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Pastor Greg discusses the foundations of our nation

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
October 4, 2022 1:20 pm

Pastor Greg discusses the foundations of our nation

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 4, 2022 1:20 pm

Pastor Greg discusses the foundations of our nation. The deconstruction of the nation through secular humanism elevates creation over the creator and removes the foundation for the value for life. How the LGBTQ agenda is being used against our children and the opening created for Islam.

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

My passion is like a father thought more to defending our country today. We are no longer fighting with guns is that we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country because I am wanting you you got into having sex over 40 product changed my life by well… Good critical program before I discovered by I was told by the middle tablet was really feeling any different.

So I cried bye-bye did all one by the middle liquid multivitamin (source not arrayed in pre-patient. Bye-bye without all the work where's the body count and 85 is available in 32 ounce bottle are very one-out travel pack light on the got the first time I cried by I had more energy.

About 20 minute clear that are here coupon code children get regular check out $20 off your first order $50 or more for John coupon code radio today shows and generally holds you. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood holy nation people to for the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light time past were not a people.

Now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy chosen topic is off-limits. Pastor Greg radio were no topic is off limits and everything. So much for being here.

I know you have a choice of what you can listen each and every day I'm so grateful to have you tuning in with us just want to make a mention. Those of you that are watching us on TEC MTV 1.05 million viewers so far this year, 1.05 million viewers just the chosen generation radio show and we are grateful for every single one of you. 41,000 viewers. Just this past week grateful for each and every one of you and countless people that are listening to us all on their grateful for all of that.

If you missed any portion of our program. Our number one was with us.

We talked about January 6.

What really happened as we talked about his case and a lot of information that we gave out relative to that and what's happening with your keepers trial and is real gray down and dirty on on what they're doing to Stewart Rhodes and how it is illegal and unconstitutional pastor David Lowery was with commentary with regards to the breakdown in in our education system and how they're breaking things down secular humanism, the homosexual agenda is long coming in and and how we battle against your generation radio and so to that end generation radios were no topic is off-limits and everything filled glasses we bring on great. Yes, we have great conversations and great information to inform you educate you to get you prepared so that you can take an action step, and I want to ask you just simply share the information with tell a friend generation if each person will tell one other person will be able to double in just a week and just going in next week we can invite everyone to do the same and double once again, we can increase our numbers and as we increase our numbers we increase our recently increased their influence and we have an opportunity to be able to do something that is impactful to the nation and that's what's the most important thing that to our biblical base will get back to God. We don't get back to Jesus Christ. If we don't put the foundation. He's the only one who can fix it on the inside. He's the only one that can take away your hurts take away your pain.

He's the only one who can give you a proper self image.

He's the only one you can eradicate the evil that is overcome our country. I want to read something for you. You know you you may have heard of the 1619 project was called Jamestown and and and all of their history. But let me read something this is from 1607 Rev. Robert Hunt and he finally will be a permanent settlement. He writes that he wrote this prayer and pray this prayer Henry which is now Virginia Beach and here's what it says we do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within the stores with the gospel of Jesus Christ to raise up godly generations after us with these generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth get that screen okay all right so here it is.

We do hereby get ourselves to reach the people within the scores of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up godly generations after us and with these generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth made a covenant of dedication were arranged to all generations.

As long as the earth remains in me this land, along with England the Angeles to the world.

They all cross remember what we have done here and they those who come here to inhabit and join us in this covenant, and in this most noble work of the holy Scriptures maybe fulfill does not sound like the beginnings of a secular nation. I suggest that it doesn't I suggest that it sounds like a country that is being surrounded by biblical worldview believers.

Here's another one. The Mayflower compact is because they undertook the voyage for the glory of God in the enhancement of the Christians. We covenant and combine us altogether into his little body politic for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends of aforesaid, and by the virtue hereafter constituted and framed such just and equal laws, ordinances, constitutions and offices from time to time shall be thought most neat and convenient for the general good of the colony to which we promised all dues commission and obedience. Think about that.

Think about what it is that they have established here and there business in 1630 from the model of Christian Charity John Winthrop offers the following he's the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us. That is, as his own people and will command the blessing upon us on in all our ways so that we shall see much more of his wisdom, power and truth then formerly we have an appointment with which you will find that the God of Israel is among us when 10 of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies when he shall make a praise and glory.

