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The New Peter Part 2

Running to Win / Erwin Lutzer
The Cross Radio
August 12, 2022 8:07 am

The New Peter Part 2

Running to Win / Erwin Lutzer

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August 12, 2022 8:07 am

Many of us are hesitant to believe God can work in and through us like He did for the Apostles. Peter, despite all his impulses and failures, experienced the Holy Spirit remaking him from the inside out. In this message, we discover how we too are blessed by the Holy Spirit of God. Do not stifle the only Voice that can save you.

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Second, when is the power of the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Peter felt that spiritual wind remake from the inside out church in Chicago. This is Sir teaching helps us make it cross the finish line server is explaining some amazing changes in Peter, a man chiseled masters. A man transformed from confusion to understanding from fear to confidence in you know Dave you pointed out in your intro. The emphasis that we should have on the Holy Spirit in Peter's life.

I believe that we as Christians often times don't pay enough attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit is a comforter actually in the Greek text.

It means that he comes alongside of us. And that's what was happening to Peter and that's exactly what can happen to us. I'm so glad for the many of you who have joined us today because I think that the ministry of running to win is going to be a special blessing to you and thanks also to those of you who are part of this ministry were going through a time when some of our friends have said that they are willing to match gifts given to the ministry of running to win so you can double your gift you can maximize it. Here's what you do go to RTW or call us at 1-888-218-9337. Now let us listen to God's word very carefully to understand how the transformation of Peter is before that time filled with timidity filled with fear and suddenly now speaking in boldness because if I may say very clearly, God is standing with him and tomorrow morning when you going to the workplace. God accompanies you and stands with you. And he sits where you sit.

And he talks through you as you yield to him and he is with you and that delicate negotiation and his presence is ever so near that you can't be in a single place and all the world without taking Christ with you at your side transformation confusion to understanding fear to confidence. It touched his emotions. Let me tell you now, there's 1/3 contrast that I want you to see and that is from discouragement to determination, discouragement to determination. Look at acts chapter 5 now were going to skip just ahead a little bit and again we see the emotional part of Peter, but we also see incredible boldness and determination you know we live in a day before I read this text in which people are terrified or scared to speak as a pastor was involved. He himself wasn't, but someone in his congregation was in an embarrassing situation that had to do with pornography and he phoned me and he said that I just wonder. He said that what you would do if I were in you are in my position, he says, would you be willing to speak out on this issue. He says we have several attorneys who are investigating what I can say to myself several attorneys investigating what you can say while you see, because everybody wants to be politically correct today and if you're not politically correct, and if you're not saying the party line which is sort of a catchall for the liberal side of the agenda people are saying you don't have a right to say that today because of all the implications. Well guess what the early church really never thought of those terms. I want you to notice their determination and that is chapter 5, verse 40 and they took his advice, that is Gamaliel who gave them some advice and after calling the apostles and they flog them parenthesis. Did you know that being filled with the Holy Spirit, does not mean that you will be protected from physical abuse.

Think of all the people who are filled with the Holy Spirit who died as martyrs under the early days of the Roman Empire and here is Jesus in the disciples speaking through the disciples standing with the disciples, and he does not prevent them from receiving 39 lashes, which is usually what a flogging was 40 was to be the maximum so they had 39 to make sure that they would not meet the maximum they were beaten and they ordered them to speak no more. In the name of Jesus and release them and they went to their attorneys to check to see what their rights were so that they might be politically and religiously correct when you know that that's the reverse division don't you it says in verse 41, and so they went on their way from the presence of the Council rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for his name and every day in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as Christ.

Don't you wish you could be there where all this energy where all this determination where all this emotional wholeness that they could be beaten and still find joy in their hearts for the privilege of having been counted worthy to belong to Jesus. This transformation why these timid disciples who forsook Christ and fled at the cross and now suddenly with boldness and joy and nobody could shut them up. They were affected by their minds to understanding their emotions, a new sense of wholeness their wills a sense of determination by the transformation will you know is I do. It was the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit. The second member of the Trinity. Now I hope that you're sitting there saying something in your mind, don't say out loud because maybe someone will sit next to you and gently lead you away, but it's okay to say it in your mind. All right your single pastor lutes are all that is fine and dandy, but this was Peter you're talking about the apostles you're talking about the book of acts. What does that have to do with me.

Well guess what good news did you know that you and I can also benefit from the blessed Holy Spirit of God, and in similar fashion be changed.

That's why he was given to us.

He was given to us when we believed in Jesus.

