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Jesus Unfiltered - Testify - You Also Must Testify, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram
The Cross Radio
June 23, 2020 6:00 am

Jesus Unfiltered - Testify - You Also Must Testify, Part 1

Living on the Edge / Chip Ingram

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June 23, 2020 6:00 am

Are you feeling confused? Maybe even hopeless? Chip reminds us that Jesus knows exactly what we’re going through. And He gave us a life-line that’ll keep you connected and pressing on, even when you think you couldn’t possibly take one more step. Join Chip as he begins Volume 4 of his series, “Jesus Unfiltered.”

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I don't know about you, but the world literally seems to be spinning out of control. There's tragedies everywhere, but it's not just out there your life in mind what we do with it. That's today they would welcome to this Tuesday edition of living on the shipping trips or Bible teacher of his discipleship outreach and I'm very nature begins the fourth of final volume of the series Jesus unfiltered called to testify. We've been studying for the gospel of John taking a look at what it means to believe Jesus followed in the last volume means to love Jesus like to do a little catch-up just download the free shipping from foreign Jesus unfiltered volumes one, three waiting for you now picking it up where you left off your strip with this message from John chapter 16 question for you don't need to yell it out loud to anybody concerned about the future right now in my adult life. This is the craziest wildest, I mean man alive. It's not just concern about Americans around the world. It's I mean if there was ever a time to be like what in the world can happen and I have a really good friend who is concerned about something else in his little kids are concerned.

And so his wife has battled cancer for number of years. She's very young.

This is her third time to have brain surgery tomorrow and he has about a 10 or 11-year-old and a six or seven-year-old little boy little girl said ship. I've given it my best shot. But my kids came to me and they said if if God really cares and loves us why is he allowing mommy to have cancer again in his text said ship, could you come over and explain this to my kids would would want to be like my spot on this one night I could delegate this unit behind it is way more than just why do bad things happen to good people really what behind it is, how do you follow any these kids they have childlike faith they love God they know Jesus that's a it's a great family. The question is how do you move into the future when there's adversity in trouble and difficulty in hiding a trust when life is hard and doesn't make sense at times. That's what Jesus is going to explain as we start this new series open your Bibles if you will to John chapter 16. Let me very quickly go through an overview of the entire book and then I want to get you right on the edge to where were the very last night, Jesus is on the earth. And then we'll look at John chapter 16 because what he's going to do is he's going to tell a group of followers that when I your body language was great when I said anybody concerned or fearful of the future. It was like you know these guys are really concerned, and what he says to them applies to us and what he says might really shock you in the first five chapters. You look for in the gospel of John I five chapters were about Jesus miracles in these testimonies and the question was, will you believe in the early part of the gospel was will you believe that I came from God. We believe when I've done these miracles that I am who I say I am then the second five chapters verses six through 10 were really about will will you follow it's not just enough to intellectually agree that I am the son of God that I raised people from the dead, that I that I feel people that, but on the Savior of the world and are you willing to fund blazing a path will you follow me on the good Shepherd. Chapter 10 then the next five chapters, chapters 11 through 15. He gets very into minutes more with his in intergroup who were following us is will you love me and I don't mean it legally. Feelings is coming.

He who keeps my commandments is the one that loves me greater love has no one than this one.

Lay down his life for his friend. I mean, are you willing to love me and then are you willing to love each other the way I'm letting you mean the bars getting really high and the guys stay on the team and then finally in chapter 16 to 21 Rinne ask and answer the question were Jesus will say to them, and they actually obeyed and he'll say to us, will you testify where you verbally out loud what you have seen what you have heard what you've experienced of me in your life you testify like a witness in court that these things are factual in your experience so that other people could grasp and understand the great great love of God, not with that as sort of a wide angle zoom. I want to take the camera and zoom in and I want you to imagine it's the last night that Jesus is on the earth and just imagine there's a little go Pro camera on on from the disciples so we can see, what's going on, and so he's told him were going to celebrate the Passover and they make it into this room and they all walk in and they're still little arrogant, so there was no servant so no one wash their feet.

It was dusty so Jesus comes and he takes off his outer garment. He ties a towel around them one by one by one he goes the disciples and heaving the teacher kneels down and washes their feet, then he may start the meal and as I start the meal he tells them. Someone's going to betray him, and he gives a signal to to his disciples and Judas gets up and goes to the religious leaders and for 30 pieces of silver that night. He's going to lead some officials and some people with weapons to take Jesus away arrest him and crucify him the next day so Judas leaves and were still saying what's going on and he institutes what we now call the Lord's supper and he took the bread he said this is my body that I'm going to get for you, and they're still foggy, but he's talking about.

