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A Shot in the Arm, Will Ferrell and Harper Steele Road Tripping, Connie Chung

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
The Cross Radio
September 15, 2024 3:30 pm

A Shot in the Arm, Will Ferrell and Harper Steele Road Tripping, Connie Chung

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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September 15, 2024 3:30 pm

Hosted by Jane Pauley. In our cover story, Dr. Jon LaPook talks with experts who warn about the rise of vaccine skepticism. Also: Jane Pauley visits veteran journalist Connie Chung, author of a new memoir, “Connie”; Tracy Smith profiles comedian Will Ferrell and former “Saturday Night Live” head writer Harper Steele, subjects of a new documentary, “Will & Harper”; and Martha Teichner sits down with Pete Wells, who dishes on his 12 years as restaurant critic for The New York Times.

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