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August 20, 2017 10:41 am

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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August 20, 2017 10:41 am

When mob justice goes virtual

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Learn warning: this is Sunday morning. For centuries, without a simple way of calling out those behaving in a disreputable manner with pointed an accusing finger and said for Shane.

Fast forward to today. When that accusing finger is likely to be tapping away on a keyboard almost guaranteeing that active shaming will be repeated by countless others around the world justified or not. David Pogue will report our cover story colonial times we punish people by humiliating them in public like this. But thanks to the Internet. This is a horrible horrible value public shaming's are once again invoked and they can destroy lives and put my kids elementary school address online kindergartners and first graders so that's when we moved out of house later on Sunday morning.

The anonymous online mobs in the lives they destroy. We have questions and answers this morning from Robert Wilson after the first known for his characters peculiar first. He looks back and forward with Michelle Miller is a vampire in the megahit twilight series family from others of our current youth but it's his newest wall that has him on it.

My initial instinct is to say that you could never do that. This is good. You could the evolution of Robert ahead on Sunday morning the real world there's no denying the folks in one heartland town dream big and Connor Knighton says all invited to see their handiwork are planning a summer road trip to see the world's largest rocking chair, mailbox, knitting needles, pitchfork and more. You only need to make one stop Casey a small town with a big idea later on Sunday morning.

Stranger things is a smash hit TV series with lots of devoted fans in a truckload of nominations to boot. Mark's husband will show us why the supernatural thriller. Stranger things oldest special power over its millions of fans and Always does really for as one owner. Writer about the shows effect certain shows certainly been unlike anything that I've ever experienced.

But the story of this series begins with the 33-year-old twin later on Sunday morning go on the set of stranger Anthony Mason talks with Françoise below about her brush with greatness for years with Pablo Picasso taste her very first freshly shot oyster Steve Hartman searches for the secret to living happily ever after and more. Your disgusting your hair is likely either too far apart. You look like a loris. Next time Thursday online.

Much of their faith featuring radio and TV personalities. Talking business support team and played the words for Shane have long been spoken to people accused of offensive behavior. Now, thanks to the Internet.

Those words can be shared with millions around the world. Our cover story as reported by David Pogue of Yahoo finance last Friday night. Kyle is assistant professor at the University of Arkansas was enjoying a pleasant night out with his wife to go Crystal Bridges exam.

My wife and to dinner up there and just had a lovely okay so what's the first inkling you have that something was amiss. There's a lot of printed emails from the University trying to reach me my room while Kyle was at that museum in Arkansas. White supremacists were gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia, and on the Internet. Outraged onlookers mis-identified as one of the participants see the picture of the real guy. Do you think there's a resemblance not really understand where the people who didn't know Quinn decided that he had to be punished. What sorts of messages were you getting really vulgar messages but you can never air messages coming from my email messages on my work phone things on twitter Instagram Facebook as well.

You give me a sample. They were all implying I was I was a racist. That was Kyle Quinn's introduction to the modern form of public humiliation known as Internet shaming were online mobs descend upon one person wildly out of attack these threats to your safety most troubling thing to my wife really was wary. You are our home address anytime you have an angry and someone says this is where the guy lives in my book, so we decided to head over to a friends house for the evening. The mob was so aggressive that the real man in the photo. Andrew Dodson came forward expressing guilt that attacks were directed at Kyle Quinn sent me an example that mistakes can be made Internet shaming's have become sadly routine even Pres. Trump joins in. Sometimes the public piles onto someone famous like comedian Kathy Griffin, who posted a gruesome anti-Trump photo but other times it's a noncelebrity like Walter Palmer, a dentist who shot Cecil the lion in 2015 for James Taymor the Google employee who was fired after writing that men are more biologically suited to technical jobs than women for suicides in the last couple of months John Ronson has written a book about Internet shaming. He tells the stories of regular people become the target of intense Internet harassment.

