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October 10, 2022 3:59 pm
Episode 1072 | Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions.
Questions in this Episode
1. Is the idea of regeneration by baptism biblical?
2. Is abortion a form of spiritual warfare?
3. Does our salvation depend upon our level of holiness?
4. Do demons still possess people today?
5. What actually happens in baptism?
6. Is full immersion required for a true baptism?
Today’s OfferIndispensable by David Cassidy
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ResourcesBooklet – Can the Devil Read My Mind?
New demons business people today like they did in the gospel accounts.
That's just one of the questions will be answering on today's addition of core Christianity why this is Bill Meyer along with Pastor Israel Sanchez. We pray you had a wonderful weekend. This is the radio program where we answer your questions about the Bible and the Christian life every day and you know we would love to hear from you. We love to hear your question, regardless of what it is.
Here's the phone number you can call for the next 25 minutes or so. It's 833 the core that's 1-833-843-2673 course you can also post your question on one of our social media sites and you're always welcome to email us at Today let's go to voicemail from one of our listeners. This is from Danny. I was wondering if groups like Church of Christ and Lutheran churches believed in baptismal regeneration are being cultic in that adding works to salvation. Thank you. Hey, thank you for that question. Great question innocent and we did talk about Colts on the broadcast and all all mention groups like the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses. But are those who believe in baptismal regeneration, cultic, and I think that security can repeat are they are they Colts I would say that the Internet is is no so what were talking about Lutherans or even the Roman Catholic Church. For example, that the belief in baptismal regeneration dates back pretty early in the history of the church and the ideas this for those of you who are not familiar with baptismal regeneration is that new baptism, the spirit of God is at work and that those who are baptized are indeed undoubtedly regenerated made the children of God, born again. Now for those who embrace this view mean that they believe that these individuals can still fall away, so you can be made a child of God and then fall away from grace and end up in hell. And so, let me up for my opinion and in my view as a minister the gospel.
II differ from that.
I don't believe that every person who is baptized is undoubtedly regenerated but but this is where I think Christians genuine believers different have differed for for some time and so whether were talking about, you know, should infants be baptized or just those who make a profession of faith or what exactly is happening when an individual is baptizing of their there are solid believers who read the Scriptures differently on this point and so I don't think that that means that you need to view those who embrace baptismal regeneration is not Christians or units in part of some cold or something like that. I would say I would say no, not at all. And let's all dig in together to the Scriptures and have a high view of baptism. This is something Christ gave to us gave to his church for us to follow him and and to obey him as we worship the Lord in this is part of how we make disciples. And so we need to think about these things and not set them aside his empty rituals, but really understand what the Scripture says about them.
Thank you for your question. Any way thanks for that federal this is core Christianity with pastor Israel Sanchez. If you have a question about doctrine or theology. Maybe there's a passage in the Bible. That's confusing to you.
Give us a call right now at 833 the core that's 1-833-843-2673 Brian was calling in from New Hampshire, Brian, how are the fall colors right now in your state. A really beautiful friend that so that we just don't get here where I live in San Diego so that your you're blessed to be able to enjoy God's creation thanks are given given us a call. What's your question Brian.
When their stillborn children or infants that die I believe and I think you would the same that those holes are save souls at the that God takes them to heaven with him.
And so my question is, since the devil is trying to gain all the souls that he can. Why would he promote abortion which send them all to heaven, whereas if they were born. He had a very good chance of capturing most of them for himself. Brian, great, great question, why would the devil promote or be in favor of abortion if those children, those dear children who are aborted are in the presence of the Lord. We think of stillborn children as well.
Greatly we believe a night and I do believe that they are in the presence of the Lord and so and so why would the enemy, while the evil one.
Do this will think I would say couple of things one in the Old Testament. In one of the things that God spoke to his people about is some of the idolatrous practices included the offering up with your children to demonic gods to false gods like Molex.
So for example in the book of Jeremiah chapter 32 verse 35 we read they built the high places of bail in the valley of the son of him to offer up their sons and daughters to Molex though I did not command them, nor did it enter into my mind that they should do this abomination to cause Judith to send her something very demonic about this and I think at the heart of it is, is this Brian that Satan hates God and so he hates the image of God and all of us human beings are made in the image of God and this is also true of our children and even those children who are in the womb. And so the evil one is waging a war on God through waging war on the image of God, and I think that's that's what abortion does friendly so it's a war against the image of God.
