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R1467 The Promise of a New Day, PT.2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
March 5, 2020 8:00 am

R1467 The Promise of a New Day, PT.2

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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March 5, 2020 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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My friend and I teases sometimes you just have to reboot and review not just a computer, maybe even our life. Maybe not the review most certainly to reboot our computer sometimes just come back fresher, they wake up like the debate is or something that needs to be rebooted in your life.

Is there a sense of meeting a new day, Dr. Wilton, our pastor here on Encouraging Word is getting the dive into this concept of the promises of God, of a new day we going to the book of Joshua in God's word in just a few moments and while we do so we want to know that were available. As we gain insight from God's word and apply it to our lives would love to pray with you and for you we can do that

This phone number 866-899-WORD 866-899-WORD 9673 and now Dr. Don Wilton with today's message. The promise of a new day means that today can be that day for you. This moment right now I can't get over the response that I've heard because this is so real. All of us need a new day new day begins by accepting Christ. That's point number one it's it's always that way because you have to turn your life over to Jesus. That's why I'm inviting you today to give your heart to Jesus and infecting just a little while.

I'm going to ask you to respond to that because it's very important when you give your life to Christ that you tell someone about that you invite others into your life, your church family, your parents, your life completed that Sunday school teacher because that's the fabric of life. We teach each other as we begin to grow, but you need to give your life to Christ.

Then, once having given your life to Christ done for one minute think that because you've given your heart to Jesus that the arduous nature of the journey of life just goes away with still encompassed by the challenges and the difficulties of this life on three.

We still bring up our children.

We still walk down long and lonely roads. We still suffer grief.

We still hooked we still have to make ends meet. We still lose our jobs. We still live in a world in which they seems to be increasing conflict where the stock market is down one month and up the next in here because this group of people who who were the people that God had set apart and they'd gone through for 14 years of this journey where they delivered yes but they hadn't arrived. There is a difference between being delivered in arriving and remember that the journey is as important as the destination and and you will remember how that you not Moses stood right there on mount. The bunnies looking over at the destination.

Having covered the length of this journey and with all of these people and his time has come in and God spoke and and what I did was adjust. I wrote down just on a piece of pipe again. Bob, I just want to read to you before I read this passage of Scripture in the opening salvo God told Joshua a number of things he said number one, Moses, David wasn't sweeping Moses under the Bush but he was saying.

Joshua this is a new day number two he said to Joshua you get ready you. He spoke to Joshua Lackey speaking to leaders in our church. He's done this for generations. Lackey speaking to every one of us like he speaks to parents. He sign I need a word with with you.

I am privileged to be your posture and your friend I but I have to continually say Lord, what would you say to me that I might share with your people eat.

He said in the third instance include all the people see you not lift out what God does for us when he gives us a new day is not for some and not for others. He includes all of God's people. He said I want you to actually cross over the Jordan. You remember some of you lost weight, I gave you that picture of Mount Nebo and down in front of them through the valley is the river Jordan and it was like impenetrable.

They didn't have what we had today should listen, I want you to stand and look at it want you to crossover Esther Slack us is you got a river flowing in front of you right now and God is saying to you crossover stop looking at the river stop contemplating the impossibility of the challenge because God can do this.

It's not about you it's about him and then he said now once you crossover my note just sensate your foot down.

You know sometimes you can crossover the challenge, but you don't seize the moment I but I made friends all my life who suffered with addictions and you can go through AA celebrate recovery. All of these things you can you can cross over the river of your limitation but you've got to see you put your foot down and sees what it is that God has given you to do and God is speaking to some of you ran 90s telling you to crossover the Jordan, so to speak, and you walk out the door here, but you don't put your foot down. You don't claim the territory. God is given to the territory will expand. He said God see the enemies already defeated because right there in chapter 1 in verse five, God save just want you to know the most important thing I'm with you. You not on your own. See kids what happens to you now want you to really take hold of the sign vibe you minute ago to give your heart to Jesus right and if you willing to repent of your sin and by faith accept Jesus Christ in your heart immediately.

This spirit of God comes into all of the spirit of God, God the father, God the son God the whole is you can't divide God.

