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Culture Shock - The Church and Politics, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
January 30, 2019 5:00 am

Culture Shock - The Church and Politics, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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January 30, 2019 5:00 am

Do you remember the old saying, “There are two topics you should never talk about in public - religion and politics.”? Well, apparently Chip never heard that one, because he begins a discussion, in this message, about both of those subjects - The Church AND politics!

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Have you ever heard that old saying to topics you don't talk about in public religion and politics will guess what you talk about both today and the question were seeking the answer is what is the role of the church in politics. What does God say we should engage in and what we need to stay out of that today. Stay with thanks for joining us for this Wednesday.

Addition of living on the ship serves as our Bible teacher of his daily international discipleship program.

Victor continues his series culture shock. The controversial topic of the church and politics becomes more and more straight values clash will become more frustrated in this message. Chip takes a step back from the soundbites to give us a perspective about politics surprising. Also, after the teaching trip will join us in studio with some practical ways we can affect real, lasting change. Let's join Chip for his message to the church and politics will have to tell you in all my years as a pastor.

There is no single issue that has caused more controversy, more hard feelings more anger or more Christians mad at one another or mad at me, then issuing a talk about talk about the church and politics as a very young nave pastor. Many, many years ago there was a moral issue that became political people were talking about a lot and so I remember teaching on this thinking it's just right out of the Bible. I should say what God says on this and up to that point. The letter that I received from a lady was the most skinny thing I never received it started like this.

I can't believe you were talking about political issues in church, why don't you preachers keep your nose in the Bible and out of political issues when I come to church. This is what I want to hear. You should be excommunicated from the church. You are not to be a pastor. It's the worst most I mean it went on and on and on and on.

All my lands that I did learn later that she wasn't in the services, which may have been good or bad, but just the fact that she heard from a friend. We talked about that topic that from her lens was completely political because people were talking about it over here and yet it was a very core biblical moral issue, but I learned something that's hot button with people and basically she said how could you say that you love God talk about that in church now on the other side of the spectrum, I have been greeted in the hallways or in malls or in my office with people whose eyes get very big face gets really read the veins are bulging.

Now don't you understand that this is a crisis right now and if you don't take a stand. If we don't interview those candidates. If we don't put flyers out. We don't tell people how to vote. Americans on a hell of a handbasket. And you gotta not compromise and step up what you do and some of them been very disappointed but all I want you to see is that when you start talking about the church and politics.

You have two very distinct groups and most people in between.

You have some that are what I call separatist nonwords. Those things should never be talked about or communicated ever in the church when it's gathered and there's others who would feel just the opposite of their activists that say you know what, this is the time to mobilize God's people around these certain issues or candidates.

So what were trying to do is bring a little light instead of heat and so I put a teaching handout together open it up if you will, and I want to examine those two positions. I put a little picture on the bottom you'll notice as the church and politics and on the left-hand side is the separatist on the right-hand side as activist and there's just some people think there should be no involvement in others. High involvement so when someone comes to me and says how can you say that you love God you talk about politics in the church. Here's what I want you to get.

Here's their position and I don't give you the presuppositions I want you to understand why people sincerely and passionately think that way. The position is any subject or issue that is directly or indirectly political should never be talked about in the church three presuppositions behind that thinking number one there's a clear distinction between what's sacred and secular faith is a privatized issue. There is a sacred moment of your relationship with God out there in the world and politics and other things is secular. Those things should not cross you have some whole groups actually who will live completely apart so we have no government involvement is much as they can. The second presupposition is the confusion over our understanding about pluralistic society versus pluralism a pluralistic society basically is.

Everyone has the right to champion ideas to say this is right. This is true. And let's not talk about them in the best ideas in the truth went out that's been sort of the history of America, traditionally were moving more and more towards pluralism. Pluralism says that every idea has exactly equal value and for you to say that one idea or one position is better than another is intolerant and so especially in the church of someone says this is an issue in this is right and that is wrong will my lands. That's the most intolerant thing you could do and so this thing should be talked about. The third presupposition is what I call functional separatist. This is often the younger generation, but some who just your burned out and worn out. This is a group of people is that you know what we've been through a lot of presidents. I've heard a lot of people talk I've been through local politics. Here's what I know all government is corrupt when you peel back the onion. I don't care which party it is it doesn't do any good.

