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BREAKING: Senate Judiciary to Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Censorship

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
October 15, 2020 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Senate Judiciary to Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Censorship

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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October 15, 2020 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Senate Judiciary to Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Censorship.

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Breaking news this judiciary committee is going to subpoena twitter CEO over censorship looking to hearing next Friday talk about that and more today on Jay Sekulow live from Washington DC. Phone lines are open for your questions right now called one 806 843-110-1800 68412 your holes secular well there is a lot of new to talk about today what you've got, of course, that the hearing for Judge Amy Cody Barrett. They are coming to a close today. There's just the testimony she's done she's finished her portion or two days of testimony should excellent job with the Democrats on the committee just looked outright foolish whenever they tried to challenge her and her statements again. Just don't resonate with the American American people and tried to make her out to be some kind of radical because of faith or because she's pro-life I and all those issues I think she did an excellent job. She no notes for the notepad.

She showed up she brought no documents brought no she met people whispering in her ear. She was able to go through. It was again, I think put Fort her judicial philosophy in each scenario should brought to what it was in the hot button topics that people how to tune into politically or that are politically charged for the issues like business issues antitrust issues economic a lot of issues ago before the spring court that don't get as much attention to those hearings wrap up and then you got likely will be a vote next week in real 22nd I that will be her boat out of committee. We expect a partyline partisan vote 12 to 10 and then heads to Mitch McConnell so you see the kind of flow here. President nominates the judiciary committee has their hearings, they can hold it over for week, that's normal practice that then they vote and then a ghost minutes and Mitch McConnell hands the Senate majority leader to figure out the voting time on the Senate floor because of the open time for debate to open it up for debate and how long that will go and then will file a cloture motion ultimately an actual vote to confirm Judge bear right now it looks like that is on track now you know the support super Supreme Court nominations and entirely coated anything to rule any possibility out of something coming up so don't get overconfident ever into the confirmation is done.

I would update you on that that we got some huge breaking news because the sender sure to be very busy right now, obviously with with this hearing on a spring court justice with a lifetime appointment that they have now announced after twitter made that move to sit at two since her a New York Post article about Hunter Biden yesterday that they have now announced that this action by twitter, had just gone too far with the censorship they been doing this for a few weeks and it's really close to elections a lot of different laws come into place and they are they have announced that they will have a vote to subpoena the CEO, twitter Jack Dorsey and and have him appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Friday. Dad would hear what is happening. I think we have to be very clear as to what this is an and the risk is that what you have is a major social media platform skewing the news and skewing the news in such a way that the only reason they back off of it was because there was other news outlets started reporting that the New York Post story so putting the whole issue aside on what's in the story. The idea that social media platforms are going to now be in the business of kind of skewing what you're going to see him with her not in the seat is very dangerous, especially 19 days after 18 days out from election for the President of the United States and they think they been closed various people. Twitter feed including the White House press office of the Press Secretary Kaylee Kaylee was actually off-road R are our colleague Rick Grenell.

I mean, this is what Scott. In order for there to be a police a free flow of information back and forth. I want to have one thing on the Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett who, why, she will be a great justice. She was unflappable. She answered the questions she did it forthrightly, she drew the line where it would be inappropriate. Answer a particular question how you vote a particular case somebody centers ended up looking quite rightly doing ridiculous price includes teaching were sent to you because we hundred 64, 31 to this twitter censorship has it gone too far this close to the election where they selectively since around news. It appears to hurt Joe Biden and they don't do anything about Chinese propaganda to 164 3110 direct back challenges facing Americans or substantial time in our valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice as is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called life will show you how you are personally pro-life publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to the pro-life in many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy of mission life today online ACLJ/got news of the said three sinners stepped out of the Senate Judiciary Committee include the chairman of the Senate initiate Lindsay Graham Ted Cruz and Josh Holly Esther Holly cute those three sinners I have made statements and have announced that the Senate Judiciary committee will be holding a vote to subpoena Jack Dorsey, CEO, twitter for his testimony next Friday for the Senate Judiciary Committee in relation to this censorship of selective censorship of news outlets. Listen to what Sen. Ted Cruz had to say. I think he kinda sums it up perfectly because it whatever you think about the news it's reported and what's come out about Hunter Biden Joe Biden that set this out that the laptop list what Sigurd had Cruz had to say. I think this is the key committee today will be noticing a mark on Tuesday.

