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When Will Biden Pick a Running Mate?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
August 3, 2020 1:00 pm

When Will Biden Pick a Running Mate?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 3, 2020 1:00 pm

When Will Biden Pick a Running Mate? We dicuss this and more on today's show.

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When I pick a running mate in the Congress passed another stimulus talk about it today and take your calls on Jay Sekulow live life questions right now: one 806 843-110-1800 681 your host Jay Sekulow live.

Let me think all of you who are part of our July matching challenge we exceeded our goals because of your support that it was open to that last moment at midnight wherever you were across the country, but we see we were able to exceed our goals. That is great news because as we announced on Friday we took that first action after we had over 1400 contacts coming from parents with children in public schools K-12 or pre-K-12 across the country were facing significant hardships could afford attorneys, but of course we can do all that legal work for them at no cost because of your support. We got our case in California of the singing band that are working internationally on persecution and that there's so much going on. The pro-life cases that we went through on the broadcast Friday at the ACLJ the government affairs work in order to be talking about on today's broadcast. I just want to give a huge thank you to those of you that even during the time of this uncertainty with this pandemic because of your financial support last month and being part of that matching challenge you're helping a lot of families who would not usually be able to afford the same attorneys at the present United States uses or any attorneys at all because her to be facing real hardships. If schools start accommodating them in school districts don't start accompanying them and now they've got assistance because of your support for the ACLJ we continue the fight for life because of your support for the ACLJ.

This broadcast is lied to you Monday through Friday every single day of the week helps you because of your support of the ACLJ for just a huge thank you to everybody in the mist of all this kind of chaotic time.

Thank you for donating during the matching challenge and and making doubling the impact your donation.

It is great to be able to announce we have exceeded our goal. We were worried a bit bad about about it for folks. I'll be honest with you because the title pandemic in an people unsure about work. It is their second stimulus really documented today because it talks about problems with that and that would cause significant economic hardships, starting with get out of the PPP lows or keep people on payroll to the individual checks going out to individuals making sure there's no evictions because they can put food on the table.

These roads that the school issues as well, but we also do a political update for you because you know by now, by now we would've known for you. What three weeks three weeks Guy's three weeks who VP Biden would've picked to be his vice President that then we were told it was going to happen.

The first full week in August. This is that week and and then there was a story by one of his staffers there kind of hedging of that that it might be next week to go through some of those dates but I also want to ask you who do you think VP Biden is going to pick to be his vice President for Labadie and do you think they will actually impact the race usually it's been showed that vice President so pics don't have as much impact as the media will make it out to believe but were living in a different time when campaigning is very different. So if they're coming at at you kind of directly from you know their home studio. It's a lot different than them crediting the secondary person who goes around the country doing rallies so the Dave ID is important here is for. He's promised that it will be a woman so we know that and we can go through some of the choices that some of the likely choices, but I will tell you for all of us, even those of us like to be of work on your for Presidential campaigns. I think I can always be surprised almost always are actually surprised so I wanted hundred 684-3110 and do you think Congress will get how important is it for Congress to get another stimulus bill, the President's desk and hopefully with that school choice now act gives call 1-800-684-3110 is always stay up to speed ACLJ that organ. A big thank you to those matching challenge donors.

The American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in any way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms gift today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally pro-life support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow Sankyo we are take your phone calls 161 kids so the official DNC date was supposed to be July 13-16. I got moved to August 24-27. It will all be done, virtually because of coded a safety for artsy they did have to move their dates because it was a later date your when you're the incumbent. You're always later they had a little bit more time. They were trying to do the person admit there to be doing some of that in Charlotte the party business, but the made speeches as a bit and that's where present a drop vice President pits and others will be making speeches if the be doing up at different locations that will be August 24 through the 27th but we would've noted who the VP choice was July right around July 13 or before. It would've leaked but certainly by July 13, 14th, 15th, 16th, and they got a little pushback because he got moved to August 24 or 27th. But listen for those of you who don't watch out on Facebook and periscope which is most of you who listen on radio, VP Biden promised this week he would make his announcement on vice President.

Take a listen.

We have sent are not releasing the names of all the vice Presidential potential nominees. There are a number of women of color. There are Latino women, their Asian there and just underway background checks and take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to be done on the committees of informing that's underway. What's interesting is it was supposed to be the first week in August that we have the sound with his campaign to start or replay that Fox News salad because now the year.

