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BREAKING: Major Victory for School Choice at the Supreme Court

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
June 30, 2020 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Major Victory for School Choice at the Supreme Court

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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June 30, 2020 1:00 pm

BREAKING: Major Victory for School Choice at the Supreme Court. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Breaking news today on Jay Sekulow line. The Supreme Court major victory for school choice live from Washington DC. Phone lines are open for your questions right now. one 806 843-110-1800 68412 your holes secular Jay Sekulow logs Jordan secular take your phone one 800-6811 zero the 2004 3110 at a big picture of this report today 524 with Chief Justice John Roberts, writing the majority opinion for the court in what you say maybe the right way and we talked about yesterday. This is a school choice case, the Espinoza case, it will be talked about on the air would be lots are school choice initiative adjusting to her folks out there said why now is not something the ACLJays obviously never been involved in. We been evolving for a very long time before was something was in fashion to even talk about and what was really just starting in the states across the country. They been working through these laws positive date back on the books that you are 1800s and set about whether or not states confront religious institutions at a time, or any kind of religious groups that even if you have these voucher programs were atrocious trip to the parents to make that that decision and I think our servicing the erosion of that that I do that you can somehow distinguish between a private school is not affiliated with a religious group and one that is no the nonprofits that's correct and we had a case, a number of years ago for Josh Davies. They reverse locker. Lucky Davies and their the court ruled that God could not compel the government to pay for the seminary training of the student.

What's interesting about this case is first, it limits significantly, the holding in Lockey, Davie, and in fact it says this we repeatedly held that the establishment clause is not offended, not offended when religious observers and organizations benefit from neutral government programs. See Locke versus Davie, 540 US at 719 that's great limited that holding and then protected the religious institutions are for people that want to choose a religious school among many options for school choice so that it's a very positive decision by Justice John Roberts also. Justice Sam Alito wrote a concurring opinion on which he obviously agreed that the school, the funds can be used for religious and religious training, religious schools, and he cites a law review article that I wrote with a colleague Jeremy Tedesco is my my law clerk at the time that was part of my actually became part of my dissertation is good was an adoption from my dissertation for those watching on TV. We have it up on the screen and in and I wrote that talk about the Philadelphia Bible riots and the anti-Catholic animus that led to what's called the Blaine amendments which were these anti-brilliant. I relived a ring to Where would been really aimed at anybody and justice Alito cites my law review article or Law Review article into separate footnotes.

First time that's happened. We had a brief cited in case we bought a brief in the case as well.

I've never had the Law Review article that we wrote cited and here it is. This is the Law Review article cited in the just Supreme Court decision so we been working on this issue folks for Reggie to tell the article itself is 15 years old okay was in 2005 is what was published.

We been working on this issue for almost 30 years. 15 of it shows up in the Supreme Court decision and II think you understand how important this is issue is pleasant. What a significant Davises up for the ACLJane for the United States for that matter, spices the very beginning of these programs even come into existence and sigh.

I do think that there is again I think most people now understand where spirit may have been, and we talked with majestic Catholics leading the charge again went with education in our country. I think at this point not appear where you live, what city are and what part of the country. I've seen that that Protestant evangelicals I mean it's evil we don't have that kind of distinction among herself because there's so many distinctions with it but it's not like there's not other school choices out there this allows everybody to make their own dogmatic parents can build it aside was best for their child. They should be able to consider religious schools was telling they have to go to religious school.

That's completely up to parents and that's what this record is making clear will take your calls, answer questions, 1-800-684-3110 at 2000 684-3110 will be right back in Jay Sekulow like check out our school choice initiative and challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now in our freedoms, our constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success.

But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing work, become a member today ACLJ only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless concern. Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJays battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, when Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow distort secular take your phone calls 100-6843, which is a 5 to 4 decision on the US supreme court that Chief Justice Roberts right the majority opinion here, and this the court it so a victory for religious liberty. But in the in the scheme of How things are going around the country for states you are trying to broaden out there. School choice dishes really talk but that Florida does not make a lot of news in the Wall Street Journal picked up on it at a floor.

They explained the school choice program another 30 or 40,000 students who will be eligible for that program, it and so it's up but some states throughout the country have these laws on the books of what we talked about that we watch a school choice initiative that laws of the books to try to prohibit having any kind of money going to religious institutions whatsoever. So if it was a religious school with any kind of affiliation whatsoever, but the target at the time was 100% on Catholic education because there was no other major religious education going on in the country. This was disclosed way back in our history at a time is pretty bigoted law put out a law that Abby would not stand in these days right at me.

