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Let God Redeem Your Story Part 3 #1

Running to Win / Erwin Lutzer
The Cross Radio
June 30, 2020 1:00 am

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 3 #1

Running to Win / Erwin Lutzer

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June 30, 2020 1:00 am

Philosophers have long wrestled with the root cause of evil. One major cause is our enemy Satan, who seeks to destroy in any way he can. And yes, people can be influenced by the devil to perpetrate evil deeds.

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Supers have long wrestled because one major cause is our enemy, Satan seeks to destroy any way he can look at how people can be influenced by the devil to perpetrate their from the Moody Church in Chicago.

This is running to win when loops are teaching us make it cross the finish line and the devil inhabit people and cause them to do evil deeds such as sexual abuse. Yes, David. He most assuredly can I not only that he can cause other evils as well.

You know, I've written a book entitled slandering Jesus six lies that people tell about the man who said he was God and one of the instances is that Judas is the one who actually was demon possessed in the presence of Jesus, by the way, and then he went out and he did that ghastly deed. This book contains lessons for us to know about the historical Jesus I deal with issues such as the idea that Jesus wasn't crucified or that he didn't rise from the dead, or that he has a dark secret because he had a father for the lie that Judas did something good for Jesus. This book can be yours and I've written it for two purposes so that you as a Christian might be able to have stronger faith in the veracity of Scripture but also for seekers as they investigate Jesus and see the evidence in his favor for a gift of any amount.

It can be yours.

Go to RTW that's RTW or you can call us at 1-888-218-9337 ask for slandering Jesus. But now we go to the pulpit of Moody church where we continue our series, let God redeem your story.

It's a story of Satan's work, yes, but the victory of Jesus over the devil listen carefully. Let God redeem your story. Part three last two messages I have given have been on sexual abuse and letting God redeem your story. You didn't hear the messages they can be. Of course, listen to in various ways CDs and what have you. But even as I was thinking about this series of messages I realized that we should go get deeper because those who have all kinds of internal struggles sometimes discovered that deep within them. There is some other power that keeps them bound and held under the sway of their sin and that of course is Satan and his demons. In a few moments. I'm going to ask you to turn to a passage of Scripture in which we meet a man with an unclean spirit, or more accurately, with hundreds of unclean spirits and I know that it is an extreme case, many of you listening might say to yourself, well, this can't refer to me because I'm not inhabited by evil spirits.

What you need to understand is that there are people who are still struggling though with Satan.

In fact, all of us do. Even though he doesn't indwell us. He tempts us he or presses us and he does as much damage as he possibly can to ruin our faith.

So in one sense, were all involved.

Now, if you ask me the question will why did this man have so many unclean spirits.

The Bible doesn't tell us there are ways of course, that we know that these kinds of things happen. First of all, possibly because of something he had done if he and his family were involved in occultism and there was a lot of evil and his family in which he participated. That might've given entry to this multitude of evil spirits. That's a possibility. Another possibility is that it was because of something that was done to him. You see, sometimes when people do evil to us there is almost like a transfer of their powers. However evil. Those powers may be pastor Steve Mason and I counseled a woman. I was actually teaching and giving some instructions about 20 people would come forward some time ago when I spoke on the occult, and I was amazed at the number of people who are involved in the occult, and they don't even know it. Ouija boards, horoscopes, witchcraft of various kinds their least 30 or 40 different ways to be in the occult. There was a woman who left the room and I pointed her out and I said don't you leave, you come and sit right at the front. She wanted to leave just like some of you when you're listening to this message you're going to feel very uncomfortable. I encourage you to not leave but to stay until listen and pastor Steve and I as we prayed for her discovered that she had been sexually assaulted and as a result of that trouble with relationships.

