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A Helper for All Occasions - Part 3

In Touch / Charles Stanley
The Cross Radio
August 24, 2022 12:00 am

A Helper for All Occasions - Part 3

In Touch / Charles Stanley

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August 24, 2022 12:00 am

We have the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Helper, to carry us through life's trials.

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Welcome to the InTouch podcast of Charles Stanley for Wednesday, August 24. The Holy Spirit is the believer's greatest asset. He enables you to do whatever God requires. Here's part three of a helper for all occasions, all of us at times and are likely to help.

The issue is where do we go, what can we do and is there any real help in sometime we see situations that it appears that nobody else in the world really help us then what do we do, you will not have a helper for all occasions. No matter what those occasions may be when I think about people who are not aware of this live their whole life and wonder why things just don't work out right. What's missing even in our Christian life and I can remember when I was coming along. I've been preaching a pretty good while in. I remember asking myself the question, what is there missing in my life I knew that I was saved and I knew that I was trying to serve God with all of my heart. Something was missing and what was missing is my awareness.

My personal experience with who I want to talk about and what I want to talk about in this message I helper for all occasions. Now the ways practical ways in which he comes to your help in mind and a lot some, but I want to mention some of the things that you not have to deal with every single day of our life and the first one is this the Holy Spirit helps us in our prayer life. All of us have difficulty praying, but we have the Holy Spirit listened as we have the Holy Spirit when we don't know how to pray in their times. Many times when our heart cries out to God with us a broken heart over there is some decision you have to make. Sometimes you don't know how to pray. Sometimes you know how to pray for the people we all need the Holy Spirit and he is there to help her. So what does he do he not only lifts our prayers to the father but he will clarify for us.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding all your ways acknowledge him, he will direct your path. Listen, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to clarify for you and me the will of God is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the will of God is the work of the Holy Spirit to make it plain to us and to enable us to walk in it. One of the areas in which we need help is we need help in our prayer life a second very practical work in the spirit and listen another area in which all of us need help is in understanding the word of God and the mass is say yes it just give me yes if you mean this. Do you really and truly want to have a better understanding of the word of God say yes I'm a tell you how the ready statement number one is to know me what you think God show me the sin in my life you would expect networking statement you want your show me the sin in my life so that I can repent of it so that my heart can be clean. So the spirit of God can speak to my clean heart, mind and spirit, so I will have a deeper understanding of your word. Listen, God is not going to pour out truth regarding heart this is you convicted her to her like a report from hundred 30 heart clean heart pure heart, God, you will understand God's word. It takes two things clean heart and dependence upon the Holy Spirit to illumine your mind. Listen watch this if the spirit of God illumines your mind of the true and you don't apply to your heart. Don't come back the next day saying God I will have a deeper understanding Lord I just want no more true because you know what is your say go back to the last passage when you do that, I'll give you better understand just picking up this this is not your normal book. This is the revelation of God. It has stipulations, regulations, and listen. There are requirements for understanding this and it is not going to theological seminary. This is not a normal book.

This is God's revelation of himself and we understand about the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit.

Then we listen when that happens and were inspired and hard to do what God wants us to do that, we are required of God to be obedient to him to do exactly what he shown us know what's this not only does he help me in my prayer.

Help me with the word of God, but he also helps us with our sinfulness really helping us with our sinfulness. Okay, go back to John now and look if you were in the 16th chapter the 16th chapter he wants us to be our best at whatever he calls us to do.

No matter what. And sin is a problem we all have to deal with sin in our life some fashion. The other verse seven, but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you, but if I go, I will send you. And when he comes his what he will do, he will convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment concerning sin, because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness, because I go to the father and you no longer seem and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged that what is he say he convicts is first of all of our sinfulness and our need of God, he convicts is listen of the righteousness of Christ, which means he convicts as of the adequacy of the atoning death of Jesus Christ to pay my sin debt in full and he also convicts us that that there is a judgment and we are personally liable personally. Listen accountable to Almighty God for our life as the work of the Holy Spirit. He said he will guide us into all truth.

You think about this.

We have on the inside of us. The absolute perfect guide.

We had the perfect compass he is the Holy Spirit missing. He knows the future and the present and the past.

He knows exactly where we are to be when we ought to be there and how we are to be there.

