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The Cleansed Life

In Touch / Charles Stanley
The Cross Radio
February 5, 2022 12:00 am

The Cleansed Life

In Touch / Charles Stanley

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February 5, 2022 12:00 am

Get a closer look at what genuine regret looks like and how crucial it is in our spiritual lives.

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Welcome to this weekend's InTouch podcast with Charles Stanley, an effective Christian life requires addition and subtraction. Let's get them after them with a lesson on living the Glenside that you grew up in our church RMA community where someone told you that the Christian life was a properly composed of asking the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive your sins writing you name the Lamb's book of life. One of these days you're done go to heaven friend you have this. The vast majority of the great blessings and the supernatural provision that God has provided for us children and you see the life that wins is a lie that reaches out to take not a settled for experience of Jesus Christ. But the maximum of our potential to receive and to become and to be what Almighty God wants us to be. You see the life that wins is the life of self effort, whereby we struggle along in the Christian life doing the best we can. One of these days dying in the reward of the Christian life is a life that wins. It is alive whereby Christ knowing our inadequacies comes into our life to release himself through in all that you normally reach the maximum of our potential, we may be able to receive all the blessings that God has for us. We may be able to become the total. Many women that he's provided and he has enabled us through his indwelling presence to become what he foreordained he would be and the person will never be able to be unless we are able to understand and apply in our own lives. What it means to be filled with the life of Jesus Christ through his spirit and usually one of the prerequisites to that one of the necessities of that is cleansing, let me just give you will notice something that I want you to watch for your own benefit. As you watch it as you listen to all kinds of sermons on television, radio, usually a lot of people talking about with you on this experience and that experience and you want to add this image of your life and that dimension your life here all the wonderful things God will do. Let me taste something that I noticed in most of those offers is missing. Everybody wants to heap on Christians today. All of these blessings. If you just confess this and if you just speak the truth of Eunice believe God and if you just lose us and so you have all of this and become all this and be all of it.

There is a dramatic absence in most of and the absence is the requirement by God of the cleansing of our sin. Let me tell you what this is like when people tell you that all you got to just believe God displayed God you get anything you want. All you have to do just confess the right thing and you get it from God. That is one dramatic note, missing, and this is this is like a man painting a wall and the wall is dirty with this calm in years of wear and tear and at the same time, the pain is Artie begun to crack and peel so you take at a gallop of fresh paint and you brother. He just began to dismember pain everywhere.

You just paint you will apply one coat to coach three coaching on the cover all that up and it looks absolutely beautiful.

Well you know what happens when you cover-up a dirty wall where the paint is already chipping and already correct. After you finish your paint job. You may say mandolins absolute right exactly where I wanted to look it will take many days before out from under that beautiful fresh paint comes the same old dirt and filth and grime and grease and your fresh paint job begins the crack like wise the simple reason you can't cover-up a dirty wall with cracking pain, covered up and keep it covered up well and the same thing is true in the Christian life.

You can't cover-up wickedness and sin and disobedience and rebellion toward God with some new, fresh, exciting spiritual experience and have it last just won't work that way and you see everything that you and I mean he has provided, but one of the prerequisites is cleansing of our life. If you go back to first John, then chapter 1 verse five he says this. That is a message which we've heard of him and the clarity you listed. God is light.

Now light means holiness and righteousness and purity God is light and in him is no darkness at all. There is no unrighteousness, no impurity and no ungodliness. In him. He's absolute righteousness, absolute holiness, and absolute. He says not if we say that we have fellowship with this God who is light and yet we walk in darkness, he says we live not the truth of what then he says if you noticed, but if we walk in the light that is in righteousness with God as he is in the life we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin. Know what how in the world can you not say that the blood of Jesus Christ that dried up on the cross and was watching the sand up the cross.

