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Jesus Unfiltered - Testify - What I have Written, I have Written, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
July 2, 2020 6:00 am

Jesus Unfiltered - Testify - What I have Written, I have Written, Part 2

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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July 2, 2020 6:00 am

Chip wraps up his previous broadcast by presenting the rest of the evidence and the differing testimonies of one of the most controversial trials in all of history. The prosecution and defense get their say, and at the end of this message, YOU will determine YOUR verdict – is the accused innocent or guilty?

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Is there any real proof that Jesus is in fact the Savior of the world. Let me ask you if someone today asking to give them some real evidence. It would stand up in court that Jesus is who he said he was what would you tell not quite sure stay with welcome to this Thursday edition of living on the shipping trips are Bible teacher of his daily discipleship outreach through this program to picks up where he left off in our previous broadcast euro, the jury of the most controversial trial in all of history. By the end of today's message render your verdict based on the evidence presented was Jesus guilty or not. If you have your Bible, heavy open account of John chapter 19. Let's join Chip for part two of his message. What I have written. I have written so the soldiers took charge of Jesus carrying his own cross. The way this would happen is actually securing his own cross being the vertical posts would already be where the crucifixion is going to happen. The cross beam would be placed on the shoulders and would be tied around her shoulders and so Jesus is being traipsed through the city.

No one is coming. His defense and then Pilate sorta has his moment back at the religious leaders. He knows it's out of jealousy he knows is not true and so he writes on above the cross in three languages, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Many of the Jews read the sign on this place and the chief priests and the Jews protested they said say that this man claimed to be the king of the Jews and then Pilate has his classic statement. What I have written. I have written. When the soldiers crucified Jesus they took his close dividing them to for shares, one for each of them with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from the bottom to the top.

Let's not parent they said to one another so they decided by lot like dice, who would get it in this happen that the scripture might be fulfilled, they divided my garments among them, and cast lots for my clothes. Psalm 22. Crucifixion what you died was usually from suffocation. It's been said, it's the most crude, excruciating torture ever invented for human beings upon one another, and so Jesus will experience that and notice it's willful. Notice the text goes on we find out what happens. The death of Jesus. Verse 28. Later, knowing that all had been completed. Jesus was on a mission and an assignment, and so that you might notice the Scriptures would be fulfilled. Jesus that I'm thirsty and a jar of wine vinegar was there so they soaked a sponge on it but the sponge on a stalk of his supplant and lifted up the Jesus lips when he received the drink. He said it is finished now is a day of preparation in the next day was to be a special Sabbath because the Jews did not want bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to break the legs of the bodies in the soldiers therefore came broke the legs of the first man who'd been crucified with Jesus and then those those on the other side. But when they came to Jesus, they found it already died. They did not break his legs instead.

One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of both blood and water and the man who sought is given testimony and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies to you that you may also believe these things happen.

So the Scripture would be fulfilled.

Not one of his bones was broken and is another Scripture says they will look on the one whom they have pierced and so you have this moment where Jesus first of all, he voluntarily dies this phrase the all three other Gospels say that we ended his life. He shouted, and it's in a tense of the verb.

It's in the perfect tense something that's done that continues on into the future and he says it's finished and it's a financial term in our day. It would be like paid in full and that's what he shouts because that's what he did paid in full, because in the moment that he died. The just wrath of God, your sin, my sin, the sins of all people of all time was upon Jesus and his will put upon him. That's why the other gospel writers tell us, he said, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me because something happened in the tri-unity of God. For the first time and all eternity is that the father turned away from the sun because God is holy and allowed the just wrath of God for your sin in my to be placed in Jesus would be an offering and when he did that he paid for your sin, so that any person in all the earth who would turn from their sin, and in the empty hands of faith.

Ask God for forgiveness based on the work of Christ had their sins forgiven and have eternal life.

That's what happened. Now let's look at the evidence what's really going on here is Jesus the unique Savior of the world. What is John. He's writing at 100 A.D. a number of years later it's a time where a group of heretics are floating around called Gnostics that say that spiritual things are good and pure and holy but physical things are evil and they were even saying that Jesus never had a physical body and they were even saying things like when Jesus walked on the sand.

He didn't leave any footprints part of John in the graphic detail he want you to know he was a real man, fully man and fully God, that a real physical body died and so notice the testimony, the testimony of Jesus is one word it's love Slough.

Sometimes we can get all carried away, or amazed by you know the crucifixion and what happened in the day. In the empty tomb and swoons and in theories but Jesus. Earlier in the evening in John 15 said to his disciples.