That man shall say, exceeding plantations, may the Lord make it like that of New England, for you must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill.

The eyes of all people are upon us.

This is so critically important to understand. Again, the Christian biblical heritage of the United States of America and how important it was to our founding fathers that God being at the center of what we are working to do what we are working to accomplish. You hear people talk about the morality all the morality comes from this good-looking worldview and are guaranteed rights, our freedoms and they begin with freedom of religion is interesting.

One of the things that's talked about in there is the recognition of the cross and I share this with you before and it's so important to understand we have gotten to a place as people boiling in boiling water if you will, where the public presentation of the cross is to be as some historical ancient old and symbolism because it is actually associated with Christianity that is not supposed to be there anymore.

This is this is a travesty in our nation that we have this situation and that we have just garnered the very undergirding which guaranteed the life, liberty and freedom and pursuit of happiness that we are supposed to all enjoy our founder so that all men are created equal. All men are created more equal than others. None of this is based on station in life is not based on how you were born what you were born into it equal opportunity across the board, not equity but equal opportunity and this is what is made America great and what has he unified us and this is something else that that is still important to understand what has the unified our nation's history. Whenever we have faced tremendous adversity, generally from the outside, but what is unified as has been our faith.

That's what you brought us together and yes there is faith in America and that faith is Christianity and an RFID founders did that intentionally because Christianity does not stay to you. You must convert it does lay out a civil order in which all man and women can live together at peace and unlike these other belief systems would say that if you don't believe the way we believe were going to kill you or if you convert one of ours to your way of living were going to kill you. These are these are contrary ideals to the ideals that are founders have, which is why they chose Christianity as asthma basis. In addition, the fact that they were actually Christians. There is not a sermon that was that was preached, and this was preached. The volume pool that I have never thought I had that slate on the top of the page is sermon by George Whitfield and Whitfield preached this sermon to the Georgia Council and the house of assembly in Georgia on January 28, 1770, so this was even before the revolution, but it's the build up to the revolution and the acknowledgment of of God and the acknowledgment of the position and place of the United States of America and the news release for America to stand on these Christian godly principles in order.

The last EE goes into what was the downfall of Rome was the downfall of of other great civilizations that had come before the United States of America. What brought them down and what brought them down was the rejection of God in Christianity. Rome embraced Christianity for a period of time but but then when it became corrupted that led to their downfall and he speaks about that in his speech, but imagine a pastor standing up in a joint session of the House and the Senate and the governor today giving Christian instruction as to how they should view as they are voting how they should vote and where they should draw their conscience in making their decisions will wrap up Morton generation radio covenant right in this report camshaft certified natural health practitioner. I wanted to shoot a product. I think X everyone article that slate available to John think I feel pretty held under strict over 40 years. One common problem seem to stand out. People just can't sleep. Maybe too much stress negative, look whatever the reason, we have a solution.

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Children get radio check out $20 off your first order of $50 or more John coupon code GEN radio here today for a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting and now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace generation radio were no topic is off-limits and everything soaking through Google glasses. Let me just share with you a couple of excerpts from the speech that George Whitfield gives before this joint Congress, but time is) would fail me was like to give you a detail of all the important particulars respecting God's peculiar people as their miraculous report in the wilderness of events which took place while they were under divine theocracy, and during their settlement in Canaan, to the time of their return from Babylon and from thence to the description of their second Temple by the Romans. Indeed, considering, to whom I'm thinking persons conversant in the sacred and profane is. I mention these things only to secure up your mind by way of remembrance he goes on later in the speech. The same with the sacred oracles in the histories of all ages acquaintance that God brings about the greatest things, not only by smaller than likely means.

Bye-bye Ways and Means directly opposite to the carnal reasonings of unthinking men.

He chooses things that do not to bring to not those things which are, how did Christianity spread and flourish by one who was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and equipment with grief and who expired on across.