2000 years ago have absolutely any effect whatsoever in your life to cleanse you 2000 years later when he is the reason. If you go back down to verse seven pieces but if we walk in the light as he is the light we we are having fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son, listen, present tense is cleansing us most of the watch this in the present tense in the Greek is what that means. That means that something is continuously going along just what he say that all of us who believers are living under missing living under the immediate ever present flowing of the blood of Jesus Christ from God's point of view Nila Granados cinderblock, but from God's point of view next career have to look at it from God's point of view he sees all the way from creation to an endless eternity here adherence in the span of time somewhere. God sees the cross which he executed and what is he say he sees the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross as effective all the way back to Adam's day he sees that blood effective all the way to the end of eternity and from God's point of view. The blood did not drop on the cross.

It did not disappear.

The senator from across the blood of Jesus Christ is continuously and ever present late always presently cleansing us all St. we have to get from God's point of view. That's why the world advances.

Don't tell me to draw the blood that the drought upon the cross and disappear. The sin has any effect upon the 2000 years later he's looking at from a worldly point of view, he doesn't say that that blood was forced out in the garden of Eden promised all the way through the Old Testament before they knew about Jesus Christ.

That blood was a symbol, a foreshadowing and a promise of the blood that was to come so that 2000 years ago is as effective today as it was the day when Jesus turned his head, stretched out on the old rugged cross, and said to her dying. The today thou shalt be with me in paradise. Why because the blood of Jesus Christ is ever present, and the question is how will I get that blood applied to my heart.

Now you and I are able to have the blood of Jesus Christ apply to our hearts. 2000 years later with the same eternal consequences as on that day by looking to the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting him as our Savior and his work on the cross as approved by God. And the moment we do that he says that God Almighty applies the effect of work of Christ 2000 years ago 2000 years later, every single soul who says I will receive Jesus Christ as my Savior and was in his life. That same it was his death that say this is his right that equips us to live victoriously a winning life here and now. That's why the blood of Jesus Christ is absolutely essential he says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness and no cleansing of sin. Now the next question we have to ask is what is the means by which we used to get that blood and its effect into our life to cleanse is now giving you. So the theological approach, but from a practical point of view. What the reader look if you will, in verse nine chapter 1 the first John, he says now if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I don't know of a verse in the New Testament that is more wrongly used in first John one. Now he says the way that we have cleansing and forgiveness is by confession. So let me define and so analyze for a few moments here.

What we mean.

According to Scripture by confession now confession. In essence, in the Greek word means to Agri where that means when I confess I am agreeing with God about a particular thing, now I come to the Lord to deal with us and I got to be honest and open and there's got to be a penitent spiritless if I have sinned against God, and every act of rebellion is the sin and I simply tell them about it now may be open and honest about the nature of an I may rationalize about all it may be that my real problem is that I'm sorry because I got caught. Lord I really regret this all God forgive me when I'm listening about her over this thing, I'm suffering because this taken on the inside. I wish I evident. That's not confession that brings cleansing.

That doesn't say anything about being green plug on the watchlist is only agreeing with him that I've done this thing.

It is only feeling the suffering of being caught off of the consequences of disobedience was financial or something else isn't just a matter of acknowledging that I'm guilty. It is a matter of acknowledging that I agreed the heart of God Almighty in love. If he sent his only begotten son of the cross and identified that turn our back on and against his forgiveness and grief. God if my confession is genuine and my cleansing is going to be a reality of experience. My friend, there's no way in this world and the gods Almighty heaven for me to sin against God and come to him and just carelessly or callously check our first John 190. The Bible says we confess our sins are done what God says nothing. I know I'm forgiven and go running to the same thing confess the same thing all over again and thank God just keeps on forgive me because after all, brother. I'm living in the canopy of God's grace, I will tell you what that does. That doesn't make God angry that grieves God's loving, forgiving heart because you see he's done everything there is for a holy God to make it possible for you to live a winning life and confession of a mediocre callused careless type with no sense of grief talk holy, righteous, pure, loving, forgiving God about how patient is been how loving he's been doing how gracious and kind and forgiving and generous. He's been told that we just – and about African report and call first. John will not, I will tell you my friend that will get cleansing from God and listen to what he says back in second grade. In chapter 7 because here's an area that I think we have to check up on some bodices with you this confess it got gets rid of it. That's not what he says listen second Corinthians chapter 7 verse one.

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved watchlist letter's plans who ourselves from the field all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting homes and synagogues of anointment. You said confession will do it all right confession is our part. God must forgiving and got most of the cleansing, you and I have two responsibilities.

