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Defending a Lion (Part 4)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef
The Cross Radio
February 28, 2020 1:00 am

Defending a Lion (Part 4)

Leading the Way / Michael Youssef

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February 28, 2020 1:00 am

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This is leading the way with Dr. Michael you sent the Bible says that in the last days there gonna be a fun listen carefully, but that someone is not going to be for bread or water is gonna be a famine for the word of God. When I hear that only 18% of Christians read the word of God regularly. I can tell you the famine has begun and so it is a birth of my life and the reason for living is to equip you for those days that are coming upon us in the coming faster than we think faster than we anticipated. So get ready for the spiritual battle the Lord is on your side and the good news is we have read the last chapter.

It says that we would thank you for listening today. I know that you will be to go beyond just reading the last chapter. Also, when it dig into the powerful content from the early pages of Genesis where creation begins all the way to the life-changing letters to the churches on how to live out a spirit filled life. Today's leading weight features some of the most practical content you will ever hear Dr. Yousef teach you look at what to avoid doing as you read God's word and how to bring the power of his word right into your life and living.

In fact, to give Dr. Yousef just as much time as possible. Here he is with a personal and challenging introduction to today's leading the way. I have a confession to make upfront. I am terrible when it comes to reading instruction manuals are really good test reading instruction manuals. If somebody gives me a gizmo I don't read instruction my arrows are press every button under one works is absolute truth. By the same token, I generally Meyer people who are persistently and meticulously can read operating manuals and following. I deeply appreciate people who follow instructions step by step-by-step and it works for me the same way with my sense of direction.

Many of you know this every time I tried to follow my instinct of driving somewhere I don't end up in another city I end up in another state, even people when they give me direction I still get lost.

I must confess to you that now at this age, I kind of laugh at myself. I really do. I love it myself or my not able to read instruction or not being able to follow instruction books or whatever it is, but I can tell you when it comes to the spiritual instruction book.

It is not a laughing matter that operating manual that is given to us by God.

If we don't read it regularly. If we don't read it carefully. If we don't follow it closely. The lostness can be very serious, very serious indeed. And that is why I have been imploring you the past several messages not only to regularly read and heed and obey the word of God please him a lot because it's very important because it is not what I say.

Ultimately, it is not what they say it is what the word of God says, but for maximum impact in your life for a maximum benefits in your life. I want to tell you today about seven deadly sins that you must not commit as you read the word of God. Seven deadly sins that you must avoid at any cost when you begin reading the word of God. Some of your so Michael what you start with the negative well if I don't start with the negative your another positive when it comes through the first deadly sin is proof texting proof texting. What is proof texting when you attack a text out of its context. That's call proof texting. In other words, you basically take the text out and run with it. I want to give you an example. In fact, with everyone of the summer to give you examples from the Scripture so you know practically what I'm talking about. Second Corinthians chapter 12 verse nine, the apostle Paul said, the Lord said to me, my strength becomes perfect in your weakness. So a person who struggling with some moral weakness and was trying to get the victory over his moral her moral weakness. We see this text as a girl horror this text is for me that God strength will be perfect in me. I don't need to deal with these moral issues. Now that is not what it means because the apostle Paul is talking about physical illness, physical element that he had experienced and he said three times our pride. Lord, heal me, but the Lord did not heal me.

In fact, he said to me that my strength will become perfect in your physical weakness. Sometimes God blesses people in this part of the physical weakness.

In fact, sometimes I believe he blesses us because of some of those physical weaknesses I know of a man who had amazing gift of healing really was. And yet he himself suffered a great deal to see.

That's what Paul is saying he's not talk about moral weakness is not talk about things that we need to repent, so in context you would understand it, that it is something to do with physical albumin that he was living with because not doing that is call proof texting and beloved, let me tell you if you proof text. You gonna find yourself up a creek without a paddle. Now you been for one second deadly sin about reading the Bible that you must avoid at any cost, is that you need to know when to take the Scripture literally and when you take it figuratively or Michael are saying you don't take the whole Bible literally wet right quick patient because if you understand there are certain linguistic principles with her will be in the Hebrew and Aramaic, or even in the Greek language, but mostly in the somatic language are certain things that certain linguistic rules and principles that you must understand I give an example. There is something in the Hebrew language and all the somatic language is really known as Hebraic hyperbole something so important. It's vitally important and is so serious that you have to exaggerate the point, in order to realize the seriousness of it that's what it means again example is when Jesus said if your eye causes you to stumble do what gouge it out right now I'm organized you raise your hand if your eyes ever cause you to stumble on S Cuba number is both parents.

