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DS #16 God’s Time Line for Ages Continued

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
March 13, 2020 8:00 am

DS #16 God’s Time Line for Ages Continued

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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March 13, 2020 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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We all could use some encouragement. I will fight it together today.

The Bible-based preaching of Dr. Don Wilton join us today.

Dr. will continuing in this final piece of the puzzle of God's timeline for the ages. This is the finale of the Daniel series. If you missed part of this know that you can find it online. TW also grab resources there to share with a friend.

All that's online and TW but as we wrap up this week. Perhaps there's also a need in your life. Have someone pray with you or for want to give us a call. Would love to pray with you it 866-899-WORD that's 866-899-9673 Oregon and now today's teaching with Dr. Don Wilton. Let me share with you a number of potential reasons and I've spoken about some of these if you'd make my bottom.

I'm just going to move on. Number one the end of God's grace. How many pair all the any parent shall not grandparents noodles right your hands placed by just say this to the parents like you I think you understand.

You know when your son or daughter sales could I do this and you say no I don't think so and then I come back a minute lines. I do anything I could do please let me do this but I did redo this barge a good sign not know you not doing it elimination. As I but I'm going to do please dad once you let me do that you cite no Lausanne you cannot do that and then I come back again two minutes later my site will look God spoke to mommy going on but I don't care if you spoke to mommy. You could have spoken to the Queen of England. It wouldn't make any difference you not going to do that. Two minutes later they come back inside the breeze and eventually you look at them in your gracious daddy and you cite out of you and that's why parents about brain damage. We know that there is a sanctuary in which God folks listen to me there's a sense in which God has constantly said you don't do that want to follow me, would you take up you go that way. Do this alright, I'm listening to hear what is that you need. Okay I'll supply all you need… You do that to me you hurt me.

I cannot just just going on and on and on and on and the battle of Armageddon is weight God suddenly steps up to the plate of all eternity.

And he stays that's it no more so number two eternal time. That's a good reason. It's one that I cannot on so we don't know all the nonsense to that number three, the Roth of God against sin.

Revelation chapter 19 in verse 15 you knob spoken about that would let me read Revelation chapter 19 in verse 15 folks. If this doesn't get our attention. When I don't know. We know that in Revelation chapter 19 we got described. From this 11 second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and when does Jesus come for the second time becomes right at the at the final stages of the battle of Armageddon so that the Revelation chapter 19 God gives us an explanation for what God has not what is easy! In verse 15 out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations.

He will rule them with an E*TRADE is the winepress of the fury of the Roth of God Almighty on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written all that's it is written to God. Yes, the Roth of God again soon.

Number number four maybe 1/4 reason why is going to do this is because of the judgment of NATO nations were related to the persecution of Israel member in Genesis 12 God came to Abraham and you have Abraham a covenant and God said listen, I will curse those who curse you just what they been doing, we find a lot about that in Daniel Dunkley memo all the way back to some of those princes that came out of Greece.

Remember all the things that Daniel told us about the persecution of the Jews. Yet God says listen I made a covenant with Israel. I'm going to keep my word number five Joel chapter 3 in verse two because all nations again to be dealt with in this valley. According to the word of God. Dr. David Jeremiah whom I've done two Bible studies with on Bible study cruises made the statement and I quote the campaign of God which is Armageddon is a visual aid of the Roth of God upon those who have rejected him. It is a vivid picture of the real spiritual theological significance of what God thinks.

Substance well number four. Who are the participants who who's going to participate in this well number one Bible tells us. We looked at that. I'm not going to go through the details. The team kingdom Federation. We know that the revival of the former Roman Empire brought together by the antichrist. We discussed that the 10 horns in Daniel chapter 9, 10, 11 here in the book of Revelation. The conglomeration I believe the United States of Europe even as we speak. Tonight there will continuing deep discussions with regard to the United Nations of Europe. Number two. The second group of participants going to be the northern Confederation. It always amuses me. Just recently, Pres. President Clinton went to Moscow and met with the new Russian president. Some people believe that when communism was the dismantled purse. I am at the satellite states in the Union of Soviet Socialist republics was brought as a word to her knees that that was the end of the Russian threat on the Scripture.

