt and dysfunctional has postponed elections for 11 years. In short, Israel doesn't have any practical reasons to make a deal with the Palestinians, so Hamas is a terrorist group that are launching the Rick the missiles that they get from Iran against Israel Palestinian Authority steals the money from their own people. That's the political reality on the ground while here who acknowledge Israel as a practical reasons to make a deal. The US rushing back in to handout $360 million, and adds to make claims like without a list by the way that we could rebuild in the Gaza Strip without actually the body going to Hamas of this trusted partners there who who you trust that actively operates a construction business. Let's say it, any terrorist controlled territory.

How can you trust that it because they are having to deal with a group that you designate as terrorist but he has takes be exchanged this idea you could draw these clear-cut lines in the Middle East. This is what's never worked there.

She could make peace deals pace of economic tourism like we saw with these Gulf states it Israel because it buddy but he does talk in these countries had economic development talks and better relations with the US talks whether security but the idea that you can just say oh it's it's this or that they just rush back. It is the same policies say the same policies and failing only familiar. I don't know this perfect, but don't you feel like it.

I consulate in Jerusalem is good to be the same people that worked up someplace else. Another write back 100%.

And it's not a guess and out on the Titus, Joe Biden knows this to you know how I know this, he voted for the Jerusalem Embassy act in 1995. He can pretend he doesn't know all he wants were talking more than 20 years ago Joe Biden voted this requirement in US law versus the repeat point of failed policies for Republicans and Democrats of the past, over and over again, but we're in court fighting it out for you support the work of the American Center for Law and Justice to do that by making an online talking about it, analyzing it had the best experts in the world. Our team now. Can you imagine what we're able to produce yesterday the day on this issue got about Fort Worth ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later there and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines projecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms and then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you, are not well this perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ secularity difficult to 100-6843 what tables go to Alan New York.

I like to AL Logan Sekulow will this administration keep pushing for two states have they ever told what the benefit is to America to have a Palestinian state.

We know why Israel an ally and we can make the case that we support them at the ever made the case of how America or the West interests are advanced by creating a new Palestinian state with the idea was that you have two states living peacefully side-by-side with shared economic interest in fair economic development. This would be you know agreed to the real world of the safer for America is it you cannot negotiate with a terror organization.

You cannot negotiate with Hamas.

There is a picture right now. Fox News hasn't then I don't know if we have in our screen if we can get it up. We have, it will yes I would describe it so we told you about the chanting in the streets of Jerusalem that the blood of the Jews will run in the streets and this is been chanted by kids because is what they're learning in these Palestinian Authority schools in these amounts lead schools in Gaza this is that the mindset there's actually a picture now it's all over the Internet.

This is actually on Fox News since it may be made credited the source and its Palestinian leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip's name is job? And he holds a child in a soldier costume on the stage with a weapon for the cameras and machine gun at a rally supporters days after a cease-fire was reached in the 11 day conflict there is. So if you're watching an item or social media outlets or are based on websites or Facebook. There is there watching on rumble you're sitting at your singing on Facebook you're seeing on YouTube you're seeing on you can probably see this on TV as I'm sure this broadcast is can I make it to our television as an occasion to but there you have it to me. That speaks volumes. That is, after the piece of equipment that cease-fire that was forced on the Israelis by the Biden administration and that is where the difficulty is, I believe seen such a drastic change of policy in such a short period of time that were seen war in the Middle East attack. Some Jews in the United States and around the world. By the way, anti-Semitism at all time high and were asking why policies actually have consequences. In this the same statement for this Hamas leaders.

Holy of this kid whose father was fully killed as he supposedly got to take away from if his father was killed but because you can't trust that there are pictures literally when they have the bodies out with the boss you this is part of the cultural tradition advocated through the streets of the faces have to type you see photos later with people like that that the actors acting for cameras that are active for the imagery for TV that puts out that the Arab world of the European world and so I did enough to trust any of their stories, but you can't trust a statement. He said this, the greatest gift Israel can give me is to assassinate me.