First of all, open, honest, proper confession. Secondly, you and I have to take the initiative of get that thing out of our life, whatever it may be what he say he said, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. That is, if there's something in my life I have been what it might be a little responsible for confessing it.

Listen, if my confession is pure and right and true and honest and open and genuine. Then I'm going to take the necessary steps to get that thing out of my life, whatever it may be, it may be difficult but you see, at least on them to take some steps to start moving toward getting that thing out of my life getting that relationship straightened out. Whatever it might be genuine confession is going to result in our taking the initiative. You recall when Josh was on his face prostrate before God, praying all God. We took Jericho.

But why do we let the small city of AIB does and put us in humiliation and in retreat. Even what God said to me said Joshua get up, find out who stole the silver who's got it hidden in their tent and take them out and stone them and their family today and all that Israel and the world may know that Almighty God Jehovah is a sovereign holy God, and will not tolerate sin among you speak you know we do sometimes all of us are done I'm sure I have.

When God says deal with that. I said yes Laura Milligan to pray about that. You know, praying about something that God says deal with that. Sometimes you may have to prevents a bank first human I know how they would.

But you see, the important thing is it that you at least take a step toward dealing with right now. But if we keep safe from praying about him go to prayer but I'm going to do this not to do that is so easy to do that and rationalizing site. God knows I'm working on and had to fight that battle just like you and is easily that that sounds good but God says deal with and you see the reason people go to church of the revivals and they can fastly get right and we grind Carol everything was written. Bodices praise though the right with God.

A week later you can tell the difference in is because they did intend the right thing they did know what to do instead. Here's what I want you to see it is open, honest confession. Not only have I sin, but named this the end confess it is being a sin and then there must be some sense of great if I don't feel green if I don't feel and regret in my heart that I have sinned against Not.

I got caught. Not that I've suffered, but have sinned against a righteous holy God who loves me enough to send his only begotten son to save me if there is no grief and no feeling about the something wrong that conventional tenure is just service confession and it brings no cleansing whatsoever, and if we going to be forgiven. Plans.

There's got to be honest, open, genuine confession that comes out of a heart that recognizes that the sin is that what I have done has agreed the heart of God.

That's more important.

What I did get some of its agreed the heart of a loving God and I see that I'm able understand and acknowledge that in my forgiveness in my cleansing are going to come just like that you say will suppose I go to vocation tomorrow morning I'm sitting across a distant summit to make some sly remark toward me and really embarrasses me and I just haul off and give it back to and immediately God convicts me which of my responsibility.

My response should be Lord forgive me for grieving you by acting like the war and then confess Lord my short temper, or my my resentment suddenly burst forth in the surface and I could unplug just to live on this. Given all the facts must here's the thing I want you to see all God, please help you see this when you confessing don't cover it up just telling it like it is.

Yes, Lord, it is sin know it was a mistake. I just faltered. God, I sinned against you and ask you to forgive me for this sin: by name and claim the application of his blood, which is eternally available claim his forgiveness based on what he did and claim his rootedness in your heart and all that you can do quickly, but my friend, this not in the word, not in prayer, living a callous, Christian life you won't do that, you may go through the actions, but there will be no hard and it's the hardened, that makes confession real before God friend if you live slightly distant from God. You keep the books of a partially closed, you don't give him much time in prayer is what you will do you live slightly distant from where God wants you to be living and from your point of view at this angle. Everything looks pretty clean. My friend, when you do more of this book, you get in your heart and the more you get on your face and you begin to talk about your life, the more the dirt comes to service Nellis. I don't mean your get introverted a single, what about the next.

I don't mean that. I mean you know how to live daily in relationship to him is just what you discover. What's this, the closer you live to Jesus Christ, the less it will take to grieve your heart and make you aware of how unclean you are and how holy God want you to be in my desire for you my friend is that you may live the life that went with all the blessings of it. But if you do that. It begins with the cleansing by the blood of Jesus Christ and then the transfer possession controlling use of your life to Jesus Christ this day following that will open the door to you for the light that wins.

Thank you for listening to the clans life.

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