Subpoena Jack Dorsey, the CEO of twitter to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee next Friday, for this committee and the American people and explain why twitter is using their corporate power to silence the press and cover-up allegations of corruption and let me be clear, I don't know if these New York Post stories are true or not. Those are questions. VP Biden should answer twitter and Facebook and billionaires don't get a sense of political speech and really interfere in the election. That's what they're doing right now and so on Tuesday, the judiciary committee. The full committee will be voting on subpoenas to subpoena Jack Dorsey to come before today, admitted to in Washington DC think that the major announcement is been up conservatives have been upset about this specifically because it's been conservatives that been targeted our own record out special visor today ACLJ, a former acting director of national intelligence, a cabinet member was locked out of his twitter account just I just let that was it last week yeah last week and had to have that resolved and that someone who has the ability to get it resolved. A lot of people don't and so this again.

That has been resonating amongst conservatives and now they've twitter has got it started banning news newspapers the fourth-largest newspaper company news outlet in the country and this is not supposed to happen in United States of America. Jordan means that withholding information from voters right before an election. That's that happens in Banana Republic, not the United States of America. Until maybe now look Jack Dorsey could have gone out and use the platform that he runs to say that I don't know. Maybe he should say the story in his view is unverified installations.

I've heard those words somewhere before. He didn't do that. He stopped millions of American people from being able to access the same information that he used, to come to his conclusion the door and I want to underscore something you said about Ted Cruz and Chairman Graham and Sen. how Holly's announcement that they are Guinness subpoena Jack Dorsey. By the way Sen. Holly is also environment invited Mark Zuckerberg to be a part of that. He traditionally Jordan has been more willing to appear voluntarily. Either way, I expect both of them will be there on Friday. I think that what you subpoenas for both that they have to be at this point, I think that'll only be necessary for Jack Dorsey. But here's the point I want to make their gonna take that vote on Tuesday. Then they're going to report Judge Barrett out of committee on Thursday and then there you have this hearing on Friday. How would you like to be a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee over the last couple weeks or next week is give me any of very full week for them it that this is really big. I mean, you know what I think that the main thing were saying and I think this is the point that has to be reiterated. Let me say this very clearly the idea that these tech companies and we utilize them. I may look wrong. Twitter were on Facebook. All these platforms, but the idea that weeks before an election, literally days before election. In fact, the election is going on right now in many states. People are voting the idea that they would skew the news, which is what they've done here.

There is no justification for that and they have to be particularly careful when you're in the vicinity of an election. Now Sen. Cruz that weather what's in there is true or not true or partially true that I've no idea. But this idea that you would take the fourth-largest distributed newspaper in the country and start centering out there news items, and the only reason you allow them to be posted because well other started reporting it. I think that's the problem so see if it gets addressed in these upcoming hearings. But again, it does tell you what an interesting couple weeks to be" that are listening.

Let me tell you what we could do and I'm thinking about this and come talking out loud, and that is before that hearing, I would like our members to express their concerns over this kind of censorship. It may be back in our team been another could start looking at in our social media team putting together a petition that we could deliver to the Senators all right when that hearing starts with famine is the date of the hearing with the tech companies yesterday next Friday so the 23rd J to move major. We have to move quickly, but I think we could we get 100,000 signatures or or or more maybe 50 K had enough.

Unless of course Facebook and twitter stop us from you telling people about sign the petition.

Things like that.

See, this is the this is the problem having the fact that I can order that since it's not a joke. We stay on the matter seriously, what would we talk about today going on the air and doing what they did. What would be right here on twitter and appears on twitter that that the Senate is going to set you subpoena the head of the seal twitter over censorship, which is why there are a lot whole host of different laws and structures when the government and FCC there's of course the election interference.

The list goes on and on just totally within the purview of the Senate Judiciary committee to be reviewing this, but the didn't of course they can shut you off.