It all begins with something you post intended only for your circle of friends makes its way to the wider online public around the world, people would know about the human being at our next and I'm pretty excited about my free water which brings us to Adam Smith, he became a target in 2012 after he recorded a 1016 to the cashier at a Tucson Chick-fil-A on his phone on getting a free water right because filet is Corporation. The plan was to the part of you to protest the horrible horrible value never yelled or called her names or anything, but it got a little heated.

Well I just did some really good and I thought uploaded the mobs soon descended received letters that had pictures of people sex and hate swastikas and someone mailed feces through the mail and then it got really put my kids elementary school address online kindergartners and first graders, so that's when we moved out of house, Smith lost his job as a CFO. He wound up on food stamps and then separated from his wife. I started questioning things that I never question my life without actually be alive. I am going to find you and I'm going to rape you and torture you and read each of your limbs off one by one the most painful death. If you're a woman so the abuse can go to a whole new level of viciousness.

Kendall Jones was a Texas cheerleader who enjoyed big-game hunting with her father. Her hunts were licensed in legal and big-game hunters routinely take trophy pictures like these, but Kendall's photos went viral and likely either to five-part you look like a lawyer. The goal is to destroy the person Jon Stewart is a clinical psychologist at Rider University in New Jersey and the author of the psychology of the digital age. I asked him how people can treat strangers this way was the lack of empathy for someone online is a tendency to see that person not as a real individual, but as an object as as as a target Internet shaming's follow patterns.

The victim's posterior tweet is taken out of context. That was true for Kendall Jones in South Africa and for Adam Smith want people to know that was an organized protest before misidentified Kyle Quinn were you in fact in Charlottesville at all. Note shaming usually dies down. After a week or so, but according to John Ronson for the victim.

It's not over so soon is when it got a job thinking about it every morning waking up in the middle of the night, but even then shaming is tied to the victim forever. That Google search results would always have this transgressor in the top what does the advice you give to the shame he I know what it's like to be you saw. Can you say it does get better. It can get better if you face what has happened and you really become come to terms with what happened you really did get ostracized and publicly humiliated.

It probably wasn't fair. He adds, they should remember this hotel. There deeper than the comments that their love that they don't need to question their worthiness. I wondered if there's any hope that the Internet might become a kinder place. I wish that I could say that twitter will be a haven where nothing peaceable ever happen, but were not always good to get it right. Still Harvey is the VP of trust and safety at twitter in the last few years she's overseen a range of improvements designed to reign in Internet shaming's we now allow you to report multiple tweets at a time.

So if you're being actually appears, then it's not this one by one by one by one. Twitter has also tried to make life more difficult for the attackers. The vast majority of sort of the worst of the worst content hundred people. It's one person who created 100 accounts algorithms shut. Some of these people down in the progress isn't just taking place at twitter. It's a long road to go in there still a lot of things that we arty know that we want to work on. Are there people in your position, then Facebook can read it absolute and you guys communicate absolutely duration that an online forms is probably not the best way to carry out justice. Kyle Quinn was lucky that his shaming ended quickly. As for Adam Smith. He is happily employed and still married, but even five years later his Internet shaming still haunts emotionally I'm a very different person today than I was before the protest before the shaming. I know what it's like to get hurt and I don't want that to happen.

Anybody else anymore.

We need to stop. Stop it. Canines of the cosmos and now a page from our Sunday morning on August 20, 1967 years ago today David gives new meaning to the expression dog days of summer was the day's dogs and stroke returned alive. After orbiting the earth Friday Soviet spacecraft and stroke our email strains for space travel on the theory that street dogs were a tougher breed than those pampered and the right stuff. All right, becoming the first canine cosmonauts to survive orbital spaceflight and clearing the way for Yuri Garin to become the first human cost. The following April and stroke never left earth again stroke the famously went on to give birth to a litter of copies, one of whom was given to first lady Jacqueline Canady is a goodwill gift when that dog gave birth. Pres. Kennedy labeled her offspring. Next Russia honors the memory of Bell, and stroke it to this day animated movie theater space dogs released in 2010 tells their story the real bell, and stroke up on his space capsule at the Memorial Museum not had remembering Dick Gregory, here is Dick Gregory this past week passing trailblazer and Civil Rights Act to say thank you very much and when they say this show teaches living, you better believe it. Gregory first made his name in the 1960s by focusing his wet on something that was no laughing matter race in America is located long ago he talked with our Aaron Moriarty told Jack Parr had him as a guest but only after Gregory demanded he be invited to sit for chat. What comes on the couch a black audience tonight and treat me nice, because with Pres. Kennedy's new housing bill might be your neighbor and wanted more than justice wanted to change America.

