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Evangelism in an Honor and Shame Culture, Part 2

Let My People Think / Ravi Zacharias
The Cross Radio
May 30, 2020 1:00 am

Evangelism in an Honor and Shame Culture, Part 2

Let My People Think / Ravi Zacharias

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May 30, 2020 1:00 am

Many times people are hesitant to become Christians not because they don't believe, but because of the consequences they might face in their own family. So how can we share the Gospel in these situations? This week on Let My People Think, RZIM Speaker, Abdu Murray shares his thoughts on this tough situation many of us have faced.

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Let My People Think
Ravi Zacharias
Let My People Think
Ravi Zacharias
Let My People Think
Ravi Zacharias
Let My People Think
Ravi Zacharias
Let My People Think
Ravi Zacharias

Diane is important as a believer in your own heart with your welcome back to let my people think what you need to even more powerful than the way it is and is more than just talking with someone about Christianity, quiet life that reflects Christ is out tomorrow that is important to examine your heart before sharing the gospel what to do with Sharon. Well that's find out if he joined Aidid sent the gospel and on insane cults that you now, obviously. And so I've seen a lot of sitting on Delta talks eventually wants us to talk to talk about long… I'm sure she's talking the whole ordeal. She says there are no perimeters around how many people can publicly observe you through the public stock. This is describing is a social media. What happened with her was well before social media, but you knows were still quite a bit there, you could just things for and whatnot. The shift she said has created what Prof. Nichols knows calls a culture of humiliation, but she says this I was branded a truck tramp part two of the names I will tell you. And of course that woman.

I was seen by me but actually known by few and I get it was easy to forget that that woman was dimensional soul was once I'm broke and OSHA considered suicide was interesting to me first of August. Interesting that she said the words that really bothered her. When all the insults and the slurs and all that stuff is hard to know that stuff bothered her as much to bother but not as much as been called that woman being dismissed is that troublemaking woman tell when she said it will get her deeply, but it wasn't just the guilt over what acknowledge the wrongness of what she had done what had driven her almost suicide was the shame is very endemic to Western society. So don't think of it is over there it's not over there, it's right here. It's right here, and if we understand this, we can reach not just easterners in Middle Eastern folks as well. I find this amazing by the way it was, we could more technologically advanced, specifically with our communication ability.

We think the Bible is this outmoded, outdated and irrelevant. Curious document the fact of the matter is, is that because of social media will becoming more and more like each other so that ancient cultures from the east and from the Middle East which bear this honor and shame sort of paradigm are becoming very much like very much like them. So despite our technologies.

I would even say because of our technology for the Bible is proving itself more relevant than ever. It is the living word. How you do with how he deals with how we evangelize and audition culture.

I think that the first thing you think about is how we can expose the barrier that shame actually is to a lot of folks will tell you, even from the still distal start with intellectual objections and functionalist systems, intellectual objections, but the really often kinds of master smokescreen for the deep personal objections with have to do with this shame and the sphere of shame as well because shame has the power to distort reality, the cost of truth, the consequences of truth has the power to distort reality, she visited us this is a thick, people know subconsciously what things cost but they don't know what they're worth, I think is important as a believer in Christ and even to some introspection in your own heart about what your witnesses look like over the past few minutes past two years. Whatever it might be you know what the price of evangelism is you know it's worse.

So I think is important for us to take an introspective look at our own witness, but also look at other people and what they're facing and say how can we remove or actually get around the barrier that shame actually is good. It does have the power to distort reality. It really really does it really does many of you seen the passion of the Christ right. It read ahead if you haven't seen it without knowing it was effective is like part of the catechism, now gets his movie to be Christian seen consistent with the same pilot as before Jesus and I say that intentionally I don't think Jesus before Pilate are thinking pilot was being judged not Jesus but diversely standpoint it was Jesus on trial and they go back and forth and ask questions.

And of course Pilate says to him what is truth and he does, it wasn't to be answered. He walks out well after that scene he sends him with Herod to be judged because his Galilean is going to get out of the situation that any deal with it. There's this scene after Jesus leaves where pilot sits down, these disturbed. These disturbed because I think he sent his hypocrisy was seen as wife Claudia walks up and he says to her, yes to the same question he asked Jesus he asked Jesus what is truth. They walked out. Now these contemplative gases. He asks Claudia what is truth. Claudia, do you know what you understand when you hear it.

