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God Talk (Part 1)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Cross Radio
April 23, 2020 12:00 am

God Talk (Part 1)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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April 23, 2020 12:00 am

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Right now Dr. Michael you sent begins a new series of leading the way it is not what I say about God and it is not what you say about God is not what a bigshot theologian says about God.

What does God say about himself. That's really what I got is why I'm going to start this new series of messages entitled God talk or what does God say about himself. Everyone has a picture of God in your mind from seeing his infighting and grandfather like others, threatening or distant today and leading the way. Dr. Michael you Seth examines the true character of God from man's mind, but from how God reveals himself in his word.

This is a series called God talk – are able use your Bible or your electronic device to go to Ephesians chapter 1. That's where you'll find the key verse for today's message from Dr. Michael you Seth. And remember, leading the way is a listener supported ministry.

Find ways to stand with Dr. you Seth when you visit now today's message is at all interested in history and I'm fascinated by how throughout history people have been somewhere another truck to use God to their advantage. Some who try to speak for God. Some even claim to be God back during World War II. Most of you don't remember this note know that I am out on my going to pretend that I'm that old, but most of you know from history. There was this you also some where. Churchill and Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin were there and allegedly Joseph Stalin made a statement saying the way the Communists are destined to rule the world. God himself told me so, upon which Roosevelt looked at him and he said Joe I said no such thing is it anyone can claim to speak for God on behalf of God or even claim to be God.

I like the little boy who was absolutely sure that he knows exactly where God lives for the Sunday school teacher asked where does God live in his hand immediately shut up in their and the teacher said where he said he lives in our bathroom and the teacher said will tell me about this a while. Every morning I hear my dad pounding on the door of the bathroom saying, good Lord, are you still there I'm asking this if you want to know somebody.

How would you know about the wood you hear what others say about them, and then make up your mind they'll be a horrible mistake. The only well you know somebody is what that person says about himself or herself as the only way is only accurate perception of another person is what they say about themselves, not what somebody else said about them only what you know a person is what that person says about himself or herself. The only way any of you know something about another person is free with no inkling what they say in this rule applies to God.

In fact, I think.

This rule specifically applies to God particularly applies to God. It is not what I say about God. It is not what's you say about God is not what a bigshot theologian says about God. What does God say about himself.

That's really what matter and that is why I'm going to start this new series of messages entitled God talk or what does God say about himself. Not not tell us lots of things about himself and revealed himself in.

We know from the Scripture what the theologians have come to term to name as the attributes of God.

Theologians have a real knack of taking simple concepts and give big names. The attributes of God say what is that well was his wisdom, his mercy and his grace is justice, his love, his wrath, his goodness, his faithfulness in all these are the attributes of God, but that is one thing that God says about himself that controls all his other attributes as wisdom is where for his grace is love, his justice was faithfulness.

As truthful as all these things are controlled by one thing that God says about himself without that's one thing all of these other attributes of God cannot stand you notice we call it the sovereignty of God. It is his absolute authority is absolute rule over his creation and that absolute authority absolute rule is like the actual around which all other attributes of God revolves. I know some of you are thinking I can read your mind. Some of you are saying why is his sovereign control. The key to understanding all the other attributes and I think that is a good question. I'm glad you asked that I will answer everybody here would agree that God is love right even the unbelievers. Those who don't know God personally. Through Jesus Christ. What a great God is love. That's one thing the liberals are concerned.

Everybody agrees God's love well God is not absolute. God is not sovereign, then any outward circumstances is love right if he is not absolute sovereign.

Then his all would be conditional but the Scripture from cover to cover tells us that God's love is unconditional. Some parents make the mistaken sake of their children. If you do this I'll love you if you do that I love you terrible mistake. Don't do it don't do it. God does not love us conditionally. There is nothing you can do that makes God love you more.