He was despised and rejected not merely by the vulgar and illiterate by the rabbis and masters of Israel described in first, who by the jurisprudence you who by the Jewish churchmen were held to high were held to so high a reputation of their outward sanctity that it became a common proverb is only to have another one would be ascribing the other a Pharisee. Yet there was they who endeavored to silence the voice of all his miracles and have heavenly doctrine with is not the carpenter's son and he is mad why here you him. The devil and cast out devils by Beelzebub the prince of devils and their and their just desperate not only followed him to, but after death when in the grave. We remembers the day that this deceiver said after three days I will rise again command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure but monitor all important all your input and precautions is feeling the sound and setting a watch. First, the bars of death is thunder and according to his repeated predictions proved himself to be that of God with the power by rising the third day from the dead, and afterwords in three chance of grateful to choose he was received up into glory as a proof thereof the descent down the Holy Ghost on the mission of the pond. All his credit with his disciples. In such an instantaneous amazing manner as one would imagine that forcing the valve always thought that this was indeed the finger of God. He goes on to say in closing, brother, and my heart is enlarged towards you as thrilled with this brother and my heart is enlarged towards you.

It is written, blessed be God that it is written in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow other things in heaven are things in order for things under the earth. Oh, that we may be made a willing people in the date of his power. Look look on him all you that are placed in these ends of the earth.

This house house has often been at the house of God, a gate of heaven to some of your father's. May it be a house of God, a dative average of the children also come under him, all you that are wearing and heavy laden, he will give you rest rest from the guilt rest for the power rest from the punishment of sin. Rest here of divine judgment is here rest with himself eternally hereafter or not, though the beginnings are but small Christ will not despise the day of small things.

A bruised reed he will not break in the smoking flax. He will not quench until we bring forth judgment of the victory his hands that laid the foundation also shall finish it yet a little while and the top-selling shall be brought forth with drowning in men and angels joining trying Grace Grace unto it that all present, may be this happy number. May God of his infinite mercy grant through Jesus our Lord.

Anyone imagine continue.

Imagine these kinds of words resonating throughout capitals across the United States of America and the rotunda in the capital.

And yet folks in days past these are inscribed with the words that acted throughout the chambers. These are the truths that the individuals who served our country and new that they serve the people under the watchful eye of a very ever present and living God who called them to honesty and to integrity and to serve with justice, mercy, and righteousness, and this is what will make America great again when individuals stated in the seats will recognize they are not the authors. They are not the they serve the people and they are under the watchful eye of God.

I'm euros best read all about abortion generation not long. On the other side. I am to natural health practitioner of over 40 years under each product changed my life all by little CGI wellness… On a good nutritional program were discovered by I would take the traditional by the middle tablet was really feeling any different. So I cried bye-bye did all 15 in the liquid multivitamin (open source not radiate gluten free rotation provided by Christ to think without all the work for the body basher help you help and 80 and help meet the replication bite is available in 32 ounce bottle are very anyone else travel I, got the first time I cried by I had more energy. About 20 minutes thinking clear. He will be like lot better here coupon code. Children get radio check out $20 off your first order $50 or more John coupon code: GEN radio here today.

Everyone is being affected by higher price you seen the name of the man calls the police essays been robbed where this probably occurred. The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says the man. Can you describe them purely at flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter is causing us all to have to rethink the lifestyles we have an answer for you.

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I hope that he is with and I'm really very hopeful that will be able to get so let's see what is so you around the first hour we had and that is.

By January 6. Committee and had him on the program that I met him last night that Matt Long also got a chance. By the way, to meet in person like you, call them back lawn got got a chance to meet my very good friend David Sumrall what he feels you haven't heard have bloodied hill you watch audio white you need want want hello hello major. I called my callback was there so in you very elsewhere, Stalin, and get through here.

I met last trying new ways can again by himself eyes like his engineers out so I don't know if they can hear me if I call my phone's microphone.

I don't know if that would work only way we can see what happens. This is so conversation long okay we got we got his voicemail, which I understand is try this one more time.

You that were were were trying.

We're playing you may have to forgo this not looking good right now with reading okay okay okay so let me just really businesslike to you as well want to grow the program we want to grow the number of people are watching want to grow the influences that were having and you can help with that. How can you do that well two ways. The first way is, is there share a chosen share your favorite podcast podcasts of every day. If you get signed up generation you're going to get a copy of each hour delivered directly into your inbox, you go and it's on squeaker you can swallow us on recruiting you can listen on breaker or you can go to the show archives and you can see all the different ways iTunes tune in Schumann do users modify my heart. All of those were on every single one of those and you can pick us up at your at your leisure at your leisure.