You don't get God the father, God the son.

10 weeks later I have an experience whereby you will get the spirit you can't divide God.

God cannot be divided. He is one in the spirit of God comes into the mind of the Spirit of God comes and you everywhere you go. There goes God is God's spirit is gone so everywhere I go I am please listen to me. I'm not being disrespectful here.

Everywhere I go. As a believer. God is with me. He's in me. Now put this in the perspective here crossover put your foot down claimant to country and I'm with you I'm with you. You know what I did. I walk down the mountain with you. I walked across the valley with you. I crossed over the river Jordan effect on the one who helped you to crossover.

I was already way you were going even though you hadn't got there before because I claim that territory long before you even knew it existed I'm with you. Let's pick up you because I want you to see this in your Bibles.

This is what I want to pick up in verse six. Here's the rest of the story. Be strong and courageous, for you shall close this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give to the only be strong and very courageous. Be very careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it either to the right hand or to the left.

Just get that how many you taking detours right now in your spiritual walk and right. Let's get on with us.

Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success where ever you go.

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success have unlocked a Montague. Be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid. Do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Now watch what happened. So Joshua gathered all the deacons suck. Sorry, Joshua commanded the officers of the people and he said to them, parse through the midst of the camp and command the people, prepare your provisions, for within three days you're the parse over this Jordan to go in to take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess and to the Rubin knots the gate I talked the tribe of Manasseh. Joshua said, remember the word that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, the Lord God is providing you a place of race and will give you this land now watch verse 14 very important. Your wives, your little ones, and your livestock shall remain in the land that Moses gave you beyond the Jordan. But all the men of valor among you shall parse over on before your brothers and shall help them until the Lord gives grace to your brothers, as he has, to you and they also take possession of the land that the Lord your God is giving them then you shall return to the land of your position and shall possess the land that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise, and they also Joe's drawstring said all that you have commanded us. We will do and where ever you send us. We will go and just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you only may the Lord your God be with you.

Is he with with Moses and whoever rebels against supermom and disobeys you with whatever you come on, shall be put to death and I love the loss statement only be strong and be courageous.

What this is good.

The promise of a new day, but God wanted them to know something so I just want to put these down in front of us.

This is what God wanted these people do not to stake their claim for new day for a new beginning. This is what God said.

Number one, verse six as you go. Be strong and courageous love that word strength, courage like kind of synonyms in many ways because the challenge of life, and if I'm not just for a moment, the repeated chance. Some of some people I know or have had a repeated bombardment.

It just like its relentless if you're under attack. You know the best way to really break the door down to just keep hammering away at it, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. Now what suffers as a result, first of all your strength gets depleted, and secondly, you begin to lose courage because the inclination of the human heart is to become depleted, and secondly, to say I just have no courage to it takes courage to stand up people. It takes courage. It takes courage to say I can do this in the name of the Lord Jesus when you know jolly well you cannot do it in your own name with God nothing is impossible, said be strong number two obey God's law. 20 told them in verse seven obey God's law. Look at it with me.

It's a powerful he says here he says make sure that you do all according to the law obey God's law now could we just have a little aside here.

If you are one of those people. What were you thinking of 10 Commandments and it's a tough older man. You mean I gotta keep the Sabbath holy. You mean you mean I must not commit adultery. You mean I must love God with all my heart.

You mean I must not covet earnestly desiring what is not mine you mean I must not be idolatrous.

I mean that's what the Lord God said, thou shalt have no other gods before me. So how how we doing America how we doing American Idol wonderful man. I thanked her the other day at the airport I ran into one of our finest to one the whole thing. He walked up to me and said Don it's so nice to see you married and I'm just kidding that was a joke. Just think about this from he's talking here, the people he sees obey God's law. Please forgive the eruption will be back with more of Dr. Don's teaching in just a minute on the promise of a new day.

The doctor not insist on interop to let you know we're here for you.

