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Dick Morris: Trump's Big 2024 comeback / God has a plan to save America

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
July 25, 2022 1:57 pm

Dick Morris: Trump's Big 2024 comeback / God has a plan to save America

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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July 25, 2022 1:57 pm

Dick Morris The Return Trump's Big 2024 Comeback Trump has a history of victory. Democrats cannot say he did not make America stronger, more prosperous and he has captured Blacks, Latinos and the Young people 25 to 30 years of age. Hillary Clinton will try to reposition herself as the alternative to the radical left and run against Trump and lose.

Pastor Greg effectively shares how God has a plan to save America and to save the people of America.

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Logical battle for control of our country by contributing to causes chosen generation nation, a peculiar people, you should shoot for the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous life. Time passed were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy shows number two. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen and watch. We greatly appreciate it when he was shot out to our ride CEC on.

By the way, 140,000 viewers this past week. We greatly appreciate that so far, we found almost 700,000 watching our program this year and were grateful to each and every one of you as our numbers are just whining and climbing. Keep telling your friends get over the website because that we we show it live on our side generation chosen generation and all the CEC Lineup is there as as well as our brand-new program that comes directly out of Texas here at noon Eastern.

All right, folks. I'm very excited to have my next yes Whitney's got a bran new book out and it is called the return trumps big 2024 come back. He is a New York Times best-selling author commentator I he's he's a man who really needs little introduction if you don't know his name, then you you you you been sleeping under a tree. You probably got a long beard Dick Morris is my guess that they're welcome to have you fail again. Rip van Winkle even bought the book as there I'm given that he probably has my my my. So what what what great timing for the book. By the way, again, the books and is called the return trumps big 2024 come back big battle this weekend in in Arizona, Mike pence decided to have a rally for Robson wall while Donald Trump had his head, his rally for Kerry Lake and in Arizona and I you know I don't know I is is you mention in an article that you've got up on on your site.

The media is trying to foment a primary against Trump. Give your thoughts are right about clearly running I reveal an okay guy work greatly with an really meant strictly to get by doing the 2020 way secretly got a lot of baggage Got a lot of accurate we could get together they be happy… So I suck. I looked for about 100 times during the campaign we explained in the book. The strategies we came up with what look like and what it was like when he went to the hospital. What hello how we reacted to the riot and how Bush buying gold when we thought that he was going that he was talking back a little, but not because he was trying to make a short. We realized he was trying to lay the basis for getting everybody about ballot so he could keep yes but we know that sounds make sure it is not cheating and look out explain explain how in the book got it down trumpet running down trumpet going to be the candidate of the Republican Party bet on it and you really look for him again. If you are against him.

You are helping the Democrat, the Democratic strategy that year. If you intervene in the Republican nominating Crocker to create primaries, create dissension during the public interest to attack one another.

The old classic neglect Lincoln like and so is right. Yeah. And the people who quit talking about cancer talking back to camp it a very well-meaning well people on that and people less, but they are basically playing into the 22 collection five, state the Democrats spent $44 million year to try to influence public and climbing to determine who the Republicans would nominate would make well and have been the campaign so goal of that was going to be in the Republican primary. Use the old Roman strategy of divide and conquer. And now they're taking it into the elect into the presidential Lake and 24 and I think it that we have to realize that when you look at and when you look at the trunk and say something neither of them or anybody else we can say I did it on when you talk about inflation that come back and pay all inflation is global. It never but we couldn't do anything about it because I controlled and played. I did it a couple correctly.

A gas crisis. A high modern era. Now I kept extracting flow is just slice down coming when he came in. I thought I had destroyed our economy and president trumps the one who changed everything.

And when that day I feel when the Democrats say we can feel the border when the when the Democrats say we can feel the border agent on the board. He said I did it, and the ability to come back and say not speculation of what I can achieve, this is not something that quick thinking that they're hoping will happen. Just look at the record, I did it and that argument I think will be any Democratic candidate. So he's able to come back and say I did it on the other hand there. They're going to keep going after me there, trying to go after him in New York. There, there, you know that they keep trying to go after him on this. J6 committee which I've said right here I'm inside it this morning that just so you know, but I said this morning. Every single member of that January 6 commission needs to be arrested for treason by the Sgt. at arms they need to be arrested. They need to be taken down. Then we put in a cell and then and then they need to be adjudicated, but this is treason what's going on with regards to our country.