Now the question is was this the step too far for twitter and now that because a doubt, whatever, not just individuals but they're now going after corporations. Corporate news outlets that have been existence for it. For many, many, many years with different publications that share different views that don't come to conclusions, but report what they are, what they've received report of the subject New York Times does the same thing. A lot of these outlets again if it was about Donald Trump. I don't think there'd be any censorship and I think the New York Times republish the same information about one of a Donald Trump's family members. If you just substitute the name and and and they put out the information and twitter would censor the takedown New York Times articles Washington Post articles about the Russian investigation which is now been proved to be completely sealed out a lot of the reporting with the steeled us to go back and say now that's not you know where to start centering those out so this is what you don't used to call this in the classic litigation sense and I and a lot of these cases that the US report and that is viewpoint discrimination. It's not like were saying were not to run newspaper articles on on our platform to do that. Instead, they say were not to run this message or this viewpoint on Facebook or twitter or whatever my people join your right there. We set you know we had a maybe careful ourselves here because we could be the victims of the censorship of calling for Cornell's already been absolutely right.

Let me play on Sen. Lindsey Graham on this site used to use the chairman's industry committee. So for this to move forward.

I quickly like this course he has to be on board as well get this to set nobody twitter and social media shut down anything about comp in Russia so were going to proceed Tuesday. Hopefully the Democrats on the committee will be as interested in this as we are because this us today and tomorrow.

That's the whole point is that it shouldn't be partisan at all. Unfortunately it it it it could become that because you've got the more liberal news outlets going after another news outlet. I mean, it is kinda sickening to see actually in a country where we have freedom of the press in the Constitution, First Amendment and freedom of speech, and you know they love protecting their sources and confidential sources, and they've gotten Supreme Court got those protections for themselves in the new famous New York Times cases, they love putting out classified info that gets linked to link to them and lasts unless it's something about… Near election and it's something about the candidate they prefer or sometimes even it will endorse in their editorial pages and that's because in this report has been unanimous that viewpoint discrimination is unconstitutional.

Now, whether those standards would apply to a private owned social media company that's a different story but so that's a different. Those are different legal issues, but the general war medicinally thinking about is is that a outlet if there was any state action and be a legal question about you cannot discriminate based on particular viewpoints, but let's take it a step further. Here, another to call for a hearing. I hope the practice is, I hope that I was staring wasn't necessary. Unfortunately, it is because you cannot have this kind of censorship, 19, 20 days away 18 days away from the election. This is like happening really soon, and the idea that you be skewing the votes.

I just think is really dangerous. Absolutely every this is again were that were under three weeks were under three weeks now from from election day and people have got to understand that this becomes interference picking and choosing what information is survey were 18 days away 18 days with people or the other early voting states that have that. That's now underway in person early voting is underway. I see the lines I drove it out to the studio. I today.

This actual lines for early voting, and in this is the first couple days where I am so this has an impact. The bigger story here is its believe what you want to not like 10% or the bottom up and have Joe Biden answer the question what is campaign say there's no meeting ever doubt her, suddenly saying that out. That's the politics you get into that, but why sensory people sitting out tweets. By the way were prepared responsibly right now but have now because of that's actually going to only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online/challenges facing Americans as time went on our freedom sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ is the issue I go to this information Inherited. We have a lot of time to cover yet this is this is key. This is the FBI declassified a spreadsheet that the Bureau holding my hands the spreadsheet from the FBI, which I get it.

It's not very impressive. It's long, long spreadsheet. Out but this is the spreadsheet used by the FBI to trying to corroborate the steeled us that there's a lot of problems with it but one of the main problems. C is it to corroborate the allegations were that will excite new stories thanks excite new stories that is not reports but as as a way to corroborate allegations there that what this guy see a new story.

They're supposed to go to corroborate if they think there was wrongdoing or simply to investigate, but they were using that news sources this gets to again they abuse the use of the news of the FBI under under the Obama administration and now they're censoring the news through their tech company for of course, is that they make sure got leaked outward lease was leaked out. Remember Christopher Steele's contract with the FBI was terminated for what reason leaking information to the press so he leaked information based on nothing right based on source unverified got a media story takes the media story that they fired Chris feel leaking turn into a FISA warrant and take it to a FISA court will look at this. I'm going to the footnotes for each one of these if you if you watch there's report there's allegation and there's the corroboration analysis notes, "in their and if you if you look at the quotes on the first one just quoting for court corroboration Washington Post in the first footnote is a politico article.