We love presenting his messages like this. And so you can listen to him whether you're on the go are working out or doing whatever it might be that allows this to be your soundtrack of encouragement, but you need to know that we also love to have an interaction with you a conversation instead of just the presentation phone number is 8668. Now I know many are going phone. I will copy any outside mount mom on the phone will that's okay I like is not okay to call your mom. But the reality is in the day and age of texting and typing sometimes one of the most remarkable things God can use is just the sound of another friend, a brother in Christ or sister in Christ praying for you.

We love to be one of those encouragers in your life again.

The phone number is 866899673 appraisal call at anytime day or night. Would love to connect with you and you can meet with us online.

Of course, you know, just by the way, I'm not trying to get ahead of myself is wonderful that when he gets to all of the nieces.

Don't you worry, I'm with you when he says I'm with you, he sees I am going to in able you to do the things that you cannot do on your own.

Obey God's law number three don't take detours. He turns to these people now want you to get this this is almost I wish I could've been a fly on our rock on the side of Mount Nebo or something. I would've loved to have done that. Just to look at their faces.

Can you imagine God sees. Don't turn left or right because they just spent 40 years turning left and right don't make detours human inclination is to do little sidetrips when it comes to following the Lord, you know sometimes it seems to me all the devil wants you to do is to just stay off-line a little bit and he will show you something so attractive off-line that he will capture your attention.

Now that's a discipline because we will make detours when you following the Lord, and you sign. Lord I belong to you and your in my heart and I want to serve you and I'm determined and I love this life and you are serving him spiritually during church on Sundays you going to that life group. It's not doing so you studying you where you start to read God's word on a daily basis you praying use seeking him your modus operandi's and then what you do just that. You know what just for little but I may not go to, you know, we're also good at that. In a sense God is looking at the children of Israel as he is looking at us and he says look you spent 40 years taking sidetrips and every time you've done here come the demons stop it, get with the program stick to it.

Stick to the program where a bunch of yo-yos were up one minute and down the next, and that's the human heart guys this is I want you to understand that this is the tough part. He looks at the children is a seat I'm taking you to where you need to go just I want to tell you something. Be strong and be courageous. Obey model and and don't take detours number four hold foster my word. That's what he sees in verse eight, is hold foster my would look at verse eight this book of Lord from later depart from your mouth hold foster stand on the word of God smile with my words. A lamp in a lifetime to your feet you hold God's word in your heart, you take God's word study God's word read God's word and that's it. Discipline folks. It's a discipline for me all of you might fall out of bed in the mornings I will you know that's the pasta he's always folks I have to discipline myself.

I'm always studying God's word in order to deliver it but I also have to study God's word in order to live by.

Then he says don't be afraid. I love verse nine because verse nine he just sees the don't be afraid. Don't be dismayed. He removes from them. He sees them look what I want you to do is I want you to really stand up and stand told don't fear what you look at what you see and what you know, don't fear the cost because when you feel that way you've been, and you don't understand that God has wipe the slate clean. You will never be able to have the new beginning and a new day lack of promised. Number six. He says prepare properly all love verse 10. Prepare properly all gosh I'm just speaking to all students in college kids and on down the road.

Prepare properly really you know to actually prepare prepare for your journey with God. Prepare for what you going to do prepare your heart and what is what he's telling them here's the cement spend spend more time in preparation for what you know you need to do in order to receive the full benefit of what you know you going to receive number seven lit leaders lead you know in their context. Back then, I mean he's it. It's such a practical application because their entire journey they carried with them their entire family and and God had something to say about he was saying, listen you man out.

They need to stand up and be counted. Get on and do what you do so, where are you brother, what, why, why have we always go to come and ask you to do something. Why is your wife constantly go to are skewed to be the man of the house you got a problem or something. Wipe your children go to look around and say where is dad, what, what's the matter with you. I think I think maybe you and I mean I wasn't there but I think you know that God was looking into Josh and sang. Listen, you need to talk to obese people say listen, this is your job man you know I guy but II think about veterans out of man. I just love our veterans and you can hardly go to veteran from any war any time in America that's been involved in over the years and they'll say to you, you know you want to say. The man just think of just me and I'm so grateful and annual valid what you did and I'm you know this and I mean 9.99 times out of 10 veterans will look at me and say what's that was my job man just doing my job just doing my job. I am just doing my job. It's like someone here needs to invite me are awesome need to be your pasta. What I do and I don't I don't shave it. That's what I do. So how you doing dad how you doing valiant warrior how you doing mom apply this all the way across your mom you children have to turn around and say will weigh his mom.