There's no way Las Vegas would be adopted yet how states try to modernize it was would like to fund any religion whatsoever, and what they've said here is if you have a program of you could choose any school you want, including private education. That's what what's I can't say that private schools okay but the will of the priesthood over the pastor or the one that has chapel once a week. Regards or or right or the Islamic school Jewish school go down the list and do school all the different religious groups we have. It is, is not going to be excluded what it says is any establishment clause which is church state separation for any establishment clause objection to the scholarship program here is particularly unavailing. This would Justice Robert you just Robert said because the government support makes its way to religious schools only as a result of Montanans independently choosing to spend their scholarships at such schools. What's also interesting to get to this in a in a moment, I argued, and the Santa Fe case which I'm not II didn't see that in here, which was another one that didn't go our way and we had about three of our 20 that did not go away and in the these always tough cases and I argued that there should be play in the joints in the establishment clause doctrine, which they did adopt there, but here they said the religion clauses of the First Amendment provide the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, we have recognized a quote play in the joints between what the establishment clause permits in the free exercise clause compels so this is I think I said yes that was refounded yet were looking to find it. I said no we got a not so great opinion project. Chief Justice Roberts yesterday and maybe today we had a good one. I said that kind of tongue-in-cheek, but I think that's actually a pretty true we have. It will okay now I will loaded in a minute goes back to again and I think we have to question whether were going to accept that as moving forward as I can enter the method that people on the court and there on the court for as long as it would be there but moving forward. We can accept this 50-50 with with the other side we take over the other four. You can figure that out. Just based on who dominated because they rarely break from the pack. They don't they have different reasons for getting there because they make up the reasons they go and they can come to agreement, but they all do agree on that. The outcome outcomes matter as much to them as how you get the outcome and maybe more so. And with our this conservative judicial philosophy IV. I agree with Sen. Holly 20 psi think we can modernize the way we have gone about this nomination process a look at the three people putting together the list and maybe their track record isn't strong enough to where they're the only people it should be at maybe we need to assess more direct question, say, if not can answer them in a closed-door meeting with US Sen. or during your confirmation then I'm sorry were going to vote no on you and will just make her way to the judiciary until some eyes were quick because this is a timing. This is living, it infuriates the other side to East totally unpredictable on on these matters and maybe not as much on religious liberty issues directly and so I think this has two huge ramifications one if you wanted to fundamentally change not have your cities burning down and figure out have culturally specifically as a country. How do we move forward. What if you don't improve education so people's life starts out already in deteriorating schools don't it doesn't cite with them so much money at this from obscene money is not the answer. You can increase salaries. I luminously thought always the teachers fault.

Sometimes it's that it's it's it could be that this is not the resources semitrailers to use the outside public schools go to private school have any trails when you see you know it's a lot less but the idea some people so this is gonna hurt the public schools, which we bring about that that's completely false and I am one of the always get grants. A something I want to reiterate something here. I think this is one of the civil we said this this one. The civil rights issues of our time and it is one of the civil rights issues of our time because in this is important understand it evens the playing field so that parents that don't have the resources to send their kids to the private school of their choice. If that's what they want to do or charter school have the ability now to do that how that hurts education I don't I don't see it and we've written about that but I think giving this equal opportunity grant, which is what it really is I think bodes well for the future.

I think the Supreme Court got it right. As a relates to religious schools but more importantly than that, it got it right. As a relates to parents having that fundamental choice which is something that we at the ACLJ think is a civil rights issue the right to an equal and good education. We've been talking about equal equality and equal education. Since Brown versus Board of Education in 1954 now and 2020 we actually have a mechanism upon which we can do it.

And now today the Supreme Court cleared the way so that all schools could be included within that parameter, including schools that have a religious affiliation.

So I think this is a really good decision. Chief Justice Roberts wrote I think Alito's can go just Leo's concurrence. Obviously, unbiased and see citing my law review article twice is very very good. I think we have a I sent yesterday I said we got in on the decision from John Roberts yesterday that you just I thought was wrong on the June Medical Center. I thought that he was. It was odd because three years ago. All go. He said that the statute was a strike in a good way. I mean it was like it was right now that the court got it wrong and make a note they called it a ball and it was a strike that statute was constitutional. Three years later that same pitch is a ball. I thought he got that wrong any booty you. Sorry to sizes on the decision. That's 36 months old, but it may doesn't it doesn't make sense is the Chief Justice. He gets to make a decision, but I did say this yesterday look at some other decisions coming that you know we may be pleased about Justice Roberts decisions. I don't know what I do know now this was a good decision. Now there's more coming a lot in the last couple of days to big ones and not in the back of the week before, so I you know how many more he's running. I don't know but Robison were still waiting for the President's case with those I expect those are probably in the coming next week happy. What did that.