There is nothing you can do that makes God love you less God's love is unchanging the same thing about his justice if he were not sovereign and is not severally in control of things. His justice could easily be frustrated by Satan's justice could easily be frustrated by wicked people and total injustice would rule supreme and what a terrible disaster that would be and that is why it is of vital importance that everyone who knows Jesus Christ was a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, understand, comprehend, good on this belt have belt that absolutely stake valve life on the sovereignty of God. Why because a thorough understanding of the concept of the sovereignty of God will give meaning it would give life it will give substance to all the other attributes of God that from beginning this new series with the sovereignty of God, not is one verse that I've learned early on in my Christian life I memorized it and I pray to God that by the end of this message, you will memorize it to and I want to give you my translation of it. It's Ephesians 111 section 2nd half of the verse and it says together. God accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will was at me. It means that God's knowledge God's authority. God's power.

God's rule. God's dominion are extended to this thing in the universe.

And that's why Jesus said, not a sparrow falls to the ground without his permission. This morning when you brushed your hair. God said number 2,000,555, now, and if you look at the hairbrush that was the very hand of God called, would not fall out without his permission means that God's power. God's authority is above and beyond and beneath and all around, even all of the confusion surrounding us. His plan stands supreme John Nelson Darby back in the 1800s when said God's ways are behind the scene but God moves all the scenes, which is behind the love that even the little girl expressed her belief in the sovereignty of God so wonderfully. When she said all God, please take care of daddy please take care of mommy please take care of grandpa and grandma and all God. Please take care of yourself because of anything happens to you.

We will be in a whole lot of mess. She understood the sovereignty of God, but I know probably some of you are saying right now. Where is he going with this is Michael doesn't believe in free will. What about three what you mean to tell me that we don't have free well hello I didn't say a thing of the sort of cash we do because we do Alexa very clear, but you are free will has no power to smooth the plan of God.

Those who choose to reject God's offer of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ bring upon themselves docket on the day.

Those who choose to live without God will have what they want. Now listen to me please God respects our choices, but this is all part of his plan.

Why, because God accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his own will is one thing that you must know about the creator of the universe. If you haven't already, is one thing you must understand that he is sovereign ruler and King all of his creation. I want to tell you to false conclusions that most people adopt on this question of the sovereignty of God number one, they deny the reality of God's supreme rule all things, or if they don't, they have to conclude that God's not perfectly good. One of the two in that both full because when they look at what's going on in the world and the suffering of so for the civil you have to accept one of the other is a God is not in perfect control for God is not perfect. False false false, they are easy conclusions to make. Listen, I'm sympathetic. I'm only filling this because it's the truth. But I do understand that somebody without the Holy Spirit dwelling and can come easily to one of those two conclusions because it is the spirit of God that opens our eyes and tells us and teaches us and shows us the truth of the both false conclusions. You know why because God accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his own will. Now to deal with this so that to have it crystallized in your mind because this is, as I said of vital importance to understand the concept of the sovereignty of God. It would make you walk on air. When I came to that understanding the biblical understanding.

My life is never been the same class I got for so I want to deal with this by asking you to ask yourselves two questions okay is it okay to be baffled when you see God doing things that you don't understand. Is it okay is God bless you as a quick answer because as creatures, we don't know the reason for anything that God does listen to me. God is not accountable to us.

I know we have this foggy notion of everything God is accountable to us. We have no right to demand God explained to us everything you know. Listen to what he said to us through Isaiah 55 89. He said my thoughts are not your thoughts, and as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my thoughts than yours, but is a problem really is a problem and I probably understand it more than most of you, not all of you, but most of you who born in this country because we live in a democracy we tend to look upon God as a congressman or senator or even the president him the right democracy is wonderful. I risk my life to live in democracy. Don't ever misunderstanding is not what I'm saying but you must understand that that is not the way you should view God.

Listen to what Moses said in Deuteronomy 2929 very easy to remember the drama 2929 the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which he revealed to us belong to us that we may obey his laws. There are several things that the sovereign God revealed to us and he wanted us to know about himself. But not everything. Not everything otherwise will be in heaven and that brings me to the second question I wanted to ask yourself again. Self does the sovereignty of God, mean that we know nothing about God only knows very little about God is he so transcendent, so far away from us know what the answer is no.

Now, in fact, that is the uniqueness of the Christian faith because we believe that the very creator of the universe became a man was fully revealed in Jesus Christ to walk the streets of Jerusalem. God has given us all the information we need all the revelations that we need in order to make rational decisions. So what does God want the world to know I want to give you those into things what God wants the world to know everybody to know and love as God wants children to know what does God want the world to know well and I wanted to let you what he said in his word.

