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R749 The Forgotten Dead

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
April 25, 2019 8:00 am

R749 The Forgotten Dead

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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April 25, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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This is Dr. Don Wilton. You remember the story about Moses and the rock and how angry he became when he struck the rock God even caused a rock to provide water for the people that me tell you something about this forgotten group of people that had plenty to drink. Kind of sounds like us doesn't anyone thirsty here today, talking about right now. Some of us could use it a Diet Coke quote orange drink will or good glass of water not talking about that, but I'm going to say to you.

These people given plaintiff drink. This is the word featuring the Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton well-known author and evangelist and today his topic, the forgotten dead as we open God's word in the book of Hebrews we will invite you to join us both online. If you have an opportunity to be able to listen and serve the Encouraging Or perhaps you're the situation you'd like to have someone pray with you and talk with you where here at the other end of 866-899-WORD, not just now but 24 hours a day stored in your cell jotted down 866-899-9673 will always connect with someone who is literally committed to encourage you. Now let's open God's word together with Dr. Don Wilton open your Bible were about to do something that is just open your Bible. Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11, you need your Bible and I want to speak to you spiritually speaking. It's as though God was speaking to my heart. It's as though God said to me, listen Don Wilton what you got nothing to do with you just listen to me and I'll tell you what.

So I said to the Lord for Syosset will Lord what am I going to cite our bedroom.

Hebrews hearing Hebrews chapter 11. I'm going to speak to God's people to my people from Hebrews chapter 11. The Bible tells us about the crossing of the Red Sea, remember God came to the children of Israel that was stuck they were in a predicament.

They stood, they said, what are we going to do God said don't worry, Moses got inaction part of the Red Sea like crossover.

That's Hebrews chapter 11 verse 29 what's the next verse, verse 30 we studied that possibly I don't know that I've had any more calls in my life about the subject last week especially on the seven habits of highly effective over comments we go from Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, to Joshua and the army of Israel, overcoming the mighty walls of Jericho. I guess the problem what happened to the 40 years in between is not that this is the whole of faith, dear friend, listen to me what God puts down in Hebrews chapter 11 is so significant because it is tied into the superiority of the Lord Jesus Christ and God by his spirit tells us about Abraham about Isaac about all these people, including Moses gets the children of Israel to the parting of the Red Sea and the next minute we hear anything about them is 40 years later, my subject this morning is the forgotten. There are three mothers in my life.

My mother-in-law, my mother and my wife is the mother of my children. I'm going to tell you this concerning my two mothers should God call them home before he calls me home and I can promise you one thing about my mother's I will never forget there are men and women here today. His mother's wing to be with the Lord many years ago you've never forgot.

They are in your heart right now you love them that they had that kind of impact on you. You will never forget you know my dear friends that there are people. This church is on hundred and 6570 years old.

You know that there are hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of people who for years and years. Love the Lord serve the Lord sent in the same peers. You and I did send the same songs worship the Lord in this congregation here in Spartanburg and very regularly, and periodically daily, monthly Ali, we remember them but always there. Somehow, someway, all of a sudden, here come these people long time going to be with the Lord, but we don't forget, but I'm also going to tell you, you know that of the hundred and 65 years of this church's history.

You know that there are probably many people some of whom might be where members of this church were 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 90 might be 100 that worship the Lord in this church and you and I have never heard of by forgotten. We don't even know they exist.

I'll guarantee you they were people who stood up and made motions in business and that ended the next thing with life about, but then there are hundreds of others that we will never forget them. What's the difference you know that there are some of you looking at me today that you gonna live your life, you gonna die.

That's it. And there are hundreds of you today that you gonna live your life, you gonna die and for the rest of existence people are going to read about you they got to know about you, they gonna recall you to memory and folks, this is nothing. This has nothing to do with the size of a gift or the activity or the public nature of what you do. I'm telling you some of the most private. I'm assuming wonderful and gracious people that never say Bovard kiss my foot to anybody all the people we remember most of all, it's amazing that we remember a widow who gave just to my is told she did ask you to turn in your Bibles to Exodus chapter 15 folks, this is incredible.