My vote doesn't matter my participation doesn't matter, I'm just gonna live my life. I'm not involved completely and totally disillusioned so those are the reasons behind the position of never talk or deal with politics and church. The second position is how can you say you love God and not take a stand on political issues in the church. Here's the position the position as the church is a tool in the hand of God to turn a secular culture back to God and as such it must exert vocal and active support for candidates and issues and laws that bring our government and our culture.

In line with biblical value. Another three presuppositions behind that the first one is, is that America has a covenant relationship with God. Not just that it would. There was a biblical worldview and there were some Christians and some Deist and this was sort of a sense that there's actually a covenant relationship with God exactly like were much like Israel.

Therefore, the goal of the church is to bring America back to God. And what better place than in the church to be a tool in God's hands to do that. The second presupposition is the moral and cultural change is the primary mandate of the church and the political process is one of the primary ways to achieve the goal of the church is to change the culture. It's is to get people and walls and things, and in such a way that they reflect biblical values in the political process is the primary means of doing that. Therefore use the bully pulpit use the church when it's gathered in a way to champion those causes. The third presupposition is that when the church when I say the church gathered when were together as a group and what comes from the pulpit. The official teaching of the church and individual Christians that the calling of those two things are exactly the same.

Now that's gonna be really critical later. So remember that one. The idea that whatever work to do when were gathered as an official position and focus and future of the church is the same calling is each individual Christian. So with that turn the page were to go on a journey together because I will tell you for sure there's a lot of people in this room that have a lot of opinions about what I just said and as I just laid those positions out. Some of you went through little moment in your mind and said yeah yeah it will. That's what I believe and others were here going yeah yeah that's what I believe in a lot of you are in the middle going, I never really thought about it that way. I'm not sure exactly what I believe in.

This is good to be an interesting morning. So here's what I want to type rather than talk about okay should we interview candidates should we put flyer should there be voting guides how much how long which things I just wanted woe will want to backup and was it what second, what does the Bible actually say what does God actually say about the role of the church and when I use the word the church I'm talking about the church gathered, not individual believers, not just the body of Christ, but what does the Bible say about the church and politics. And then what does he say about the role of government and politics and what to say about the role of individual believers when I can tell you is I think the Scriptures really clear there's for biblical absolutes. The before we get into the particulars about how that should be applied in this church or how churches in general should let's just build kind of what I call a theological framework kind of a grid is that this is what the Bible says. Now let's look at those individual things and I think actually it gets pretty clear. So are you ready roll up your sleeves if you have a pen pull it out, then turning your Bibles if you will to John chapter 18 and here's absolute number one there are two kingdoms in conflict.

That's the first thing you need to know there's two kingdoms in conflict, there is a spiritual, eternal kingdom, but Jesus the son of God, the Messiah came to the earth and is championing and still champions and there is a temporal concrete kingdom that we live in.

So notice as we pick up the story in John chapter 18 we have Jesus on trial before Pilate, and he's being interviewed. Verse 36 Jesus said, my kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. Now my kingdom is from another place and Pilate looks at him since you are a king then said pilot Jesus answered, you are right in saying I'm a king. In fact, for this reason I was born and for this I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of the truth listens to me and so he's being interviewed and he's been accused and he's been turned over by the Jews to pilot who's the official government of the day and basically says there's a different kingdom in my kingdom isn't of this world, my kingdom is rooted in truth, not with stories going to go on flip the page again.

Just go over to chapter 19 as pilots going through some internal issues about where is this guy coming from and he says he's a king in. We know little bit more about the story gets a note from his wife, and so we pick up the story in chapter 19 and pilots frustrated. He says to Jesus, do you refused to speak to me. Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify Tony understand I hold the sovereignty and the power over your life and listen to Jesus response Jesus answered you would have no power over me. If it were not given to you from above.

Therefore, the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.

And here's all I want you to get you and I as followers of Christ are living in two kingdoms that are butting heads. There's an eternal spiritual kingdom, and there is a temporal physical kingdom, and there at odds. In the summary of Jesus is that he's building a spiritual kingdom of love and justice that will ultimately be consummated. When he returns.