I'm going to die on the cross in your place to pay for your sin and the sins of all the world take this cup. My blood is going to be spilled, it's can be the covering of a new covenant with God and minutes as they got up to go out and they sing him and as they sing the hand and there they're walking to the Mount of olives. That was where they sorta hang out and prayed and Judas knew the place. That's where he's going to medium and is going to go pray before he does. These guys are scared to death like we don't get you going to calm them to come back and think they didn't get the resurrection, but they love them and he says I want you to know you got a stay connected. All you need to do to be a follower to stay connected to me and is a passive vineyard. He said I'm divine I'm life you are the branches. My father's the vine dresser. Every branch in me you bear fruit. I'm gonna produce my life inside of you and so number one is all you need to do is abide write that down. I want you to abide in me. Chapter 15.

At the end of talking about what it means to abide in chapter 15 that he is lucky keeps repeating this now I here's my new commandment I want you to love each other and I want you to lay down your lives for one another. I want you more than blood relatives.

I want you to do whatever it takes. If you would have to die for one another physically. I want you to love at that level. The way I'm going to die for you because the way the whole world is going to know that I'm for real. I came from the father that I'm fully God and fully man is there to watch your lives and the only explanation of your love for one another. This level will be that what I said is true, and then third he's going to say. Finally, I want you to testify. I want you to tell people I want you to be the witnesses because you been with me from the beginning.

With that said, if you open your notes open your Bible John chapter 16 in the Gospels want you to really see what this is, actually say because he's going this is his last night and is recruiting a team of 11 guys that will start the greatest revolution in all of history. These 11 guys will be 2 billion strong about to thousand years later that's us in almost every known language every country everywhere. Followers of Jesus and every one of these 11 except one will literally die will be killed for their faith and will be out of this love for each other and the love for him like wildfire within 300 years the Roman Empire gets turned around by 313.

They estimate 33 of the 60 million people in the Roman Empire were followers of Jesus by their radical lives in their testimony. So what I want to do as you glance at the notes. What was he saying to his first disciples. And if you just notice he's going to clarify their future role he's going to give them some expectations. He's going to explain where he's going with the Holy Spirit's going to do. He's going to give them some timing issues because they don't really understand and that is going to tell him that it's going to be really tough, but there's hope you ready to begin your passage. Let's start with versus chapter 15 last two verses there outside now is Helen guys is my last night when the helper or the comforter, the Holy Spirit comes from. I will send to you from the father but is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the father. He will testify about me and you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning he clarifies the role. Here's all I want you to get their role is not to start a new religion. It wasn't just to be nice guys. He wants just to be morally pure.

Their role was to testify about who Jesus was and what they saw. He actually did testify means to give evidence as a witness to fax it's to serve as evidence or proof that something actually existed or it's the case.

All I want you to get is their role isn't just to be nice people who even serve God.

Their role is to verbally and with their life testify.

Second, he set their expectations for the future to launch a movement, and I don't know if you were recruiting people for worldwide movement. I think you ought to be little bit more positive like hey guys, if you just follow me. Everything's going to be great you can be upwardly mobile lights can be wonderful if you're single, unified, wonderful person. I mean you get your incomes in the co-op.

Your health is going to be great is, like stuff you hear on TV about Christianity, but let let's find out what the author of Christianity said about facing the future.

That's difficult. 16 he says all these things I told you so that you will not go astray or stumble literally the word means. So you won't be caught off guard to be surprised. He goes on to say they will put you out of the synagogue. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he's doing it as a service for God they will do such things because they have not known the father or me will why are you telling this bad news to us. I have told you this so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you this at first because I was with you. He setting their expectations but in just a few days he'll die to rise from the dead for 40 days in a resurrected body. He will teach you will be 500 witnesses. This will be some little thing done in a corner, but these followers, they will be expelled from the synagogue, it means your kids can get an education there expelled from the synagogue. That means their families will disown them in the way life work as everybody was in a family business. He saying I want you to know I'm leaving. And by the way your lights can get turned upside down. It's good to get really bad.

In fact, it's not just that bad. Here's what can happen there going to kill you how'd you like to join the movement and the leader says hi. This is can be great to kill you. But see what is the head. They knew who he was.

They knew there was a forever life not just a right now. Life and since I'm saying this to set your expectations so that you're not shocked or, unaware notice. The third thing he does he explain where he was going back to the father and then this new role of the Holy Spirit. That's completely different. Picking up with me. Look at verse five. Now I'm going to him who sent me. Yet none of you ask who where you going because I have said these things, you are filled with grief but I tell you the truth it's for your good that I'm going away unless I go away. The counselor will not come to you, but if I go away.

I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. In regard to sin because men do not believe in me in regard to righteousness because I'm going to the father and with the guard to judgment because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

Now he goes on I have much more to say to you more than you can bear. Now, but he the spirit of truth when he comes, will guide you into all truth. He will speak not on his own but he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come. To bring glory to me by taking from mine and making it known to you all that belongs to the father is mine.

