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When the Crosses are Gone

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Cross Radio
May 12, 2020 12:00 am

When the Crosses are Gone

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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May 12, 2020 12:00 am

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Dr. Michael, you said the Bible makes it very clear that for God's justice to prevail. The human sin of independence from God, with which we all born at the find a cure. And since the only preventative cure. The only healing power is in the shedding of innocent blood. God shed his own blood. The most innocent blood of all for the animal sacrifice of the Old Testament provided temporary covering for sin and that is why the cross is the only permanent solution to sin and guilt and that is why the cross cannot be neutral and to leading the way with Dr. Michael. The crux since the day of the crucifixion.

The cross is been a symbol of faith and of hope, but sadly the current of our culture is trying to sweep away the world's help positioning the cross as ancient, intolerant and irrelevant to today. Next on leading the way. Dr. you set challenges you to make a renewed stand for the truth of the cross and its life-changing power.

It's a message he's called when the classes are gone. Here's Dr. you set your literally have to be living in another planet not to notice that in the last few years there has been a fast and furious movement afoot and passionately determined to eliminate the cross from public life from removing the Ground Zero cross of New York which actually had nothing to do with anybody putting it there was there. It was discovered there melted together to 100-year-old three crosses in San Diego and all in between the intense determination to remove the crosses from the public eye has never been more intense, but it also has numerous implications, and I explained all of that in the book when the crosses are gone. One of the unintended role might not be unintended consequences of removing the crosses from public life can be the destruction of the very Western civilization itself is her Michael, are you being dramatic know I'm not being truthful. Make no mistake about it. Western civilization was built upon the Reformation and the Reformation was built and based on the logic of the cross remove the cross and you destroy Western civilization and the atheist and anti-God forces no the power of the cross. More than some of the circle churchgoers. The handful of people who are determined to remove these crosses. One of them said every time I look at the cross. It makes me nauseous. It makes me sick, and they should be. You see this in the cross is a dangerous symbol and is keeping them from accomplishing their goal of removing the true God from society. Some of you probably scratching your head and say Michael I know the cross is controversial, but how can it be a dangerous symbol will is dangerous because it declares to humanity all of humanity that we cannot save ourselves. We need the Savior declares to all of humanity that we don't have all the of the answers that we desperately need. But we need a power beyond ourselves because when the cross says that humanity is that there is a loving God who is willing to receive every repentant sinner across the class to humanity that there is mercy, but only in the cross that there is forgiveness but is only at the cross that there is redemption, but only through the cross that there are answers.deep problems, but they can only be found in the cross so to them.

The cross is a dangerous symbol and need to be removed dangerous and so they go to the any links to remove even a lonely cross in the Mojave Desert that was put their 1934 as a memorial for the soldiers who have died in World War I. They spent hours in and I'm told amounts of money mobilizing some very powerful organizations to remove one load across in the desert. Why do they feel so threatened by that lonely cross because the cross is convicting the cross is condemning the cross is inviting all at the same time they want to eliminate the cross in the same way that Lenin in 1917 removed 50,000 crosses and replace them with a red star they want to remove the crosses because the cross is an anathema to an atheist and anti-God forces and for the same reason they wanted and Kerry middle school in Walker County, Alabama, and why they insisted on the little 11 year old Candace Smith of heightening her cross necklace in the same way, the Los Angeles County was ordered to remove attorney cross and its flag is a tiny cross at one of nine other symbols that there were there in their flag representing the history of Los Angeles. These other symbols including Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit trees. Engineering tools are all dragster the Spanish Galleon official in a dairy cow Hollywood ball into stars that were all stayed intact but that cross had to be removed is for the same reason why the British Airways company insisted on a Christian employee by the name of Nadia Elrod and she went all the way to the high courts of England and she lost and they insisted on her either hiding or removing the cross that she was wearing all at the same time, it was perfectly all right for the Sikhs Bengals and the Muslim hijab to be worn for the same reason why.

In November 2006, the College of William and Mary, which was founded by Anglicans in 1693 felt it necessary to remove the cross from the Rend Chapel when the president of William and Mary University asked. He explained as follows in our court. The cross makes some people uncomfortable. And then when he was asked what about the things of thousands of alumni and other people who are offended by the removal of the cross, he just simply said they will get over it.

It is for the same reason why an interface group known as the ACL see American clergy leadership conference called upon churches in America to voluntarily remove the crosses from the buildings. Here's the reason I court the cross is a symbol of oppression and represents an attitude of superiority and then they continued the elimination of the cross would help us tear down the walls that separates us as people of faith. What faith got the picture but the pictures not really complete until you understand until you begin to comprehend why so many called evangelical churches of voluntarily either removing the crosses from the building or not putting them on you once naïvely thinking that the cross may keep some people from coming into their churches. Listen, I'm not here to judge anybody. I'm not here to judge motives and I'm not here to judge intentions, but whether they know it or not they are accommodating to the anti-God forces in society that there are subtly and incrementally departing from the truth. They are announcing to the world that they are elevating public relation above the relationship with God that they have decided that it is more important to get a handful of people inside the buildings vendor be offended by the cross.