She says of course I do goes further and says what is it, how do you know what can you tell me and she says if you will not hear the truth, no one can tell you that he stands up his indignant not just truth my truth is Claudia my truth is that I've been putting down rebellions in this rotten outpost now for 11 years.

If I condemn this man. His followers may start an uprising. If I don't condone this man.

Caiaphas was on an uprising. Either way, there will be bloodshed, and Caesar has warmly warned me twice Claudia. The next time is an uprising.

It will be me on that cross. That is my truth used the word truth is there.

We never actually talked about it with the consequences of truth. You see how powerful this can be when there are negative consequences to accepting the truth and embracing the truth.

The consequences are so powerful that you actually mistake the consequences for the truth not the same thing about this move was the moon. The moon is this cold dead rock, blues, cold, dead rock and there are times when it moves in front of the sun that blots out completely and why is it so much closer to us than our son is so this cold dead rock blocks out the glorious radiance of Starla gives us life. I think the cost of truth in the fear of shame is this cold dead rock that we hold so close to us that it blocks out the glorious son of God is provided for us as well. I think we can do as Christians is find a way to remove the barrier of the skin around it. Show them the beauty of the sun follow with love. She Pilate wasn't a skeptic. Pilate was acidic skeptic is somebody who won't believe until there's enough evidence acidic to someone who won't believe, even when there is an because of the consequences. People can go from skeptic to cynic. We need to show them what truth is worth even as we show the truth costs. How you do that couple of quick things I would go through now to finish is the first thing you have to do in order to get there is to ask open ended questions about why were having a conversation in the first place to ask an open-ended question. Can you play on the consequences of truth to get it out in the open so many times I've often asked this question.

Let's say for a moment I could actually prove to you that Jesus is who he said he was and that he is the son of God takes away the sins of the world will happen next. And yes he believed it would happen next and then client let them fill in the blanks because oftentimes the recognizing if they kind of screwed around the issue being recognized within themselves. It's not really a party thrown for me when become a Christian baby all my atheist friends are all my Muslim friends are Mike and your family. Whatever might be the real reject me, I might lose also to influence who knows what start to happen. Let them fill in the blanks so you ask open ended question. I remember walking into the hospital room of a Muslim man: I were there and walked in without you because you know it is obviously a man hidden when necessary. Be embarrassed in the hospital down in front of woman friend of ours asked me to come and speak to him because it is a bit of a language barrier and she had answered all his questions as she could but he had very deep questions as well.

I walked into the room and there he is. This guy is obviously all tubes in whatever sticking out of various places and he was sick, very sick at the hospital and stood up.

A typical Middle Eastern fashion. He stands up to welcome me to his hospital room, sit down, means uncle and causing his older new something like that. The out of respect. We sit down please sit down and he sat down and I noticed something really. There was no food in the place which is unusual for Arabs to have no food around them because family snuggles the contraband into the hospital so Toby something already knew something this guy was probably alone in the country so he says I heard you're a Christian, usually mostly to answer my questions are Mike find out so we have this conversation is a lot of barriers was only being affected by anything. I gave them no from Augustine to Zwingli I did and everything I going I knew and he was nodding very politely and asking questions. But there is a stony mask on and then I was thinking about the barriers I noticed the empty room and I said so how is your family, your family, and that's what he will. His was divorced and his children were coming from overseas to come see him because he was a great, but he was very, very serious procedure and softened up with the question question if you became a Christian he believed this would happen if his words and he appeared with design.

We said I became a Christian I would die alone in this country. I sent a marketing stand understand what it's like, I can tell you it's worth it. None of the evidence I'd given him injections cracked the stony mask that was over his face. It was this understanding of the shame he was going to bear that led him to say hey you brought an Arabic Bible with you cannot keep it.

That's what that I can tell you, so stories of people from the side of the of the world for whom if you understand what they're going to bear.

You can actually make an impact and impact make a difference to the first thing is asking open-ended question. The second thing is to the very hardest thing it sometimes is just to listen, just listen on Lebanese listening is not our strong suit. You know there's a phrase that Lebanese can self into a salary and talkers were salespeople, was always hard for me to listen but I found that some of the most deep revenge was incontinent and never had come when I said the very respected tech people oftentimes will evangelize himself if he does listen so ask, listen, and then third is commit, commit to sticking by them is not called the great suggestion is called the great commission was called the great commission because you can committed to a process that takes time to the young man I've spoken to who talked about fear of his father. Nothing proud of them for being crisp spent time with the young man is committed to walking the journey with him. I'm still engaged with them over WhatsApp and of the other devices as I can be with her living there in life with him response which time he calls them uncle and auntie. He tells me how much their voice. It was meant for you so much for doing that. You guys have done such a service following the great commission and touching this young man. I can tell you over and over again. It's so important.

