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Praying About Personal Needs and Desires, Part 1

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard
The Cross Radio
January 22, 2021 7:00 am

Praying About Personal Needs and Desires, Part 1

Destined for Victory / Pastor Paul Sheppard

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January 22, 2021 7:00 am

Understanding key biblical principles and guidelines for making personal requests when we pray; forgiving those who trespass against us; based on Matthew 6:11-12. (Included in the 5-part series "Foundations for Effective Prayer".)

CLICK HERE to ORDER this2-part series on MP3!

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Hello and thanks for stopping by this Friday edition of Destin for victory with pastor Paul Shepherd, senior pastor at destiny Christian Fellowship in Fremont, California, just a few moments.

Pastor Paul will share his message prayed about personal needs and desires. But first he joins me now from a studio in California to share special request with you pastor. Looking ahead into this new year. One of things we like to do from time to time share stories of how God is using this ministry and I'm excited about that. I know you are as well. So let's encourage people to tell us some of those stories about how God is using this program.

Yeah I would love to hear from our listeners, you know Dustin for victory exists to challenge and inspire people everywhere to know God's to apply God's word and to fulfill God's purpose that's our mission statement were serious about it and I want to know that all three things are happening. So if your listener and as a result of listening to Destin for victory, you have come to know Jesus for yourself or your finding application of these messages in your every day and your finding your purpose in life what God wants to do in and through you.

I would love for you to drop us a line and share your testimony. It can be one or two paragraphs. They can be a full-length letter and then will just pare it down, but please share with us what God's done as a result of your being a listener and give us permission to share it because we may find ways that we can share your story.

We don't have to call your name. If you don't want, but we can share your story and by doing so others can be blessed as well. So please consider getting in touch with us, letting us know the difference that Destin for victory is making in your life, you know, one of the best ways to bless the lives of others is by sharing with them what God has done in our life. If you've been blessed by the Destin for victory broadcast would love to hear from you. Visit Pastor and use the contact us feature the top of the homepage. We look forward to hearing what God has done. Jesus gave us the right to play. He gave us the assurance that we can pray with power and effectiveness meaning. Prayer is not a wasted exercise. When you learn how to pray, God answers prayer things that will happen if you prayed that won't happen if you don't it is going to accomplish great things.

But we must understand how to function in prayer. Would you like to build a powerful and effective prayer life. Find out how. Next this Friday edition of Destin for victory for the past couple of weeks. Pastor Paul Shepherd has taken a straight to God's word to reveal the crucial role.

Prayer should play in our walk with Christ, if you've missed any message along the way. Please visit Pastor to listen on demand on your schedule. That's Pastor today. Pastor Paul shares a few guiding principles to help you develop a prayer life filled with meaning and purpose.

So let's join him now for his message prayed about personal needs and desires. In the last message we talked about the second part of the agenda which is petitions on behalf of others. Petitions on behalf of others where Jesus said your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven want to spend time in intercession. You are a believer you are an ambassador of Christ in this world. We represent our Savior in this world. He left us. That's why we're called the body of Christ in the pages of Scripture. We are his body and the earth. And so what Christ was about when he was on earth he has given us the responsibility to carry on that work in his name and so we must not only praise but we come before him, and we offer petitions first on behalf of others. We are intercessors and I want to encourage you stand in the gap advance the cause of Christ take on the authority he gave you and stand against those things which oppose the will of God. So, in prayer, you're doing some warfare you are coming against the works of the enemy. Your comment against everything that militates against the perfect plan and will of God here on earth.

So we pray for the salvation of the lost.

We prayed not only for the loss but we pray for those in the body of Christ that we know have various needs. Use your prayer power to help somebody else to unite your faith with bears because the principal in Scripture is one can chase a thousand, but to can put 10,000 to flight you know what that is. That's what I call kingdom synergy.

It's great that I have energy and cries. I have power in Christ but is not like having kingdom synergy at work where your faith power and faith power stand together and not tell you get a whole lot of things done. When you learn to link up with other people in your faith walk. This walk is not a person to walk through a dense median disease is not just you and Jesus is both you and the other followers of Jesus, linking our lives together so you gotta make sure you are not one of these folks is trying to be a kingdom Lone Ranger did not little ranges in the kingdom. And even though the loan come old old heads. We got tell the young folk. Some of never saw Lone Ranger and their whole lives unless they have a look at some of those channels that specialize in that stuff we old heads grew up with Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers Simone don't know what I Roy Rogers is, but that's all right we know. But the point is the Lone Ranger what Maloney had somebody ride him and you have somebody right which you are not married Mary about our spiritual partner kingdom partner who want to join the things of God when romantic relationship were talking about kingdom synergy relationship when you have a bad day, somebody in the kingdom want to know about it so that they can help you through and walk you out of that bad place you're in. And so we must exercise our prayer agenda which is petitions on behalf of others.