That's it probably unites a lot of folks that kind of wondering about these cases have this command because they're not there and they throw in some throwback footage to when people were the Supreme Court that was a wintertime that summer and so there still times going through a slow process, slow process when they dump the pain.

It is not an doesn't does not like the rollup of the same time they load one and then about 10 minutes later they load another when they did to three was a three yesterday to today. I think they've got seven or eight. One of the seven is a that's it's one of ours, which is another case to its we have three so it's really cases seven opinions will be coming out and could a dual mall on Thursday. I guess they could not likely Silk painters into next week. 164 30 wanted to talk to sales 106 843-8110 got some comments too often folks on Facebook and there the writing in there saying things like, either. I wish I had these opportunities with my kids or we do have these opportunities in our school, and because of that the public schools gotten so good. They have waiting list public schools have waiting list to get into, like multiple public schools within the same district right have waiting list because this is improved everyone's head up their game to the level and so if you actually if you live in a state that had significant success with these programs or one that started on a wide scale. If you happen to be in one of the places that has benefited the most from it. I don't think you can tell as much tradition in the public school in the private school there. She handles the same and the opportunities are kind of the same and that that that test scores in upping the same. The teachers are very similar resources available to the student are similar, but we all know in the toughest neighborhoods in the country. It does not matter how much money you throw it a problem if you don't have again the wherewithal to its it's not just all about dollars and cents, but that way. It teaches you look at the kind of money that spit on a per student.

Even private schools do it for a lot less, but it costs more money and this will open the door to also makes private schools makes all the education more competitive because it actually makes the parents involved gets parents who might not have been involved at all and just kind of think of school as daycare into having to make decisions about where resources are spent, and every parent, regardless of their income regardless their background if they actually have a chance to get involved. The think the involved rates go up your 8090% is amazing to see what these kind of decisions and giving this kind of choice at Paris to discuss it on Jay Sekulow live take your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110. I think this has bigger ramifications to I think saving ring-shaped weed religious and nonreligious.

You can take that a lot of other potential issues as well and he states he can have a tough time try to make it only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is protected. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership in the ACLJ is empowering the right question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans are substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God will where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow this Jordan say, the right to the photos and write a story as to form ACLJ risk a great cause out of Montana on lights.

Is this a direct effect at Rick, welcome to Jay Sekulow logger on the air take a lot of guys for like all you know you make me proud that you guys are doing all the fighting or a lawn care local like that come through the byway amazing and you might question it is possibly open the door using a school voucher story PAC money towards the Christian school, we might want to go to.

So here's the thing.

If there's a voucher program in Montana or in your county where you live.

Our district where you live. The fact is they cannot discriminate. You cannot deny utilization of that voucher fund for parents that make the decision to send their school kids to a religiously affiliated school so faith-based schools cannot be excluded from an otherwise neutral program. This is a really big decision it all into contact number one was a case that we were involved in lockers. Baby, I argued with the court when kind of the other way on this and then over time they been backing down. But now they really cabin that opinion which is by the way, what we ask for in our brief. In fact, I'll read you what we said Rick in our brief, we we actually asserted because we knew the lockers babycakes would be coming up with that argument to lock versus Davey provides no solid footing for a contrary result, and, in fact, Chief Justice Roberts did not only obviously agreed with that position, which was important. He also noted that we quote, have repeatedly held that the establishment clause is not offended when religious observers and organizations benefit from neutral government programs and he cited lock versus Davey and then as I said Justice Alito cited an article that was an adaptation for my PhD dissertation. A large article that I published in Pepperdine Law Review with a colleague of mine was in my law clerk Jeremy Tedesco is now with the ADF and we wrote this 15 years ago, so this is an issue Rick we been involved in for literally three decades and now three decades worth of work were stained the fruition of this that the good come out of this but yes it knocks down those exclusions, which is something I've been arguing for under equal access for since 1987, and here we are in 2020, and were seeing that result as Jordan said, and I know we can_it was 5245 been any closer 5 to 4 and on the other side of the aisle where it's but were outcome based everyone knew that there was literally probably no question in anyone's mind about where those for just as we go. There were questions about where gyri me. No one had any idea you were you right.

