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R1424 Go After Jesus

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton
The Cross Radio
May 14, 2020 8:00 am

R1424 Go After Jesus

Encouraging Word / Don Wilton

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May 14, 2020 8:00 am

The Daily Encouraging Word with Dr. Don Wilton

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God has an encouraging word for you today to the Bible-based breaking of Dr. Don Wilton and a unique message go after Jesus. That's right, go after Jesus is the topic Dr. Don Wilton today well-known author evangelist and pastor, and as we go after Jesus, you need to know God is using this broadcast to come afternoon God's love is pursuing you care so much about you. I pray that you let us speak with you and pray with you about. Perhaps what God wants you know more than anything else and that there is always a new beginning opportunity like to talk with someone pray with someone where here at 866899 word that's 8668999673P rather keyboard keyboard communicate email us at large. He, God loves you and is pursuing now. Dr. go after Jesus, our father, even in the middle of all of worship and our praise in our singing and now adoration.

I'm not convinced that we can come anywhere near not even close to where we need to be to express our love and out of gratitude to you. We we worship you today. We worship you because you are Christ the King. You're alive and you live within our hearts and at this very moment you all speaking you all with us and we thank you in Jesus name, amen. So today, I invite you to go off to Jesus, you heard me right. I'm going to show you where that is in the Bible. So if you have a copy of God's word open your Bibles by whatever means on your On your iPad on your strawberry your laws where your your blackberry.

If you have a hard copy like I do. Open your Bible to John's gospel chapter 12 and verse 17.

John's gospel chapter 12 verse 17 I just want to say this to you because this is wonderful news that that we going to be talking about today.

This is what I want to say to you, we are about to read a passage here that sounds like it goes back in time a little bit like we are not to wait Jesus rose from the day but I'm going to tell you what happened here. This is the point at which Jesus came and he went back into Jerusalem and people gathered on Palm Sunday and they wave palm branches and they welcomed him back and there were a lot of people there.

Can you just imagine with me for one minute.

How many people gathered around the steps and the entrances and exits in the Kidron Valley and and way Jesus came. I mean they were thousands of people and they came from everywhere. They were just a lot of people I wonder who was in that crowd. So let me just toss this question. I wonder who is in this crowd who always will. In Jesus time there was a massive group of people that came from every walk of life, and I wish I had time to to kind of delve into it and maybe we could write a few storybooks about the little children and about the moms in the dads and the divorcees in the single moms and the widows and the widow is and people suffering with all kinds of sickness and the college students and the haves and the have-nots. I mean everybody was there and and something began to happen because Jesus was there in the Bible actually sees a moment to read this passage, but the Bible actually sees in verse 16, which is before I'm going to begin the Bible say is that it was only often Jesus was glorified that those who loved him his disciples understood everything that they were seeing about Jesus. So what happened was they watched and they soul and then Jesus came out of the grave the next day or two or a week later and it was then that the disciples began to say wow he is real. We knew it all the time. He's not fake news. He's not a masquerade. This is this is real. And then Jesus appeared to over 500 and get this thing went back to the Mount of olives any of sanity went back up into heaven, saying, don't you worry, I'm going to come back.

But while I'm gone. I'm gonna pray for you. I'm in a pray for every one of you, so it was off to. He was glorified that they understood and it was at this moment in time that all of a sudden some of the people who were there in the crowd realized what was happening. Let me read it to John chapter 12 and I'm just gonna read verse 17, 18 and 19, the crowd that had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the deed continued to bear witness. The reason why the crowd went to meeting was that they heard that he gotten this miracle. This sign now watch about the Pharisees saw the Pharisees.

This was a group of very religious people.

They will all members of the church. The this was the religious group so the Pharisees said to one another.

You see that we are gaining nothing. Look the whole world is going off to Jesus the whole world is going off the Jesus I believe that that's true right now, our entire world is going off to Jesus and some of you might say to me will plaster that's not entirely true because there are millions of people who couldn't care less.

Right. The whole world is going off to Jesus. Everybody's looking for what only Jesus can do.

Everybody wants peace. Everybody wants joy. Everyone wants forgiveness. Everyone wants to behold everyone wants meaning in life. Everyone wants life to matter. Everyone wants to know what happens when we die, we just vanish. Do we just stop. Where do we go is a just over everyone's looking for what the Bible tells us Jesus can deliver on now they were three groups of people that gathered around Jesus, I just want to tell you about them. First of all, they were those who know him. Those who knew him Bible is full of the day was just a wonderful group of people that were cold disciples. They were cold followed as they were cold believers and these were people that that all they had a lot of questions and they didn't understand everything, but they believe that Jesus was exactly who he said he was on one of those people.

I really do I really believe that Jesus is the son of God. I absolutely believe it and I really believe that Jesus died on the cross for me. I really believe that God raised him from the dead. I really believe Jesus is alive. Cannot tell you how I really believe that because I know it because he lives in me. My life has been changed, different person. Notice I didn't use the word perfect so I don't need any of you writing me notes I didn't say that I am a changed person because the Lord Jesus has come into my heart. I'm one of those I can see myself in the crowd. I go off to Jesus because I know him.

How about you do you know one of the reasons why I go to church. I know you're gonna look at me and say what you better go you the pasta you not call it even wake up in the morning until my wife on Sunday morning that I'm going to go and play golf. She won't let me. I know you will look at me do that.

Well, you know you the you the pasta you supposed to be. They do know that I actually want to be here and and more than that. I just love it I love to be in worship together.

I'll just love I love the word of God because I know him it's it's like my wife Karen, you'd think that she'd start getting really tired of me and and you probably alright so why, why do why do I grab why do I just want to be with my duckling.

Anyone want to explain.

I love to be around my duckling you know I love holding her hand. Love to just have a cup of tea with love to travel with love to be with all the time why because I love, I can see myself in this crowd give the eruption will be back with more of Dr. Don Wilton's message called go after Jesus in just a moment the doctor wants me to remind you that we been going through this now for weeks. This coronavirus separation we are discovering something that we used to do a lot, is now become encouragement for each of us and have a conversation not just attacks, not just share an email a bit of information but to hear someone speak with you.

Pray we can pray for you. Perhaps that's just what God want you to experience today and we have some friends ready to take your call right now at 866-899-WORD again the number is easy to remember 866-899-WORD what if you're jotting down or storing your cell.

Here the digits 866899967. It's not just right now during the broadcast were taking 24 hours a day Dr. Don Wilton day thrilled to be one of your 2 AM friends call us anytime now. That's today's message go after Jesus with Dr. Don Wilton. They were those who knew him. Then there was another group of people with those who sold off to him those who seek him. They would just curious curious. I understand that curiosity, what is this about Jesus.

There was a large group of people out there that pictures so they heard that he really was someone really special that he wasn't just an ordinary man. The rumor you know that that even claimed to be God coming me down. Can you imagine that.

Did you did you hear about this. This man that's goes to Galilean and and they catch a lot of fish when he sees fish on that side and he teaches them, and he loves them and he heals them and he makes them whole and and how can you explain at this just some and they was a group of people that said you know what I go to find out about Jesus. I love that that you because I'm so grateful that I can promise you something you are discovering that Jesus is exactly who he says he is.

Doesn't matter what CNN uses is matter what Fox News puts on doesn't matter what prison trumps is or tweets. It doesn't matter what Hillary Clinton has to say doesn't matter what anybody say I'm just going to tell you, Jesus is real and the Bible say is those that seek him will find him and some of you today are about to find the real Jesus because you going off to him.

Yes, this crowd day and Jesus was beginning his journey to the cross to die on the cross so that we would be forgiven of our sin and need to be raised up, conquering sin and death and the grave and then to ascend up into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the father in heaven saying to us, listen, don't worry about him coming back. I'm coming back for you. I'm coming back and you know something the Bible says that he's going to come back. He's going to land on the Mount of olives. He's gonna bring all believers with him. He's gonna march down the Mount of olives through the Kidron Valley through the Golden gate. He's gonna go back on to the temple mount right there at Mount Moriah where Abraham offered Isaac the place of sacrifice, where God showed us this is how it's going to happen. It's not going to be because of the sacrifice of Isaac because of anything that any human being can do it only going to be because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ will shed his blood because without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.

And you know the Bible says that they need going to take all the believers in these guide a module over there to the battlefields of Armageddon and he's going to conquer Satan and all armies of the world is going to set up his kingdom in Jerusalem and you know after the thousand year reign. The Bible tells us that Jerusalem is going to become God's headquarters for heaven for ever excuse me, I'm not Jerusalem pie-in-the-sky Revelation chapter 20 1C is the new Jerusalem came down from heaven from God, and God said from now on I am going to make my dwelling place on earth among man kind and all those of us who have been washed by the blood of the Lamb are going to be citizens of the kingdom of heaven for ever and for heaven are you are you someone who knows him.

You got a lot of reason to celebrate today because he's alive. Are you someone who seeks off to him. I want to invite you to give your life to him. Turn your heart and life over to Jesus you say wait a minute's is it as simple as that.

You Bible says that if you can face that Jesus Christ is Lord, and you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.

I'm so happy to tell you that so the first two groups show they were those who knew him. There were those who sold off to him.

But there was a food group.

There were those who rejected him coming day they wanted him out of the it seems like from his very birth, by the way, do you mean when Jesus was born member Herod you don't, Herod wanted to do with Jesus. Get rid of it and you know here in the Bible.

This group of people called these religious people always find that so sad very sad, but they were these Pharisees and Sadducees. They looked around they became. I think somewhat exacerbated by this my soul these crowds and I think they began to ring their hands and they said – yet we all and we going off to him because we want to stone him.

We want to crucify move want to get rid of him.

He's an upstart easy user. We don't like what he's doing. He's robbing our treasury. He's diminishing our authority. He's taking the people away from us. He's teaching them disloyalty against our church. He's telling them to follow him instead of follow us. Let's get rid of him and they began to wring their hands and finally they threw up their hands in verse 18 and verse 19 looked at one another and I said oh wow, you know, glossy, gosh, gosh, gosh I mean look at this all is going off the Jesus you know they were three groups of people. Those who knew him. Those who sold off to him and they were those who rejected him, why did they go off to Jesus why did these three groups go off to Jesus someone because he came as a baby.

Those who knew him like the shepherds, they worshiped him.

Those who sold off to him came to find out what this booth was all about, and those who rejected him, devised any plot they could to be rid of him, why did they go off to Jesus. These three groups, because he lived as a miracle maker. Those who knew him, all from the turning of the water into wine in Cana of Galilee on down the road. The many people who'd been made whole again. They celebrated those who sold off to him, stood there and watched and wondered, and many of them came to believe in him and those who rejected him, became incensed by the miracles that he did because it showed them up because it affronted something in them because they didn't want holiness and righteousness.

Why did they go off to Jesus because he died as a lamb Bible says he wins a lamb to the slaughter. That's what the Bible says those who knew him, but I just loved it like where they couldn't get over it. You can see them in the crowd.

You can see them kneeling at the cross. Those who sort off to him did so in wonder and amazement and very soon came to believe that he indeed is the Christ. Even some of the Roman soldiers who stood there and those who rejected him. The chops because they really thought they finally had him including site who thought kingdom up lost. Talk about killing Jesus. We did it by saying why these people go off to him like this because he rose triumphantly as the Savior God raised him from the dead. Those who knew him came to celebrate him standing amazement of him. Those who sort off to him stood in wonder and amazement that the same one who'd been crucified. Rose triumphantly from the grave and those who rejected him. They recoding fear knowing that he was alive but refusing to believe that he was the Christ, why did they why did they go off to him because he ascended as a promise or he went back to the Mount of olives in the Bible says he was taken up as a promise or a promise of what a promise that he would intercede for old people like you and me that he would be praying for us. Jesus himself praying for you and for me now. That's what he said he would do it the right hand of the father, but he's promised to stop day. He said I promise you I'm I'm I'm going to come back, which was really the final, not conclusive, but final reason why the whole world went off to him was because he is coming back is the delivery. He's coming back. You know that the Angels came right there to those disciples as they looked up they said men of Galilee, why you standing there looking up.

The same Jesus went up is going to come back down again literally bodily in person in a moment in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye. Nobody knows when that's going to happen we going to give you signs of time we gonna show you a constellation we going to let you know that the time is near. God only knows because the bottom line because he's coming back is deliver all those who know him have nothing but joy in him. Those who are with him will be accompanying him anyway and those of us who are underlain.

If you come to becomes. Now if he comes tomorrow becomes next week will becomes in the next. Who knows, operating have you given your heart to Jesus waiting for into the crowd, who are you do know that God knows who you are, because he created you he made you and he loves you very much today only in his name, and by his authority. I asked Steen to God's invitation by his spirit to give your life to Christ because he lives. Dr. Wilton has extended that dictation just like a president. My been sitting on your counter since Christmas. Months now, unless you open and receive receiving the blessing joy God is using this radio projects God is using the methods of our patch thing that you know the love he is extending this invitation to change your life by saying yes Jesus reported preach but now Dr. Wilton comes in the studio. I pray to you open your heart to what he wants to say to you now, this could be the most important. 30 seconds of why don't you pray this prayer with me today and gone on no loving very very and I know that the Lord Jesus Christ came died on the cross that I might be forgiven of my sin. Today, I repent of my sin.

I can face my sin and I invite you to come and talk to my life.

Jesus name I pray. If you pray that prayer, let me be the first want to welcome you to the family of God.

This is, I hope that you know how much I'm going to be praying how very important this is for me.

Corliss we can hope to connect you in the right place you can begin this wonderful journey. If you just given your heart to Jesus Christ. Let us put some resources that maybe you've rededicated your life to Christ. More than that.

Maybe God has stirred your heart you realize you have questions let's discover the answers together in God's Encouraging Word the Bible itself give us a call with him to pray with you, pray you through the next steps, whatever they might be our phone numbers 866899 word that's 866899967. I know most of us are texting and typing more than anything else.

The conversation he just be happy to speak with you. Pray right now at 866-899-9673 or email us at eight that's the place to discover a lot of great resources like this struggle with frustration and depression and disappointment are loneliness you can gain respect get to see your life and the lives of others through the lens of God this month for your get $25 or more person The Encouraging Word you will receive two history resources. Dr. Wilton for steering methods. The poured out believer in the bonus but the bumps are what you cry mind weren't weird. These resources will help you gain strength to serve God faithfully.

Whatever your sick call at 78699 believer line along the bonus books to support administering people to get your interest in the resources interested in having 24 hours a day and nine word 999679 tomorrow and Abraham story that is here in