It's nonsense for Americans were murdered by the DC capital police under the control of Nancy Pelosi. The pointer Democratic are only strategy of trying to write down trumpet and survived to impeachment survived being Russia and now he's surviving usually began the idea that they can damage trumpet vertical in the region that they are doing the feeling not to try to do anything.

But to try to marginalize from so that they lure other people in his life exercise. Yes, all narratives it's it's just as you said nothing substantive. It's all using their media control and and and and using manipulation and I think it but I think what we have to understand that compacted Democrats see into box okay will really occur sweetly already have Democrats for the party of the working class and trumpet taken that away, the working-class voters in America but down to good people taken away in the last year I left. I was young there. The absolute corporate Democratic Party Latinos always voted Democrat almost as much a lack but comp got 36% in 22 and you now: you're with 60% of Latinos in the subject line in the book out when that when the riots were happening that I should get Trump breeze Latino about patriotic and you are most identified with patriotism of all American politician and these folks came to the United States on rack risk of their lives.

And when they hear somebody say this is a horrible evil later they can't stand in the Democrats are driving the Latinos away with a rhetoric and they dislike of America. Please let Kathleen countries go socialist thinking what happened thinking when climbing drug think (all and they know that your last stop for freedom and opportunities they get in the determined not to let this country go the way of their other countries.

They will country Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Whaler Cuba and taken away young people I reveal in my calling was surveyed voters under the age of 40 and they were a strong supportive by now.

They basically drop something fascinating and unique. So we are when you take the generation me with the people now in the 21st something happens on the 20 when you take the get go to age 20 or 25 they lived will fill listening to the college with bulimia takes about 25 to 30 Shockley considerable Trump runs 30 points better among those 25 to 30 than he does on those 20 2500 when they blow out the candles on the cake they have to support her family safety high withholding tax kept their income or they see how the mortgage is like buying a home is lower in the butter – 10 for the ingredients that make that case and I got the gotta move out of Moscow and I think that I think the sick and take tremendous political, Trump is causing an entire generation of American public just like Ronald Reagan and you will see if I can make well of the matter. The mouse goes through the body, making you see it the whole time and that's what the younger generation moved up 20 points among generation G the 2010 points among the millennial would get a little picolinate. Extraordinary when you look at all that I can (and in the working class away young people away in the Democratic Party got to get this guy because he's destroying the party served is the same as, hoping that they can climb. It's also interesting maneuvers in a minute. So when we come. Bentley is a little about this but you know it's interesting because during all those riots that took place in the summer of 2020.

Very little coverage was made of the fact that she and Racine and Putin met in Turkey to have a powwow to try to figure out how they could use all of that unrest to try to take Trump out of office because they also know that with the president Trump in office.

America is strong again and a strong America which bad guys in check, and a lot of this nonsense that's going on around the world right now would not be happening if president Trump was sitting in the White House and the guy love to get your thoughts on that one thought about that when we get back. They are going to break right now Dick Morris is my guest again.

The book I just want to again tell you pick this up. The return Trump's big 2024 come back and the and and I agree. I am a Trump supporter II really am. I've questioned some of his endorsements.

Trump supporter and add that again in encourage you to pick up the book by Dick Morris that more after this camshaft by natural health practitioner. I wanted to shoot a product I think will interest everyone chronicled natural sleep available to your I'm in thin client filter that held under strict over 40 years. One common problem seem to stand out. People just can't sleep.

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About 20 minutes on the thinking clear. Evenly, I slept better here today exceed your coupon code: general radio at checkout. Rethink $20 off your first order $50 or more CGI coupon code chosen gin radio here today. You can support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace Rubin glasses my special guest Dick Morris, author of many best-selling books, but his most recent is the return Trump's big 2024 come back, encourage you to pick up the return Trump's big 2024 come back and that did were good to talk briefly and then we'll get into the Hillary things you you've written about that you believe that Hillary is better jump in and try to run against him again.