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But if you go to Ricker chosen generation will find us there. Get signed up and when you listen to our program. We get a little so that out of them so that be very helpful to us old folks here Sheriff's character care share on cloud of Cheryl and get her share on Facebook share on twitter on-demand but you can hear you got the link share on twitter share on LinkedIn share on YouTube. You can upload on YouTube if you don't mind, I can't because I'm van, but you can't.

So there you go, let's see. The second way is just this week. Would you mind taking what you would spend on a couple coffee three bucks five bucks and make a Greg Greg you can do the cash. If you prefer.

$Pastor Greg CGR $Pastor Greg CGR, or about Pastor Greg CGR Venlo is Pastor Greg CGR so cash Is passed $Pastor Greg CGR got to get the $in there and Venlo is the & Pastor Greg CGR got that right. I think I did. Anyway, there you go. So, three bucks five bucks whatever you can do this week just, you know, three bucks if 10% of the 41,000 people that watch this. Just this last week of just 10% of them gave an average of three blocks. So 10% or 41 is 4003 bucks would be $12,000 that would be gigantic, the number of freshwater wells we could put in the.

The ability to expand our selling schools for widows, which is such a great need in India on the ability to take on some more additional radio stations and and and grow.

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Pastor Greg CGR.

Alright, so let me continue a little bit more with with some of this is history actually knew what I would shift your scope. Here's the thing to understand secular humanism the Darwinism the. The evolution here's the way the foundations of base.

So now you are able to introduce in the idea of creation above creator you're able to change imagery.

So now no longer is a man created in the image of God, man crawled up onto a beach somewhere and and started out as we began as as as pastor Carl Choate morning healing and helping women start out as monkeys needed. That's correct.

We can start out as monkeys. The missing link. Anyway, the point of it is is that you used to glean what God warned us about in Romans one where you elevate the creation above the create tour and as you do that now you leave this whole you leave this and in that gap. You can put all kinds of things.

One of the things that are being put into it is the perversion the LGBT to the lesbian sodomite sodomite lesbian transition trans.

That's what that is and it's an agenda and it's it's always been about going after our children. Parents have been outraged to discover this actual version being forced on children ages 4 to 9 years to the sea is the indoctrination that's a comprehensive sex education program, a program that was designed in putting in large part by any and really was that it was appropriate. This was a guy who did experiments on form unfolds. Just think how many orgasms you get an 1/2. Think about that for a minute and he called the scientific these are specific individuals and six process and truly honestly should not be so. The national sex education standards were eight-year-olds are taught in school how to debate and how to understand how to take pills to change theirs.

You can actually change the chromosomes make a boy or girl or a girl or boy can do it, but there forcing this, I will have next Monday someone who is involved in the in the whole Jeannie transition and working with individuals to help them to get back and wake up and see who it is they're supposed to me. I have to take a break work and back with more 10 generation radio on the other side of the preview for you. Some of the stories that I think are important and what we need to be talking about back after this passion is fight for freedom.

Father fought for World War II defending our country today.

We are no longer fighting with God that we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes. I am your module reach our shopping channels and try to cancel myself and my fuel during these times.

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Everyone is being affected by higher prices and thought maybe you seen the meme with a man calls the police essays been robbed where this probably occur. The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says no man can you describe them purely at flashing lights along trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter that is causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles. We have an answer for you. Green fuels have refill tabs by Greenfield global our fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents. Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost 2 decades.

Getting doused at the pumps.

Just drop a Greenfield have been to your tenant space from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel.

Head over to Greenfield times got shot that's green fuel two dollars and 50 stress will treat a 10 gallon tank that you're ordering today drop Greenfield have in your tank and start experiencing the savings is fight for freedom. Father fought for World War II defending our country today. We are no longer fighting with guns is that we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes support your constitutional I am a donation by visiting Now that's a chosen generation with pastor Grace look for marriage between a man and woman for life from conception Bible following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation time in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in purity. I believe our Constitution was intended for moral people. The Bible contains the only true moral.

I believe we are all born sinners in the God in his grace and mercy said his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and confessors is just and righteous to forgive us ourselves and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out.

