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RNC Night 3: Our Special Guest Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 27, 2020 1:00 pm

RNC Night 3: Our Special Guest Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 27, 2020 1:00 pm

RNC Night 3: Our Special Guest Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.

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Jay Sekulow live night three of the RNC got one of the RNC speakers, former acting Dir. of National intelligence Rick Grenell joined us today on Jay Sekulow Washington DC phone lines are open for your questions right now.

one 806 843-110-1800 68412, your host will Jay Sekulow live a very special broadcast of the first let me say we start covering night of the Republican national convention are prayers are with all those being affected by hurricane Laura right now. And of course as it continues to cause devastation nudges on the coast, but as it moves up through the country were just getting the initial reports now will keep covering it.

Of course, keep her eyes on it for the broadcast of four listers as we need to, but last night I just we have someone joining us today. As you know, who spoke last night at the Republican national convention that is the four former acting director of national intelligence, Rick Grenell for Bassler US investor Jeremy check this out President Donald Trump points to a seven country Rick Grenell start there, making US and Bathurst in Germany now obviously started many years that nations knowledge and experience are ready to go when you work at the UN, and you see them as you reminded that when it comes to liberty and human rights and a whole bunch of issues were on the same page just to be the ambassador, Germany. Branson was released from prison in Turkey.

Finally got out of Turkish airspace and landed in Germany 230 in the morning at the airport with an American flag Russian airport Air Force plane waiting for and I found out that it was an American flag and that welcome home. Our allies are dying to see an action plan there there hungry for US leadership national intelligence that he has the guts to lease now know why the acting now justice last week it was to deliver a declassified list of names of Obama in the discretion officials behind the unmasking of general Michael Flynn after Flynn was picked up during the Presidential transition and director of national intelligence, I saw the entire case for Russian and what I saw made me sick to my stomach, my ministration secretly operation on the Trump campaign and silenced the many brave intelligence officials spoke up against. Transparency is never political transparency is what the American people demand and that's what Washington DC is very uncomfortable. Folks, we are very excited to announce that Rick Grenell, former acting director of national intelligence is joining the American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ as special advisor for national security and foreign policy.

This is something you really excited about, and I've known Rick for many years and I have been an admirer of what he's done what he continues to do in the services given to our country and just moments after we come back from the break were to be joined by director, former director and former ambassador Grenell but let me just say this you know people by the actions that they take and I've seen Rick and I will tell you on the answer.

Branson is the perfect example for me of where Rick's heart is as it relates to helping people in need. This was worth our casework was in jail for 2 1/2 years and 230 in the morning. There was our ambassador to Germany with American flag. It's indelibly marked my in my head, but also in my heart and I want to take some looking forward to having Rick as part of art you can add a lot of information off our audience in the coming months and were really excited about that. Especially these issues and be front and center will be joined by ambassador Grenell in just a moment right after the break Jordan so again if you want to share this with your friends and family via Skype video to the American Center for Law and engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those covering corruption in Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we simply would not occur without your generous matching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms.

Today online okay only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called will show you how you are personally publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means many ways your membership is empowering the right question mission in life today online/yes everyone that we are now joined by a former acting director of national intelligence and former ambassador to Germany. Our friend Rick Grenell. I can now say our colleague Rick Grenell as he is going to serve as a senior advisor to the ACLJ especially on issues involving national security and foreign policy.

Rick is a thrill to have you with us were so glad you're joining us. Thank you that one rule for you guys, which is you have to call me Rick, what we will call you Rick but I will tell you this. I do this.