I don't believe that for a minute I don't have time to get into all of this. The Bible even tells us in Revelation chapter 15 Revelation chapter 20 and verse eight that the deceitfulness of the nations is going to find its ultimate expression in Gog and Magog, and we know from the second world war that the Russians were known as the Magog black slave always being called that there called the King of the kings of the more and that the Army's litigator marched down upon Palestine during this time again to come from the golden Confederation.

Then of course Daniel Chapter 11 talks about the kings of the east that is China. The Japanese it is all the nations that are on the eastern side going out. If you stand upon Masada and you look across to Amani Jordan and you'll be looking across to the east. When I was a couple of years ago in China. I went up onto the Gobi desert GOP are the Gobi desert mold China in southern Mongolia and then flew across the extent of that incredible place. You cannot even begin to imagine the highways that are being constructed even as we speak today to transport massive massive numbers of people literally from the east to the Mediterranean region that you couldn't have said this years ago. They talk about the sink. Even now as we speak there highways that are being constructed that are gonna make their way through to back one of the reasons the Chinese will not go to bed is because Québec is part of the gateway to the world. It has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama and he's exiling the Tibetan monks and all the traditions it has to do with iconic so other route to the West.

America today is opening up free-trade to China and rewarding the Chinese government left and right for the flagrant persecution of Christians and of everything else that goes on in there all all kinds of alliances that are made between even Republicans and Democrats up in the House of Representatives and the Senate and as long as the bottom line is in place, it doesn't matter who persecutes what we just going to go to Michael kinds of alliances to make that trade with China remains in place.

I believe that we are marching down God's intended purpose for mankind. The kings of the east fourth participant is going to be the Lord and his armies Bible tells us about that Revelation chapter 19 verse 11 Jesus warned us about that right throughout his earthly ministry that he was going to return again and he was going to return with people like you and me now how do I know that I'm going to be in the Lord's army. Well, not because of anything that I've done.

In fact, I don't deserve to be there any more than anyone else would Jesus save her pain can be converted, that your sins may be brought about Jesus that you might have life and you might have it more abundantly. Bible says God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever, that's me. Whosoever believes in him will not perish will not die but will have everlasting life. And so I decided to take God at his word. Because the spirit of God was pulling me to himself convicting me of my sin of my righteousness. And so I confess my sin not acknowledge my sin. I repented of my sin and I trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The Bible says those that call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be side God said, I believe a man about you. Now the word of God says in first Thessalonians 4 that if the trumpet sound, those who are in Christ Jesus will rise again to be called topping the Lord Jesus Christ and so shall we ever be with the Lord in the book of Revelation teaches most clearly and distinctly. At every point that the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with the writer upon the white horse is going to come back and he's going to land on the Mount of olives, the same place that he took off and deposited at the ascension in acts chapter 1 and we are going to be men and women in bars and at the time of the rapture died in Christ Jesus before the rapture and we are going to come back with, as the Army of the heavenly host, I'm going to be at Armageddon. Yes sir. The only difference is I don't think that you are not going to have to broadsword are we going to have to shoot a gun. Now the NRA might not like that but I don't think it's gonna happen. My big brother Charles might be a little disappointed at this point doesn't matter how much practice you.

But do you my friends, that the very word of the mouth of God is going to be enough to totally destroy Satan and anybody. He thinks he can throw God.

God by his word list simply speaks when Jesus stood in the boat on the Sea of Galilee and I'm going to show our people next week when we are on the Sea of Galilee. How you can look up through the valleys, coming down from the northern parts of Syria, how that the winds can come howling through and sometimes it happens when you live it and I'll tell you, then you pray you say Lord I wish you were in the boat right now how those winds can just suddenly be whipped up on the Sea of Galilee and the disciples were so distraught.

