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Budgeting As Worship with Dr. Shane Enete

Faith And Finance / Rob West
The Cross Radio
January 20, 2025 3:00 am

Budgeting As Worship with Dr. Shane Enete

Faith And Finance / Rob West

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January 20, 2025 3:00 am

"The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." - Proverbs 21:5

That verse is often used to encourage people to avoid “get rich quick” schemes and other risky investments. However, it also conveys a message about budgeting. Dr. Shane Enete joins us today to discuss why budgeting is a form of worship.

Dr. Shane Enete is an Associate Professor of Finance at Biola University and the author of the brand new book, “Whole Heart Finances: A Jesus-Centered Guide to Managing Your Money with Joy.”

Why Do People Dislike Budgeting?

Many people react negatively to the idea of budgeting. A CNBC article titled "People hate budgeting" spotlighted a financial professional who observed that over 60% of her clients felt as though they were "literally going to suffer" at the mere mention of budgeting. The misconception that budgeting is about reducing spending or losing freedom often drives this aversion. In reality, budgeting is a tool for aligning financial resources with personal and spiritual goals.

Look at King David, for example, during his preparation for building the temple in 1 Chronicles 28–29. David’s detailed planning and joyful devotion in allocating resources for God’s temple exemplify budgeting as an act of worship. He saw his financial planning as a way to serve God and inspire others to do the same. This narrative offers a powerful reminder that budgeting can be a means of glorifying God and building His kingdom.

Budgeting as Intentionality
  1. A Plan for Worship

    Budgeting is not about limiting joy but enhancing it by intentionally aligning financial decisions with God’s purposes. As stewards of God’s resources, we are called to manage money in ways that reflect His generosity and character.
  2. Daily Acts of Gratitude

    Tracking expenses can become a form of worship. We develop a heart of gratitude by regularly acknowledging God’s provision—even mundane payments like utility bills or DMV fees. This practice shifts our mindset from entitlement to stewardship, deepening our reliance on God.
  3. Aligning with God’s Heart

    Regularly reviewing and planning financial decisions enables us to grow closer to God’s heart. As stewards, we are responsible for managing resources according to His will. This intentionality creates financial margins that foster generosity, resilience, and a greater impact for His kingdom.
Breaking the Power of Money Through Generosity

Budgeting also unlocks the potential for generosity. As Ron Blue has said, “Giving breaks the power money can have over us.” By setting financial priorities, we can intentionally allocate resources to support others and further God’s work. 

William Wilberforce, a British politician, philanthropist, and movement leader to abolish the slave trade, once said, “By careful management, I should be able to give at least one-quarter of my income to the poor.” This kind of strategic generosity reflects a heart fully surrendered to God.

A Transformative View of Budgeting

Budgeting, when seen through the lens of worship, shifts from being a dreaded task to a joyful act of devotion. It enables us to live intentionally, reflect God’s character, and manage His resources wisely. By embracing this perspective, we not only honor God but also experience the freedom, joy, and resilience that come from living as faithful stewards.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, check out Dr. Shane Enete’s article, Budgeting as Worship, in the quarterly publication Faithful Steward. You can receive this resource by becoming a partner at

On Today’s Program, Rob Answers Listener Questions:
  • I waited until full retirement age to start collecting Social Security, and I still work full time. My wife is past full retirement age but has not started collecting her Social Security yet. If she collects from my Social Security, will that interfere with my benefits now or in the future?
  • If I retired at 67 and got the full Social Security benefit, our only significant expenses would be our first and second mortgages. Would it be worth withdrawing big chunks from the inheritance money my mother left me and my brother so we could free up and live on $1,200 extra dollars a month?
Resources Mentioned:

Remember, you can call in to ask your questions most days at (800) 525-7000. Faith & Finance is also available on the Moody Radio Network and American Family Radio. Visit our website at where you can join the FaithFi Community and give as we expand our outreach.

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