But until then human institutions and governments will continually be at odds with his spiritual kingdom. So it raises the question how do you live in two kingdoms. I mean there's some values and issues of following Jesus but I live in United States or some of you actually are citizens of other countries absolute number to every believer has a dual citizenship. Every believer has dual citizenship you might charting a notes Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 the apostle Paul says your citizenship. You're a born again believer, a follower of Jesus. Your citizenship is in heaven. More than a learn as you have dual citizenship both in heaven and a responsibility to the world and the government that you live in it. If you will in your Bible flip back just a check book or two to mark and this is a very interesting story Jesus popularity is mushrooming, he's threatening the religious leaders. So in fact two groups of people that don't like each other. I mean this is the far left and the far right theologically. Okay, they don't like each other but what they now have a common enemy in the common enemy is this Jesus and throngs are following him and his teaching is power and negative they realize their position is getting usurped. We gotta get rid of this guy, and they're very intelligent people so they come together and say you know what we got our differences but sort of in the back room somewhere.

They came up with a great way to trap him so that no matter what he says we can discredit him. We pick up the story in Mark chapter 12 verse 13 later then some of the Pharisees right-wingers and the Herodian's left-wingers theologically came to Jesus to catch him in his words that came to him and said teacher, we know that you're a man of integrity.

You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth and so have a question. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not, should we pay shouldn't way and you can picture the crown and by the way, they don't care how he answers, and we catch you if you say we should pay to Caesar the Jews are now against you if you say no, we should pay to Caesar, now we are going against the government so we don't care how you answer.

We've got notice Jesus response is artist two kingdoms in conflict is the Jewish view, and there's the political view. Jesus says this knowing their hypocrisy.

Why are you trying to trap me. Bring a denarius. Let me look at it. They brought in the coin and he asked them, whose portrait is on this and whose inscription Caesar's. They replied then Jesus said to them give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's interesting when they use this word group is a recorder who should should we pay means just give something to pay Jesus and his answer uses a different Greek word for pay means to fulfill a debt so he says you actually have an absolute debt or obligation to the government Caesar to give him whatever and will learn about that and then it and you have a equal and more important obligation to give to God whatever he ask of you. And so what he wants you to know when you think of the church and politics is number one there are two kingdoms in conflict and every single follower of Jesus, you have dual citizenship and so you are to be faithful to your citizenship in heaven and faithful to your citizenship here on earth with the government's affair, which raises another question how can you be faithful to an evil government.

How can you be faithful and there such corruption and difficulty. He answers that question in absolute number three human governments ordained by God to restrain evil now on as I you ask you now to flip over couple books to Romans chapter 13 I watch until the this is a difficult time for the church church persecuted you talk about corruption in government you talk about injustice you talk about the laws that are just a mean infanticide is just a normal part, women are bought and sold slavery. Anything you can think of immorality as an all-time high and so the apostle Paul is good to get some instruction to followers who live in these dual kingdoms. This is how you respond to the kingdom on earth. This is how you respond to the government. Follow along as I read Romans 13 beginning at verse one.

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God is established.

The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. You want to be free from the fear of one in authority than do what is right and he will commend you. Not not listen to how the apostle Paul conspired with the Holy Spirit describes the government from God's sovereign perspective for heating the government is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing keep the government is God's servant and agent of wrath to bring punishment on wrongdoing. Therefore, here's the application it's necessary to submit to authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience that would you do it as an act of worship and obedience to God he saying God has sovereignly either allowed or placed this government at this time in this country where you live.

Now think about being a believer in communist China. Think about being a believer in one of the states of a harsh dictator forget that. Think about what it was like when you receive this as a Christian in Rome okay I need to follow and obey God, but he saying that I'm actually supposed to submit to the rules as far as they don't violate God's word of this government.

In fact, he goes on to say this is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give you their full time to govern give to everyone what you owe them if you owe them taxes, pay taxes if revenue revenue if respect, respect, and if honor honor. Here's what you need understand the role of government from Scripture is very simple. It's to restrain evil. The government doesn't have the power to change people's hearts. The government does have the power to make culture shift in directions that we can create laws that limit evil, but the government doesn't have the power to bring about major cultural changes.