This is the big news take it just important. I think probably this VP pick because of his age and I'm not saying that he could do eight years about try to make some case ever because of his age.

It is been questions about his his mental capacity by it of the speeches and being able to deliver sentences in a coherent way to see coming. As I as a professional prop.

Politicians been doing his whole life that this VP is important for two reasons. His choice for VP because one it would be sober that Hester would ensure people thinking about voting for Biden. In my opinion that that they could run the country and to their credit be campaign to get a very different way, almost, virtually, so they got to be someone who was very good like kind of hop talking on Facebook and periscope go direct to Canberra but making it not that that is it that is somewhat used to doing that someone who is actually Lotta coaching Todd now will go through the list in a moment but I will. I want to play this because now the Biden campaign is had to get to be this shows again that music. There's probably someone who's right on the edge. A visa would big that they can't get them to quite say yes yet and so their number gather number two who's ready to go there still hedging because certainly it. It's big news when you make this announcement all these people to been vetted at this point feel the bad stuff that's good to come out about them. If there is any illicit other hedging. Take a listen. So I made a tremendous number of really qualified women who are who are you talking to about this job. This is interesting.

So let me go through some of those games that have kind of been talked about the most recently one that popped up in the last couple weeks is not a household. They necessarily it's a Congresswoman Karen Bass. She is the second vice chair such that the head of which is the second vice chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. She's in California she's popped up at as a potential nobody who's that these have all been vetted by the Page they they they could be the district choice and also it indicates who else will be a top advisers of who else is on the list to be cabinet officials that course that I don't think all of us Is going to be women, but he did promise that is VP nominee would be also got, of course, California sitter Kemal Harris.

You don't a lot in the Harris allies were pushing that a politico story actually got posted and then take it down. That said, he had picked Harris to be his running mate.

Now two caveats to that one. News outlets often have like a story for all of these Dave's ready to post immediately so could've just been an accident, but to they may have thought they'd answer was Kelly and he put it up but are likely to believe that it was probably an accident because they do have so many it's just a little weird that without confirmation from the Biden campaign that it was going to happen, you would put that out but it would be one that was so high up in the Roddick Ed she's been talked about a lot on the race by Joe Biden. He breaks her up a lot even though they really got added each other.

Actions basically were racist during the campaign, but your campaigns are campaigns. I servicing primary care page of the decanting politicians get over it quickly, just like a lot of us were activists we get over it quickly, and we DO join our team, we rejoin the team together. Another which Susan Rice death.

I would go if they had been in Washington DC the most particular calls. Who do you think VP Biden will will pick you think it will happen this week or next week help the Q8 took much longer and how important is a second stimulus to you for those PPP loads the school choice now act for you to get some some financial relief maybe is $1200 or $1400 for those who qualify depending on your income. All of that. How important is that stimulus getting through 1-800-684-3110. Then I want to talk about those first three Karen Bass to most people is an unknown but is has become kind this rising star lately. I think because of the black lives matter movement and about talk about that in the political since a black lives matter, but the protest movement I guess probably George Floyd good part of it, not the riots and Ed Peter should become more probably because of her role in the Congressional Black Caucus.

So that's wanted, not what you think about her right here on the hill. III didn't know much about her. Honestly because I get you that the head of the Congressional Black Caucus and does, she's not from a swing state or sweet district. What what you know about Kiribati are people why that she would be at the Roddick issues in the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus. As you know, during the second vice chair. I think she let makes a lot of sense if you're looking at it from a political lens if the vice President has narrowed down his options to an African-American woman, which adorn I believe he has done. I know publicly they're saying that it might not be a minority woman.

It'll just be a woman. I think it probably will be an African-American.

One is that she makes a lot of sense because she's one of the highest ranking congressional African-American women in adorn your walking through may be why the delay in some of the announcement.

I actually think it's entirely possible that they had selected her that she was going to be the nominee and then some of her past associations and comments. It may be favorable views toward Fidel Castro and some the Cuban policies.

I think maybe that gave them second thoughts.

