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Kim Hermann SLF Parents Being Denied Their Rights Schools Manipulating Children 101321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
October 16, 2021 8:29 pm

Kim Hermann SLF Parents Being Denied Their Rights Schools Manipulating Children 101321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace Kellogg, Mike generation ready. I'm your host past great. Thanks so much being here.

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Kim so good to have you.

Thanks for being here back.

Man oh man oh man, as we were saying in the agreement who who would've imagined that we would be in this place. I mean it's it's it's unimaginable really rightly when we were kids when I was a kid.

I know that guy was a kid long for you were a kid, but still it's crazy to imagine you know when you're sitting around your kitchen table right listening to your parents talk about family values talk about you know America and the opportunities that America gives people what would you ever imagine that we be here with parents being told you can't defend your daughter who's been raped at school and were not going to do anything about it now. I really had a year ago month ago we got to a point where a federal government will eloquently everything violent and but I mean we got an evening to pick up all power behind the department upon rent parity Inc. board meeting violent parent like effect simply wanted the got for their right, yeah, but that the Democratic property become a current copy either to be put in jail you know there's a there's a dock you watch a movie but it but it really documents well. It's called return to the hiding place. If yes, if you folks you haven't seen it, I would really encourage you to check it out because there's a scene in there basically were. You have this is college students, but young college students that are that you know the president of the of the student union so to speak is being told you these are the things that you're going to say and if you don't say these things, you know basically work and I will hunt your family down and and and bad things are going to happen.

Look folks, bad things are happening to people right now we have political prisoners here in the United States of America. It's this is this is not hyperbole. This is actually happening congressional members whose jobs.

That is to oversee how prisoners are being treated in the country and conditions within prisons are walked out over the prison where these Americans are being held, and have been told that if they attempt to answer that, that they're going to have armed people there going to come and arrest them. These are the overseers.

These are representatives Kim that are supposed to be, you know, making sure that that that illegal stuff is not taking place. It's stunning.

It's just stunning.board that we were meant to your mentioning what going on there… Never pray daily I want to die here. But what was happening and reported that not working happening by the government had been happening in our little along. We represent one care, and Yuki. And think them and very Italian teacher training might sound benign, but with every thing is that there out there looking for permanent equity. Thank you that you and I agree yet that actually part largely bad violent year 20 a really long time now.

The parent, the parent their way happening all and they want to make a shot back down before get away from that and I'm sorry to say but parent know what's happening and well and I'm sorry to say because I understand that and I'm sorry to say that having sat on on a school sideboard out in California.

Goodness gracious, probably about 16, 15, 16 years ago that that it was stunning to me to hear and and and begin to realize that as soon you pass your child off to the school you drop them at the school in the morning. The school literally takes guardianship of that child.

Think about that. You have to walk into the office and get permission from the school to take your child out whether it's for a doctor's appointment or a family emergency or what have you, and you have to justify. You have to explain to them why it is that you're removing your child from from their possession and and they they they can either excuse that absence or or unexcused that absence and it has a derogatory impact on your child, but Kim this is been going on for Fort for a number of years and I think a lot of people you know we tried to talk about this with parental and try to get parents to understand what the schools are actually enforcing and and and it truly is a a a very scary thing when you stop and think about that and you know not what were thinking now and correct your training. In that the parent there that we document where he. How to get that the parent that are proper in their need to think about the parent there thanked hearing a compelling how they go home and yet backward night after not only is illegal and can't know it completely backward. What if you stop and think about that you know and I talked about this for a number of years or in the program, folks, unit Disney. These are messages that have been being instilled in the psyche of children for a number of years you know, think about how many Disney movies. The kids are the heroes and the parents are our studio. I shrunk the kids right okay you know dad's a bumbling idiot scientist okay right and and and whose rescue right mom and dad from from their own stupidity. It's the kids. I mean these messages Kimberly have been going on for a number of years now, but now they're coming right out blatantly and teaching it as as an education proposition that, come on, I'm telling you I know you know I have were far cry from father knows best, Charlie we are weird about it or not. If you possibly can do that and you know it out. During the parent across America inking out and going to the board meeting on critic led right and you what I know letter from the national guard so conveniently that that Atty. Gen. Garland, I'll government the clear parent that hairnet working on the example they put a clean work violent, why not, when you look at and I believe it may be one of them would it be read in the lateral local police critically can care we don't need to be declaring parent ^ I call the parent that don't let that deter you all. Yes, he's polite, but advocating. If you don't do it now going to be too late to give you the biblical mandate raise up your child in the way they should go and when they grow them not depart from it.