Let me explain this very briefly. Christ said in the seventh chapter of John that the Holy Spirit are rather John said in interpreting Christ's words the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. We look to the cross today for our forgiveness and our justification and we know that because of what Jesus did on the cross we can believe in benefit in the very same way that we look to the cross for our justification and forgiveness. The New Testament teaches us that we need to look to the ascension of Christ for the fullness of the Holy Spirit because when Jesus ascended the spirit was poured out to the church now. Everyone who believes in Christ and is saved as the Holy Spirit of God take up residence in their lives posted to the people of Corinth do you not know that your body is the inner shrine of the Holy Spirit. The spirit indwells us.

You say let's fine, but where is his power. Just as I look to the cross to receive my forgiveness and my justification. We are to look to the ascended victorious Christ in faith to receive the blessed power of the Holy Spirit of God who begins the work of transformation and let me say that the spirit is not only a gift if you were to go into a store and buy two volumes and you forgot one or you left one on the shelf. You could go back the next day and they say you can have this other one, without making a new payment when you come to Christ to receive and you receive two volumes you receive the benefits of the cross and you also receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Let me tell you that the Holy Spirit is not only a gift given but he is a very sensitive gift. Very sensitive when demons control somebody if somebody is demon driven.

They are compulsive. They are driven they are torn and true there's there's an anxiety level that is that is just a spirit of agitation that is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is gentle.

He does not push. He leaves he is so sensitive that one of the emblems of the spirit in the New Testament is the job. Why, because if you treat a dove badly.

The dog is going to feel it and even perhaps want to fly away. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit doesn't leave us but the spirit is sensitive. That's why the Bible says don't grieve the spirit and you and I know Christians who are living in disobedience day after day and they no longer hear the spirits voice Holy Spirit is within them, but they're not listening and act. They are driven by guilt and by their own. The self-will and the spirit who is resident who wants to be president is squelched.

That's why pulses don't grieve the spirit, if you and I are sensitive to the spirit, the spirit will control what we say. Even I will want to utter some criticism and ends and suddenly we will be rebuked and will know this is wrong.

We will be rebuked for what we say for what we see for what we do and we will sense that the spirit is guiding and leading because we've developed sensitivity to his work and he begins this transformation process, we may be cut clones, but we are on our way to being butterflies, but I want you to know that the spirit is so sensitive that he will not manifest himself, and he will not work as long as self-will is on the front of our lives. That's why Jesus said, except a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. But Jesus said if it dies, it brings forth much fruit.

Back in 1968 I had the privilege of being in Egypt writing to the pyramids on camels that part of the experience. I could probably have done without. But nevertheless we crawled into the pyramids and we went down where the body of the king and the queen had lain in one of those caverns in the pyramids when those tombs were uncovered, scientists discovered grain because when they died in those days they would take some grain so that you have something to eat on your way to some kind of a happy hunting ground, but nobody ever used the grain. It was there. After being in the dust and the dryness of the pyramids for 4000 years. They took the Colonel's output it in warm soil with some sunshine and moisture and those kernels of grain grew from 4000 years. The life was locked up.

There dormant on the use no evidence of life. But when put in the right conditions it was there all the time. Listen to me very carefully. If you're here today is a born-again believer, the Holy Spirit of God indwells you he goes with you.

He watches the television programs that you watch and that's why you should not grieve him because he sees what you see. He goes with you wherever you may go. He is always at your side, closer than your elbow, but he is very sensitive and if you override his authority and his power. You can just do your own thing, but the transformation never happens you are just as negative as you've always been your justice bound by your past. As you've always been you're just as timid as you've always been, and nothing changes until you Sam willing to fall into the ground and die and it is that death to self-will that gives the spirit, the liberty to begin the transformation process, you know, we look at Peter and we say, well, you know, after all he was Peter. I hope one of the impressions that you God as we preach nine other messages is that he was incredibly human.

I don't think that Peter had any more going for him as a human being than you or I but the change was brought about through the spirit in whose life and the strength you and I are participants to change our mind, their emotions are will we can be different, and even some coping mechanisms that some people have to say I'm going to cope only hardens their heart. Instead of giving in suite voice submission to God. You may be here as an unbeliever, you say well I don't know if I've know Christ as Savior.

Does the Holy Spirit have any ministry to me. Yes, one is the ministry of conviction. Years ago there was a miser he used to count his money every evening and then put it in the floor of his cabin. Maybe he thought that the more often he counted it, the more he would have a thief was looking through the window and saw what he was doing and that night after the man had a drink thief decided to break into that cabin and get older money and the thief began to try to open the door into pride open and the man's dog began to bark and the man became angry with the dog and the dog continued to bark and the man told the dog to be quiet and the dog wouldn't be quite so he shot the dog will you know the rest of the story, don't you, of course, the thief came in stole the drunken man's money. Listen carefully. If you're here and don't know Christ as your Savior. The voice that you are listening to now the voice of conviction.

