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Gov. Mike Huckabee Calls The Show

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Cross Radio
March 30, 2020 9:59 am

Gov. Mike Huckabee Calls The Show

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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March 30, 2020 9:59 am

"Our Country Is Resilient and Resourceful."  

With his customary calmness and reassuring manner, Gov. Mike Huckabee shared his thoughts on the challenges facing families ...and our nation during these difficult times. 

Drawing on his vast experience from behind pulpits and podiums, Gov. Huckabee offers leadership and perspective in ways few can.

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Brought to you by: Standing With Hope


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Hope this is one so the family care Gracie singing with John Erickson taught through the what a great testimony of those two women who have faced such brutal challenges of their life and even now, as Gracie is dealing with the coronavirus that she still has the same message through the about 12 years ago I was watching a presidential debate for the Republican nomination. The primary and they went through and asked different questions and at the beginning of one particular candidate. There's this question.

Why do you think you're qualified to seek this office now this guy was a two-term governor. I thought that was cut interest and asked him that question really didn't ask other people had far less experience that question, but they asked him what his answer is what just absolutely floored me and he started off with as a pastor I had a front row seat to virtually every social dynamic out there.

Well, I'm a pastor, son, and I mean really perked up and I heard that it was Gov. Mike Huckabee.

I thought that was most extraordinary. It's because governors you don't have this investment experience running a state he went to that place of knowing as a pastor you really you know elbows deep into the lives of people from unemployment to healthcare to all kinds of just name it crime everything I know because my dad got the calls I had an opportunity go on his show and we talked a bit backstage about that and I have been begging him to come on the show and guess what.

He finally relented. I chased him down. I held by the ankles and he finally called of the social Gov. Huckabee. Welcome to the show. Well thank you Peter you quarantine to get me where I was absolutely stable and same place I've been home or in the last two weeks and I've been home in the past 10 years.

I'm not saying that is an exaggeration.

It's honestly the truth most months prior to that I been traveling sometimes 26, 27 nights a month so I wasn't avoiding you. I just was going a lot of time now. What I would buy lots of people love you is what I will introduce you to my sidekick.

You're on the show John Butler: the count of muddy disco, but he met you twice monthly was a boy status from Arkansas is an Eagle Scout and yeah, absolutely. I grew up in Jonesboro and state that I'm hoping everybody in your family is okay in Jonesboro. After that I got a call I got a call from my family today. There were some tornadoes that went through and I like my grandmother lives in Mountain home and they they had some issues like that. A couple of weeks ago when I live in Nashville and we had some issues like that. A couple weeks and you're down in Destin and we Gracie never married, and that's a that's home for her. She was Miss Fort Walton Beach high school and now we live in Montana so that we are all over the map. But Gov. I just had Larry the cable guy on the show and he brought us a few laughs and was able to just kind of helpless, breathe out a little bit because the countries little bit weird right now Gracie are dealing with the coronavirus she's got. I tested negative.

She's she's got it, but she's doing well. She's hanging in there and I just thought about my don't take this the wrong way. My sister sometimes refers she was America's grandfather well I she means is one because you just come along. You're able just to kind of settle everybody down this that pastoral experience is not. Not every preacher is a pastor. Every pastor's a preacher preaches a pastor and you really have that heart and you took that into government and everything else you're watching what's going on in the country. You people are just anxious there there there all torqued up and I've been trying to say look calm down here calm just everybody take a deep breath Gracie are dealing with this thing and she's not freaked out about it and cheat you know we we follow instructions, but what are your thoughts on this complement you on having Larry the cable Guy on to get people allow.

I don't know why people think that in the midst of the challenges that we lose our sense of humor sense of humor is something God is hardwired into us. It's a part of who we were created to be to be able to to laugh, and in fact the Scripture says that a merry heart do with good like a medicine but a bitter spirit dries up the bones. I wish we really believe that because you have more Christians reaching for joke books that you would reaching four bottles of medicine every time something goes wrong in their lives. Humor releases substance in our bodies.

Endorphins. They are a natural painkiller and sometimes in people's I just heard all the time and shape the watch comedy shows do you want something that's just dropdead funny and I said no I just don't and I'm not in the mood for exit and that's when you need it the most. So I'm really complement you Peter for helping people to take a break from the anxiety, the fear of the uncertainty, the unsettling nature of the virus and all of the things that are happening to the economy pull aside and say wait a minute, what's the very worst thing that could happen at the worst thing is like a dime from this. That's right, you could but you could die from a lot of other things and you're more likely to show the fact is if that's the worst thing that can happen to you and it hasn't happened yet.

Be grateful that you're still here. You may have to fight the disease. It could in fact take you, but unwanted believes that when God is finished with me. There's nothing on earth that can keep me here and until God is finished with me. There's nothing on earth that can get rid of me sooner than he's ready for me. I just have to believe that.

I think that's part of what your message is in terms of hope that we tend to look at our circumstances. I heard of a fellow he was the church and fell asking me said how you doing, he said oh I'm okay under the circumstances, and his friends said what you doing up under their and that is a great reminder that sometimes people live under their circumstances that she is not a healthy way to live. I'm not saying these aren't serious times or people who are listening to us who've lost jobs. They're not sure how to pay the rent, how to make a car payment. To understand all of that but worrying about it doesn't change the situation but living with hope. Looking up for what I can do rather than what I can't do. That's one of the keys to hoping with the challenges and the tragedies of life. I was in the hospital was Gracie of the day and wanted to come down just a daily just to check out her oxygen levels. Limit 6000 feet so they went back and she was struggling but to breathe and she's had no pulmonary emboli at all these things going on and we were down there and we both had the mask up and sit there we were in the room and they were. They quarantine the self and I looked at his scared. She looked over at me and she said a little but I've been through worse and and I thought you know she really has and she has out through worse times with her.

