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Romans Chapter 8:21-23

Cross the Bridge / David McGee
The Cross Radio
October 9, 2022 1:00 am

Romans Chapter 8:21-23

Cross the Bridge / David McGee

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October 9, 2022 1:00 am

Cross the Bridge 41530-3

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Slowly but surely, you begin the thought of the old way to begin to live for the new and then as you go along and you get older. Then you experience the redemption of the body and then the redemption of you will be struggling with sin welcome to cross the bridge with David McGee in life. We are going to do with severance.

Whether it's family issues or loss of a job loss of a loved one, regardless of the things God gives us the strength to continue want. We need to be careful not to get caught up in this world. Find out how you can live an exciting life with Christ as pastor David continues in Romans eight, with children of God, is David overlooking a Romans chapter 8 and in incredible book. It is incredible.

Chapter never encourage all every week at the please read this chapter once a week. This this chapter literally change my Christian walk in and actually what I did as I read it everyday for about a month so would encourage you we can to read it like every day because you begin to absorb the truth contained in it was pick it up.

Romans chapter 8 verse 20 says that for the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him, he subjected it now I can look at the new living translation says against its will. Everything on earth was subjected to God's curse is very interesting, futility are there anything is there anything in your life friend that's futile and ours is going to end up not to be worth anything and yet how often those things are the major categories in her life and the things that are going to last forever. We give so little attention time and energy to. Why is that well because of things of this world, we can see the things of heaven we can't see yet, except through the eyes of faith, futility, subjected to futility your office were incomplete without God bless understand the relation God doesn't need us to complete himself God is complete in himself. That's his name.

I am kind of points that he's got he doesn't need us.

He desires to have a relationship with. We need him. Our lives are not complete without God.

Paul in the book of acts said it's in him we live and breathe and have our being.

And it's interesting that some people curse God and are running from God and trying to push God away the very God is keeping their heart beating very God is keeping them breathing.

The sad thing is, some people decide day after day to do that push away God. I want you, Lord. I don't want you to be part of my life and I want to be born again.

I don't follow you, and they say that day after day after day, and pretty soon they ran out of days and with her final breath.

They say God would you leave me alone in their final breath God honors Lepley Legacy life and complete. You cannot be complete without maybe sooner going to ask a pastor I have some friends.

I know some people who don't know the Lord are not Christians. And yet life is going great for really you think so are you with them like 24 seven you know everything there is to know about them.

How often in the past I thought something like that. What that person doesn't know you nicely not have it all together only to find out later that they were crumbling from the inside and later on, everybody sought and people go well…… Lady I thought they had it all together were incomplete without God there is part of our soul cries out for God is thirsty for God and will be satisfied with anything else you. You cannot be spiritually satisfied with anything except God.

All you can have moments where you think you're spiritually satisfied outside of God, but you can't walk in the life of me, and fulfilled outside of relationship with the Lord now in that boy you try to get all kinds of things to fit in there, not none of it will will is you can't put a square peg in a round hole. No matter how hard you hit it, it's never going to sit. Verse 21. Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption. Then the glorious liberty of the children of God, the bondage of corruption being completely set free from this body of sin and death, and in every now and again you know what's really cool is you really you have to wait for the completion, the fulfillment of that but you realize you can get a taste of the sometimes here on earth, maybe during worship sometimes. Or maybe if you're doing something and being a blessing to somebody or share in someone somebody there.

There's this you're being delivered from this bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty you get just a taste. I think that's the wet our appetite. Look forward to what's next. Verse 22 for we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. I don't know if you've dear young, maybe you've not done this, but if you've ever been in the delivery room during verse I came shortly after Ashley was born was there for the. The births of my two sons and is intense. You ladies are going.

All is it yeah mine was not the hard part. I recognize in my fact is I want someone to call mom and repent for everything I ever said labor pains birth pain whole creationism labor pains. It's interesting historically in and out.

