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Encounters: Engaging People the Jesus Way (The Intellectual)

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
September 11, 2016 6:00 am

Encounters: Engaging People the Jesus Way (The Intellectual)

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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September 11, 2016 6:00 am

John 2:23-25; 5:34,41

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Welcome to the radio ministry at Cleveland church in Henderson. Margo is to make Christ visible Clearview is a place of genuine worship with ministries for all age groups and all people. For more information, visit us at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson for visit us now join us for this week's message by Pastor items. Today I'm starting a brand-new series from the Gospel of John called encounters engaging people.

The Jesus way this morning become to John chapter 2, starting in verse 23. If you have your Bibles.

You can turn there and also John chapter 52 verses each. Let's all stand together. Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs which he did.

But Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all men and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for he knew what was in man than chapter 5, verse 34.

Jesus himself says yes, I do not receive testimony from man but I say these things that you may be saved in verse 41 I do not receive honor from man.

Have you ever said I wish I knew how to reach so-and-so with the gospel, but I just don't know how or have you ever said something like I wish I could understand how this person things and I wish I could connect with them at their level. I just don't know how the next four messages are part of his series that would help us engage people with the gospel.

Other passages, we just read are like brackets. Picture this to brackets one in the beginning, and one in the end, the first bracket is what we read John chapter 2 verse 24 and 25 where it says Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all men and had no need that anyone should testify of man for you knew what was in man, not just those two verses much is emphasized two things in particular, number one, Jesus knew all men plural means. Jesus knew every single human being that he encountered. He knew their likes, their dislikes, their strengths, their weaknesses, their deepest darkest secrets and by the way, Jesus knows every one of us better than our spouse do better than our friends, our parents, our neighbors, church family, he knows exactly who you are that scary isn't it. That's not something to be scared of something that should bring you comfort. He knew all men plural, but the second thing that is emphasized in that first bracket first is that Jesus knew what was in man singular meaning he knew what was inside human being.

Jesus being God was able to see the darkness within the darkness of sin and by the way he's season today he sees us and knows each one of us individually, but he also knows what is inside of us collectively as human beings. He knows that we are fall of sin, the darkness and then after the first bracket verse John gives us four encounters for individuals who had an encounter with Jesus first one, a religious man by the name of Nicodemus second was a woman from Samaria who came to get water from the well and she had an encounter with Jesus. The term one was a rich nobleman. His son was sick and he had an encounter with Jesus and the last one was a man who was sitting by the pool of Bethesda 38 years waiting for someone to help him get in the pool and be healed.

He was hopeless. He was sick and Jesus encountered him as well or he had an encounter with Jesus and Jesus transform him. Then comes the second bracket we also read this verse.

A moment ago. John 530 forward. Jesus himself says, yet I do not receive testimony from man but I say these things that you maybe say what is means is that Jesus knew each of them individually. He knew what was inside of them collectively and yet he says I don't need your praise. I don't need your adulation. I don't need your support. I'm just here to make sure that you get sick, and he adds a receive honor from them. I don't need your endorsement so we are looking at me going was a have do with me in my life today. Glad you asked. Daily. God brings individuals in our lives that need to be engaged with the gospel every day someone God is bringing in these people are unique, they have their likes their dislikes. They have their abilities and accomplishments. Their curiosity, their quirks, their unique individual, and yet they have one thing in common. What is it sin and they also have one solution in common Savior that is Jesus Christ will to fight, and believe that how can someone like me from far, far away. Come here and preach the same thing and people who did not grow up like me don't look like me don't dress like me if you get saved because no matter how different we are, yet ultimately all the fuss. Whether in America or is your Africa, South America, Europe, doesn't matter if you have the same problem. That's the same problem and you have only one solution that is Jesus Christ. The question this morning is are you engaging people around you with the gospel. It is so easy to have your self-sufficient self directed Christian life is all about me. Help me to be a better this will help me to be a better that Oaks Christian life. Yes, it is about you. God wants to work in your life. He wants to heal your home, your marriage, your children he wants to bless you and guide you and show you his purpose for your life. But that's just one part of it there something more that something more is what engage others with the truth that you now have you know where you are right now.

