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Crucified and Risen

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
August 5, 2018 6:00 am

Crucified and Risen

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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August 5, 2018 6:00 am

Mark 8:34-35, Galatians 2:20

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Whoever does not let him deny yourself in your sin, deny your habits deny your addiction. Denying your old me me. I'm so great and I'm so awesome and you're nobody denying all junk picking up your crossing note to self following after Jesus registered a portion of the upcoming message titled, crucified and risen by Pastor Abbott on shot of Clearview church in Henderson, North Carolina at Clearview. Our focus is on making Christ visible in the way that we worship the way that we serve the way that we love one another. Come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson.

Visit us online Clearview join us for this. When kids are little, they love coffee. Their parents girls will pretend to be like their moms.

They will try to do makeup and they will try to carry a person pretend to cook in the kitchen. The toy kitchen to have boys do the same thing on if you have little boys. They will will try to shave.

I remember our little ones trying to pretend to shave or they would walk around the toolbox or try to cut grass. Not really. Not in my life. They didn't have that opportunity. Unlike cutting grass so well but anyways, but they love to copy the love to copy adults. The point is that we copy those whom we look up to, is no different when we get saved when we place our faith in the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus not only are we saved but we also deny ourselves and be pick up our cross and we follow after Jesus be understand what the true gospel is the true gospel demands that we daily consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. His cross gives us forgiveness.

His resurrection breaks the power of sin and death. But then we pick up our cross and we die to ourselves.

We are buried and we walk in the newness of life.

This morning when I tried to understand this if you have your Bibles with you turn to two passages. The first is Mark chapter 8 and verse 34 and the second passage is Galatians chapter 2 in verse 20 and once again, let's all stand for the reading of God's word.

Mark chapter 8 verse 34 and 35 and when he meeting Jesus had called the people to himself with his disciples also, he said to them, whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospels will save it.

Listen Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 Paul says I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. My old ways and I'm willing to follow Jesus Christ. Have you ever come to the cross of Jesus. You cannot deny yourself, pick up your cross unless you have been to the cross where Jesus gave his life. If you haven't done that today is operate, you pray and asked Jesus to come into your life. You pray and ask him to forgive you of your sins and you pray and submit your life to your Savior to your king as you know where in our series on the gospel. What is the gospel. What is the true gospel last week and we learned that salvation is not your free ticket into heaven. It's also your allegiance to follow your Savior and your king you have sworn allegiance to him that you will obey him and follow him. No matter the cost. This weekend when I go one step further regular learned of the gospel is much more than just believing that Jesus died and he rose again 2000 years ago. It's a call to live daily the crucified and the resurrected life.

In other words, salvation begins by trusting the historical facts of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus, but it leads to a daily commitment to die to self and to live the newness of life. This morning first good look at the cross of Jesus.

The empty tomb of Jesus and then we can talk about our cross and our empty tomb.

So let's begin the first is the historical fact of the cross and the empty tomb. Listen to what Paul says in first rent is 15 in all, these verses will be on the screen first 2015, Paul says moreover brethren I declare to you the gospel means I'm about to give you the definition of the gospel. This is what gets you say by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached you unless you believed in vain.

Was the gospel. Paul says it right here that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. The first ingredient of the gospel is Jesus died.

According to Scriptures grass knotted here comes a second ingredient that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to Scriptures two ingredients in the gospel. Jesus died.

He was buried, but he rose again.

Let's focus on the Jesus die.

Let's focus on the cross for a few moments, the cross was the most visible and shameful form of punishment in the ancient world. More than likely the Assyrians of the Babylonians came up with this means almost a thousand years or more before the coming of Christ.

The Persians, the Greeks, and especially the Romans perfected the cross days to hang people on trees, and then the Romans realized man whom you're messing up trees when we have planks and we can nail them to the plank and we can use it and reuse it but it was the most gruesome gruesome and grotesque form of punishment.