The whole the whole gamut in God. Very wonderfully delivered her from an alien power and to see her the next Sunday full of joy and she wrote both of us a letter of appreciation is to remind ourselves that we are in spiritual warfare. No matter what the level may be. Perhaps it's only temptation. Perhaps it is some kind of a stronghold. We sometimes don't know the level and the good news is we don't need to know in order to seek the Lord's deliverance and understand deliverance. So that's where this message is going. Thanks for being with me on the journey and I hope that we end at the same time. What I'd like to do is to pray one more time a message like this is taken very seriously because I can assure you it is known in the spirit world.

So let us pray father I ask in the name of Jesus, that the only spirit that is present here today may be your holy spirit and I pray against all those powers that would want to disrupt that would want to distract that would want to give people rationalizations. I pray that nothing that I say may be harmful but rather that everything might be edifying and enlightening, and above all a means of deliverance, but Lord you have to do it all II bring nothing to this except my need. Our expectation comes from you alone because we're in situations where only you can help are no other places to turn in Jesus name, amen. What with that introduction.

I want you to take your Bibles and turn to the fifth chapter of the book of Mark Mark chapter 5 where we have a very interesting story developed, Jesus went across the sea of Galilee. And he ends up. The Bible says in Mark chapter 5 verse one in the area of the Guerra zines. It's a Gentile country. If you have a map in your mind. It's on the other side of the Sea of Galilee and encompasses basically the areas today up north of you go north you have Syria and then the kingdom of Jordan and Jesus is there and you'll notice that when he had stepped out of the boat. He immediately there met him a man out of the tombs a man with an on clean spirit will understand uncleanness. Don't wait.

We've all known what uncleanness is like.

If you are in a sexual relationship. Today with someone who is not your wife or your husband in a one man one woman committed relationship in marriage if if you have any relationships outside of that, you know what uncleanness is. Don't do it ever been into pornography.

You know what uncleanness is. If you been into the occult. We know then what uncleanness is. This is an unclean spirit, and I met him out of the tombs and he lived among the tombs and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. For he had often been bound with shackles and chains but he rents the chains of party broke the shackles and pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him just that far.

For now, but answer several questions very quickly about this man until we begin to talk about our own understanding of deliverance. First of all, we may ask the question is seven. Where did he live.

He lived among the tombs. He lived in isolation possibly it's because the townspeople wanted him there. They didn't know what to do with him. They bound him with chains that he broke and so they had him driven off. That's part of the reason the other part of the reason is that when you are really in this kind of depression and this is a unique kind with evil spirits. You don't want to be with other people, especially if you're joyful you want to be isolated. You know it's interesting that when they do an analysis regarding the shooters in some of our high school rampages such as the Columbine shooting, they discovered that the shooters were always what does the news media say they were alone rooting over their own grief and over their own problems and, as we shall see over their own self perception. So here we have families living among the tombs and possibly also. This was his preference. Because when you are that closely associated with on clean spirit to basically take death with you wherever you go. And so we might imagine that he felt as if I I'm living in this depressed desolate state of mind. I deserve a depressed desolate place to live and so he lives among the tombs picking up on the very mood of his heart in his environment.

Another question that we might ask is that how did he act well he acted.

Of course, obsessed, demented notice that the text says they tried to bind him with chains and they couldn't.

He was like a wild man. Now if you think that this is bizarre. Rebecca and I know a woman who went to a meeting and that there were some false prophets there always beware of false prophets, because they may have the wrong spirit and as she went forward, and she was pray for they laid hands on her, and afterwords it took policeman to take this small little woman and dad to be able to subdue her and to take her in for help and you want to resolve the strength coming from so it can happen today as well, and watch as to who you have lay hands on you. That's the great lesson there. So, physical strength, night and day he is crying, shouting people wanted to stay away from him. Understandably not knowing what to do and not trusting him.

Let me ask you this question if you were to go to him and try to show him love when you receive it course not say to himself, I'm unworthy of love. You don't understand. I'm in my own world and I'm doing here. My very own thing a person like that today would be in a padded cell.

