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New Strzok Notes Confirm Obama Admin Plot Against Flynn

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
June 25, 2020 1:00 pm

New Strzok Notes Confirm Obama Admin Plot Against Flynn

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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June 25, 2020 1:00 pm

New Strzok Notes Confirm Obama Admin Plot Against Flynn. We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Release Notes from Peter Strauch and FBI confirmed the Obama administration's plot to take down the trumpet admitted and live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow phone lines are open for your questions right now: 1-800-684-3110 one 800-6841 10 and now your host Jay Sekulow why we are to your phone calls at 131, two, that's what hundred 68431101 is guided to the board today because it would be trouble broadcast yesterday we got take the door go to the flitter.

And obviously the ramifications of that by we got a new bid in order from Judge Sullivan inside by Judge Sullivan. Yesterday I came out I last I say light of the appended order issued by the Court of Appeals on Mr. Flynn's petition for writ of mandamus. The deadlines and hearing date set forth in the bid order of May 19,000. The hearing date set forth for July are hereby state that we got so far now in Judge Sullivan's immediate response that Court of Appeals in the Flynn matter, but we want to spend more time going through the ramifications of justice, halfpage notes released by Peter Strauch to confirm what we now know the January 5 meeting at the at the White House with Peter Strauch and you got Jim, Toby, you also got Susan Rice the present United States at the time Pres. Obama and VP. I'd states of time. VP Biden all all of this beating and you got the vice President whose doubt the Democratic Party's candidate for President United States Joe Biden. He's the first one of the notes Richard and it's talking about using the Logan act now turbines you remember this was an investigation they were ready to close it actually looks like that from Jim Kobe who was testified place I would like to go back to him and say when you said that that the Flynn calls. Yes, he was taught.

Flynn and Ed kiss the act were talking on calls but they appear legit. So are you say that what bike Flynn was doing the whole tie was just normal kind of what you do is a transition coming in.

You would likely if you're gonna be the incoming national security advisor, potentially reach out to one of the superpowers, investors so one of Russia's investors. It's not like you, don't we. We made out Russia during the mullah report to be like almost like we have like no diplomatic relationship with Russia or like like Iran or they don't live like an embassy operative a fully functioning debit Washington DC everything at this investor click kiss the Acuras well go to Washington DC, the, the embassy in red for brush is the I think the second largest embassy in DC behind the UK. Maybe I was to get the UK give Russia's a perceived Chinese Embassy. These are these are countries that are operating not just at the United Nations with their with their mission, but they they literally have their their investors here at as we see from Jim Kobe in a meeting with the President of United States advice for the United States Prez Obama, VP Biden and he say that these calls look absolutely legit journey through the incoming national security advisor and you're not having conversations with those officials you are not doing your job, plain and simple and a couple of this very topline tape will take away from these notes that were to get into. If your director.

Call me and if these conversations are legit. Then Jordan why a couple weeks later. Do you just send a couple of guys over to try to trap general Flynn if there's a legitimate conversation going on here and look I think I can answer my own question there because while Dir. Comey has a dirty hands on this all over. It's because the President of the United States, the outgoing President and the vice President directed at Jordan I mean that's what these notes say it really does you get the right people on who are the right people the right people at this point, was director Comey and Peter Strauch. So on January 4, the day before this meeting, we know that the FBI drafted a document summarizing findings on what they called crossfire razor this before crossfire hurricane and they were ready to close this investigation to the Peter Strauch right to go close razor. That's what he wrote. He said seventh floor involved so the top level the FBI, the highest echelons at their leadership.

If you going to the top and sides of the FBI leadership past Peter Strauch. Abby this Jim Kobe and Andrew became everything that's basically it. And Peter struck with the head of counter until you like a deputy director of the FBI so again a lot to unpack your 164 30 wanted to talk to Sen. challenges facing Americans for substantial time and or value or freedom sword constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is protected.

Is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition like it will show you how you are personally like support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in the is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/briefing. We know that Pres. Obama asked Sally A2.

Jacoby quote stay behind, said he had quote learned of the information about footed his conversation with the Russia's investor about sanctions.

Obama decided that what any additional information. The battery was seeking info on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently given the information we know that now. Literally we have that in the notes from Peter Strauch and we also know that that same day that this meeting occurred in the Oval Office with Peter Strauch and the vice President, the Prez United States and Sally Yates and Susan Rice and Jim Kobe that the same day Obama's Chief of Staff. This Madonna puts in an unabashedly requested bike Flynn.

Then we know that seven days later. The last unmasking request that we been reported on yet this is the last would be report on Thompson VP Biden, and it's not his Chief of Staff that's named there, that's an interesting point to be just to abide people January 12.

This just a few days before their leaving the White House are leaving, you know, there no longer going to be there to direct this operation anymore and I think that's why you get a gap to between this type.