God in his sovereignty and his foreknowledge chose this form of punishment to bring his salvation into this world that God could've chosen many ways he could have chosen hanging. He could've chosen beheading God could've even chose this immolation burned the person you could have used stoning in the Old Testament Way of punishing his center was stoning them but what I can imagine someone beat being stoned. How would they be, they will be standing like this it would be crouching on the ground you cannot see in the first layer of people can buy the ones back there they can seem, God chose the cross because this was one gruesome form of punishment, but the victim was held high, so that people far away could see him.

They could see who was being crucified simultaneously.

God did two things seeing someone crucified. He showed his wrath against sin. This is how much God hates sin. You and I are sinners. We were meant to be nailed to the cross. We were meant to suffer for our sins so you see that on the cross but also you see the love of God. God did not say, hey, you're going down the cross, or you come over here you go down the cross.

He said no, guess what you can do it. I would give my son to die for you is why would you do that for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, you see simultaneously God used it cruel it grotesque way of killing it convict.

He used it to show his wrath against sin and show his love towards us. Listen to what Paul says in Romans chapter 5 verse eight he says, God demonstrates his own love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He demonstrates his love. This cross is a demonstration of how much he loves you if no one has told you this morning the love you know that God loves you something else. Much more then, having been now been justified by his blood, we shall be saved from the wrath means. This is also a display of this is how much God hates sin. The early church was very careful about bringing out the aspect of the cross of mentioning the actual physical death of Jesus on the cross.

In fact, listen to help Peter preached the message on the day of Pentecost in acts 222 is that men of Israel, hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested by God to you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves as also note him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands and have crucified and put to death. In other words, the crucifixion of Jesus was not something spiritual, the crucifixion of Jesus was not something mythological. It was a real Roman cross on which Jesus was really truly nailed for your sins.

How can you be saved. Listen carefully. It doesn't matter how long you been in charge.

It doesn't matter how much money you give to chart it doesn't matter if you granddaddy build the church. It doesn't matter how much you love the church if you don't believe in the actual physical death of Jesus on the cross. You're not saved. That has to happen.

This is the gospel.

Jesus died. According to Scriptures blast. Got it. Not only he died, but he also physically bodily resurrected from the grave. There is also the resurrection is a God and his divine immense wisdom included resurrection as part of salvation I think about it for a moment Jesus died, he paid the penalty of my sins is over all, doesn't matter if he comes back to life. Doesn't matter if he rises again. Yes it does. Because of Jesus only died. Guess what he was just human. Humans die all the time and no human can die for my sins by coming back to life.

What Jesus was proving what God was proving was this that Jesus was not just a human. He was also the son of God, and you cannot kill God, but he died to prove that he has forever taken your sins upon himself and has paid the penalty of your sentence, but he rose again because he was sinless.get the points you get it. He died but he had to rise again to prove that he was God and to prove that he paid for your sins and to prove that he himself sinless. Listen to what Paul says in verse one, 15, 17, it's on the screen. If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile.

You are still in your sentence, but rising from the grave something else. Jesus did listen to first convince 1520 but now Christ is risen from the dead.

Hannah has become the firstfruits of the what that word fresh fruit and fruit means. It means the first harvest we have many farmers here with you when you harvest your crops. The first harvest tells you sort of what's coming later. Jesus became the first harvest to show us if you believe in him. This is what's going to come for you. You also are going to rise one day physically this morning is not enough just to believe in the cross is also important to believe in the resurrection. In fact, the early church preached the cross and the resurrection of Jesus.

Listen to Peter on the day of Pentecost. Again this and how he says in acts 224 whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of dead because it was not possible that he should be held by how powerful is that you could not keep Jesus in the grave, she can keep God in the grave. He's alive. He is eternal and he finished our redemption and he rose again. By the way, did you notice something the cross was visible to everyone. Jesus died in the side of the whole world.

He was put on a cross and the cross was put on a hill called Calvary, so that people far NY see him, but when Jesus rose from the grave. Paul tells us in first 2015 that not that many people saw him, I mean there were disciples saw him 500 people saw him, but not the whole world. Jesus did not go to everyone.