And of course subdued by drugs. I need to say that I don't believe that all people who are mentally ill are demon possessed, some of you have disorders for which you are taking medication which may have a physical base. Physical and chemical basin. I encourage you to take that medication and I'm not one to judge you.

I'm not one to judge you. I just know that in some cases and this is of course exhibit a. There may be a lot of demonic activity involved and so what we have here is a man who acted actually out of control totally next.

What did he feel what did he feel well.

I think I read it but it says in verse five, night and day among the tombs and on the mountains. He was always crying out and bruising himself with tone what's going on there. Bottom line is self-hatred, self-hatred.

He wants to do himself harm and their people today who/they risk their people today who put themselves through unbelievable torture what's going on there.

Why flagellation I saw on television one time work where people put needles into their bodies and some of them even are crucified, though they are taken down from the cross before they die.

Why all of this it's it's a desire to even the score they feel so bad about themselves. They feel so bad about what they have done that they think to themselves.

I am so evil I'm not worthy to live, but at least if I suffer a little bit and inflict my suffering upon myself. I feel better for a short period of time, because now I feel that somehow I have paid for the fact that I'm such a terrible person and for all the terrible things I've done and therefore I feel a little better about it. But of course it doesn't last. And people who do that need to have the gospel explained to them because clearly they don't know the gospel. Satan's great weapon against us is self-condemnation. Nobody loves you. God doesn't love you. Your parents don't love you.

The church doesn't love you.

Nobody cares about you. You're totally worthless and all you deserve to be is condemn and so the depression of self-condemnation settles on the soul like a cloud on a foggy morning and there they are, and the devil loves it. Now this is a parenthesis, but you can imagine, a child who is abused how he's going to feel about himself.

Imagine verbal abuse where he is called names or physical abuse.

Also, they usually go hand-in-hand, where he is slapped or kicked around her made to feel completely worthless parents who bring up their children.

That way are aiding and abetting the message of the devil who loves to strike at the foundation of our self-worth.

He loves to say you're unforgivable your unworthy. Don't you dare believe that God loves you no matter what the Bible says you are condemned and you deserve to be condemned and you don't deserve to live. That's a message from the devil to human beings.

And so this man, this man felt a great deal of self-condemnation. Well, look at how far we've come. Where did he live.

He lived among the tombs. How did he act he was obsessed. How did he feel self-hatred. But now the story really shifts, and now it really gets good because notice who he encounters were still in Mark chapter 5, even though my Bible has flipped over to the next chapter and it says this and when he saw Jesus from afar.

This is verse six. He ran and fell before him and crying out with a loud voice said, what you know to do with me, Jesus, son of the most high God.

I adjure you by God. Do not torment me. When you look at the text. You have to realize something Jesus is speaking to the man and Jesus always is speaking to the man but the man is inhabited by spirits and there's a lead spirit was actually taken over his vocal cords and is speaking for him and so wire that that explains why it is that this lead is spirit actually is saying what he is now.

This gets fascinating is amazing. I read this and I have to smile because it's clear that this evil spirit who is speaking on behalf of the hundreds of evil spirits in this man, this evil spirit is actually more theologically accurate than many preachers who are occupying our pulpits today who disbelieve the fact that Jesus Christ is God and disbelieve that he is the son of the most I've the holy one, and that amazing.

Yesterday I took time to read Mark chapter 1 and I discovered there that there was another demonic story you have to understand that the gospel of Mark is written to prove that Jesus is the son of God in the very opening lines. It says that Jesus the son of God, and then it goes on and it begins to discuss what happened in his life than we have the book all the way through the gospel of Mark.

The demons are confessing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and you get to near the end of the book and it's a century and who confesses when Jesus dies surely this is the son of God. So these demons know exactly who Jesus is and to just be in the vicinity of Jesus for them is torment and read the first chapter. The demon says there we know who you are, the holy one, of God, quintessential evil comes up against with quintessential holiness and the evil is tormented and so the spirits acknowledge Jesus Christ to the Lord.