In January and it takes until day until they get a special counsel pointed so there is a gap because you basically had Jim Kobe and Peter struck try to do this on their own without taking their orders from the vice President, who suggested how to keep it alive with the Logan act, but I did get support to point out that that unmasking request that Joe Biden has got pressed out enough, I think these notes might leak might lead to that cable has him directly listed. It doesn't list like his Chief of Staff or one of his deputies event. It literally lists VP Biden. It's a last unmasking request we know about from the Obama administration will couple different things on that point, Jordan, first of all I think maybe present Obama was a little bit straighter than VP Biden's release to send someone else to do his unmasking guide is pretty telling. The vice President did it specifically, but I would tell you I think it's weird on both levels. I think all the way down to the to the UN ambassador. Why is someone that uninvolved making and on and unmasking request and then you go all the way up to the vice President. Why is someone of that elite making an unmasking request. During these unmasking request are supposed to come from career officials who are directly involved in the intelligence so that the decision-makers the policymakers the President and the vice President don't actually see that then they get it aggregated and brief to them. So I think it's very strange that they unmasking happened on both levels and I do think it's also important to point out Jordan. All of this documentation that we have from the unmasking to the January 4 field office memo to the January to the memo of the January 5 meeting that Susan Rice wrote later adjourned. That's all because groups like the ACLJ have gotten involved in demanded this information be available to the public.

It's come from different sources. We've had to piece it together, but Jordan can you imagine if we didn't have all this information and did not know the extent to which the outgoing Obama administration was trying to undermine the incoming ministration is very critical that we can now piece all of this together.

This is again Joe Biden has been asked about how much he knew about this and bizarrely, he tries to play it down to the kata couches it with you in this interview that is now getting played again with George Stephanopoulos.

But I just want to point out that it the first person. We also know about of the doubts of the first of the last is Joe by Kate.

The last unmasking requested bike for that we know about his literally listing VP Joe Biden the first person on these Strauch notes that they believe that this was you know what was important and what could be unclassified is the vice President United States Joe Biden suggesting how to keep it investigation open a bike Flynn. How about we use the Logan act that literally. It's a law that is existing but never bit. It usually gets anyone.

In fact, it was used to give Mike Flynn unit was actually member bike Flynn.

They came back and said you did tell us all about your phone calls. They didn't say you violated the Logan act. It is because because no one believes the Logan act section constitutional.

It was written the tide. What you could you could say it would actually make sense of the US, a person should not hold themselves out to be sold like represents the government so they should conduct foreign policy outside of the structure. The US was rated the beginning of our country when so would have to get a boat to go overseas to take the bus or a year to deliver their message for policy decisions and so you wanted to make sure the people delivering that message were actually from the headed states and from the US government, but we would you look at that lot now you realize that can even be enforced. It's likely unconstitutional violates the First Amendment to the Constitution, the freedom of speech.

The ability to talk to people from overseas that we had a lot of globalization. We had a lot of change that our technology but again the fact you can just you could have anyone you want. You know, I'll buy it via video on your personal phone that's in your pocket you that was Jetsons like 20 years ago. So imagine you have 1799 writing that into law.

I been so indicated it was made since the time made no sense. Today we take your phone calls, 1-800-684-3110. I want to hear what you all think about this is this is where Job I get to the hot water is when he's press with direct questions of people I George Stephanopoulos on the Sunday shows endless if you run for Prez guide states you can get ask questions direct and you start answer direct and Joe Biden was there. The rubric take a listed to how he first denies having anything to do with bike.

Flynn wanted to know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper.I know nothing about those close to investigate my complaint. I do want to press on, that you say you know anything about a thing you were reported to be in a January 5, 2017 meeting where you in the present were briefed on the FBI's plan to question Michael Michael Flynn.

I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I'm sorry, I was aware that there was that there they had asked for an investigation, but that's all I know about it.

That's all I know about it. Everything we know now that's a lie and again we know it's a lie because the vice President suggested what laws to used to go after Mike Flynn that you it's a lie and one that isn't even believable during that interview is from six weeks ago. It's not like it's an interview that was happening when he had a whole lot going on that's well. After this became a headline story. He certainly would have taken careful recollection of what he was involved with in Jordan, not only in front of the President of the United States, Barack Obama did he recommend AA looking into the Logan act violation, but he also personally issued one of these unmasking request was not just like he had some glancing involvement either. And now he's teased Trina trying to act like it was insignificant. Jordi was one of the main players here in this in this this this this lie that says he was not involved in. It was made at a time where you know Jordan, he has taken a look at and he is full recollection of what he was involved in, and yet he still try to pass it off as if he wasn't involved. Folks again. I want to cause what hundred 684 30 wanted to talk to us there. That's 1-800-684-3110 to remind you again as were walking through these timelines the day before this meeting that we now have notes from Peter Strauch's handwritten notes locating the present United States President Obama implicating Joe Biden vice President since the type you know he's got Sally eight says that Susan Rice of the room and is God Jacoby as well and you realize that the day before this, the FBI was rated close they were ready to close the investigation at the right foot.