Jordan so look, I think she makes sense in a political wing, but like you said, they have to look at the negatives that will come out and maybe as people started to realize she was can be the nominee and some of these things resurface and start getting attention. Maybe Jordan, the Biden campaign said okay let's take a minute and just make sure that we really want to do this, he added. I think those I heard those Castro competencies.

Try to say, will that was a long time that he was like six years ago or something like that. So that probably made people nervous. I want to take a call that will take will go through more of this analysis will also go to the polls as well. At one 800 684 31 Ted and talk stimulus as well so you want to talk about today and of course there's a lot of work on ACLJ check it all out Michaels got interesting theory, and Michael, I will tell you right off the bat.

It's one. I still ask expect could be potential, even though she keeps saying no and that's my case of Michael from California line 3, I will give away what we both believe that it may be possible welcome to Jay Sekulow live hey Michael can I hear Q8 hey Michael, I draw the air drop Michael okay will let me go to Sean – I was a little different. This would be an interesting one for Joe Biden shod week. We had got down the list.

She was next on the list to go through Viscount top three Sean Walker Jay Sekulow lobby, read our mind on the air there thinking after 30 double bar that the John that looking in the on that thing that you know I made the top of the live way any investigation will look like a politically motivated trombone with Susan Wright that my thick well okay so very quickly and she's controversial, but because of the mask investigation were talking about the fact that with our case to calculate diffusers. Other staff. She would certainly be the kind who was very loyal comes, it would shut it down. Shall I forgive. She will she will take the bullets for you. I meet, but highly controversial pity on the others who are available and she was also in January for meeting with the vice President so look and that's can be one of the Italian Gordon. Maybe he wants somebody else to speak to at night I can see it brings a lot of that stuff but yeah maybe need someone to address it more clearly than he can always go to stay updated all of our work. Remember a huge thank you to those who donated during the matching challenge month of July is how we do all of this work for free and regular radio broadcast every day only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, their role in the motion and what Obama care means to the pro-life side of the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question for copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom.

Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress.

ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ Jay Sekulow like this George Sankyo, at which the first to be talking about you when will VP Biden actually make this VP choice and how important you think will be looking at a favorite Washington DC. Then as we go through to God through Kiribati tell Kiribati congressional member from California second vice chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and beverage abides promised he was going to pick a woman to be his VP nominee.

He's also promising to do the first week of August another hedging of that subset look like she was becoming the front runner and then some sound came out about her praising Fidel Castro fairly recently like if you try to say I was when she was young. If you like, what, six years ago or something like that that might be a little longer but it was not like 25 years ago so that that causes significant issue.

Basically you pick someone like that you have lost the state of Florida hundred percent hundred percent, and any other states where at the Cuban population can have an impact on the race and somebody's there very close to that of that's a lot of states you are losing all of that vote. So that's probably consideration their Kabbalah Harrison California again. What's interesting to be thin about all three Susan Rice Kabbalah Harris's issue is what she called you by the races during the campaign and so they'll have that add to write about him. Republicans will but to she was a prosecutor.

Our prosecutor so popular right now with the left considering the other was at work with police to put people in jail and, thereby, was to defy the police.

The third big Susan Rice. I don't know where her place of residence is out of New York, DC, or Maryland, but I know that don't. Out of those three God cover a swing state. So not give you anything politically like it is state didn't like guaranteeing an important state free and that's a significant thing Jordan because the former vice President's gonna have to flip a number of states obviously to take the presidency from Pres. Trump look. I continue to believe that Sen. Harris is probably the most likely pick of among those three. Jordan, I think she takes the most boxes that would help the of the former vice President you know II said in the last thing that I thought maybe Congresswoman Bass was the pick and then some of these comments made the campaign question and or take another look Jordan, I think the same can be true for Sen. Harris. I think VP Biden could have selected her as the running mate and then maybe the nominee himself.

The event the presumed nominee by Joe Biden. I took another look at those debates and said do I really want to put someone who said these things about me made these attacks me on the ticket. Maybe that's what's pushed it back of the door and I continue to think that she is probably the front runner among the three. I would probably put a congressman Bass in the second place. I do think Susan Rice is on the list. I might Axley put her little outside the top three if you would ask me this couple other names that I think are interesting and maybe being considered by the vice President. But if you're asking me who I think of the clubhouse front runner is so to speak. I still think it Sen. Harris if VP Biden can get past some of the recent remark she's made about him yeah I mean okay so so you that that's your choice that you think that you think it's Kabbalah Harris. I think it's the most likely but I would reiterate and agree with you when you say you're just so frequently surprised by this I mean sometimes campaigns. That's one of their main things they want to do is they want to get a head fake and then they actually want to announce a name that nobody's thinking of but if if you are asking me to put my prediction on one name I would put it on Sen. Harris. Yes Javier because Javier in Texas has a theory that that I have not give it up on yet either. It's not something I think is 100% but with these delays with the change the way campaigns work.