This is called habit. You know it's just a habit but we will call you Rick but we are always going to knowledge-based services. Given the country and that an appropriate title to habit will call you Rick and I know your audience will be glad to know that as well. Let me say this, I want to play for you something that you said yesterday that I have some familiarity with, to say the least, but I want to get your comments on this. Let's go ahead and roll this. This involves the collusion narrative director of national intelligence, I saw the Democrats entire case for Russian collusion and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. The Obama Biden administration secretly launched a surveillance operation on the Trump campaign and silenced the many brave intelligence officials who spoke up against it. They presented bogus information as facts like the judges and they classified anything that undermine their case. As you know, that case for 3 1/2 years representing the President and store present present but in that matter. Of course I lived and I found that it was unbelievable what we uncovered, but that the government does the government not everybody course. But those in the government were actually doing this and you serve the course when you're acting DNI you saw it firsthand what was going on here was what was the takeout attempt here when when the Democrats say you know there was some smoke.

There were some suspicion so we had to look into this and see if the Trump campaign was talking to Russia you know I'm all for our government being no thorough right so so I take them at their word that in the beginning that they had some suspicions, but Jack I tell you that when you look at the evidence quickly. There were career foreign service officers, who said this is baloney.

This is not true that Russians are playing propaganda warnings from inside the intelligence community were real and prominent. And yet we had leaders DLJ and and the FBI and CIA that were willing to push away and classify those warnings and silenced those warnings because they had an agenda they went but nice government and they overruled those who warned you just got a look at two things look at all of the declassified footnotes from the reports which talk about the warnings which talk about individuals. There's also reports that still need to come out that highlight individuals career officials who gave early warnings and horse silenced and pushed away those reports still need to come out and and I would say lastly is is even the political people that were briefed when you look at what they said on CNN and MSNBC. It's dramatically different than what they said under oath in the bowels of Congress during a house committee meeting it's there you can go to the DNI website. You can read the transcript from Susan Rice and from manpower and all these individuals who, in public would say this is outrageous collusion and then in in private they would say anything.

There is nothing illegal so you know.

Lastly, I'll just say Susan, I sent an email to herself on inauguration day trying to sale. We did everything by the book.

Now come on, who sends after-the-fact emails to say I did everything that was I was supposed to do.

You only do that when you're thinking. Gosh, I don't think I did everything I was supposed to do so better paper over some for the record, we all know that to be true. That's exactly what happened. We just got lucky in that she literally sent the email when Trump was already President after 12 o'clock on Inauguration Day. She was still sitting in the White House and at 1215. The email shows that she sent an email to herself under the Trump presidency not under the Obama presidency and how we got is that she was she was still in her office and sending emails to herself after the transition of power and Rick talked about Joe Biden's record as a politician how to play this are people you talked about how many years he's had this this idea of new ideas coming from Job. I take a listen. Focus Rick last night of currency. Every time Joe Biden offers a new idea.

You should ask yourself why did he try that over the last 48 years and it Rick.

Rick talk that you like is to be returned back to just sending pallets of cash to Iran. Joe Biden's promise he's gonna restart the Iranian nuclear deal, how dangerous is that you you are the master to Germany. They were concerned about that.

You're also acting DNI.

I mean how dangerous would just that old way of thinking is not a new idea of just going back to the same and restarting a nuclear deal with Iran and also this something as I get it.

Joe Biden somehow said to have new ideas after it's been a politician for 40 years. Yeah, look at the Washington way the Washington story right and a new look at shimmery look at below see that been there for decades, and so the idea that there can bring change to this place for new ideas is ridiculous. That's just not going happen and I keep saying to people this city, Washington DC where I am.

It's no longer a fight between Republicans and Democrats. It is a fight between the Washington status quo. People who love their power want to hide information from the American people because they when they control the information they get power them versus the rest of America. And in this is the same old story.

In Europe it's the Berlin establishment versus the rest of Germany and the hard-working Germans and so it's over and over and over again. I think it's the same old elites and and of course they they get their power and they they want to control it.

