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ACLJ Needed Now More than Ever

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
December 29, 2020 12:00 pm

ACLJ Needed Now More than Ever

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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The American Center for Law and Justice needed now more than ever live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow phone lines are open for your questions right now called one 806 843-110-1800 68412 and the chief counsel and state save that we are looking at a new year and a lot of new challenges ahead. I think that's an understatement to say the least. We are operating with the new theme for 2021 at the ACLJ we had our board meeting for the AC for the ACLJ and argument related organizations and the theme is the ACLJ needed now more than ever.

Why the challenges were to be facing in the next four years are going to be great.

I could tell you that are ready.

The fact of the matter is, and I think we have to be clear on this, that we've been through this before.

So were not getting caught off guard by all the changes that are likely to be taking place in the next several weeks we've done this already said in previous programs. Earlier in the month we talked about the situation with representatives will we got into that deeply and we got were going to work on but yet understand that we got a look now to hold the slave issues I see government accountability in ways we never imagined before is the oversight of Congress in ways we never imagined before were on the threshold of a Senate election in Georgia Tech and tort will determine who controls the United States Senate. That is days away and that's you have a big impact on all this as well so you is and what we as an organization, applicant, all of these factors and then say, okay, how do we best utilize our resources to defend the Constitution to protect liberty to protect life to the protect freedom, but this is to be a big challenge oversight, which owns number one challenge number one is the state of Georgia to say this. Probably every day this week. Your days away from electing into United States senators. The Senate is in your hands. We effectively have seen and this is Trinity combo course resident of Georgia. We are seeing a national election playing out in just days in Georgia. This is a critical election. I'm a citizen of Georgia. I'm proud to say that the state of Georgia is in a position to make a decision as to who is going to control the Senate of the United States and we've got to get out and vote.

Don't listen to people who tell you not to vote or that your vote doesn't counter that absentee ballots are not good. It is better to vote in person if you possibly can but remember that you hold the decision as to whether the Senate is going to be a conservative body dedicated to the proposition of law dedicated to conservative ideals dedicated to the propositions that we hold constitutional, statutory, the things that we have been advocating at the ACLJ for years or not. And so your vote is going to count is going to be between a person who is a liberal radical of both of them are or someone who is conservative and who believes in the rule of law you will forever you want to vote for where to tell you this, you got a boat.

This is significant will tell people who to vote for but that it is the control of the United States Congress at stake in this yet literally makes the difference between a leader's humor or a leader McConnell and also Jay, whether or not there's unified one-party control of all the levers main levers of government dad would say one thing to the election integrity question that I and a lot of people are concerned about going down to vote in Georgia at Jade the results on November 3 or that David Perdue 1 x 2% and all of the Republicans combined one by about for a percent of overall, the Democrats combined.

So yes, there's concern about Alexia integrity. BJ everyone needs to go down and vote and exercise their constitutional option by Harry Hudson or Greco policy and Willie Ellis familiar. How important is this book. It's very very important so much.

Is it state going forward. It's important to look back to the period between 2008 and 2016, when many radical new policies were introduced. The people of Georgia can take a decision on the future of the nation.

So I urge them to take this selection seriously is serious work to get into the issue that we think will be facing coming up because it's serious. They were the last week here of the month. Your support of the ACLJ article now more than ever that's ACLJ data relating that you donate for getting a matching your parcel the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad.

Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift when you $50 gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today to make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly protect. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life that supports the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, and parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership abuse you is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACL data/rug as everyone lined up morphine for 2021 here. The Americans informed us is days LJ is the ACLJ needed more now than ever needed now more than ever. It really is really posting in the days ahead of pieces that Terry Hutchison or Greco policies work on the Jordan is worked on and others that sets forth the policies that were looking at having to deal with but I will start with this. This is from the preamble of what the document Harry Hutchison wrote wisely.