I would've said no to this 100%. If this was a normal campaign and present troubles border of the country to a 20,000 person visit Job. I was doing 2000 person events, I'd say no way she'd be waiting till later to get it… Face the Trump war that will be the Trump war but now that it's different had a campaign to think things change that. Let Javier talk about 1/2 year from Texas on my five welcome to Jay Sekulow live so much more VPN than in the lightning and then area between Obama locking up well when you want. Well why I do not rule out and I don't think sand is either Michelle Obama because though she said no earlier that was during and it would've been a traditional campaign, she would had to work all travel all around the country to what fund raised, but also to rallies so that that's a bunch more difficult struggle.

Usually, campaigns are a really tough and about say these candidates are working hard out Job I does he be doing a lot out there but present Trump certainly is doing like everything he had possible sky works around the clock. Everyone knows that you can see that he could buy's twitter feed how little sleep.

He gets with all the pandemic only on economic issues at his campaign, but but now things are that she could basically campaign from home and she's high-profile off the people were tooted know she's not in a swing state. But she's a household name, and one who originally I don't think would've what to go like face-to-face with the Donald Trump to paid full audit have to try to compete with that but I don't venture should be like afraid of how to keep your out of this would be having to debate Mike Pitts not say that Mike Pitts would be great at debating with her but that's why I keep the rug still is why this delay could still be epic. I fully agree with you Jordan, this is one of the other two names that I mentioned and I think if Michelle Obama would agree to be the running mate. I think the decision would be made yesterday. I think this is who the vice President wants as his running mate, but she has genuinely declined to do it. Up to this point, but there's a couple reasons why he would certainly pick her out of the obvious one is the fact that that she is so well known that she would be able to speak on the number these issues. She obviously is an African-American woman so she takes that box but maybe the two that are talked about as much Jordan is that this would put the former President Barack Obama onto the campaign trail and that's obviously something that Joe Biden wants very, very much.

Also, Jordan I think one of the things it can be taking place behind the scenes is a conversation about whether or not Joe Biden really would be just a one term President. Whether or not he would run again.

I look, I tend it. If his health were to be out there. I just is very hard for me to believe that he would agree to not run again. But if that is the conversation taking place behind the scenes of Michelle Obama wants to run for President in 2024. It would make a lot of sense for her to change her mind and for her to agree to be a running mate and then run as an incumbent vice President in four year sojourn.

I would tell you this if she would agree to do it.

I think he would pick her today but 800-684-3110.

We will continue in our second half hour talk about you know why were not getting the VP choice yet. I mean, is it made sense. I can suck it happen this week out to be surprisingly actually does follow through with it, but his campaign is certainly giving him the option to wait another week. You kick a further that mean he's got his digital convention on August 24, so any any city was good as the first week of August which is this week, so will continue. Talk about that were also getting get into the stimulus issue because this impacts every body and there's some uncertainty down Washington about getting one through the Democrat-controlled House Republican-controlled Senate and onto the President's desk.

So how important is getting that second stimulus to you. 1-800-684-3110 and if the election were held today. Who do you think wins the polls tell you Joe by the post told you it also would be Hillary could last time, but things of change we've pandemic economics of change so if the election were held today. You think wins give us a call one 864, 31 to will go through some of those state-by-state polls in the swing states little bit of the national polls. I will think they matters much as well or second half hour Jay Sekulow life.

Remember if you watch on Facebook. A periscope share this with your friends and family stay updated as well on ACLJ, that'll relate to updates to the work were doing just be on behalf of parrots in Arizona so check that block out for those two to update and a huge thank you for all of you who participated in July's matching challenge. We exceeded our goal because of you will be right back at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be matched $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family. Beautiful gift today. Online LJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow line and now secular politics.

