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The Man Who Wouldn't Give in: The Story of Winston Churchill

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb
The Cross Radio
September 15, 2022 3:00 am

The Man Who Wouldn't Give in: The Story of Winston Churchill

Our American Stories / Lee Habeeb

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September 15, 2022 3:00 am

On this episode of Our American Stories, Winston Churchill is the only Englishman to be honored by having a United States Navy Ship named after him. He was also half American via his mother's side. English historian Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking With Destiny, tells the story of this remarkable leader.

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This is laying of the Mrs. how American story.

Sure were Americans and the American people go to my heart radios at forever you get your project. Listen, slightly American. There are two British Prime Minister's interesting connections to our country bars Johnson was born in New York City, so too was Winston Churchill's mother who was born more accurately, more precisely in Brooklyn here to tell the story of Churchill's English historian Andrew Roberts, the author of Churchill walking with vested taken away May 1940.

Winston Churchill became prime minister about 6 o'clock in the evening on the morning of. I don't think I've invaded in the West Elgin that to date from Churchill said that I felt as if I will do my cost life operations style gave him his tremendous sense was the very many brushes with death that he had in his life. He nearly died aged 10 died a drowning accident on Lake Geneva.

Title VII house file vote to car crashes and plane crashes is very nearly run a fat by a taxi. You'll as well. Costly school in peacetime time.

Of course he had as well once said that seven there is nothing more exhilarating in life's offsets without results show sent without results from his 21st birthday to you about all the way through.

See when he was an ex-cabinet minister in the first mobile in the trenches.

Churchill was involved in the loss. Great cavalry charge took part in this set cavalry charge in September 1898 he killed four dervishes on that day. It was a tremendously vicious and bloodied Mende and was killed himself on judgment was captured in 1899 I put in the prison, and he sensational prison escape managed primary cross 300 miles of territory and get back to one occasion during the first 12 went outside for a seven trenches dug out trend is Crown Heights basic shell came and hit the dugouts and decapitated everyone inside Sophie's sole claim stopping you the photos so that she knew the pain of its share terror of its and so when he sent men into battle himself. Later on he knew exactly what he was doing. Winston Churchill grew up in the very apex of Victorian society. He was the grandson of the deep.

He was born in italics and not just any Opana's linen Palace is the grandest of the British policies. In fact, when King George III, when surrounded, he said that we have nothing like this. Meanwhile family had no policies anything like say grand is blending that it's true. Yet, it doesn't necessarily mean that his childhood truly entitlements of facts and the privilege was a happy one because his relationship with his parents was always extremely difficult. Churchill's father, Randolph Churchill, who was a very successful Victorian politician and Chancellor of the Exchequer was somebody who never sole the incipient greatness. Churchill very much of them at school actually treated him very often with contempt spines being despised by his father.

Churchill did not allow that to effectively continue to love his father even after his father's death in 1895 when Churchill was 20 years old and he breaks his father's 240 biography. He sold out his father's friends to care anecdotes about his father. He adopted his father's political views Tory democracy and his father's way of actually holding himself. He very much loved his father and so his whole life is an attempt to impress the shade of his long dead father Winston Churchill's mother, Jenny, Jerome, was born in Brooklyn, but she was very un-American ready in regard to the fact that she never took much news this children either Winston old Winston's younger brother Jack. She was going to policies constantly.

She was a great society beauty, but she was not somebody to spend very much time with the children to the point that the aeration is full when Winston was 10 years old. She had spent six hours with him in the first six and half months about yeah just as with his father. His mother's taking a note to self him didn't allow Churchill to hold it against them. He worshiped his mother. He continued on his life to help parents he bail her out financially and to love and he said when she died she shone for me like we even install brilliance to the distance I was think is a terrible thing to say about Churchill is very unlike the other Victorian aristocrats of his agent Lawson backgrounding that he was willing to show emotion.

They didn't like to do that. They had stiff upper lips. He on the other hand would actually cry on some 50 occasions in public.

During the second world war.

And so I think he was more than throwback to an earlier aristocrats care in the Regency era when people didn't mind wearing their hearts on their sleeves and this was strength rating because people were surprised when they saw him cry in public. Nonetheless, they knew that it meant that he was feeling genuine emotions not just buckling up and you're listening to Andrew Roberts told the story of Winston Churchill and his mother, my goodness, what a story about his mother but she say not a very present mother, yet he held it against her all shone for me like the evening star brilliant just when we come back more of this remarkable figure not afraid to wear his heart asleep and lead with emotion here on our Americans. If you love to tell about this great country and especially the stories of America's rich past. Know that all of our stories about American history innovation culture and faith are brought to us by the grateful Hillsdale College Place where students study all the things that are beautiful in life.

All the things if you can get the Hillsdale bills that will come to you with a free and terrific online courses to learn more and we continue with our American stories and with historian Andrew Robert offer Churchill walking with destiny. You get the book by just going about start calling them up on the water at 40th and we love to support our local bookstores and if not, the bookstores were ever you get your books.