Apologies I were going to the temple first as a guess what guys remember me, he didn't do that. He only met with a select few wanted to do that. Listen carefully. Jesus had to be lifted up high so that all could see but he had to be verified by a select few so that faith would be the key.

He wants you to believe in him, not because he has convinced you he wants you to believe in him by faith.

I believe I trust God's word is if Jesus were to go around showing himself to all of us. There is no need for faith is faith to be saved. You not only believe in the cross, but you also believe in the empty tomb. The Jesus bodily rose again this morning.

The question for all of us. Is this. Have you ever believed in the true gospel.

What is the true gospel.

You have to believe that Jesus died, but you also have to believe that he rose again the third day, have you done that I may have you placed your faith in that fact.


Have you ever prayed that prayer the sinners prayer that says Jesus 2000 years ago. I believe you came according to God's plan died on the cross and you paid for my sins, but you rose again the third day to prove that you were God to prove that you had paid for my sins and to prove that one day I will rise again. If you haven't prayed right now as I keep preaching you pray that prayer you asked Jesus to save you. That is the true gospel. Nothing else saves you folks.

That's what saves you, you start praying the prayer you start asking Jesus to forgive you. You start asking him to come into your life. You commit yourself to following him as you can.

There's also present reality when it comes to the cross and the empty tomb is he wants you believe in Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. We have to go on and believe in another cross and another resurrection.

This is our cross, our resurrection Italy began with the passage in Mark chapter 8 and verse 34 when he had called the people to himself.

When Jesus asked the people to come to him with his disciples also would he say to them.

Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospels will save it. Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself was denying yourself, denying your selfishness denying your sin. Denying your habits denying your addiction. Denying your own name me.

I'm so great and I'm so awesome and you're nobody denying all that junk picking up your cross saying no to self and following after Jesus. Whoever it was a saint. Whoever desires to save his love is not to go to this cross can do that was what what was the reply. You will lose his life, but whoever loses his life for my sake is in Ocala.

Take it and the Gospels will actually save what was Jesus saying here. He was not offering salvation by self crucifixion. He was not saying find your cross and go nail yourself on Jesus in your name. I'm doing this – what he was saying what he was saying is be willing to live the crucified life.

If you're not willing to live this you can have this, it means simply being willing to see yourself dead to sin and your selfishness and your selfish desires is over and some people get saved I got saved, will you you you you you going to be different but you know, God knows my heart. Or, you know, thereby thereby makes mistakes. I just you know we all have a bad day. I mean, I don't know well you know my life just stinks and mount a bad life and parents were not there and and and I just you know the wild bad things always happen to me and I just you know well you know sometimes I feel like God even hates me. No, that's not the crucified life that is a very, very selfish, self-centered live, the says pity me please pity me and people play that game as husbands and wife, and they made their husbands miserable to make their wives miserable by acting that way they make their parents miserable weather made the children miserable them and their friends miserable.

But by this this self-indulgence when you sign up for this.

You're saying means offer is not hard me and how do you do that you can view the findings of a wooden cross and walk with it. No, listen to what Paul says in Galatians chapter 2 in verse 20 again. He says I have been crucified with Christ. I have been means you not universe trying to going to die to myself died.

To me, you know know know you have been is finished, you have to acknowledge that I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, if you have truly received this you're already on this. You simply have to acknowledge it is another reference that may help you. Romans chapter 6 and verse 11 Paul says likewise you also what's the word there reckon yourself not of this is the south side to clarify when you say reckon in the South are saying you to be there tonight are reckon, but I saw the reckon were talking about how to where he came over that meeting.

Maybe it maybe is somewhere someone came over that anybody else been copping it wrong.

Reckon really means is a sick is a computing word is a calculating word which means I'm gonna count on it. It's done.

It's in the books.

Likewise, you also count on it. It's done.