They are Jay Sekulow live you have severe states. Yet primaries coming up to what we have a big wood. There's wanted to do seeds become Catholic the race that it was what she read the country. Haggerty and many the doctor many race and that that primary date.

The early voting is now over is on Thursday so were actually able to start seeing election results commit again. Since there are some more those primaries out there as well.

That was become very high-profile.

Of course whoever wins that likely the Republican what will almost guaranteed will win unless something bizarre happens to be the date to replace Rupp retiring Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander so I gathered politics week, but we wanted to get into really the big news that was gonna be this week. Politically, was that Joe Biden promise let's play good for everybody that he would tell us who is VP picked was the first week of August and remember the DNC additionally was having their conviction July 13-16, so we would've known you don't to half weeks ago three weeks ago now it's not to August 24, but he still promised it was coming the first week of August down.

His campaign is hedging, take a listen.

I'm not releasing the names of all the boys Presidential potential nominees. There are a number of women of color. There are to know women their age and their cost more than just underway background checks and take anywhere from down the committees of the foreman that's underway is to be several weeks before the convention, it would have to be this week said but now let's play it if we have we have it ready.

His campaigns hedging that it what will be set up several rings 32 leads to gaps of several reads it in a three and that's where we are right now before the DNC virtual convention is campaigns hedging survey are tremendous number of really qualified women, who are you are talking to about this job. So again said they are hedging that it might not be this week.

Now I'm not get that meat does not mean it will be today that he is a surprise and by this afternoon or this evening with a big announcement but so or tomorrow or Wednesday or Thursday probably not on a Friday, unless he was to dominate the cable news shows the Sunday show so he could still happen this week but they certainly opened the window down through research through their campaign spokesperson to delay this to get another week.

Yeah, I mean, look what it sounds like to me, Jordan, is that they've made an internal selection unless maybe one you know why old scenario comes through.

So let's say they picked Congresswoman Bass with a pick Sen. Harris except maybe they won't have one more conversation with Michelle Obama, then it would make perfect sense Jordan to make sure that that conversation with Michelle Obama closed out before they actually announced whoever it is. They had picked a door and I would just tell you what I don't know if you can continue on this topic. After this break, I would throw one other name out there that I actually abide that might be in it. I think that's Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance bottoms. I think she probably also makes a lot of sense. We we talked earlier about how none of these other nominees bring a state into play. I don't think the former mayor would bring Georgia into play door and I really don't but I know there up some political pundits that think that it would still among those five Jordan, she's probably the one that would have a strongest play in a specific set of other people still being talked about. I think would certainly end up in cabinet positions. I think like Elizabeth Ward. I don't think should be the VP choice, but I think should certainly be at abide cabinet another one talked about his former of Florida, Congresswoman Val Deming's issue with her.

She was on the impeachment team that lost try to impeach the President is also proper for her. She was the Orlando police chief. She is African-American but does that cause issues with the whole D for the police movement and then you got Illinois sitter Tammy Duckworth ever tugged at her to we come back this break to get more into the stimulus talks as well. I didn't get Penn's update on that because that White House looking at what they could even do it unilaterally share this on Facebook and periscope watching their friends and family will be right back Jay Sekulow live the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online LJ only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for copy mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secularly get a huge thank you to everybody who dissipated by donating during the July matching challenge that donated ACLJ we listed those last final minutes we exceeded our goal that is always great when you exceed your goal. Now it was right up until the final bits but we did so huge thank you, even in this time of uncertainty that those of you who were financially stable made those donations. It is the reason why as we have now over 1400 parents that our attorneys are working with.

I think thousand of those attorneys already working with directly the others attorneys have sent follow-up questionnaire so they gets more information to figure out which attorney they should be assigned to with those keep coming in by the day. In fact, delayed so we can do this all because of you and of course all the pro-life work and represent the church in California. The seabed and the. The case is just the are happening around the country, freedom of speech cases that we do we handle somebody that you don't even hear about some that we talk about and of course all the international work we do.

So check out ACLJ in order so you understand exactly where those donations are going but some of it is, does also come to this broadcast so they were able to bring this information to you every single day by day through Friday live going through the numbers as we see them tell you about stories we believe are important. It may not be getting enough coverage or at least analysis in the do so huge thank you to those of us donors during the matching challenge both of July.