Your job, your position in life is a gift from God as a gift so that you may engage people like Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman in the rich ruler and that poor sick man sitting by the pool of Bethesda waiting for someone to bring him a whole. It is so that you can go and say let me tell you about someone who change my life and by the way, engaging people with the gospel is not telling them out when you go to.if you were to die right now you go to heaven or hell that worked in the 90s it doesn't work today. Things have changed. It may work for some people, but meeting people at their level of understanding where they're coming from and then with in the power of the Holy Spirit relating to them and beginning to bring them engaged them to the cross.

You know I charge people have conflicts and problems in this and that of the other bickering and fussing and fighting all the time because somehow they lost that focus and have become about them but it was never meant to be about us.

Why did Jesus come in this world, he said, is that what I came to seek and to save that which was lost. What is our job to do exactly what he did go see and to save that which was lost when he asked again this morning when was the last time you actually encountered someone you knew needed cries, what did you do about it. Did you run from them.

Did you get into your holy bubble did you all of a sudden you know limit on the charge or did you actually begin to connect with them or did you condemn them instead of engaging them. Do you pray for the law so I'm an introvert on the central work as a copout. Here's a deepest question that I ask every week. Are you that individual who needs an encounter with Jesus Christ. You may have met the church you may have met the pastor Christianity, Bible studies, favorite preachers, great conferences, but you have never met Jesus Christ what you need. This morning is not another message what you need is to meet the Savior. My prayer this morning is of the Holy Spirit will make Jesus real to you. Forget about the message. Forget about anything else in this place that you will see Christ crucified that you will be transformed.

Four-part series were going to meet these four characters that had an encounter with Jesus Christ. Starting with the first one. Nicodemus now who was Nicodemus listen to John chapter 3 verse one, it actually gives us his profile just one verse but there is enough in that verse that we would create his profile it says there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, and ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night, first thing that set about this man is that he was a Pharisee. He was a ruler of the Jews.

So let's look at it rent real quickly.

First things first, a Pharisee, there is considerable debate about who was a Pharisee Pharisees were insect.

A Jewish sect, probably the most popular Jewish sect during the time of Jesus. They were there for at least 200 years, even before Jesus came.

Their name comes from the Hebrew Puranas which means two separate separation from the sinners withdrawing from the compromise or they were different. We want to be like the world along with the Torah by the Torah are the first five books of the Old Testament Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, along with keeping the Torah laws. The Pharisees also had their own interpretive tradition means we know what Moses is saying, but in our daily life. We also need to do this this and this and this.

They had oral interpretive tradition. They had written interpretive tradition. I mean, these people were very meticulous in keeping the law.

What else do we know about Pharisees. Well, they also not only to The 445 books but also The prophets and the writings that believed it all sad to see his did not.

They also believe in the resurrection of the dead to believe in angels.

They believed in fate and free will do believe in free will. I believe in free will. I believe that every human being has a choice. You either believe God or reject God. Not only that, but they also challenged the people to live in godly moral life for the people love them. I mean who doesn't want someone to tell them hey don't mess around. Keep God first.

You know, don't steal. Don't lie.

Don't hurt people for the Pharisees were very popular with the local people and something else. They also found loopholes to get around the system was that many found loopholes reason people send have some solution something that would help them out in the Pharisees would say okay you messed up, but he what if you do this this and this is all good. There are powerful they were wealthy. So based on this what we know about Nicodemus. Well, one thing we know about Nicodemus that he was a religious man.

He was a spiritual man, would you also agree with that one is doing about Nicodemus is that he was a ruler of the Jews which means he was also powerful you cannot be a ruler unless you have money wealthy. He was also wealthy. What else do we know about him.

He came to Jesus to ask him some questions which means he was a leader more than likely the other Pharisees, to whom he ruled over said Nicodemus, would you go and check him out.

Find out what what it's all about him. I really like the way he does. The miracles we like the way he preaches go check them out. You're the best.