Lastly, I'll just say about Joe Biden's foreign policy were consensus sounds really good right it sounds like all it's agreeable, but in foreign policy, I can tell you after eight years of being at the UN inside the Security Council. If you're looking for consensus that means 15 countries get to veto our idea and we have the lowest common denominator of what we all believe in some Joe Biden's foreign policy philosophy is governed by consensus were not going to do anything unless the European signoff and and so you know what that means is that Berlin, Paris and London get to veto what Washington says if we have an idea and they don't like it we don't do it. That's what gave us the Paris climate accord and he gave us the JCP away. Both of them are documents that are the lowest common denominator of what a bunch of countries think and it is not good for the American people.

We are the only country in the world he gets in trouble when we decide that we want to make decisions for ourselves.

I can tell you the hundred 92 countries at the UN that I spent eight years with every one of them fights for themselves and for their people and they don't apologize for Rick is loaded by the way hello working with you in working with Germany be also last night spent a lot of time on America's first of the America first platform support us in our listeners. The listeners might show the reprogram for you without having to take that point of view and then work with Germany work with the UN.

What is that like how you represent Charlie Setser of the nationalist point of view as you brought up last night to all of those other places throughout the world is a great question, especially coming from you because I have more of a style like you do. I hate wearing ties.

You'll notice I am begging Jay to let me wear T-shirts when I come up with this workup but will see. Look, I think you know to be authentic when it comes to diplomacy I never wore a tie in Germany.

Very few times I met with you know that the Chancellor or something, but there are times that night. I just wanted to be myself.

I wanted to be casual diplomat and authentic and real and have a conversation and share what the US position is we live in modern times. You know you can you can read what our policy is on Twitter or on Instagram and so I think the answer is B authentic be yourself don't try to be something that you're not and and also always remember, you represent the American not just Washington DC Rick.

I will say again how excited and encouraged we are to have you as part of our team, especially as a special advisor on national security issues and foreign policies. Be a lot of those in the months ahead. Weeks ahead and again great job last night.

Great job over your career, but a really great job last night, you delivered hardlines in a very effective way and I just was thrilled that then. Thanks for joining us. It's been a great reporter talking you next week in which the comp very good thank thank you Rick thanks Rick and again folks.

Rick will be joining us throughout the broadcasting sodium throughout each week be writing some phraseology as well.

So you check to that of the inclusive content for the ACLJ website is great to have a Rick on board rings one of the thing and that is look these issues that Rick Grenell is dealt with for many years. Beckett to be the print center issues that are countries facing in the weeks, months and years ahead to getting this kind of expertise bring back to our audience were just world to have Rick Grenell as I will call him acting former acting Dir. Messerli for disclosing of the to be part of a team right so Rick will see you next week folks will be right back on Jay Sekulow live will be taking your phone calls 164 3110 in analyzing three of the artsy only when a society can agree most vulnerable invoice.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission will show you how you are personally patient includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications. 40 years later, when Obama care means many ways your membership is powering the right question mission in life today online/American Center for Law and engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those covering corruption in Washington fighting to protect life reports and in commerce. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this.

For that we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge. Only $10 gift gift becomes 100. This is time for the ACLJ work.

We simply would not occur without matching challenge.

Make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms.

Today online okay Jay Sekulow like to really get into it was great to have and to announce to you that not only was Ricardo.

I guess for acting director of national intelligence, a cabinet member.

The Trump administration and former US Master Jeremy Nellie's was our guest today. We had a special announcement for all of you and that he is going to join the is now joined the ACLJ is a special advisor for national security and foreign policy and I just want let you know were able to bring a peep like this to be regularly on the broadcast even by video. For those of you watch the facebooking periscope rock as he was via Skype so you can see it as well and he'll be writing at least once a week, exclusive content for the ACLJ so exclusive for you were able to do all that because you support the work of ACLJ were able to bring these experts in that we can bring them to you through especially during this heightened time. Election year leading up to two months. These policies is to be the big issues that the conch the foreign policy course got the domestic issues which we know, but the foreign policies are to be bent over the car is not there at all that you so I think this is just a reminder, your support for the ACLJ.