Maybe the Democrats only. I do know the only options that they see how ridiculous is that. But let's talk about that that she seen imprudent gathering with early on in Turkey in 2020 that very few people talked about because again they recognize that a Donald Trump as president, changes the world landscape Boris Johnson probably does lose his party if if Trump's president.

True people. A lot of people come over me. You know I like your color. I like what she. I like your treatment and standard personality easily fighting with people and easily terminal to combat I can he be a kinder gentler Donald Trump and I am to them that the kinder gentler Donald Trump wouldn't when Mike went when Kim Jong-Il said I have a button to blow up the United State and the President of the United States of the Clyde I get but you do that shut him up completely. He wouldn't do anything electric company strategy. There were no missile doing a bomb explosion and that way wasn't to make you crank up your time well the conflict intervene and eat anything you want me and China. It did not go around collecting Taiwan because they knew they couldn't get away with it when people take kinder, gentler Donald, come by the question. Would you like to kinder, gentler George Patton leading the message on a character cannot do it and went.

Amen. Well said days you don't mind, I'm I make.

I may borrow that from me, if that's all right. Yeah I know I would just create tests and stuff to it stuff all right, let's let's talk now about Hillary Clinton and and and and you know what that means living will play out what happened.

They can come to buy now and mainly after the tolerably triumphantly for 22 and they can say look, we can't run with the rich ahead of the ticket you have to say that you're not running 24. We will force you out with the 25th amendment will let you stay on but when not going to have to defend you it up. Presidential nominee with 24 you can't make it do that and bowing to that K will announce she's knocking Hellenic and for a while, how it will be the. Candidate will become very clear.

Shortly she can't maintain funds understated the public in church like back into the pack and shall then now she's knocking a lot but that will do is open the Democratic field and the guy who can we merge the front runner for the nomination is old dirty Santa because the party has moved to the left of crazily left that that bill that they love the idea of a socialist candidate, but he's very old and eventually become boring in the left maybe he's too old, medically needy, younger and more aggressive Christian, and we need someone to take back selecting about polygamy go with ALC. I think at that point you could burning or a outdate will be the will be the front runner in the Democratic: that would that work and heart attack to the Democratic National Committee establishment will go crazy say oh my God we're headed for the worst of my life.we will go to Hillary Clinton as they did in 2016 and Baker run. Everything in the valley around her and checked her skull. To the extreme left income.

Hillary will be WRITING all of my warning about the left, taking over the party trailer leaving after disaster she's ready and thinking that the MSNBC interview metal elevator strategy and then she'll run as a candidate know that Hillary noted that the will of course she that she advanced math. She only disguise she knows that both of me, I'd be a great big liquid people I can do that but she said spoke to me on the first woman president that they'll consider both of me because I'll keep my husband moderate policy that they'll think about and now she's thing for me because I'll keep the party away from standard ARC that the predicament she wants and then will be a primary election of Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton 2.0 and the result will be unique and more dramatic contract well because she's trying to reinvent herself.

Anybody has been paying any attention knows that she's the one is open the door for this radical progressive regime to come in and take over. She was playing left of her husband way left caliphate cable and time again. I know you liked with her new one. What I really think I will that look look up when I told Bill that he had to find welfare close to it.

She called me into her office meeting because we don't want to do this welter of homes built Hillary look at my house with the medical facility. We work together well every four years you have to have to get and I moved to the central to talk over it. I think the wall and then after I finish anything. You take the truck look back you like silver son several I will love it.

Oh my gosh Dick Morris how one enjoys faith, get this book, folks. It is called the return and it is Trump's big comeback great endorsement by president from by the way on the back of the book, and a wonderfully lovely picture of Dick and the president on the back of the book as well just one enjoys.

Thanks much for being limited error like you and I hope you I hope you'll I hope you revisit with us again that in the future. That would be great okay to love Mina all right is a right which about more Joan generation ready of coming out right after this camshaft by natural health practitioner over 40, I would agree. She took product to change my life all by available CGI… A good program before I discovered by I was taken to traditional environmental tablet was really feeling any different bike ride bye-bye did all he wanted by the mineral supplement if the liquid multivitamin (open source non-raid gluten-free and had no pasteurization bye-bye Christ using without all the work that supports warriors the body remaster help immune health and aging healthy cell application five is available in 32 ounce alcohol use are very handy when out cattle packet light on the got the first time I cried by I had more energy.