He said I prefer to die a martyr from an F-16 the dive coronavirus or another disease will thankfully if he ever is taken out by Israel. I don't know how high up.

He actually is a call leader, but there's no Becky thought about a lot in Arras because they are constantly being taken out neutralized.

As you will say it will be an F-16. It will be one of those digit drones because that inserts into such spinning blades yet so that he would blow up a car but your God save you happiness of the body and samples of these Hamas leader so I get.

They throw out this kind of rhetoric as the writer thinks about what we've heard reports from the ground that it's made the more popular I don't know if it's actually true because we give enteric tears to give it even like NBC news by putting that info out. That's saying a lot about the people there. If that's actually true the whole people, been brainwashed by terror group and if it's not true that you're putting on Hamas propaganda so you got it yet away that because once they get to control these terror groups very tough to remove unless you basically take out all we see that with Isis was that with Al Qaeda, I would see that time and time again unless they are totally taken out. They don't give up trying to negotiate any kind of resolution are two state solution when the one party to the solution calls for your destruction is not realistic now. Let's go back up to Washington and will get comments and by Facebook and YouTube view comments get those according and calls of 100 684-3110 but the answer what what is what is the pro-Israel caucus look like in Congress right now. Well did the pro-Israel caucus has always been very strong.

As a result of the fact that the American people are are solidly behind the nation state of Israel and I J here's my concern know that that coalition in Congress has always been broad and bipartisan ended but the support on the Democrat side of that coalition it's crumbling. It just is jamming look. I think a somebody like Sen. Coons and I brought up this example before I'm not trying to pick on him, but I bring it up because he's been a staunch ally of Israel J he spent a couple of weeks over the last month in Vienna trying to negotiate a reentry into the Iran deal that is about as anti-Israel. As you can get.

And then we Artie mention this, you have the House foreign affairs committee chairman trying to hold precision sales, a private sales of those missiles to Israel a J but ultimately I keep coming back to the Biden administration and my response to the last caller would be. This is what a a foreign policy of appeasement and consensus will get. This is by the way, J why we file that FOIA request on the Taylor force act because while that policy decision is made by the President of the United States. We need to know who inside these agencies is willing to violate US law to enforce a bad and against US law, policy like this one. That's interesting Heidi and Facebook. Right. What's the difference from consulate and an embassy everything they embassy is the official recognition from the nationstate. The United States of the embassy are normal diplomatic relation with that state. Here it's Israel, and it was in Jerusalem and removed it from Tel Aviv, which was authorized by Congress back in the 90s, but took President from to actually do it. Others talked about it, but they didn't do it.

Consulate is an administrative office that usually would be in other cities, you would put a consulate next year.

Embassy because what the functions of the consulate. It will be absorbed within the overall embassy of that's what's necessary that the constituency work for Americans.

This was an intentional move to drive a wedge between the United States and Israel's leadership and to create a false narrative that there is now this operating Palestinian Authority government." The state of Palestine, which does not exist so that is what this means. At the end of the day.

That's why they did it exactly right. And you know Jensen you to write Israel refuse the consulate. Technically, yes, yes, but either they don't have the power to this Silverlight 7 billion people versus the ADD still a world superpower. As of right now to the kits suggested they could say no to us now so you could you say were not to recognize her consulate yet. You could direct you could've just recognized the ambassador whenever they get one and say what I can accept their credentials.

Is that going to happen. No, we can't because the ramifications of that are so serious for Israel that would not be.

It would not would not be Tennille Temple come tomorrow or actually tonight at 9 PM Eastern time is to be the launch. The official launch of Logan Sekulow song.

It's great backyard song go to back yard song.calm backyard to see the video production of a mix of fun song about the reopening of the United States of America. They not want to miss that backyard also, I would encourage you to support the work of the ACLJDBC. This production is a lot of people behind it `that that glass that you don't see the put the program together to support the work of the ACLJ your supporting all the ACLJ.ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side.

If you're already a member. Thank you. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