The FBI drafted a document it gave God to Peter Strauch desk on January 4, 2017. That was crossfire razor is before crossfire hurricane. So before it expands to present Trop and and try to build this narrative. That was a truck campaign for the Russian agents… Just bike Flynn, but we we know that there rated close it.

Basically, before he gets it. Before we get to a special counsel with you actually have.

If you think that the investigation was legitimate or not. To begin with that. I think with Peter Strauch leading the charge requested that but his own agents were ready to close it out and were suggesting to their boss Peter Strauch that it be closed so we would've ever had a special counsel would've drove the country to impeachment what had these issues would've been so divisive and and honestly the impeachment which had nothing to do with the special counsel even that. Think about that for a moment, remind yourself special counsel closes their pitching present Trop over a very phone call Ukraine with 35 people listing it in the you just don't like the policy decisions you like them with the way he conducts business is Prez United States and so your patient is a go anywhere but so they are ready at review of logical database not go in for which to put predicate further investigative ethics efforts.

We don't have anything else to investigate here. We've looked at everything.

There's nothing nothing rocket at the time they are to do about the phone calls about the content of the phone calls Jacoby that exited the debt that this report is saying that the phone calls were legit so they knew what they were dealing with, but Peter Strauch that same day before they're going to be with the President and vice President for the to be with Obama and Biden. He says don't close razor. The seven floors involved that reference course you all know is the 74 now be the top echelons, the FBI, but Peter Strauch is part of that top echelon. I want to revise you that he you know and he's he talking was with Andrew McCabe's the Jacoby's throughout this so order to continue again to take your phone calls at 164 31 until we come back to update you on the justice act deal we did we do the vote yesterday. We are tracking that Democrats do we unfortunately thought they might do to try to basically even you're here for people etc. Braun that they don't think anything could happen on police reform because the election that Democrats have chosen.

That's will talk about that is what we come back at what hundred 6430. What tented you know our new school choice initiative has want you to be a part of it ACLJ that are sent a petition supporting school choice, only one.

A society can agree that the most vulnerable and is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life.

We've created a free and powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold mission like it will show you how you are personally only support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases were fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to the pro-life discover the many ways your membership in sealed is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stay with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades.

ACLJ on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. Here's the bottom line we could not do or work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member.

Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us ACLJ God will where you can learn more about her life changing, member today ACLJ.

This is severe, Marco Rubio.

He was talking directly about will be displayed for you before it's a break that's Joe Biden with George Stephanopoulos is denied knowing anything about with Mike Flynn and they say well I do about the investigation but I wasn't directing any part of that. You know the investigation they weed that we don't offer Peter shocks out notes. It was no Biden was suggesting how to keep investigation alive. The only interpretation I have from him bring up the Logan act that was VP Biden. I this is kind of sat with the fleas last 24 hours as we saw this come out and when I would keep looking that CVP you know this handwriting. Logan act and that he tries to bring it back again when it was quarter to get by Peter Strauch. It is handwritten notes by Peter Strauch. I've been on the Intel committee for 10 years. I've never seen it either. Yet Prez Obama cutting off their but he's kind of come up with a way to keep this alive and in fact it does keep it alive. So I just want to play for you what Sen. Rubio. Consider Rubio Florida had to say about Joe Biden's now that we got. Looking back with these notes and looking back it out with George, the George Stephanopoulos interview what Sen. Rubio is saying about you, but person you know anything about it. Then he said he was aware now there's document saying he might've been the one Joe Biden to say let's investigate Michael Flynn. Your final thought. Well I think ultimately it always proves to be true then there's really only two things to conclude from either a suffering from severe memory loss or be is not being honest is lying.

So I will find out soon enough when when these when a district committee does its investigation in the eyes of the right front American people either he's got memory loss is not telling the truth is one of those is good is good and I do think it was Joe Biden does not seem very competent anytime skating pressed on these things, but you saw fit.

Actually, we've got asked these direct questions. He immediately came out with answer.