Matching challenge month is a reason why we can bring on a former cabinet official is a special advisor to the ACLJ and and bring them and get them to be on the broadcast for you, get you up to speed on this so I get. It was great to have Rick that welcome him to our team as well so your subordinate children makes a huge difference. Let me bring in the two of our experts. Also, additional experts, that is Prof. Harry Hutchison, our director of policy and our senior counsel and the economy.

I want to start with a question person will go get some other things and that is one of the things and did this when you and I talked to Rick about was when Rick mentioned that when he became the acting D and he saw firsthand exactly what was going on and it was a counterintelligence effort against the campaign and they secretly launch the surveillance of this counterintelligence investigation and continued while he was present and we know that from our experience in dealing with Bob Muller and his team were three April for two and half years.

The purpose of the Bob Muller was one of the President from the very beginning of a hoax and the time to time and with Russia and colluding to affect and to influence the Presidential election.

We know that 18 prosecutors couldn't find anything and doing 1/2 years, literally, toward the President of the United States and waste of the taxpayers money millions and millions of dollars in the hunt for something that didn't exist. Rick were now comes in here unmasks the mouth of the people who cited in this and confirm what we knew all along it will bother Muller try to hide and that is that there was no collusion and there was absolutely nothing President of United States it done wrong. The Obama ministration had recognized the FBI and westernize the justice department found the campaign of his opponent to make up a story that we now have exploded into mythology.

I asked you this. I know you watched last night but one of the other things that Rick talked about was that putting America first is not something that we should be ashamed to do. In fact, he said, dealing at the UN. Don't kid yourself. All of those countries are putting their leadership person just our policies have sometimes taken a more of a consensus approach which I believe was detrimental to America what your view on what you heard yesterday from the Cornell L counterintelligence are basically elite their permanent bureaucracy preferred to demean the intelligence of ordinary Americans seek to install themselves as permanent leaders of public contrary to the text of the Constitution. Many of them are global and what that means in practice, United States must take 2nd Pl. in American interest must take second place to the globalist and had ended that approach and he offered America first approach that puts American working people have of working people in every other country in the world that is appropriate if the United States not United Nations. From your perspective. We watch now three days since the days of the convention fortes me today. The presence and it was the plan is to make that the speech that what was your biggest take away from last night just Rick submit rituals with you what, what else did you just take me thematically. I think you seek diplomatically. The Republican Party, which is much more diverse is pretrade by the mainstream media you have people from many different backgrounds. Obviously just different themes each night so this was a night focusing in on yellow national security talk foreign policy talking and in the course with a major speech from VP which will get into the second half hours well I him. He being the keynote speaker, making the case for why he and Pres. Trump deserve another four years in office to can continue out their policies.

I think what we are starting to hear now there's criticism early on.

It was like well you plan to do for the next four years and a lot of this criticism is happening the beginning of covert and you know I think the saying things about exactly what you gotta do in the next two months. Are you in jail in January, March, were little more difficult.

Now we're starting to hear from the administration steps. It's going to take you heard from Mike pence I think you have time to play. Now his direct response back to Joe Biden on on miracles you know and that the fact that you know that idea that they now are moving forcing working to get past covert you get back to those policies to put America's economy which already is back on top to keep it that way and lets us play for people. This was very important take away last week.

Joe Biden said that no miracle is coming over. Joe doesn't seem to understand is that America is a nation of miracles, and I'm proud to report that we are on track to have the world first say effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year we hear how people see miracle.

I think we people of real faith using your brain in science but being able to do it a quick way if that works out that way the by January is still a miracle. America's founding that we were able to beat the largest army in the world. The British Empire was a miracle. Yes, people use their brains. They lost their lives, they fought the wrist at all, but it was a miracle that America was born.

It was a miracle that America could come back together after the Civil War was a miracle that throughout all these conflicts, America has continued to thrive in the below point sure there been a lot of high points. That is the key difference when you look at how these two. These two puppies. Politicians look at things occurred President and vice President are former VP one who thinks all has to be done by the government and by people and that it's only been there's no there's no higher power at play, and I think when you do that it's dangerous your territory.

