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Pastor Greg DHS Spying Forced Vaccines Open Borders Excuse to Watch Us Alveda King Pro Life Peace with God 080521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:40 pm

Pastor Greg DHS Spying Forced Vaccines Open Borders Excuse to Watch Us Alveda King Pro Life Peace with God 080521

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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I the semester break most of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you are goal is to return our country to a biblically-based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over hundred and 50 years.

You are a part of that vision. So please join us a chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today. This is Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and Pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to join me in sponsoring chosen generation has to call him or 636243046624 visits will be blessed as ours is hello I Mike Lindell and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done all of you know my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward. Well it's all come down to this. I'm having a cyber symposium August 10, 11th and 12th. This historical will be live streams 72 hours straight on my new platform Frank's you can help by giving everybody you know to go to Frank's now to help support the cyber symposium event I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products but there only operative break go to Frank's use the promo code.

Pastor Greg that's Pastor Greg or call 800-662-9236 to receive these exclusive my pillow offers. Thank you and God bless you continue typing in love offering right from your computer. Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation now affecting chosen generation with master gray nitrogen generation radio.

I'm your host, master Greg, thanks much being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day. I do thank you for keeping it tune here to Joan generation, radio, and that last segment. Dr. Baer was talking about some some specific issues and and and things that the wild that we've been made aware of for quite some time regarding government surveillance and and and things of that nature and you know there are there are some targeting that's going on and when you when you investigate what's happening to those who were were arrested and continue to be arrested if if you happened to go to Washington DC on 6 January to the… And were were there in support of this still then president of the United States of America, Donald Trump and you were there to support him and to express perhaps your concerns about the election and the election process and if you were listening to our program yesterday. They would just focus, outlined a number of election. I do know discrepancies issues. If you will.

If you go to my blog section you will see under the title code monkey see bombshell dominion whistleblower speaks out releases admin password proving remote access to video what I wrote this down a little bit yesterday having to go into a just very briefly right now, but dominion didn't provide voting machines. They don't have voting machines they don't have AA physical voting machine that that is dominion owned what dominion is, is a software company. It's like when you go out you and you and you buy a brand-new computer and it has an operating system that might be a Windows operating system or or might be a Lennix operating system.

There's a variety of different ways that you can have an and then a another program is layered on top of that, that is the program that you use so maybe it's Windows 10.

Whatever it might be the point being is this dominion is the same thing the county where the election takes place. Those that are providing the equipment have equipment that is provided, but they don't have software and they contract with somebody for the software. Dominion is a software contractor and what this whistleblower has done and you can find this again on my blog. I made it nice and easy for you to be able to see it is the book that shows exactly how someone can go in while the election is taking place while the tabulations are happening, they can go in and and make changes or make adjustments or what have you. There may possibly be a legitimate reason because there's some kind of a hangup, but there's also went with every legitimate opportunity to come in and do something in software, you create the opportunity for something other than that to take place. So this is what the whistleblower has has talked about and what they have expressed now new evidence in Georgia is revealing that there was fraud in an and massive errors. We've got that information up for you in the same site.

For example, the teams analysis revealed that 923 of the 1539 mail in ballot batch files contain boats that were incorrectly reported in Fulton's official November 3, 2020 results. That's an issue there is a another link there to the Amistad project, the nations leading election integrity watchdog. They came out and gave a very definitive press conference. You can find that there there is also information about what's going on in Pennsylvania, there were over 120,000 unreconciled votes, 15,000 mail-in ballots and out-of-state 1,823,148 mail-in ballots were sent out 2,589,242 were sent back. That's a huge problem in and of itself. Think about that again. 1.8 million sent out 2.6 million received back something wrong there and then, of course, Wisconsin has now officially launched an audit in the 2020 election as well. You can find all that information research it for yourself. Please really seriously.

Please research it for chosen generation

Let's see what else there is a great article out there called woe gives images is a distraction. There are real issues by Christopher Wright. Now this brings to light some very serious issues about the depletion of our military prison. Trump had worked to try to bring our military back up to speed and and a strong national defense is critical.

By the way, we have to have and we need a strong national defense.

I think back to conversation again from from the last half hour so I would think about this the excuse that is used and and as Scott Ewing are in our last hour who is a former CIA station chief was discussing with us about no issues January 6 issues FBI integrity issues. Issues that have to do with what's going on with Iran a lot of different things that are going on but one of the pieces of information that that we talked about was the visit of the surveillance issue and the excuse for the surveillance issue at an end. The extraordinary amount one and 1/2 trillion dollars has been spent since 9/11 1 1/2 trillion on the Department of Homeland Security stop and think about that and then think about the surveillance that is going on here is the point.

The point is is that were told and I agree we have a issues. There's no question in my mind that we have terrorists on the ground.

I know we have cartel issues on the ground. All that is true and so there is a reason a justification then for this web of trying to gather information, but here becomes the problem here becomes the problem why are all of these terrorists coming into our country. Why are we running into massive issues when it comes to situations like the cartels and trafficking and all the things we talked about down at the border that are going on right here in my home state of Texas. The reason for those conversations. The reason that's happening is we have an administration now who is decided that open borders are the best way that no longer are we going to have people retained in Mexico before they can come here and and and be adjudicated to determine whether or not they deserve an asylum.

No no no him just open the borders now and let her know I'll be as a pastor Greg your live on the air welcome hi it was so excited to have you. Thanks for being here. Well, I thank you again for coming on board with us today.

I know one of the big things is on your heart is, is the issue of life, and if were not defending life. How do we defend liberty, and the and the pursuit of happiness without defending life word powerful crane and rebuild it.

Playing compartment department but like it but not not granted rights of black wearing yellow rape a Caucasian white right that the only right with different ethnic and that includes from the wall to the map something we kind of began to talk while they try to pay the bank nor was it really occurred. It was a lump of flesh Oglala thinking I can't be brought back quite well with the quality of the one below one) anything that alert breaking no that is a critical right called the one black human right by many of the bow when the power of Babel battle invited the same language, but going over died, but not bad people back into the people were divided by language yes and that would be combat with one word love that brought it back in John 17 his prayer that we would all have unity with our brother with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I this is a critical think as I watched your interview with Vernon Jones which I thought was incredibly powerful. By the way, and and something that you mentioned in Maren. I think it's appropriate.

Very appropriate in light of the conversation for our audience. You once were pro-choice. You were on that other side and you made a decision to change that. What was it that changed your mind about that that you can share with our audience that may have loved ones that are saying okay. We know what you're not loving because you know and understand. It's my body and my choice love brought me. I will I will and I would commitment that my dad died, my granddaddy, that had rented a drinking webinar thinking and read my article I meet God, and I didn't. 19 a break for me and love brought me back. I repented about Matt and I will book about the character of damage from the abortion and I have bad that I didn't know better I didn't know but that's not it. You again the lower became a blithe ally in 1983 and on the right track them think like that of my blood. God made all people learn in the same way we can go live date for my book the. Children think that there wick like a man in the back room with a guy made no we didn't know that he might go find out they were people become great. Amen.


Well you know I your testimony is so powerful because you know the studies indicate especially in the black community that there is a high rate of abortion and and Rev. Childress and I talk every month about that issue. But, you know, for those women who have had an abortion that are saying okay but you know now I understand it now. I feel horrible about it and now I don't feel worthy. How can God forgive me share how the Lord does forgive through his son Jesus Christ. Any back that a 19 year that belonged it. I found one primal man at the cutthroat life but in years on I did read and repack the metaphor. Pat doubt about it. Okay but I am for the report that men are clear that however will be the start out and I would say to my I think you know a woman have breakfast with the bank but not her body.

How can the drink there back that we might and I would ask my fervent back I was taken out of the wet blob of regulator, bareback paralegal have a lot of different predict the public will not get the new PhD that I would think the third allotment have directed the body that they would not buy red light and then 90 & I didn't even talk about Dean, but I'll blob you think no active thinking and felt that but what we really have different worldview by declaring the reality well I'm not a part with your that mean I'm out of touch with reality and thought it we love you Kevin with high even in the think tank of the ground. We can began to get some of the anchor angle so that what we have to do you know if that is such a critical message and and really the message is a message about love.

It's about loving that new life that's forming who God has a plan and a purpose for every life and message of forgiveness to those that have participated in an abortion to understand that the blood of Christ covers all sin. He didn't point out even pick out any sins docketing Diddy and say, well, no, I'm not going to cover that one but will cover these down over here. He said that I that billboard. You're not my humane knee.

I think that the people I met with Jack, I don't think they need hello I Mike Lindell and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done all of you know my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward. Well it's all come down to this. I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10, 11th and 12th. This historical event will be live stream 72 hours straight on my new platform Frank's you can help by giving everybody you know to go to Frank's now to help support the cyber symposium event I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products but there only operative break go to Frank's use the promo code. Pastor Greg that's Pastor Greg or call 800-662-9236 to receive these exclusive my pillow offers.

Thank you and God bless hi this is Michael Kreider of Michaels M and P supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all. When I turned to Michael's MMPs energy factors instead our energy factors are safe, healthy and unnatural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at Michael's this Pastor Greg and I use energy factors there great order yours that's and use Pastor Greg for your special discount. That's Pastor Greg get a special discount today if careful culture and censorship continue at their current pace. There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive.

We ask the questions we think you would ask. We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it when not influenced by big corporations or political parties. Our great passion is to expose the spread of socialism and communism recover the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to subvert American education and politics. We cover big issues like election integrity. The exploding national debt. The fight against coronavirus and the truth about its origins we cover Democrats and Republicans in exactly the same way we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of our printed paper and total access to our amazing online content for just one dollar you'll find one month one dollar trusted help the epic times keep truth alive as you know you can do your typing and love offering life in your computer, visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation with Pastor Ray generation radio. I'm euro spent. When I was fun. Dr. King had been tied up on a call and wasn't sure she was going be able to get on. So she was able to get off the call and get on with us and I am very thankful for her for doing that I was talking to you before before we were able to get Dr. King to come in in and visit with us about life, which is really what that segment was supposed to be about them. So glad we got that in but talking to you about the. The issues that were having relative to national defense and I was mentioning to you about the problem at the border and how at the border.

We have you know we have all this these concerns, we have a porous border.

We have sex trafficking going on. We have child trafficking. Ms. going on. We have terrorists that we know are coming through.

There was another group was just recently apprehended. But you know for for roughly 1 this apprehended for more get through so immediate is it is really truly a a gigantic problem and and they say to us that the well, you know, because of that we need to have this net this blanket of monitoring everyone in the country you know I tell my kids and I got that we've raised five children on it. If you if you don't eat cookies before dinner, then you're going to be able to eat your dinner and you know there there is prevention right that can be done if we close the border, which is what we were beginning to do under Pres. Trump. If we if we eliminate that the illegals coming in and we are heightened and alerted see when we defend our borders against the invasion of terrorists and it is an invasion it's happening. It's all those things are going on. Then suddenly the justification of why we need that monitor every single person all across the country because we don't know the good guys are in the bad guys are will you know what stop when the bad guys in that. That's the purpose of of a secure border.

Stop letting the bad guys in and we model that after after the Bible, after the Jewish Israel were God said to them, if somebody's going to come in your country. They have to renounce their gods, they have to renounce their belief system and they have to believe like the rest you now tell you something when we started out as a nation. Christianity was was so prevalent that when people would get here and they would experience the Christian atmosphere that existed in our country. They would choose Christianity they would.

Now I don't want to be.

Whatever it was that I was when I got here. I want to be a believer in Jesus Christ. I can see the benefits and that I can understand what the Bible has to say and I'm embracing those true ladies and gentlemen. That's why Thomas Jefferson suggested not only his own Christian belief of the reality that amongst all religions and he studied them all decent. Christianity is the only one where in people can have freedom and ultimately the arguments to defend and support Christianity and a Christian way of life far outweigh anything else even there with Horwitz who is a frequent guest on the program and is a Jewish agnostic says that without going back to our Christian foundation as a country we won't survive folks at the end of the day. This is what we have to fight for at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news.

Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil, did you forsake my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you to file your sellthrough compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination. Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in. Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up.

And in spite of the hate I will love.

In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest.

Hello I Mike Lindell and I'm coming to you with the most important commercial that I've ever done all of you know my pillow and myself have gone through in the last five months in my efforts to bring the truth forward.

Well it's all come down to this. I'm having a cyber symposium on August 10, 11th and 12th.

This historical event will be live stream 72 hours straight on my new platform Frank's you can help by giving everybody you know to go to Frank's now to help support the cyber symposium event I am offering some of the best prices ever on my pillow products but there only operative break go to Frank's use the promo code master Greg that's Pastor Greg or call 800-662-9236 to receive his exclusive my pillow offers. Thank you and God bless