I chose to be educated. Gregory talked about his role with the late Ed Bradley during a 60 minutes profile in 1989. The next time you put your underwear in the washing machine. Take the agitator you will end up with some dirty wet drawls soon stand up became citizens marches and voter registration drive is political antiwar hungers right cost. A half-century later he was still saying it as he saw it.

Then, if they shot down. Why will the police break down all over the Gregory was on the road working last week when he took Al died yesterday in Washington.

He was 84 years old. This is an even world market. Living large drain bag. That's what we're told it's a lesson Conor Knighton tells us the folks in one small town taken to heart sign on the outskirts of Cades, Illinois, claims that 3000 people live here being generous. Latest estimates are actually closer 2700.

The population is about the only thing in Casey that smaller than you'd expect to be hard to get the whole thing and go below area is home to the world's largest rocking chair and largest pitch for the world's largest golf team from the largest box in the world you can look out on the main street that could be any American small town now you with your life, what was it like when he started to see some these businesses close down. It's heartbreaking because when you grow up in a small community, you know, everybody. So you see town.

This, slowly dying off factories that once employed workers here closed or moved away they packed up and left for bigger cities. Locals like Jim Bolin trying to figure out how to revive the tiny town he loves small town we have to try to come up and think outside the box to get people to come to our small communities and in shop. It all started with this world's largest wind chime elected in 2011 draft horse. Jim's wife's café the winter I want to first bill that I said that's my fission were we casted out to the interstate and try to real people and are also down there to see what God catching fish that's work at experiment such a success went on giant building spree. This family-owned pipeline business. We had easy access to the raw materials you start to feel like a man on a mission because at this point I'm thinking okay what can we do our town so I'm looking at different businesses and try to find something that would correlate with the business so free of charge to get the candy shop up the street. A whimsical pair of the world's largest wooden shoe coming just to see the shoes yes they come in to see the shoes and then they find out it's in a candy store so it helps me as well built a set of knitting needles to attract visitors to Jeanette's gaze yarn shop. Is it a challenge to stay in business in a small town like this very much if if it were not for the gift of these knitting needles. I don't think I probably could have stayed, yes, believe it or not there are people who come just to see the world's largest knitting. The previous record holder of the knitting needles. How was the right number two seems like number two would be a normal five knitting needle.

I'm shocked that there is another yeah I think it was a meticulously research as his creations works with the Guinness world record organization to get them certified along the way.

He's built plenty of large items around town necessarily record holders.

This is an even world market. The collection of giant objects. Casey, halfway between St. Louis and Indianapolis on the map within your favorite so far from the rocking chair. See the license plates of all the cars that stop by the focus out of there from Pennsylvania to get people from all over, all over California, Texas, all these cars have given lifelong resident Jimmy Wilson site thought he'd never see the idea of a traffic jam in case Illinois that a new concept and where road rage have always been able comes down and going so slow gawking around the people get upset problems.

Town wants to have. I can't believe it is the greatest things around here when the flag goes up on the giant mailbox. Someone stopped in another letter a tourist most likely hoping to commemorate their trip just to know that people are excited about having a postmark case, Illinois on their male what that feel like this phrase is pretty cool to see kids and people get excited about something that the case is just at Sterling is a special big dreams bigger heart, all in a small town from others and still to come. We catch up with Dr. Robert patents and you are lucky very very very first strange thing happening featuring radio and TV personality talking sport played it Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Jane Hawley just one of the many strange things that occur in the Netflix series. Stranger things, its producers and young cast have been gearing up for their second season. Also making time for Mark Strasburg in 1983 William Indiana disappears his friends stumble onto a sinister government cover so Stevens cleaned up well that's the point here that kids are watching. Stranger things, getting scared and maybe shielding their eyes like that the best thing the world 33-year-old twins Matt and Ross duffer creators, writers and directors of stranger things eight episode first season on net X was a phenomenon scaring up 18 Emmy nominations. It stars Winona Ryder as the mom of the missing boy loses it and what do I do like it.