I look at these analyst they don't even try to predict John Roberts. I got headlight Ed give me your existing accounts for the ACLJ give me a reaction to this day, especially the blind amendment headache or religious freedom for well over 100 years and so based upon this research and the blind amendments which are in 37 states should start falling by the wayside, which would allow states to have the option that they do want to now subsidize private education they can no longer exclude religious and bring about these appointment to see were and it was anti-Catholic bigotry in the 1850s 60s 70s and 80s, and I I wrote in my probably 30 or 40 pages my dissertation dealt with the blind amendment and the large article that we talk about is called the story behind Vidal versus Girard's exit, executors is about that. It's the subtitle of my article was Joseph story, the Philadelphia riot Bible riots in religious liberty, but the blade amendments and have been an impediment to religious liberty for literally 150 years, so here are my home state of Michigan probably had or have the most restrictive in the blade as a result, there is no law school voucher program tax credit program and it does go back to back in the mid-1800s when you had after the potato famine in particular a lot of Irish Catholics, German Catholics attend to this country. There was a prejudice against him. They blame the caterpillar who was a congressman acting restrictive aspect and 1870s in particular did not want to have any Catholic influence in the country and protecting schooling and so that flighted amendments wanted to place they tried to become a mentor to the federal Constitution failed and 37 states have adopted and I think over time, the amendment may no longer have that Catholic anti-Catholic grandpa even there was a Jewish schools became more than a union. It should because the public school systems are live by the teachers union. They have a lot of control and they do not want any money going away from them to go to religious schools utilizing economy changed and I think you're right look.

Initially, it was clearly anti-catholic bigotry. But what happened here and I think this is what set the also fascinating about this. Was it became faith-based institutions or schools.

Jewish schools, Protestant schools, evangelical schools, charismatic schools, Catholic schools in Muslim schools.

Whatever was that lead them. The amendment originally designed as a form anti-Catholic bigotry was then morphed into an anti-religious bigotry in the Supreme Court today and by the narrowest of margins, but still a man and if John Roberts is right on stare decisis thought he was yesterday 54 that should not change, but you know I mentioned Ed less question for you. This issue of school choice were looking at as a civil rights issue.

This is important for people that don't have the resources to send their kids to private school tax credit. With only many hundred dollars bill and I was important to the people who wanted to use that tax credit so this is an important issue, especially in inner cities where the education for example a Detroit on the other places around the country are not very good parents do not have the means should have the option to harm about that particular to allow them to send their child to a charter school, a private school. At school, maybe outside of the district that their child has an opportunity to get a quality education than the productive member of society loaded with double authorship. In particular, the go to people who cannot afford private education ACLJ thank you for your insights and from three to take your phone calls to second-half outcome of Jay Sekulow live at 100-684-3110 if you got questions, comments, it's been a confusing time.

So stupid.

Anger, the Supreme Court after the last couple weeks and then you get a case like this, and that you think this court is good with this makeup pretty good with religious living area closest of margins. Use water justice. The other way and it's it's five for the other white guy Joe line picks next spring court justice. This case gets overturned that just yet is very well so here's what's interesting is on the religious liberties issues justice corsets and justice Roberts a Chief Justice Roberts have been very good. So again it's kind of issue specific, but as Jordan said in a scene the next election, things could change rather drastically when the time to do it. Now we get back. I want talk a little bit more about the kind of the history of this case and then I think Logan can join us as well. So while that'll be great. Will be back in a moment ago had your support work in the ACL tears merely take this break especially last a month donate online and support our work at the mixer for long justice we want something school choice initiative. It's again it's doubling of our efforts working on doing more public way regarding a grantor support as well. If you believe that we did like we do that this is a civil rights issue of our time.