I am looking at utilizing some glasses but I don't see too many gouge dies so you understand what I'm trying to tell you why, because this is what you call somatic hyperbole. Our Lord is saying that this is something so so very, very important that you must not allow anything to get in the way of accomplishing it. Don't allow anything to get in the way of you entering into heaven.

Don't allow anything to get in the way of you being saved.

Don't allow anything to get in the way of you going to heaven and because he has to make that point he blows it up so you can see, and so Jesus is saying it is vitally important for a Christian believer I'm talking to believers now, not talking to non-Christians.

Christian believers not to allow their eyes to constantly wonder and lust and in envy and greed and the rest of it. It's so dangerous it's so dangerous that could impact your eternity see the same thing if I am speaking any of the somatic languages I'll get a picture out of my pocket and I'll say to you, this is my grandson.

So no, that's not your grandson in English and said this is a picture of my grandson right but in the Hebrew language you don't speak that way.

So you have to understand what is symbolic and what is literal third deadly sin in Bible reading is ignoring the historic and cultural context of the Bible. Just because God called Elijah to confront King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in the profits of bail and just because you called them to do that and then he sent fire consumed his sacrifice not so now God was speaking and using certain man at a certain time for a certain purpose. What do we learn from it that our God is a mighty God that all the so-called Broadwater, Baylor, Esther authorized all day. Not really gods at all and that is the point that the Scripture with teachers. Not that we would go and do like Elijah did.

Fourth deadly sin about Bible reading. Be sure to get a good translation of the Bible.

In fact, I would encourage you to have maybe two or three in front of you as you studying the Scripture because as you read 1023 you will the meaning much better Internet to go to seminary but sometimes these translations will give you a real feel for that first deadly sin about reading the Bible as you must avoid at any cost. Reading into the Bible what you want to read into it. Oh my goodness that is a curse of the age. I'm telling you Ami and I have known preachers who just have one theme and it doesn't matter what text are used, they go to the hobbyhorse. The theme that the preacher from but that's dangerous. That is extremely dangerous. Six.

I'm moving quickly. The six deadly sin by Bible reading is this don't think ever that you brilliant enough to understand the Scripture without the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to what the apostle Paul said to Timothy in second Timothy chapter 2 verse seven reflect on what I'm saying here comes for the Lord will give you insight into all things is a I have never opened the Scripture an early I was in the morning every day as I wake up and start with the word of God without prayer Holy Spirit, open my eyes that I might see wonderful truth from your work illuminate my mind so that I can learn from your word. What you want me to learn otherwise. The Bible will become either just an intellectual exercise in reading it, or we just twist the words to make it what you wanted to make. Finally, number seven, failing to apply what you have just read in the Scripture. I know I know I know it takes time to do it it takes to become a microwave, the Scripture you cannot microwave application and a heightened hoe.

This is the age of social media. We just don't have an attention span.

We have really taken all of that into auditing of the Scripture.

But, beloved, you will not grow. You will not learn and you will not apply the word of God. If you're constantly in a hurry if you have to wake up half an hour early government have annihilator 11 to read the Bible for its maximum effect for its maximum impact upon your life, you must avoid those seven deadly mistakes, but then I want to go on to give you very quickly.

Three questions that you must ask yourself as you read and heed and obey the word of God very quickly. The first question to ask yourself is, what does this part of the Bible that I am reading say to the original readers of it because each one has a continent was written or said to people at a certain time, so you must ask the question, what did it mean to the original Rita the first person who read it to whom it was written. Secondly, what is the real meaning of this passage that I'm reading. And thirdly how can I apply this to my life. Let's look at them very very quickly. What did it mean to the original Rita for example, when we give an example Moses was speaking to the Israelites who fall for hundred years were up to their eyeballs in idolatry of Egypt.

They knew very little about Yahweh just what they heard through oral tradition and so they really had very little knowledge Somoza speaking to people who did not know who Yahweh is, or experiences power as they did later on the cross the Red Sea and on into the wilderness. On the other hand a thousand years later, Ezekiel and Jeremiah remember God that this God did this. God did this so they knew Yahweh and yet they turned their backs on him, they saw him perform miracles before their eyes on yet they wanted to worship bail and so Ezekiel and your mother talking to rebellious people versus what Moses was doing the rejected God's instruction. They rejected God's command or look at the New Testament. The apostle Paul is written to many churches, different cities.

Philippi: Thessalonians, but each letter was addressing and giving answers to certain problems that that church was facing. He was dealing with a specific problem and giving them biblical ungodly answers so it is very important to know what the problem was and what the solution is secondly, you have to ask yourself what does the Bible mean but what is says.