The second one is a Washington Post article. The third is Washington Post fourth politico 50s Washington Post again because it think Amazon is involved with this post to say a Washington Post got asked if Jesus but that Washington Post again that Washington Post again, these are all I'm going through just the first 14. It's literally all the resources it took to get to a couple of State Department records of Hillary Clinton's travel did he goes back to Washington Post Washington Post politico Washington Post Washington Post that the first couple pages of sites all news outlets both this that those same two politico Washington Post one owned by a huge tech company Amazon and again they're using that to corroborate not as something to say, we need to look at because it's being reported there say well if they're reporting it to a bus, it must be something that we can actually use to justify ultimately investigations that led to phis awards to spy on American citizens who happened to be.

They left out that that FBI attorney has pled guilty to a crime that American citizen was a government asset US asset Carter page was his cover was blown because the deal FBI attorney who has pled guilty to a crime left that information out before it got to the Pfizer people putting together the phis application to get a wart on Carter page and they cite news outlets but get the same big tech companies are doubt sensory dues. This is this is the problem is Ted Cruz, Sen. Graham sent you have to do something about it. It's not just because it's happy to conservatives is because it just shouldn't be happening and that is the key here is that these companies can. They are private companies but there are laws there are rules, they have to abide by well-built internal rules as well and evidently they made this big statement about how they repair a fair and neutral and they were not gonna violate the laws and they were not to violate their own internal policies and and my question to these tech companies is art but sounds like that's exactly what you're doing and I know who pushed the button to save your post was one tack I don't know who was one of decided that's going to forward is not to do that, but that's not what the law is set up to do and I think that there's something else you know when our calling canal was censored and ultimately open it up. The question that I ask is, of course, if they ever say to Rick or to which team should have done this. This was an appropriate and they ever say that the damper acknowledged wrongdoing of this one-sided censorship that there engaged.this is the issue is that they kind of just go ahead and they unblock you after the public pressure have to be contacted by attorneys but they don't they don't say what they did was wrong and so we we are actually odd for it Rick situation not demanding that demanding that they acknowledge what they did was inappropriate and wrong, and so that there is some record of them actually sit say it wasn't just some kind of accident or some kind of algorithm, but it was a decision that was wrong and apologizing for that kind of action. See this is that this is just building on the issue and that was much, much less because it would.

He's an individual and they were trying to say will because he is holy. Of the ballots. It was somehow they were given to him by someone he knows who said they could be shared is the ballots were to hit someone he does to deceased parents who'd been deceased for number of years and at the Fred's gave that said, you should show people this is happy I've held out ballots that I received two different addresses and my wife is received at different places we have lived. We got live ballots it to us. I held them up on this broadcast is something people are doing that to show this Bailey ballot is causing a probably because there's somebody live ballots floating around and if bad people get a hold of those or if like my last address where the peak that we were renting and but we were registered to vote their people got they would initially recognize the names Elvis the people that have to fork through printing but they got live ballots, and by the way, that was is a huge swing state what you read it closely distorts extended Internet just don't understand say okay to send this back at Subway. I mean there's there's so much silly problem with that and yet he got he got censored he got blocked he could not access his account.

Then I got unlocked.

It just kind of but nothing for put it. I think that that's that's a little house where hominids if you're an older person partial is much tougher great article from her office was her senior counsel of counsel for ACLJ edits are expert in a big check. Minutes when he does he does up organizations all over the country. He's on it and work with because even though they don't open it back up. You want to be in a situation where this does not happen again. How do you prevent it from happening again is to get a formal recognition that it's not happen in the first place and that were doing and your support of the work of the American Center for Law and Justice allows us to do that so that we can help not only our team by the represented ministries and organizations that had the same problems. The very same problems and issues on other matters with Facebook and twitter and other social media platforms.

We got great results back. Craig get great results, but I know the Jews for Jesus had trouble with something and not Craig was able to get it fixed. And again it took. He's got a great knowledge in this area, but your support of the work of the American Center for Law and Justice doesn't only bring this program every day doesn't let us fight just for those FOIA cases to find out what's going on in government doesn't just allow us to do the work globally as it relates to Israel are of religious liberty in Europe in freedom and life issues but also make sure that airwaves can be open for communication to support the work of the American Center for Law and Justice that's is support work ACLJ make a tax-deductible donation if you're in that position financially do so. We appreciate that you do all this work and respond immediately as situations arise, go to IMAP 200 now.

Twitter stays on this path. Whether we needed to say. Let us know you really think about that to see the mass amount of these to get people unblock about access to attorneys to get done for decades. ACLJ's been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side.