We can't take it off. We love all of you. I got bless you from all this at the ACLJ at the secular family let me play this to just to show you how those donations are make an impact. I was on Steve Hilton's Fox News show. The next revolution was July 12, today is August 3 at I was awed to twice so he's on each Sunday. So two Sundays in a row giving out that The last two Sundays including last night. He wanted to give updates on where we were used to do map show, but how many we are representing and did you know we've taken our first action as you know, in Arizona, which I'll talk about a second it will get right back in the politics but this is how your donations really date the can. The impact directly where you have a host on Fox news updated people about the ACLJ's work on behalf of families who needed. That's where your donations make a huge difference. Take a take a listen if you're watching Phyllis on radio and take it. Watch if you're on Facebook and periscope with the help of Jordan secular and the ACLJ over 1400 families from 47 states plus DC have reached out to them to help the President said he wanted direct payments to parents whose schools won't open in the next really felt so far it's not in that instead that still planning to hand over billions of dollars to school districts that one even open that schools to get just it. Example of why were doing a lot of that will update you more later. The week effect.

We filed a second so we file Friday on a bath one. That school district to Gilbert filed a second would Saturday, so I made our attorneys working all we could to the superintendent. There we also sits a copy of this letter to every school board member. Now it Gilbert Arizona, the school board has delegated its authority to the superintendent to make decisions so it went to the right person first on was the school board members to have it. Now they all have it and I will tell you. Looks like will be will be exiting a similar red letter out to another city in Arizona very shortly as well, so there's updates on that back to politics. We go I want to finish the VP talk talk some talk about the Bigs. Now the one thing she does help of the other stone is she is in Florida so that is a swing state. But what hurts her is she was up. The police chief of Orlando in the whole D for the police movement. I think the part that Peachpit team at family and Ed had.

It was ridiculous, looks lucky. I'm not sure the Joe Biden was to bring that back up again another what I want to get their thoughts on this and will get how to get more into some numbers and then wars of your calls of the board to the stimulus so Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth very interesting that she's very aggressive.from a swing state. But it is a veteran who lost both her legs in a in a crash up to the Purple Heart, interact, so she would be able to talk to issues differently than most. Then most candidates that are that are likely VP choices would be able to absolutely, Jordan, and I think in a normal year she would make a whole lot of sense. I may not.

I'd I personally don't think shall be the nominee because I Joe Biden will pick an African-American woman. I think that's probably top on his priority list. On the other thing I would say this may be a negative for Sen. Duckworth is the fact that she comes from Illinois, my home state, Jordan, and you know, for better or for worse.

Illinois is just not on the electoral map now look that doesn't putter any behind most of the other candidates we mentioned as we as we mentioned, they do not bring a state with them as well. Of course they do cut sort of check the minority woman box which she does not obligor night. I can totally understand why she would be that it I think she probably would speak to a set of issues that the vice President is gonna struggle with. You know you unit his famous comment about being a for the war before he was against the war. I think Sen. Duckworth who could probably cover us some gaps for him in that regard, obligor and at the end of the day. I don't think she will probably be on the list, but I certainly see that she will be the nominee. But I can certainly see why Joe Biden had her on the list, so this it should calls go to Cheryl in Texas on slide six Cheryl welcome to Jay Sekulow live your of the air parallel so much for all doing. I love you shall learn a lot. Thank you so much and thanks for listening. Thanks for taking the information in that it would provide allotted for you. So the years, and for this possible every single day while I thinking about buying or not on the regular housewife and 74 and I don't believe Biden is cheating VP runner.

