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Live Free or Die - with Guest Sean Hannity

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
July 21, 2020 1:00 pm

Live Free or Die - with Guest Sean Hannity

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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July 21, 2020 1:00 pm

Live Free or Die - with Guest Sean Hannity. This and more on today's show.

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Special guest Sean Hannity today Jay Sekulow my life from Washington DC Jay Sekulow phone lines are open for your questions right now. 1-800-684-3110 one 800-6841 10 and now your host gator phone calls is now you got questions for Sean Hannity usually he is hosting the broadcast is a guest today Jay Sekulow live talk about his new book live free or die, it releases in two weeks. August 4, but I encourage you as I Artie have to preorder the book you could do that it Sean Hannity but if you got questions for Sean Hannity about why he wrote live free or die what you learned about in the book you get those calls it right now. 1-800-684-3110 so that we have time to get those questions up and enter Sean on the air. If I get a money hundred 684-3110 because Sean is joining us and literally just the next segment of the broadcast. So I'm looking at the clock at about seven minutes. Sean Hannity will be with us. So if you got calls for him and questions for him called out 1-800-684-3110.

The book is live free or die America in the world on the brink check. It gets from threshold editions of Simon and Schuster, but you can go to Sean Hannity and learn more about the book and of course you know we do this for Sean we don't promote a lot of books on on the Air Force. We talk about our old books that Sean is always the great would we have a book out.

So whether it's been my dad's book or my book of the next red wave. Sean is actually his quote is on the cover of the book of the next red wave, so we obviously would give him the time to talk to our audience as well about his brand-new book live free or die.

I also would to update you able to get into this further in the broadcast. After we talk to Sean we have now been contacted by over a thousand individual parents about their children in the school situation it in need of potential representation by the American Center for Law justice over a thousand folks. This is literally happened between an interview I did eight days ago Ogden on Sunday on Fox news with Steve Hilton on the next revolution that we talked about it for the first time on radio just in a four days ago on Friday and then I was back on Steve Hilton on Sunday night this past Sunday and then we talked about.

Of course yesterday we went from about 300 5375 to Latin as of Friday boarding to now is a talk to TR Tuesday morning over a thousand, and were talking cases that range from schools being completely shut down parents at school literally can operate two days a week. You don't have a plan for the other three days school lunch program issues special needs students transportation issues virtual learning charter schools being shut down. Even their virtual learning being shut down by state governors or local local county officials depending on how the state works. I so we have literally got over a thousand parents who have contact us with those K-12 public school or sub schools its pre-K-12 students in deed of a potential legal assistance. If you are one of those folks remember. Go to that's and remember I is because you you are doing this because you are a parent of a child who's into K-12 public school or you are the legal guardian of a child and you were going to be facing with the child was very facing significant hardship because of the plan. Or in many cases, lack of plan from your state or your school district on how education is going to work and by the way, it is a constitutional right under the 14th vivid attitude to get an education to get equal education protection covers public school education. We could do all this we can go through over thousand people already contacting us because of your support. The ACLJ donate online right now.

It's how we bring you this broadcast to double the impact your donation Sean Hannity live with us next the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in what we do.

Protecting the constitutional and online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is certainly protecting. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission like it will show you how you are personally pro-life battle supports and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in emotion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership of the ACLJ is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow lie this is Jordan secular. We have a very special guest to as a very special book out August 4 live free or die. America and the world on the break. I can't think of a better time for book like this. I note Sean Hannity takes his time on these books is not somebody puts out a book you know every six months and he is joining us live on Jay Sekulow live, Sean.

It's great to have you on as a guest that you know I like the parable role reversal. Editing is really great. Jordan I love your book and you a great many pond on radio and TV with occupant phenomenology, not what I think you.I love you dad. You know it's funny but yet you're right I don't I do, but I don't like writing your the lawyer argued that the lawyer take what work that I've not done a book in 10 years.

Now I actually put in Latin. Believe it or not. I spent four years in a high school seminary studying theology in Latin etc. not into that well and it not apply but it doesn't Latin live free or America dies and yeah II think this is the greatest tipping point election that will ever face in anyone lifetime and the issues are real and significant. And if we don't make the right choice. If in fact the right look. But let's put it this way.