You fight things just go south for Joyce pretty fast. One scene where I'm not freaking out dark places, probably 10 years that just have to go there this past spring.

Filming was underway for season two letter is life's basement right at the Wheeler family basement mostly likes cave where we met. The thing is the thing and they have a lot of favorite movies. Much of the series draws from their childhood fascination with the science fiction, horror and adventure films watched growing up in North Carolina because it is often talked about life in the 80s. Did you see your own lives reflect that's what we found love with those movies in the story because they were telling stories about people who we recognized in a setting that we recognize oftentimes about kids that felt very much like us and our friends by age 9, with a home camcorder they were making reasons for making the grade. I think the terrible adaptation of card game called Magic the gathering is really nerdy like a fantasy like beating each other up with you sort of Teaching ourselves and got a little bit better and better over time.

Better enough that these filled people, not just nostalgia but déjà vu. Stranger things just appear. Scenes from the show to their inspiration.

ET the shining stand by me.

Many of those movies became classics in part because their hearts beat with kids friendships that seem believable, relatable and timeless. Stranger things that to we looked at about thousand or so auditions is nothing raving about how performance is the work. The duffers cast four boys you Caleb McGlocklin.

No washing up for the wolf hard and 14-year-old Gaetan my terrazzo who has a rare genetic disorder. The duffers loaded into his character told you I thought you Millie hi talk about the credit talk about what oh you when you're born with their and they look like this because there's problems and they don't grow improperly because the women's coalition so we went for jobs other was that an issue what actually going for the commercial dishes they would say to me and said hey good kid, but he fixed the breakout star maybe 13-year-old Billy Bobby Brown the British actress plays a character known simply as 11 telekinetic powers do most of the talking for us. She spoke only 246 words throughout the first season, but that was enough to win an Emmy nomination for starters off with short hair like every teenage guys usually crept up. I like to say and be blonde hair was not my mind from new faces to familiar faces like Winona Ryder, the star of Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands. It's a role.

Many are calling up come back.

They start late 20 I understand about roles for women like my age, there are times when it feels like there's a real drought but I do think you can get lucky. Certain shows are certain directors and no hopefully hopefully that will keep happening.

I don't know this trailer for season two.

Stranger things, which debuts in October already has more than 45 million views online but don't expect to close. Are there more monsters out there there there is supernatural is more evil, yet greater evil. This much we do know, season two will be another love letter to 1980 cinema from two of its biggest fans brothers who never grew out of their childhood fascination with things that go in the not some people come back from their summer vacation with lots of pictures and ventures ideas. They picked up along the way about how they're going to change the lives was not my vacation. My vacation out of town friendly and familiar place filling the days with simple pleasures like doing laundry on a breezy day and close out to dry in the sun on the line when laundry isn't an obligation. It's not a chore can be very enjoyable for me. I also spent time reading up big book on a porch swing. It was even satisfying cleaning up after dinner, which my husband cooked I went to bed real early.

Looking forward to making coffee and poached eggs in the morning. My only vacation regret the time I spent on my smart phone and that's how I spent my summer vacation while Miyagi rock stars on the menu coming right out shocks is one possible response to the offer of a serving of oysters, longtime fans love them.

Of course, but oyster novices aren't so sure. With faith, say late off on an oyster adventure point Conway, we shift Sandy Ingber what's on the menu at the Grand Central oyster bar in New York City.

Therefore, while while Miyagi rock.