That is why I said the spirit will take from mine and you make it known to you in a little while you will see me no more. And then after a little while you will see me so I'm I mean imagine like you're fearful you know he's leaving. It sounds like his, talking in circles you believe is the Messiah you thought is to set up his kingdom now, and pull down Rome now is telling you, here's your expectations and but basically what he says is are you ready guys you are in for the greatest paradigm shift in all of life formally you had relationship with the father through me. You believed in me, you heard my words you watch me touch people. You watch me raise the dead, you watch me feed 5000 people use all the miracles you've seen it all.

I'm leaving to go back to the father but I'm sending another some your translation site helper or comforter. The Greek word is Terra cleat. One was called alongside in a chapter 14. He says another just like me.

And so after he dies and is risen from the dead and the new covenant is instituted every one of his followers who turn from their sin and receive Christ, the Holy Spirit actually will come and live inside of them and the very power the personality, the person of Christ by the Holy Spirit will live inside of every believer. That's what the new covenant about sortie things is actually better because if I was over here talking with Peter and John's and Jane wanted. I can't talk to people I'm limited by this body. But what I want you to know is I'm leading to the father and when the spirit comes a number of things can happen. Number one, he's going to be working in people's hearts he'll convict people of sin, to show them that they fall short, their life doesn't work. In fact, he's going to do more than that he's good he's going to convict people of their life.

My righteous life and how I live is the bar of God standard this perfect life of love and holiness in the spirit can let people know that they don't live that way and I'm going to defeat Satan and when I defeat death and Satan, the spirit of God is going to be working in the world and is can be living inside of you. And as he works and as you verbalize and live this life there's going to be a movement of God where I'm gonna let everyone anywhere who longs to know what it means to be forgiven and have a relationship with the eternal and holy God that they can have that through me and by the way, I know they have a lot of questions, so this spirit of truth.

This one coming alongside who will represent me.

He's going to take of mine, he'll give it to you to guide you will direct you to whisper. This is the way walking don't don't worry guys, it's better that I go about what he's going to exalt or glorify me when the spirit of God is working. The powerful way. Jesus becomes the focal point and so he's changing this paradigm in their heads are kinda spinning in the nose is going to say he's gonna clarify his timing. Please eat these been talking about in a little while going to do this a little while. I'm going to do that and I think these guys are a lot like us. Like how long is a little while. Right about you but I was sitting there and I followed him and you and I made big sacrifices and now he's public enemy number one. Now people were down on me and he just told me hey there's a good chance of getting kicked out of the synagogue and you might be killed or you will be killed. What's this little while stuff I mean what's really going to happen. So he explains. Let's pick it up. Verse 17 some of his disciples said to one another. What does he mean by saying in a little while you will see me no more, and then a little while you will see me because I'm going to the father. They kept asking what does he mean by a little while we don't understand what he saying Jesus all that they wanted to ask him about this. So he said to them, are you asking one another what I meant when I said in a little while you will see me no more. And then after a little while you will see me.

I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn what the world rejoices, you will grieve, but your grief will be turned to joy. See the little while is tonight gets arrested tomorrow.

He dies he gets buried little while. Three days later resurrected sorrow after the death and for three days as guys don't know was happening. He's resurrected. Notice the illustration of a woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time is come, but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of the joy of the child is born into the world so with you now is a time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy in that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my father will give you whatever you ask in my name until now.

You asked nothing in my name and you will receive and your joy will be overflowing a full though I've been speaking figuratively.

A time is coming when I will speak no longer. This kind of language but I'll tell you plainly about my father in that day you will ask in my name.

I'm not saying that I will ask the father on your behalf know father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believe that I came from God. I came from the father and I entered the world. Now I'm leaving the world go back to the father. Then Jesus disciples said now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech.

Now we can see that you know all things and that you don't even need to have anyone ask you another question. This makes us believe that you came from God. They had this faith journey and now it's clicked. They really get it. God has come to earth in the flesh fully God and fully man lived this perfect life blazed this trail taught as no one else has taught and now they get. He's going to the father and all those promises of the Old Testament are going to become a reality. Notice he clarifies the timing that before and after the resurrection, and then I want you to make a little note there's a new relationship. The paradigm changes, with the Holy Spirit.

But did you catch the new relationship to the father. Anyone before.

If you want to talk to father hey Jesus you know want to ask your dad about this and he says no and that that's not don't ask me, you have access, you have Internet access before the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. Ask your father.

He loves you, exactly the same way he loves me so ask big what ever you need keys for you. He's unlimited is powered, he knows all things. Now the spirit lives inside of you, and you have direct access through me.