But listen, here's the problem here is a problem whenever human wisdom is placed above God's wisdom. Whenever human wisdom is elevated above God's wisdom. These churches will only last for a generation.

If that and that is why the Bible said the wisdom of the cross is foolishness to see the idea that God would come in human form died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins as the only way to be forgiven and then rises again on the third day, as the only way to be assured of eternal life to them that is the height of foolishness. The very idea of the cross is offensive. It is so offensive that it must be eradicated from public view that it must be eliminated from public square that it must disappear from churches and chapels and even the remote corners of the Mojave Desert is what the word of God said first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved it is the power of God to give you a homespun translation here I give your use of translation. The logic of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who have accepted the logic of the cross as nothing less, than the power of God onto the human right. There is no symbol and heaven on earth that is more powerful. That is more confronting that is more inviting than the cross of Calvary wanted to them the crosses dangerous arts dangerous for those who are perishing, but why because the cross says that we are at enmity with God, and who wants to confess and profess that in the age of tolerance, the cross says that we can never be good enough in our own strength in our own life to be accepted by God and who wants to believe that an age of a celebrity do-gooders.

The cross says that we are helpless and hopeless without God and who wants to believe that in a culture whose motto is, I am the master of my fate yet is the logic of the cross upon whom Western civilization is built unless we gonna rise up and be the Army of God. Instead of coming to churches news, we will lose the battle. When I got stuck on that is the battle for.

He said the church will win eventually because even the gates of hell cannot destroy it, but rather will be losers. We have been so far protected by the power of God. We so far we've been blessed by the hand of God as we keep rejecting him as we keep turn back from him that hand of blessing that hand of protection is going to go with it. Sometimes I feel the God call me like Jeremiah to be a rebuke to this society to this culture to this church of Jesus Christ in the West.

I don't like the call. I don't enjoy it, but I'll do it in obedience and challenging American Christian to rise up and be sure not to let the crosses go. The logic of the cross declares that I am a sinner in need. The Savior and the only sin when I come to that realization that I can go from despair to hope, from death to life from doubt to faith from guilt to peace, from shame to righteousness, and that is the message of the cross and all of that is not because of anything we have done or able to do, but because of what he did on the cross. 2000 years ago.

I wanted to hear me right according to the human logic.

The idea of being saved only by the cross is absurd and that is why the cross makes him uncomfortable underwater movement from public life.

The truth is the cross meant to make people uncomfortable.

Did you get that it is meant that way uncomfortable and tell they embrace the meaning of it. The cross meant to be offensive until they accept this offer, the cross meant to be disturbing until they receive its peace. The cross goes against the grain of human pride and it will rub provide raw until that pride is surrender to the one who died on the cross, removing the crosses from public I gives them a false sense that they are the masters of their fate that there are the captains of the soul that there are capable of saving themselves that they can have hope without salvation that they can find meaning in life without God, but is the truth is the truth.

The truth is life will never have meaning until we embrace the God who died on the cross. If it amazing that Latin word for cross is crux CR UX which is really a wonderful word for the cross is the crux of the Christian faith, remove the cross and you have gutted Christianity remove the cross and you have eliminated the essence of the Christian faith obliterate the cross and you have surrendered to the evil forces of man made religion and that is why they want obliterated from public I weather is in the Soviet Union or through the ACLU or by college presidents or even some misguided Christian churches there will eliminate the crux of the Christian faith as it is revealed in the Scripture is a tragedy. The tragedy is there are severe consequences that are severe consequences, some of which we have not yet felt or experienced. But make no mistake about it this coming is coming. If we remain silent if we remain neutral about the cross. The consequences not dialogue generation is going to be severe. Unwittingly we are committing cultural suicide and you see when you see Christians on television in the Middle East and Pakistan and Africa and China. Cleaning and holding that the cross for which they're willing to give that life. It tells you that they know the power of the cross, something that we in the West need to wake up to.

Sadly, while people elsewhere ready to die for the cross American churches voluntarily removing the crosses back in 2004 Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church in North Carolina was having a shortfall in its budget. So they've decided to lease the building to an Islamic school the Islamic group demanded that the church removes the crosses. Tragically, the church agreed and they took down the crosses and turn the facilities to the indoctrination of the young souls in the tenets of Islam, but just before you say.