The American people continue to demand adherence to United States Constitution. Rule of law and accountable leaders representing our members and the American people. The American Center for Law and Justice has always been vigilant and forward-looking to advance our goals and mission and Harry that statement are motto if you will are are statement, purpose, mission statement is to make sure that we defend adherence to the Constitution, the rule of law and accountable leaders, but it's good to be a challenge. In the months ahead, your family and one of the things that the ACLJ has always done. It has remain vigilant. It is remain vigilant to the principles which ground the United States. So if you look at the founding of the country. If you look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that those two documents stand for the rule of law, and they also stand for limited government. We live in an era in which many radicals are driven by the intuition that the government should grow and expand and take up virtually all of our lives. We have gone through and we continue to go through. For instance, a pandemic, and in some cases that has unleashed liberal authoritarians to take control of the American people's lives and we have stood with the American people, particularly in the arena of schools and also with respect to freedom of worship. Notwithstanding the fact that we do indeed have a pandemic, as judged is just discourse which has said the pandemic does not eliminate either the rule of law or the United States Constitution mentioned the image of the education issue and look Joe Biden as a President based on what he said when he was running it's very clear what their policies in BC centralized government centralized education lack of parental choice, lack of school choice, beholding to the student. The teacher unions and we have I think the number that we've assisted in our school choice program in our school education programs because of the covert situation well over 2000 and we got in stunning results of everything from computer access to special needs kids being taken care of. I mean, our lawyers done and staff have done just a great job. Thousands of people been helped but as I'm thinking about this thing and I'm looking at the education factor and we know this, you know what this could look like under Secretary of Education incoming Secretary of Education look very different. Oh yeah control and decisions made out of Washington DC, jamming the playbooks Artie out there and look all of the data is very clear in this. The further away from the student. The decision-making gets when it comes to a child's education of the worst that education is just not tailored to that student J that's why during this pandemic. I we made a very intentional effort to engage on a student by student level you not yes of course there were school districts they were having challenges how to meet individual students needs, but by coming alongside them J we saw a real success in getting individualized plans created in one of the things we back advocated in Washington DC, and this is begin to become a more significant hurdle in the years ahead J but is making sure that is when the federal government sends dollars down to the local and state level, that there is still some flexibility for parents to make choices for their students now look. I actually think there's an opportunity in the Congress to engage in a bipartisan way on this.

But you're right J the Department of Education under a Biden administration is going to be hostile to that idea. But here's the thing were not gonna stand down because the data and the facts are on our side. And this is the other thing I would say J that consequences are just too largely the quality of the education of our students is at stake. And if all of that power.

Go J goes to Washington DC. The quality of that education will suffer, and we've represented you compass which was this were your dollars. The ACLJ make a huge difference. We have already represented parents in North Carolina, California, Michigan, Nevada, Nebraska and other states.

I know that we also had students in Texas and students in New York.

In addition to work in helping these families facing the covert related school issues.

We've also help on a Nebraska case were school student was allowed to exercise of free speech rights with respect for her decision, but they were allowing students to go to school to represent a church youth group program and they were censored or in the middle of all this because I use this excuse any that the Constitution as Harry said, and just as Bartlett said, but using this you know the pandemic is excused to squelch or limit is like taking an eraser and removing the First Amendment. You don't do that, then the true test of a constitutional republic is how much it adheres to its Constitution and its laws during a time of crisis and I think just discourse which said that as well as other justices on the Supreme Court who are are conservative right-leaning and Doug and textual originalists.

That is the test of whether a Republic survives in a time of pandemic in a time of crisis. In the time of war do you continue to maintain the constitutional rights that were put forward in the Constitution by the founders. Whether or not you do that is really the choice that you make.

And that is important because we in the ACLJ have our school choice and there's an initiative we have been involved in cases in which we have fought discrimination against religious schools in which we have championed the ministerial exception that protects churches and other religious organizations from government interference in decisions about who leads worship or teaches religion. We have filed suits. I remember in California against chanting and the use of incense and singing in churches.

We get other words, the government needs to stay out of the churches and let us conduct our worship. The way we feel that it should be conducted and schools have been held in the enormously by the ACLJ and that is the initiative that we will continue into 20, 21, and I will assure you, and I think there's no doubt about the stand that the fact of the matter is with the changes in Washington coming we better buckle up here and realize that this fight is going to take on a whole new dimension. You go from an administration that will support the one that's possibly done that before. These cases become more intense now.

The good thing is present from Guthrie Supreme Court. Just as important to have a conservative Supreme Court. So when is any just mention issues like religious exemption so that religious schools can hire teachers in accordance with their faith and doctrine makes perfect sense to this report decision to get there. Those are protected but they will try regulatory moves to squelch religious freedom or academic choice in educational choice.