I got angry and I'm not saying that you use that example lot and I just thought last night was just fantastic.

And again, for those that are just joining us here at the end of this broadcast another half hour were happy to announce that Rick Cornell his throwing us a special advisor, specifically dealing with issues national security and foreign policy that he will be joining our team were glad of that.

Also, your support be a shield to makes all the beginning. These experts you just hear from right now. And Andy and so many others was Smith your support be ACLJ in this last days of the matching challenge make a big

If you're able. America's issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms to you and your family.

Give a gift today online okay live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and sent back to Jay Sekulow.

Second half hour for just joining us, just you know there was some news made on the show today and that is that of former acting director of national intelligence at the cabinet level position in the Trump administration Rick Rick Cornell has joined the American civil justice as a special advisor for national security and foreign policy B. The broadcast and you get text ECM by Skype will be writing once a week for ACLJ.order exclusively for you for that will be counted to be anywhere else but the ACLJ's website units look at these issues with the foreign policy issues and national security is in the forefront firmly during the next eight weeks in this election but also going forward. So bringing an expert, but serve in the cabinet. We had the privilege with John Ashcroft and now this is this is great because it was a reminder. Last night we a lot of information about the place some other speakers were of how much this first term has been attempted to be undermined by that intelligence community that Rick oversaw yeah he is he over said when you're acting did you oversee the end of every single branch of the intelligence and he saw and that for three years. Basically they could try to put the Trump administration on its heels and the present was still able to accomplish a lot domestically economically and what came before positive, but not without a lot of pain and suffering for the country and and a lot of work first lawyers in the plot pressure that puts the present present but he did a great job now. Lieut. Gen. Kellogg spoke last night I got to work with him. I am an admirer of Gen. Kellogg. He is the he's basically been national security advisor for the vice President. He made an interesting point.

I want everybody to listen to them we are experts, over the past 3 1/2 years, I witnessed every major foreign policy and national security decision by the present I have been in the room where it happened.

I saw only one agenda and one guiding question when tough calls had to be made is this decision right for America, so Harry must start with you. From a policy standpoint we've always taken the position. Is this right for America is just right for citizens that has to be the starting point doesn't not always been the starting point and so that is what is so starkly different about actually putting America's burgers while globalists like former Pres. Barack Obama.

They were prepared to give money to terrorists in order to secure instant you're right Damien. Deal makes no sense. And so here you have a product out outback. Dotty who took out talking Solomonic who took out essentially in the Middle East. While Barack Obama in 2014 suggested that I simply JVP Junior parts of the team so crop is consistently looking out for American interest and he is acting on that principle so we get into some other issues I want to think this is master Vernell did say this.

Rick did say this and that he saw a counterintelligence move against the Presidential campaign. That's how he summed less than a minute ago and it went right today because it was a gathering dollar movie. It by the Obama department and the Obama it was an attempt to undermine the present United States. Both of the candidate and let's not forget in the transition. They sent people in there to try to get going to lie to say something that wasn't the case without counsel and it was a concerted effort to undermine the President's administration.

One only say that the media say that because they're scared to tell the truth. America first we come back for your calls also more discussion folks remember to thank for the present speakers today as well.

I think you already have up to get your phone calls to 164, 31 to 40.

Think of these first three days. Some potential be on the hurricane throughout the day. Rightfully so. See the impact of that on the country but this is night for the President's biggest night you the American Center for one will issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Protecting those uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous matching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms gift today online okay only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free publication offering you the ACLJ's battle for the unborn will show you how patient includes all major ACLJ fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood.

What Obama care means many ways your membership is empowering the right question mission life today online/phone calls 164 3110.