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Everyone is being affected by higher prices of the maybe you've seen the meme with a man calls the police assays been robbed where this robbery occurred.

The dispatcher asked at pump number seven says the man. Can you describe them Shirley at flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and is causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green fuel tab Springfield has by Greenfield global our fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents. Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost 2 decades. Getting doused of the pumps just drop a green fuel tab into your tank and say from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel.

Head over to green fuel tabs.shot that's green fuel $2.50 will treat the 10 gallons tank that you're ordering today drop a green fuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings you know you can do your typing and love offering life in your computer, visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation.

Now back to chosen generation, with faster grace, I was invited to. No topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses going on here. Oh yeah okay there you go. So I have my my earphones turned up quite a bit and yet I was making making life rather interesting. Okay, bumper-to-bumper, bump, bump, bump, mom okay so Peter LaBarre was going to join me tomorrow row. Tomorrow you'll be joining me tomorrow and that will that we that we really great interview wants to talk about with him tomorrow. He is Americans for that's Americans for truth about homosexuality feelings to do a lot of stuff together and then he got busy with some work things that he needed to take care of, and as a result of that, it became necessary for him to do less interviews but the refund get back with with Peter LaBarbera tomorrow. Again, Americans for Americans for truth about homosexuality. You know it when when were talking about these things and I've been really doing a lot of praying into how were messaging and I'm not going to change were were not when I give a swirly backbone on any of this were coming straight at it because it's it's about our children, especially the LGBT Q issue is about our kids. It is, it is 100% about going after the innocence of the children and destroying children's innocence and that cannot under any circumstances that cannot be left alone and Congress passing a bill to try to codify this, this, same-sex marriage, the federal government number one has no business intervening in what states want to do as it relates to the issue of marriage. Marriage is a is a is a holy thing that is actually there is there is there is no other basis for marriage. I understand legal constructs and property rights in benefits and all this other stuff that gets looked at. The bottom line here is is that marriage is defined in the Bible only in the Bible Scripture is the only authority when it comes to marriage.

There isn't any other authority, and that authority rests with in the church and these churches that are running around and and condoning sodomite unions are doing so I I'm I'm I'm going to take a different tack here folks, there is I I'm I'm not going to back off her saying that there is that there is an evil that is associated with this in the backdrop of what's going on with the cruel reality, the real truth is found in a in in in the same fears and concerns and I do know fears is the right word, but it is in a manner of speaking the same concerns that were expressed by the writer of Hebrews when he wrote about the absolute significance and critical importance of holiness when it comes to living out the Christian while while I'm in the middle of this course makes perfect sense. My personal declarations are in force and executed now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the game in the flesh. Every demonic force right now coming against me all witchcraft curses spells ties marks all seals contracts and assignments I destroy Angels, burn them up with holy fire and castor remains in the events cut off their ties and conduits take all human spirits involved and engaged in this process buying them in the courts of the Holy Spirit and taken the throne of Almighty God, to be judged according to his perfect will. Giving them the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

On the way that they might come to know the truth and give their lives to Jesus Christ.

Encapsulate any items that are giving power and the ability to send these things in in the holy blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and as of the game of the flesh and take them and set them off into the abyss break up right now all covens that are gathered little Holy Ghost explosion occur in their midst to destroy their unity and break them up right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth examine the flesh take away their power and even their sense of power and fill them with the fear of the Lord.

Right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth examine the flesh, and I ask again, my personal declarations are in force and executed now my personal declarations are in force and executed now my personal declarations are in force and executed now and that covers my sponsors, my guests, my program this ministry.

India, all of it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth came in the flesh for the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year after year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. Listen to this for the law having a shadow of good things to come. How cool is it understand that the purpose of the law was to tell us of the good thing is that were to come to tell us of the freedom and the liberty and the joy and the peace and the comfort and the incredible nature of the living God.

Whosoever believe if the Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and every one that loveth him the little that.