If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular Mexican if our Jay Sekulow live over at the final witness before the for the hearings in the odd just judge Amy Barrett so that she's not testifying doing her and that was yesterday in the day before you hear from here the witnesses that that will close and then stand they will schedule a vote for.

That's the help for the signature committee for the committee that will occur next week and if this stays on track. The way it looks.

That'll be a partisan vote 12 to that of the committee. Don't expect more than that but that he goes to the majority leader as Sen. Mitch McConnell, who can then kind of put the schedule together for when there's debate on on the nomination so that sinners who are of the committee can wait have time to weigh in and to make their remarks on the Senate floor and then ultimately comes with cloture vote and then an actual vote on the domination. That's were looking for, what, where do we look for the date tax receipt would people will be seeing the A's and A's come in if you will week of October 26 sometime in that we depends on when later McConnell files cloture. He's already said he is going to take it to the floor of the Friday after the votes that would be the 23rd he could choose to file cloture that day. Jordan said about could be as early as Monday I guess is it'll probably be more like Tuesday or Wednesday but will see. Like you said, that's up to leader McConnell.

It's his choice to make, but he's committed to taking it right to the floor earlier this morning. Jordan in executive session chairman Graham officially put it on the calendar.

They officially held it over and they officially notice the committee vote for the 22nd so that is going to happen and I just wanted to make one note right now, that final witness.

You talked about you it's it's a woman by the name of Laura Wolk. She was a student of Judge Baratz at Notre Dame Law Jordan, she became the first blind female to ever be a clerk on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Quite a moment. Hearing her testimony. Right now she's testifying passionately in favor of judge. Judge Barrett was very essential in making sure she had the equipment and the and the assistance she needed at Notre Dame lost to succeed.

Clearly Jordan C6 succeeded became a clerk on the Supreme Court and is thriving in her career now so pretty powerful testimony right now to close at that hearing right so that that's where we are with get it with a Judge Barrett and her path to becoming Justice Barrett and will continue to update you on that so that there will be kind of a weak stand where there will not be much to go to see on the hearing or to hear about in the hearing and so and then they'll be the vote in the in the committee and then it moves on. So after today. Surveys cut a ghost of the required for week on the actual not the people stop talking about it, but that that there will be official business going on that we can watch and tune into it and and and see in the company back together for that vote. That right there. I actually think I think it's a good point that you make there. Though Jordan because one of the arguments today from Democrats on the committee is that they don't have time to consider this nomination.

What about the next seven days.

I mean, they can complain over the next seven days where there's not a whole lot going. That's the whole reason the chairman Graham allowed this holdover so they can look at all this material that she turned and look at all the responses to the questions that she did okay. I really do stand Diane Feinstein just did it again. Hot Mike, she should ignored her microphone was on painkillers. We have the audio here. Here's what she said take a list of online I you heard what you said there she's been pro-life for a long time and I suspect like with her. It's deeply personal and again this is the part it's really happy. Comes with a religion comes with her religion. It's not that you really can't dive sites. This is been pro-life. That's true center Grammys said that is the chairman. It's the way she said I suspect with hers because that just comes with her religious belief because that God again exactly what they've always wanted to do. They were embarrassed to do it this time and alive.

Mike so they got caught in a hot Mike want to do when they're there asking questions, but they sure that's all they think about what this means Jordan Van Amy Barrett will be the associate Justice of the Supreme Court of United States in about two weeks.

Yes, because Whitney Diane Feinstein just made the front campaign. That's the truth for all senators of the applicant and the Donald Trump for his campaign.

She did it once again. She made a be better to start now.

She made her Supreme Court justice.

I think you're right will be back the challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now in our freedoms, our constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Not well this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally Tatian includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life casings were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question for copy mission life today online/Jay Sekulow secular.

We are to your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110. That's 100-684-3110. This is happening in this breaking news folks that I get is just because you C-SPAN. Unlike some other news outlets when the hearing is ongoing and they take those breaks. It's got to keep the camera on me.

That's no dissenters know that in the sitters. By the way, I don't like in their face with that with a with microphone right now think you have to turn off their bikes and other sinners doing there's like my she got to know that if you're in that room is cameras on its life right now that what you say is probably being picked up by people well die if I say would say it during the hearing when she was speaking to her microphone this time, but she's done it again, attacking obsessing over judge Barrett's religious faith, saying, just recent just moments ago there to break and it will play the sound again it comes to her pro-life views just come with her religious faith again.