Well that is a liberal denominations with me tell you something else is another example of what is happening in so-called evangelical churches in Spring Lake, Michigan.

There was a church called Christ community church Christ community church. The church one day decided to change the name for the call themselves C3 exchange.

Not only that dolce took the name of Christ, but they bought a crane and they removed the cross from the building.

Listen to how Pastor in walking explained it away.

Sadat community has been a really open-minded community for some years now. We have had number of Muslim people, Jewish people, Buddhist and atheists in our community is a place where people can come and exchange idea.

No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 1038.

The clause has its own stigma associated with it. He said if you really want to follow me, then you have to carry that stigma of the dangerous cross beloved.

The Bible makes it very clear that for God's justice to prevail. The human sin of independence from God, with which we are born had to find a cure. And since the only preventative cure. The only healing power is in the shedding of innocent blood. God shed his own blood. The most innocent blood of all for the animal sacrifice of the Old Testament provided a temporary covering for sin and that is why the cross is the only permanent solution to sin and guilt. Animal sacrifice reminded people of their sin, but only the cross permanently remove the wages of sin and therefore we are helpless without the cross we are lost without the cross we are loveless without the cross we will experience anarchy and chaos in our society without the cross. And that is why the cross cannot be neutral.

It cannot be neutral and you cannot be neutral about the cross listen to me. Those who have rejected God the tiny minority in our society and we love them. Of course, like beloved with love everybody else but not love the enemies of the cross. Do you think I spend so many waking hours planning and strategizing and working with leading the way to take the gospel in the message of the cross to all the people who hate Christ, we love them and want to give them the greatest treasure that would ever have and that is the cross of Christ, but people have rejected God they know they know better than Christians that the cross cuts both ways. They know that it will either bring you peace shall make you angry.

It will either save you eternally will condemn you eternally. The cross will easily consolidate the God or be a witness against you in the day of judgment. The cross will either cleanse you from sin will remind you of your rebellion against God.

The cross will disturb the psyche.

The cross promotes troubled or slow the cross will force you to make a decision. That's why they want to remove it from the public eye will never bother with the seeks turbans and the and the Muslims Crescent and all the others religious symbols.

That's not important crosses because they know it disturbs those who have rejected God's only plan for salvation. It angers those who have refused to believe in the one who died on the cross and rose again on the third day, but you know I think will be tragedy. Is there somebody here who had not embrace the cross of Christ with all of its meaning, who have never experienced the power of the cross to be tragedy.

The someone who has been neutral toward the cross. Today you can come to Christ of the cross. Of course you know the cross is just a symbol powerful symbol but the symbol sister symbol and the meaning of that symbol is found only in the one who paid the wages of our sin by shedding his blood on the cross and you can come to him now, so that he must set you free. You can come to him now so that you may experience his forgiveness and help you discover your identity. Discover meaning of life discover joy and fulfillment. But above all, discover the assurance of eternal life with him in heaven you're listening to leading the way with Dr. Michael you sent and message called when the crosses are gone in and we understand that not everyone who listens may be a follower of Christ.

If these messages that you hear on the station or today's words from Dr. UNICEF have products and paint questions in your life. Glad to speak with you and it's easy to start a conversation.

Just fill out a short form and Then, whether through messaging or email or even a phone call. Our team can help you in your faith journey that the last few years there has been a fast and furious movement afoot and passionately determined to eliminate the cross from public life. Why do they feel so threatened by the lowly cross because the cross is convicting the cross is condemning the cross is inviting all at the same time, the cross declares to humanity that there is mercy, but only in the cross that there is forgiveness but is only at the cross that there is redemption, but only through the cross that there are answers.deep problems, but they can only be found in the cross in his insightful and thought-provoking book with the crosses of God. Michael Yousef exposes the agenda of a growing number of anti-Christian groups and offers a solution for restoring sanity to a world gone mad as many Bible believing Christians are booked into removing the cross from the public. It is time for believers to stand up to these attacks and defend the cross is a symbol of God's grace and love be one of the first 1500 to make a donation of any amount to the work of leading the way and we will send you a copy of when the crosses are God while supplies last call right or visit us, the number to call to learn more about ordering when the classes are gone is 866-626-4356 866-626-4356 and the website. Once again and you can write to us. We are leading the way, PO Box 20100 Atlanta, GA 30325. That's PO Box 20100 Atlanta, GA 30325 when the Bible speaks of hearing the Lord. It means that we live in profound reverence to the Lord. It means that our desire and our longing to be obedient to him. Out of gratitude and out of Thanksgiving, not out of Tara means that we highly esteemed cohort means that we never premeditate of the angry was suggestively what Dr. UNICEF will be teaching next time Ray plans to join them for this message takes further into this.

Today's program is furnished by leading the way with Dr. Michael