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R1342 The Revelation of the Holy Spirit

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
December 11, 2019 8:00 am

R1342 The Revelation of the Holy Spirit

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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December 11, 2019 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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I'm just going to ask a question or you genuinely a changed person. If today you are asked this question. Are you a Christian man, a Christian lady and you said yes it is the are you genuinely trying is the proof in your life Bible says about this you will know you will know by the fruit so long. I'm going to a very deep level. Here, the people know that I am who I say I am in Jesus as a believer up. I want to show you today that you can know this. I'm going to invite you to give your life to Christ. It's that important. You will not go to heaven and on and I think so.

Or maybe so, or based upon our self-worth and goodness, and I look every week at unbelievably precious people do you really know Jesus.

Do you want to really know Jesus because you can really know him.

We all could use some encouragement and will find it together today. The Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton and the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that is the title of today's message from Dr. Don Wilton well-known author evangelistic pastor.

The revelation of the Holy Spirit going the look of acts chapter 2 in just a moment as we begin to prepare the study doctor about what you know we're here for you to pray with you and for you can connect our website keyboard that's DEW This phone number Chinatown stored in your cell 866899 word will connect Wallace 24 hours a day, 866-899-9673 would love to pray with and for you. Now today's message the revelation of the Holy Spirit with Dr. Don Wilton. We're in the book of acts. In chapter 2 and I'm going to speak to you for a few moments on the revelation of the Holy Spirit that I want to read to you a few verses because there's a lot to say and I'm going to try and bring us all together for us today.remember that the Bible tells us, and we believe that God is one God is one. He is God the father.

He's God the son and he's God the Holy Spirit, God sent Jesus to this earth.

So God the son left his rightful place at the right hand of God. He came to this earth because he loves us and in obedience to the love of the father took upon himself human flesh.

He was tempted in all points. Just as we all yet without sin, live this life. He showed us and demonstrated to us the things that he would require of us. Then they crucified him, and when they crucified him. He took upon himself every son, your son Mohsen that's wife your gossiper you can be made whole. If you're in the doctor you can be made whole.

If you've done things that God that you know our sin in the eyes of God. You can be forgiven because Jesus went to the cross for you. You never be forgiven because you came to church, never be forgiven because you stop gossiping, you will never be forgiven because you turned over a new leaf. You can only be forgiven when you confess your sin to Jesus, and you repent of that sin and you turn away from it because he went to the cross and then he was. Barry Dawson was buried with him in on the third day, by the power of God. God raised him from the dead. Jesus is alive. He didn't bring out some backup with them. So when you give your life to Christ you are, except by believing in him what Jesus has already done for us and then off preparing to many people for many days. Jesus ascended he went back into heaven up there in the heaven, and he sat down at the right hand of the father. He's not praying for us making intercession for us and he left us on our own. We were abandoned. Member Jesus was with man. Then he laughed.

He said don't worry I'm going to send my spirit saw the third person, who is God was sent came down to this earth. And when he came to this earth that is called Pentecost the day of Pentecost, and there was a group of his disciples in Jerusalem and they were meeting and they were kind of like you and me that were all sitting around saying what we gotta do. We got no power, we got no energy. We don't know what to say we don't how to think. We can't even overcome. We already policy useless people and remember what Jesus said.

He said that I'm going to send my spirit but I didn't fully understand it. And all of a sudden, here comes the spirit and when the spirit of God came down upon those people in Jerusalem something incredible happened. Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven I sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting in divided tongues of fire appeared to them, and rested on each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Now they would dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven, and that the sound, the multitude came together, and they were bewildered because each one was hearing them speak in his own language and they were amazed and astonished sign on old all these who are speaking Galileans and how is it then that we hear each one of us in our own native language Parthians and Medes, and LMI's and residents of Mesopotamia today and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes Cretans and Arabians, we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God and all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another.

What does this mean but there were others who mock him and said surely they are drunk. But Peter, standing up with the 11, lifted up his voice and he preached what does this mean to me. I'm a Christian man. The Bible tells me that when I gave my heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I received God all of God, for God cannot be divided. I received God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. God the spirit drills in me and that's why today I want to invite you to give your heart to the Lord Jesus because God the father loves you because Jesus came and died for you and because the Holy Spirit will come and live in you. So there are three things that I want everyone listening today to take away from what you hear today. These are three things I want you to write in your heart. This is what this means to me and this is what this means to you if you give in your heart to Jesus I want you to never forget these three things number one. It means that I am never alone. I am never alone. I could be in the remotest place most isolated place surrounded by apparent nothingness, but because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I am never alone.

I am never fatherless number two means that I am never in capable I'm never in capable I want to speak a word to you today as it is anything that the devil is going to try and tell you he's going to try and take you down because of your lonesomeness isolate you going to tell you nobody is there for you but you are never alone because the spirit of God is in you everywhere you are never fatherless. But the devil secondly is going to try and convince you just how useless you are. If there is any kind of weapon that the devil will use today among God's people.