They are barred by the Constitution of the United States from even considering your your religious faith. Article 6 when they are deciding whether your fit to serve in a position the government yet. They are obsessed. So I will say this again visits were going to break Sen. Dianne Feinstein made Amy Barrett a star of most conservative conservatives all across the country, not just conservatives in the legal world, but conservative activists and in people were so excited about her because she brought attention to her hearing by an amended picture to to Amy Barrett before she was even a judge because she said the dog lives yell loudly within you, and deeply added that all that and the and so that became huge in Durban, said the Orthodox Catholics think it's a people said let's really follow her than on the bench because this is this absurd what they've done a got all this attention usually circuit court nominees don't and it really elevated her as someone to watch well they did so – predominate to the Supreme Court of United States because of what diet fights I did we do should get that used the nomination, I think definitely came with the fact that she became elevated as someone who people are paying attention to help advise the President on making these decisions and now she's been caught again.

Dad were playing the second but I believe that you believe to Diane Feinstein made sure Ahab could fully insured should be a a Circuit Court Dominique that was it. After she said that they spatially stopped and just move the domination through sick. The pushback was so strong she just did it again. I think there.again because this is gonna be all over the news it in minutes and people don't like the Constitution bars this obsession they have over people's personal religious faith. I want to ask our production team if they could find for me may take a few minutes. Jeff Truman statement when he referenced Diane Feinstein. He said she should even be on the committee and then made the statement they attack religion again. He said yeah, good luck with that. That's I can work out very well and that you think they did it, even if they don't say it publicly.

Another thing you privately, but on a hot Mike so I think it be good if we can will play what Diane Feinstein said. But let's also dig up what God Jeff Toobin said just a couple weeks ago, a leading into this year and I think that's very relevant yeah this is lustful listlessly again consider 56 and let me just explaining what happened so the hearing is live stream a place like C-SPAN when they take a break. They don't they don't shut off their history because the sitters are moving around.

They let people see the imagery of that telling what happens sitters. Although that you can see the cameras together all over actually a bit C-SPAN, and they also they get the audio feed from the microphone so we did not do anything wrong by that. That's how they hear that's unable to broadcast the audio but they keep it running because they don't go to commercial break. So if there's if it's silent it's silent on C-SPAN, they don't care if it's just crowd noise room noise that's fine well sitter fights.

I was even it was talking to someone and she said this at either that person's bike was an offer her but Mike wasn't offered. It's be broadcast live. Take a listen live on their it is good that it comes with her religion because it's and so she's pro-life or long time to just cut with her faith, what you could be pro-life and not religious. You can think that you're killing a baby and eight months is wrong.

You could believe that abortion is wrong for scientific and medical reasons it it's not just about religious faith.

But what they say fact that there are obsessed so much with religious faith. That is what was what upsets me so much that rages is disgusting and the founding fathers do even that they should never ever decide about anyone's qualified qualifications, whether qualified or not to serve the government position based on that person's religious belief and actually Bart and the UA has a pause in the way before you get that the that the Bill of Rights and the limits on your right. You know religious testaments, it can be any clearer than that or no religious test which Diane Feinstein obviously doesn't agreement because she always comes back to a religious test even when she doesn't want to say it during the questioning that we have the Jeff Toobin soundbite will too sick note what he said with Moroccan workout right now. All right, let me just like a cigarette. Not sure what's what I that the TV there, but most will take a couple okay we got here her incredibly inapt behavior during judge Barrett's confirmation hearing had an enormous consequence that that help the forces that Diane Feinstein has spent her entire career fighting against me, and what happened. So again, but they did it identity that is the key and go for it to this this is this is article 6. Then I supposed to do this and she got caught the first time she did it right to her face to judge Barrett's face at work.

Many of us are concerned because you know you feel sounds like it of the dog lives loudly within you, and that was outrageous, Dick Durbin, who is now talking right now you and he called her and Orthodox Catholic which is a made up way. I guess saying that Catholic actually believes in the tickets of the Catholic faith, but these are not their jobs and and yet they obsess over it and Diane Feinstein continues to obsess over it with this dominate door and I think this is an example of out of the depths of the heart the mouth speaks and he Diane Feinstein said it in public. Last time she wasn't willing to say it in public. This time, but very revealing. As soon as the cameras do not go off the sooner she thinks maybe the nobody's paying attention. She says it again Jordan, but I but I just want to reiterate this point when you've made it.