He knows what we'll do what we capable doing what we will do we get there is not anything he doesn't know. And so we have on the inside of is this also omniscient guide who has our best interest at heart and our best interest is never a Nobel disobedience to God, but it is always obeying our Lord and to ignore him is to ignore the absolute perfect God that God has given us motivated by pure love.

Do we need him. Yes, we need him to help us to deal with this whole issue of our sinfulness will think about another area in which we needed and that is remit when we are ministering to others that are two ways that you not serve God we serve him in our own humanness. That is our own abilities and our own talents and on education, experience, and so forth. All we serve him in the power of the Holy Spirit. What he said his disciples sitdown the city of Jerusalem until you be clothed with power from on high, he said, you shall receive power, and then you should be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria the most parts of their so he said them not equipped the survey on till what he said.

He says the spirit is not abiding it with you. He will be in you at Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to probably miss all of us are drop by now. I watch this carefully serving the Lord. No matter what you're doing was preaching, teaching, singing, playing all of whatever it might be, but I want to get off of a minister, just a moment, getting your business, whatever it might be being a mother, godly mother, whatever you doing we can do one of two motives we either want to make an impact in somebody's life or some people's lives, all we want to make an impression that most anybody can make an impression in somewhere the other. You can make an impression on the basis of your talents and your gifts are your eloquence or whatever it might be but an impact in somebody's life is what only the spirit of God can do is just what happens. You can take to man one of them feel the spirit of God, they can say the same words at the other one says is not there was for the God same eloquence, same abilities, same give same talents no anointing of the Holy Spirit. It comes you here. It may be present in your eyes and your ears to see the seal that no impact the same time when the spirit of God is taken, the word of God and speaking through you, a servant, a child of God. It's going to make an impact that is the work of the Holy Spirit.

And this is why God does not want us serving him. It does make knows what we're doing.

He doesn't want us serving him apart from listen at absolute total dependence upon the Spirit of God who is our helper. He's the one who enables us. He's the one that God sent. He said if I don't leave he won't, I'm sending him he'll be in you with you and upon you. He will enable you he will empower you and give you divine energy. He'll illuminate your money will show you what to say how to do and what to do.

What difference does an impression make an impression is here for this moment and gone the next, and impact changes people's lives. We make impacts upon the lives of our children. We make impacts upon the lives of the people around us are friends of whatever it might be so weightless in the spirit of God is there to help us help us do, what to work. Listen by his power, his energy and his strength to do his will and not our own, but I think is on the air in which he helps those in which recently want to call upon him all of us at these times in our life and when we do.

Sometimes we may feel like the Lord. Certainly if I'm trusting you and doing what you want me to do and following your will. I should have these kind of things that we do.

For example, we need the Holy Spirit's help in times when we are spiritually, emotionally and physically drained and all of us are going to reach data points and I like even feel where entire sure physically.

What about failing emotionally worn out.

You go through battles in your life and circumstances and situations that you can't change and you can alter and site will drain our energy.

He will drain everything. And as he possibly can because he knows if he can get is low enough in either cause us to doubt or we become vulnerable to any and all kinds of sin. So he works on his emotionally and certainly spiritually is what you discover when you give and give and give spiritual you are drained and what happens is you need to be refreshed. Who is the one that does the refreshing. It is the Holy Spirit of the living God. And this is why every believer needs time of quiet meditation upon the Lord being caught with work and letting him do what what is he do, he renews our spirit. This, and he renews our spirit he refreshes our body, we can get up and get moving. But he also does something to wrestle term motions.

He replenishes our emotions when they get drained.

God wants us renewed refreshed and that is the work of the Holy Spirit, knocking normal on occasion, I was in New Zealand they the pastor without telling me. Father, Toby. One morning he says now today we going to be downtown in this particular hall that they'd set aside.

This is not a big city, a small town and he says we don't have you preach about 2025 minutes and he said we don't start not o'clock when he didn't tell me we got in the hundred eight times in a row.

Well after that, the third time I had about 15 minutes between each time after the third time I thought gonna be landless.

Besides, it was cool. It's the coldest I've ever been in the life slept with my clothes and over: that's how cold it was down there and so I presume overcoat is inside. And so after the third time, I thought. Gonna have to do some math this sausage. You gotta find a place and get themselves a government seven laid on the floor but my Bible and put my head in the Bible covered up wrapped up a little bit close my eyes, not just that God the Holy Spirit must equip me must strengthen me physically.