Greater love has no man than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. Just earlier in the evening is talking about what really matters. And then what did he do, he modeled he willfully laid down his life for them and for us in Mark chapter 10 Jesus would talk about his life, purpose, and he said the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to but to minister and give his life a ransom for many. His purpose clause. In other words, I came to buy you back out of the slave market of sin. I love you so much that I died and gave my life for you but what it did was it paid the price. Your debt that you owe God, of falling short of absolute perfection of God is paid in full by Christ. I want you to visualize what would be like to be sitting on the sidelines and watching them spit on Jesus and take the horns and put them in his head and then mocking with that robe what it would be like to watch him agonize and hurt tenant and then what he knew was the greatest pain wasn't the physical, it wasn't even the emotional it's total humiliation.

They stripped him naked and put me on a cross of the world that he made as a display is us tactical and he endured all that and here's why it's him saying I love you that much. You matter to me in the father and the Holy Spirit that much.

That's the evidence talks cheap right will have people that said hey I'm there for you no matter what. I'll be there. God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died in our place. The second testimony is interesting is the testimony of Pilate and Pilate's testimony is truth.

In verse four he says I find no charge against him. In verse six he comes back again after interviewing Jesus ago.

I find no charge against him.

If you read all the other Gospels between Pilate and Herod five different times. The Roman government says he's not guilty and innocent man was killed.

There's truth it's verified. In fact, even the sign I mean Pilate was kind of jabbing the religious leaders when he put Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews in Latin and Greek and in Hebrew, the three great languages. So what's the most powerful nation in all the world testimony about why was Jesus killed because he's the king of the Jews.

He was in fact the king and and guess what, that's treason because in Rome there's only one king is Caesar and so he really did die for what was true written about them. Third is the testimony of Scripture. I don't know if you noticed but two or three different times. It said that the Scripture would be fulfilled.

The Scripture would be fulfilled. I put it in John 19 versus 24 versus 28 versus 36 now underneath that in parentheses output Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 and I don't have time to go through each one of them. But here's what I want you to get both of those passages are quoted, but why me. John is his writing. This is a historical document.

Here's why. Psalm 22 was written by David a messianic Psalm. It's written a thousand years before this event and as you read it you will think it's an it's an actual clear description of crucifixion it a talk about his thirst about his tongue about his joints falling out of place, it will describe crucifixion to a T. The only problem is it wasn't invented until far later. Most think by the Persians and they pass that on to another group who passed it on to Isaiah was written 700 years before this event, I want you to do something I want you to open your Bibles to Isaiah 53 because I want you with your own eyes to read something that 700 years before this event happened. Here's the testimony of God's divine plan.

This wasn't an itinerant person who claimed to be God.

This wasn't some teacher who did a few miracles. This is someone that 700 years earlier. This specifically is prophesied about what's going to happen. Isaiah chapter 53 sticking up in verse four. And as I read this. Here's all I want to ask who in the world. Could this be about.

If it's not Jesus. Surely he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, and smitten by men and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was upon him by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep have gone astray, each one of us has turned to his own way and the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all. She was oppressed and afflicted, get he didn't open his mouth. He was led like a lamb to slaughter as a sheep before this year's is silent, so he didn't open his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendents, for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people he was stricken.

He was assigned a grave with the wicked with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was there any deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and through that the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.

After the suffering of us so he will see the light of life and be satisfied by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for transgressors 700 years before what you read. That was before eyewitnesses, that is been given to us today. It is absolutely an amazing historical testimony of the evidence of who Jesus is and what he did. And finally we have the testimony of John and John's testimonies in verse 35 and I put it on your notes. John is looking at all of this and over and over what is done, testify, testify, testify, the book is about testifying and miracles testifying by different interviews testifying Jesus and truth. And now he's summing it up and he says the man who saw it has given testimony and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you may also believe, and so his testimony is one of life. One of life. Jesus testimony is of love. Pilate's testimony is of truth but God when he wants to make a point.

He often uses one things to say. The way that you can separate me from any other truth claim any any other religion.

Anyone who claims to be God is a very very simple way and over and over in the Old Testament and Jesus would say the same. Don't compare me to any other gods, and then the proof is in this just this again written 700 years earlier. Isaiah filled with the Holy Spirit, God is speaking through him, to whom will you compare me. Isaiah 46, who is my equal. Some people pour out their silver and gold and hire a craftsman to make a God for they bow down. They worship they carried around her shoulders and they set it down. It stays there. It can even move when someone prays to it, there's no answer they can't rescue anyone from trouble. Do not forget this. Keep in mind remember this, you guilty ones. Remember the things that I have done in the past.