It always. I started in 1994 about the first seven years very difficult to buy a lot of different varieties of voices around now walk into a restaurant like Brooklyn's meson for me and you can find oysters from hundreds of different places across the country and beyond. Now if you think all this oyster slurping is nothing but a fat thoughts from Ellen Jacobson, author Central oyster. When you pick up an oyster.

You're kind of reliving this very early experience of humanity which is eating raw animal live out of its shell and oysters live up to the money Shaka good is unclear how dead it is so you doing something that is deathly not a part of normal civilized life and there is an intensity to that experiencelike one on one you in the oyster and usually you will occasionally oyster ends and you never know right so it really is a rush like like an adrenaline when you read an oyster board and more more American experience – oyster men and women can't keep up with demand. Prices are higher than today's story of the North American oyster beginning fancy restaurants are water, the land of America's oyster Farms who is out here you will booze or quarter markers of the farm has been raising oysters in the brackish waters of Duxbury bag across from Massachusetts Cape Cod for 20 years, steadily adding new farms to keep up with demand since 19 five. How much is your business it's grown probably average about 40 raising oysters in their hatchery several different farms in the nearby creek because it turns out, with oysters like wine, geography matters, now oysters from your new farm right here going to taste different than they were already starting to taste the oysters lived here for a couple of months and they they taste quite different.

It's really has to do with the location and oyster farming.

It's the salinity of the type of plankton or food that's in the water chemistry water farmers never have to feed their livestock valves consume algae water filters and so oysters can turn murky water, clear, incredibly single oyster can filter 20 to 50 gallons of water. They are the greenest critter in the ocean is almost miraculous. Just put little baby. Once the water weight two years take out big ones could go should be the food of the future yeah and you know the first person to say that a lot of people are looking at oysters and clams and mussels as a really potentially huge source of food for the future and you might be surprised to learn that we wouldn't even have bivalves where it not for the Clean Water Act of 1972 Waters Northwest sound area are what I know, functioning wasn't much Bill Taylor's family has been making oysters around Shelton, Washington since the 19th century. Today, just across the bay from the towns close male work at low tide to harvest Kumamoto oysters species native to Japan. We so around 35 oysters live stars and leave the right time to confess that story your correspondent single one. How would you turn someone his never want to try and oyster lose lose they're willing to just give it a try that it's you talk to about the flavor like the smell of the beach so the beach for the whole day is smells really sweet, salty Sylvia, I came in I smelled the air and tasted my first Oyster Memorial St., Sierra weight this way right okay and I take all the liquid and everything okay and you and I'm sorry baby step work in this married 60 years and 59 December next 53 44 happily ever after surefire formula for staying married happily ever after.

Steve Hartman is making inquiries we came to life's most elusive secrets we've heard the deep within Knox County back amongst these cornfields was a cluster of people would all unlock the mystery of a long and happy marriage married 60 years, 59, December 55 in November, 53, four, four. But here's what's even more remarkable, all related together a clinking.

Siblings have amassed nearly half a millennia of marriage €449 total. So I figured if anyone had the secret to wedded bliss would have to be these couples so I gathered them for a series of interviews. If you want to stay married forever. Women need to speak your mind's architectural or not you like keep my mouth and men. You need to be deferential or not so I love the food is not going to change that. Unfortunately almost everything I got was a contradiction. There is temporary I never was tempted. Really the only thing the clinking beards could agree on what their mother Dorothy taught them and told them repeatedly that except in very rare circumstances. Divorce should not be an option.

She instilled in us kids you know my mom was produced about the reset I do for me that meant however long related it meant suffering through some bumpy times, the oldest brother John says it's well worth it. Yet married 65 years. John sat on the couch alone because his wife Lillian is in the hospital. I don't know how to get along with the I never got my easy answer. What makes a happy marriage would love but I did get eight solid reasons to never give up looking for Barbara: still think Robert patents and looking good and later the painter and his muse featuring radio and TV personality talking sport played it Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Jane Hawley, Dr. Robert patents and cut his teeth as it were, on the twilight series of vampire films deep into a very different sort of role and trading questions and answers.