The voice that tells you you need. Jesus is the only voice that can save you do not stifle do not stifle the only voice that can save you. And if you're here is a believer. Why has the spirit not been working in your life and mine, as it should. I have to ask myself that question you need to ask yourself and all of us need to open our lives to him and say Lord today I die to self one more time that Christ may live to it by faith. I woke up this morning, distrust of spirit. But God enabled me to put all that aside, why in faith to receive the spirits power just for today and will need it again tomorrow.

DL Moody's famous line. Why do I have to be filled with the Holy Spirit so often well good old DL said because I leak because I leak that's why wouldn't need to be filled again tomorrow.

Let's pray O father, you are blessed Holy Spirit is here your spirit yearns to control us yearns to lead us yearns to guidance on how often we said no. We thank you for the transformation of Peter but father. We also need the same transformation do it in our hearts all God. We pray as we say no to self and yes to your sovereign grace and power. Now you need to accept Christ as Savior. Let me help you to pray a prayer, phrase by phrase line by line just prayed in your heart to God, Savior, God, I'm a sinner I've heard your voice today and I receive Christ as my very own.

I trust him. And in this act of trust I give up all attempts to save myself and look only to the cross. Thank you, man. You're a believer in Jesus Christ. Why don't you reach out right now. What you say.

Father, I thank you that when Jesus Christ ascended, he promised to send the Holy Spirit. I want to receive the spirit in his fullness. You need to confess sin, confess and get yourself right with God receive the spirit of God's presence and his power.

I'm so glad for the fact that the ministry of running to win goes to 20 different countries in four different languages.

All because of people like you and this is a very exciting time because we have some friends who have said that they are willing to match whatever is given to the ministry of running to win. During this period of time. They are willing to match a dollar for dollar while you can do the math means that your $50 becomes 100. You're 20 becomes 40 here is what you can do to help us go to RTW and take advantage of those who have decided to contribute to this ministry go to RTW or call us at 1-888-218-9337 I'm going to be giving you that contact once again give you a chance to write it down.

You can go to RTW offer and as you might guess RTW offers all one word RTW or call us right now. 1-888-218-9337 it's time again for you to ask Pastor looks her a question about the Bible or the Christian life. Many to listen to us battle with deep fears. Today's questionnaire is no exception. Nancy from Ohio writes I've been experiencing many health issues over the last few months and feel like the devil has me chained up tight. I was a terrible sinner when I was young, but have been God's child for quite some time, but the devil is using my mind as his playground. I'm overwhelmed with fearful thoughts concerning my family. I know God is my only hope. But I cannot get free from these blinding chains of fear and doubt.

I feel so worthless. I really worry about my two grandchildren with never been taken to church and had to endure a lot his children. Although I am God's child.

I feel as though God is not listening to the prayers. I pray to him. I feel defeated and know I shouldn't since I am a child of God will Nancy. I know that you have many burdens that you are bearing and God wants to help you bear them so let me give you a word of encouragement. Worst of all, I think that your analysis is right.

I do believe that the devil is using your mind is a playground, and what you need to do is to not let him do that you need to fill your mind with God's promises and you need to accept these promises, but you know Nancy, it's possible for us to get into such a predicament that we can't get out of it on our own.

I really do think that in your despair. You need people to come around you to pray with you and to pray for you. Now you know you didn't mention anything about your relationship with your husband but you spoke about grandchildren. That's another burden that you can't bear alone.

I hope that God gives you some Christian friends who can encourage you and pray with you that's really what you need what you need to do is to find then time to put your mind on the promises of God and grant grace.

A further comment. I'm just rethinking about what you said about the sense of guilt that you've had over your past. God doesn't remember your past. He blotted out the Bible says that he takes our sin and as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes it and then he dumps the sin into the depths of the sea, and he puts up a sign saying no fishing.

Nancy God is forgiven you. God loves you. God cares keep walking in your faith words of hope for Nancy and for all in her predicament. Thank you. Documents are if you'd like to hear your question answered.

Go to our and click on ask Pastor looks her or call us at 1-888-218-9337 that's 1-888-218-9337 you can write to us at running to win 1635 N. LaSalle Boulevard Chicago, IL 60614 running to win is all about helping you understand God's roadmap for your race of life. Those who say I can't change need to look at Peter, a man Jesus changed from timid fishermen to both proclaim or this transformation was so complete that even his mere essence caused the sick to be healed. Next time I'm running to win when Luther takes a look at how Peter's shadow was a mighty instrument when used by the Holy Spirit.

This is Dave McAllister running to win is sponsored by the teacher