You know he's he didn't even try to even try to couch the first answer try to catch the second time to try to reword what he was asked by George Stephanopoulos. He was asked directly about you know were you involved in the actual investigation very were you involved in the actual prosecution and of course he was involved in the prosecution. Technically what he was involved with was keeping the investigation alive for a few weeks because they they they were leaving office, but but he needed. He did act like a confused person there. He actually looked to me out. A guy I think it's more the line and not just Job, I'd be caught off guard with memory losses. As Rubio says either one or the other because he was actually so coherent with these two answers. He actually try to flip George Stephanopoulos words on George Stephanopoulos and try to dance around it with out a lot of product journey got caught. I mean he didn't expect his friend George Stephanopoulos to call him on this. But he got caught and he didn't have an answer for it and you know you say he wasn't technically involved in the prosecution and that is technically accurate but Jordan, the people who were responsible for pursuing the investigation and then turning it over for a decision on prosecution had made their decision and their decision was to close the case and it was only because of the intervention of Peter Strauch and Jim call me and now apparently Pres. Obama and VP Biden at that prosecutorial decision began again, and your and I would just say this ice is shocking to me that Gen. Flynn and his attorneys are just now getting this information. How is it possible that you've been through all of this and they're just now getting the information and I think the line that you read from the from Gen. Flynn's attorney, Sidney Powell really says it may be that the most distinctly when she said the director calming himself and the highest levels of the Obama administration that means the President and the vice President had the transcript of Flynn's call with officials of other countries and new Gen. Flynn's calls were lawful and proper and proper. And yet Jordan. They made the decision to continue prosecution. He might not of been been involved in the prosecution, but they made this decision to start it up again to go back to the to the interview is 1-800-684-3110. I want to get your thoughts on this because Joe Biden literally says I know nothing about the moves to investigate Lightfoot in the first part of the interview. He doesn't say prosecute. He says investigate. Then he turned around George deficit. What we now know that you are in a meeting on January 5. By the way Job I just confirm that for us in that interview. Also he confirmed Peter shocks notes. He confirmed all this puts it all together about how involved the President of the United States present from okay they wanted to have impeachment over phone calls as they thought he was suggesting that you to get any of the aide for the United States. Ill opened up that you had to investigate Joe Biden, who at the time was not it like a actual government official and whose outfit was that his favors were not government officials, but we were through impeachment over that okay the country through that and right right it's a basically like a pandemic. So when you go back and actually look at what Joe Biden is trying to deny I think he's asked extremely competent on this, which makes me think he actually cared about this one. He was actually involved.

He he knew what he was trying to do and he was tried and said to try to dance around the issue to go back and listen to get by 12 wanting to know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper.I know nothing about those close to investigate Michael Flynn. I do hundred percent that you say you know anything about if any were reported to be in a January 5, 2017 meeting where you in the present were briefed on the FBI's plan to question like Michael Flynn I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I'm sorry, I was aware that there was that there had asked for an investigation, but that's all I know about it. Okay, we know it is first announced that he literally uses the word investigated to said annoyed about slated that because that would have the right, so he tried like couch.

I guess he tried to catch it. Catch it effectively had to go back so I thought your time and actually there, the prosecution that's not even what Joe Biden said he said investigate anything you bring up to that that you got a Susan Rice letter of couple weeks after this, the final day of office for the Obama ministration the the day that Pres. Trump is being sworn in, and she's right email saying everything is done by the book. You know, by the book by the book you first of all in on the vice President. I mean yes you did know they were investigating because you are throwing out ideas on where that investigation could pursue to so there's just no articulation of that conversation where he didn't know was investigating could be accurate on your right Jordan on the Susan Rice memo. I mean, remember, this was not a memo that Susan Rice made immediately after leaving the Oval Office. That's essentially what we have from Peter Strauch his notes from that day or from that moment Jordan a couple of weeks later, on the last day in power for Susan Rice.

She found this meeting on January 5 that we've been talking about significant enough that one of her last task it while being in power was to memorialize that meeting and try to cover the tracks and you know I just got tied to the news today that she's on the shortlist for VP Biden to be his running mate ending but Jordan, if you're VP Biden and you're worried about this meeting. What would be one of the best ways to try to inoculate yourself against that it would be to put one of the other people who was in that meeting and memorialized in a way that you are comfortable with on the ticket is your running mate pretty telling.

I think yeah I mean this whole thing when you put it all together.

I mean it's it's obviously at stakes and when you look at the timeline and you remember again, this all could have been done on January 4 and January 4 was Peter Strauch who decided will keep this open will take it to the President and vice President will take a toll bothered by it will keep this open worker keep this even though my own agents are telling me to close this out, we would've never got a crossfire hurricane voters get to decide if present truck out of the four years base of policies, decision-making responses account. Whatever.

But we would've had the country divided like we have been of these last couple years and Corsi's of the these officials that have been right. I just want you to know it was Pres. Obama was directly responsible VP Biden are directly responsible, and would you look at this. Even they were getting pushback from people like Jim Coakley, which is pretty pretty even. That is to Tough event at this point, but it's true. For decades, ACLJ has been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena.

The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and secular rights to, as well. I will get you up to secretary for second half hour Jay Sekulow live and update you as we took we were to that the significance of this.

Peter struck me about that was release.

Of course you were type II VP Biden who is now directly implicated in prodding on keeping this investigation going to take down the truck that rep administration to take the and by using legal resource by using the FBI this the worst of the worst. But what did you expect from Obama and Biden. When they did this with the IRS. There administration was also using the IRS to take that American grassroots activist K a lot less high-profile. The bike Flynn a lot less high-profile than Donald Trump a lot less high-profile. These and get they were willing to try take down the tea party by utilize the IRS and by the way during that case, we represented all those tea party groups.

Then we had to deal with the FBI trying to get involved because they were the the IRS wanted to get the at the FBI involved in Department of Justice involved in their oversight of nonprofit groups and they started to try to suggest bringing FBI agents and we know that again this this stone from the highest levels of the same administration getting caught doing the same thing again the bureaucracy circling the wagons to try to protect their own. Jordan and luck is as distasteful as it is, when elected officials do this kind of thing for partisan gain. It's really far more dangerous when it permeates to the great bureaucracy and the bureaucracy to the American people don't have direct ability to remove engaging that that's what we saw with the IRS scandal, but then Jordan when you layer onto that unaccountability of the bureaucracy unelected class who not only enables it Jordan, but actually directs it, which I really think what were looking at. With these notes from Peter Strauch. I think that's what this is. It's the elected layered the elected officials pointing to the bureaucracy pointing to Jim Comey who will stay behind when they transition out of power and saying stay on this Jordan that makes what we saw during the IRS is dangerous is that was that as a whole another layer of it because it puts the people that the American people did choose in the place of being responsible for that abuse so you know it takes the IRS and take it to another level in my theory that your when you hear from us of this to its allocated biases and more involved in these issues we were involved with under the Obama ministration because it is aimed squarely at UB we knew by with the IRS. We knew about the bureaucracy they are the FBI every time they would do in the investigation they would come to nothing because it was nothing. It was at the rock of those tea party groups.

They all deserve to get their tax exempt status is. Since the force of his C3 and there was nothing wrong with what Michael Flynn was doing these phone calls that he didn't deserve to be taken down and dragged through years of prosecution criminals in a criminal prosecution by the heightened by the that the top echelons of our government. And yet this is the same of his traits that brought you the attempt to take out of American's just trying to be grassroots activist and grassroots organizing and educating same group try to take down the that there the incoming administration because they did agree with that.

The whole time they were protect people like Hillary Clinton, they would protect those those those folks but they would not.

They didn't care about using these levers of power against weather was just ordinary American citizens or Mike Flynn national security advisor to the incoming present United States doesn't matter, they will just use those levers of power as much as they can and give them that direction to say keep doing this. Keep try to take it down keep trying to divide the country we get back will update you on the justice acumen taken Lane's call on that so late hold hold on the library about. I write to you. We come back from the break it up to you what happened if you weren't on the broadcast yesterday or got lost in the, the going through the Flynn opinion as well as what it means. Dissipated kind of the bigger context.

These investigations, one 800 684 31 if you want to talk to us on air at 100-684-3110. I will be right back on Jay Sekulow live in take your phone calls going through again these handwritten notes it's it's a big deal, folks. It's a big deal. This is just I think this is just the beginning here that would startle him ecstasy parts of acted you see your already able to build this narrative on your own how to achieve ACLJ Dorgan check out our new school choice edition that we want to get you involved. There with school choice civil rights issue or time education will be right back. The challenges facing Americans for substantial time when our value our freedom sort constitutional rights are under attack more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades. ACLJ on the frontlines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in court in Congress to get in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms then remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us where you can learn more about her life changing from a member today ACLJ only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice. Is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally publication includes a look at all major ACLJ plainly fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of Roe V Wade, 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the motion and what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership seal is empowering the right to life question free copy mission life today online ACLJ/get right back to the phlegmatic walking through that. But I do want to update you.

Two of the justice act as well. So if you're just curious.

The police reform. Sen. Scott from South Carolina had proposed and it was shot down by Democrats to want to debate police reform they would open the door to the debate it would do that just been his in that they try to make it all about. Well, what about qualified immunity. What about the of these things, but they could've open the door, debating that they were actually Republican senators ready to reform change qualified immunity so lightly likely actually would've gotten probably compromise on that lot compromise on the chokehold at me. Literally, they were barred under sitters Scots let propose legislation unless the officers life was.

It was being threatened and so he actually put it pretty high bar for an officer even utilize that kind of same thing went for the you know there's no dock warrants very limited ability to use them, but only taken Lane's call for Nevada legs and hold online three leg welcome Jay Sekulow live your on the air so wonderful think after no end, and why he voted no and he said it like that who bail out when the bill is presented, how it was presented and it didn't go to the committee first is just confused about that legislation that goes to committee stand that's not required. That's I sent a requirement.

If this is that his excuse for a partisan vote and Elaine, this is what happened. Democrats decided as a party to follow Chuck Schumer refile the national toe the line and say you know what we don't want any reform to happen under this President right now, leading into election so there to come up with excuses all different. By the way, so Tim Scott Scott Juan court bookers got the first is that everybody got different different excuses, but I do want to go to famines because then it's absurd. Yes, entered Cano to be ashamed of himself. He said this right after a very powerful speech by Sen. Scott Dowling is exactly correct about this delimiter set the record straight. Rule 14 of the United States Senate allows bills to be considered on the floor of the Senate without going through committee. Sen. Kane knows this very well. He's had legislation that has been his that he sponsored that has proceeded in this way, it happens all the time and Jordan, why did it happen this way. Why did you go straight to the floor of the Senate instead of through committee and regular order because if you backup two weeks ago a leader Schumer and leader McConnell both agreed that something had to be considered before the July 4 recess and when leader McConnell agreed to that, Jordan. That's when leader Schumer realized that although he'd been caught. Leader McConnell was actually serious about getting this done and he did not want to lose credit for it.

The last thing I'd say to Sen. Kane if he wanted us to have Duke due process of the amendments that at what report on the floor of the Senate were not approved.

Guess what he would've still had another 60 vote threshold to end debate on that measure, he could've opposed at that point that is completely a red herring from Sen. Kane at seven they go Elaine.

I hope that is I think they were all they all had their different excuses in different reasons why to take this, but remember as soon as Scott points out exactly why they're following Nancy Pelosi's liner follow Chuck Schumer's line in here.

He's talking about here on the for the Senate by 34 when Speaker Pelosi says one of the most heinous things I can imagine that the Republicans are actually trying to cover up the murder of the murder of George Floyd with our legislation. Politics came to win, you lose you sooner or later lose but immediately every kid around the nation that heard that nonsense lost that moment so I hidden Nancy Pelosi was asked about chic. It was given opportunity to actually apologize for that statement trying to compete. Note that it sounds almost like did she really sent me she's at shack. She was asked to apologize for it on MSNBC should give the opportunity you will apologize right now.

Take it was to this by five will you apologize and tell her to play. Now, I think, and frankly giving them far too much credit for bill that does nothing for me. She's not apologizing for and it is one of the more heinous things that hurt this entire last you know for five days would with what suitors, Scott is going through. She got Nancy Pelosi college is legislation equal to the same as murdering George Floyd and it was held responsible yet so they were getting away with the murder of George Floyd all say the same thing I said yesterday, Jordan officer Derek Sheldon Marriott murder George Floyd that you murder George Floyd a speaker Pelosi should be ashamed for making this a political weapon and I'll just tell you I watch Sen. Scott give multiple speeches on the floor of the Senate.

He said multiple times. This hurt his soul.

Jordan, II completely agree with that. I completely believe in that it did a speaker Pelosi ought to know better and here's the honest truth and she does know better, and it makes it even worse. Yeah, I mean this is, again, it is shocking, shocking to see from even Nancy Pelosi to go.

That's it for the inadequate sitting there responsible for murder and that they are egg to committing murder again and talk about anybody who happens to be Republican. This the kind of radical using now in our country and you wonder why were such a divided nation that they think is present trumps fault.

They are there that want to continue to divide us to continue to divide us every so that we know, but I suppose a 164 30 were to answer questions on Flynn on Judge Sullivan on all of these orders at Scolari in South Carolina online one Larry Walker Jay Sekulow life. Thank you. I really enjoy your show. Thank you for taking my call. My question is with the actions of Judge Sullivan do these warrant possible investigation into his potential removal from the branch. I don't think so because in all say this why it is been kind of unprecedented throughout. So remember, he was first brought these charges by the Department of Justice and Mike Flynn pled guilty to them and that's basically he was just handling that kind of what happens next.

And then it gets turned around and it became an issue or department just said we were wrong to even bring these charges. We did have a legitimate reason to be investigating this. The whole premise of bringing these charges was tainted wrong to drop this and then I think he took some Judge Silva took some very bizarre steps obviously outside the norm. Now you just bizarre as you've never seen before judges appointing Amicus to argue against and to BC re-prosecute Mike Flynn and things like that in itself it was deftly bizarre actions by the judge, but I think the truth is that where we should look at where Washington's DC says that at the judiciary with Judge Sullivan so much as you and you can say that what he did was absurd.

He could say was ridiculous outside the doors. This Court of Appeal smacked them down forward but it's it's looking at the FBI Department of Justice under the Obama ministration and under the leadership of people like Jim called me and under the leadership of these for the previous administration that got to the point of even trying to bring these charges against Mike Flynn those the people that should be investigated. The investigators yeah I agree with that II think I'd say to Larry on Judge Sullivan of let's see if he follows this order, all the way completely if he doesn't at that point and you might have an issue of a journey or your exactly correct. The DD reason that the prosecutorial powers that exist in the article to branch the executive branch is because the people can elect the leadership of that branch and then the people that are appointed inside the executive branch have more accountability to the people then do the article 3 judges who yes there nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate.

But there layer removed in their lifetime appointments. That's why that power resides in the article to branch budget but Jordan when there's abuses inside that article to proud branch as there obviously were here there have to be consequences. So I would look at at VP Biden's role in this and see if you think that he should be, you know, we put in charge of this and then you have to hold people like Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strock, who clearly abuse their power during you've got a hold them accountable… Christopher right he was on Fox's with special report last night's is the FBI director them out and and he talked to directly talk about Flynn and talking with the FBI still doing still doing this is internal just the FBI's own practices and procedures taken was the Flynn investigation which took place before I started in them. By the time I started was in the hands of the special counsel's office is something that has, in my view raised serious concerns and questions which is why I ordered an after action review by our inspection division to take a look at whether or not the FBI's policies and procedures need to be changed and if there are any current employees left who may bear any responsibility for the Scott Sears River Peter Starks gone Lisa page gone you.

Obviously there. Jim Comey is gone and and yet the FBI to be enemies is a pretty telling when the FBI director said they are still investigating at the FBI medicinal happy 2017, but because it was taken over by the special counsel's office of Muller's office for another two years. The FBI still looking at if there's people at the FBI who might be responsible responsibility is the word that Chris raised for what he is serious concerns a question about which he thinks it.

This is just the interim, aesthetic, a criminal investigation by US attorney this is that internal FBI say we need to change our policies and practices. We need to look at whether it was the people who were the problem or the policies that were the problem. It sure both do we still have those bad any of those bad people here who are responsible for the reason why Americans no longer have faith in this right now. These institutions if the Obama administration the same holdovers, savories, the IRS is one thing not to like it. It's another thing to say you can't trust it in your being legitimate about that. We know that was a true same goes for the Eyring only one. A society can agree that the most vulnerable invoice is, is there any hope for that culture to survive.

And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice, defendant the right to life, we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn Gold edition life will show you how you are personally support the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ playing with Jesus were fighting for the rights of pro-life activist the ramifications of weighing 40 years later Planned Parenthood's role in the end what Obama care means to discover the many ways your membership is filtering is empowering the right to life question free copy of mission in life today online ACLJ/challenges facing Americans for substantial time and are now free to insert constitutional rights are under attack is more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights and courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success. But here's the bottom line we could not do more work without your support, we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms than remains our top priority, especially now during these challenging times. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side, you're already a member. Thank you for your thoughts. Well, this is the perfect time to stand with us. where you can learn more about her life changing become a member today ACLJ Jay Sekulow, etc. secular that it's here as well.

He's at a velocity see it. We are taking photos 100 684 31 to a retirement that the Flynn Mennonites remind you to to January 50 at the meeting in the Oval Office that now we have the notes and Peter Strock to conference, Pres. Obama's involvement in preferred VP Biden's involvement extra quotes them in Peter Strock's notes. We know Susan Rice was also there widow Sally eights was there. We know Jim told me that he's also quoted ace as a peer legit. What Michael was doing in these phone calls which that is the same conclusion. By the way the FBI agents who investigated this for the top echelons of the FBI's.

They love to say that's what those FBI agents found those FBI's found it was totally there was nothing to investigate. It was just normal practice that that in income and ask advisor tradition to reach you have nothing wrong and that they were they'd suggested to close that but remember it, you get to January 12 the at the last unmasking request. We all know about.

It's been reported from VP Joe Biden not his Chief of Staff not someone else. Name the work for them or not.

Just not making that connection.

It literally lists VP Joe Biden.

