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EXTRA! Tanya Tucker

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
The Cross Radio
January 8, 2020 12:00 am

EXTRA! Tanya Tucker

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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January 8, 2020 12:00 am

Bob Schieffer's extended interview with legendary country singer Tanya Tucker.

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Let's partner for all of it. Learn hi, I'm Jane Hawley and this morning, featuring a memorable story from our latest extended dialogue that provides insights beyond our broadcast in the legend in conversation who's been a country music superstar since age 13 and our Bob Schieffer. You may be surprised to learn is a country music song writer and something of a performer himself. They sat down at a horse farm in Franklin Tennessee to discuss talkers for Grammy nominations for critically praised album while I'm living now that project was born out of a collaboration between Tiger and two younger generation country performers claim singer-songwriter Randy Carlisle and producer, musician, shooter Jennings is in now. You and then shooter, who is Whalen and Jesse Coulter Waylon Jackson Jesse Coker's son, Wade grew up together yet in a way, I mean we were talking about the other day and I guess if you would add up all the minutes we spent together. It probably wouldn't add up as much is the time we spent together in the last Weston students January will be recording the album, but I yes I've known shooter before he was shooter and course Whalen was really really a jewel and a great friend and I really looked up to him as an artist and what he's brought to this business.

But tell us it is confined. One of the songs that I brought to the table on the new rep new albums, high ride heroes and years ago. Effort must be probably bad about this but probably 15 to 20 years ago Whalen's drummer Richie Albright produced an album on a guy named David Lynn Jones and the Csonka high ride heroes.

One of my very favorite albums ever. It's hard to find online, but I think I paid $450 for David Lynn Jones album eBay one time and I don't know if you get them anymore. But Whalen sang on that record.

When I came in the studio salad LA with her just try to schmooze me over to you ease me into is that we did what that wasn't sure about doing this album. I really had my doubts and lugged a big red flags that mean I think it was for me but I thought we recording that song well help.

Helpful circle.

Is this that Whalen was singing on the song. The original record in the now little Whalen is producing and playing piano there and we can't just there in silence and thought together in our quiet this and thought a lot about Mrs. daddy and I miss my way were they were friends. My dad and his dad and baby did he bring Brandy Carlisle yes was said that's the whole thing is I I was doing something she dressed me to do a show at the Hall of Fame and think it was last year it was in August. I think, and so whenever they want to do would you lay with me and had a lot of Texas artist I would ever want to me to think of Billy Joe shaver to Gary P.

Nine they were all there and course I had the most popular dressing room because I had money to keep the body either. Then there and everybody was coming in have a shot or two and Jesse's birthday was that night and and Dennis Quaid walked in I had seen him in 40 years. I did my first movie with him. 40 years ago it was it was a magical night, but then he said somebody said that she would love to produce an album on you and gallantly passing out 11 grades in school beyond me up but now that I got my digital but what happen he says is that after we talked a little bit and it kind of planted the seed, making a new record and I had made more than 20 years and he was mention it to Brandy their very good friends and she said oh I got to be involved in that and she discounted I don't know she just took the Hellman and steered that crap like it was started right along with her and the twins Tim and Phil have sought to become his triple wheel they go everywhere and deliver all the music together and they wrote all the songs and I had to ask him after I had Artie come out of state. Yes, it first built what the hobnailed and in Saginaw what's a gym boozy. I didn't know what the some of the things meant in the song and I said how did you go into a room with three of you Brandy and the twins and write songs for personally never met you don't know what I will be like you mean God knows if you listen to some of the stuff is been told about me Lord knows what you think I'm True LOL a lot of you do that how you going to room and write songs and I said well we just we also went around our cars listen to you and googled you a lot and about everything every songs about something to do with my life.

Couple of more for my dad. Rich is for my dad.

And of course I write, he will love love that song for a long time. I didn't want to do house built me a sonata will be caught loitering around that song because it's Artie been done and I know when to stay away from something you know I can't bring anything else to that song Brandy prove me wrong. Mammon could swear nothing but a memo he knew, and I guess I'm never been so glad to be wrong in all my days really because I did not ever. For once, think that this record would get the attention that is getting and then I will well go back to back to the drawing board and say well maybe it's because of social media. Maybe if there was had been social media from the get-go. I would've had a lot more things done in my life that I haven't done yet more I still got a bunch of first left and some things that I want to do and I feel like I'm running out of time sometimes. But this album is really really it's gotten some some incredible response lectures talk about it let me off a little bit really. It's call while I'm living while I'm living where is Randy's idea and then they big song is bringing my flowers now.

Yes tell me about well that you wrote that one with yes yes I had that song in my back pocket 3540 years, probably for really long time but I just couldn't cannot put like two pieces of bread without some in the middle got nothing, so I had the bread but I didn't have the goodie part. The meet in the middle and I think it was just almost like it was already prewritten anyway because it just came out of us so fast they had worked on it the night before and when Brandy looked at me and said hey the bans on break. As a last song would cut and let's set let's face it, song you've had for years, threw me off a little bit glad I'm not a writer on right this action. You know I think about it a minute you know I thought about it for 40 years.

No time like now when I left the restroom excuse myself.