He is in the background you've got that bag each day better, and Susan Rice is who I think is Grenadier Christiana they've already stepped data Obama gonna run Biden. This is a six he would govern very similar to Barack Obama but actually further to the left because of where the parties will stand so I think that if Susan Rice is certainly the mix. She is really close to the Obama's very loyal to them and I think the only difference we Biden and Obama is that Biden is going to be further to the left because he has allied himself with Bertie Sanders is allied himself with groups that even Barack Obama would not well I think if you look at a Biden administration. Jordan I think what you would see as it would look almost exactly like the Obama administration with a couple of noteworthy additions, namely Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. So you're looking at Obama left if you asked me in and really I think Joe Biden feels like he has to do that because of the curtain current atmospherics inside the Democrat party. But if if the if you think if anybody out there thinks that Joe Biden is gonna run more to the right of Obama other than Obama was II think there you're just absolutely fooling yourself. You can move to the left as a governing administration to go through just a few of the other names so they talked about. You talked about Val. Debbie talked about what we talk about to be Duckworth talked about Rice Kemal Harris Karen Bass the kind of one that hangs out there. Michelle Obama and others, though there still included the writing is a Atlanta bear Keisha Lance bottoms Michigan governor – not this would not be the African American woman but he did make that was on his promises promises be awarded. Nobody believe it will be a woman of color of a Michigan governor Gretchen Witmer New Mexico Gov. Michelle Grisham have all gotten some vetting by the fight Biden campaign as well CC how I beat. This could be very surprising. Hoods of being announced from Bass to Harris to rise Michelle Obama to Elizabeth Ward to Val Davies to Tammy Duckworth to the Atlanta bear Lance bottoms to Michigan governor Witmer to the New Mexico Gov. Grisham to I mean to someone else that has even got on one of these list honestly so you know that that's that's where we are right now I want to see if we have any work. Final calls on that because I want to get into the stimulus issue as well and the next thing to the broadcast of we need to take a more on the VP choice is to kind of close that part out where to move downward to stay lot you would live with you folks.

So what to get to the stimulus conversation with Dan because that Atlanta calls about that and the issues of the polling so talk more directly the Biden trope matchup as it stands right now give us a call 1-800-684-3110.

I let me at the doubts this is well on tomorrow's broadcast. Sean Hannity will be joining us for the full second half hour. The broadcast the full second half hour shouted with will be with us a Jay Sekulow live for the second half.

The show it as Sean will be here with a cell of the broadcast. He's talking about a lot of issues you comes obviously supposed to just be talk about the fact that tomorrow. You can preorder today get delivered tomorrow, live his new book comes out live free or die America in the world of the break that comes out tomorrow in bookstores and the same day delivery to place the Gibbs I go to Sean Hannity will affect top but but but I'll tell you I don't Sean and we will just be talking about the book talk about a lot of issues distorted full second half hour. Tomorrow's broadcast tooted watch tomorrow will be right back. Your calls on Jay Sekulow live only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications of weighing 40 years later. Hoods will what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life reports and in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help any way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms online ACLJ Jay Sekulow secular.

We are joy because what to do a political show today so I can think of anybody better they got to work with him closely during the impeachment trial when he was at the White House and in our role outside of the ACLJ representing present drug as we continue to do with various Supreme Court others.

But during the impeachment trial.

Hogan was working as a Deputy Press Secretary at the White House. Now he is the national is the head Press Secretary for the Trump reelection campaign and Hogan Gidley is a great Tabula Jay Sekulow live thanks for joining such a short notice I to give everybody an update on the truck campaign health. How are things going.

There's been that kind of campaign reshuffle and I know Hogan you know you joining the team as well, which I think is great because you're an excellent spokesperson it's tried-and-true. We've also got new ads go it up as well. Across the country. Tell people about all really yeah me on door and it's great to talk to you again and when it came in and hit OJ wanting to show us that wonderful into the wood door and so shall it now.

Get it now I was really excited. I tell you so many great things are going on over here and we start heading to the last 90 days of this thing you know so many state tracks again receive early voting and absentee ballot in the next 35 days. So this thing is moving really really quickly and you know it's important because as you know, elections are about choices. And so what are your two choices here you have someone in Joe Biden and I would like to say this campaign thought times are about abstractly. Here's what I want to do here is what I could do.

Trust me to do these things to guess what the country would look like under Joe Biden. We saw it for eight years we sell depressed wages with our economy tank with our jobs going to China telecom changed all that and brought manufacturing back to this country half a million manufacturing jobs 7 million jobs created, not to mention more jobs than there were people to fill them in this country and the liver will ride in high but the net virus came in from China and the President took bold early leadership that you remember we talked about this in the state of the union, which Nancy Pelosi tore to shreds and they were so focused on impeachment the time this present was talking about shutting down flights they call them xenophobic and racist and just trying to throw another log on the impeachment hoax, fire, and it never worked until this present took the leadership. They're the ones who try to say it was the wrong thing to do but save lives and so while we get through this thing really come out strong on the better end of it because of Pres. John's leadership please call Arkansas online three headaches and a lot of time there with work with Gov. Huckabee Vicki, welcome to Jay Sekulow live your the air heater. They Vicki your you're on the air.