It is to convince people just how spiritually, emotionally, physically and practically useless. You are he will use your sin to bring you down in the conviction that you have been rendered useless. He will use your shame to tell you that it's over. Is somebody right now that you are at that point, you're a believer and you're about to take your own life. Please do not do that by Bosque in Jesus name that God would start your hand to reasons.

Number one because you are not alone and number two because you are not useless.

You are not in capable. This spirit of God when the spring of God comes into your life. He declares you always be surrounded by his presence and to always be capable because of him, but because of you I am incapable, but Christ in me declares me to be capable for Christ by his power.

Number three means that I'm never worthless I'm never alone.

I'm never in capable, and I'm never worthless worthlessness is the devils means by which he declares us in capable of ever bearing fruit in our lives again. I guess what the Bible tells us the Bible says that we need to be fruit bears because of the spirit of God, and the fruit of the spirit is love and joy and peace and long-suffering and tenderness and meekness, and what happens when sin comes into our lives.

The devil reaches a like a vacuum cleaner and he just kind of removes all the fruit and he says let me tell you one thing about you because you are alone. You're by yourself your abandonment. Secondly, because you are completely incapable. Therefore you are declared worthless.

I tell you if the devil can get a hold you in that zone of your life you will walk around so defeated that you will have no reason to want to even get up in the morning. Three things I want you to take away with you that one. You are never alone. Number two, you are never in capable and number three you are never worthless. You are not fatherless. You are not useless and you are not fruitless. So what was the soul about the revelation of the Holy Spirit what what what does this tell us what happened here for things just want to share these with you number one. The Holy Spirit reveals why he came.

Guess the question why did the Holy Spirit come down. He reveals why he came. You know why the Holy Spirit came right there. Verse six verse seven he came first bowl so that everybody can hear the message and number two that everybody can respond to the message of God's truth. The Holy Spirit came with the distinct purpose that everybody can hear you know the Holy Spirit speaks the same language that everybody speaks and yet we all speak different languages. I can't explain this to you.

You know my good friend gone, is with me this morning and got in common is from Korea, lives in a wonderful country with wonderful people I speak a different language. You and I have been in places from Africa to India to China. We being amongst people.

We got people of different languages, even in our own nation. There is a debate that goes on even in our own nation about languages and about the speaking of English at all of these things, but God by his spirit came at Pentecost so that God who is God because he's the only God can speaking the same language and everybody can hear it. Everybody can understand everybody can respond because God sent Jesus, so that everybody can be forgiven can't be saved and everybody can go to heaven to be with him across the board. Somebody say that. Please forgive the eruption, but will be back with the entirety of today's message.

The revelation of the Holy Spirit with Dr. Don Wilton in just a moment, but I know that many of you have been writing to us texting us connecting calling and saying you know were just new to this voice.

Dr. Don Wilton. He has that wonderful South African broken in many cases was best known of the last 25 years as the pastor Dr. Billy Graham, but I have become to know him over the last 25 years is just a man who is as much a student of the Bible as he is a teacher and pastor and today as we continue in God's words Dr. Don Wilton over here for you. We love to pray with you and for you. Perhaps there is a situation or circumstance of the very best thing you need is someone to pray about, 866899 word will connect with one of us. That's 866-899-9673 that numbers on our website as DEW that's for The Encouraging Word DW 24 hours a day. Would love to connect with you after The Encouraging Word broadcasters over there still a wonderful place to connect 24 hours a day. It's The Encouraging You can visit our message archives download Dr. Wilton sermons or sign up for our weekly podcast of favorite button on our website is the prayer request, but you can share a prayer request or personally. You have a praise report or testimony. Let us know so we can rejoice with you as well. You can also sign up for our daily Bible guide and have devotion sent to your email every single day. If you have a question about your salvation perhaps questions about how to share your faith with a friend. Let us walk you through the steps to a personal relationship with Jesus and the ability to share that with others you're looking for a book from Dr. Wilton or maybe a CD or DVD. We have resources ready to send to you at the click of a button.

No matter what the reason we hope you will connect with us today Now let's dive back into the opportunity to see what God's going to do is we understand the revelation of the Holy Spirit better here in the book of acts.

So the holy reveals number one why he came number two.

The Holy Spirit reveals who he speaks through it. I wish I had time to unpack all of the starting in verse 14. In fact, Peter even quotes a preview of the book of Revelation when he quotes from Joel the prophecy of Joel.

The bottom line is what he is saying here in the context of the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit came in order to reveal to us.

It is that he the spirit will speak through, I invite you in your own study to go and discover who that exactly as he spoke through Peter. He spoke through the 11. The Bible tells that in these last days he will speak through your son, you speak through your daughter. He will speak through young man. He was speak through older man through young ladies. Through all the ladies he's going to speak by any means, and to all people do you know something about the Holy Spirit. Folks, the Holy Spirit came to reveal to us that every single one of us have the great privilege because we all have the same spirit residing in us being able to speak on his truth and to share the love of God with everyone what the Holy Spirit reveals number one why he came number two who he speaks through but the Holy Spirit came number three to review what he has done what he has done for.