Commit to ask, listen, commit, because the cost will come out they will reveal to you at some point when you can really deal with it. Then the question becomes this. The cost is been revealed. The thinking okay I understand that the cost of the fear of shame and all these things is a barrier to my belief but I might be willing to pay it if you can tell me it's worth it.

How can you tell me it's worth it to get the expose the cost while showing them that it's worth paying and what is it worth paying one of the things I think one of the most important things were the first things I think about is the blessing that comes from suffering for the sake of the Lord for the blessings that come I know it sounds paradoxical, especially in a country or world. In the Western world stays like suffering are considered curses or something like that because you're not doing not doing well or whatever might be in a world of affluence. Suffering sounds like the thing you should avoid the reality is it something you could embrace because it does become its own blessing you see that in the same chapter as those who are fear of being cast out of the synagogue anyone of the glory that comes from and is in the glory that comes from God that it was they didn't want to be ashamed and want to be honored in that same chapter John says in verse 26 if anyone serves me, Jesus, he has Jesus famous. If anyone serves me, he must follow me where I am there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the father will honor him sleep when you bear the shame to earthly shame.

You do receive the heavenly honor.

It is inevitable.

The question is do you believe it so initially something manage the company on the screens.

Please. This is familiar all-too-familiar is immense, renewing heads down in the door.

The price belief.

What stands out to you what this photo immediately. Please see first the men who are brightly adorned another prison outfits with their bright orange standout like a light in their standing in front of men who are literally robed in darkness God paints his masterpieces. His pictures sometimes in a brush. We Understand that with their paint with people and their experiences. These men were told that if you just renounce Jesus you will be spared. You know what they said they were diamonds of the ISO which is the Arabic word for Jesus and not the Lord is easily just said something to avoid the death, but they didn't. They willingly endured it. You'll remember the guys behind guys were masked and the people in front. This gives something of a new meaning to me of a of a of a verse of Scripture.

We often talk about and we use it, which finally use it in our everyday contexts. You know, if we were to put in 413 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Yes I can. I can taste that exam. Yes, I can get that job or find a job where I can save my marriage.

Whatever might be you know when we have a hard time with doing all things, even when a happy ending is not going to come in.

Those men were able to do all things including face their death and bear the shame and all these things because of the one who strengthens them. There was an executioner from a country leave unnamed who was talking about the way in which on public executions, even the toughest and most hardened criminals. When you go to get them from their cell and walked them out to the plate with her going to have lose their heads guys their knees melt in his words were strength drains away these men strength never drained away because their strengths wasn't based on them. It was based on Christ strengthened them.

I think the first blessing is that we can do all things through Christ who gives a strength in the next one that he removes the shame and restores our time on short sons give you a quick illustration and make a comparison here and then have to bring it to a close here, but I think of and Darwin story Vanguard when you know her husband was this law well off guidance. He made some bad investments and they were losing money left right and center so her husband creates this scheme will go on a boating trip in your claim that I was lost at sea and collect the life insurance meanwhile will go meet at a private place. We have icicles in Guatemala.

Whatever might be and will live happily there that I have two kids had a lot of their two kids so John Darwin, her husband told her to lie about this, even to her kids. So she says he was lost at sea. She collect the insurance money, but the insurance company is really quick. I believe it in the immunity authorities then suddenly John Darwin spotted somewhere, he spotted somewhere and now the whole thing is exposed is alive. The worst thing wasn't all the statement she was she was being. Should teachers being called like a liar and a fraudster in all these things all those things were true, and all those things work hurtful to her as she was trying to do under the spell of her very abusive husband. The thing that bothered her the most was that her children have rejected her and she said the worst label, the most shameful label wasn't criminal or fraudster. It was bad. Mother and then there's reconciliation. The kids come back and say we won't have a relationship and she embraces her face once again and there's healing is a perfect know there's healing once again. What a contrast but a similarity between my friend who steered his father Shane.

