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Rick Manning Take Action against Violations of your rights act locally 100621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
October 8, 2021 5:41 pm

Rick Manning Take Action against Violations of your rights act locally 100621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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By this vast array goes to the judge generation radio show reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you are goals to return our country to a biblically based constitutional Republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world are over hundred and 50 years. You are a part of the vision so please join us a chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today. This is Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me in sponsoring chosen generation, and pastor and call him today or 63624 once again that Saverio 46624 visits will be blessed as ours is found, you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy. The prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there something you can do by from companies that believe what you and I believe we need to stick together now more than ever, and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multiline accounts. They are 100% US-based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972. Patriot, 972 patriot calls today use the code chosen patriot, you can support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting and now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace my generation radio.

I'm your host past Greg folks look, I'm not. I'm not sitting on the radio saying no you know let's let's take up arms and pitchforks and start a civil war. Not my position. My position is, though, that you need to be prepared to protect yourself and your family moves like the Atty. Gen. directing federal agencies to attack parents who are expressing their rights to protect and defend their children against indoctrination and against perversion.

That's an act of war against the citizenry of the United States, and it is our absolute right to defend ourselves against such acts of war. In fact, it is a mandate in my belief that God is given us parents must defend their children. I I have laid my wife down I died four times defending my daughter in a car accident and I do it again tomorrow in a heartbeat.

I do it this afternoon.

I do it right now so you know it it it it is the parental responsibility to make sure that what your child is being taught and educated about and we have a variety of issues in public schools from gender perversion to sex perversion to now this race perversion that are all about destroying your kids and telling them that America is a terrible place to grow up. No wonder that there the defense of Goss now was well I'm doing these children a favor by killing them, because who would want to be born in America. That was his defense, Rick Manley and South American everybody in Central America once born in America but based on immigration numbers but God no other question we look to find something to happen and I altogether last week, the FBI amount that they're doing a sweep of 200000 Hotmail Account Ct. on militant encrypted emails are service there and try to gather the all the data from 200,000 court on no account to try to of conservative under the guy that if you have to be conservative and have never click on your inclination some kind of revolutionary activity and must be must have your right belly today, so they've already implemented the guilty until proven innocent standard at the FBI conservative and you have a car…" "Americans are legal there free and if you're concerned about your email contact for whatever reason that E does not want your email.

This would be nervous because they aren't available.

As a Swiss company so it's not object and balance so that they that's one thing that came out this week this week.

Yesterday I met with the idea that they're going to declare all the parent parents who are concerned about critical race theory declare them to be terrorists under the Patriot Act and the thinking a whole bunch of different acts that they use to justify it so effectively there calling anybody who might be a good parent concerned that your child's education. New or potential terrorist and you will be surveilled and they will end the typical use local police resources to do the surveillance of the Department of Homeland Security have become fusion fusion centers of US Iowan centers all across the country with various cortical stakeholders related Guthrie from local mosque. They cut down to grab through the local church, but ending it all about trying to come with a collaborative approach to dealing with domestic terrorism while the territory could include your local police department to be respected many times as a result, that's where they run their terror terrorism. Their operation under patriot act to try to surveilled parents and then cayenne: laughter.

The obvious question answer.

This is why you need to do that. This is a people making individual threats to babymaking individual threat the individual Citywide sharecropper can place typical now implement resources there when you have to have the Federalist. The answer is because this is a federal long they're going for the game and are trying to intimidate not push back on. The junked ocean trench of encrypted beers whether people are not or PRP PRT teacher country hick yourself and that let us let us run everything the venture. That's what's actually happening.

So, given that the pressure points because I do politics for a living so I always look at whether pressure points are pressure points are going to your local government in your government, and obviously, federal officials pushing back internally, internally, on terms of your trip department just budget like but for short-term pressure points are the local school board.

Local County commission. The recent County commission matters County commission to quickly adapt the taxing authority and basically allocate part of the project that they receive from taxes to the education and in play, and then the education or the school were descent of an accent and because of that, too, states work because of bad County is a you shall not spend any money on CRT spending money on certain section training, and so the county can actually dictate those things directly to the school board would override the school board members who are in many cases, polio subsidiaries of the national education Association so that the point that the pressure point local elective sure is a pressure point elected those curves votes. Those nursing tell Sheriff don't cooperate, don't participate in this amateur mixture click statements and were not doing this connection that God is the way our system work. A federal criminal system. The localities can think of the federal government on your overstepping you down visiting your jurisdiction right I would like you to participate. Now that may cost them some money on the federal government but it's a but most politicians, church politicians care about some of the care about the money. So desert pressure points to do right now and every person listening right now should be on the should get on the phone and after the show and the Collier County commissioners, Colliers and state school board members, and demand that they stand up and say no no CRT just block the entire thing they have the power everything. Parents have got in race right now after nine ways.

Now they never will be, but now is sometimes a turning point program is returned out of the menu and now it's time for you to tell your listener local and state leaders.

We expect you to stand up our individual liberties and we expect you doing now and and and expense because you you you should expect if there if they're starting they're gonna start with the school board and there show up in there no you know mandate near GNU and investigate parents and they're going to try this if this is all about threats and intimidation that's that's what that's what this is about is threats and intimidation. But don't think that they're gonna stop at the school board level they're going to do the same thing they're seeing that there is unrest and that there are people who were saying. I'm not going to go along with this and as a result of that folks. They are beginning to start the clamp down and that is exactly what dictatorships this is what communism does.

This is what communism has done.

