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Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
October 13, 2019 6:00 am


Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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October 13, 2019 6:00 am

Luke 14:25-33

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Here's a question to you about our earthly relationships more important to just cut to the chase body go to church. Of course, these are wonderful people. They should be your best friends.

I get it, but do you go to church were relationships for friendship say the family say this, the matter how you phrase it was really happening. Is this you are there to please that both of you to please me going find something better. Honestly, because when you come to church should be for one purpose and that is to worship God to hear him to see him now, of course, you can build friendships, of course, you gonna get to know people in and you look forward to being around people you love. But if that is the only reason you're going here there and everywhere both.

Good luck because that is not what church is supposed to meet and unfortunately that is charged for many people.

I go here they're everywhere why friendship something in myself. No wonder Jesus said unless you're willing to choose me over your family and your relationships. You cannot be my disciple.

A portion of the upcoming message titled cost Pastor Robin on shop clearly church in Henderson, North Carolina Clearview, are focused on making Christ worship when we serve to the way we love one another.

Come check us out at 3485 Oxford Rd. in Henderson or visit us join us for the rest of this week's message. How many of you have heard the statement. The best things in life are free. That's true. I think about it. Any by love course, not you, by joy, of course, not peace.

How is your pay for peace so in a way that is true, but on the flipside there's no such thing as free lunch. You heard that what is that mean that means, of course, just the opposite, which is as somebody has to pay for so both are just as true. On one hand best things in life are free. But on the other hand, there is no such thing as free lunch when it comes to our salvation. Salvation is also a free gift, it doesn't cost us anything to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. He's done that work. Everything has been done for us. You don't have to pay anything for your salvation, but salvation means that now you are a disciple and that means everything you have belongs to your master. So salvation is absolutely free, but it comes with a cost. Jesus paid it all.

But now everything you have belongs to him and this morning in our series on the parables of Jesus, we come to a parable where we understand the cost of discipleship and you have to count the cost so you can follow. You have your Bibles with you, turn to Luke chapter 14 starting in verse 25 now. Great multitudes went with him very important understand that what Jesus is about to say is not just meant for the select few is not just meant for the chosen ones, all of them great multitudes went with him and he turned and said to them, if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple and whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Let those words sink into your mind. This is what it means to be a disciple and then Jesus gives to parables to explain this first one for which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it last. After he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, this man began to build and was not able to finish or what king going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he has. He is able with 10,000 to meet him who comes against him with 20,000 or else while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation asked conditions for peace, so likewise whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple repeat that verse again so likewise whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple. Are you disciple are you just a wishy-washy fence sitter or are you too disciple is not optional and this morning there are two groups of people in this place one of those are those who have repented and believed, and I believe that truly saved but the followership is very weak. They've never truly committed their hearts to Christ, you disable your saved and not folks. That's where you decide.

As for the Holy Spirit to tell you but if you are sitting on the fence.

Either you lost, you need to commit today to being a full-fledged disciple of Jesus Christ. And here's a prayer for those who have never been saved, here's a prayer would you bow your heads, it goes like this, Jesus. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins. I believe that I'm a sinner. I repent of my sins, I change my mind about sin not change my mind about myself. It is my sin that put a holy and righteous son of God on the cross and so I pray today. Forgive me come into my life and take over most important point you have to emphasize is gonna follow you the rest of my life.

I want to follow whatever you tell me to do that I will.

How do you picture Jesus 2000 years ago 2000 years ago he came as promised in the Old Testament and he came and drew up in Palestine did the miracles preach the word and then he died on the cross rose again.

We know all that. When you think about Jesus on the earth for those 33 some years. How do you see him what image comes to your mind you see him as a solitary figure praying in the garden. The garden of Gethsemane or do you see him with her two disciples. Peter and maybe John, do you see him with the other disciples walking through the fields or sailing on the sea of Galilee.