So then, you have literally you get that the trump administration in for four days and then on January 24. Mike Flynn gets approached by the two FBI agents who do Jim Crow incisors to send in and not go through the normal chain which would go through the White House counsel's office in the normal chain of command. If you will, he detritus of the bed and he says he's taking advantage of the trump administration not being very you know, it's just that organizes a way, the truth is they were there for 10 days and look what I was happy to them that they did know about at the time this is what was happening to them. They were coming into office for the last couple bonds was the had the entire FBI and then the FBI finally say we don't have anything to see here, but did he go to meeting with Joe Biden and Obama, they say. Also, all we we do have something serial to keep this going. So I just want to remind you that all was happening within about a two week time. She go for the January 5 meeting to present trump, taking the oath of office being sworn in its present United States his inauguration and literally four days later Mike Flynn is getting approached by two FBI agents at the White House and and asked about these phone calls like they were there was anything to ask about it. Now you understand why department just said there was nothing to ask about all they are telling Judge Sullivan is what the FBI under Pres. Obama and his hitched Jim Kobe with the FBI found is all the department of justice before this case was that there was nothing else to investigate. There was there was no there is no basis to sit in the FBI agents that occur two weeks later to ask about legit phone calls. So this is why you bring Jim Kobe backup you have him looked at by why we know that's being looked at by people you know, the US attorney and gender because that's where crimes could be committed and wrongdoing could have been committed is that two week time period were Jim Kobe knows by you. January 5 we now know, at the latest. He knows because he said in a meeting with the present United States. The phone calls were legit and yet he SIDS two weeks later because I guess because he got fired by Donald Trump's inherent member he would. He took the job of staying on his FBI director that he fired so, but but he can't. He he SIDS the bid after he does that. It's all legit and then he turns us into FBI just to build as a predicate to take some as national security advisor down a phone calls that there was nothing to ask about may have been inappropriate for the FBI to be asking about. Honestly, they have been wrong for the FBI baby that's what Mike Flynn was is forthcoming with the because why would you be about national security to two FBI agents to read.

FBI did show up okay your office and your the national security advisor to the President of the United States elected by the American people was FBI agents were not elected by the will okay and and suddenly maybe not totally forthcoming to then maybe you not telling them all about your phone calls with a rusted master but it may because they had no reason to be asked about it and just asking about it alone may have been.

I mean, they may have been the ones committing crimes. Just think about that from. I don't take Monica's call online to Monica, Connecticut Monica, welcome to Jay Sekulow life for all that you do all of it and no mention why, in particular general land.

Why would he particularly targeted what they've done and I think it's because Flynn was the one connection. They had to the trumpet that is facing a little excited because he was the head of the Defense intelligence agency under Pres. Obama had a falling out on policy matters prison Obama had the right to remove him as the head of the Defense intelligence agency he did back and he was a 2014 and so and so they knew him he was probably the if you have it.

There was one connection that Pres. Obama had at all to to present trump of incoming folks, incoming advisors or anybody that that he had worked with closely. It was Mike Flynn and when it comes to the wider and I really do think that said it was one he may have known too much from the Obama administration been on the flipside of that coin joint Jordan, I think maybe it would legitimize the trump administration saying someone that we trusted to engage in this role, the trump administration does.

We don't want to legitimize them.

We want to undermine them but I do think the biggest thing was just that they had a hook there, where they could.

Maybe I have a conversation, but Jordan, I continued to circle back to this, the two agents. The Jim Comey flippantly sent over there which Jim Cummings in a world of hurt over that on he should be loitering up but Jordan, the two agents Peter Strauch we know he's corrupt. We got the whole list. The other agent Jordan Joseph Panca wears his story wears his testimony.

The Senate Judiciary is continuing to look at him. They are going to issue a subpoena for him. I wonder if Joseph P.

Enke can provide some of those answers. Why did they look in general Flynn.

I think that FBI agent knows the answer to that, Jordan, and I think we ought to as well folks as we were up to a couple of the matters right guy for couplers so I want to first check out to see all this information we post about art with our school choice issues so that I think for blogs up now. We got information on a petition you can sign as well supported. Our school choice initiative supporting voucher programs were putting up model legislation and that we want to get involved in this.

We believe your education is the real civil rights issue of our time.

The people have access to good education, whether that's public school education private school education or religious school at school with no religious affiliation, whether to charter school that would folks have access to a good education of their parents could have school choice. The ability to choose where to send their kids and have some decision-making that process that that's really how you change generationally. People work regardless what ZIP Codes are coming from Edward Johnson what side the track support audit at all those issues that we talked about that causes unrest our country. Where does it all start the search, you know, it's obviously certain parents, but the secondary is schools. By the time your gig at the real trouble. As an adult, or someone who's treated as legally as an adult you've already gone through that that system today and they failed you. So what what what role can actually schools play wise. The left so afraid of allowing school choice related to all that ACLJ that overdraw the broadcast as well.

The course can update your these other matters at the adjuster provide people's love that there's no initial is no openings right now for judicial nominees. Yesterday the United States Senate confirmed Cory Wilson to the Fifth Circuit Jordan. There is not a single vacancy across the country when it comes the US circuit Court of Appeal.

That's unreal to been 40 years since that's been the case. Not a single vacancy on the circuit Court of Appeal that part of the broadcast as well. 270 confirmed by the US it gets stuck in the attention it deserves. ACLJ that are be a part of our school choice initiative.

I really am asking you everybody's listed take part in this sign a petition ACLJ the four decades. ACLJ is been on the frontlines protecting your freedom is defending your rights in court in Congress and in the public arena. The American Center for Law and Justice is on your side. If you're already a member thinking. If you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us,, where you can learn more about our life-changing work, member today ACLJ