There's no question can happen right out of the gate jamming right in the first hundred days. There can be regulations to roll back some of these victories in agony on a wide variety of issues, but distant is it to hone in on the religious freedom issue that you're talking about just now Jake during the trump administration. The President put out an executive order exec directing every agency to look at all of its programs and make sure that religious entities were not discriminated against. To make sure they can participate in all of the funding programs without leaving their faith at the door. Basically to operate as a religious entity while they serve. The committee J we filed formal comments in all nine of those rules and all nine of those rules are now in force on telling you in the first hundred days of the Biden administration. All of those rules are to look to be adjusted.

But Jade, this is an area I actually think we can win on and here's why people on the ground are benefiting from these organizations that are serving them out of the goodness of their heart and motivated by their faith date.

We were Artie preparing now when those rules look to be adjusted were to file an opposition and try to keep them enforce debit you bring up a really important point that you and I will go to Harry on this and that is the fact is in the work were about to enter hostile territory, and we've entered hostile territory. Before us is not the first hundred that were about to enter hostile territory. I think that is an accurate look at the future, it is clear beyond question that hostile forces actually have been marshaling a and mobilizing over the past 8 to 10 years and one of the things that they have targeted is religious liberty and religious autonomy, and in order to have religious liberty. You must have autonomy and the Supreme Court in recent decisions, particularly in our Lady of Guadalupe Bay has respected by vote of 722 of the principle of religious autonomy without religious autonomy. As I've suggested previously the church or the church school cannot effectively determine its doctrine, it cannot determine who to hire and who to fire and so we live in an era in which many people believe, for instance, that the nondiscrimination principal prompts the First Amendment of the Constitution and I think it is clear beyond question.

Is Prof. Michael McConnell has said that the First Amendment is indeed our first liberty, and that First Amendment is going to be under attack them. Fortunately, I think we got a significant advantage of the ports. That's where the ACLJ comes in a wide we lawyers all over the United States. Likely lawyers all around the world standing for freedom standing for liberty fighting for you and we will continue to do that, no matter who's in the White House to continue to fight for you. We need your support of the ACLJ last week of the month ACLJ.or any amount you donate we get a matching gift form are encouraged to do that your anybody donate.

We had a matching gift for now ACLJ.only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life battle supports publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, and parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership abuse you is empowering the right to question a free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help any way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollars $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ talked about some the issues that we face when we got a hostile government.

How we handle and I think, be good walk people through right now.

How we deal with agencies when we don't like what's happening like near wall situation or what was happening. The present trough and others in our national intelligence. We now have as a senior advisor to the ACLJ Rick Grenell that significant white well, Rick knows, a former director of national intelligence and ambassador Germany G-7 country we have so we have expertise that's deep on these issues, but one of things that I think people need understand is when we see something we hear something more concerned about an issue we'll just talk about it. Talk is easy, but we do something about.

And that goes to our Government accountability Project engineer lot about that this week because it had so many areas.

That's whether it's defending Israel it's whether it's the abuse that the FBI is whether it's in a this stuff with the national intelligence, but I think it's important. Take today out. Is he supporting the work of the ACLJ by the waiter watching on any or social media platforms. This made great time for you to follow it. Like if you're on Facebook like our page, follow it and appear on YouTube. We encourage you to subscribe and hit that bell so you're notified same thing on rumble. It doesn't go live on rumble but is another way for you to get in the course but I want to take you through the basics of what it means when we say our Government accountability projects going to work. Let me start first with them.

If we get to the legal technicalities and issue happens in Washington fan you could pick out hundred a moment so just pick one and then our office at bear your office up there.

Goes to work. Let's describe what that is sure J when it comes to our Government accountability Project. The things that are important are knowing where to look and who to look at.

We can draw on a a long range of institutional knowledge and experience. Basically we've been here before J, so when a problem crops up and we see it abuse inside of an agency, we know not only which agencies we might need to ask about that. But J we've got a long memory on which officials have maybe abused that by that power. In the past. So when we want to reach back and we will issue a FOIA and ask for records involving in whatever situation it might be that has arisen you got to know the specific office but just after the officials who might've been involved in implementing that what were trying to do though J is get information that we the people are entitled to and what we could sure to call them up puzzle pieces because we don't know which ones were going to need in the long run, but you gather all the puzzle pieces together and then you start to put them together to build a narrative not a narrative J to uncover the truth. Really, how was our government operating what were they are driving at what was their agenda.

