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A Rapture Study: One Taken, One Left | Guest: Ayo Shosanya

Discerning The Times / Brian Thomas
The Cross Radio
November 30, 2024 5:00 am

A Rapture Study: One Taken, One Left | Guest: Ayo Shosanya

Discerning The Times / Brian Thomas

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November 30, 2024 5:00 am

Today's guest is Ayo Shosanya. He is the founder of Himitsu Ministries ( The purpose of Himitsu is two-fold: to share the gospel with nonbelievers and equip fellow believers in their walk with the Lord. This is done primarily through the study of eschatology (bible prophecy regarding the last days), apologetics, and use of the Japanese language.

He joins us today to discuss "one taken, one left" of Matthew 24. 

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