Came back she was in the piano room and she started the first line holding Miles cast a long shadow and think about that but you know 45 foot shadow in and it just fell into place and it we say not to me about 35 years and 15 minutes song, but it came out. Your heart is in them now. If your heart is in now. What about Brandy tell me about your relationship. Wow, that's it. That's another enigma because it it again. It was almost like it was written somewhere else. It was Artie written down and I'm just kind of living it out, but she she's a outstanding person that's that that that is not even a good word.

I always say I don't know what cloud God kicked the offer but I sure I'm ready to go down and help a girl you later in my lap.

Basically, here's a girl… Blowing up right now. She's been working a long time in her her ships come in and right now and I'll be damned fine on it, you know, I never had heard her sing until after we made the record, I heard on the Grammys. Henry heard her professionally saying I sang in the studio when she sang the demos for my song but she is a great leader. She's a great communicator just some of the things I have trouble with the things that I'm weakest on I think she is strong and I have found anything. She's weak on yet but to she knows what she wants and she goes after and she does it in the most velvet chain kind of way that I've never seen anybody work like that before and inquisitive but a little bit.

There's no naïveté, which is not naïve but she still got a childlike way about her and she loves to talk about my dad and I think that was maybe something she didn't have in her life. I had such a strong dad and I think she missed a lot of that she just love she craves hearing stories about my I wish I'd met him as will Brandy acid.

I think my dad didn't like too many people, but I bet you a better athlete. Love you… I get that taken her.

The twins are like maybe not really on, is there not of this world are just in it, talking to someone.

It's a little more divorce out there, but not not really worldly someone. It's a step above almost heavenly. You say she's not normal, but you know what I learned over these years is most people really good at what they do not know. I don't think there's no normalcy to it, especially when in the entertainment business because we get the false self confused with the true self focus with her make up on. I walked out and will go to the CMT awards this year and walked down the porch. I'm up looked like a meal homeless person and I am a pajamas on a said hey what can I do like I am still sad to say I still saying the same.

What is there some nice clothes, and why when wind well you just got to the true self and the false self are always fighting when you're an entertainer because you have to go out sometimes when you fill your worst and my dad said I don't want to hear your problems got enough income to forget their problems to come see you so you know we have to entertain some time and we don't feel like it and I remember being in the high school gym planner Jim Heise is packed bleachers were full. I'm certainly girls locker room in the restroom and ops sit up on the back of the toilet with my feet on the toilet seat on the stall and see my dad,space and humor down in a seam while he I got laryngitis so bad I couldn't, he stop me knows I got that contract read do a one-hour show didn't say a thing about singing a said those people don't come to hear you laying hearing on the radio holding here yield record player.

They come to see you out there telling people you keep saying this will show up.

The think you're drunk right like what I got to do me right now. Is it just go out there and telling people you want to shake their hand and he said because that's what it is that someone looked connection. The handshake and you got a fan for life and he gave me all those foreigners like pick out the ugliest boy on the front row and that some boys go by your records to the day you die and pretty boy to get attention all the time. They use two of you boys go by your records and I now is sometimes a man when you're out here with the people animal law is think you want about how much longer going to continue to do this. Sometimes I think about it. Sometimes I think about how much longer I really can do this because I really push myself but no, the good news about this kind of business that I'm in is are so many opportunities that don't just shut off when you stop singing now.

There's just so plethora of creative things it can do. And maybe that's what I'll get more into, but I think you know how Jimmy Davis was that he was 93 still working on the road still doing hundred dates a year. Think I'll be doing that, but it just goes to show you that once you have a fan in this business, this music we have them for not just them but yeah the kids and their kids, kids, and that's a good thing but there's so many things I've yet to do some things I want to do. I'm not going to be bored, that's for sure. Always have something to do and as long as I have the fans and folks out there that like to hear me saying I guess I'll be doing it. Do you think you could have this kind of impact it had this gotten a career. Had you not live the life you live. Would you have drill downs in their yeah I think so may have nothing know the downs are big part of the ups and Allen without those you just don't. You wouldn't know what what was what good was if he didn't have the bad you know everything comes in different ways to me means something comes at different times.

Some some things that I thought I learned a lot long time ago. I'm just learning and some the things that I really always knew or thought always knew. I don't really know it all. So I think it's just a matter of age with rings with that is you. You don't want to waste as much time as he time is precious and will try to do something with it every minute of the day if you not appreciate somebody may be doing something to help change lives and make make someone else have a better life, or help someone else have a better life.

I think that's really what's the most important thing sometimes I know is me as a singer, I think, well, you see these scientists and mailing no preachers minute God and people doing all these little angels doing the work so I get to thinking. Sometimes it what I do is this kind of low levels for his someone that's a doctor or cancer researcher or scientist or an stem sales and all that and I think now made it. Maybe I don't matter and and then I'll do a show in someone to walk up to me and say you know your music is really really help me my life and made me strong when I wasn't an inspired me and so when I hear that I think you do make a difference in take-out with preacher Gary this week. Stephen Long live Mitch McConnell in one of Washington's biggest midterm monument list for me to consider races where you think Republicans have the best chance of taking a democratic seed with Nevada not Georgia. Georgia is right up there, but New Hampshire surprised New Hampshire people really just kind of don't like you have for more from this week's conversation, follow the take-out with Maj. Garrett on Apple podcasts forever.

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