Michelle Miller now if you vampire one played by Robert Edward Conley in the megahit twilight series my family from others about the only control and glowered his way to superstardom. Like all will come down out of hard for me to get just as much. Try to convince people like every single time like Leo something, so it's tough for you.

Anything that being famous really helps and is getting financing to fuel your movies you to make a lot of money like the music. Do we so you came in here is pretty stark. Yeah. Perhaps that's why Thursday afternoon in August, we met up with the now 31-year-old actor and of all places jail in Queens, New York.

Something happened. We went to do research for his new film good time. Did you actually go inside the cell anytime and yes, why try to get commissions that have stay overnight for a few days.

You say to dangerous and protective custody used it. He's all but unrecognizable by design. Mommy leech off welfare or the government in jail like books in the final sites have a job you are allowed books around his desire to break free is one reason he reached out to brothers Josh and Vinnie's hoping to work with them.

My initial thought was he's not right for this product here hello despite their initial misgivings they discovered, as millions of fans have. There's just something about Robert so they put their other projects on hold." This film especially for him was very aware of what Rob is doing with his career choices.

I thought his conviction with as an actor's purpose was a commercial one, searching searching is interesting after a greater purpose down with patents and on the set of the film he went about his success as an actor. My main thing is what I've always had the fear of success… I want to see through seniors. Just some head from London. The cyclic so you always think people are just going to see through whatever carts you make. Born in London, Robert Douglas Thomas patents and is the youngest of three children. His father Richard imported vintage cars. His mother Claire worked for a modeling agency patents and started acting by accident. One of the plays one-year-old told people lest I was anyone total enough to play this role, and end up paying agent from that and kind of spiraled you are lucky very, very, very lucky and when you have to kind of spend the rest try to come to terms of why you so everything about you, but you know I like is when preparation meets opportunity. Yet the other way around offensive kind of bill up to his watch for it. Off to the point after his breakthrough role as the handsome sex. 2005 Harry Potter and the goblet of fire and let it get to find work hard money phrases yet know the tax times is completed right going to be taxable in my diary.

I loved my agents in America to move and tried to jump hello I'm sorry didn't get a chance to use myself last week: the job he got was the role of a lifetime twilight series result same fortune in the never liked screen turned into offscreen romance and subsequent breakup with costar Kristen Stewart in 2013 every twist and turn played out in the tabloids even future president way then with what else I tweet and let up on his latest relationship with KH way to keep personal life limit cycle, the Canadian anointing happens love and Jansson's vague ways, which can create with conspiracy theorists and buff that much thought into the average person would never be aware of it, but it's like if you come into contact with me you will touch this demon is in this kind of in the weights to kind of cut to stop feeding you just you try and say it's like I don't talk about and also can make you feel like this, then we can get some kind of strength away from his flirt spring when we keep saying that you gotta get about a break from the blockbuster limelight days, patents, and says he gets a kick out of just walking down the street without being a mom my pants you realize what makes you comfortable or uncomfortable by all measures, Robert patents and a little older, a little wiser is exactly where he wants to be someone says I like you because he did this thing is that what I wanted to do something I want to be out of the freedom to manage hazards fully knowing myself yet so I don't want someone disabled. This is a well will if you know yourself will tell you I want to come remain in the chaos of the next. The mistress fought back. Talk about a brush with greatness when it comes to reminiscing about the past I debate the story one very accomplished painter tells Anthony Mason was 22 and she painted yourself in 1944 soon after she'd started a relationship with a much older artist Pablo Picasso. I think some people might find it intimidating to be working were not yet been committed, then you don't go there.

I have coed so you don't deny.

If you have coed you save a few bumps here and there but on the whole smelling testing women Picasso once said to her, are either goddesses or doormats below.