So he came to Jesus. He also had questions which means he was very inquisitive, what is to know about him. It says he came to Jesus what time by night what he think he came by night.

Could it be that he was a busy man.

If your religious leader, ruler of the Jewish people wealthy, you don't have much time could also be that he didn't want to be disturbed when you talk to Jesus. He was a very focused person. I want the riffraff to get in there. I don't want the people to come as a he'll heal us all feed us.

I just want him one-on-one time with Jesus could also be that he was afraid that people might see him with Jesus you believe that he was very image conscious. His first words to Jesus were and he said to him, Rabbi, he could have come to Jesus and said I got a bone to pick with you not come that way.

He said Master means he was also wise, so he says Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him. Maybe he was trying to matter.

Jesus, I don't think so. Some people say that why not because a Jewish person would never take the name of God in vain. I believe he was an honest person. Are you beginning to see a Nicodemus is a moral person a powerful man it wealthy by the way, doesn't have to be a mannequin be a woman, a leader, inquisitive, busy focus image conscious wives honest but he has a problem.

He is moral but he is empty. He is powerful, but he is weak he has what he was what he does not have what he needs. He is willing to check it out, but he is leery why because TV preachers have messed him up because local preachers have messed him up. He is heard too many too many horror stories so he wants to check them out, but only at night where he can kind of ask and nobody knows me can quickly make his exit here is what I believe in America and the West.

The fields are white unto harvest. The laborers are few. The problem is not that we don't have velocity will be willing to supersede the gospel like to use 20 what I remember way back when. It's not that people have not changed is the charge does not have an answer to give this the attitude of the church is the way we carry ourselves the way we do things. He came seeking but he was guarded most lost people are that way. We ask you this morning.

Do you know any Nicodemus in your life. Do you know such people, men or women. They are searching but there guarded the pray for them. How did Jesus engage this man with the chapter 3 verse three Jesus answered and said to him, most assuredly, I say to you, Nicodemus, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Now what we have done is we think Nicodemus came and said all you come from God. Jesus said, oh, shut up. Let me just tell you you to get say that's not true. Did you know that the first two words in the English translation are not correct is not, most assuredly in Greek. It is a man, a man what is it mean when you say amen I agree I agree to assess teacher you must've come from God, because no one can do what you do unless they've been sent from God to have come from God. Jesus said Nicodemus, you're absolutely right. He was not blowing him off. He was actually complimenting him but something else is it. Amen, amen, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God means just like you're saying that I could not do this unless God was with me, neither can you see the kingdom of God unless God opens her eyes. Listen carefully are not all if you listen or not.

I hope some of you will listen you cannot insult people into the kingdom of God.

Christians have mastered the art of insulting people.

You have to be respectful when I'm preaching I'm probably much harsher than ever when I'm one-on-one, interacting with people live. Nobody likes to be insulted. Nobody likes to be talked down to. Jesus was not talking down to this man. He was actually complimenting him and then say I agree Nicodemus in the Nicodemus says how can a man be born when he is old, can he enter a second time in his mother's womb and be born, Nicodemus really had a problem they listen, don't be frustrated when the lost people look at you and go have no clue what you're talking about maybe some of you are here this morning and you have no clue what I'm talking about that's normal we try everything possible to charge our staff will tell you that we try everything possible to do away with Christian.

He have any of your heart. A Christian he means our Christian lingo. We use these phrases. These these things we say that a lost person has no clue what you're talking about, and we expect them to understand. We try everything possible to use with the Bible says in the Bible says you be saved. We repeatedly use save because what you need to be rescued. You are sinking in sin, you need to be rescued. Do you want a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Most people go. Herschel wrote with a dead man not not only so folks. We had be careful how we say what were saying is not wrong is it sometimes just like Nicodemus, he is saying. How can a man be born when he is old, Jesus didn't stop there. Listen to what he says in verse five. Most assuredly, which is again what your right, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God or Jesus was not trying to make a Baptist out of him.

The reference to water was a reference to the baptism of John the Baptist. Just a chapter earlier, John is baptizing in the chapter labor.

John is still baptizing baptism.

John's baptism was a definite point of beginning.