Make sure that you are seeing to it that the will of God is done in the kingdom comes in the lives of others and then we get to the third part of the agenda. That's where I want to pick it up with you this day our daily bread pause there because that's where were going to come apart at this point in the series.

Give us this day our daily bread. I'm calling this category of the prayer agenda personal request so we start with praise and would continue on with petitions on behalf of others.

Number three is personal request. Now what I want to do is explain four principles of scriptural interpretation, by which we must be guided as we learn how to pray with power and effectiveness. Jesus gave us the right to pray, he gave us the assurance that we can pray with power and effectiveness meaning. Prayer is not a wasted exercise. When you learn how to pray and pray right, God answers prayer. There are things that will happen if you prayed that won't happen if you don't Paris. It is going to accomplish great things. But we must understand how to function in prayer. So I want to understand that these principles I'm going to share with you. Are principles that will guide you because they don't guide you what can happen is you reach false conclusions about what God has promised in response to our prayers. I want to make sure you understand how to pray and how to pray right not only as you give your personal request with these principles apply to every item on the kingdom agenda.

I just thought now that would give way to talk about personal request. I got a stop to make sure you understand some very important principles because personal request can get us in a lot of trouble, you will reach false conclusions annual pray wrong and when you don't get the answers you will blame God's will is my job as a pastor in the body of Christ, pastor, teacher, and my job is to guard and to guide as a pastor I gotta guard the flock, but as a teacher, pastor, teacher, I must guide you in the things of God. I gotta make sure that you know how to pray and pray right I don't want folk on the my ministry what you listen to me here and not my local church or whether you are one of my radio slothful call me as my radio pastor and so if I do that I gotta make sure to do permanent damage to your ignorance as my job in the body of Christ one bunch of folks sitting on the me getting happy but don't know anything. I love my best to the preschool law that I he so pretty and here is what he say how nobody show was good. Don't know I'm not doing my job if you skip out dancing and singing and don't know anything and so I gotta make sure you understand these four principles we get these to you and they applied all the areas of this prayer agenda, but I especially want to focus them as we talk about our personal request here is guiding principle number one being mindful of the name of Jesus. When we pray, being mindful of the name of Jesus and make sure that you understand that the name of Jesus is what we're praying and do you know when we pray in the name of Jesus, that doesn't just mean say in Jesus name I pray. At the end. You may say that I often close my prayers by invoking the name of Jesus, but be clear, to pray in the name of Jesus is not merely to injure prayer by saying in Jesus name I pray. It's not that okay because if you say the wrong thing.

Whether you put that tag only in the prayer wasn't in his name to pray in his name is the pray in his authority to pray in his stead. I'm praying because I am on earth. What Jesus was when he was here from heaven to save us thereby get that. So when I pray in Jesus name is because I'm praying with the authority Jesus gave me when I say in Jesus name someone so I'm saying on the basis of the he gave me on making this request. I'm making this announcement. I'm making this declaration so as not merely a tag I want to understand and be mindful number one in terms of these guiding principles. Be mindful of the name of Jesus I am to pray in the name of Jesus.

It doesn't just mean the tag I put on the end of a lot of my prayers. It means I have the authority from Jesus to ask this, I had the authority from Jesus to rebuke this.

I have the authority from Jesus to declare this. So if Jesus didn't give me authority that allows me to say what I just said is not a prayer in his name John 14 verse 13. And whatever you ask in my name that I will do keyboarding. There may be glorified in the son will be right back with more of today's destined for victory message from Pastor Paul Sheppard if you love listening to this program, we know you'll enjoy watching some of pastor Paul's best video clips subscribed to pastor Paul on YouTube or visit Pastor for all of the social media links. That's Pastor We also find a host of great resources that are online store.

God is not a genie to be so mundane.

Prayer is not a series of wishes to be made to have a meaningful and powerful and effective prayer life got to go about it the right way is Pastor Paul. The rest of today's destined for victory message praying about personal needs and desires. His name for allows me to praise something that is consistent with his well I know that because the goal the game of my prayer life is that the father may be glorified in the son what you want to ask God for… Any glory doesn't lift up the agenda in the name of Jesus, then it's not in his name, and you don't have the authority to ask the Lord to the claret or whatever the case might be the whole point is Jesus gave us this authority, he said, whatever you ask in my name.