I became so nervous in my working population. Can you be sleeping when we are about to die and Jesus looked up and all he said was please please and his disciples marveled, and said who is this man that even the wins by which I somehow I don't think I'm going to need New Zealand bazooka or even a hand grenade when we come with God Almighty. My friend, I believe that's all it's going to take a powerful message. Forgive the interruption for Dr. Don Wilton to remind you here to pray with you keyboard that's TW this phone number. 866-899-WORD will connect with what I was happy to pray 24 hours a day. That's 866899673 back to today's message with Dr. Don Wilton and then the fourth participant in the battle of Armageddon, the going to be the nation of Israel.

Obviously, it's only sore well, what is the sequence houses sold gonna work out number one covenant is might go back into Daniel chapter 9 in Daniel chapter 11 Bible says that the time of the rapture that the antichrist is going to make a covenant with Israel. Now watch me just just for second. This is this is very interesting. All Christians taken out of the world, the Antichrist rises up and he knows that all the nations of the world want to get Israel so he monster minds, according to God's plan course Mardis en masse to mine, but he's a scheming person and he makes a covenant with Israel. He says don't you worry rabbis and Jewish people. He said I'm going to protect you, and when he offers Israel protection Israel accepts that protection now what happens to them the moment they accept that protection will become like the United States is today lolled to sleep. You not love a beautiful country. I wouldn't want it any other way. Folks, please don't misunderstand me, but you know sometimes I think we become so far removed from conflict and war that we have cultivated generations of people in America who are lulled into complacency. Couldn't possibly happen to us.

Jim went to get gas yesterday because I was out of gas. I tell you this brother in Spartanburg got paid a dollar $0.70.

What is this world coming to, we mean low to sleep but you cannot just say do you know that a dollar $0.70 is still not anywhere near as expensive as most of the race that will but in America it's the end of the world. I agree I write Adriana disagree absolute end of the world. We pay so much for gas.

I mean, what's the world. The problem is that we've had it so good for so long that we been loaded into complacency.

Now let me tell you what of complacency.

It's called apathy. Apathy immediately is a blood brother of complacency and when apathy sets in.

All of a sudden I people begin to actually believe that nothing can ever go wrong. Now we looking at the sequence of Armageddon, the antichrist makes a treaty with Israel.

Israel says the ones we don't have to worry about our borders and they become lulled into complacency. Let me show you what happens. Turn with me to Ezekiel chapter 38 Ezekiel chapter 38 something incredible happens your folks. Ezekiel 38 and verses 10 through 12. The Bible says this is what the sovereign Lord says on that day. Thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. You will say I will invade a land there is ready for this of walled villages. I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people, all of them living without goals and without dates and without laws talking about the movement of the antichrist talking about the movement of the kings of the north, all of a sudden here's Israel we talking about the sequence of Armageddon. Yet Israel is low to complacency.

All of a sudden an invasion comes from Russia Daniel chapter 11 verse 14 then tells us that the King of the South then sits up and takes notes. And he begins to move from the south and moves against the Confederation, led by the antichrist. The golden African powers. All the sudden want to become a part of this.

Even today I believe that some of the more than African countries are just simply sitting there in Libya is a good example Muammar Qaddafi, keep themselves out of it. Participating will terrorism wait until there is a chunk of meat that they can fall upon they way they watch they see all the things that are going on in Palestine between Syria death of half is L solid in the succession of his son what's going on in Jordan with the death of King Hussein of Jordan and the succession of his son. What is going on in Egypt with Pres. Mubarak and all the alliances what is going on in Palestine with the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat with the things that are going on in the Gaza Strip and some of the more than African countries are sitting there just waiting in the Bible says that when Israel is lulled into complacency during the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation suddenly rush is going to attack, all of a sudden the south of the African countries are baying to get mobilized and then the word of God says in Ezekiel chapter 37 there is an incredible intervention that takes place.

Look at verse 21 of Ezekiel 38. The Bible says I will summon a sword against Gog… Russia all my mountains, declares the sovereign every man's sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment upon him with playing and bloodshed. I will pull down torrents of rain and hail stones and burning sulfur on and on his troops, and on the many nations and verse 23 tells us why I'm so I will show my greatness in my Holiness and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord your God, you beginning to get the picture now God is showing us who use the North and the South were decimated. The antichrist now moves these armies into Israel. In Daniel chapter 11 verse 40 and 41 I read that you little while ago. The antichrist claims all will all this territory in the Middle East.

He's got everything wealthiest man in the world is the new Bill Gates, if you please. He's got billions and billions he can do anything he wants and just when the antichrist starts to think that everything is going well. The Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 16 in verse 12 that the kings of the east Asians in the Chinese the way, which had been prepared for the kings of the East that they begin to rise up and I want you to turn very quickly.

Revelation chapter 19 fairly quickly with me. Revelation chapter 19. I beg your pardon chapter 9 chapter 19 Revelation chapter 9. I want to show you something very interesting here. Revelation 9 in verse 16 tells us just how many troops are going to come from the East, but at verse 16 with me. The Bible says that the number of the mounted troops was hundred million folks listen Russia coming down from the north to attack Israel.

Southern African northern African countries rise up and they moved this way she brought coming from the side from the side. The antichrist is already moved in. He's in position because he's got a covenant with Israel. He's quite comfortable that all of a sudden the kings of the East begin to rise up in the Bible says some 200 million troops begin to march into Palestine so you got the Russians you got the injections.

The northern Africans the Mediterranean Europeans and the Chinese and Asians coming together and the Bible says they day to meet long in the Valley of Megiddo. At the back of Armageddon.

At this point in Revelation chapter 19 to quickly with me. Revelation chapter 19. The Bible says in verse 11 and I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse and rider is called faithful and true. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on it so that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood Chinese name is the word of God. The armies of heaven, that's me that you were following him, riding on white horses dressed in fine linen, white and clean out of his mouth comes a sharp sword. Did you notice out of his mouth with the spoken word of God with which to strike down the nations with a scepter he treads the winepress of the fury of the rock of God Almighty, nodding his robe and on his thigh he has this name written. I am the King of Kings and Lord of lords, and from verse 17 on and I saw an angel standing in the sun cried with a loud voice, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of Kings Gen. and the mighty men, horses and their riders and the flesh of all people, free and slave, swollen right then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth from both south and east and west, and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed miraculous signs on his ball with the signs he had deluded those who would receive the mark of the beast and worshiped his image with thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur in the rest of the two with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse and birds gorge themselves on the blood flowed as high as a horse's bridle and is why it is to hundred miles long and in Revelation chapter 20 in verse 15 the Bible says that Jesus is off to having set up his thousand year reign at the conclusion of Armageddon that Jesus will set up a new heaven and the new earth, and he will set up the great white throne and people of all nations in every culture and every persuasion will stand in whoever's name is not found written in the Lamb's book of life will be costing the outer darkness where they will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. The battle of Armageddon.

The battle to end goal battles that stand together our father, thank you for your grace. Thank you for your love.

Thank you for reaching out to us. Thank you Lord Jesus for being willing to go to a crew Roman cross in order that we might have heavenly father, we do not deserve. We love you and we pray blessings upon us in Jesus you know in that same spirit of prayer would you wait for just one moment.

These perhaps could be the most important words from our pastor Dr. Don Wilton today. Are you ready you pray this prayer with me right now. Dear God, I love that Jesus loves me that he died on today.

I repent of my sin and I can face my sin to the laundry and I give him a Jesus name I pray, amen. If you pray that prayer from your heart, giving your life to Christ will welcome you to the family of God. You are my brother, my sister in Christ, it's getting change together because we are connected together for ever as believers in Christ got Sterger hard give us a call. 866-899-WORD we love to pray with you and for you or me this online. It also a great place to discover resources like this happen.

The arm's-length cleansing having Dr. Don Wilton looks at these questions and more in the absolute certainty of life after a modern retelling of the biblical story of the rich man and this compelling story chronicles the choices and Larry did Frank ordinary man. When Gary ranks one very poor what happened when they both died, 86699963 to request your copy of the absolute certainty of life after death The Encouraging Word anywhere and listeners putting God's around the world are yours Dr. Wilton to me. Thank you for standing on the truth of God honoring my granddaughter in Florida has recently been in her life. She's been nagging at night and on time to help grandma thank you thank you patient number again is 866899673 or email us at