I tell you, God wrote this on my heart. Exodus chapter 15 go there very quickly to Exodus chapter 15 we can do two things to the number one I'm going to ask the question what happened to these people who lived for 40 years and we forgotten about the what happened to them. Why did God not include them in the whole fight why claymation why they just pushed aside. What have 40 years worth of living folks that you imagine all the things they did we know about. It's recorded in the Old Testament, but God evidently said they do not deserve to be included in my whole of frame and I don't use that in terms of man in terms of who God is and what God regards us as well. What happened to them.

Let me tell you, just six things. They were many things that happened to the number one, they were given plenty to drink. You got a Hebrews at least Exodus chapter 15 the Bible tells us this is just one of the occasions the Bible says that for three days in the middle of verse 22. They traveled in the desert without finding water folks. I spent the whole year in the desert. I know what it's like to live in a busy they traveled they know that they couldn't find it for three days.

They finally came to some water but I couldn't drink it because it was fouled up.

It was, but God intervened. Look at verse 25 God. Moses cried out to the Lord and showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water in the water became sweet that had something to drink. You remember the story about Moses and the rock and how angry he became when he struck the rock God even calls to provide water for the people me tell you something about this forgotten group of people, but had plenty to drink.

Kind of sounds like us doesn't anyone thirsting I'm not talking about right now. Some of us could use it a Diet Coke pool and orange drink or good glass of water not talking about that, but I'm going to say to you.

These people given to drink wine world with a forgot will be back with more of Dr. Don Wilton here on The Encouraging Word if you like to hear more of today's broadcast or other broadcasts that are connected to this wonderful series on complete and courageous. You can find them on our is also a great place to connect with Dr. Don connect only socials would be Twitter Facebook were all connected were getting social just as you are would also be happy to talk with you.

Pray with you connect our phone line at 86689 yes, lots of things connected just to the keyboard but every once in a while it's good just to talk. We're here at 86689. That's 866-899-9673. Now back to today's message the forgotten dead with Dr. Don Wilton number two, they were given plenty to eat.

Chapter 16 verse 13 for example, Bible says that evening.

Quail came in, the Interview quail hunters here Bible tells us here they were in the desert where there were no such things that I was starving. Number one I didn't have anything to drink God gave them plenty that had nothing to eat. God covered the ground with quail another time. God sent manna from heaven. That's great that I had brand I had meat that had water so they had plenty to eat, number three, number three, they would repeatedly by the Lord.

Chapter 15 again at the last part of verse 25. The Bible says there the Lord made a decree and unlawful. Damn. And he tested them. By the way, do you know that one of the greatest privileges in life is to be tasted by God. God tests us. God doesn't tempt us. That's what Satan does. God tests us. You know why God tests us makes us stronger. He helps us to give him glory.

He strengthens us folks. One of the greatest privileges in life is that a Christian man lady be tasted you to pray repeatedly Lord tastefully test me please text me folks. These people were tested repeatedly by the Lord before they were given repeated victories victories.

For example, if you were to go to chapter 17 just turn over the chapter 17 of the book of Exodus. I don't have time to read it to you but if you start in verse eight, the Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites. Let me tell you what happened folks when the Amalekites claimant attacked the Israelites.

Moses held up his hand in verse 11. As long as Moses held up his hands. The Israelites were winning and I ended up winning the battle. You can go through the narrative account in the Old Testament what you going to find that this forgotten generation of people, God gave them repeated victories does not sound like you and me wonder how many times God has given you a victory. Wonder how much God is giving you to drink one how much God has given you to eat.

Wonder how many times God has tested you.

I wonder how many victories God has given you, and every time you come up against that obstacle.

God enables you to overcome it by his grace. Number five, they were repeatedly covered with the glory of God.

I love this. If you go all the way to chapter 40 look at look at Exodus chapter 40 wonderful.

This is a remarkable passage. Exodus chapter 40 look specifically at verse 34. The Bible says in the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord, the tabernacle, what happened to this forgotten generation time without number repeatedly of God was made manifest over the God just simply use Shekinah glory God because God wanted, not because of God just did these things.

Number six they were given one sign off for another you going to verse 36 of chapter 40 the Bible says in all the tribes of Israel.

Whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle they would say talk. Can you imagine that. Can you imagine that God love them so much that he gave them one sign off for another. Sounds like us doesn't folks do you know that I believe building together and fight what we've just done was a sign when God spoke to this congregation four years ago God said excuse me, who do you think owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who owns the wealth in every mine who's in charge do what I'm telling you to do what I expect of you has a generation of people over 40 years, folks, and yet God said you're outta here. You not going to be included. Alright, so here's the question. Yes, the question why were these people forgotten. Why did God leave them out once again. I bought a list as long as my arm but I'm going to discipline myself to five points five reasons all out of Scripture number one. I think the first reason they all are forgotten generation is because they grumbled continually I'm telling me to chapter 50 look at chapter 15 of the book of Exodus, verse 24 so the people grumbled against Moses that's got to chapter 16 in verse eight I love chapter 16 in verse eight memo now God is not all of these things. Watch what you read your Moses also said you will know that it was the Lord when he gives you meat to eat in the evening and all grade you want in the morning because he is heard no grumbling against him. All we you are not grumbling against us. You are grumbling against the Lord, by the way, have you ever met a genuine down to earth, grumbling about, grumble, grumble, grumble gum doesn't matter what you do. They grumbling doesn't matter what motorcar you box not the right protocol does matter what drink you give them light one something else doesn't matter how much sugar you put in the tea at the beacon I want more sugar in the tea at the beacon. Now that's a grumble. I mean if it's the sun is shining it's too hot. If they too many clouds. It's too cold. Folks if you ever meet someone who comes to church.

You can never get a private see the too hot to cold and I'll let you know I don't like it this way that I want it that way. Can't do this, grumble, grumble with you going to do this. I don't like that one side down the other side grumble mumble mumble mumble grumble, grumble, Ron Wells, my dear brother in Christ brought a tremendous, and you sing about at the grumbling artists of the Israelite grumbled here in grumbled they are thinking: grumble lactose or something like that. They grumbled continually number two they disregarded their leaders. They disregarded their leaders. Look at chapter 16 verse 20 Bible says how about some of them paid no attention to Moses. Now folks listen to God has always raised up leaders hasn't changed his mind. God always gives to his people, leaders, boys and girls do you know real leaders are mom and dad.

You shot me a child that doesn't listen to mom and dad and I'll show you a child ends up in serious trouble.

Let me start noticing this church you spit in the face of God to submit my friends that these people the Israelites disregarded their spiritual leaders today is facing a crisis like never before. All because we are teaching our children, not the kind of leaders that God puts in front of them. That is why you can call me old-fashioned. I do not accept boys and girls calling senior adults by their first night. I do not accept young people getting into the place of people, whether disregarded disrespect. I want to tell you my friend. It is the seed structured somewhere in America we teach our people that Manzo box certain fundamental things that speak to our character. We all his men and women of Almighty God. This was a forgotten generation. They had a total disregard for their leaders. They grumbled constantly.

Number three.

They constantly look backwards tell you if you want to have a chocolate babysitters go to chapter 17 in verse three. I want you to think for just a moment I want you to think for just a moment and how these people were delivered from bondage hundred years of slavery, God gave him something to eat, something to drink led them across the Red Sea and yet when the chips were down. The Bible says in verse three.

The people were thirsty for water like grumbled against Moses, and I said why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us dine out children and live livestock on Thursday said look what we gonna do is we gonna take a few steps forward in 25 steps backwards.

We live our lives constantly looking backwards you not call Sadie said forget those things which are behind you press on, move on, run the race fight the good fight of faith stand up tall and be counted. What's done is done. God gave us Jesus Christ friend if I look back over my shoulder man because I've seen so grievously in the presence of Almighty God has given me for what I have done pennies wiped the slate clean and he said to me, Don Wilton I want to stand up and be counted for righteousness today. I wonder why these people were forgotten. Number four. They quickly turned away from the Lord. Chapter 32 in verse eight. It was just amazing how many times these people just turn back from the Lord.

Every step I took forward they just sinned against God, they became disobedient. It didn't matter how God bless that one day they would rise up. They remind me of America. They became so fickle in everything that they where everybody rallies around because something happened in the next day the entire nation forgets about God's we have 911 in our hearts break in the church of God is for me and two months later, you cannot find America as far as God is concerned, we telling the Lord. We need to have one tragedy offer another to bring us back to him. Consider these people were forgotten dead. All how easy it is to turn away from the Lord and number five easily led astray.