I will put too much weight on this, but some say the earthquakes are labor pains and if you do a study of earthquakes over the last hundred years. Guess what their more frequent and their more intense and interesting in that same unit was measured until they all come together will live Jesus comes back is kind of interesting but all of nature and nature's a funny thing. A whole creation will creationism some people refer to creations mother nature until something goes wrong and they say what's an act of God, so everything goes well. Mother nature gets credit when some goes wrong, they talk about God interesting and sad, but understand this earth. When man fell, the earth fell when we fell in the garden, the earth fell. Makes you wonder what what it was like before because I look around our creation.

Look at flowers and trees and stuff like that Agarwal is really beautiful.

This is really cool you know and then nothing. Was it like before grandmother's things that you know that you can wonder about eight years ago was walking through the dining room and also and I felt like some sounds barefooted like some I put a cigarette out among flat and coming in so I'm like and you look back and there was a Japanese hornet on the floor. I don't know if you've ever been stung by Japanese hornet, but you know when you get some Bobby and it hurts really bad for couple minutes and start riches and stuff. I can't wait for that to happen, 10, 12 hours later I'm still waiting for because it still felt like it had just gotten stung so you know I mean, my reaction was God. We had a talk me. Why would you create something like that is wrong, but maybe the Japanese hornet existed before the fall. He just didn't have that venomous thing you're owning could be. They wanted spiders bite people in all sorts of what because were were in a fallen creation and understand this is probably going to serve some of you if you're not already disturbed. Mr. & I am not what you would term a militant environmentalist people out there now that are actually adults that are being sterilized because they don't want to bring any more people to to be a burden on the earth and actually some of these people are saying it would be good if we actually killed all some people to lighten the load on the earth. That's freaking okay okay so that's not another scale were supposed to be stewards of this earth. I don't understand how we cannot care what goes on around us have heard Christians say well it's uses all go burn all be over. Anyone may ask a question if we say we believe this book and God has appointed us as stewards over the earth over the animals and all these things we think that looks like somebody else that is exercising more stewardship than your it's sad to say. A lot of Christians don't care about the environment we should now I'm not saying you know let's all go save the whales were millions of babies are murdered. There's there's priorities. Obviously, I think we should be more concerned about God's creation deserves a serious lack of harmony and stuff going wrong and most of it man induced.

Sadly enough, the creation was it was perfect before. That's it is good and we came along we were in the garden been going downhill ever since.

So be concerned. It's a good witness to people as well. Now is the whole creation as laboring in the birth pangs. Guess what we know this is not heaven, this is not heaven if it's not heaven.

Why do you expect it to be.

Why do you think everything's going to perfect when Jesus in here says you can have trials in this world, things are going to go wrong in this work that you're going to have suffering. This is not heaven.

Occasionally we get a little taste of it, but this is not at John 1633, Jesus set us up.

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because of overcome the world. So this creation is groaning for redemption. Genesis 317 says then Adam he said, because you have heeded the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree, which I commanded you, saying you shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for your sake in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.

Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you and it shall eat the herb of the field thorns and thistles as we do our thing our way.

Guess what we get horns and thistles in toil. It's as if all creation is waiting for the redemption were waiting for the total redemption often times in the Bible it talks about Jesus being the groom asked me in the bridegroom and we extend this to creation survey which which sets perfectly and so met feminine labor pains all the stuff. Imagine if you will there's there's a there's a bridegroom waiting up here Brad waiting for the groom, except she doesn't know any, and her eyes fill with tears, waiting and hurting, not knowing when the groom will come. So you really see in nature you see in the world to see and stuff stuff goes on, but the day is coming. Fran were all the wrongs will be made right.

There's going to be a day when every thing that is wrong will be made right everything until then all that's wrong will not be made right and it's amazing you get these glimpses.

Sometimes if I think everybody get some day I've just something a little glimpse of heaven. The night sometimes it can happen at the weirdest time you just get this sometimes in worship, that makes sense because you're in the presence of Lord Nino happens can be heaven that because her streets.

A gold mansion, but because God's going to be there. These little cartoons of drift around on clouds getting bored is so ridiculous. God is going to you're going to be able to see Jesus. Sometimes I don't hold my little baby.