God says the role is to restrain evil which raises another question. If the government doesn't have the power to bring about the kind of world that we believe God wants and the kind of relationships with there's justice for people in love and equality in real concern is that everything happened. Well now we learn what he says about the church absolute number for the church is ordained by God to make disciples before you just listen to that inside yourself. Oh yeah, make disciples, my mind goes to Bible studies I go to church and an an an an an stop gets get this in context, I mean work were talking about people throughout human history that have given their life that have submitted to absolutely evil and terrible governments, but lived such supernatural, amazing, winsome lives that they fed the poor during the times of the plagues were the people that picked up the bodies and pushed among cards and people who, despite all the problems and ills in a society what they were were little Jesus as they were salt and light. 11 and if it will that's overwhelming well when Jesus sent them out. There was only hundred and 20 and he says to them, all power, or all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Now here's the assignment as you go I want you to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them everything that I taught you teach them to obey and by the way when he gets crazy and when you're afraid. And when you think it's impossible and when you're worn out.

Remember low I am with you always, to the end of the age.

The making of a disciple. Think of that, rather than of some class that you've had her some little thing that happens. He says I want you to be the kind of people that it's like Jesus living inside your body in your arena of influence at home, work in the private and the public in the government. I want you to penetrate and infiltrate in ways and the way you do that you roll with the government as you submit, you realize God is sovereignly put this communist ruler of this dictator or he sovereignly placed you in a place by the way, America is not a democracy that shows up nowhere were Republic democracy just mean the majority rules. Republics have a clear constitution of participation that says these are the values and the core behind what rules and why God says in the midst of that. I want you is by me in ways the underwater streams ship will be right back just joined us. You're listening to living on the with your finger tips message today. The church and politics is from his series culture shock in this bold series trip addresses fundamental yet controversial cultural issues from a winsome biblical point of view. Topics covered are human sexuality, the truth about sex, abortion, homosexuality and the church and politics. Parents help equip your children to know the truth about these important topics and consider using this series as devotional study with your teens and preteens. The small group study is currently discounted. So take advantage of this opportunity and order your study today. Just give us a call at 1-888-333-6003 or visit us online at I'll be right back in just a minute to talk about test some rural practical application to what we've been talking about today but before I do I want to say something very clearly and very directly. America and the world situation is desperate at this time and when the church begins to slide when the church gets off-center on truth when the church gets silent, or when the church gets dogmatic or in air bad things happen the resources of Living on the Edge are geared to bring God's truth with love and compassion to bring light to important issues and so I want you to know that we can't do that alone, Living on the Edges on the air because of the financial gifts of people like you. These small group DVDs that are used literally in tens of thousands of homes here and around the world happens because there's financial partners and people that really pray. If you have never given to Living on the Edge. Could I encourage you today to make a specific gift to partner with us to say you know something truth is important truth has to be delivered with light and love and not heat that's our mission, but we need your help will you partner with us today and by the way, let me thank you in advance for whatever God leads you to do but strip to send the gift to Living on the Edge today. Visit us online at that's if you prefer to talk with someone directly, call us at 1-888-333-6003 on behalf of Chip and the team here at Living on the Edge. Thank you for your generosity. Well here's trip with some final thoughts of all the messages in the series that you need to hear both the first and the last part. This is the one I gave you the four biblical absolutes, and in our next broadcast. I will give you three specific applications that from Scripture will tell you this is the role of the church. This is the role of the government and this is the role of individual Christians.

There are two kingdoms in conflict. Every believer has dual citizenship and human governments ordained by God restrain evil. The church ordained by God to make disciples. Here's the application you need to understand that as an individual Christian, you have a responsibility. You have a responsibility for a kingdom vote.

You need to ask God what does he want you to do not Democrat, not Republican, not independent on issues whether there at the local level. The state level or the national level you need to vote God's values you need to vote with what God says is true with regard to these absolutes to be passive to not participate to say it doesn't matter is completely inconsistent with what the Bible says you need to vote your conscience. I can't tell you how to vote.

But you need to vote. The kingdom of God and the values of Scripture. When you do that the Bible's really clear righteousness exalts a nation, can I encourage you to do whatever you need to do to obey God in this important area. At this important time. Would you like to take Living on the Edge with you to the gym or on your next run will you can.

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Just download the free shipping. Remap to get a rep just search Chip Ingram at Google play or the app store today will be with us again tomorrow as Chip wraps up his series culture shock for now. This is really saying thanks for listening to this additional living on the