Maybe you see him with a small crowd of people on the Mount of Beatitudes, as he is sitting down and he is teaching them. Blessed are the poor are blessed are the meek, blessed are the humble and he is going down the list.

How do you see Jesus well if you look at this verse carefully. Verse 25 it says now. Great multitudes went with him.

If you really want to get a picture of how it must have looked think about the state fair. But imagine a crowd that big, but they're all headed towards one person at least of the state fair advisors going somewhere but here it's one person is the focus of everything is a big crowd and as they're walking toward somewhere behind this one person this one person Jesus stops, turns around and says to them something. Picture this one as you say is that if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. I don't know how many of them heard in the midst of all that that big crowd. We don't know.

But there's a reason why Jesus said that because they were following Jesus for all kinds of reasons, some of them were following him for food and back in those days were talking about a minority rich lots of poor no middle-class, so it comes to food, I mean Jesus was a walking talking cafeteria. Are you hungry fish and bread. Feeding the 5000 and then women and children you hungry get more fish and bread every so why not follow this guide does hang out with him is gonna feed you sooner or later is will be a breakfast or lunch is to be a dinner. Some people are following him because he was immobile hospital you sick. Go after him and so lots of people in this group Jesus being God knew that and he stopped and he turned around and declared if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brother and sister. Yes, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Another stop there for a moment, does that mean that we have to literally hate our family in order to be Christians, of course not. In Greek when the Greek words are influenced by Hebrew or the Old Testament the word love and hate can also mean choose and not choose when Jesus says unless you hate what he is really saying is he pick me, unless you gonna pick me over any earthly relationships. You're not worthy to be my disciple.

By the way, this is not the first time Jesus had made such a statement.

In fact, in Luke chapter 9, someone told him, Lord, I will follow you wherever you go. And Jesus said to this man. Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head which means this if you follow me, be willing to be homeless. You still want to come after me to another one. Jesus said, follow me and he said the Lord. Let me first go and bury my father.

Now scholars have talked about this statement does that mean that the man had a dead body at home was his dad lying on ice waiting for burial. Maybe. But more than likely it meant.

My father is aged I'm the only one. Let me first go ahead and let him die in peace and when that's done I'm want to come and follow after you another one. Jesus said to him about awake. What is use of this menus that led the dead bury their own dead. But you go and preach the kingdom of God also said, Lord, I will follow you. But let me first go and bid them farewell, who are at my house and what did Jesus say no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Bottom line, what happens here is Jesus is repeatedly saying don't let your earthly relationships supersede your relationship with me. Everything else sinks takes second priority, but here's a question to you about in your life are earthly relationships more important processes cut to the chase body go to church. Of course, these are wonderful people. They should be your best friends.

I get it, but do you go to church for relationships for friendship sake for family say anything this no matter how you phrase it was really happening. Is this you are there to please that person nothing about my dad. Many of you know his testimony. I've shared many times, but he grew up in a Muslim home in Austin Muslim home and immediately thing all terrorist blessed are all Muslims are not know. Walking over the bomb in their hand. Many of them are just wonderful people living their life and and so that's come home. He grew up in India very educated, very affluent letter legacies to keep up and then God began to work in his life and he heard the gospel and he thought, you know this thing changed my life again. It was a process and I'm trying to summarize his testimony, but he thought if only I can tell this to my dad. My dad is smart, but that is educated he will definitely listen and give his heart to Jesus and be a new day and he told his dad that evening and his dad's response was very simple.

I get up early in the morning if you're still here. It will not be good. You want to stay here.

None of this Jesus stuff while now. When I was growing up. Dad was dad that I never looked at data as you know this Muslim convert who was also my dad and also the pastor, but there were times it would hit me sometimes when I was listing the message. Other times just talking to him. It would just hit me. Here's a man who gave up his family to follow Jesus Christ. I cannot fathom that that my boys are my girls coming to me one day and say I have chosen this religion and I'm going away and I say to them you go. That's it for you and this is okay and I don't see them again. I don't know how I can bear that. Can you sit here comfortable as a lawyer for Jews. Give it up folks is very tough to do that is to survive the vital and then through the years.