I alone am God, I am God and there is none like me and then get this only I can tell the future before it happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish. God says the proof is that I'm not an idle. The proof is this I will tell you exactly what's going to happen. A thousand years in advance. 700 years in advance. Down to the very details so that you will know it's me. So you have the evidence of the Savior who loves you. You have the evidence of a corrupt Roman official who examines the evidence and says he's innocent. The truth we have fulfilled prophecy in Scripture and we have an eyewitness, and so as you turn to the back page. Here's the question. Is Jesus guilty of being the unique Savior of the world are not.

There's two boxes you're the jury there's not 12 people on this one. There's just one that you this is an and this is not an intellectual exercise. This huge implications. You either believe and trust. Yes, he is guilty of being noticed the unique as an only Savior of the world or is not. I would say the evidence is overwhelming and so depending on what you believe that where you're at this moment checkbox yes or checkbox no or leave it blank can be an honest seeker that says you know something. This is very, very interesting.

I don't know. I'm not sure right now but there's enough evidence here that I had a check this out because life and death and eternity depend on second question is have you repented and the keyword is received Jesus to be your Savior and Lord see it. It's one thing to believe intellectually that all yeah you know the heavens is pretty overwhelming. I intellectually believe he's the Savior of the world that's different than I personally have turned from my sent repented and I've received him as my Savior and my Lord. So depending on where you're at. Check yes or be really honest Now. I'm open to it.

I'm not sure I'm exploring but for right now.

Now to the something something that Jesus does all through Scripture and something God does for us. There is no gray with Jesus. He said the observed warming and those that are against me. He made outrageous claims and then he rose from the dead third question, what implications are there for your family, friends and coworkers. If you know this truth and they do not, as I'm talking I like you to think about the. The one or two people that you been praying for like you to think about who you work with what you kind of visualize walking in whether to jobsite a construction site or whether there's a bunch of cubicles, or whether you're in this corner suite tour for the it's mostly in your car. You make a lot of stops and interact a lot of people. What you think about a family member about work what you think about maybe where you live in the apartment below you the condo on the right.

The houses on the right and the left. You know this and they don't all want to ask is what implications. Question number four what are the evidence presented, most moved you of this is this is a private one.

I want you to think about intellectually or emotionally, spiritually, relationally, which which of the evidence is presented out of this passage just did something inside of you because of what you think about that and finally want you to act on how will your verdict, inform how you live, pray and interact with others this week I'd like really directly to some of you are surprised that you listen to me.

You probably just driving around the car door. I often hear people who say you know is punching some buttons and out of the blue. I heard this voice and for some reason I started listening and what you heard was what the Bible calls the gospel. It just means good news and what you heard was that an all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the universe actually cares about you and there's evidence. It's not some religious trip.

There is an intellectual, emotional, spiritual reasons and in the Holy Spirit that's that's who's been, speaking down into your heart into your life as you are actually considering I wonder if this could be true. What I want you to know is that it is, you're not listening to me by chance, God cares for you. He sent his son for you. He died in your place for your sins. And he rose from the dead, and as you heard, you have to say guilty or not guilty. I mean the evidence is overwhelming. It's clear we have 2000 years of history and God is asking you personally, not some philosophical question but what's your verdict would you say he's guilty of being the unique Savior of the world.

He's proven it and I'm going to put my trust in it.

Are you willing to do that right now. God wants to meet you, forgive you, clench you, give you a purpose and make you part of a family called his church. If you don't know exactly what to say or how to start that process.

You can follow along this prayer Lord Jesus, I need you, I fall short, and I send. I know I'm not perfect, but I believe today you came for me that you died in my place that you rose from the dead, and you want to come into my life and so I invite you now come into my life and help me follow you with all my heart, if you prayed that right now with me please tell the best Christian you know what happened and then go to our website and there's a button there. We can send you some absolutely free resource to help you get to know your Savior. Jesus, if you prayed with Chip.

I hope you'll take a minute and call us at 1-888-333-6003. We love to talk with you and get a free resource in your hands little hope you understand what you just did it were to go from here if you'd rather go to our website we'll find that same resource on the new believers tab. We just want to help you get started on your new journey of faith as we wrap up today's program. I just want to remind those of you who are listening that hundreds if not thousands of people.

We learn this afterward. Join us as the ministry goes out to over a million people each week.

They prayed to receive Christ their eternities were changed and that happen yes because we teach but happen because you prayed and it happened because financial supporters are generous and allow us to do what we do each and every day on this broadcast.

Thank you so very much.

Just before we close our mission there Living on the Edge is to help Christians live like Christians. One of the ways we do that is by giving away free resources. So when you hear a message. That's especially helpful. We hope you'll pass it on to others. These free messages are easily shared from the trip and remap by forwarding the free MP3s from our website. and don't forget to include a note about how it made a difference in your life. Why hope you'll be with us again tomorrow when she continues his series Jesus on filter open for everyone here is really saying thanks for listening. this Edition of Living on the Edge