I need physical strength to do this I can't do this by motor unless you do something I don't have the energy to do it so I get Caught about five or six segments are gotta walk at their just like the first time. You know what I did, I did it every time. Thereafter, every time I stand up, just like I did the first time I'm telling you God will equip you, enable you strengthen you listen refreshed you renew you replenishing whatever you need no matter what's going on if that's what God called you to do. He will enable you to enough you will take this and take that drink. This drink that pop this pill not pillowed you know what the spirit of God is the greatest energizer. There is in the whole world. He is ready and able to do for you whatever you need no matter what. Well let me use them until things. First of all of you to say this about what his help.

The Holy Spirit is the one to help us when we begin to doubt our salvation. I think about this when I think about people who have been saved and doubt their salvation.

If they truly been saved it is the work of the devil to cause you to doubt your salvation. It is the work of the Spirit to reassure you that you are saying. He says the Spirit himself testifies bears witness send you the message of the cross and atoning death of Jesus, and that you repented of your sins, you place your trust in him and you say, you may be discouraged. You may be following the temptation site may be having just a circus in your life.

Does that mean that your loss, know it means you're living in disobedience to God. Need to repent of that sin get right with God. It doesn't mean that you lost in the work of the Holy Spirit is to do what you assure is about salvation that is not the work of us. That's this minimal proposal is and that is to help me live the Christian life and have you ever having a problem live the Christian life. Absolutely. In fact, I want take some disbelieve your man, it's absolutely impossible to live a Christian life is not what I meant this to make sense yes it does because I mate something you cannot live the Christian life that watches we live in the flesh in abundance. We have five senses.

We have lots of naturalness. Every single one of us.

We live in a world it's absolutely full of sin and wickedness and rebellion, sensuality, and all the rest. Everywhere you turn there is. You hear it you see it now, how in the world we go live a Christian life that they like a bride dressing up in a white wedding gown and going down to the coal mine and expecting to come out quite no way how you live your life in a wicked simple vile world and expect to live holy can do it. That's the reason the Holy Spirit came why did he come one of the reasons he came is this in order to live through us, a life he knew you and I could never live can do it you now not strong enough. You try all you want to, but it's doomed to failure.

It's coming to the realization that I could, that I can't that it's not my work that is his work and went on knowing Jesus Christ as my Savior and willing to acknowledge I can't live this life acknowledge the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit to live through me. The life of Jesus Christ. That's when the Christian life begins to express itself through as it is not our life. This is what Paul meant when he said in Galatians 220. He says I have been crucified with Christ. That is, he said you know what he said at his data builds up because it didn't work. He said nevertheless I live yet not Christ lives in me and the life which I now live our lives by the fate of the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

It is Christ living his life in and through us through the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. Now when I look at all that I think Lord thank God for the Holy Spirit what mass we'd all be women would know how to pray could read the Bible worth anything, one know how to deal that sin would know how to deal their frustrations and anxieties in error or weakness in our frailties.

We have to be doing all this is that you know why the submitted frustrated Christian living in defeat because they're trying to do everything I just mention in their own strength and my friend, you might as well give up is not going to happen. It can happen but it can happen if you willing for the spirit of God to really write the seat.

This of the Bible speaks about relationships five when he says be filled with the spirit. You know what that means to surrender everything to him. This, turn it all over him and just say I can't. You can surrender. You do it you will be amazed what God will do in your life if you just give up. Stop by stop holding all lay down the conflict throughout the white flag and say surrender to live a life submissive to the spirit of the living God father you are so wonderfully kind and gracious and good to us, knowing that we make a big mess of everything you sent the Holy Spirit to guide us directors and empower us and I pray that he will convict every single person who hears this message is never trusted Christ the Savior to realize that apart from the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary's atoning sacrificial substitutionary death, and never had. There is no hope. But the moment that a person is willing to accept Jesus as Savior. There's eternal hope and promise of assurance and then load for every believer. We stop fighting give up in our own strength and say Lord, not my will but your will be done online. Your life, but we pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Amen. Thank you for listening to part three, and a helper for all occasions.

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