There's just this something so pure, so right about when you see somebody coming to the Lord some superior so right about just a little taste. There's an interesting prayer in the New Testament term out whatever's loosed in heaven will be loosed on earth when you think about it and were supposed to bring the light of the Lord to a cold dark world wishes to be involved in introducing pieces of heaven, if you will, on this earth telling people they can have hope they can have joy they can be forgiven if those things don't allude to heaven I don't know what it what does and so as followers of Jesus, we should be bringing bits of heaven and the people's life and and yet you know what there's people just as busy as I can be bring in bits of hello learn, which are you bringing bits of heaven to somebody's life as a whole world is grown. Thank you for joining us for cross the bridge will continue with our study in Romans in just a moment. Do you know how Satan can get a grip on you. It's not like a Hollywood movie. Instead he prompts us to blame others for our problems are spouse, children or parents become the focus of our battles rather than the very one who is causing them to break free of the cycle of blame and guilt by learning how to overcome the enemy God's way with the latest CD said from David McGee entitled battle strategies. Don't be defeated anymore. Arm yourself and prepare for spiritual warfare with battle strategies available now when you contact us with a gift of any amount to cross the bridge. The number to call is 877-458-5508.

That's 877-458-5508 or go online to cross a the spiritual battle is raging. Are you prepared overcome the enemy. Let us help. Contact us today with your gift across the bridge and will send you battle strategies as a way of saying thank you for your support. Let's return now to David McGee as he continues her walk through the book of Romans verse 23. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly awaiting the adoption. The redemption of the body.

I said we were adopted before that was the start of the process.

There will be a complete adoption, the redemption of the body. Jesus and don't pray that I will take you out of this world. What he means by that is never going to just do the Holy Spirit a vacuum cleaner to suck the sin out of your life be be pretty handy thing to do you happen but slowly. Surely you begin the doubt of the old way to begin to live for the new and then as you go along and you get older. Then you experience the redemption of the body at some point, which again means more and more the older you get, and then at that ultimate redemption.

All the sinners, you will be struggling with sin in heaven will be healed and everything will be different. We ourselves groan when Ash was a little girl she did something I thought was really bizarre. She would grunt, groan when she would do some she would let me just a little issue and she didn't like all the time is really weird unit so I went up to my wife, Norma Sydnor, why does she do that at first I said if you notice that she doesn't. She groans whenever she doesn't have a brunch.

She should yeah notice that do that she give me the weirdest look she said you don't know Elmo said the are you where you do that. She said well yeah yeah you do not and so but guess what she was right. I don't know where I picked up the habit. Along the way but I started noticing I could just decapitate on unit not been healed. Hallelujah, some of you is first time ever that there's a reason been healed of the wood groan grown. Sometimes we mess we knew what to do what was right and we did and we groan, blew it again. We groan the troubles and the pain that we see people go through. We groan as you get older you grow more, sometimes a long night rough night tearful night in a you walk up to the mayor what you do you wait for the redemption of your body because it's it's not about this, but we can bring that into this, but understand, will we go that is common with things in heaven, the redemption or, that day. When you stand before the Lord is, what will happen on that day I met so many people would say well I'm gonna to do this and I'm going to do that to change this number change that. And day by day goes on and nothing changes.

What is a they didn't make the step they didn't take the steps to see the changes that I can mention all this and you go all yeah yeah I agree with yeah great and you can walk out just as thirsty as you came in or you can say you know why Jesus is speaking to me today and I am really thirsty and I'm really tired. Jesus is to come in during all you who are thirsty, the days come, and friend. It's come in each and every one of us. There's a passage for strength in 1551 says behold I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed and you and us. As he says in an instant. See we live lives of going through these changes moving towards Jesus. But then in an instant the journeys done when is the journey done when is it finished friend. I don't know for you. I don't know for me I just know that one day it will and I noticed that day slipped by managing the syllabi quicker and quicker to and what could have happened today. What could have been done.

Those opportunities will be gone forever because it doesn't matter how smart you are or how rich you are, how pretty or handsome you are, you know what you cannot buy yesterday is goal.