They acknowledge him to be the son of the most high, under something else though spirits know they have to bow to Jesus Christ's authority.

Demons habitually lose and they always lose in the presence of Jesus always so here we have them. This interesting story of the demonic, who is actually speaking and he is speaking the truth in other parenthesis the demons and another text you remember reading it. They don't want to be sent into the abyss ahead of time what's going on there. We need to take out a moment here and talk about the devil.

The devil is very clever, but he is not wise is not wise is if you were really wise he would cease-and-desist all of fighting against God.

He stopped his railing he stop his accusations about us right away because then he knows that his eternal judgment in hell is going to be a little bit better but no disease do that now. He plunges headlong because he so evil can't resist doing evil that you don't some people like that.

By the way, you little drop of Satan's rebellion is: all of our hearts hesitant and so there people you know who will just continue to plunge toward evil you can warn them.

You can tell them the consequences. It means nothing. They just keep doing it over and over again because they are compelled to do evil will the good news is Jesus does deliver such people, but we need to continue on in the story so the demons say to him. Jesus was saying come out of the man, and Jesus asked him, what is your name, he replied, my name is Legion for we are many Legion means 10,000 or more and then he says my name is Legion for we are many, and he that is still the man speaking, but the lead spirit has his vocal cords.

He begged him earnestly to not send them out of the country. Don't send us out of the area. I think that the spirit said we would prefer to just stay here among the tombs and among this desolate area here because we want to choose a place that we are familiar with the don't send us out of the country and then it says verse 11. Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him, saying, send us into the pigs less. Let us enter them. So I gave them permission. The unclean spirits came out entered into the pigs and the herd numbering about 2000 rushed down the steep bank into the sea and they were drowned in the sea. The demonic spirits prefer a warm body, a living body, and that Jesus actually gives them permission to go into the swine and the swine all drowned because they become angry and mad.

They are demon possessed. Is that what happened to the demons afterwards. Well after the swine drowned and the bodies were dead.

Then they went looking elsewhere to get some new orders undoubtedly from Satan himself to figure out what their next tactic is going to be is a pastor loser. This is so bizarre you really believe this.

Yes I believe it because it's in God's word but you know it may even happen today, bizarre though it is my friend. This is pastor, loser, we have to understand that Satan is very active today trying to destroy people's a matter fact in the New Testament, Jesus says that the thief come but to steal to kill and to destroy.

And Satan does his work to destroy us.

Of course, to destroy our souls to bring us into a land of guilt if I can put it that way and we need to know how he can be defeated is not just that he makes attacks against the soul.

He also attacks the human mind and by that I mean people come up with wrong conceptions of Jesus. He wants you to come up with a Jesus who really can't save anybody.

Jesus a prophet, Jesus, the teacher I've written a book entitled slandering Jesus six lies. People tell about the man who said he was God and I wrote this book for two purposes so that you as a believer might be able to defend the faith and to understand how Jesus is perceived in our culture, but also I wrote it so that skeptics might have some good reasons to think about as to why they should believe in the biblical Jesus.

This resource can be yours for a gift of any amount. This is the last day, we are making this resource available slandering Jesus here is what you do you go to RTW that's RTW or you can call us at 1-888-218-9337 and let me say a word to the many of you who support this ministry. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and for the thousands of people who listen to the ministry of running to win thousands upon thousands. You are blessed to because other people give and other people become a part of this ministry for a gift of any amount you can ask for slandering Jesus RTW or 1-888-218-9337 you can write to us running to win 1635 N. LaSalle Boulevard Chicago, IL 60614 Satan uses demons to influence and indwell people leaving behind a trail of destructive choices and action. Next time I'm running to win God can turn victims into fingers this is Dave McAllister running to win is sponsored by the Moody Church