What was their motive and I will tell you, I mean sometimes that the picture that it changed J is one of terrific abuse. I think probably the classic example was the IRS abuse where there was political targeting of conservatives on the ground outside our behind-the-scenes effort. Jake is the reason that that was exposed. No question about that took both litigation and footwear work, but then at you when were talking about the, the freedom of information act. That said, a statute that allows us to get information from the government starts with a letter from our offices in Washington to these agencies and answers.

Give us this information on these topics and generally they don't. That's generally what happens. They do not and then Andy we go to court. That's right, we file a request with the agency under the statute, the freedom of information act, which is a federal law that allows the public to have access to information with certain exceptions and then nine times out of 10, the agency will stonewall us whether it be the FBI or the State Department, which is the worst offender of the debtor Department of national security or national intelligence, and so forth, and we then have to make a decision what were going to do and what we do is we go to the United States District Court for the district of Columbia and Washington DC. That's the form that has been set for enforcing FOIA request by the public. We start out by saying that this is being made on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice. We seek expedited process and we seek the week with the court to intervene to issue an order to these agencies that we've sent a FOIA request to produce the documents they usually then come back and then we go through a series of lengthy negotiations back and forth about what they'll give you what they won't give sometimes we get a good judge and the judge will hear the order that the information be provided to us. We may get tons of information is redacted.

That means Mark through in black so that we can see what's underneath and we have to then go back and say you redacted too much. We can't really find out what your suit, giving us because it makes no sense. So it goes through a process of litigation, but it's painstaking, it's long as use in Illinois. There, yet you're finding on nugget in a gold mine occasionally you'll come up with something that is really a bombshell but you have to persist in doing it and that's what we do you think about this, and the like. There are interrelations with argument on foreign policy Harry as our director policy. Look at them anymore into this and later in the program that Iran but we absent freedom of information act request of the Secretary of State's office to find out what was going on with various presentations that will be made under the Obama administration regarding what regarding our relations with Iran in the Iran deal that is how you get information in that officer to be more active now more than ever I think that is correct. We live in an era wherein globalists and particularly elites are inherently corrupt and they tend to believe that the rules apply to virtually everyone else, but the rules do not apply to them. And so it's very very important that we have a Government accountability office and the ACLJ has been extremely active in vigorously seeking to hold these elites hold these bureaucrats accountable so we have filed hundreds of FOIA request, we have received over 20,000 pages of documents in's and our litigation.

But it's also important to keep in mommy that some of these globalists and some of these elites are not in Washington, they REM state capitals and we are also active in going after state officials and so for instance if you look at the state of New York in the state of Virginia with respect to their attempt to pass radical policies without an abortion around abortion. It's very important to know. Hey, what are they thinking, but in addition they often refuse to enforce their own rules with respect to conches exceptions with respect to medical personnel who refused to for instance participate we we we have also looked into what Ohio state of Ohio was doing and licensing an individual who was anti-Semitic and she basically wanted to see Jewish Americans to be eliminated from medical practice. Unreal.

But you know what your American Center for Law and Justice went to work on all that's where you just give you a that is it.

That's that little bit of what we do through office of government accountability and of course that comes in our office of government affairs for your support of the ACLJ supports all of that, including keeping this broadcast on the air, pure watching or listening on radio, which is where most of our audiences were watching on TV on all of our social media platforms that we have now, YouTube, Facebook, rumble twitter periscope support the work of the ACLJ the last week of our matching the last days of a matching Jones campaign for any amount you donate to the American Center for Law and is to be double.

Makers are good have your voice heard your name add your voice. Any amount you donate you get a matching gift work.

That's it. back with more than just a moment at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate will be managed $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and now chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow everybody went back to the program. We spent the first half hours were closing the year, looking ahead and using these major challenges. As I said in the person of our this broadcast is any question about the matter how you look at it to be a bit of a different world now. The good thing is that that present from visible point in getting from three justices to the US Supreme Court. I think you can see the importance of that as we get to this next couple segments of broadcast especially on the issues of religious liberty.