Children in the womb. And so that's why that's why fighting that woman it it's an attack on the Lord in so far as is, as it's an attack on the image of God. People made in his image and so that's that's how I would answer your question and that's what we should stand against it as well and call it out for what it is and and I know that you do that, Brian, and so may the Lord bless you and be with you and thank you for your question Brian, thanks much for calling this is core Christianity with pastor Israel Sanchez today. We are excited to share a new book with you. It's actually written by a friend of core Christianity pastor David Cassidy yet.
David Cassidy's lead pastor of Spanish River church in Boca Raton, Florida, and he's written an excellent book that discusses many of the topics we talk about every day on core Christianity. Often times we think of the gospel and core doctrines of the faith. This entry points into Christianity where you know we we then as we continued to grow and develop. We can set those things aside, are no longer central or no they don't shape our daily lives. Will David Cassidy's book indispensable looks at the essentials of the Christian faith and helps us to understand their disruptive power in a dark and tragic world. If you want to change and feel confident in the lost world. What I'm hoping the time between Jesus's death on the cross in his final return we need to look at the indispensable gifts that God is given to us in Christ and this book helps us to do that very thing. So get yourself a copy of David Cassidy's book indispensable over core,
We are really thankful for pastor Cassidy's work in his ministry and get a copy of this book indispensable by going to core for a donation of any amount just look for the offers, length urges core, or David Cassidy's book indispensable go back to the phones we have Daniel on the line from Kansas City. Daniel, what's your question for Israel. Issue, amend the group that we have a fairly new member of the men's group who really gets upset when we talk about eternal security and things like that and Saturday the basically said you don't understand holiness and and I think it comes down to this second blessing most perfectionism.
I know he has a Pentecostal background I can't get them asking to better understand what were dealing with here. Now obviously I can't explain you exactly all his beliefs but in this one area of whether or not you can lose your salvation, or whether or not some believe and say comes down to holiness for him and so's view. Kinda some light on what were what were dealing with with a situation like this, I'd appreciate it. Absolutely Daniel and I bless you guys a political opportunity to be able to encourage this brother, this younger brother in the Lord someone says 1/3 their newer to the Christian faith and and zealous. And of course you know we first are walking with the Lord. That's often the case in his zeal for evangelism zeal for holiness and those are those are good things, but we can also be confused and there are ideas out there. You mentioned this this concept of the second blessing related to holiness related to sanctification that are actually quite dangerous and that theology in particular is is this idea that you know we received the second blessing from the Lord that allows us to reach the asserted perfect state of sanctification so that were sitting less and less to the point were were were almost perfected this side of eternity.
If you will, so that we don't really sin anymore. As believers, now that I think is contrary to everything that the Bible teaches we we do continue to sin, that doesn't justify our sins, but the fact of the matter is we sin against God every day and thought, word, and indeed, and my concern is that people who embrace this be what they're what they're really doing is misunderstanding the perfection of God's law. If we really understand how holy God is and how how how serious his law is a meeting of Jesus sermon on the Mount is not just you know when you when you actually commit the act of adultery that you somebody even if you looked at someone with the lustful intent you've already committed adultery in your heart you make very clear that God's law calls us to something that all of us fall short of two Paul said of the Romans, all of sin and fallen short of the glory of God, and we continue, even as believers to sin. Now we do believe as those who are justified in Christ that we we do and can perform good works truly good works before God in these works are works that are done in faith through the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but none of us can do perfectly good works. So that's the issue. It's this idea that we can we can be perfected. This size side of heaven and do these perfectly good works and and part of that. The other problem here is people begin to think that there their salvation. Their justification even is dependent upon their sanctification. In other words I'm more justified. I'm, I'm more saved in that sense today than I was yesterday because I'm I'm holier today but but justification isn't something that increases or decreases. You either are or you aren't were justified as sinners through faith in Jesus Christ and then work growing in sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives were sold in a struggle with sin and that's something that I think it's is so important for this individual to understand otherwise when he finds himself struggling. He's in a be overwhelmed with shame and guilt and despair because he thinks will, I should be perfected by now and and that's just that's is not the case in me think about what the apostle Paul himself said throughout his writings he could refer to himself as the chief of sinners, not not was the chief of sinners, but he knows that sin still clings closely to us, even as those who have been justified and so is really important stuff. I think where you could focus maybe Daniel with with your group is inking about the doctrine of justification in the doctrine of sanctification and distinguishing those two. So maybe spending some time there studying to what is justification okay let's get that what is sanctification and what's that supposed to look like in the Christian life, and I maybe if you stay on the