This is best described the following: American air filter that is totally trap anyone would listen to that is present current Democrat Vicki was present truck change you from becoming a Democrat.

What I want Hogan… So here Democrat from Arkansas.

Are you and your doubt change to becoming a Republican because of present truck that that is how it should be. That's why I lead slowly and I say I kind of it's it's so meaningless because if somebody people out there like Vicki who have totally changed their party if they may not legally change their affiliation.

Yet, but who they're going to vote for is totally different than how was yellow 75 years ago, absolutely and collar or not should not with Seaport will teach absolute representative of what were saying Jordan and the end we put up today. One of them was called cards and it features someone who's a member the silent majority saying all these things about Joe Biden. We know to be true that he is a empty vessel that he is been filled by the radical socialist policies from the far left wing of the party that embraces things like defunding the police and $7 trillion in tax increases. He's embracing all of those policies. Now you know all of the amnesty for illegal immigrants, making sure they have free healthcare as well. You get the pay into eBay to find it or not.

If you're an American citizen one Obama care if you're an illegal alien, you get free. Having this is a type of radical policies. Joe Biden is now pushing out there and it's because people like Vicki who say look, I used to be a Democrat but I mean I want to say publicly, but I know I'm voting for.

Because Donald Trump has his provided jobs as provided uplifting unifying patriotic message for this country because he wants to see us succeed.

Everybody African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic American women employed at record numbers under this President because of his policies and so when you take a look at what he has done and what Joe Biden didn't do for his half of the century in office, the choice is very clear in our director, government affairs work in Washington DC's worked with Congress on try to get the stimulus the right Impreza truck.

This too is also looking at unilateral actions he could take as President to help hurting Americans but I know things got a question for you yet Hogan good to have you with us that I just wanted to ask you about what happened last week in United States Senate when the Democrats declined to extend the unemployment insurance benefits for another week. I know there's a debate going on about what level that insurance should be at about what what what your reaction to the deep blocking of that short-term extension is seem to me that would've provided some space for the stimulus to come together about what your take on that they're working on heart at the White House. We don't have really much insight into the negotiation process here at the campaign, but what I can tell you is exactly the point you just brought up which is everyone looking at this says we getting some relief and it was the government who shut down businesses, government owes this to the American people. Now you're the one who drove the truck to my living room. Now you got a responsible for rebuilding the house and patching up the hole and so often what you see on the left in this negotiation. Remember, this is like the fourth or fifth iteration of this were trillions of dollars are being pumped directly into the bank account to the American people, and it should be Democrat party held this thing up. Want multiple times for green new deal nonsense for packages that have nothing to do whatsoever with coronavirus and you know it's nonsense because the same thing they're talking about in this particular bill that have nothing to do with the pandemic we face this the same thing they were talking about before coronavirus hit so you know it's all political. You know what the power grab.

But that's what they're about it so I'm thankful we have a President who called out for it, but am also thankful we have a Republican Party that is is is working hard to try and provide the American people with the relief they deserve with the relief they need is great. You can separate us through the media side of the impeachment trial and in the course get to know you better in the site but behind closed doors were not of the Senate floor through the 14 to 18 to 20 hour days when you were White House deputy press secretary.

Now you're the national press secretary for the Trump reelection campaign.

I got a minute left here is a campaign got myself I got ask you this question. How different is it what the was a campaign trying to do the campaign at a time when you can't do the traditional kind of campaign activities that simulate present truck is is great at what was so amazing what this campaign is built before I got here with all the online presence like something you never seen before.

Those are a billion views. People are excited they want to get out there and support the present and they're gonna do it anyway that's available in right now. If the online method we get this coronavirus thing under control. Hopefully more personal stuff right now people are excited the right to get out and vote for this man because they want four more years of unparalleled success. Great to have Hogan giddily gone live with this national press secretary for the truncated hate really like the Daschle Press Secretary for the bike campaign. I love to have the broadcast asked questions time check out ACLJade I don't follow everything we do at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 could make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms to you and your family. You forgive today online LJ