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October 29, 2024 8:00 pm
The plowed ground contained a secret—something hidden. In preparation for their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Lee Wilson had set apart eighty acres of his land to produce perhaps the grandest floral gift his wife had ever seen. He secretly planted countless sunflower seeds that eventually erupted into 1.2 million of the golden plants—his wife’s favorite. When the sunflowers raised their yellow crowns, Renee was shocked and overwhelmed by Lee’s beautiful act of love.
Speaking to the people of Judah through the prophet Isaiah, God shared a secret with them: Though they couldn’t see it now, after His promised judgment against them for their unfaithfulness to Him (Isaiah 3:1–4:1), a new and golden day would dawn. “In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel” (4:2). Yes, they would experience devastation and exile at the hands of Babylon, but a beautiful “branch”—a new shoot out of the ground—would then be seen. A remnant of His people set apart (“holy,” v. 3), cleansed (v. 4), and lovingly led and cared for by Him (vv. 5-6).
Our days can seem dark, and the fulfillment of God’s promises hidden. But as we cling to Him by faith, one day all His “great and precious promises” will be fulfilled (2 Peter 1:4). A beautiful new day awaits.