What are your thoughts on the yard see the convention so far. In contrast to the DNC last week and I think first officers production quality. It's been interesting visually to watch. So if you're someone who is going to have to then it can capture attention and I like it or not. Remember it's it's the Democrats who are the Hollywood party. They have all the Hollywood and yet obviously Hollywood thought it would be to directed to PC so they would like to tone it down. But when your whole thing is virtual and on television. Toning it down. Having John Casey look up you know it at AA drone and doing it himself. You maybe a little to tone down for for when you're nominating a person to lead the free world and just some of that pop and servant. You need because you're talking about your make people understand what they're listening to what they're thinking about.

Here's a make the decision for November is your deciding who is going to lead the US military leave the US law enforcement lead the economy enact legislation exercising things into law appoint Supreme Court justices declare war's think about that side. When the trips and troops in action.

All of that so yeah I think it should look good and if you can't do it in person convention like normal. The fact that the Democrats thought that by being PC intended toning it down.

It just makes it toward watch.

Also, they were just dull and the they they're supposed to be the party of diversity that it was interesting because last night yet again we had Vern Vern Jordan fortified judge of candy we knew yesterday was a house a statehouse of her Georgia Democrat Democrat whose endorsed Pres. Trump he spoke last night is taken a lot of heat from the Democrat party the state level, try to throw them out, and national level but last night another clearance danger civil right African-American civilians leader one of the Greensboro city boys and these are the guys that the citizens and Clarence Henderson is is a 60 year history when as a young man, he participated in a sit in in segregated North Carolina to the lunch counter citizen sit in his fellow protesters were arrested.

It's parked similar protests in the glove.

It started in Greensboro. He spoke out and this is someone that was at the heart of the civil rights movement in the South in the 60s, early 60s, 1960, and he spoke out and delivered truth.

I want everyone on a radio broadcast, listening, our social media platforms to listen to this.

You know what else I'm a Republican and support doll shop that sounds strange. You don't know your history.

It was the Republican Party that passed the 13th amendment abolished slavery. It was a Republican party that passed the 14th amendment given black man's citizenship. It was a Republican party that passed the 15th amendment given black man the right to vote, freedom of thought is a powerful thing. Read read again what he said I want to reiterate what he said. He said it's that some stranger she said is voting for his Republican is voting for Donald Trump again.

He Clarence Henderson was a leading civil rights figures in the soot citizens in Greensboro Mark on which really sparked the nation and he said let me be a history lesson. Basically it was Republican Party the past 13th amendment abolishing slavery with the Republican Party the past.

The 14th amendment given black men citizenship. It was the Republican Party to pass the 15th amendment given black men the right to vote, freedom of thought is a powerful thing. Prof. Hutchinson director policy for the ACLJ that was quite a history lesson and quite of little delivery last night. With public approach to human rights, civil rights, the Democrats approach to civil rights.

We should never forget that it was Woodrow Wilson William Potter civil rights activist White House. Why because he was standing up American United States.

It was Woodrow Wilson segregated the United States civil service commission with liberal Wilson who basically re-install segregation in Washington DC. This is consistent Democrat from Wilmington, North Carolina to Wilmington, Delaware.

They have always been in my judgment, alongside civil rights history teach history and history is something that people sometimes either forget or ignore or put it in their own perspective that might mainly ignore history and this is exactly what the man who suffered the hands of a white supremacist in North Carolina put back into perspective last night who those who do not history are doomed. No history nor are doomed to repeat it again and he stated what the Republican Party has done for African-Americans from the very beginning and it is to stand up for them and for their liberties and for their rights and here was a person who said he was a proud Republican and a supporter President, and he gave us a history lesson that we needed to know we needed not to ignore not to forget a history lesson that was very powerful and very powerfully, but I was so impressed with what he's been with the other people of color on national television. The Republican national convention last night memorizing event. It was a tremendous production.