Chapter 32. For example, in verse 21. I told you there are so many passages Bible says that Moses went up on the Mount Sinai and the people turn their backs on when he came back down from the mountain, they built a golden cough given themselves to drunken debauchery.

To make matters worse, Eric led them to do it. One of the deputy leaders. One of the deputy leaders stood up and said let's just forget about God is for the moment. The people just follow my wife and I've tried. I'm sure we failed many times, but we've tried to tell our children sons and daughter. We are grateful for your behavior in the home. Children ought to behave in the home, but really what really matters is not how they behave at home.

That's how they behave when they're out of the mom and dad, auntie Moses took off and they built a golden cough forgotten David. It's an amazing story. I don't you think for a moment that I think that you will all anywhere near where we need to be, but I am grateful to the little church group of people who have determined never to be forgotten never to be forgotten what you doing, life you live, you got a sweet mother who's crying her heart out for the Lord Jesus for you folks. Let's not confuse the issue. Some people might say well you know I if I give a lot of money.

I'll never be forgotten is not about money is not about whether I preach whether I sing. It's not about that. So let me just give you in 30 seconds. God was never to be forgotten. List you wanted God's never to be forgotten. List number one repentant person number two separated person someone who stands out you and I cannot call ourselves believers in behave the same as the world does number three I grateful person.

I believe with all my heart in gratitude is a particularly heinous thing in the eyes of God in gratitude and ungrateful heart number for an obedient person will never be forgotten. God requires.

That's the hallmark of Christian discipleship. God says if you do number five a serving person, someone who's willing to serve the Lord.

Number six a giving person, giving what giving Lord here I am bored. I meant to give my money to give my talent, my service, I'm just going to give.

I'm just going to give it to you is nothing I have including myself as months old old. Let me tell you something, folks. You show me a tightfisted man a tightfisted man with money and I'll show you basically unhappy person you meet someone whose tightfisted count pennies I bring with a legal slave bring everything in the mind us all know we not not going to do that would not tell you.

I'll show you a happy unhappy man and unhappy like you know why because God tells us to open our head and again I'm not just talking about money, talking about everything opening yourself up, sign Lord, here I am, usually sent me everything I bought is your you want me to show you a happy person a happy person is an abandoned person, someone who said look Ma, everything you I just give sometimes it really is just that simple. Say here I am Lord Gotti Sterger heard today. Let us speak with you this is The Encouraging Word you been listening to Dr. Don Wilton and he'll be back in just a moment. So please don't go away but know that we as the Encouraging Word team are here with you to pray with you and for you.

866899 word will connect you not just now but 24 hours a day. That's 866-899-9673 or meet us before you get away your those closing thoughts from Dr.are you ready to give your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Why don't you pray this prayer with me right now.

Dear God, I know that on the center and I know that Jesus died for me on the cross today, I repent of my sin and by faith I receive you into my heart. In Jesus name, my friend. I welcome you today into the family of God. This is exciting news.

What a powerful day. Wouldn't this be a perfect day to have someone encourage you on the phone or on the keyboard The Encouraging that's our website, The Encouraging

This phone number 866899673 you have these moments of studying God's word together so critical.

But we also looked at some moments to your mornings. Maybe an email first thing from Dr. Don Wilton to encourage you. You can sign up by texting the word daily to 30500 for this free email from Dr. Don and I believe it will bless you tremendously. That's just text the word daily to 30500 now quick thought on this very special sanctity of human life opportunity. Across America are different views on when life and when it what you believe. What does the Bible say when life really began showing Dr. Wilson as he teaches biblical transfer compassion straight from God's word is classic in timely message. Sanctity of human life, you will receive two bonus gaps why pro-life counterculture in a world of abortion.

These powerful ministry resources will help you with the fact life to God's word left. This entity of human life classic in timely message on Feeney and guests for your gift of any amount to The Encouraging Word today right/PO Box 2110, Spartanburg, SC 29304 or call us toll-free at 86689 word Thank you for your support. Continue to proclaim God's truth around the world. Thank you for your partnership with The Encouraging Word is doing right now I want to write, you can see that number pray pray requested right right loan leasing right wrong one. Amen