This is how people are able to improve where they are in the country and utilize the system of government that we have in the United States and the economy that we have United States you understand how important school choice is for decades ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular Jay Sekulow destroyed. Second, we are to your phone calls will hundred 684 30 wanted to talk to us on the air 2000 683110 so since in these kind religious liberty decisions is not so specific to Montana Odyssey. We had a call right at Amonte to sit with this open the doors to us. Yes, it also opens door to everybody everywhere that these programs exist. If it is Supreme Court decision so you might have to litigate at the lower courts, but you won't have to take it all the way to the US Supreme Court, if you get it you know Pam at least acknowledges where this report is which is very clear under this court for right now I these distinctions try to say, well, you can go to any school you want as long as a not affiliate with religious groups, and that includes private schools allow this program. By the way, and adds some art states were happy to adopt this because it's with the laws of the book said to do, and if said that for 160 years, no probably oppressive. Thereby, the way right overruling 160 years with a law is so the blame M's what happen here is you got a situation where Montana like many states adopted program to give credits or vouchers or funding to parents to send the kids to the school of their choice but to Montana they specifically excluded faith-based schools, religious schools that was Charles Knight had a similar case called Locke versus Dave you talk about that earlier where the court ruled against opposition saying that those voucher funds should be able to be used for bear was seminary training in our brief to the Supreme Court. We said hey lot first day be actually if you look at it.

Even with the parts we disagree with the support the idea of neutrality and vouchers and, in fact, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that we have repeatedly held that the establishment clause is not offended when religious observers and organizations benefit from neutral government programs, and they cited Locke versus Davey also just as I we wrote about this 15 years ago. I'm working on this for a lot longer than that in a Law Review article that we publish in Pepperdine that I wrote with the college, Jeremy Tedesco and we called the story behind Vidal versus Girard's executors Joseph story, the Philadelphia Bible private riots and religious liberty. It was an adaptation of a couple chapters of my PhD dissertation, Justice Alito cited this Law Review article which showed the religious hostility that it was aimed Now that using it against every body cited a Law Review article for the historical context then at the oral argument, the issue of Locke versus Davey came up in the lawyer representing the parents said no way to Matlock actually supports the position. Take a listen. Respondents are in the alternative, that Locke allows them to exclude the religious schools and that this case falls within the play in the joints, but that would allow the exception to swallow the rule as Trinity Lutheran made clear. The rule is religious neutrality and lock only a narrow exception.

We argue that Locke is the exception that proves the rule. And that's exactly by the way, with the Supreme Court of United States, held by against the majority. 5 to 4, but this is been something we've been working on Logan's joining us in the studio now in working on this book for 30 years you saw 15 years of ago deciding Law Review articles from 2005 yeah merely for luggable 2005, seems like it was maybe recently nothing more recent than it is when you hear those numbers be documented 15 years ago. This poinsettia is pretty impressive to see you as we start school choice and they should really start cracking down to figure out what the plan could be of four kids moving forward for students that are currently student attending that's what's really important. As we head into this is last minute will get to it will air some of this on my show a Logan Sekulow reprogrammed because I didn't support people to understand that this can affect kids that are currently in school yet that's working for a lot people specially on the left like him. The forecast ago well, what if it hurts kids 20 years from now will will get to that Elizabeth said was to believe that this is just a Band-Aid and okay well Band-Aid helps heal like let's let's start with something to move forward like let's get to say this current generation well sorry you live through pandemic. You live through riots in the streets you lived through all these things that you lost already, but I can say is more important, teachers or students exactly teachers are not little to prevent minors in the adult sister job banishing fire. If the school is bad if the students do better on tests they should lose her job teaching 30 years and three months and those protections are servants why they know they will ultimately no longer the challenges facing Americans for substantial time in our Valley freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do her work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn, called mission life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later, planned parenthood's role in the what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to question your free copy mission life today online ACLJ/Jay Sekulow your phone calls were 800-684-3110 Marines coming from California on line to remotely Jay Sekulow life. Thank you.

I wanted to share my concern with school voucher living in California very liberal here and my concern with a voucher is that if you're spending 890 to a private school or even homeschooling because I'm going parent then stated to be able to step in and tell you what you can and can't, sorry you and I suggested it because I want to answer for homeschool parents to under many of these programs and states. If you are parent is able to do that you want to do that you don't have to break if you want to. Now you have the resources.