It's in the books that you are what dead indeed to sin is done, it means you accept your old self, as done, you don't go back to sin, you don't indulge in the old ways anymore. It's buried what happened to Jesus wanted to do with Jesus's body after the ticket off the cross, they put it in a tomb. But what happens to you. Once you are crucified with Christ it's done your old self. You're all sinful nature is also put in a tomb. Many of us are tomb raiders be good to get to get back up to bring it out on special occasions when you having a bad day you let everybody have it your old anger comes out your old bitterness comes out the old self comes out the old retaliation comes out you know what you're really doing your digging up that corpse. Imagine that bring out old body is within the grave you dusted up and put on you. Say what you think you look great honey. Let me put it on social media.

How do you think about all this CC how nasty I can be great while we were in corpse on of this is just me being me and this is the old you.

You have Doug back up now if you only stay with the self crucified life. You will only have a morbid, musty understanding of Christianity ditto is not me up, died to me and died. To me that's not what Paul stop said. He says what he says something about being resurrected as well. Listen to Romans chapter 6 verse four.

Therefore, we were buried with him through baptism into death, and what baptism is when I baptize people. I'm immersing them in the water is a symbol of dying you telling the world that you died and you were buried with Christ.

It's a watery grave.

You going down the old me is been put in a grave in a sense kind of scary.

But in a sense is liberating. The old me is dead. You have to by faith believe this. This is the gospel.

Therefore, we were buried with him through baptism into death, but I listen to this, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father. Even so, we also should walk in newness of life. Just the way Jesus rose from the grave. When you receive Christ in your life.

You also come out of the grave. You are in you creation in Christ. Old things have passed away behold all things have become new. What does Paul say let's go back to Paul for a second. Galatians 220 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh means when you see me now. Flesh and blood. I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. You see, you cannot understand this life, unless you take it by faith. The old me is dead.

The old me was buried in the new me has risen by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin and also what but alive to crop God in Christ Jesus our Lord means you have to also count on it. I find it amusing when people say that matter what church you go to as long as you go to church maybe had to preach the whole gospel, because if not the gonna put you on what was that hamster wheel you know you just to run run run run run run run when the collapse with the spiritual cardiac arrest or trying to live the Christian life is not about that. Once you receive this you are enrolled in this and if you don't want this. You cannot have this, but if you want this and you trust God enough you know that you already been put in the grave, and you have risen to walk in the newness of life. There's nothing more that you waiting. God has already put his power in you feel anything by faith.

What happens when you get saved who comes inside of you. The Holy Spirit comes inside of you. What is his job. Let's read what his job is Romans chapter 8 verse 11.

You can either look here. Look thereby want to really look at this passage, but if the Spirit of him who is him a spirit of Jesus the spirit of the father and who is the spirit of her person of the Godhead. We know God the father is the one who poured his wrath upon the sun and displayed his love towards you, God the son died, was buried, he rose again for our sins. But there's another person waiting who is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you, the job of making this happen is not used. If you walk out there saying man I'm thinking thinking thinking. Yes we did. Yes that's very weird. Oh yes, risen to what know if you do that your misunderstanding the message is the Holy Spirit's job to make it real. Your job is to submit to the Holy Spirit. Your job just every moment say, Holy Spirit, not my will but yours be done. Dying to self means dying to all those things that you thought were so precious and made you who you were me, my education, my reputation, my family tree my accomplishments. My Friends Cir., God's gonna one by one knock those things down and then when you are on the ground going well. Nothing left Godzilla good, now let me build you the way you're meant to be in all this happens, not for yourself effort it happens through Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, will you slip and fall will sometime the old nature come out. Of course, what you do in the old nature comes out is to get back in the grave enough of me. I'm done. From this point on I will one really mean say no to sin myself so yesterday, thank you so much for joining us today. Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day that you change the way that you and I live our lives trusting Christ for salvation from sin. I believe in the resurrection for the promise of eternal life. For more information visit us and for this sermon's notes. Check out Pastor Shaw's lot but I