Make no mistake about it. The reason today, many people reject the Bible. They never really read it, but they reject the Bible as the word of God because it runs contrary to man's nature is really not the Bible's counterculture. For example, the world says suck at your enemy right we say yeah I mean this is very natural right of a lesser very nature says yes suck at your enemy. And then Jesus comes innocent. Love your enemy, what bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you see the world says that's bonkers. The world says look out for number one is all that matters. Number one but Jesus comes in and he says whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake and for the gospel will save it.

Listen to me. It does not make sense to the world. That's why the reject the Bible.

It does not make sense to them and it is laziness on the part of preachers to say what ever so hard to understand is hard to accept rejected. You don't have to accept it MoveOn take what you like, leave out what you don't like.

That's laziness instead of where called of God is preachers and teachers of the word of God to explain the difficult things that is why you must always ask the question what does the Bible mean but what it says. So how do I know this will first of all, as the Holy Spirit already said that twice asked the Holy Spirit to illumine your mind, and he will ask him, he will do it. Secondly, use a good trusted common tree on the Bible. A good trustworthy common tree. Keep it handy. Look up if you get into an issue is so difficult and you don't know. Just look it up.

Double check things don't just take it for granted. Make sure you're on the right track. Thirdly, and lastly, the final question to ask yourself is this how can this apply to me. How does this apply to me when I'm facing problems in my business and my work, my home. How is this going apply to me. It's very important is very important. If you're like me, I spend the first fruit of the day with the Lord in the Bible open in front of me. I found that most mornings as a open order God and are greeted the Holy Spirit begins to speak to my heart. Michael, this word is for you.

This encouragement is for you. This review is for you. This challenge is for you this morning. Have I ever got more of those that I can count. This warning is for you. This exhortation is for you Charles Spurgeon, one of the great preachers of yesteryear and just in case you think this man pol degrees after his name. He dropped out of school at the age of 15 he taught himself Greek and Hebrew. He taught himself the word of God. He allow the Holy Spirit to open his mouth open his heart and teacher. He written hundreds of books most remarkable man that I have ever read about is what he said about the Bible, he said, this book has wrestled with me.

This book has smitten me this book has confronted me. This book smiled upon me. This book frowned on me.

This book clasped my hands.

This book warmed my heart.

This book weeps with me, and sings with me.

This book worships with me and it preachers to me. It maps my going in my coming is a young man's best companion, and it is still my morning and evening chaplain love as I conclude the citizens of messages I want to tell you that a lot of Bible apps out there.

Lots of Bible reading plan that can be overwhelming. The Bible says that in the last days there gonna be a fireman. Listen carefully, but that sermon is not going to be for bread or water is going to be a fireman for the word of God.

And when I hear that only 18% of Christians read the word of God regularly. I can tell you the famine has begun. And so it is a burden of my life and the reason for living is to equip you for those days that are coming upon us in the coming faster than we think faster than we anticipated. So get ready for the spiritual battle the Lord is on your side and the good news is we have read the last chapter and it says that we win. Father, I thank you.

I praise you for your word. I thank you for preserving it for all these years, or people bring to shredded destroyed it, and yet you kept it to this day you preserved it from many despots and from careless church leaders and Lord I pray that you preserved within the heart of your children, teach us a fresh as we look at the day of Jesus to be drawing near, that we would learn to read. Heed and obey so that we be like the wise virgins who had the oil and the lamps and there were ready and love you like the foolish ones for which pray this in Jesus name.

This is leading the way with Dr. Michael he is today's talk it out, eating, and heating and obeying the Bible in the series is foreign to you mean we encourage you to begin a faint conversation with one of our compassionate team members.

You can ask them whenever you like. How to start a faith journey or how to deepen your faith walk or how to answer those tough questions of life. We are right here for you. Start by going to that is nothing more encouraging to all of us in hearing about lives changed someone to share a quick story that the leading the way team heard from the brand-new question in Morocco by working a young man stumbled upon leaving the plane knowing that it was Christian content wanted to tear away the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead was so amazing. He continued to listen. This experience quickened the desire to know more about Jesus and compare him to enter teachers soon found the truth in Jesus, and continues to listen to leading deepening his understanding and willingness to live for Christ printed a powerful example of a protected nitroglycerin is changing one life at a time when life in your neighborhood one life around the world impacting those who once lived in darkness to now live in light which he partnered with Dr. you sent today in us a call 866-626-4356 866-626-4356 or you can go online to now that's more than a website that is a community where people from all over the world gather together to participate in what God is doing. hello my friends just a quick reminder that in addition to listening to this radio broadcast, leading the way also produces compelling television programs seen in this area. Just like we do on radio. We dig deep into the truth of the word of God and unfolded to make it practical for daily living. So if you been encouraged by this today. Check your local television listing watch leading the way television we are multiple local stations and networks, such as ion TBN DayStar NRB CTN FOXBusiness network and find out where to watch in your area when you visit that's LTW.RG God bless