You got $30 yesterday but you get the money get the resources you get an and in some states, like it a lot more that you might get the entire all your textbooks pay for and all of the programming you do pay for where you choose to spend so the state has lost power today. They've lost the ability to make distinctions we can all be so we need to all stop and think for a moment. Here we have nonprofit status ACLJ the government grants that at the federal level and state level. So you are yet to remember that your church the reason why it's able to do more with less is because of that soda public schools public school to pay taxes either so I'm in public school, private school salaries obviously do the school itself does it so they're not being treated any differently digging this in there getting warm under every one of these plans is been put forward Florida's being the most expensive still in the country I believe so at every time they they ratcheted up a lot another chunk huge chunk. I think this last time it was half $1 billion in the public schools is that this is really benefiting very targeted as benefiting home schools, private schools, private affiliated religious schools is not hurting the public schools. This is decisions that are made so that seems to always be the fallacy but it's really a we've looked at Logan as a civil rights issue. Absolutely the ACL tear think this is a a nude not a new topic for the new initiative for us as we see it as an issue that we understand it's not as you know is fun to look at some of the stuff we put up because it it is legislative it is a little more on the legal side and retirement of the baby is little harder to understand how it all works. Your vertebrate blog you find on which kind of explains it in that in a layman's terms. I can read it now understand were talking about on what school choices and how it works.

Look, you see a lot of people specially this year after coming out of the weirdest quarter of a lot of your kids lives when it comes to schooling. Moving to moving homeschooling. I think you see a big uptick in homeschooling this coming fall.

Even if it's not mandated by your area because people realized of. This is something I could do was to be my kid, benefit, or they may have to be they have to a lot of those. It could be run by the public and private schools other than provide information but luckily there getting out what why would I do that I do that myself. So here's another aspect that is a very good point and and goes to a joint but both of your site. So let's assume for the sake of argument. Hopefully this is not the case when your community in the fall. They decide because the pandemic situation they cannot open up school fully or they open up schools and there's restrictions in place that parents aren't comfortable with. So the states.

As you know, work in a new way to provide a voucher so that parents to decide that they are going to use Internet-based homeschooling learning as an option can by joint as you said to the caller. Books materials that they need and were not excluded from that curriculums that are put out by faith-based groups think beta educators. That's what this decision says yeah and so I you're getting more power you have to realize the opposite. When the government loses whether to state government and the federal government who is usually winning.

Usually if it's issue versus the we thought our policies.

Write your policies wrong.

That's what this was us at the center. What does the Constitution protect something bigger. What is that mean for you. That means you're getting more power as taxpayer but I will say to for these even in the states with the most expansive school choice programs everyone doesn't get if you live in the wealthiest ZIP Codes. Those are probably not going to get that out of the top of the list so for those you so I don't want to go about up if you even thinking like that. So if you got past four.

If you have time to homeschool your kids and be able even afford that.

Then you and your you are not the target demographic for what the school choice program to try to assist that some have been expanded to the middle class. Most are talking about people who could not afford even maybe a few thousand dollars fall and spring for a private education in this initiators that we we've taken on because we see what's going on in the world and were not in the pretend stuff is happening. There are protests in the streets that there weren't riots happening. You have to look at it go okay what are issues that we can you with a good conscience get involved in, and this is one that I feel like you can sure get one side says defund the police. Honestly that's going to turn off a lot of people who listen to the show including myself. You taken too far. Now how can we actually do something of that still proactive because we all want the same goal of the goal is to have every bite is shut out before the police in modern public school is that the teachers are to be pushing on you they will. We have seen with this generation went through this education system will talk about bad the colleges were universes, but a lot of that it by time you lost them to their 18 years of indoctrination, we've allowed the state level by usually there is no I think what you think you are part of the left is nothing in this opinion and there's nothing in the legislation that harms public education and limited to the contrary, it says this prohibition before us today burns not only religious schools also school families whose children attend or hope to attend them growing on this is Justice Roberts enduring American traditions.

We have long recognized the rights of parents to direct the religious upbringing of their children, but the no eight provision penalizes that decision by cutting families from otherwise available benefits if they chose a religious private school rather than a secular one and for no other reason. So what the Supreme Court did here, along with put everything on an equal playing field and provides sent for those that can afford it. The options not only for private school or homeschooling if that's what they choose, but also for faith-based inclusion what we been asking for an and I think maybe we'll just do the ACLJ will redo.

Obviously a lot of is been focused on religious schools but within a school choice initiative were broadening that to say no and I think you've seen those people may become even out of this with me if I four people become more libertarian in their views and say you know were not necessarily as we understand some people believe this way. Some people believe that life baby as a society were a little bit more. Hey just leave us alone. Let us do we want to do the 54 makes you feel like now maybe were not there yet.

At least the decision itself that is not only religious schools but present school choice initiative.

The ACLJ we are saying all schools, public guide with its charter in your area private schools homeschooling religious schools just even the playing field. I think if you're truly at this point a a someone who considers themselves at least a conservative in some sense you be at least okay with this and a lot of people commented the people are just concerned about the public schooling system. In general, and Jordan said that maybe were you see people who are backup there's two disparate two sides is, this can destroy the public school system.