But we have to say it again, why is it that you can be pro-choice and agnostic and not get this question at all.

Of course, are qualified based on your legal experience.

But if God for bid your pro-life and really fervent in your faith.

You have to come before a committee and get this kind of animosity. Not only is it inappropriate. It is on constitutional plainly under article 6. But you know when it comes to the life issue accept this for 40 years state again today. There is an abortion distortion factor like it changes all the rules of the Constitution, dictate changes all the rules of normative behavior. It changes all the rules for confirmation for justice. The Supreme Court do you think for a moment that anybody really think that this wasn't in the back of Diane Feinstein's mind or at the forefront of it. The senator said it during the confirmation hearing when when Amy Barrett was upper Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. She melded again to abide like that you may not know was live but don't deceive yourself. This is what they want to do with people. This is the animus they're the ones that have animus. They're the ones engaged in discriminatory conduct ones that want to change the rules.

If you have paperwork you actually put your faith into action on an issue like life. They're the ones that distort the meaning of the Constitution wants to hold the Constitution, and are willing to let it to get their way, literally willing to spread it.

There's a no call no religious test clause in the Constitution of United States for reason the founding fathers were smart they understood exactly what this senator is thinking. And it's just been said that it did not work out with what we did last time, let me tell you what it just means that I'm so Diane buys nine congratulations and I think because I think that embarrassing to be a fantastic associate just report you did it again. The king will be can help her out and he can't stop and he really got us as far they have a serious disdain may be a level of hatred for people to actually have deeply held religious belief. Now, many of them are associate with a particular religious faith and will say that they got religious place, but if you actually again that they have the secular worldview of the religion. So if you have personal actual religious faith is not just like a cultural or part of what you do as a community, but actually believe it, all they hate you for that. This person actually believes will you go in here church.

Are they actually believe what you going here at the synagogue of the mosque. They got some wrong they go they may go to the church of the synagogue or the mosque. Alex you believe that stuff, so in the councils Catholic that pro-life main tenet of the Catholic church and its again this idea that if your actually a person of religious faith somehow there's something wrong with disgusting it's why I think the left might just continue to lose continue to lose. Don't know where it would lessen the release of the election. People don't like this disdain. They show people just have faith actually believe we only want a society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn gold like it will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications.

40 years later, when Obama care means many ways your membership is empowering the right question for you mission life today online/challenges facing Americans as time went on our freedom. Constitutional rights are under attack the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow life so I would hit that one more time just evil people are joyous is breaking it is happening in the midst of it. It really is a guide to the news yet because you got the hearing started again, but it's it's it's it's out now in social media because an interest because it was it was happening there when the brakes but C-SPAN doesn't cut from the brakes. They don't they don't have commercials and they discussed. They let people see it further for for for various reasons. They keep them the the camera all you can see like what's going on in the hearing room and see the sinners walking around there's microphones everywhere they can turn those off I will but right here they could turn my microphone off if you don't turn it off and you to be deftly talking to somebody who maybe is there, Mike. That's not off, there's lots of microbes everywhere. There's video cameras everywhere and all the sinners. I think I advise is been there forever know that that that C-SPAN doesn't stop there feed and cut the brain so it's it it's like you're not really in private. You are in public and and it's very public and they caught her again going basically attacking Judge Barrett's religious faith headset you know she it's just it's it's it's too but it comes with her faith that she's pro-life so nothing we can do to change her about being pro-life. You know it. Here's the thing. It is a breaking news alert. In one sense, but in another sense is not a breaking news alert at all you know why is anybody really question that those members of the Senate Judiciary Committee don't think that the fact that she is a person of faith that cuts against what they want. Of course they do. So now they now that the last time she was up for the Seventh Circuit and they got a lot of pushback and they got a lot of ads. We propounded the bike which have to be more. He says good luck with that. I may try that again. But, of course, so it's a okay moment.

So in a sense, it's a breaking news letter because he's caught on Allied Mike another sense, of course, this is how she thinks because they think of your personal faith.