His father died know by told his mother.nobody told them. What it means. Why am I emphasizing this because in the last we sit here so comfortable and we talk about all you know, following Jesus tough sometimes while their people across the world who lose their families who lose their loved ones who have their book houses. The church is born to the ground because of following Jesus Christ and we talk about how it looks like it's gonna rain today will stay home that is the level of you all didn't speak to me so ensued and shake my head and hear their people are going I'm going to church. There's a good chance somebody may shoot me. It happened in Egypt right here's a question to you again. How about you is some relationship more important to you than following Jesus Christ have folks have friends have family when it comes to Christ. Let Christ be Christ. But God be God, let him be the one you worship a man something else.

In verse 27 and whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Which means there is there is an immediacy to the call my dad several times, shared this in testimonies than when he was told leave.

He left in a matter of an hour or so at the most and then he explained why the reason he left us so quickly. He did not wake the rest of the night. He did not wait till right before his dad woke up, he left maybe an hour after that conversation, you know what happens when the Holy Spirit begins to speak to your heart and your heart in your heart and my heart and we deliberate, we wait and we think about it you know that part that desire that God has given to you. Just vanishes when God says I want you to give give this and you go. We just can't think about that.

I guarantee it. By the time you get home you want to give a ministry or servant God says I want to do this I want you to be there. Music your let me check my schedule and get back you'll never get back. I want to talk to so-and-so about the gospel find a way to connect with them. Tell them you gonna pray for them, invite them to church music. Well you not want to hurt. I want to mess with that relationship. While you what I'll do tomorrow tomorrow never comes just like Jesus told those those people let the dead bury their own dead. But you going preach the kingdom of God. Don't wait for that to happen and no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. Don't wait to ask you question the seat this morning. What is keeping you from committing your life fully to God what is keeping you right now and please don't misunderstand coming your life fully to God does not mean you are a church 24 seven what it means is that in every aspect of your life.

Christ is force your single Christ is still first LU of your mayor Christ is first before your spouse or children.

Christ is first work Christ is force what is keeping you from being fully committed to Jesus Christ, and for some people, once I retire past Rob I'm just going to be all then because I would have so much more time. You know what that really means pastor. Once I have given all the best years of my life to the world than what's left over, which is a bad back and a bad knee and a lot of migraines. I want to give that to the Lord, you know I like the site is keep it and I'll do it buddy you needed. What's left over is this like yelp.

I want to give it to the world. I would have all the fun they want heart exhaust just like many of y'all do the church missing was Solomon says that this is a powerful passage. Ecclesiastes 12 verse one next to Christ, the wisest man who ever lived. He says, remember now your creator in the days of your youth before the difficult days come in the years draw near, when you say I have no pleasure in them. Listen to this, while the sun and the light, the moon and the stars are not dark and in the clouds do not return after the raid, serve God, now give him your best today and now Jesus give the two parables to show what lack of counting the cost to follow Christ.

Looks like very quickly. The first one is a tower builder were not told why he was building a tower maybe it was for agricultural purposes so you can look across the fields and see the enemy coming. Maybe it was from military purpose to see the enemy approaching we don't know and it doesn't matter. What matters. Listen to this.

What matters is that now he began this tower without counting the cost. And he can finish it and he has this big awkward unfinished structure in his front yard.

That's how many people's Christian journey looks like a tower going nowhere.

We get saved at Clearview even made a video for you put it on Facebook where are you, even the FBI can find the tower going nowhere.

You begin your journey and from this day on a live finale to be following Jesus Christ. What happened to tower going nowhere restarted will, but is not happening, you raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, maybe to get them in charge is gonna be a purpose behind it that diligently gonna bring them and then oh well, this came up that came of friends, family, whatever pitch to tower going nowhere.

You might be better off not starting the tower. A man is now you have this awkward structure sitting in your front yard. Are you getting this folks, that's how many people's Christian journey looks like it's a half-baked soupy uncooked meal can eat it, so waste the second parable is a king or warpath. Unlike the last parable is the consequence of failing is not just as big awkward monstrosity in your yard, but this one is deadly because the King taught he could win the battle with 10,000 soldiers he goes out there and realize I own no they got 20,000 I did think about this. I should have made peace but now war is coming and I'm going to get all these people killed application or yellow Lake application is this, you got saved you are in a spiritual battle you refuse to put on the whole armor of God, and now you are being cut up your losing limbs blood is flowing everywhere in your responses, but you know he that is in me is greater than he that is in the world please stop quoting that you can put on the whole armor of God, you have this halfhearted Christian life. You're not in the battle to win.

And now you're blaming God. In closing, I do consider the cost of following Christ. Are you willing to follow him. In order to be saved. You have to follow him is not enough just to say I believe I repent. I got baptized. I'm in charge you have to follow him. And again, I repeat, is not being a church 24 seven. It means in every aspect of your life. Christ is supreme you seek to do his will, not to please people. Somebody might say is network salvation. We talk about doing good folks listen following Jesus is always the work of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is God's gift to you. So when we talk about repent, believe and follow don't think that is sub up to you is the Holy Spirit and you who begins to do that work as long as you're willing to commit to following Christ.

Philippians chapter 2 says. Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, are you working out your salvation. Are you working out your salvation is you gotta do that in order to be saved is always liquid artwork salvation.

Now that's a believing that this in the very next verse, verse 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to do for his good pleasure. You have to simply be willing to follow and he will do the rest. What is it mean to be saved. Well, what I remember growing up.

Gotta repent.

What is repent, repent means, have a turn in return. Well, maybe I believe repent means more change of mind, you can turn return and return back. But a change of mind means you realize that sin is what put Jesus on the cross, sin is an abomination to God. Repent means you change your mind about sin, you change your mind about self. You are a sinner, no matter how good you do you are a sinner, condemned to die under God's wrath. Jesus is the Savior.

He is the only way, truth of life you have to repent, change of mind. I asked not enough. What follows next well there is belief you have to believe it's not enough just to say you must of. I have had a rough life you have to believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins.

He took God's wrath upon himself and he can save you. You have to believe what you see many people stop right here because there comes the next step which is what follow Izzy unless this happens, you will never go after King Jesus, there's always going to be a divide between you and the Lord. If you are truly saved, which maybe you are maybe or not I can tell you that maybe your save would just repent and believe. Maybe you are maybe have a little bit of discipleship there. I don't know but if I read the Scriptures carefully. What did Jesus say unless you deny yourself and come after me you cannot be my disciple. All you can be saved in our disciple as taught in the Bible folks unless the circle is closed. I don't know what you gonna do on the day of judgment unless the circle is closed. Repent, believe and follow what you think. On the day of judgment. Do you think you'll have to convince God that you are a Christian you stand while Ephesians chapter 2 in Ephesians chapter 2 tells us very simply, what is a safe, it says, for by grace you have been saved through faith in the not of yourselves, it is the gift of God pass Rob received a gift from saved. Well, listen to verse nine not of yourselves. This anyone should boast. Okay, listen the very verse 10 for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. We have been created for good works, and what are these good works, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them two options. Either you're not walking in the works God has prepared for you or you never were saved. I can decide which one you want. I can only answer for myself.

Which are you, as you've already made up your mind. Repent, believe in a stop there. That's not the gospel. Which one are you are you following Christ. Are you lost. Thank you so much for joining us for this message.

A lot of times, as believers, repent of our sins. We believe that Jesus is God's son never make it to the third step following him being obedient to his call in our lives. Are you being obedient to God in your life today for more information visit us and for this sermon's notes.

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