Some of us keep the law you know I'm to do something tomorrow.

Interesting thing about the market tomorrow never comes, so I you say will one day I'll get right with God one day all be refocused one day I'll get centered on what Jesus is calling me to be that one day is now Jesus said today is the day of salvation. That little hourglass this the sands are in. They always run down they never run up the time that you once half you don't have any more it's gone, you know, mentioned the bride and the groom mentioned again and here's what because some of you mentally believe and accept what Jesus said that it if we cling to our life or loot will lose it, and yet you're still clinging to your life and you keep saying one day I'm really going to give my life away. Let that they be today. Too many days of our slipped my friend too many days are lost forever already today is a gift from God. Maybe that's what we call it the present because it is a gift from God. Some of you feel like you're beating your head against the wall and your thirsty and you're tired and you're wondering if there's more to life. Absolutely. Is there something in your life that God can fix.

Yes, there is, is there something more significant, more meaningful to your life than what you're experiencing right now. Yes, there is will you come to him that your decision and he's the groom is the groom and doing weddings. It's always interesting to me when the groom looks down the with the broad there's there's just something magical. If I can use that word about that moment, his eyes are just, you know he's not looking at her going logic that dress. What you do with the hairnet know it's just pure bliss managed just pure rapture and just you're so beautiful come to me what Jesus wants to do is not going to want you pick that shirt is not looking at your Golden you make a mess of things.

He's looking at you.

He's looking for you with that look that a groom gives the bride any weights. How long this is a gift from God to God's will and you you can't just come pick people so we can come to God anytime you want, make it, you cannot come to God unless his spirit is drawn you.

And if the spirit is drawn you today, you need to respond to that.

Don't take that for granted, thinking maybe he'll draw me tomorrow I have a precious gift from God. God is saying to you come to me you're so thirsty I want to give you to drink if you're here and you're not sure if you know Jesus as your Savior only join a short simple prayer is telling God you're sorry that you believe in and forgive you of your sins asking to give you the power to live for him. But maybe you've been caught up in the things of the world.

Maybe you've been focusing too much on what's going wrong in your life and forgetting that the sufferings of the present day are not worthy to be compared to the glory which will be revealed. I would encourage you take some time today to spend some time with the Lord is used, so can that and remember, the redemption is common to this moment when we can all be changed is common, but the fact is not all will be changed only there's no in the twinkling of the groom. Jesus creator God, Savior is waiting and calling some of with tears in his eyes wondered how long you wait, you don't have to wait another day can come to them today. Yesterday is gone forever.

The days here.

What we do with your mortal life. Does God want to give you more in life. Yes have you messed up in your life do you need forgiveness. Yes, when you come to you way waits for you friend, you know for sure that your sins have been forgiven.

You can know right now only join a short simple prayer simply telling God you're sorry and asking him to help you to live for him. God want you to pray this prayer so much that he died to give you the opportunity and the ability to ask him to forgive you. Please pray this prayer with me out loud right now. Dear Jesus, I believe you died for me that I could be forgiven and I believe you were raised from the dead that I can have a new life not done wrong things I have sent and I'm sorry.

Please forgive me of all those things. Please give me the power to live for you. All of my days in Jesus name amen friend of you prayed that prayer according to the Bible you've been forgiven you've been born again. So congratulations friend you just made the greatest decision that you will ever make.

God bless you if this was your first time praying that prayer with Pastor David we would love to hear from you. You can call toll-free at 877-458-5508 to receive our first steps package with helpful resources to help you begin your walk with Jesus.

Also, if you been blessed by the ministry across the bridge and David McGee, would you consider supporting us with a financial gift with your donation this month will send you battle strategies as our way of saying thank you. This powerful teaching will equip you for the spiritual battles we face every day to get across the bridge and receive your copy of battle strategies simply call 877-458-5508 774-5855 away or go online to cross the While there, take a moment to sign up for David's free email devotional or browse our large library of teaching again. Our website is cross the Thank you for listening and we hope will join us again next time.

As we continue to cross the bridge