line. We can we can send you some resources that will be helpful for you as you think of these things together with that group S great counsel. Thanks for the hydrostatic curiosity. How do people that have that belief hold the belief that he is referring to how they grapple with what Paul says in Romans seven about his struggle with the legal nature. I think that having their different approaches that they might just say that's not Paul talking as a believer. That's him talking and this is this is one view on Romans seven, but that's him talking. Prior to his conversion. He speaking is as a Jew under the law, and so that's that's one way that they might approach that, but there really aren't so many other pathogenic that's one path you can go to but there's so many other passages that make it clear that even as the justified as believers. Every day we need to pray as Jesus taught us to pray, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors a man. This is core Christianity with pastor Israel Sanchez. If you have a question about the Bible or the Christian life. We would love to hear from you. Here's our phone number is 833 the core that's 1-833-843-2673 and we do get voicemails here. Here's one we received a couple of days ago from one of our listeners named Tricia hi Ariel thank you I enjoy your show so much as a very very informative question because when you read the gospel.
Jesus was always casting devils out of people, even when he sent the 70 out to buy two says they cast out many devils now assure that Damon didn't die, they must still be around that. Perhaps what's wrong with the world today that a lot of the crazy people are demon contrast is just a question I was wondering where did all the demons go, they must still be somewhere okay thank you very much bye-bye thank you so much for that question will leave one is active in the world today going around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour people and in particular the children of God tries to the Christ the Lord keeps us in the something that we see throughout the Bible but but again, the evil one is very active and I do believe that there is demon possession that takes place today. People who are oppressed, even by demons or spiritual attack and so what we can't minimize that this is this is just the reality and were called to put on the armor of God every day. As the apostle Paul told the Ephesians but we need understand a couple of things one Satan has been definitively conquered through the work and ministry of Jesus Christ and something that Jesus himself referred to in the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 12 in verse 29 specifically but but this whole section is talking about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. But then Jesus says something really interesting.
He says there in Matthew chapter 12.
How can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man another one who is doing the binding here in this parable, we might say is Jesus and the strongman is Satan. Then we read. Indeed, he may plunder his house. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters but Jesus saying look I have come to bind Satan the strongman so that I might plunder his house and that's what's happening in this age through the preaching of the gospel. Satan's kingdom is being wrecked destroyed as people are transferred from the door. A kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's light and so the evil one is at work but through the preaching of the gospel. He is bound. He's been conquered through the cross of Christ. And now that gospel is advancing in and throughout the world.
And another thing I just want to say because I know a lot of a lot of Christians struggle with this with fear, wondering what can I be demon possessed, and I would say no if if you are united to Jesus Christ by faith God lives in you and the evil one that we can attack you will press you try to deceive you, he cannot possess you. I don't think so.
What John said in first John chapter 4 verse one beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world by this you know the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming and now is in the world already little children, you are from God and have over come them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world is or take comfort in that sister so well said thanks for that. I drill this is core Christianity with pastor Israel Sanchez would love to hear from you. If you have a question about the Bible or the Christian life. You can call us 24 hours a day and leave a voicemail question if you'd like. The number is 1-833-843-2673.
You can also post your question on her Facebook, Instagram or twitter account. By the way, we were talking about the devil and demons there for a moment and David Cassidy who wrote the book we were talking about earlier has another book called, can the devil read my mind. You can find that by going to core couple great books by Pastor David Cassidy go back to the phones Kelly is on the line from St. Louis, Missouri Kelly what your question for atrial cleanup with the previous question. I am Lutheran and you said something about baptism and regeneration and I believe when an infant is baptized, baby, child of God and I'm just wondering what the other belief is that that's not but some people feel is correct. What happened when a child is baptized like the other action that people believe you think you really great question Kelly and thank you for for reaching out. So I mean it. I guess it depends on who you ask. There are some people obviously you know Baptists who believe that the child shouldn't even be baptized, that you should be baptized until you make a profession of faith and that baptism is primarily it seems something that you do to declare your faith before others, and so it's not so much an act of God. It's an outward sign of an inward faith which is which is a phrase that you'll often times here now that that's not my view. I don't think that that's primarily what baptism is a thing baptism is first and foremost, something that God is doing. It's a it's a it's a promise. The promise of the gospel is this visible word or covenant sign that God gives to his people to communicate his goodwill, his love to them, so it is it is popping.