It's a picture I heard a story about a fellow that was in a war and was wounded, and realize that he was knocking to live in was with the medics and all the rest and they bring into the tent and as they do, and you took this envelope uses whatever you do, you have to take this to my dad just know you make this commitment. I know I'm going to die and he bled to death. He died the guy comes back from the war in you to find out where his father lives knocks on the door said the I was your son's best buddy in. He asked me to give you this in hers's dogtags and here's a letter father opens it up weeks in the letter says dad I didn't know if I was going to make it or not, but whatever you would've done for me if I would've made it home where you do for him. He's my best buddy Sophie needs a college education paid for. If he needs help with anything, you get it that father what he think that bothers you that I got whatever he needs it's it's like Jesus saying I'm your sponsor. I open the gates of heaven. You start believing that you pray different in your your answers will be different.

It will be right back. But if you're just joining us, you're listening to Living on the Edge with shipping from Jeff's message today is from testified volume for the series Jesus unfiltered to dig into this series on your own shirt with a friend get it on the chip and remap or visit us online at will chip as were dealing with all of the fallout from the pandemic and the lockdowns we get lots of emails and calls great stories and some really hard ones. What's a take away that you're noticing well Dave you know there's something about having your college kids move home and everybody being around it.

It's really challenging and I think as much as anything else. It's been a revealer I don't how many people I've talked to recently that that are literally heartbroken over some of the values in some of the interaction they have with either their adult kids or being around their high school or college kids all the time and feel like I've failed as a parent. I've just blown it. They don't have my values, I can tell they drifted.

There's not that same unit that desire that I had when we went to church together or unit. They went to the Christian school were actually sent into a Christian college on and on and on. There's just not that vibrant faith and it's very disturbing and can be heartbreaking and I think a lot of parents are exiting so you know what that I do wrong and what what happened and how I completely messed up and I would say to them, you know, just in a moment is you know your your kids make their own decisions and of course we need to model our faith.

We also need to have faith conversations around the table on a regular basis. So let's let's own where we didn't do what we thought we should have done, but let's not own the decisions that they made. And let's not in any way think that the die is cast and there's nothing we can do one of the reasons we made the mealtime conversations the daily discipleship and the resources that were making is to really give families some tools to deal with some of these issues with their adult children. The online course that came out last month on navigating life of their adult children or love, sex, and lasting relationships.

The these are tools for people at this age, but to really think about their faith and what it looks like especially in this kind of controversy all areas and issues and so what I would say to people was don't give up lien in, don't assume that everything's going to be okay and don't assume it's gonna be terrible what they need is for you to care your voice is still the strongest voice in their life and you just need to be bold and say let's watch this together were going to have some of these kind of conversations and so that's one of the reasons that we create things like that and I would just say maybe if you're one of those people today would be a good day to thank those who have prayed and given to Living on the Edge so that we've created these kind of resources to help people in times like this, let's say thanks to those who gave last month the last six months the last year that have allowed us to create resources today to help those of us that have some struggles with her adult children. When you pray for Living on the Edge today prayed the match is fully funded and pray for families today.

I mean even as this program is over today. Stop pray, ask God to do a great work in your family and in the adult children all across America grid update. Thanks for that. Well, the match chip just mentioned to something we do twice a year in June and December. Thanks to a small group of ministry partners. Every gift we receive is matched dollar for dollar.

These gifts allow us to create the kinds resources. Trip was talking about. If you'd like to help us meet people's needs with tools like that. We'd love to have you join us to send a gift or to become a monthly partner.

Just give us a call at 1-888-333-6003.

If you prefer to donate online.

Our web address is for all of us here.

Thanks in advance for your support.

As we close today's program. One of the things I love about the truth of Scripture is its authenticity.

These men walked closely with Jesus and they were afraid they were confused about find out shortly.

They were very cowardly at times and I just am so reminded that God understands. He understands what you're going through, so let me just give you the three things that Jesus told them, maybe you and I could practice this today. Number one he said just stay connected to me just just abide my spirit lives within you.

He's gonna guide you. He's going to lead you, would you let the Holy Spirit do that in your life today. Could you turn those anxieties over to him and say Lord I don't know how it's gonna come out, but I need your help and second, what did he tell him love each other stay connected to one another. Support one another. You know, just today whose one person that you could call or text or say let's grab coffee and just just listen and just maybe take a moment and pray with them, maybe even over the phone and then finally he said testified, I am leaving you here to boldly announce at a time in our history when people are more open than ever before because the world falling apart. Be bold and testify who is one person today that you could say I just want you to know that I think God's in control and he cares about you. Is there anything I could do to encourage you, God will use us as we step out boldly in his power. Just before we wrap up today. If you have a friend who could benefit from chips teaching why not introduce them to the ministry of Living on the Edge, maybe let them know how it's made a difference in your life, and a thing or two.

You've been putting into practice Christian maturity is a process, so I not encourage someone who's also on the journey will be sure to be with us again tomorrow when trip continues his series Jesus on filter. Until then, this is Dave Drury saying thanks for listening to this addition of living on the