She wanted his father's approval and he was afraid of the shame that it was going to bring she wanted her children's approval and was was was just devastated by the shame that that brought this into an interesting inversion, but it does show you something white Western woman was so far afraid of the shame he needed was resolved and if this Eastern man also was afraid of the shame and needed that result as well proves the universality of an utter shame culture and Jesus speaks to it directly. The Bible speaks to it directly from 25 verse 22 verses 2 to 3 you can see it right there is God anticipated that we would merge our two cultures together before we even have these two cultures. He says David says oh my God in you. I trust let me not be put to shame. Let not my enemies exult over me. Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame than just a few verses later, he says for your namesake or Lord pardon my guilt for his great parties are dealt with, removes our shame we decrypt. We are declared innocent because God is honored, honor shame and guilt all brought together the fact that a single book.

Is this multilingual I think is at least some evidence of his divinity.

So I member this is well. Now this come to a close with my own personal for a moment.

Shame that I feared he heard the story about how he was sitting at a desk with the.

The evidence piled high as my eyes for Islam and palletize my eyes for his for Christianity I found is so compelling, intellectually compelling that I could not deny its truth. I couldn't embrace it is true as well and I was asking God why why why my dad walked by and he smiled at me and I realize that that's what it was.

I could not bear the shame of hurting my own father is much that I realize it's the one God himself who bear so much for me. How can I not, will embrace the God who bear so much for me.

He is the great God, the greatest possible being as I said before, the one who brought me to himself because he's so great, why because he bears the shame for me and removes that from me by favorite hymn writer Isaac Watts. The Lord is just in time to meet shall learn his ways and every humble sinner find the methods of his grace for his own goodness sake save my soul from shame, he pardons though my guiltily great through my Redeemer's name that's God who pitches both how can I not embrace a God like that how can you not embrace that God become the conclusion of the story in John chapter 9 Jesus is honor shame. Radar is going off his demands and cast out the young man's been cast out. Jesus comes back to him.

He says to him you believe in the Son of Man, he answered, and who is he, sir, that I may believe in him. Jesus said to him you have seen him is he who is speaking to you, he said, Lord, I believe they worshiped him. These are set for judgment.

I came into this world that those who do not see Macy and those whom it received may become blind Pharisees don't like this are overhearing this and they feel that they're being shamed in a challenge for many failures. They were blind face as if you were blind, you have no guilt. Now that you say. See your guilt remains the shame of this young man and the guilt was on them and then Jesus says you are included in the kingdom of God. He may be cast out of the synagogue, which are included in the kingdom of God. In other words, the cheap cultural honor bestowed by hypocritical men is replaced by the incalculable heavenly honor that is bestowed by the Son of Man inclusion young man of tongue about the believer now. He follows Lord. I texted him two days ago to make sure I could share the story with you. They said this absolutely whatever brings honor interesting in glory to God. You may share because when I intentionally delayed in accepting Christ because of the fear. My father appeared in my dream and said you need to follow the truth even if it costs your family is liberated, no longer a prisoner no longer prisoner because he has hope. Hope is not putting the shame is from five cents to get Emily Brontė's poem, the prisoner Emily Brontė has this prisoner who is who is imprisoned and is a marker in the jailer and they make fun of her and as she realizes her plight and she realizes the real prison isn't the wall she's and it's the prison of the shame she's feeling, and she suddenly realizes that she settled liberated from the marker says these words in the poem we cease to speak. She ceased to speak and wait on answering turn to go.

We had no further power to work the captive flow, her cheek gleaming. I revealed that man had given a sentence unapproved and overruled by having a cultural methods but a sentence on us and that silences us from sharing the truth and silences us from accepting the truth but it is a sentence unapproved and overruled by heaven. If you're stilted in this fear of what might come because you share the truth boldly deliberated hope you liberated from it a notably tough, but you will receive the honor from God. If you're someone who hasn't accepted the truth because you're worried about when the consequences might be some of the chief consequences. Having the truth is that you get the notice of God monitoring when asked for arthritic and know him father. I'm so grateful that you bridge the chasm centuries with the Scripture that is so consistent and so beautifully woven together we wash and we come clean in our shame is removed you bridge the East and West you flip centuries bridge hearts and minds.

They set aside our fears identify with her son see the beauty of the sacrifice something worth sharing with the greatest things and if your son is the ultimate shame bear shame and conclude nothing from him speak at an oath that Demaree you can also order a copy of this next page titled evangelism and honor and shame cul-de-sac when you call one 800 fulfill 8676. Thanks old online it on the IM.LYG website is a great place to find more content than D, and the rest of the on the IM team with the upcoming events being held around the delay began inside the handout analyzing lies not IN the days and maybe a ministry managed by