God was speaking a solution you want to have a new day leaders get on and lead. In other words, take your assignment and fulfill it according to what God has established in your heart. Number eight trust and obey powerful state trust and obey.

Like verse 16 in verse 17 is what he says. He says, just as you have trusted Moses, so trust me, just as you've obeyed God obey God. Now don't change hasn't changed.

God didn't change. By the way, because this year is this year doesn't mean that the role of God is different to what it was in 1940, or for that matter. In 1732. Whatever went on God's Lord doesn't change. God hasn't changed.

God doesn't modernize the same Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever many culminates all of this at the last part of verse 18, which to me is his, black my ultimate new day word from the Lord. He says you can do this. Only be strong and courageous. If you get back into the text.

That means you know what you can do this, you knows it. As kids we used to love these little in order quote Thomas the train how actual many of used to run used to love Thomas the train and kids and Greg Thomas the train. You and I get these books with it an engine along with the smoke coming out the chimney and in the Thomas the train would go up the hill saying I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

I think I can. That's human nature. That's what I do, Lord. I think I think I can do this, you know, he gets to the end of the ceases excuse me with me. God says you can do this you can do it when you trust Jesus as your Savior. Watch what happens. Greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world. You can do this. You love the Lord you been on a long journey. This is been going on for years. I don't know. I don't know that a new day can, I don't know that I can start fresh. The sporty seizure you can do this children of Israel. All please I'm tiny there was at least one meeting of oh please, there's one little group at seven please man, does he not know, we've been beating around the bush for 40 years. Does he not know what happened on that battle hill and we were starving to death and we didn't have anything to drink and we did this and we did that. I mean, what is this God's as you can. You see skepticism and inability and a lack of strength. The lack of courage very normal, very normal.

It's not by the way, that's not a crime you haven't committed a crime, you hold up in your human sinful disposition and God says let me take when I take you nodding across the Jordan your new day. The challenge from Dr. Wilton is there. You know what you it's not for me to put words in your mouth, but I would love to pray with you and for you.

Even now got.

I thank you that by the power of your spirit connecting us across radio waves where people listing to this Lord you are real and you are at work and so got. I pray that you would help us to let go of control is so hard to let go of that help us to let it into your hands. Knowing that you are then going to empower us to do what we need to do by your spirit by your grace, pray against those that have been fed. The lie of the enemy that they are incapable because God do we all incapable in our own strength with you. Nothing is impossible. Help us to dig deep into your resources, your spirit in us, not our own strength vanity your strength today and do you call us to do.

I pray that in Jesus name of the Lord working in your life. Let us pray with you and for you. Pizza resources would love to connect you as well. 866-899-WORD is the phone number that's 86689673 or meet us discover great resources like this is their life beyond this world. Have you ever thought about having you ever had any doubts about having the Bible tells us that heading is as real as the promise is an internal this month for your gift of any amount you will receive Dr. Wilson's sharing our eternal home. You will receive the gift to give to padding provides biblical answers to questions such as I know if I'll go to heaven will be in heaven like in heaven like these ministry resources will help to satisfy the deepest questions in your soul. You don't have to fear the unknown. You can come face-to-face with seniors assurance of eternal life right at PO Box 2110 SC 29304 or call us toll free 866899 word Your partnership enables us to bring the gift of life into millions of homes around the world. Again, if you like get a copy of that or any other resources you can call us the phone number is 86689, but again that's not just to get a copy of Dr. Stanley's book are Dr. Don's book 866899673 will connect with one of us excited to pray with you and for you and maybe connect to other resources like the daily Encouraging Word Bible guide. It's absolutely free to help you spend some time in God's Word every single day. Details or by calling us at 866899673 until next time, take care to join us again for the Bible-based printing Dr. Don Wilton on The Encouraging Word