There's a movie were talking about earlier this morning when I had the Dan Gaynor on and were talking about a new movie that was I guess it was the number one film worldwide and and it is a film that was done by the Chinese is a Chinese propaganda piece and the purpose of this Chinese propaganda piece. It's anti-US war movie, a 3 Hour Ct." epic, called the battle at Lake change in and it depicts the war between China and the American-led UN forces in Korea and it depicts the Chinese as the victims and America as the imperialists okay and and and a course this is you know this is exactly what we are what we are talking about right when when we are are are addressing this this issue.

Folks, it's a it's it's it's horrific. It's absolutely horrific and good time. I don't way were so far along that there's nothing that can be done because the fact of the matter is there are how there's thousands of counties in America.

In each county made of smoke and School boards and mutinous County school words can say were not doing and the can commissions can they were not doing this to assure they were not doing and when that occurs suddenly, members of Congress and we get backbone and they started say were not allow you to do this where Carl and something that I'm different confidence the same idea the Senators yesterday voted to oppose any spending on the vaccine for connecting the Senators know why that matter. Because provided on the government end on December 3 he needs 60 votes. That means you have to get to to agree to fund the vaccine mandate who are already on record saying that without funding. This is how we shift this whole thing. We take their power from them. We take that power by engaging in with the correct done for years. Basic grassroots warfare where we talk worker. From a clinical standpoint when we undermine their support will be going to the local officials were most accessible, and we drive the narrative from the local federal officials have to follow. They have no choice but to follow and that is the winning strategy.

That's how we do it on the state level, the state can do a particularly speaking to a lot of different things Clinton they could do going to emergency session and say no. We reject this and refused, allowing you pretty well on course resources into participating in this in the second they can do a they can put their own sticker of investigation into an effort to investigate fusion centers that are the there's a baseline for the for the attack that took the system that could do this attack so they can grasp the fusion centers for the state Bureau of investigation level. They can actually go and say no one were not going to allow certain curricula to be taught in our school and they can name the specific curricula and block it from being taught in school. There's lots of things it can do. And lastly on going up to the next stuff that you provide liability liability relief for everything from doctors to actually prescribe fibronectin CQ monochrome. There is a body therapy any of the therapies we see that work. The reason that the love doctors are and promises will: because the with the federal level is that there is a quotation guideline and see she doesn't say you can use those things is micro therapy can use fibronectin so by the state. They would provide light, we provide liability protection for doctors and pharmacists and others hospital system that actually prescribe those things and when they do that since liability lies at the state law the federal law had little authority. Federal doesn't have capacity to light, so there's lots of things agreed to hunt the key is get active get mobile and start billing and I want to go to get for our blog sites.daily articles up to explain different things people can do. I think that Frank will be back right after this Sunday has passed today. Be sure millions of websites, an innovation ready chosen get signed up for the emails. There you'll get information in your email box things that Seth you need to know about and and and things that you can do on the host asked regular listening to generation radio. I'll be back with more coming out right after this and Rick Manning will be staying with us as we come out of the great back with more right after this you get up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired.

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There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive. We ask the questions we think you would ask. We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it.

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Also, under our CG contributors Rick is prominent there and you can click on his picture go directly over to their website to follow and get their emails and he sends out action emails I get them. I respond to them and and and share them with friends and I would encourage you to do the very same thing. Rick, you know, at as were talking about, you know, the issue with with the kids and what have you had the bottom line here is is that you have a a communist entity that is essentially sitting atop the United States of America, the Communist Party has taken over the Democrats the Democratic Party and and this is a tactic that they use fear and intimidation and especially the manipulation of our children. At the end of the day folks as parents we have to be the ones we are the ones that God is going to hold responsible for what happens to our children in public education, to switch topics real quick. Is there something Rick that you had mentioned to me earlier this week that you wanted me to bring an end. That had to do with my experience of having my wheelchair disappear and arriving in Chicago and being told.

After waiting about and writing about 20 minutes.

30 minutes on the plane but were sorry we have some bad news. We don't know where your wheelchair is Mr. Young.

We don't know where it's Abba working to try to find it an hour and 1/2 later they finally found something and in the meantime, the cleaning crew is literally slamming the back of my chair because they're thinking. Why is this guy sitting here and when the eye first came on his his. He was like well why can't you just give youth you could just get up and walk out right will fight to get up and walk out.

I wouldn't rolled in a wheelchair directly were noted. I don't understand the challenges of travel when you are person would.

So I will go with the ability and say another good news is they did find your wheelchair and you did indicate that the airline was very did everything they could to try to make the make the situation less bad than it was and so you know they were selling. Now I didn't even try to make it right.

Important on the ground. The crew on the ground there in Chicago. The supervisor who is in charge, Chris and and Sandy and Joanne in particular.

And Lori, those folks were were as lovely as they could, as they could possibly be. I did have this experience of the chilis. There at the airport in Chicago told me that because I was a person with disabilities. They had no room for me that I was not allowed to go in and finally I a very nice customer left in a move from her table to give me a table right right near the entrance but they said I know we do not allow wheelchairs in here and if you're a person that needs a wheelchair. There's no access for you at the chilis there at Chicago O'Hare. You can't eat here pretty astonishing part of the reason I wanted you to bring this up is because it's important that we all remember technological thing we all remember to be courteous of others and just take the extra time to just be courteous and helpful. You are right at the end of the day, folks. Lots for us to do here in America at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight, share the good news. Give people a check.

How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil, did you forsake my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you defile yourselves with compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination.

Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch and the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up. And in spite of the hate I will love. In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest.

Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow. Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry his product he's passing that savings on to you is the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Paul today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 and has learned