The other side.

If they want the public school system to be going away overnight so I mean I don't think that in your lifetime only by lifetime seating in the public school system but I titled really long term is either they're going to have to change significantly to ever compete in this or they will not be there talking to B's 5060 to be able to hear people to step up and not change how you think about education forever. If these programs are expanded nationwide which I think Rhonda Cust was forced where you're just in the ZIP Code like well this is with live with when you don't just have to live with it or you're not buying a house which the property you not buying a house knowing you are going to be dictated by your school zoning. That's the reason why when you look up to purchase a house real estate with like the third thing that pops up like square footage. You know how many bathrooms school.

Because you know that that's on the people around her excluded about by your bound Bible you know how you are brought up his based off what would ZIP Code you can afford backyard is if you look just like at the line of my heart. It goes from where I live in a good school zone. Two in my backyard talking about like a mattress is a school that didn't drop significantly in the present on the rankings of the score making signals like an 83. The only differences is I can reach over and be in the other schools of its that's my drivers license put in the right right County elementary think two things from the opinion I think important point out a state need not subsidize private education so the not saying you have to do it states a lot of states are going to do that which is good, but once the state decides to do so it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious, then the court said that the supreme law of the land condemns discrimination against religious schools and the families who choose to attend them. They are members of the community to in their exclusion from the scholarship program here is odious to our Constitution and cannot stand yeah I think that when you look at this.

There are plenty of schools plenty of schools and get this. Also, because I what where you where you've grown up… Broadcast or how much time you spent living in this urban area versus a suburban area and maybe even X urban area you know so so how rural or urban environments been five of them both and I will tell you in. In these urban areas. There are a lot of crimes was you think 90% of religiously affiliated and there there a lot more affordable than people with a two they are not like them necessarily like selling this three major private schools. That's all there is in the seat and not me. This hundreds if not thousands of education opportunities. Most of them affiliated with a church disconnect that me that's all the students right now it is by forcing any parent that district send their kids there. If they don't know that you consider your parent, you got us a specific type invite you know more about it here in the community know if you like the church, not of that pastor not theology, is there so directly. The best it's a situation make decision for the learn about only one. A society can agree most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life. We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn is called mission life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is empowering the right to life question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you, are not well this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow live to phone calls at 1-800-684-3110. That's 100-6843 over zero cycles come in now.

So get those in just a minute listed talk about his program plugs in this on your program you like this segment of the Logan Sekulow reprogrammed my radio show and podcast. Here's the main thing also.

We have launched a video only the set may look very familiar and it's available on Sekulow reprogrammed just type in Logan Sekulow indecent subscribe my page really talk about that will promote you to a lot, but I mother each and every day putting up new video content I can watch a show. It has some extent has some similar topics to talk about here.

You dive in the politics a little bit and then it's a little more outlandish and little more crazy self that shows actually typically morning show. But next week Logan Sekulow reprogrammed most evenings you drop a new episode for your evening drive five in the morning. So to five in the morning, a market available on the radio in Orlando and also in Long Island on Long Island Israel… We have like it, but mainly refocusing and if you listen on podcast refinance modifier or have a podcast by the right side to grow our YouTube channel because you to visit where people are especially younger people. I think YouTube is really important for you guys to check out what were doing over there.

I put all my show on YouTube. You either just type in Logan Sekulow in the search bar you'll see there's a channel that is called Logan Sekulow. Click subscribe or just go directly to Sekulow reprogrammed. We did a whole episode on school choice, about three days ago went up right now. Four days ago also had Michael Sweet striper on subsegment from here and today we dove into the show.

It was about the Washington Post article that was a little misleading with little fake Newsday fake Newsday Tuesdays on II had Hillary programs he could find out again. There you can also go directly Logan Sekulow so I should podcast up and and I do see it died. I see the it's a good time. Every architect a fun listen.

I hope you enjoy what we did die pretty deep into the school choice initiative to some very passionate about get good guests and guest on. We guessable all over the into the political world of the entertainment world.

It's a lot of fun behind John Rich. We've had on the heads of the gator land all things in between NFL. It's a lot of fun, but we do die dog is about once or twice a week we go into what's going on around the ACL. Jake especially when something like this that should be universally accepted. I see a lot of my friends were really into the whole movement is happening right and I appreciate that I support most of what they do notice of the organization behind the back of their wanting to see change the law. The people church are really excited to see hopefully there to help racial tensions what's going on.

A couple days ago. So, Mississippi. There they removed the site and remove the Confederate flag from there that's great.

However you feel about that. But here's the deal here something when I see people sharing that. But I don't see people sharing stuff like were doing the school choice initiative, yet it feels like you fake work if you like you like EA. We took out a flag right I got a problem with that, but I do promise when you actually won't do the work to help kids affect the kid academically and it may be an emotional lately emotionally. But this is actually you can do right now. We could go in there and stop with happening and start going to the roots of these issues and netizens of these low and in the audience of the build us up underperforming schools in the earlier underperforming school to give people the option to give people the option what can happen is to some people said maybe that hurt the public school system. At that point know what to think about what will happen is that public schools that have start competing start really reevaluating what tenure looks like you and start really evaluating what all these things are, which are holding kids back causing problems, community it's like this I saved usually to support charter schools, which is got, I think I see more legal issues when you actually look at how their set up they can be for profit. They can be. These entities and they think it totally exempt from all those union rules in the but they get there hundred percent funded by taxpayers and yet you can't have dissidents around by nonprofits. It is more money put in by the community than just the taxes obviously to get the built and get them organized but but everything at taxpayer for University treated like a publisher without being treated like one. This a situation where I think I think finally catching up with reality on the ground was good Maria North Dakota online to very welcome to Jay Sekulow life.

I call one. During her choice of where the sooner that you're doing right now Marie you're doing a feasibility study so your state legislature has passed a house built so that the state Senate is now also looking at that as well. So they're looking at kind of how broad to go in North Dakota every states different. So North Dakota there's eight private schools. That is a because that this where the population centers are things like that. So in some cities in some municipalities you could have triple that in one ZIP Code triple maybe quadruple some spaces and my question is here in New York. You have 3040+ and is it.

But if these are state initiatives, so I let my estate.

There is nothing in the opinion that requires a state to do this.

It's if the states elected to order the County elects to have these funds available and makes it available to the people I qualify and it gives those people as one would think that qualify the ultimate freedom of choice to decide what they're going to do absolutely anything that is is so important anything overlooking your sing it start to happen. Today was a cute hopefully you would hope is today's decision becomes a huge part of the new cycle but truthfully we know it will not.

It's not to be part of the narrative because not part of the cultural narrative and news media 24 hour news media that this can become 1/32 story on some of the think outlets for our job is to now, especially as media side of the ACLJ still blow the doors down to let people know that this is happening is for us to text are our friends over all the news outlets and think you need to be covering that you need to be talking about this. This is a big deal. And like you said this is an issue in your your word about civil rights is an issue we really need to look at because it's something that a lot of people look at ago. I can't feel I don't do anything here. Something you can do for the kids that are going to be the next generation.

And that's very important is what Harry Hutchison sent our director policy. It was just last week on the broadcast we can work this is by the way, Logan and Jordan been dealing with this on the air for the last two weeks but let me tell you how long we've been working on this way before 2005 when this article was written. We've been working on this for 30 years so that were happy with this decision would hear from Prof. Hutchison sent notwithstanding the fact that expenditures on education in the United States need every single country in the world. Our performance lagged in part because there's a negative correlation between increasing public school funding and actual performance because we are not focused on students is the key not student focused, and these putting the decision back in the hands of the parents will make it student focus is not a good teacher, you won't get past the first round at a private school 99 to become a teacher if that's where you try to do lunch I get the just lusting at me that morning and they won't even hire you don't even consider issues a public school teacher and she said she was in favor of fair fair people fair people who did not become totally using the highest and and and realize what was happening there.

I was looking at North Dakota is a small state, the population wise it can handle any programs they want financially and yet it was teachers unions and Republican majority the house in the states that there that cited now people get it in North Dakota and not vote for someone because their vote on that. Maybe not, but if you actually read was for this you want it in a state like North Dakota pro-abortion Planned Parenthood endorsing teachers unions running your kids school because the same women who work Planned Parenthood run those teachers unions. I will tell you that same people running that are the same interest groups on the ground and a lot of times the same lobbyist actually.

So that's why we the people they hire. I bet North Dakota. The same people running or maybe one abortion clinic that still exist is by living your program Logan Sekulow reprogramming to find us. Our Facebook page Facebook group join. It's a lot of fun.

Logan Sekulow reprogrammed, think of a program on YouTube for decades. ACLJ is been on the frontline protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side.

If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