But God loveth him also that is begotten of him this into that again whosoever believe that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him. Jesus that and God that but God, who begot Jesus. God also loves him. That is begotten who did he begot he begot the only begotten son of God, but he also did this by this we know that we love the children of God. When we love God and keep his commandments. Why by this we know that we love the children of God who are the children of God viewing me and that's the good news. We are the children of God created in his image. The only ones created in his image were not when none of the same playing field as animals. Animals are our under our dominion. The earth is under our dominion plants see creatures, all of it under the diminutive man.

Why not because man's got an ego, but because God set it up that way for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous knowledge. Go back to he was dead again for the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect for then would they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshipers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins, but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year for it's not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats can take away sins. Here's the good news whosoever believe it that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him the begot loveth him also. That's begotten who is he that overcomes the world. But he that believes that Jesus is the son of God. This is he the came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ not by water only, but by water and blood and it is the spirit that bears witness because the spirit is true for there are three that bear record in heaven. The father, the word, and the Holy Ghost. I saw the word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.

And there are three that bear witness in the earth. The spirit, the water and the blood and these three agree, folks, we overcome by the word of our testimony in the blood of the Lamb, and its high in for you after this break with God's been showing me about the significance of what happened in my life and laying down my life for my daughter and in coming back from the dead and the picture of that and How Revival Has Taken Pl. in India as a result back right after this referring my passion is the fight for freedom. Father fought for World War II defending our country today. We are no longer fighting with guns and said we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes judicial rights.

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Father fought for World War II defending our country today. We are no longer fighting with guns and said we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes. I am you can support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting and now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace, our eyes, who was much of an interest.

So this is his go-go glasses and it is dark cocoa. I'm sorry. Yeah it is dark cocoa and blackstrap molasses and a few other natural ingredients now on my side as I get the supplement on my side. We did have for quite some time. An interview with Andrea Peterson and I'll have her on again in the near future. She's a woman who created this she was looking for a means to overcome what they told her was basically going to be life ending MS am she started doing research and she started saying I want.

I and so she began experimenting made this created this. This started drinking this and started having dramatically improved health. Her mom said hey you should share this with people because I mean there are people who are suffering from MS and fibromyalgia and so I met her at the Trinity health Freedom Expo same freedom health Expo where I met Jim's office. I had known earlier today and got introduced to this product in a sublime, trying to see what happens for me as Jim said, there's a lot of stuff that I deal with a lot of challenges I deal with pain is a big one.

And so I started taking this so I take the Colossus and the minutes thick when it comes out of the fruit out of the fresh but I for into my coffee now I don't have nearly as much this… I don't have nearly as much coffee today as in the 2nd cup as I do my first I'm in an accident and the ceiling mixed mixing and aunt and I like presoak of agave, but what I love is is what it has done again for my mobility and my pain. It's incredible and it tastes so good. And it's only got 7 g of sugar in it so I don't have an issue with it because of sugar. In fact, 6 g limits as a timeout, my eyes playing tricks on Erina 6 g of sugar, 6 g of sugar and recommended 1 tablespoon I put a little more than that in the service. Incredible it again you nestle energy boost as well. Natural is just phenomenal stuff. It's called cocoa glasses if you nephew if you know somebody dealing with issues of inner MS fibromyalgia just aches, pains, things of that nature coppers in ingredient we don't get enough. That's a big component of this but it's just great stuff. So get it. Go get cocoa, molasses, cocoa glasses are there, you okay so why my talking to you about. Hebrews 1.

My talking to you about. First John because these churches that are embracing the sodomite relationships are our they're trying to change the word, but more significantly, they are there selling the gospel. That's not the gospel. Think about when he was $0.10 for the law having a shadow of good things to come, what's coming, that's good what's coming. That's good is the sacrifice that takes away all the sins of the world God has called us to holiness. Sodomite relationships are not holiness changing children's gender starting young girls on on the road to sex ed at 789 10 years old. Encouraging boys to kiss Boys and Girls Club kiss girls and and and having drag queens coming to your school to do quote" story times and trying to present perversion go to my website. Go look at the blog that's up there. Go look at the pictures of those that are parading down Main Street during pride parades. They're not proud parades and there's nothing product folks.

These are these are hurting and wounded and angry and bitter and damaged individuals who sit in the 1970s the American psychological Association changed the coding and basically said that what was considered to be a mental illness in need of help and love and fixing was now not that anymore, but was normative.

These this is normal behavior Lee Malone's normal behavior reading the overhauling a straight America. Read about the relationship between the national Association of Man boy love and this movement between pedophilia and the attack and the assault on the innocence of children. This is being used to destroy the consciousness of our children and once they have broken that down and gotten rid of all of the inhibitions. Now they can begin to make that the moral decisions for them and change their morality and as they walk away from our Christian heritage, they begin to look for something else. This is where secular humanism comes in.

Atheism comes in and then at some point some fake belief system like Islam rears its head or the fake and phony gospel.

This being preached and so many churches today where sin is considered okay because it's covered by grace when that's an absolute and complete perversion of grace.

These are all destructive to the United States of America and to the world as a whole. There's one country that was originally founded by its founders and who, at the very state of of of getting here. Said we've come to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and who the men who wrote our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence and and gave us the five elements of the First Amendment.

The first to being freedom of religion, freedom of speech Free Press freedom to redress the government and then freedom to gather peacefully and do so peacefully, which is what happened on January 6 which is how they're vilifying because they don't want anymore gatherings. Why then infiltrated why when you watch the capital punishment video CAP I TOL why when you watch epic TV and you watch what really happened on January 6.

Why when you watch blood he Hill. You'll get a picture of what really took place and what they've tried to do which is to vilify every American that wants to project freedom and liberty.

And it's fine for the ones that are burning down city streets and burning down buildings and tearing down statues and all the violence that they do and they put violent people into January 6 for the purpose of smearing a peaceful gathering of individuals I got to jump out our number two coming up.

I'll be back with more top of the hour I got contacted by attorney Tom rounds over the weekend represents whistleblowers within the Department of Defense.

So these are whistleblowers of extracting data out of the Defense Department database. They have noticed very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five-year average. They also have evidence that with myocarditis the data has been doctored already on one film of the medical boards I'm the one watching the witchhunts on what to fight him off number one. Tell him where to go on the keep doing that. 928 2021 projects Alice Reith weekly report project. Salas is a defense to Defense Department initiative where they report and confident they take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC, there Watson's vaccines on that date and around that date, I have numerous instances worked out in that entire crew were sent, it's a crisis going back six, 99% on the X in the hospital in projects.

Alice in the weekly report. The DOD document says specifically, 71% of new cases are in the fully vexed, and 60% of hospitalizations are vexed this corruption at the highest level we need investigations, the Secretary of Defense Neath investigated the CDC needs to be investigated by mail. The fact that there's we suspensions with the Defense Department's doctrine with the data I would contend Sen. that there is not just a suspicion in August when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOD website. There were 1239 cases and now when you run it's down to 307. In January 2022. There were 176 cases and magically they are now down to 17. There is a word for that. It's not suspicious. We cannot in the military, the single best date is that we that exists because we have baselines in there, and acute disease across all categories in the preceding year is five years leading up to the vaccination year was 1.7 million introduced and mandated a config 19 for our US military when they had only lost all service members total to the disease at inattentive months of 2021. After that it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to darn near 22 million. That was a 20 million increase we need to not be calling this business with all do expect we need to be asking hard questions of the DFT and I will close by saying they are charged, at least in part with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country and right now these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong and I know it only one reason the databases will math backward. Who are you so sorry.

My name is Lee Dennis and human rights attorney is working with Tom Rentz on the whistleblower is in the military I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers put their testimony on record. These are brave men and women of very high rank in the US military because not just to me Congress in this building need to hear about it.

The world needs to hear about what is going on. I will list them. We will take their transcribed interviews will grab them out of the data to get I put the Defense Department on notice must preserve these records we can investigate anything here… But I just gotta I have to show you this is what we get when I investigate this is to do this. This is after copiers try to get information out of another agency. We finally get the information.

It's all redacted. This all of the administrative of the federal government agencies comply with congressional oversight were collected were glad to share with you Sen. because we have quite a bit of those that are blanked out and we also want to tell you listen the side effects only one that the recognizing that's an outright lie. I've got the Pfizer documents advisor said in their FOIA documents that they releases that were looking for the side effects. The FDA said were looking for these documents with got there documents showing what they're looking for. They're not sharing it with American people because they're covering this up. Corruption was the word of the day, and I think it needs to be reiterated