Jesus is Lord of our lives and we should follow the precepts. This is not legalism works, but a life lived out in love and honor the one who died for my faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we all need to have God will only bring us into perfect action. Jesus Christ and source man in progress.

I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame that we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will in turn from wickedness with God will heal our land. I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes to call evil wicked and to learn about those part of the mandated Christianity also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront your friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will return because their life matters, even if it means in that moment possibly hate me means that I must risk scorn violently life quality will attempt to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak and not courageous. Therefore, if you're my friend may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs.

They are not available for me and you can choose unfriendly, I do not say this in anger but in love.

I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and God, not man. Just decide what is truth life and the way God bless you and will direct teaching English in many or no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses go alright. So several things that are coming up and again I just want to encourage you to read the post that I have is called.

It has always been about the children, and snacks. It's not about protecting marriage and it really breaks down and goes into what's happening with the children and what's happening to our kids and and man it's it's just it's horrific what they're doing to the children and the indoctrination that is happening and I know there are parents who were fighting parents who were getting up in arms about it and parents were saying you know what I'm pulling my kids, but there are also plans that are saying how I minute for my children. You know, reach out to organizations like HSL VA home school legal Defense Association. They have answers that might help you with regards to that particular issue, there's that there's another one I'll get it for you this week, but a gentleman came on that has a faith-based school online program.

You know, there are options and opportunities and you can get your child out of them public school system indoctrination and and transition them over into a home school environment if necessary. If the actual private schoolers is beyond the budget and I fully understand that but our kids and and and I God bless you parents that are out there that are talking to, school boards and running for school board.

That's where you can take it over. You can take over the school board you know run against those that are in the position right now putting them on notice and and bring this stuff out, go to the schools identified in your school library books there. There's lots of pornographic books and material go to mind polluters the mind polluters movie site and and you can get a lot of great information there. I told Monica again on stage a week or so ago and I need to get her back on the program, the kind of talk about that and and some resources that you can get to but it's very important alright stories that are likely to, and things that you probably need to be aware of.

There is a story out court order for production of this rich story. This one I think is going to be significant court orders production of the South Ridge laptop and you want to get a drink. Okay, so the case involves a multiyear flyby attorney Clevenger to obtain records related to the FBI DOJ investigation of Seth Rich, particularly whether Rich was involved in the hack of the year I communicated with WikiLeaks right dates back to 2017 includes two foil lawsuits in the first lawsuit, the FBI produced no responsive documents and parties in the FBI had something and so this part is like a lawsuit where the FBI somehow found 20,000 pages of potentially responsive documents that would have anything at all. All okay you and yes will give you will will will give you so 1596 pages of responsive documents, of which the government withheld 1469 under various FOIA exemptions. The FBI also withheld the contents and beverages personal laptop, which it possesses in its entirety, alleging the privacy of Rich's family in preventing the public release of information. The court rejected the arguments getting the FBI is not provided burden. Here's the thing, something untoward was going on here trying to get to the bottom are individually trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Mr. Seth Rich and why was he targeted and who actually committed the crime against him and this is part of the process but II think there's going to be something interesting there. I was interesting in the conversations that went on last night when you talk about you know the CIA and the FBI was involved in doing what, how, how are they wanting him planning to come after us and you know let's not forget now that there is evidence this come out the computers strike may well been working for the CIA and the FBI was a guy or a means for him to work on American soil against Americans. In light of the homicide laws that say that know you you can't do that so it is now. There is there there is so much that this usurping administration is doing against American patriots and against Americans were to stay on top of letting you know as a believer.

How do you respond to these things.

What is God's plan what you want us to be doing. How do we rescue the children. How do we save the kids. How do we how do we protect against these lies back tomorrow at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how to fight the good fight, share the good news. Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness back in fear when the demand change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil to respect my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you filed your cells and compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination. Have you blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones pervert in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up. And in spite of the hate I will love and truth. God bless you all and they love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Everyone is being affected by higher price you seen the meme with a man calls the police essays been robbed where this robbery occurred. The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says no man can you describe them purely at flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and is causing us all to have to rethink the lifestyles we have an answer for you. Green fuels have wrinkled to house by Greenfield global our fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engines without use of harmful detergents.

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