This is a biographical resume. You know, if you want to know what the Holy Spirit is done, you need to give me an additional 52 weeks every year because what he is done is rarely somewhat raw.

The remarkable it defies human understanding. One of my favorite questions I get from younger preachers sometimes is what you think I should preach on on Sunday. It always perplexes me somewhat as if there is a sort of a limited resource as to what we have to say about what God has done. That's why we have such difficulties. That's why we've been studying the book of Revelation for eight years now on Sunday nights and I'm actually in Revelation chapter 20. We've only got two chapters to go. That's just another 10 years. It's just this unbelievable reservoir of God's rich treasures of his grace, and the Holy Spirit reveals to us what God has done. Verse 22 God credited. Verse 24 God raised him up verse 13 God promised him on this. 33 God exalted him, verse 36 God has made this Jesus, both Lord and Christ. Verse 39 God holds out old people to take a hold of him believing him to be set free after no never alone and they never incapable, and they are never worthless. Can you believe that God in heaven would've same tease Holy Spirit to come and live in our hearts and lives in that the reason he did this was that he wanted to reveal why he came in who he speaks through and what he is done.

But there is 1/4 reason why the Holy Spirit came he came to reveal how he expects us to respond. He showed us he told us he told us he said this is how you should respond because the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts us.

By the way, did you know that. Did you know that by the way, did you know that I absolutely am rendered incapable of trying to convict anybody here of your son tell you what I could probably get quite a bank balance.

If I could I'd probably open on Friday evenings.

People would stop going to bowl games on Friday evenings if I was able to convict people of their sin and then do something about it but I can't do that.

How precious is God by his Holy Spirit because he spirit convicts us of sin and of righteousness and of judgment, and the Bible tells us so clearly here. Look at verse 37 now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart. This is the response when they heard this, they were cut to the heart. That's what's happening to you right now there's somebody right now God by his spirit is cutting your heart.

He's getting to you making the blood flow and it's right there where it counts that were cut to the heart and so they said to Peter and to the pastas and the preachers men and brethren, what shall we do, and so they look back. This is the Holy Spirit saying how we should respond repent of your sin and then be baptized in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy Spirit. This is the only means by which you can come to me and the Bible says by the way, just ask. Hello get this moms and dads and grandparents for the promises not only for you but it's for your children, your sons and your daughters your loved ones. 20 since you didn't say the promises for you, your children and I love this one. I love this one are going to come out here quickly.

Just for sick.

Did you did you see this, did you see the ship he sees. This is for all who are far off. Who amongst us is far off. Do you know someone right now, son, daughter, uncle on best friend and neighbor is fall off from the Lord. This is the most incredible, joyful, wonderful Holy Spirit.

I'm not going to stand in this point a finger at anyone can because this will apply to me. When Jesus went to the cross.

He leveled the playing field. Welcome to the house of God, and I want to welcome you to the family of God, and I got a bunch of friends that are going to welcome you to the family be set free.

This is the work of the Holy Spirit. I'm going to invite you to give your life to Christ.

The invitation to turn your life over to Christ is like to talk with someone about that next step here for you. 866-899-WORD is our phone number that's 866-899-9673 or me this online TW is are you are LTW for Encouraging Word before you get away.

Perhaps the most important thing that Dr. Don has to share with us today is what is about to say God has spoken to you hasn't you ready to give your heart to Jesus. I'd love to help pray this prayer with me and accept Jesus into your heart and life. Dear God, I know that on this. I know that Jesus died for me right now, I repent of my sick face.

My son Jesus Christ coming to save give me Jesus name I pray. Amen.

If you pray that prayer we love to get alongside some literature help you grow and I want you to know that I love you very very much by the way, don't leave, don't go away. What ever you do, I'll be right. Perhaps Lord is spoken to you and now you're sitting in that knowledge, and you realize you need to take another step. Let us walk with you through those next series of steps to become closer and closer Jesus Christ to become a disciple. That in turn becomes a disciple maker you can connect with us right now at 86689. If you've just given your heart to Christ to rededicate your life to Jesus.

Dr. Don has some wonderful free resources.

We would love to put in your hands the number again is 866-899-9673 or email us at eight and before you get away. If you haven't heard about this heart of worship series to launch into 2020 dear Dr. Don with more this year. Again, I was placed to join with several pastas Christian leaders from across the country in writing a brand-new 52 week devotional called the heart of worship.

I want to make a copy available to you and for you to have copies that you can get to send to your families and friends at Christmas time. What a wonderful Christmas gift to give to those that you love. In fact, as we begin a new year, beginning with God. So thank you my friends for picking up the phone and calling to request the heart of worship devotional today. God bless you the number again is 86689673 or email us at I'm still being a part of the Sunday thank you, without disabled when I can't attend my alone time and receive some lessons from sermons, and I love to sing along with the congregation and especially those of us watching this, making us feel a part of your church family that we can. Thank you so very much for the complex.

Your ministry gives me strength when I'm very discouraged because I live alone now