It was awesome to hear from these people who are doing nothing more than telling the truth. You call coming from D in Delaware still binds homestay D welcome to Jay Sekulow log on the air all along learned a lot of young children is an awakening because all the accomplishments that the security of my children in my country because the four-year like a lot of people, silent majority talk to my last time you seen this chaos. It happened to take a listen Laura Trump Eric Trump's wife. She talked and she is a major role in the campaign's been very outspoken in the media and for the campaign's new virtual television network they do to close it is what you said is exactly what she was tired, but I'm so into with young kids and that's was on the top of my mind all of the time. Bite 119 ourselves or for our children by worry about anything of our family.

Pres. Trump Law and order President from our borders to our backyard. Pres. Trump will keep America safe. Pres. Trump keep America prosperous Pres. Trump will keep America. America is okay to me in my backyard safe force financially their borders are secure that we again that we we are economy stays on track to bring people out of poverty and in those who work hard are rewarded for that hard work and innovators are rewarded for that innovation and we keep America.

America without Europe we don't want to be like Europe.

We don't want to be socialist, democracies.

We want to be America and that statement it sounds very simple but keeping America. America.

It is a real challenge.

In a real distinction between dad when you have a party on the one hand, will talk about this for the next segment. On the one hand, the Democrat party in their platform said that they want to abolish all school choice programs and every single night of the Republican national pension speak multiple speakers have talked about the need for the expansion and new innovation with treatment, school choice policies so there's a huge distinction right there for all the folks out there with young children or children in school is that that that I did it the government once run everything in your life will let you make any choices or think about how we can even let you make even more choices and more flexibility and to me that's it such a huge distinction. Let me say this in on this because never tell you about four-week positions and you make a decision about the school choice thing she mentioned that that should not be a political issue is because of the teachers unions, but if it's America first, students first and their parents. This is a really easy decision and I will say this, the ACLJ when this pandemic hit we have led the way on this new context coming a new request for assistance every single day and were helping parents everywhere we can your support of the American Center for Law and Justice helps us keep this broadcast on the your support of the American Center for Law and Justice allows us to bring you experts like, former director, acting director of national intelligence, Rick Grenell ambassador to Germany public policy director, Harry Hutchinson, senior counsel and be accountable for what Smith Col. Skip Ash, all of this because of your support of the ACLJ if you're able to join us today ACLJ.only one. A society can agree vulnerable invoices. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called will show you how publication includes all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later, when Obama care me in many ways your membership is powering the right question mission life today online/American Center for Law and coalitions at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Protecting those covering corruption in Washington fighting to protect life reports and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this.

For that we are grateful to help way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous matching challenge make protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms. Today online okay Jay Sekulow my distorted sake. Of course tonight before it's a big night for the present, because this is when he addresses the nation. The final speech of the night will be from Pres. Trump. He's made appearances throughout the convention. This would be a major speech and probably one of the most important speeches he'll ever give because it's about why you should vote to reelect him. Why should Americans vote to reelect him is present and she had all this build up to that you have more buildup tonight. More speakers tonight and that it will be up to him now. This is in the midst of there is a hurricane, the courage, there's that special about balance their that I know everyone is looking out for to see damaging report on that as that develop something it takes days to really figure out what the right house. I hear things like that you posted. Of course, will pray for people down there been affected.

Right now, and those even I know one loss of life already… In New Jersey online 1.a welcome to Jay Sekulow life my call my voice everything that you have said. I found it so arousing and hanging on every word that everyone says and we have learned so much that we didn't know about Donald Tom battle policies and I just can't wait for the election to reelect Donald Trump as President, and I also wanted to thank J and his band with the monkeys plantation on the belief that monkeys love that. I could tell I could tell from New Jersey and from New York. We like the monkeys to great story about a concert Monday night at what time will you say the clock and now we got so this for newer tunes and their equipment to our archives in a multiple that's really great stuff you haven't seen in years and listen.

I appreciate your your your comments as well. I wanted to go to this when I want to play Mike pence vice President states powerful speech. Talk about foreign policy is to get that hearing Andy's comments on that he recalibrate Joe Biden criticized Pres. Trump. Following those decisions. Decisions to rid the world of two terrorist but is not surprising because history records the Joe Biden even oppose the operation took down Osama bin Laden.