God has ordained that parents are responsible to raise their kids stop and think about you Eli the who was the high priest and half and he and Phineas you know God mandated that Eli needed to get his boys in order and he was responsible for their actions and for their activities and for keeping them on the straight and narrow, and because he didn't, well he he fell off the roof of the temple and broke his neck. But you know I mean God is incredibly serious about this issue of raising up your children and it being a parental mandate and a parental responsibility God gave you these wonderful kids and and it's our responsibility. I got five kids and I've got three grandkids. It was my responsibility mine and my wife's to raise up my kids in the way that they should go now I'm I'm I'm proud to say that all my kids are in a hard working, you know, productive people that are that are there great human beings and and and love other people in and do all they can to make the world's you know of a better place. But my goodness, folks, you know they're there. They're trying to make us the bad guys.

So Kimberly, what can parents do, and how are you helping parents right now to address this issue.

Parent. They need to find out what going on for you that you request it open records request word array that market right we are going right back. I know I think on very hoping they don't look like a dead back in 80 to 90 but get the document and then pick up a board meeting.

Don't let that deter you when you do you eat what you think might be compelled or just coming to Kelly, and representing parent and teachers across the country bringing federal law.

When he arrived at the level of an uncommon violation and and folks, you know, by all means to and this is why I encourage you to be engaged and involved at your local level. Okay, these school boards that that are that are now becoming just atrocious authoritarian centers. These are elected individuals, their elected. That means that you have the ability to unselect them to bring somebody in to run against the word for goodness sake, run for run yourself. You don't have to be. You know, Harvard graduate or or have PhD after your name or what have you to be on the school board.

The purpose of the school board is to make sure that the education that your children are getting it even stays within proper boundaries, reading, writing and arithmetic. Hello, reading, writing and arithmetic.

I know it and and and good citizenship. By the way, and and certainly this is this is none of the above, so far as I can so we know not that I can't… America and our government. Dr. right you remove that out of the car. Don't know what their know what they should be fighting, they don't understand that the federal government in the end all be all that actually have power might be thinking that the student in the clicker no longer being taught how would they know that when Derek parent government can try to keep silent actually have right they won't until we think that now that you click in the book that we need to educate and and I understand.

I mean, you know, part of the whole cultural thing you know, and we have more single moms.

Now that we have married couples and so you know that's by design ladies.

It's by design. They want you isolated and separated so so they can control you. When you look at second Timothy chapter 3 and it talks about perilous times.

It also talks about women being alone and those that are going to try to come into your home and try to manipulate you and I'm not picking look man that is one of the single parenting. It has got to be one of the most difficult jobs there.

There is an and that's why God ordained that there would be a man and a woman working together to raise children to to raise the family. It's it's it's not an attack against the single-parent. It's a recognition of the Huff Road that that is an and man my I plan for you and praying for you, but but know that you're not alone. You know, find some other parents to join with and work together and and in your community so that you have a support system so critically whereby we came after high this is Michael Kreider of Michaels M and P supplements. Let's talk energy.

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I believe our Constitution was intended for moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners in the God in his grace and mercy, sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow the precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ spirit man perfected and soulless man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame of the fall, but we were parents and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness the God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes and that's a call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated Christianity to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will return because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong, not silent and not fearful. Courageous.

Therefore, if you're my friend may not fully that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs. They are not debatable for me and you can if you choose, unfriend me say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and God, not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way God bless you. You can support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting www.chosen generation, and now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace generation ready. I'm your host past Greg and my special guest is General Counsel for the Southeastern legal foundation. You can find them at S. L. F. SL Avenue Kimberly Herman joins me Kim, you mentioned to me when we were in the right you know that that one of the things that you do when you go and speak to parent groups is to encourage them.

You know to to grow their membership to stay together to work together were talking about, you know, single parenting, which is that which is a major thing rhyming single parenting is a major deal but talk to me it if you would about that and how could people get you to come and speak to their group.

One line back to our client traveling across the country talking to parent group everything that we lack, and my thing I like in part on that and I went out looking to collaborate work with each other may think that doubt that you can connect with parent defending education no (educate and monitor liberty being created actually amazing thing freedom work on the matter) bearberry nap now.

I'll update you a lot in the area connect with. I meant group and build them like a second job will be work that talking to each other a lot more about it happening any grade level band together and go to the and you can make a difference look right here. I mean, about seven years ago we were having an issue where I live with common core and common core was being used in the curriculum in our local school district and I started talking about it on the radio. I started calling them live on the show and then I went in and I would go into their office regularly and say I want to talk to somebody. Here's the evidence will when they really started to look at it of been passed down from above them.

Whatever. But when they really started looking at in the school board started looking at this and you know that we don't want to center schools, and they told they pulled it out so folks you can make a difference just get involved him.

Thanks very much for being there today. I greatly appreciate it, really bad with more our number two straight ahead here on chosen generation right you know that among always here and we are sponsors of children blessed our business and I want her to join chosen generation, 66243046624 lessons are to ask yourself what you pay for healthcare. Are you single you pay more than $199 a month. Are you a couple DP more than $299 a month.

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