So in the beginning we talked about freedom of information act request for litigation posture. There are government affairs office works.

This is important to get into as well. We worked on judicial nominations because look to the control of the judiciary is very significant as to the issue of religious freedom where we see the religious freedom issue entered this year primarily in response to the pandemic coated the restrictions that have been placed on churches and some of those restrictions were draconian in nature. Now look, I think you gotta be cautious. Pastors are being cautious there limiting the numbers of people that are going to the church is Wes addition being covered are currently nine states arm, your pastor, churches have responded cautiously that they for the most part responsibly.

They really have. And yet you have the government using the guise of Kobe trying to tell them not only how many people can gather in the building but what they can do when they gather that you can't chat for example, you can't sing and sewing of the First Amendment is foundational to who we are as American people and that includes the free exercise of religion. And yet more and more left-leaning politicians, governors, mayors and what have you are our encroaching that fundamental freedom that that's in our Constitution is not working time at this.

Also during the week you resist targeting the church it was and it got to the nature Harry what was absurd.

I mean, the idea that you put restrictions in place in the beginning. Sure, we name and understand the nature were dealing with, but then you could. They had a one-size-fits-all approach to everything you had adverse incentive echo 5000 people and they would say it's 25% occupancy or 50 people, whichever is less. Absolutely. And so in reality, churches and religious institutions were disproportionately targeted discriminatory regulations and now the United States Supreme Court, at least in terms of preliminary decision-making is beginning to side consistently with churches, so just last week.

There is a case involving the high plains harvest church. A small Christian church north of Denver. They argued before the United States Supreme Court that the coronavirus restrictions implemented by the Democratic governor which limited the capacity of worship services in some areas to 25% or a maximum of 50 wrongly targeted indoor religious services, subjecting them to harsher rules than let's say Lowe's and Home Depot and so the United States Supreme Court is now developing a pattern of providing a defense in favor of religious liberty us so long as the churches are acting reasonably.

The interesting aspect of that when you talk about that we get back from the break as it beginning the first couple cases were not so great, another sprinkling United States Caesar's Palace one Caesars bought season one Calvary Chapel did not really talk about what happens when you add a spring or just listen to the mix, then men will come in on that, but that's why this is the ultimate legacy of any President, the appointment of three justices of the sprinkling United States, all in the 40s when they were appointed. I want to take a break we come back from the break. More on this issue because as I said the couple justices switch new justice appointed in the world looks a lot different for religious liberty interest in the Justice Roberts in the beginning mezzo support of civil see how that all plays out will get some comments from our team on that and again as we are getting near the very end of the year. Your support of the ACLJ is unbelievably important.

This is our most important month of the year.

This is our most important week of the year financially for the American Center for Law and Justice. Let me encourage you to support the work of the ACLJ and Any amount you donate we get a matching gift for so encourage you haven't done so.

Good make that online gap to get any amount you donate your messenger for back with more than a moment the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life saving Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift when you $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do.

Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly protecting. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life battle and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists.

The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, and parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership of the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACL data/civil talk about some of the key issues that the ACLJ has been dealing with this year including religious freedom specifically for churches because when the pandemic first hit the restrictions on churches were disproportionate as a relates to other institutions, liquor stores can stay open churches could not Walmart could have 50% capacity. A church could have 25% capacity or 50 people, whichever is less. No matter what the size of the worship center was in. This was discriminatory to the point where Justice Alito and Justice Moore search and Thomas in a decision that first came out the first series of cases that one up.

They were split for four when you have a tie this room for Amy Barrett was confirmed as a justice. The lower court was confirm this was cases coming on the Ninth Circuit ruled against the churches. One quote that I remember distinctly. Was I mentioned before the break is that Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas can open and operate with below 30% capacity were capacity amount was but not Calvary Chapel and then you had restrictions in California that Natalie said you can only have 25 people there. No matter what the size of the worship center was but you could not sing or chant which goes to Wetzel's point that he made in the previous segment that they were actually telling the churches how to conduct their service yes so much for the free exercise of religion. Your free exercise is what that implies you you you worship you live out your faith, you affirm your faith and worship you know if you have complete freedom to do that and and obviously they were they were violating that and and again. It's sort of scary whenever the government takes power weathers from a church or school are from whatever they rarely give it back. And so, as you said, J having a Supreme Court with nine justices. Now there is very very important to ensure the free exercise of religion whether some churches are in schools or in the military Terry the first round of cases were split for four and those were again affirmative the lower courts because John Roberts did not find in favor of religious freedom. To be blunt, absolutely. And so one of the key questions that has arisen over 2020 is this particular question. Who is John Roberts. Is he truly a conservative or will he cave-in to global elites so JI think it's very important to note that global elites persistently aim simultaneously at political and social collectivism. On one hand and moral anarchy. On the other end.

So we've seen this play out, particularly in so-called liberal blue states where the state has taken on an authoritarian form with respect to the First Amendment.

These states have allowed abortion clinics to remain open acupuncture Studios to remain open, Lowe's, Home Depot, you can remain open churches which are protected by the First Amendment were deemed what non-essential and so effectively. The justices have allowed the Constitution, the language and tax to be eroded and that makes little sense. So is interesting here because justice courses in a decision I thought about this.

What he said I would rate it says in the body. It seems better to be in entertainment than religion.

Maybe that's nothing new. But the First Amendment prohibits such obvious discrimination against the exercise of religion.

The world we inhabit today with the pandemic upon us poses unusual challenges, but there is no world in which the Constitution prevents Nevada to favor Caesar's Palace over Calvary Chapel.

Now that was a dissent but it's now the majority absolutely and it is a wonderful encapsulation of how the Supreme Court is beginning to shift before our very eyes, but largely due to the persistent efforts of President to nominate conservative justices who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution. The text of the Constitution. It many of the justices on the United States Supreme Court have been educated at elite law schools where they believe and what might be called a living Constitution, a living document subject to new interpretations. As the times command if we want to amend the Constitution. We have to engage in a formal process for doing so. We cannot leave it up to unelected judges and justices so the ACLJ, of course, involved in cases in California for churches right now that are dead are winding their way up in a course is present really help, but I think I want to take a step back here and go to our director of government affairs than Bennett because it's not just doing the actual case that counts but is actually the justices that are on the court that count, and particularly in this case, since in the beginning it was not going good not going well for the church is because John Roberts was siding with the more liberal wing of the court to throw it off and that presented a problem for the churches until we had a nomination, a confirmation so then let's talk about that process and how important it is to the ACLJ not just involved in the case, but actually involved in the confirmation process.

Yet, in this case the confirmation address is Amy County. Barrett turned that dissent from justice courses into a majority opinion essentially but J it's not just the Supreme Court mean that's where it's most dramatic. That's where most people see it but the truth is, over the course of the last four years we've seen a dramatic makeover of the entire federal judiciary go through some of the numbers but I'll just say that the numbers and to go through JR to the credit of President front to theirs is that the credit of leader McConnell and then choose consecutive chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley and Chairman Graham. All four of those individuals J said we are going to make the confirmation of federal judges of one of our very highest priorities and as a result, over the course of the last four years, more than 230 federal judges are now sitting on article 3 court you talk J about the three that are sitting on the Supreme Court, but more than 50 judges are nominated by Pres. Trumper now sitting on the circuit Court of Appeal voltaic as of just a couple weeks ago. That meant there wasn't a single vacancy across all of the circuit courts now then you had Amy Barrett elevated to the Supreme Court by the way, J.

Her replacement was just confirmed by the United States Senate for the seventh Circuit Court is again that seat is filled but the bottom line the bottom line. One of the longest lasting legacies of this President is going to be a judiciary. Others dramatically reformed and by the way Jay didn't have to get all the way to Supreme Court. There been some favorable rulings that have come out of the Ninth Circuit because he started to draw better panels when there are more good-quality constitutional judges sitting on the court. But then we also hurt me lets us be clear that they Biden administration would delete, discuss, and they have openly had members of the Democratic Party say they want court packing absolutely, and I think they're gonna pursue that if they're able to one of the key distinctions will be how many seats do they have any United States Senate J they they're either going to need a majority in the United States Senate to pursue that and they will try the most significant to races in the United States other than the presidency is the two Senate races in Georgia.

Let me tell you now court packing up an interesting issue and that is with nine justice on the Spring Ct., Justice Ginsburg said that's worked out pretty well now they have tried court packing in the past.

The Democrats don't work out so well but this time to talk about Harry doing it again. But let's do there's two ways they can do it, they could pack the court will talk about religiously changing the number of justice or they get a bunch of the lower courts, a bunch of judges take senior status they get paid, but here the cases they want to hear but you get they get the President gets replacements and they said there's 110 judges that would qualify for senior status if they wanted. Let's talk about the court packing really us will court packing, properly understood, is simply an executive branch attempt to rewrite the Constitution. It is an executive branch attempt to eliminate the text of the Constitution because the individuals that they are talking about appointing in the future are individuals who are going to side with a corrupted, if not toxic version of the Constitution that is living constitutionalism, and so it will be up to the preferences of individual judges no longer can American citizens go into court and expect an impartial arbiter to decide the case. Instead, the judges will bring their biases and they will then put them on the scale of justice and they will tend to rule in favor of a collectivist state and they will therefore expand the administrative branch, the executive branch and the power of authoritarian elites over the lives of average working men and women developed. Look forward to, but that's why we fight very quickly was the outlet literally less than a minute here here illegally trained as well.

You will a law degree. What is your sense of that, the court packing. I think it could become a big issue. It would be my huge issue and he said he would appoint a commission. Biden day for six months to study it, but yeah yeah this takes the Supreme Court and makes it a political body, almost like a another legislative body in our regular government system and it would be a travesty and I think they are quite serious but it is Senate.

She said those two seats in Georgia are key because they would have to approve that.

And it's important that the Republican Party maintain control of the Senate note in order for there to be real checks and balances. Some of these crazy ideas.

I'm telling you this is like maybe two Senate seats Allegre for President.

I mean, Mrs. Pétain came in 20 seconds control strip from the Republicans of the Democrat in the Senate it's game over magnificent belted that Jane did the same. Simply, this is a national election. It's happening down in Georgia. I hear this couple weeks. Don't take this line was not important about this made right back with more just a moment. Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally pro-life battle and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership of the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

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The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ. Everybody don't forget the ACLJ I was a December the most important month. The last step is the most important segment of the month and the last week is the most important week of the month end close to the last days of the month so I don't appreciate your support for the ACLJ as I said, look, you can watch it is broadcast or listen to his every day. Your support keeps is broadcast on the air on TV on Facebook on YouTube on radio stations around the country key for government affairs office operating in Washington. Your whole media headquarters air filter media operations are Law offices in the United States and around the globe. Women talked about those yet, but again support the work of the ACLJ to matching challenge monthly. Most important of the matching John's months so any amount you donate to the ACLJ will be greatly appreciated., whatever might you donate will get a match for setting the makes better Alright let me go to an issue that is one that deserves more than 10 minutes so hit later in the week to and that is what's going on in the Armed Forces in the military. Your chaplain Wes in the United States Army many many years retired as a Col. There have been the President put forward a series of executive orders promoting religious freedom and religious faith practices both in the military and in life generally. What's the situation now in the military better, worse dangerous. You still have the groups out there on a document for business back in the name of right yet there still groups that want to eliminate the chaplain Corps, even though little eliminate and literally eliminate it without me. It would mean that first of all the commanders staff officer who is there strictly to make sure the First Amendment is not valid.

That's a chaplain's role we do religious services and counseling. But the courts have said that our primary role is to guarantee the free exercise of religion so that that becomes threatened if there is no chaplain Corps, but also actually calling for the elimination of the chaplain they have in the past they've actually taken it took to district courts, and they've lost their because the court said you you have to have chaplain coworkers. The Senate does the House of Representatives but American servicemen and women. They are deployed literally all over the world often and in remote places where there is no church, synagogue or mosque. And so the chaplains there to provide religious support, but also to guarantee that individual soldiers are guaranteed freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion. President trumps Executive Order 13798 addresses those two things in particular that you have freedom of speech and freedom of religion in the United States military. It is, it is it is key to the morale and welfare and discipline of the Armed Forces that that we had the free exercise of religion to soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, they do not give up that constitutional right when they enlist are commissioned as an officer and it's very important we continue to take that fight to the courts on my concern of course is hostile administrations and it's not just the President is hostile administrators that could view religious freedom in a very different lens and that would include a separate strict separation of church and state view which would inhibit military chaplains and we had a blissfully litigated,we met was dark what might happen those have happened there groups that are very active but not in the name that lives in a very active in trying to squelch religious liberty religious freedom for men and women in the military, including the chaplains and it's not just speculative J it's happened before. The same people that have done it before our began to be placed in prominent positions inside the government issues can happen. That's why were preparing to defend against that now looked at me just say I mean we hear here's what we say when we make the case today on Capitol Hill, or to the in the in various administrations.