Whatever you asked that I would ask if I were there physically that I will do. Why, because the whole point is that the father may be glorified in the son everybody with me. I need you to understand so that you can exercise full confidence in your prayer life. Now this also implies something very important, especially in our day and it is this Jesus is not a genie in a bottle. Jesus is not a genie in a bottle in the first century, the apostles, even then, they talked about the importance of not pray and amiss James talks about don't pray I miss you know missing God's plan don't have any old crazy thing and expect God to do it and the fact of the matter is if they had to say that in the first century of the church's existence much more in the 21st century. Do you have to make sure people understand Jesus is not a modern-day genie you know you grow up you saw those little yellow stories of a genie, could y'all remember something that was a TV show called I dream of Jeannie will try looking on, you know you know what I just said you know you said…… See land, so the city shall came this Jeannie cute little thing and she came out and so she would do whatever he wanted. That was the whole story and it had various adventures and what have you will have to tell you whole bunch of things Jesus is not that your genie in a bottle so you could say abracadabra Maserati need to understand because there are brands of today that much teach that and for you singles abracadabra 61 has been abracadabra's manager asked for that first of all why you won't mind if you got all your time were about who else is looking for some witnesses you spend all your time trying to run down behind every tree. Why would I will have a single human Texan so problem paranoia trying to help somebody you don't need that got enough trouble living your life. You don't need to worry about running down for six want and find Texan need that for the bride to go and he will be with you because just trying to bring you in the reality. That's all I'm trying to do all I'm trying to do bring you into reality does shoot so and so far, get practical. Amen. Summerhill don't be mad, but let her good.

That's not that the father would be glorified so you can see God not in the business of giving you a fantasy of accomplishing this through your notes.

Why got another public company James Spiegel to all the issues but not what you might want to go God said he will well kind of. By time I get the four principles you will understand is not as cut and dried as you can get God to finance and to facilitate your fantasy, that's not what prayer is for the moment to swallow heart people. Unfortunately, bits Jesus is about three cars in big houses and trees of the money God will bless your God will prosper you. It's not that I am against the belief that God can and will prosperous people I know he will. But we Western Hemisphere since I'm already self-centered self. We now take our fantasies and put on the Scripture who I'm glad that you give me a few a man's I was prepared for silence when I was preparing this message is okay is one and one rumble had pulled his train by myself because some folks are so steeped in that teaching just because it's on TV or radio domain is true and you need to thank God.

When you have a pastor teacher who loves you enough to tell you that I'm not going to have a bunch of folks in me abracadabra you want to see the glory of God come to pass in your life because the glory of God is what it's all about. At the end of the day only what you do for Christ will last. At the way I want to hear well done good and faithful servant. I don't want to hear at the end of my life. Nice car I drive a nice car, not against nice cars, but you know I can be blessed because I got it only when I had my finances on the control and walked according to the word and God a blasphemy ride and drive people that I know when who's driving record. I know so you can't get God to facilitate and finance your fantasy, that's not why he gave you the power of prayer, Jesus said whatever gasket my name I'll do it that the father may be glorified in the son. There many other ways I could make that point in the interest of time, let me leave it there but I got three more principles to focus on. So make sure you get this real clear number one.

Be mindful of the name of Jesus as you pray in all the areas especially when it comes to your personal request. Be mindful of the name of Jesus.

Tell yourself is not about to move say that to yourself, not about you it's about the father may be glorified through the son. Not that God will bless you in many outstanding ways. He will but you gotta get the name of your prayer power is really not about you it's about his will. All right, now let me give you the second of these guiding principles.

The first is be mindful of the name of Jesus.

The second is to be mindful of corresponding passages.

Be mindful of corresponding passages years ago I established a saying I learned it somewhere when I was a young preacher so I'm talking decades ago.

I don't remember the context in which I learned it on I heard it or read it somewhere. I haven't been able to locate it since. But somewhere along the line I memorized this so it's not I'm just giving credit to whoever would be entitled to the credit it was an original with me, but it locked in with me. Here's what it says if among many true statements you select one and follow it blindly it will become a falsehood and you will fanatic jot that down if you need to be helpful if among many true statements you select one and follow it blindly it will become a falsehood and you when you pray always be mindful of the name of Jesus and always be mindful of what God's word has to say about prayer. Those are the first two guiding principles of a powerful, effective prayer life and will pick it up right here next time before you leave today. We want to remind you about a special gift for all those requested when giving a generous gift today is pastor Paul's new booklet it pays to serve Jesus in Mark chapter 10, Jesus tells us that all those who follow him will receive 100 times more than they give up. Yes, there will be tough times and sacrifices along the way. But as you'll discover in this outstanding resource from Pastor Paul following Jesus is always worth it in this life, as well as the one to come. That's pastor Paul's booklet, it pays to serve Jesus as our gift to you by request for your generous gift to Destin for victory this month so call us at 855-339-5500 to give over the phone or mail your gift to Destin for victory PO Box 1767, Fremont, CA 94538. You can also make a safe and secure donation for my website.

Pastor You gotta take the Scriptures and let the Scriptures interpret each other.

If all I do is grab one Scripture that says one thing and I don't to the other Scriptures that speak to that issue, many of which will be of clarity will still out what you learn in that one you will end up believing something that's false. That's Monday, when Pastor Paul shares his message prayed about personal needs and desires. Until then, enjoy your weekend and remember he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion in Christ, you are destined for victory