He learned was no doormat in fence with well maybe not very popular but well that's stupid. She still showing her work appearing in an opening in New Orleans last year. She co-authored a recent book called about women and an American ballet theater production featured as below painting as its backdrop, the Parisian born artist who works out of her New York studio is 95 now below has been painting for nearly 75 years with major start with since I was a child who I don't bend what they look at, but what looks at is important for me. This is more recent yes it is a snow day because the snow if my memory and I again and again I make paintings of the snow and could so everything comes today sometime a lifetime to your parents wanted you to be a lawyer.

Yes, I went to school and felt as though a woman well-to-do compact and not the most about people sometimes it was in 1943 during the German occupation of Paris. The gigolo meant Picasso. She was 21 he was 61. Sheila would later write it was a catastrophe. I didn't want to avoid them think that they while Picasso frequently used her image as inspiration below continued quietly working herself. I thought I come in a very difficult situation. I have to amen I live as I without knowing what would've annoyed any showoff too much, but you have a lot of personality you can put it in your pocket so you put your personality in your pocket for they'd spent 10 years together and have two children, Claude and Paloma, but then she became the only one of Picasso's women to walk away when I said I am here because I love you but the day when I don't love you. I go ha ha nobody needs a mother like me. I said wait and see what he said left that said map, said, knowing his power to be difficult on some level, leaving many levels is nothing easy package he burned all the bridges that connected me to the past I had shared with him. Sheila wrote but in doing so, he forced me to discover myself and survive her memoir life with Picasso, published in 1964 would become an international bestseller, Picasso fought the release of the book in France, but failed to run fast and then a nap so at that time he called me and he said gigolo moved to the US in the 1960s and attracted another giant of the 20th century. She was courted by Dr. Jonas Salk pioneer of the polio vaccine. He proposed was upset, he persisted, but she said she could never spend more than half of the year together. Six months is the most I could. He agreed. They married in 1970 said that he was told to me as well. That way when I open after some 6000 paintings and drawings below is still pending is a great job.

I don't want to commit coming out for most of us, tomorrow's eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime sky just a day away from the greatest show about forests which, of course, CBS News will bring you as it happens tomorrow afternoon. Right now though thoughts from best-selling author Bill Nye the science.

Tomorrow we will have a chance to experience a total eclipse of the sun, moon, which itself is probably the product before and 1/2 billion-year-old celestial collision will pass between us and our life-giving star son reviewing the path of totality day will turn tonight. The heat of the summer midday will briefly turn cool stars otherwise invisible during the day will emerge from the darkness.

It's a wonderful awe-inspiring interlude, but be safe in the clips can become so fascinating that one can end up staring right at the sun for minutes on end.

So, as I'm sure you've heard, be sure to wear proper eye protection.

This eclipse will pass right over the US, but a total solar eclipse can be celebrated by everyone on earth. Each of us can take a moment to consider the diligence of our ancestors, Copernicus, Newton and Levitt who came to understand our solar systems planets and moons who measured the fantastic distances between them and came to know their orbital motions. I hope we all get a chance to see the bright beams of sunlight that appear as the mountains of the moon interrupt sunbeams when Galileo pointed out that the moon is an imperfect sphere marked by spires and valleys. He was imprisoned.

We've come a long way that we humble humans can understand all of this is remarkable. Despite all the troubles around us today.

It fills me with optimism about our species and our future.

Modern astronomers predict eclipses like this one with an accuracy that no psychic, no faith, you are no tarot card reader can approach for most of us, tomorrow's eclipse will be a once-in-a-lifetime event delayed in its beauty but also appreciate that our science got us here. I hope this brief. Reminds us all that we share a common origin among the stars and that we are all citizens of the same planet. Tomorrow let's celebrate being alive right now in this universe and marvel at humankind's ability to observe this phenomenon and to understand the cosmos and our place within it. Thank you Jane Pauley.

Please join us here again next Sunday morning is take out with preacher Garrett this week. Stephen Long live Mitch McConnell in one of Washington's biggest midterm monument list for me to Senate races you think Republicans have the best chance of taking a democratic seed with Nevada not Georgia. Georgia is right up there, but New Hampshire's products New Hampshire people really just kind of don't like you have for more from this week's conversation, follow the take out with major Garrett on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts