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David Horowitz The Left Has A False Religion Godless Right must be Christian 073021

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:43 pm

David Horowitz The Left Has A False Religion Godless Right must be Christian 073021

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Back in those days and and and then began to look at what they were doing and what they really stood for had an epiphany and is written some of the most influential books of our time. I want to welcome David Horwitz to the program. David is so good to have you. Thanks for being here it David night you and I've talked to a number of times and I and I thought that this would be very appropriate thing for us just to discuss and and it's a contrast on the left. We have these liberal zealots that are just, I mean I think they've gone further than then then anyone wanted to imagine you and I and Sarah and a number of others warned about this, but nonetheless they're doing it and then on the other side we we have a group of individuals that won't stand up and fight and in in your in your book that that you wrote and I I I have it sitting on my shelf behind me but in your book that you wrote defending the Christianity that was the basis of America. You argue that without that, Christianity, America will fall well below really part of Christianity which Christianity I would go around the Catholic Church where the church claimed God showed therefore was able to sell it. For example, it don't tell everybody is going to spring years in purgatory.

If you think the church or be you could get Martin Luther challenged this going straight. I church, and so on of God like you, central doctrine well that are central to the park.

One is the priesthood of all believers will which each worshiper direct relationship with God created by a priest and not our democracy priesthood of all believers.

Everybody equal and that the government is not the borrower part higher power, which is why Christians because they don't think that you cannot bear character Christianity. The other celebration. The term to you.

You can't bite doing our own efforts. You have to be art.source of our problems not patriarchy or, corporate classes, which people because of our problem. We are all close people who are covered in person, but so you can work your way and of course that's what the left you, which is social justice society social and I think there by their own efforts, but the chosen efforts make them credible.

The worst quote dangerous right off because if you think you can transform the world. No agreement to you apply what you can't tell what were support to get there, and that's why our party by the term right of the political. Actually, now the terms progressive operating playbook generic their rights and restore right in the worst possible way. The most racist country in our history. So the way to fight the fight fire with fire you call waiting for the right but look what we have now because of their start there. We have the worst thing Nancy Pelosi the first, the barrel of speaker the house or speaker of the house in American history and we have the worst price present the most competent praying that VP why that might chosen race and encountered terrible. I mean it black ministration for terrible cutting police force percent of the black sheep you the once mortally right that tells you what they're using their right right for the Democratic election generative power) article, dangerous people imaginable and hypocritical all share. If you know my name and met my mentioning Sean Turner who is the former leader of the BLM in Minneapolis has left that organization and has called them out for the fact that they absolutely do not care about the black community. They hang that banner in order to try to coworkers and animal lie and manipulate well will know by agreement country waiting for the British. The slaves were inflated part black African and white, mainly Christian male 300,000 airlines to previously, we have anything really to be ashamed about leaving the struggle against slavery and crying out. The last segment. There's horrific slavery in Nigeria going on right now and and it's black Muslims that are the ones that are leading the way, including the president of Nigeria giving Teresa the prophet sleep that would day of redemption would only come when the Muslims fight the Jews children when the Jews hide behind the rocks of the trees rocking the trees cry out almost as a Jew hiding behind me, and kill him. Not the prophet.

The idea that Islam is comparable in any way to Christianity or Judea is a big lie. Bigoted religion and by just let out the corn combo. The Islamist group blew out 2500-year-old statues of food you know they built the dome of the rock that you are on top of the holy site, which is about the wall of Temple of Solomon and Kim mainly reported turkey being Cathedral of Eastern Orthodox Catholicism think turn it into a mosque to humiliate anybody disagrees with you know, the Koran is displayed to go on about intolerant religion imaginable. Let me jump in and ask you a question is something that I've been posing to my audience to really seriously think about and that is this the left as you said and and and you said it very eloquently has a religion they they are they are zealous in their belief system. The right.

On the other hand, has an and this is what you write about in dark agenda that they have abandoned their Christian heritage and so when the left goes to its quote" principles and the right reaches back into its quote" bag for principles that they come up empty because they've they've disarmed themselves of their most powerful weapon which is their faith and their biblical convictions. Do you do you agree with me thought it would work. The first Catholic president is under fire's response was that religion was private, but I will keep you going to get you can have any belief you want well, but you could have any religious belief you want to keep it to yourself well during the right. I the Republican Party undergoing us to change this kind of a revolt with drug called weekly public. I know the man kills Erik's external hard but will see more quite hard. Hopefully about the Democratic yes bottled on spinal world: 45 the white plug right in the calendar will go with.

Well I think we King of the first seven, just supporter a Kleinberg baby €2 million for the poor food, all the will I even hold that thought will be right back right after this you listening to generation or anyone else has read hi this is Michael Kreider of Michaels and NPD supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon.

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That's Pastor Greg get your special disc out today.

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Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free if cancel culture and censorship continue at their current pace. There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive. We ask the questions we think you would ask. We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it. We're not influenced by big corporations or political parties. Our great passion is to expose the spread of socialism and communism. We cover the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to subvert American education and politics. We cover big issues like election integrity.

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The fight against coronavirus and the truth about its origins we cover Democrats and Republicans in exactly the same way we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of our printed paper and total access to amazing online content for just one dollar you'll find one month one dollar trusted help the epic times keep truth alive. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman I am for life from conception. I am following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles time in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for immoral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners, and the God in his grace and mercy said his son Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow the precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all.

I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ spirit man perfected and so was man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame of the fall, but we were tense and get up and move closer to Jesus.

I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness the God will heal our land. I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes and that you call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated Christianity fits in love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong, silent and not fearful, courageous.

Therefore, if you're my friend, you may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs. They are not debatable for me and you can if you choose, unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, and that God, not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way God bless you, now chosen generation with your host Pastor Greg. Don't forget you can get more chosen generation, Pastor Greg and look at my jejune generation ready a were no topics off-limits everything filtered through biblical glasses. I'm your host Pastor Greg my special guest is David Horwitz and that you cannot really find all of the different organizations and links for David the best place to go to is David Horwitz that's Horwitz with a C freedom David Horwitz freedom Be sure and get the book the enemies within the enemies within. And I would also encourage you to get the book dark agenda as well because it has a lot to do with what we've been talking about today at David.

One of the other things as were talking about hot yes Glenn, dark but white my website okay it's on I and I miss it it said I can tell you that it on. I'm looking at it and it and I copied and pasted it and it says David Horwitz freedom really yeah I means you rather meet soon as you can go to Jihad watch FrontPage the point discover the DHF see the K-12 effort to to stop the of the indoctrination supplies that estop university support for terrorist. The books that he has written and also his restoration we can all of those links are available at David Horwitz freedom Center and I encourage you to to get to that website David were talking about the healthcare and and viruses and how the left is use viruses really got one minute to get this in, but you know we were warning people all the way back in the early 80s about the danger of HMOs and that's turning into a socialistic medical system and and were pretty close to being there. Are we not federal friend their friends will transfer Dr. Ralph littler goes like this people are people of color are not to compete at the same level of fame will white people. I think we gotta let go that one back after this.

This is Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of chosen generation of Pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to join me in sponsoring chosen generation, Pastor call him today at 830-4464. Once again, it's a 304-6624 know your visits will be blessed as count healthcare open enrollment period is ended. Did you miss it. Don't worry, you can still get healthcare program by signing up at liberty healthcare as a Christian healthcare sharing ministry. We are not insurance so you can still sign up you configure program. Choose your own doctors and hospitals. We have programs for singles, couples and families all with no contract starting at only $349 per month go to liberty Greg liberty Rick liberty Greg