If we are to ask our men and women to go into harm's way and to put their life on the line for us, which is by the way, exactly what they're asking them to do the last thing that we should do is ask them to do that without the support of the clergy. But J I'm here to tell you it might not be at the Presidential level. It might be at a bureaucratic level and in some ways that's more insidious because it gets me no less attention. It's not as flashy but you have to address it. Even if it happens at the bureaucratic level because Wes can tell you this if you get a bureaucratic order to go through, even if it's not at the Presidential level. It still got the force of implementation that has the same exact effect in men and women in harm's way are without the support of the clergy so Jay wouldn't have to watch for that and they were not provided aggressively. We were very active in the new member than during the Obama ministration because it was a lot of restrictions and and wet you were in the military that right. You even recently. There've been three cases were in some of these groups that that you we whose name shall not dimension and tried to go in and if they can eliminate the chaplain inhibit the chaplain Corps in the free exercise of religion. In the last year you're part of that is manna chaplain because of coded was having chapel services outdoors in his residence on a military base and they they came in and complained and tried to get the commander to to reprimand the chaplain because he was not in a chapel building doesn't then designate of religious worship. So course that's coming from the same. The courts would would say well until the recent addition will write but find an anomaly that the the same groups.

They will they will go to a commander and intimidate a commander whether Zetterberg a battalion are at an army level and say you know this is wrong. You have to do this and many times the commander does not know all the implications of the First Amendment and and different things in the military source exercise of religion, and so they will agree with this group and that's where the ACLJ has come in and help the commanders understand their role in the role of the chaplain and how exercise of religion is actually played out in the military and we have been instrumental even recently in making that happen, and I'll take some the focus is getting your support. The ACLJ makes all this possible. But here you know you do talk about the titular balance of the courts on this issue. This is another one where having constitutional is on the Supreme Court are critical absolutely and so one of the great things about changing the composition of the United States Supreme Court in favor of the rule of law in favor of the Constitution is that this movement basically favors average men and women in the United States.

Those are the individuals who volunteer for our all volunteer military, but then the goat globalist elites.

They say hey let's deprive those individuals of their religious liberty and leave, but we still want to benefit from the protections provided by this all volunteer military.

This makes no sense. That is often the case with respect to the agenda of the people in Washington DC the bureaucrats that fan I talked about earlier. They really don't care about average men and women who are serving in their in the military and many of them are quite distant from their own families their own churches their own synagogue.

And so what we have is a disproportionately discriminatory approach by these elites then brings up a good point out used to be. The Ninth Circuit was the go to circuit for all this not so much anymore.

The organ have to litigate these J but they are as you surrender the Ninth Circuit to file them because they had an automatic slamdunk win anymore. There 29 judges on the Ninth Circuit Ct. 10 of them.

J 10 of them. Out of 29 were nominated not by Republican were nominated by Donald Trump. The spread on that court is now 16 to 13th and we have to draw panel from that ratio.

Guess what you do. Sometimes you draw a panel that gives you a victory. They can go to the Ninth Circuit anymore get an automatic win. Look how much trouble they gave the President early on in his judicial nominees. I mean unbelievable and I will see what happens if that the shoes on the point will also see what happens if you're in Georgia. If you can keep the Senate under conservative control pulsation and up. I will tell you had about you but anyway you want but I'm telling you the consequences of this very very significant folks as we close broadcasts out today. Let me encourage you go to Any amount you give and is doubled, we get a match, so it's not you double you get $10 we get another tenant's 20 hundredths 200 someone gave $5000 is $10,000 as I work so we appreciate that watching other social media platforms Facebook like and follow me encourage you get on YouTube. We encourage you to hit subscribe in the Lobel button.

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