Let's pick up now we last left off with Andrew Roberts talking about Winston Churchill was the first close but actually for a long time. This is the only against idol analysis and I think the thing that he had helped this foresight was that he was a fine AC might like Jews.

He'd always go to James on his life.

His father, like easy going on holiday with them as a Zionist welcomed about the declaration of 1917 giving lands of the Jews in Palestine and so he had an early warning system when it came to hit.

The second thing was that I'm using historian and he had seen in the threats to British independence from countries that want to invade Britain from the 16th century owns the same kind of traits that you see with the Nazis and the dangers that they pay slightly.

He had to face phonetics anything life Islamic fundamentalists and ethics on the West from Chairman's dogs and fanatics elsewhere in his career since he was better placed than most of the 1950s prime ministers who had never seen any fanaticism in their lives before is having tremendous physical courage Winston Churchill have very strong and profound moral courage because even though the 1970s he was ridiculed in the press shall sit down in parliament. He was attacked by his side in parliament.

He was lambasted by people who thought he was a warmonger so changed the warning of the threat had affected the Nazis carried on saying the same thing, regardless of what anybody said about and I think that's one of the greatest aspects of his career in many ways was this extraordinary capacity for self levering from Lehmans took any notice of opinion polls never find a speechwriter about a spindle design speeches even when he was prime minister in his 80s and wasn't somebody using natural public speaker puts a lot of effort into it. He would practice again and again.

Sometimes he would actually practice speeches for as many hours as they were minutes in speech and this finally produced a sublime archery, archery that was able to spoil the allied countries and sent the British people and drive them on to ever more RAM, effective action, and not very much does come down to this sense of rhetoric which he worked on since he was a 20-year-old boy ready and finally it came to its flourishing of course.

In the second mobile church was once lost about the techniques the secrets of the trade is and he said really three things. First walls you need to keep your sentences short, didn't have too many sub cruises in the sentence. Otherwise, people lose track of things he said keep the word short stage show off how clever you are.

By using the words instead use the shortest were supposed In a sentence. And also if possible, use only English trying to use language that is heavily understandable by the English people.

This millennium would seem to come from the Anglo-Saxon, when those three things together in a sense, much and they make the point much more physically than not only did sentences with five words and people trusted Winston Churchill and that was simple because it is always important. Any thing you said because he didn't have spin doctors, speechwriters of the people from the outside what you heard from Churchill came straight from him soon that miniature men dismissed on position. When he became stuck because they you have been moving for decades.

Throughout the 1930s about Nazism rearming Germany and so and therefore they trust personal physical courage and way through his life and so it was 730 to be expected needed in the second mobile as well.

He would go to the front whenever he possibly could be held back by Gabbay is that the soldiers install found on many occasions from getting to thanks to the front. He would go up on CDM during the sale. As the strap fly he would be up that his wife and his advises hayseeds its way to do this, but felt it was absolutely necessary to be as close to the action as possible as he had been only through his life. It was such a ministry brace that Winston Churchill spends so much time traveling. He was in many ways the person who kept the big three together of Roosevelt installed that by traveling 110,000 miles outside the United Kingdom during very often the radius of the Luftwaffe across the Atlantic coast was filled with U-boats.

He went to nonpressurized cabins.

Limitation set his pain struck by lightning in the middle of the Atlantic and instrumentation gone down that it was a classic of his tremendous courage and wait. Some historians of claims that Winston church was opposed to DJ.

This is absolute rubbish really since June 1940 say the same month follow the ready ordering stuff to look into plans for getting us back on what he did was an early the hasty and even more dangerous attack across the channel before the back of the Atlantic was one and before that was complete air superiority-Winston Churchill lost the general election of 26 July 1945. Even though the war against Japan was still going on in the war against Germany had that even one that may and this is some surprising flood people because he was personally very popular in Britain box. We have a parliamentary system whereby he said he standing for one constituency Jacuzzi one books where the conservatives were standing in that the constituencies and they were very am not least because they have been the government out of the time of the outbreak of the second mobile they been responsible for appeasement stay with the largest policy in the national government in the 1930s say it wasn't Winston Churchill who was personally being punished by the British electorate. It was the conservative party led nonetheless that did mean that he was.

The office is his wife clemency and said to him on that day that it might be a blessing in disguise and church replied from where I'm sitting. It seems quite remarkably well disguised Churchill very much considers himself to be half American because of his mother, but he also very much considered his views to be American.

His belief in democracy, his belief in in human rights. These are all things that he recognized a powerful transatlantic concepts and the ones to which he dedicated his life. He visited American a fewer than 16 times and visited whatever 40 state by the time he became prime minister and safety new America fall back to the politicians and a great job on the production by Monty Montgomery and a special thanks to Andrew Roberts began his book is Churchill walking with destiny and my goodness traveled 110,000 miles during combat the physical and moral courage of the spam remarkable what really struck me most is that he had no poster. He wrote his own speeches. The story of her remarkable life. Should Churchill story here on our American story