It's no wonder that the secretary of defense under the Obama Biden administration once said that Joe Biden has been and I quote wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. That's why were thrilled with the ACLJ to bring on as our special special advisor. The issue Rick Grenell to deal with the issues of national. Foreign policy, but very quickly. That was quite a statement coming from the vice President will play Biden, but that Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy deficient for the last 40 years.

Meanwhile, crop has put America first.

We have stood with our allies and we have stood up to our enemies. We have moved the American Embassy capital the state of Israel and that set the stage for the first Arab country to recognize and 26 years is up.

Sorry, but Biden is simply seems lost in space you compare the two.

Just look at what it should be taught that Iran was working now. Earlier but he made the statement about the differences and how they be approaching Iran you talked of the nuclear deal with Mike pence document that how about just with without what's happened by the Trump administration work.

We'll talk about we were not starting wars were in the Moors and how we doing that by strategically taking out Iranian terrorist leaders solicitous by thought.

That is very telling because absolutely true right 64. Return to the Biden way of thinking means America gives the radical terrorist regime in Tehran, a plane load of cash in the middle of the night all you see. Pres. Trump also sent an aircraft in the middle of the night to deal with Iran, but that plane was on a different mission and airstrike to take out the head of Iran's terror machine and plotted the deaths of Americans heard a lot from Iran. Recently, yet not much here. A lot of the price is set now at her like the nuclear program should think about that difference to their was more or less eye-catching. There was, it was not just really good. We keep going back to you issues that we we we really do focus on the ACLJ with Iran foreign policy in force. These are the main speakers. What vice President pesticide as well, but also I was encouraged Everest every night there's been a speaker strongly pro-life. Yeah, that last night was to burn that listless to her.

She's she's I thought major contrast the other side tried to hide their proportion last week, they kept they never use the word abortion is airplane. It had the themes but they never eat that the other words other than abortion your system or keep in mind the loss we create, define how we see our humanity, and we must ask ourselves what are we saying when we go into a long and snuff out an innocent powerless Moises life as a physician I can say without hesitation.

Life begins at conception while what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear I'm saying it because I'm not just pro-life and pro-eternal life and I want all of us to end up in heaven together someday this quickly because his text to me during that was unbelievable. Pro-eternal life. While Andy was so taken by what he said because he pulled out a rosary and that's more than what what what we need today is more rosaries and less Joe Biden is a Catholic does not believe in the sanctity of life and when he said I'm just not pro-life and pro-eternal life, that the fundamental Christian principle that we live with and that we die with the day that we can see the glory of God in all its eternity in all its splendor, and those are the kinds of things that the President stands for this non-was also served in the military for 29 years Jordan she's a surgeon in Afghanistan in her and then became a nun dedicated her life to the sport of life as her entire career and this again never shied away from that the American dream. This idea that you know whatever to get back to what we had before. Elise asked phonic Carson went to the youngest elected woman Congress.

She talked about this too. I think you all of our college thought about this one. America be America, not this socialist America not Ryan America not out of control America take a listen. I believe in the American dream because I've lived like millions of Americans.

I grew up in a small business family, where I learned the values of hard work and determination. I was the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college ran for Congress to serve in upstate New York and probably the youngest Republican woman elected to Congress in history say something here. First of all thank you for your support of the ACLJ is keeping this broadcast on the air. It keeps our lawyers fighting for families around the country keeps us engaged in defending freedom in Israel and international tribunals. We could do without you keeps as I said brings you experts like Andy and Harry and Wes skip and now former acting director of national intelligence cabinet member Rick remail Basinger we can do that only only because of your support for the ACLJ. This is the last days of her matching challenge and pain if you're able encourage you, especially if you enjoy contact were able to provide ACLJ the American Center for Law and issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms to you and your family. Give a gift today online okay