She said 34 years of me that's a whole different show but on this tried to edit. I started singing if you like Kenya, Corona and sheep teach even had to laugh and let you know we we try to look at what we've learned that we can have a merry heart in this thing we we face harsh realities. You've met Gracie.

We thinks face harsh things but but here we are and we have found that God is more faithful then then then we could ever possibly imagine.

As we look forward to these things of the country would I would love you just to stay with that theme in their people. This audit is one of things will reside do the show was because I know the pain of what it's like to watch them and suffer and care for somebody like that. And I've done it for a long time and so the whole point of the show was to help point people to safety as we as a country grapple with these things we never done anything like this. We never had to face the thing that my left and my mother. I talked to my mother date and does it about mother's response to everything is right on Manuel. I don't see too good.

I don't hear too good. I don't want to go but doing pretty good just really funny and and but she said I remembered the polio when we would polio was just taken of our country by storm and how that wasn't so you know we have faced things like this. As you look at the governors come along and you've been there, that position for you been in the pulpit you been at a podium. What are your thoughts as the country is coalescing around this concept. Now the way were living is being changed and in were taken a $2 trillion stimulus, and in all these kinds of things.

What what are your thoughts on that important that creditor mayors, governors, president, it's important that they provide people with honest answers that they give him a transparent reality check of what's going on and they explained, people can handle even bad news, but they have to be told the truth and that's the first thing the second thing is they also must play the role of consoler in chief can't just come out in the sterile political way and say okay here's what's going on here are the new rules you do not have to live by and word and went for some minutes going to be tough on you and walk away you have to do that other very important part in. That's bring some carrot with the stick and remind people this is a resilient and resourceful country. Those two words to me to find America.

We've always been resilient. We got through a revolutionary war we got through several other attempts to destroy us. In the early days of our country. We survived the Civil War that most nations never would've survived.

We survived World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, we dealt with the Cold War.

We dealt with 911 week same things that shock us to our roots. The assassination of a president when I was a child I remember so vividly when JFK was assassinated. All of these things wound us. They hurt. But what we need our leaders that step forward and say we are hurting.

There are problems we are working on them. Here's what were doing to deal with them, but where are people who are resilient we bounce back because that's what happens when you have liberty and were resourceful when we face a crisis. We don't give up. We get right to the laboratory and we start figuring out how to bring affixed to it. So ended in World War II. Detroit became the Arsenal of democracy as it was called, and they retool the auto plant to build the war mechanism that gave us the capacity to literally save the world.

Why because we were resilient and resourceful. So when I hear people act like this the end of the world know it isn't the end of the world happens when God says it.until then it's our job to be faithful doing what he's left us here to do until he comes in and I wanted to share a personal work is under their people they don't know my story, they may think well get easy for you. You have an easy life, and you know you're not a face with crises when my wife and I were married in our first year.

She was diagnosed with cancer of the spine.

We've been married only 46 years the end of May, but our first year of marriage was faced with the prospects that she wouldn't live in the first report. The doctors gave us was that tumor was inoperable and probably just wasn't going to be able to be restored and only thing we can hope for was a peaceful ending. Then they came back and said we may can get to the tumor, but is it is inside the canal of her spine. If we can get to it. She will most likely be paralyzed from the waist down because will have to sever her spinal cord to separate her cord from the tumor that was the best news that we were even given. So here we are a couple of scared kids 20 years old and this is what we're facing.

The surgery turned out to be more successful than they thought she had to go through radiation learn to walk again. There were a lot of tough tough months of rebuilding our lives, but from that came a frame of reference so that when later we would face crises. It was always okay this is pretty bad, but compared to some other things just like what you and Gracie have been through.

It gives you perspective and you're able to say we faced it before will face it again. God is our strength and we remain faithful to those just beautiful words. These words mean something to people displaced things on a daily basis like racing that you have been such an encouragement to me. I enjoy every time you come on I watch you and and you you are your America's grandfather.

I'm sorry you just call me America's great-grandfather wearing you know I told said and bring the other night on Fox is that you are scared hands are being held by his car. You have really been a source of encouragement to thank you for coming on to thank you for giving these words. This is this is such a treat for me. My Coakley dispute. Roseburg is hope for the caregiver. Hopefully going. Have you ever struggled to trust God when lousy things happen to you.

I'm Gracie Rosenberger in 1983 I experienced a horrific car accident leading 80 surgeries in both legs and became questioned why God allowed something so brutal to happen to me. But over time I questions changed and I discovered courage to trust God that understanding along with an appreciation for quality prosthetic limbs led me to establish standing with help more than a dozen years we been working with the government of Ghana and West Africa, equipping and training local workers to build and maintain quality prosthetic limbs for their own people on a regular basis.

We purchased ship equipment and supplies and with the help of inmates in Tennessee prison. We also recycle parts from donated lands of gas is to point others to Christ. The source and my help and strength, please visit standing with to learn more and participate in lifting others standing I'm Gracie. I am staining with help