God is sovereign in the spirit is sovereign, it is possible that a person is baptized is regenerated at that moment, but I just wouldn't wouldn't necessarily tie the grace of baptism to the moment of its administration. Baptism is is a holy sacrament, wherein the the washing with water in the name of the father and of the signing of the Holy Spirit does signify and seal are in grafting into Jesus Christ it's you want to find it signifies something a greater reality, which in this in this six cases is the washing away of our sins and so is this object of gospel promise that God gives to his people and to their children and were called to live in light of our baptisms to walk in accordance with our baptism, but I wouldn't say that every single person who is baptized is undoubtedly regenerated because I think that an individual who is regenerated that is born again ultimately persevere, so that that none of those are lost there and they don't end up in in perdition. If you will, and so an individual can have the sign the true sign of baptism without the reality it and and so that that's maybe where there would be some some difference where I would have some difference but as I said this is something that believers in Jesus Christ, can and do differ on we can have good conversations about this and really ought to encourage each other in the Lord and I'm I'm grateful for you and for for your tradition and appreciate you calling for for clarification, we just go back to Kelly really quickly. Does that answer your question was, in terms of my view and I don't agree with that.
I don't see it as something about it at all.
I see it is something that God appreciate and excited that I'd never thank you yelling and asked that I would just say I appreciate what you just said there because it is end. I'm not saying that it's something that we do is, it is God's word to us. The object of promise of the gospel coming to us for for the baptized God is the one who is the baptizer and we are first and foremost recipients and so and so I think that's it. That's an important point, I would say that something that I I would agree with you on and so thank you for calling and that God bless you and God bless your family. This is core Christianity getting a lot of questions about baptism today, Israel.
Here's one from Brian in St. Louis. Brian what you want to ask program I got a question or not, will allow different religions out there that have unique different opinion about what water baptism, and I looked up what the word baptism means any comes from the Greek word, baptism will meaningfully immersed underwater by question is why other religions believe it just sprinkling baby what water is considered water baptism Brian, thank you for that question yeah so you bring up the word Bob tea Jill which which can mean to immerse. There are instances where its use just to refer to a washing in the Greek in the Greek translation of the Old Testament known as the Septuagint. You see that sometimes that word sometimes use with regard to ceremonial washings. You see, also in the book of acts when Jesus promises the disciples that they are to be baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days from now uses again that word but deeds will what is that look like being baptized in the Holy Spirit, it looks like God from heaven pouring the Holy Spirit down upon the infant church inserts the imagery of of pouring more washing so it doesn't necessarily need to be this this full immersion. I think sometimes we can get caught up and in the definition of words. Words have we call a semantic range, a range of meaning and so was a different context, they might be used in different ways and that's one of the reasons why white Christian trajectory from from very early on has practice baptisms, not just to do full immersion but also through sprinkling as early as there's a document known as the did a K written probably around the time the Gospels were written.
It talked about baptisms that were taking place is a look at there's if there's water. There's running water. I think of a river or something like that. A great go inside and get baptized. You don't have that will then pouring or sprinkling works just fine. This is this is something the church is been doing from from the very beginnings. I think that there is there is some room there in terms of the mode of baptism for foreseeing both in immersion and then also sprinkling and or pouring as a legitimate mode for the administration of baptism.
Love brothers and sisters that we been able to talk about baptism so much because it's a great segue to the gospel. It's the picture of the washing away of our sins. The promise of God for his people, and so we should cherish it and thanks for listening to core Christianity request your copy of today's special offer. Visit us at core, and click on offers and the menu or call us at 1-833-843-2673.
That's 833 when you contact us. Please let us know how you been encouraged by this program and be sure to join us next time. As we explore the truth of God's word together