God wants the world to know that he loves to save professing sinners, God wants the world to know that is spent many centuries preparing the world for the coming of the son God wanted us to know that's right and schedule his son came, God wants us to know that those who have received the gift of salvation should share it with others.

God wants us to know that his son dying on the cross satisfied his justice that says the soul that sin, it shall die, and he paid the penalty of the sin of everyone who would come to him. God wants the world to know that his son was resurrected from the dead, so that he can assure all of his children that they too will rise from the dead.

God wants the world to know that his son is now exalted on the throne of the universe and from the bathroom.

He invites sinners to come to himself and when they come to him. He lovingly leaves them throughout life and ultimately he takes them home to glory with him. That's what God wants the world to know. So what does a sovereign God wants his children to know what does a sovereign Lord this the God is in control. What does he want his children to know his what he wants his children to know is exactly from what he said in his word.

God wants all those who have responded to his overtures of love, forgiveness, and the gift of eternal life. He wants them to know that because he is sovereign and in control. Therefore, all things he works together for good for those who love him, and according to his purpose.

God wants his children to know that he wants his children to daily, be transformed and conformed to the image of his son Jesus. God wants his children to know that they should live this life without fear of the future because he controls the future.

God wants his children to know that they must live this life without anxiety and without worry of the over the circumstances over which they have no control because he's in control of the circumstances. God wants his children to know that they should live this life, trusting in his provision taking him at his word, believing his promises, obeying his commands that they should be diligent and hard-working for his kingdom that he is the everlasting father, and therefore the everlasting arms are underneath that God the sovereign God is our security that he the creator of the world never gets tired and never grows weary that he is sovereign Lord. He is in control. He's in control of your job is in control of your children is in control of your family is in control of your business is in control of the very breath that you're growing right now. The sovereign God wants his children to know that no matter how impossible the dream that no matter how difficult the task that no matter how long it takes that no matter how fierce is the opposition that no matter how ferocious is the enemy that no matter how bleak it might look no matter how helpless it may seem, those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they were run on the mud, we break and they will walk and not be faint as what he wanted to know this is the sovereignty of God should fill all of his children but his grace is sufficient regardless of what happens the sovereignty of God should tell all his children who daily walk with him who daily submit to his authority who daily obey his word that a mighty Fortress is our God, and finally the sovereignty of God should tell his children that if God is for us who can be against us. I printed them. I printed them who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword.

No. And all these things will more than conquerors through him who loved us so I'm sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor height nor depth, know anything in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus as what he wanted to know now if you go to seminary. The teacher course in the sovereignty of God. The negative features this way they can start by saying the sovereignty of God. But really, that's all you need to know that's all I need to know about the sovereignty of God, and I want to tell you if you have never received the gift of eternal life.

If you have never received forgiveness of your sins. If you've never come confess to him that you're a sinner and cannot be safe without Jesus's death on the cross. You can do that today. You can do that today, the sovereign God for all these promises can be yours when you come to him you are listening to leading the way with Dr. Michael used to and his new series he calls God talk more about God and how to have a real relationship with him. Visit that like you been connected to the ministry of leading the way for any length of time you know that Dr. UNICEF has a pretty extensive writing resume. He has penned more than 40 bucks 70 years eating topics that range from biblical characters to leadership in worship, and his most recent book is a challenge to the modern church. It's called saving Christianity. This book take you directly to the current teachings and teachers that have and continue to dilute the truth of the gospel in the front part if many churches are falling into this teaching thing that they're doing it to try to make Jesus more attractive to those outside of the church and yet they are destroying the very heart of the gospel. All of the leading the way team urges you to order a copy of saving Christianity. This is a word that is greatly needed to be heard by Christians and churches alike to order, simply visit once again that and ministry representative can help you as well. When you call us 866-626-4356.

That's 866-626-4356.

Thank you for being with us at times gone now that do join Dr. Michael you sent once again next time when he passionately proclaims uncompromising truth on leading the way this program is furnished by leading the way with Dr. Michael used to