I think the last week and 1/2 Jordan this race has changed dramatically.

You got Joe Biden usually candidates of Republican or Democrat Bill run to their base in the primary and try and move to the center in a general election, but Joe Biden is done just the opposite. What he is now done instead of the people now that he has surrounded himself with had now cemented in the that this whole idea. He's the most radical and extreme Presidential candidate that I can think of in the century and you don't look at for example Joe Biden you know last week that was all. The police have never now become the enemy and they're supposed to for the people exposed to protected and yet, something to reallocate resources away from the police. He said all of that meaning the font. He then brings in Bolshevik Bernie Sanders got unapologetic radical socialist who actually honeymooned in the former Soviet union as crazy as you know regimes like Venezuela and Cuba, and not only did he adopt Bernie's economic planning actually plagiarize still has that little problem plagiarizing people like Neil Kenneth and Robert Kennedy and lifted word for word, Bernie's socialist agenda and then it gets worse that he he took on Congresswoman Alexandra Coffield Cortez's new new Greendale madness and last week is pledging not billions, trillions of US dollars and promising something that is mathematically unsustainable, which is everything is gonna be free and will that packs people to death and then he brings in bozo Beto O'Rourke and he's going to be the guns are loose talk about gun confiscation yet add Pelosi, Schumer and Biden together. Jordan secular, you have 125 years of unmitigated failure, broken promises, what is Joe Biden done in the 51 years he's been in that swamp.

What you know who did criminal justice reform.

It wasn't Barack and Joe who did police reform.

It wasn't Barack and Joe know who set record after record low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African-American youth unemployment that wasn't Barack and Joe that was Donald J. Trump. The book is live free or die America in the world of the brakes on ice want to make sure people know they can go to Sean Hannity The book is out August 4, but you can do what I did and preorder the book today live free or die America in the world on the brink.

Sean Hannity's first new book in a decade, and it's more timely than ever.

I think of the many other time you go to Sean Hannity book.calm Sean this people and got some questions for you about this and make it a zero I book my bookbag I donated all the money away yes and not about the book is about saving this country right now the limit that one thing, but Toyota called young thing. Ronald Reagan said freedom is but one generation away from extinction difficult. All hands on deck moment Jordan secular right now and higher taxes or and comp confiscatory taxes or lower taxes, it is energy independent source energy dependence. It is amnesty and United sanctuary states of America or its secure borders and the rule of law, it is capitalism versus socialism. It is peace through strength versus appeasement in all of this is in play, and I hope I know that the strong audience you and your data built up over these many years. We need this is that this is a cry and a call we need your vote in 105 days.

We need you educated and we need you to get out there, especially in the state that I got a matter and we know all know what they are seeing preorder Sean Hannity the preorder book is out August 4. I would go to Jerry and Rhode Island online threes got a question for you Sean Jerry. Welcome to Jay Sekulow live your talking to Sean Hannity hello hello Hannity what's a pretty regular realignment how crowded so many of the people in this country.

The richest country in the world. How people who are leaning toward Biden ticket so to see you know I don't know. I know you know the one funny thing in this body and in one sense, but if not I have not been good for the country is Donald Trump clearly lives in people's minds and if you look at one of the Democrat done and I have two chapters in the book. What is the Russia collusion hoax of the century the others about the failed attempt at impeachment.

What have they done the Democrats have have they get out they changed every position may even have been the Obama years they used to be for wall until Donald Trump was for wall and I think that there fed a diet from the media mob that just take Trump every single day for I always say Jerry Donald Trump cured cancer they would give him credit for current cancer gave every American $1 million. They say what any given $5 million so you know there are a lot of people, there's an appeal psychologically for people that all my my healthcare is to be free had an Obama care workout, my education is going to be free. Okay, how's that working out in in blue states and big cities. Not very well.

Baltimore is a great case in point at the third highest per capita spending on education in the industrialized world. Only 1310 of 13 public icicles.

Not one kid is proficient in math.

How are you don't. How have we gotten to the point where violence prevails in all of the cities that have been run by liberal Democrats for decades. When not protecting our our grandmas and grandpas moms and dads and now children are dying a one-year-old child in Brooklyn a seven-year-old in Chicago and eight-year-old in Atlanta at 10 and 11-year-old in Seattle shot not kill or to go Chicago then you know Horace saw Lorenzo Anderson, Junior 19-year-old young man, and that Chaz autonomous Summer of love zone you know how we get here. I don't know every two and four years, the same Democratic politicians make the same false promises never deliver. They get reelected. This has to change. Reagan once said freedom is but one generation away from extinction. If we if you love one simple solution here and that is reelect Donald Trump and make the media mob and the Democrats choke on the words in 105 days. We can now project Donald J. Trump is been reelected.

The 40 foot President of the United States were talking the Sean Hannity live today in the broadcast about his new book live free or die it's released August 4. You can preorder now places like Amazon I go to Sean Hannity and sign over the introduction of the book of your book you talk about how this is just you can overstate the left intentions and the devastating consequences we will face if demographic Democrats retake every gain control of the presidency and Congress. And I know Drew has a question about that. Drew is calling for Nevada line 1 Drew you're talking to Sean Hannity on the call you personally like the New York 11 in Nevada by God. Yes, we taxes were saving right now. I don't think for you, but yet my property taxes in New York peaked in 18,000 a year for simple house. We are so happy to get out and stay tacky saved as amazing as constricting a question in okay.bit the Joe Biden is what it is because you can end up looking like shop got 30 seconds left.

But let's not even entertain that.

But if their policy are ever enacted. The America we know freedom, liberty, capitalism, entrepreneurialism that has literally transform the world and advance the human condition will will and as we know it. That's why the book called live free for America will die from Sean Hannity and Julius live on Jay Sekulow live. The book live free or die,, Sean Hannity Sean, thanks for being with us.

Back Jay Sekulow live only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable in voicing his concern. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, in parenthood's role in what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right question for economy mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy fighting to protect life reports it in Congress. ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful.

Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do.

Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today to make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular. We are take your phone calls and 164, 31, two, it was great to have Sean Hannity on with us and I thought it was just special for our audience said that opportunity as brief as it was, though, to get to as Sean questions and to have him on as a guest of the broadcast. And of course we continue take your phone calls on the broadcast day at one 800 684 31 to really get into a couple of issues. One kind of a political update which we we haven't done and is recently about kind of the state of the race is been some shakeups of the Trump campaign. There's also been some plans put out by Joe Biden And He Was Talking about How Joe Biden Is Teaming up with like Bernie Sanders in the AOC Wing of I Guess You Call the Democrat Party Now to Put Together These Plans Walk through Some Poll Numbers As Well in Key Battleground States and I Want to Take Your Questions to. Do You Believe the Polls That Show That Trump Is Trailing A Lot Of the States or Do You Think It Is That You Know That There's a Silent Majority or an Endless, and There Are Plenty of Trump Supporters Who Believe There Needs to Be. There Are Big Changes Made at the Trump Campaign Shift Kind of the Campaign Strategy. I Will Tell You, Folks, I Voted Early on ISA Saturday, I Took My Daughter We Were Basque and Was for Either the Republican Senate Primary, and in Tennessee and There Were Some Other Elections on the Ballot There As Well.

But That Was the Main Vote Was That the Citic Private US It Primary for Republicans or Democrats. I Know You Warm. You Were Basque. That's Fine I to Go Is the Government Building. They They Could of Course Require That but out and I Will Take the Folks There Did a Great Job. Everything They They Are That You Don't Putting Themselves out There but They Are Wearing Active Plastic Facemask. They've Got Met and Did That and Also Basque on Some of the Batlike Doctors like Surgical Gowns on with Rubber Gloves.

You Know I Get the Door to Touch Things to Get Her Own Pay That You Throw Away like a Big. I Guess You like a Plastic I like a LC a Straw That You That You Used To Eat Touch, the Touch Screen so I Get the Process Was Not Great. I Don't Want to Say I Mean Those Election Workers Did an Excellent Job When I Get Nervous about Is If I Was at That Age Demographic or Medical Demographic How Concerned I'd Be If I Saw That As I Walk Again. And of Course It's Going to Get A Lot Busier with Lines When I Went with My Daughter, Was That after They Were Just about to Close. We Were like One of Just a Couple People There Voting.

It Is Very Early in the Early Voting in Tennessee.

So What Happens When There's a Big Lines. I Think That You Know Those of You Who Are Vulnerable to This War.

In That Age Demographic and Might Get Nervous When You See Something like This Probably Should Think about Requesting an Absentee Ballot Because Your Situation and It Again Depends on Your State and You Know I Don't I Don't like the Whole Everybody Should Vote by Mail Issue a Regardless.

But I Do Think That You You Will Have, Based on My Experience That If You Are in One of Those Such If You're in That That Group That Is Considered Most at Risk.

Make Sure You Know the Absentee Ballot Rules in Your in Your State so That You Can Apply Early Enough That She Don't Miss That Deadline so Get in the Politics and Just a Minute As Well.

The Broadcast Take Your Calls about That 164 3110. I Do Want to Get an Update from Phan Bennett Washington DC Because Stan As of This This Morning I Can Report That We Have Had over 1000 Individual Families. Contact work/help because they believe they may need the ACLJays absolutely free legal service because the school issue.

The school closings issue.

The virtual learning so many. It is sad to see but I'm glad were doing what were doing so many special needs students were not getting the assistance that they should, under the federal law and state laws that protect them specifically. So were working through all of that right now we will all go back to our legal strategy later in the broadcast about how her kind of approaching this if you think your that situation, posted it what you will be facing significant hardship.

Go to That's how you start the process you will be contacted by an ACLJ attorney for those of you who have contacted us and maybe waiting were what were developing is a way to get more information from you in a very simple way so that we can handle these as quickly as possible so I don't think were not responding as quickly as we can. I we are just I get were happy and excited that were at over thousand fan but but that but tell people to what is anything going to move at the federal level, like through the stimulus funding the may be the last real piece of legislation that passes in this presence to her before the election. Could there be anything there for the schools especially were not talking about forcing schools to reopen the four schools and school districts so that they can have that flexibility in your and I really think there's a chance that there could be looking in the same reason they were encouraging parents to get out in front of this now and start planning for the various eventualities that might be facing them and their students adjourn its why were engaging in conversation here in Washington DC as well. We've talked previously about trying to make as much flexibility for existing federal dollars for local stool school districts to sort of repurpose those dollars for this pandemic era of the Jordan, your question is, is really timely because the new stimulus that is now being debated in Washington DC the Republican leaders were at the White House talking with the President and secretary munition about yesterday of the presence can meet with Democrats later this week that package Jordan as introduced her as proposed by leader McConnell actually has $105 billion in it specifically for schools and I think that's a very good thing for this time. Here's the thing that were working on a Jordan and all signs are good on this. We want to see that hundred and $5 billion able to provide the states with flexibility to enact the plans that you're talking about. If if Utah has a slightly different plan to give flexibility to parents and the students then you know the state of New York as we want to see that that hundred $5 billion accomplish that. So Jordan, that is going to be moving here in DC over the next couple weeks and you know this as well as I do, any time there's $1 trillion package on the table, there's gonna be some back-and-forth.

These numbers are going to move a little bit of a Jordan. I really do think over the next month.

There is going to be another stimulus passed and ended the fact that leader McConnell has laid down a marker right at the beginning that there's gonna be more than hundred billion dollars for school during I think this is just another layer on top of what we've been talking about.

I think it's part of the solution here will keep talking about our latest color California online to lay fix or hold on your on the air.

Dale McCue had gone so they are awakening the sleeping giant and think that the learning that convert some front of him conservatively that the fact that what we don't know what to do.

Can you think I know Sean is a new book out live free or die August force, I encourage you to get that's thoughts.

I wrote a book called the next red wave. It's available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Wherever books are sold and it is a grassroots plan for action that was pre-pandemic. But it was what we have to do at a grassroots level and organizational level to win as conservatives and especially now with potentially even the Senate in control of the Senate in jeopardy and certainly a close race for the presidency and a tough tough time to try and overtake the Democrats control of the house that Alicia would keep the presidency and the U.S. Senate. That's important, especially for Supreme Court nominees, and many other issues, so I'd encourage you get activated by your local GOP group and conservative group get involved in grassroots politics and there's ways to do it even with the pandemic technologies available to you. The RNC will provide it as well. So check that out, you've got to actually do something talking to your friends will be right back on Jay Sekulow live at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be now $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and now your hose Jordan secular Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular thinks majorities. If you watch on Facebook and periscope share this broadcast with your friends and family click that share but now it was great to be joined by Sean Hannity in the first half hour.

The broadcast his new book out August 4 live free or die. America and the world on the breaking go to Sean Hannity or to preorder the book. I've Artie done so, and I encourage you to do it, you will promote a lot of books on this broadcast but I will tell you anytime that my dad or I have had a book. Sean has been great, not only about endorsing the book but having us on his radio broadcasts television broadcast multiple times, even hosting his radio broadcast of the before and it was able talk about my brand-new book at the time so I wanted to of course extend that opportunity for him. And of course will have Sean Hannity on anytime he like to join us on Jay Sekulow life for his insight as well and expertise on, and on the political issues and and and really the nation as he talks to so many people every day via radio and television and to really, I think, understands there can the heartbeat of the country so you can check out a live free or die.

Preorder or Sean Hannity I got that call. You know, coming to you. What can we do how can we do something about the upcoming election. You can get involved I would've said, but on this day, and there are ways to volunteer even during the pandemic because of technology now I you know you can set up your cell phone where you could do it at home, your old phone bacon home and the RNC in your local state Republican Party if that's or if your Democrat the Democrat party will will set you up in and set you up to do that they did some states they are doing doorknocking it.

It's notepad depends on where you live where you are.

What phase of reopening rapid you can be involved whether you do it right from home and online and using your cell phone to do it. You could do it.

You know your old phone bank but they offer those opportunities. People don't just have to sit there, watch the news.

Listen to us and feel like there's nothing they can do you during this is actually been true for a couple of election cycles now more so each election cycle. As we pass even before the pandemic campaigns are looking for ways to get people activated activated from home is not only more effective. Jordan it's of course more cost-efficient for them as well and look I would maybe just zoom out a little bit. I mean this is something you and I have talked about before the door, not really. Given the fact that the United States has the power of life and death around the world and in the decisions that come out of this town.

Jordan really do impact life and death around the world.

So I really think that as citizens enjoying that freedom. We have a duty we have an obligation to exercise our freedoms and engage in the process.

Really, no matter what your political leanings are. But you're right, Jordan, especially now during this pandemic, even though in previous election cycles campaigns would've made an effort to activate you from home or to activate you in a Satellite Way, Jordan, I can tell you they are now specifically doing that many of them aren't doing phone banks at all at a central location.

Some of them are, but virtually all of them are trying to if you want to participate and you contact them they will find a way to engage you either from your home or from a satellite location so I would encourage everyone listening exercise. Your freedoms as an American citizen to get involved in the process, I don't only vote I think that's an eye on obligation as well Jordan I think you need to plan ahead to make that happen, but I think you need to do more than that, I think you need to participate in the process and use the freedoms that have been afforded to you currently come back really continue our discussion of politics, the race where it stands right now. Some of this new revelations to on Mike I Christopher Steele, I know you got a call committed about that. The rush investigation will update you there at Durbin's investigation of what the Senate Judiciary Committee has uncovered in these FBI documents should it shock you folks shocking as Lindsey Graham said this was rumor at best and the dossier relied on hearsay from history and the FBI knew they knew it, it should be relied will take your calls 164 3110 will also update you on all the representation were doing and how we can represent you if you needed for these children trying to head back to school and stay with education know we can do all this and absolutely no cost represent all these clients because of your financial support. The ACLJ donate that's the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith.

Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that. We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ.

The work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous take part in our matching challenge today make a difference in protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in emotion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question a free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow like this Jordan secular.

We are take your phone calls 181. 10. Let me just say again you know with now well over 1000 that numbers can continue to grow, folks, I individual parents or legal guardians of children in K-12 pre-K-12 public schools who believe there to be facing significant or substantial hardships because the schools are not reopening in person or or they don't have a plan at all yet or there can into two days a week, but running into the other three days a week, and how to get to work virtually in yellow. Will the get will they give you the technology and what if you don't have Internet access and can afford it. What about those in that or find it facing tough financial issues that the economic economically. I cannot afford to just add all this on you like childcare.

If you got a single parent or a single working parent or two working parents transportation without school bus system on the food program looking at you know that as well.

Some some children are those the meals they get every day that they're guaranteed it's it's in many states. That's two meals a day and a lot of states have those even afterschool programs were also looking we've got a lot of of requested carbon and this is so unfortunate that states are taking care to the people. I think you know an efficient everyone should be treated equal. Your there's an is a constitutional right to education.

In every single state in the United States is because the 14th amendment as the equal protection clause that says that you know if your state and you inactive benefit for the public then then everybody in the public should have the benefit equally so by hat by having public schools for all people and all students in that age range. Oprah is substate pre-k to 12 others K-12. Then they have to be equal and that goes for those who are economically underprivileged.

That also goes for those with disabilities and and you don't to have that the contacts that were getting the most I'd say.

And it was referred from. Probably it's over 30 states now and over thousand individual families, but it's so upsetting to me because a lot of these contacts and not all of them but a lot of them are are the people who should be at the top of the priority list for where the school should have been planning and they should been planning on how to take care and figure out the situations for the kids. They know the ZIP Codes they know the school districts face the toughest economic hardships they shouldn't plan well in advance for the kids with special needs, whether it's like the caller called in yesterday whose daughters blinded a junior but can certainly go on to college is done well academically, but now the only option for hers is trade high school and not regular high school so I be the that those two categories. What we have federal laws to protect.

First of all, people would visit disabilities in education that I DEA states have up to and also those who are underprivileged, and the fact that states and not every state but so many states did not figure out those two categories initially and think creatively to Beatrice shows how disgusting it is to have a public school system not really wrought by the public but run by teachers unions and politicians who are owed by those teachers unions injured. We talk about this on yesterday's broadcast but states and school boards having an affirmative obligation to provide education for the students in their jurisdiction, and if you drill down a little more specifically, Jordan, the members of the school boards have a individual obligation to fulfill that mandate and that does not change during a pandemic in one of the things that's been the most disheartening to me is how frequently you've seen those people with a public obligation. I took on a mandate Jordan to provide this service had instead resorted to telling that the people in their jurisdiction. What they won't do what they can't do what is impossible. Rather than focusing their energies on determining how they are going to provide that service. Yes, we understand it's gonna look different.

In fact I were asking them to be creative and give parents options. We know it won't be as convenient as it has in the past been Jordan. It's not like those tax dollars have turned off those tax dollars have continued on a federal level on a state level on a local level and Jordan and we talked about this in the last segment of the broadcast. But those school boards in the states or action can have additional dollars. As a result of the pandemic specifically to get creative.

Right now it looks like the next tranche is to be $105 billion to join I just I just think the time for those school boards in those states, telling parents what they can't do. I think that time is over were within a couple weeks of school opening up and they need to take their mandate. They need to take the taxpayer dollars that are available to them and turn the tables and say, okay parents, here are the options that we are providing to you.

We know we have an obligation to provide this service were going to work with you to make sure that your student has the educational needs met, that he or she needs so will continue to take your questions to 164 3110. If you have questions about your situation and your students in a situation. 164 3110 because we can then answer the broadcast, whether or not you're someone who should go to to seek out our legal assistance and folks, I just want to remind you were able to do all this absolutely no cost to any of these individuals and reps were able to represent them all if we if we end up representing them legally we do it at no cost to cost nothing to contact us because nothing for all the research that we do to that to the client to determine their their situation to what what causes of action they may have or what action we can take on their behalf take it cost them nothing. If we represent them.

Even if we represent them all the way up to a state or US Supreme Court and Ed folks, we are able to offer those services at no cost for all these folks were able to do this.

Radio broadcast and our television broadcast for you. For every body. Because of those of you who financially support the ACLJ were nonprofit legal organization so for those of you who are financially able to right now this is a great time to donate. We have over thousand individuals right now only on this issue of schools. That's not all the legal issues working on, you know that I we we just sued California on the seabed of representing three churches at no cost there and for place of worship because we don't want to press it to be set at state governors and state governments can go in and decide how you could worship so were able to do that at no cost. Because of those of you who financially contribute to the ACLJ were able to bring you all the information every day through off social media and the web in a radio and TV because of your donations. That's how we can do all of this. Folks if you can donate this a great time to do it that you can double the impact your donations this month because July is a very important month for the ACLJ because the matching challenge month. That means that for every donation that comes in we have a group of donors and supporters.

The ACLJ who said no for every donation comes in this month of July. I will match that.

But they don't sit in their donation they don't match unless you make that initial donation yourself. You gotta take that first step, but you double the impact just examples. I know you heard me say before, but even five dollars.

That's all you be tax-deductible donation but it's like $10 for the ACLJ Ted is like 20 you can do the math 50 is like 100 hundred is like 200 500 is like a thousand, so this is a great time to support the work.

Think about all the work that we're doing this is the best of the pandemic and we are just as busy as any time in the ACLJ's history we done illegally. Weathers been representing the present outside of our role the ACLJ impeachment trials at the US Supreme Court approved life cases across the country.

The worship band case, of course, know all the school cases over thousand individuals contacting us will be representing Upshur hundreds or more of them if not even a bigger number than that of the little easels committed and but were able to do all of it, folks.

Because of your support. The mayor consider flawed justice.

Donate online Now we get back really get into politics directly. I we have not really done a political update.

I know a Lance is calling in from Minnesota were to take him first, we come back about this new information on the Russia host because there is a lot of new information is been released by the Senate Judiciary Committee and Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of that committee about the dossier itself. The dossier the quote to quote Lindsay Graham is rumor at best a totally based on hearsay. Even the main source for Christopher steel.

The main source said take all this with a grain of salt and never thought it would actually be used for any kind of political or legal purpose.

Get these are the basis for phis awards to spy on weather was part of page or to the special counsel. In spite of the truck campaign Russia to talk political numbers as well. So take your calls on that in the school is shifting that question. What hundred 684 31 two that's what hundred 684-3110.

Remember do all this work for all these clients at no cost because you support the work of the ACLJ donate online. It today be part of our matching challenge will be right back Jay Sekulow life.

Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless concern. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally pro-life support publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in emotion and what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is filtering is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom. Protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. Uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support for that.

We are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help me way limited time you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge every dollar you donate $10 gift dollar gift becomes 100.

This is a critical time for the ACLJ the work we do. Simply would not occur without your generous support in our matching challenge today make a difference in the protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online ACLJ Jay Sekulow library to your phone calls. What hundred 60 he wanted to get question about this whole issue and if you think that you might need our assistance. You called about that were also getting it right into politics 1-800-684-3110 before you get into the pole specifically in some of Joe Biden's recently released new socialist plan and I mean that. Honestly, I want to take Lance's call because there's been some developments on the Russia hoax investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Of course you have John Durham US attorney doing a criminal investigation as well.

Lance: from Minnesota.

Welcome to Jay Sekulow life. Victor will not Lance you're on the air, but my call know what the Miller ball report, the Russia hoax make impeachment will deal with the upstream appeal on his island, and although the ball closely. If the state of the union information in there so much back hearsay nonsense, but the fact that all this stuff is actually been both in their long boats the status of all the people that are involved in all these different oblations with the status of all this with the yes or two things going on Lance one you got a course, the US attorney, John Durham investigating all of that in the US attorneys do their investigations, not just to write reports they do it to bring a potentially either doing criminal investigations so they do work, they don't always bring them, but they're there for. Their focus is there investigating whether crimes occurred in crimes that occurred that should be charged an individual should be charged. She got what the Department of Justice is doing, but then you also have what the U.S. Senate is doing and more information is been been declassified because Christopher steel is actually in court right now in the UK and we've heard that this quote and this is the washing times we came from a Sen. Lindsey Graham of the Judiciary Committee ate a man of mystery in Moscow who fed the antitrust hearsay to Christopher steel. So all the dossier that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid for. He relied on six sources. We now know about them five friends and some 30 minute call from an anonymous person he could never identify that's in the newly declassified document. We also know that this man who that US government is not identifying the the person by name in the document that was released but they are describing exactly who, like who about him is characteristic of the call they they say they called his primary sub source, but really he's the architect of the dossier because he gave all the information Christopher steel Chris are still would've had anything to to put the dossier without them. He's a Russian-speaking foreigner who circulates in Moscow's academic and consulting worlds and does research from home hasn't been cooperating with the FBI. After feeding Mr. Steele.

The stunning allegations he himself conceded to steal, we now know, and he can see actually told the FBI that it he took what his friends said that's what he called his sub sources with a grain of salt.

I mean this said to me, the FBI right there.

There should be no phis awards. There should be no special counsel will this was the primary sub source for the dossier Jordan and yet he himself admits that he doesn't have a network of sources. He just has a social circle and he doesn't take notes he just relies on memory and by the way he himself admits that the information can't be relied upon.

What is the FBI do with that information Jordan. They don't follow up. They don't confirm. In fact they don't even interview the primary sub source for four months. They just proceed with moving ahead on the investigation based on the faulty information so look while the other prosecutions might be coming out of John Durham's office. All of the information that continues to come out about how the FBI handled it much of it coming through the Senate Judiciary Committee just confirms the fact that the FBI decided what to do before they ever looked at the information in Jordan.

The last thing I would tell you about that.

The Senate Judiciary Committee I'm told that those conversations with the 53 individuals who got the subpoenas are continuing to happen behind the scenes.

I think you're gonna see more information, come out you are going to see some interviews done. I think you're gonna see some deals reached offer testimony to be delivered of a Jordan even between before we get that we know what happened here. The FBI made the decision regardless of what the information wasn't in fact in this case anyone look for the information for four months.

They just took it at face value. Remember Democrats like Adam Schiff. They love quoting from this dossier back in 2017 as a way to attack the President, but either way it goes on because, and I think this is just it's important to note that that that the main source here. We now know for Christopher steel said he never knew that steel plan to put what he told them into official reports. He told the FBI he made it clear to steal that he was repeating quote just talk" word-of-mouth and hearsay" conversations that he had with friends over beers that was in January 2017. In February 2017.

We now know that Peter Strauch of the FBI who led the FBI's trump wrote probe made the comment in a declassified document after the primary source of been interviewed three times this what Peter Strauch said, quote recent interviews and investigation reveal steel may not be in a position to judge the reliability of his sub source network really. So why did you keep pushing for phis awards.

Why did you keep pushing to take down in spite of the trump administration and push for special counsel so that information is being uncovered. Take a listen. Lindsey ran by six. The walls are closing and paper beginning the talk.

Remember in the affidavit somebody told the court the sub source.

The Russian guy was truthful and cooperative. Nothing can been more untrue than that he was truthful but he destroyed the reliability of the dossier. They misled the court if you can find the person who said that you're off to the races that would continue this as well. From Sen. Graham. He said the document that have been released reveal that the primary source of steel selection, reporting was not some well-connected current or former Russian official non-Russian based contract employee of Christopher steel firm. Moreover, it demonstrates that the information that steals primary source provided him with second and third thirdhand information and Ruger Ruger at best, so there's certainly more to this of course with their investigating it. Now we I wanted to get more into politics. We can do that tomorrow on the broadcasts. I want to go really through Joe Biden's recently released plan for America. This is a socialist plan folks on many topics I want to take a Susan's call from Idaho line for Susan welcome Jay Sekulow life will get into Biden's plan's newly released and the latest polls tomorrow. The broadcasts to zero.

The air might call fixes on Derek and Paul know we can get all of the silent majority out and wake people up and now the Democrats will stop at nothing to steal the election and I am very concerned about like mail and voting, and so on and what safeguard the put in play. They are, because I saw the officers because right now time to be put in place by states to be put in place. I know would like the RNC they got the election law teams and end campaigns have that I to look at all those issues. Listen to me.

I think there's going to be more options like earlier voting where I vote started earlier in this was for the Republican Senate and a Democrat Senate U.S. Senate primary, but you gotta be vigilant as well and the campaigns have to take on that responsibility and the states and remember these are all elected officials that are responsible to you again. Pamela wrote on Facebook how to get parents back in the schools getting involved in elections.

You choose your school board members support the work of ACLJAC at the American Center for Law and Justice were engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for limited time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge for every dollar you donate, it will be matched $10 gift becomes $20, $50 gift becomes 100 you can make a difference in the world who knew protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms most important to you and your family.

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