In a person's life. John came baptizing, saying, prepare the way of the Lord. Water baptism during the time of Nicodemus was a marking a starting point of something new. No one is born a Christian. It may have been when you were four years old. It may have been when you were 1440. It doesn't matter. There was a definite point in your life when you prayed or you said something in your heart to God. Maybe it was during a message.

Maybe it's driving down the road somewhere.

You made that beginning, you may not even remember there's a definite beginning. Jesus is telling Nicodemus as Nicodemus.

You are a good Jewish person but you need a beginning, but not a beginning from our you need the Spirit to do something in your life.

Listen to verse six that which is born of the flesh is flesh. Remember, Jesus was talking by water, but he left it because it's not by the water baptism is not the water that saves you that which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you.

You must be born again again support translation what Jesus is really saying that is you people or y'all must be born again.

Jesus was from the South you people who are the you people to people that said Nicodemus to ask questions or Jesus.

Jesus is saying you people who believe in my science date. They are so happy to see me heal the sick and feed the hungry, and preach, but you don't believe in me you have a detached belief. Not much has changed their people hereunder, the sound of my voice, you have a detached belief you love the chart you love my preaching you love the music you love the fellowship you just don't know Jesus. And if you don't know the Jesus you know the Jesus who blesses every body who heals you when you're sick that Jesus was coming again, you've never met the Jesus on the cross.

You're right there.

This is repentant faith. This is the moment of conversion.

This is were you born again you're sitting right here somewhere.

They've never had an encounter with Jesus Christ and then Jesus explains to Nicodemus that went wrong, where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the spirit.

You can just picture Nicodemus is listening. How is this going to happen Nicodemus to use you feel the wind can hear it. Can you see I can see the leaves moving and I see the dust rising, but I don't I don't see so also what happens in your heart when you receive Christ as your Savior.

Something happens here. You may not be able to quantify it.

You may not be able to explain it but you know some change has happened in your life. Amen. There is no change there is no conversion what it Nicodemus say he said to him, how can these things be and then Jesus said to him, are you the teacher of Israel and you do not know these things and as Moses left it on the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, I would Jesus doing here is he is pointing back to the Old Testament an incident in the Old Testament when Moses was leading the people to the promised land and and up. The people rebelled against God. The complaint against God and Moses and God sent fiery serpents into the camp and the serpent spent the people and many died and the people cried and said Moses help us. And Moses prayed and said God would you do something God said, here's a solution take a poll on top of the pole making bronze serpent put on top of the pole. All those who look at the serpent will live those who don't will die. Why did God pick his snake. What does a snake represent Satan right in Genesis chapter 3 Satan comes in the form of a snake. Why in the world would God put I would've referred pigeons or something you know Dobbs or a piece of lamb or something.

Snake when you get to second Corinthians 521. What does Paul say he who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.

You know why God chose his snake the very thing that brought poison into their system because one day Jesus would drink that cup of poison and give his life on the cross. It's only when you look to him that you can be saved if there is one verse in the Bible that I still cannot comprehend. I understand it. I cannot comprehend how could him who knew no sin become sin for me. I don't get and if that bothers you, just like those Israelites you will die because the venom of sin is pulsating through your system has a people say all little children can get it. You know they don't listen, here's a funny thing little children get the gospel faster than adults to and then comes the most famous verse in the Bible don't look at it, let's say together. See if you can do for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life that amazing that Jesus gave this verse that has transformed millions upon millions of people including my own dad because of this word to give his life to Jesus Christ. What is critical in that versus the fourth word loved that man who was wealthy moral leader.

Why is honest. All those things that we created his profile.

One thing he hadn't heard was a God loves him. There's one thing lacking in our ministry in our churches is love and God's love is poured in your heart, you cannot help but love other people, even those who offend you. Let me ask you question this morning. Have you had an encounter with Jesus Christ. Have you met him. Thank you so much for joining us today in this series were going to learn how the master soul winner engaged people in the days ahead.

Be thinking about someone you can engage with the gospel that here's the question, are you the one who needs an encounter with Jesus Christ.

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