You don't get to participate in in these kind of positions or you cannot be a public servant or a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. That's the irony about Jeff Toobin from CNN said this about 9 pints I want to listen to what he says at the end Diane Feinstein was and is a distinguished public servant who has served for many years on the Supreme Court. She is now 87 years old and she has repeatedly engaged in behavior in recent months that seem out of step with what Democrats want to do and she is going to be the leader of the Democratic forces are on the judiciary committee and all I can say is good luck with that Democrat was a prophetic. That's because that's exactly what happened at six and goes a few times. I was looking at because this out mostly on social media was actually CBS News. It was not C-SPAN as our friends over at CBS News are There feed going and it didn't. They didn't cut it or anything they just people. People saw it that they are in there feed which they have the access to because the government gives you that ascendant you that the audio into the mic so they kept their data set like a one camera feed going. Nothing.

Nothing unique and special FCB up ads and that you are in regard to get special visor record Dalia this idea that he tweet out that this is the way she sounds, there is it being somehow a person of religious faith comes with baggage.

It comes with being pro-life instead of like freeing you from from bag. It comes with comes with baggage and one of that with with Judge Baird is a well, so long as she so religious buses go to be pro-life, we can't do anything about what they she's had a say there's she's I can be one of those Supreme Court justices that moves to the left. That's what it is saying here shakily so she has a religious belief and were not to be able to keep its her cocktail parties to ultimately come along her side yet because the dog looks deeply within her.

Let it sit in folks lives and let's take the coffee but hold on edit New York on July 1 and welcome Jay Sekulow life all about the big tech company censoring people and organizations why no teeth in this law.

Why would they have to keep going in the big tech guys before committees to answer questions why they find billions of dollars really really make you can't just find people billions of dollars, without due process, so I want to be clear on this, I think Sen. Graham and Sen. Cruz center how they are right to call for hearing to find out what happened.

There is no magic bullet here.

There is no law you get your your your charge $5 billion of which are to pay because you made the statement. That's not the way the law works that I appreciate you calling and appreciate you listening and we would not want a lot of operate that way because if it did it would affect all of us to do what you do you call for hearing by not exactly what happened before you take the next action. These are private companies.

The rules are different is not a state actor your but what they have such a big footprint that their applicable laws. But the idea that you just going to find a $5 million will our team doesn't do that you can have the investigation of the here again see the pattern and practice that they continue to do it. They continue to do it selectively to a group so it's not just wrong censorship. I like both sides visit since for your particular viewpoint here appears to be mostly conservative there's FCC rules. There's all these different rules supper. Find like you like you talk about than the others are again but to develop those fights. You've got to kind of see this this record of when they said they were to start doing the censorship because the left was calling on them to do it, which is so so ironic in many ways that's how would they do it.

They said it would be fair there. It was good to be very selective go through praxis and now it's been only conservatives that's the problem with this let's go to Kate South Carolina on my three hey Kate, for all the Chaldean. Thank you very much like they hearing it was wonderful.

She held that great and I'm excited to have her join and not question it, now that the Democrats are going to try. The only trick I guess that they have laughed and managed to boycott the shell that the Republican and how can we overcome is all you have to do that. All you have to do is vote because of none of them so there's still a quorum in the vote go slower yet, you don't need them, that they said they're not to provide a quarantine to the committee or the floor will guess what they don't have a majority in either the committee or the floor so you know what's actually in some ways to maybe the boat would be easier if they didn't show up there's enough Republicans to provide a quorum.

There's enough Republicans to confirm or especially now Jordan with this latest revelation, Diane Feinstein, which is no shock because we know this is what she was thinking the entire time. So surprised that any of this, but let's be realistic here.

Don't show up.

She still confirmed if they show up. She still confirms what it means. At the end of the day she's confirmed. I think what they don't understand that because the sinners may not have seen the ship.

This happened so that Blumenthal and her advisors and thought I could probably find his learning about this right now, because there sure the hearing she was speaking as the ranking member of the hearing, and that she left and down sure she is finding out what is now all over social media and that is hurt her hot Mike moment on this so I feel like you to go from these sinners who have Artie been. I mean, again, they have the ones who've tried to look ridiculous, but I think this will get this to wrap this one up again because they've made another at during 19 days before the board public money for the Senate for the President because they are attacking their ranking member of the district with the highest rate Democrat. The Senate Judiciary is showing her disdain once again for someone because of their religious faith is agitated of the Democratic Party secularist. Now you will talk about this more tomorrow the rock as the other stores were getting to go to support our work. talk you tomorrow. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